
a study of the larval stage of multiceps serialis by electron microscopy. 19655841333
racemose cysticercus in human brain. a case report.a case of invasion of the brain of a 48-year-old man, a native of louisiana, by a larval tapeworm is described. inasmuch as there were no scolices or rostellar hooks present the parasite was identified as a racemose cysticercus which could be either a sterile coenurus of taenia multiceps (= multiceps multiceps), taenia serialis (= multiceps serialis), or an aberrant cysticercus of taenia solium or of a different species of taenia. most of the parasite was removed surgically with a preoperative d ...19817258483
comparative carbohydrate metabolism of adult and larval multiceps serialis. 196414125171
a histopathologic study of mice infected with the larval stage of multiceps serialis. 196514259480
human coenurosis in north america: case reports and review.coenurosis is a zoonotic disease of humans caused by the larval stage of taenia (multiceps) species. in north america, the adult tapeworm of taenia (multiceps) serialis is found in canids. the cystic larval forms (coenuri) are found in hares, rabbits, squirrels, and, rarely, in humans. we review in clinical detail the fifth case reported from north america, involving a child with extensive central nervous system involvement. we also report a sixth case, involving an adult with an intramuscular c ...19989770151
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