
[studies on polymorphus minutus (goeze, 1782) and polymorphus magnus (skrjabin, 1913)]. 195613392844
[enteric helminths of the mallard anas platyrhynchos l., 1758 in the north-western part of poland].although the mallard, anas platyrhynchos, is the most common wild duck in poland, as well as in the entire palearctic, it is extremely rarely studied by comprehensive parasitological surveys. the aim of this study was to present a synthesis on the species composition of enteric helminths of the mallard in north-western poland. the study was carried out in 1999-2006 and involved parasitic worms isolated from the alimentary tracts of 187 mallards (anseriformes: anatidae). following isolation, the ...200818664102
ultrastructure of the eggs of polymorphus magnus (acanthocephala, polymorphidae).the ultrastructure of polymorphus magnus acanthocephalan eggs has been studied. the eggshell consists of four envelopes that are morphologically similar to those of the eggs of other palaeacanthocephala representatives. the studied acanthors are formed by the cortical syncytium and "central nuclear mass". in the anterior part of acanthors there is a penetration gland. its secret may provide the larvae migration into intermediate host's organism. "central nuclear mass" consists of several germina ...200415071825
[ultrastructure of lemnisci in polymorphus magnus (acanthocephala, polymorphidae)].the ultrastructure of lemnisci in female acanthocephala (polymorphus magnus) has been studied. lemnisci are shown to be specific metabolic centers, where lipids are accumulated and utilized. lipids get to these centers either by means of absorption by praesomal tegument or from the pseudocoel through the system of invaginations of cytoplasmic membrane limiting the lemnisci. lipids are supposed to be transported after conversion into the praesoma tegument and secreted to its surface through the s ...200314989167
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