
[ultrastructure of the surface complex of acanthocephalans with the example of filicollis anatis (palaeacanthocephala: polymorphidae) and neoechinorhynchus crassus (eoacanthocephala: neoechinorhynchidae)].fine morphology of external tegument (surface complex) of young and mature acanthocephalans filicollis anatis and young neoechinorhynchus crassus is described. based on comparative analysis of the obtained results and literature data, the surface complex of all examined acanthocephalans is shown to have principally similar structure at all stages of life cycle. differences between species examined are found in quantitative characters only and they are related either to age or ecology of worms (e ...200314658310
["nuclear secretion" in giant muscle cells of acanthocephala filicollis anatis].we have described the morphology of giant muscle cells, which are located in the praesoma root of young acanthocephala filicollis anatis and are apparently similar with retinacular cells. the latter cells display signs which allow to suggest a nuclear secretion in them. the secreted material is supposed to participate in the formation of contractile elements.200010890047
[verminous pancreatitis in anas platyrhynchos].9 helminth species were found in a young mallard by helminthological dissection of its alimentary tract. the severe pathological alterations in the gut were caused by filicollis anatis. one female acanthocephalan had entered the pancreas with its proboscis via one of the efferent ducts and caused an inflammation.19892817509
formation of the capsule around filicollis anatis (acanthocephala) in its intermediate host.morphogenesis of the capsule around larvae of filicollis anatis was studied by electron microscopy. the capsule is formed at early, middle, and late acanthella development. the inner layer is formed at the late acanthella stage apparently from material secreted via a system of hypodermal canals. the central layer of the capsule is formed mainly of detached microvilli of the acanthella. the source and mechanism of formation of the outer layer, which appears during the early acanthella stage, are ...19921738055
[observations on biology and development of larvae of filicollis anatis schrank (acanthocephala)]. 195613392835
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