
[principal helminths of small ruminants in ituri (upper zaire)].from august 1986 to november 1987, about 180 slaughtered sheep and goats were examined at bunia (haut-zaïre) in order to establish the main helminth parasites. seventeen and fifteen species were identified in sheep and goats respectively. the occurrence of stilesia hepatica, oesophagostomum multifoliatum and muellerius capillaris as well as the absence of echinococcus granulosus constituted the original features of this check-list in the area. parasitism the most frequently encountered both in s ...19902369171
lesions caused by cooperioides hepatica and stilesia hepatica in the liver of kenya impala. 19695394135
the treatment of stilesia hepatica infestation.sheep and goats naturally infested with stilesia hepatica were treated with either praziquantel (droncit, bayer) or oxfendazole (systamex, coopers). praziquantel at 15 mg/kg was 100% effective in 20 sheep; at 7,5 mg/kg 2 out of 20 sheep were still positive. oxfendazole at 3,5mg/kg was ineffective. in spite of its efficacy the cost of praziquantel prohibits its routine use as an anthelmintic.19807017144
prevalence, distribution and economic significance of stilesia hepatica wolffhugel, 1903 (cestoda: cyclophyllidae: anaplocephalidae) in kenya between 1975 and 1978. 19807437545
prevalence of hepatic helminths and associated pathology in impala (aepyceros melampus) in swaziland.the livers of impala (aepyceros melampus) collected in the mlawula-mbuluzi-simunye nature reserve and protected area complex in northeastern swaziland from october 1985 to september 1986 were infected with three species of helminths: a nematode (cooperioides hepaticae), a cestode (stilesia hepatica), and a trematode (fasciola gigantica). cooperioides hepaticae caused a severe cholangitis. lambs were infected at 1.5 to 2 mo of age, and the prevalence increased to 100% by 5 mo of age. the prevalen ...19968627927
diagnosis, distribution and prevalence of stilesia globipunctata (rivolta 1874) in sheep in the overberg region of the southern western cape province.stilesia globipunctata infections were found in sheep from the area east and south of bredasdorp in the overberg region of the southern cape province. the prevalence of infection on these farms ranged from 5.1 to 65%. in an abattoir survey 4 of the 6 lots of 4 to 5 year old sheep and only 1 of the 9 lots of sheep under the age of 1 year were infected with s. globipunctata. none of the sheep examined in the overberg region were infected with stilesia hepatica. a modified sedimentation technique p ...19958691415
prevalence and seasonal incidence of larval and adult cestode infections of sheep and goats in eastern ethiopia.a study on the prevalence and seasonal incidence of cestode parasite infections of sheep and goats was carried out in eastern ethiopia for 2 years (may 2003-april 2005). during this period, viscera including liver, lungs, heart, kidneys and the gastro-intestinal tract were collected from 655 sheep and 632 goats slaughtered at four abattoirs located in the towns of haramaya, harar, dire dawa and jijiga. at the abattoirs the abdominal, thoracic and pelvic cavities as well as the muscle surfaces of ...200818575964
the prevalence and economic significance of fasciola gigantica and stilesia hepatica in slaughtered animals in the semi-arid coastal kenya.fasciola gigantica and stilesia hepatica constrain ruminant productivity. the prevalence and economic losses caused by f. gigantica and s. hepatica in the ruminant production systems of taveta division of kenya were estimated in a retrospective appraisal of the slaughter records on the total number of animals slaughtered and livers condemned over the period 1989 to 2004. only liver condemnations based on infestation by f. gigantica and s. hepatica were considered for purposes of this study. live ...200617243475
diagnosis of stilesia hepatica infection in sheep.a technique for examining faecal samples for stilesia hepatica proglottids was assessed for diagnosis of this infection in live sheep. it detected infection in 67% of all the sheep that were confirmed infected by examining the livers during meat inspection and in 63% of sheep from a farm with a history of up to 100% infection rate at slaughter. it is 100% specific since it relied on the morphological identification of s. hepatica proglottids, which are characteristic. in addition it detected avi ...19938109056
stilesia hepatica infection of sheep in the highveld of zimbabwe. 19912038772
diagnosis of liver tapeworm, stilesia hepatica, infection in sheep.a practical method of diagnosing stilesia hepatica in live sheep is described. intestinal contents and faeces were sieved through a sieve with apertures of 1.0 mm onto a sieve with apertures of 100 microns to reduce volume and turbidity. the residue on the fine sieve was examined microscopically. gravid proglottids passed through the intestine without being digested. intact proglottids were recovered from the intestine and faeces of infected sheep. used purely on faeces, the technique is simple ...19911770496
diagnosing stilesia hepatica infestation in sheep. 19892487723
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