
histochemical distribution of succinate dehydrogenase in tissues of an amphistome ceylonocotyle scoliocoelium. (trematoda: digenea). 1979521069
histochemical characterization of esterases from three species of amphistomes.esterase activity of gigantocotyle explanatum, ceylonocotyle scoliocoelium and cotylophoron cotylophorum were localized histochemically in various regions associated with nutrition, viz, integument, pharynx, sucker and gastrodermis. the intensity of the reactions varied in the different regions of the same parasite and also from species to species. the distribution and relative activity of the esterases were investigated and the results reveal that the influence of inhibitors/activators on enzym ...19902257757
mechanism and pathway of glucose transportation in a digenetic trematode ceylonocotyle scoliocoelium.the mode of absorption, kinetics and mechanism of transportation of 14c--glucose in a digenetic trematode, ceylonocotyle scoliocoelium were studied by culturing the trematodes under in vitro condition in hank's saline supplemented with radioactive tracer. it was then followed separately by autoradiography and liquid scintillation. autoradiographic study reveals that the maximum amount of glucose uptake occurs through cuticle whereas the role of intestinal canal is insignificant in this respect. ...19902370028
cytochemical studies of esterases in the bovine amphistome ceylonocotyle scoliocoelium. 19807461744
on ceylonocotyle scoliocoelium (fischoeder, 1904) and its intermediate host in kenya, east africa. 195613346056
cytochemical characteristics of the neurosecretory cells of ceylonocotyle scoliocoelium (trematoda: digenea).two types of neurosecretory cells (nsc), large alpha cells and small beta cells were detected on the basis of their size and characteristics as shown by aldehyde fuchsin and chrome haematoxylin-phloxin staining. a histochemical survey of the neurosecretory material indicates that it is a glycoprotein. phosphatases and esterases present in nsc probably help in the transfer of metabolites and their hydrolysis and in the control of secretory material produced in a nsc, while sdh provides the necess ...19817276507
distribution & functional significance of phosphatases in the bovine amphistome ceylonocotyle scoliocoelium. 19806105127
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