
helminths and ectoparasites of the common snipe (capella gallinago l.) from southwest texas and monte vista national wildlife refuge, colorado.sixty common snipe, (capella gallinago), collected from hudspeth county, texas and 13 collected from monte vista national wildlife refuge, colorado were examined for metazoan parasites. the parasites recovered were cestoda: amoebotaenia fuhrmanni, haploparaxis brachyphallos, haploparaxis crassirostris, haploparaxis echinovatum, haploparaxis sp., hymenolepis calumnacantha, hymenolepis sp. i, hymenolepis sp. ii; trematoda: cyclocoelum mutabile, echinostoma revolutum, tanaisia fedtschenkoi; nematod ...19807463609
haloxon as an anthelmintic against the cropworm capillaria contorta in quail. 19676035891
prevalence of helminth parasites in free-range chickens from selected rural communities in kwazulu-natal province of south africa.a total of 79 chickens were randomly collected from 4 rural localities and processed to detect the presence of helminth parasites and their prevalences. sixteen helminth species comprising 12 nematode and 4 cestode species were recorded from the 4 localities. syngamus trachea and cyathostoma spp. were the only helminth species recovered from the respiratory tract and the rest of the helminth species were from the gastrointestinal tract. the most prevalent nematode species across the 4 localities ...201021247015
a survey of parasitic nematode infections of chickens in rural zimbabwe.a survey to determine the nematode species in rural chickens reared extensively was carried out in six districts of zimbabwe. two-hundred-and-seventy chickens were randomly collected from the districts and processed for helminth recovery. one genus and 10 species were identified from the gastrointestinal tract but no parasites were found in the respiratory tract and eyes. skrjabinocerca sp., capillaria obsignata, capillaria contorta and trichostrongylus tenuis are new records in zimbabwe. alloda ...200111769349
capillariasis in a vulture guinea fowl.a case of capillariasis was diagnosed in a 5-yr-old male vulture guinea fowl (acryllium vulturinum) with clinical signs of weakness, anorexia, and vomition. necropsy revealed that the bird was severely emaciated and the liver was congested. the entire mucosa of the crop and esophagus was severely thickened as a result of the presence of fibrinonecrotic white plaques mixed with numerous nematodes. histopathology of the crop and esophagus revealed multifocal areas of necrosis of the mucosa, severe ...199910216770
the gastro-intestinal helminth infections of domestic fowl in dschang, western cameroon.three hundred and fifty one chickens purchased from the dschang animal market were examined for gastro-intestinal helminths. ten species were found with the following prevalences: heterakis brevispiculum (59.3%), ascaridia galli (51.6%), hymenolepis carioca (48.4%), dispharynx spiralis (20.8%), tetrameres americana (17.1%), amoebotaenia cuneata (15.1%), raillietina tetragona (14.5%), syngamus trachea (13.7%), hymenolepis cantaniana (5.7%) and capillaria contorta (2.0%). infections were predomina ...19958552845
correlates of helminth community in the red-legged partridge (alectoris rufa l.) in spain.between 1992 and 1996, 587 wild red-legged partridges (alectoris rufa) from 16 spanish provinces were examined to study the variations of helminth communities in this game species across a broad geographical area. the survey revealed 13 species of helminth parasites. dicrocoelium sp.. rhabdometra nigropunctata, and cheilospirura gruweli were the most common species, whereas raillietina bolivari, choanotaenia infundibulum, tetrameres sp., and capillaria anatis were the most rare. subulura suctori ...200312880240
helminth parasitism of domestic fowl (gallus domesticus l.) in a subtropical high-rainfall area of investigation into the helminth parasitic infections of domestic fowl in a subtropical area of india, based on an autopsy of 532 chickens, revealed a 90.9% prevalence of infection. 10 species of helminths were encountered, of which capillaria contorta was recorded for the first time from fowls in india. ascaridia galli was the most prevalent species, followed by raillietina spp. and heterakis gallinae. the infection by trematodes appeared to be very rare. the helminth fauna of fowls in this c ...19911930108
an effective anthelmintic in treatment of quail infected with capillaria contorta. 19695818070
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