
ectoparasites of sharp-tailed grouse, pediocetes species of ectoparasites were recovered during a survey of sharp-tailed grouse, pediocetes phasianellus, including the ticks, haemaphysalis chordeilis and h. leporispalustris; the lice, goniodes nebraskensis, lagopoecus gibsoni and amyrsidea sp.; the hippoboscid fly, ornithomyia anchineuria; and the mite, ornithonyssus sylviarum. seasonal changes in populations of ticks and lice were found but not for populations of the hippoboscids or mites. all stages of h. chordeilis were found on sharp ...19817241708
ectoparasites collected from bobwhite quail in the southeastern united states.twenty-one species of ectoparasites representing 19 genera were collected from 481 bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus) from nine areas in four southeastern states. sixteen species, amblyomma americanum, haemaphysalis chordeilis, haemaphysalis leporispalustris, eutrombicula alfreddugesi alfreddugesi, neoschoengastia americana, boydaia colini, pterolichus sp., colinophilus wilsoni, megninia sp., apionacarus wilsoni, colinoptes cubanensis, menacanthus pricei, colinicola numidiana, gonoides ortygis ...19807463603
notes on the parasitism of cytodites nudus and haemaphysalis chordeilis. 190917778444
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