
the first report of aelurostrongylus falciformis in norwegian badgers (meles meles).the first report of aelurostrongylus falciformis (schlegel 1933) in fennoscandian badgers is described. routine parasitological examination of nine norwegian badgers, at the national veterinary institute during 2004 and 2005, identified a. falciformis in the terminal airways of five of the animals. the first stage larvae (l1) closely resembled, in size and morphology, those of angiostrongylus vasorum (baillet 1866). the diagnosis for both a. falciformis and a. vasorum is frequently based on the ...200616987402
the parasites of the badger (meles meles) in the north of mugello (florence, italy).during the period january 1993-june 1994, a parasitological survey was carried out on 19 badgers (meles meles) road killed in northern mugello (florence). the following helminths (together with their prevalence) were isolated and classified: uncinaria criniformis (84.2%); capillaria sp. (31.6%); molineus patens (21.1%); mesocestoides melesi (21.1%); aelurostrongylus falciformis (52.6%); crenosoma melesi (21.1%). according to results, only sex related differences in prevalence were studied. the p ...199910870555
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