
gastrointestinal nematodes of wild sheep (ovis orientalis) from iran.a total of 250 wild sheep (ovis orientalis) from different national parks and protected regions of iran were examined for gastrointestinal nematodes at necropsy. twenty five species of nematodes were found. marshallagia marshalli, ostertagia spp; nematodirus spp; and skrjabinema ovis were the most prevalent. although all the species found are recorded from wild sheep for the first time in iran, 88% were reported previously from domestic sheep. new host and distribution records for nematodirus da ...1979480517
[distribution of nematode parasites of the digestive system in sheep (ovis aries) and goats (capra hircus) of the piedmontese and valdostano alpine arc].a survey, carried out on gastro-intestinal nematodes of sheep and goats of piemonte and of valle d'aosta (87 sheep and 12 goats) has shown the presence of the following species in sheep, bunostomum trigonocephalum, chabertia ovina, cooperia curticei, haemonchus contortus, marshallagia marshalli, nematodirus abnormalis, nematodirus filicollis, nematodirus helvetianus, nematodirus spathiger, oesophagostomum venulosum, ostertagia circumcincta, ostertagia lyrata, ostertagia trifurcata, skrjabinema o ...1977572958
resistance to ivermectin by haemonchus contortus in goats and calves.efficacy of ivermectin on susceptible or resistant populations of the parasitic nematode haemonchus contortus was determined in cattle and goats held in a barn. goats were each infected with 3000 infective, ivermectin-susceptible or -resistant h. contortus larvae on day 0 and reinfected with 2000 infective larvae on day 24. goats were treated orally with 600 micrograms kg-1 ivermectin on day 31. no significant differences were detected in blood packed cell volume (pcv) or total protein (tp), pre ...19921639573
[microecological characterization of parasitic nematoda present in goats of arid zones of venezuela].goats from the venezuelan northern arid zones were found infested by the following nematodes: haemonchus contortus, trichostrongylus axei, t. colubriformis, cooperia curticei, oesophagostomum columbianum, skrjabinema ovis y trichuris globulosa. the shannon-weaver index of diversity values oscillated between 0.045 and 1.73 bits (means = 1.16 +/- 0.24 bits). the maximum value of montly diversity ranged from 1 to 2.80 bits (means = 2.49 +/- 0.28 bits) and the equitability ranged from 0.045 to 0.67 ...19863587000
a note on the identification of skrjabinema ovis (skrjabin, 1915) and trichostrongylus spp. in sheep and goats in iran. 19655894966
coccidial and helminth infections in goats kept indoors in the investigation was carried out on coccidial and helminth infections in goats kept indoors on five farms in the netherlands. the goats were individually sampled. coccidial oocysts were identified and nematode eggs counted. larval cultures were made and infective larvae identified to the generic or species level. the goats were divided into three groups according to their age: kids, those weaned but not served, and older goats. oocysts were found in 26 out of 27 kids (96.3%), in 52 out of 55 wea ...19968720569
[helminth species of goats in germany].the helminth fauna of the gastrointestinal tract of 25 and the respiratory organs and the livers of 6 german goats was qualitatively and quantitatively examined. one trematode species (dicrocoelium dendriticum), 2 species of cestodes (moniezia expansa and metacestodes of taenia hydatigena) and 28 species of nematodes (24 in the gastrointestinal tract and 4 in the lungs) were recorded. two goats were infested with oestrus ovis larvae. the most prevalent species were ostertagia circumcincta and ch ...19989880938
helminths of saiga antelope in kazakhstan: implications for conservation and livestock production.saiga antelope (saiga tatarica) graze extensively on livestock pasture, potentially enabling transmission of a wide range of parasitic helminths between saigas and domestic ruminants. thirty-six of the 38 species of helminth that have been found in saigas in kazakhstan in the past have been found also in domestic livestock. we examined 133 saigas culled for meat in autumn 1997, and found three species of cestode and 12 nematodes (nine in the abomasum), but no trematodes or lungworms. the most ab ...200515827221
gastro-intestinal nematodes in sheep in kashmir.examination at necropsy of the abomasum and intestinal tract of 62 sheep (including both sexes) of karnah breed, aged one to two years over a period of one year was conducted at handwara, situated in the north-west of kashmir valley. the following species of nematodes were found: haemonchus contortus, trichostrongylus axei, trichostrongylus colubriformis, bunostomum trigonocephalum, chabertia ovina, nematodirus spathiger, skrjabinema ovis and trichuris ovis. infections with trichostrongylus axei ...19826891858
helminth parasites of bighorn sheep in oregon.the lungs and gastrointestinal tracts from 18 hunter-killed bighorn rams (ovis canadensis californiana) were examined in total or in part for helminth parasites during a two-year study of three separate herds in eastern oregon. prevalence was 100% with the lungworm protostrongylus stilesi. the gastrointestinal fauna from 11 rams comprised cooperia oncophora, marshallagia marshalli, nematodirus oiratianus, oesophagostomum spp., ostertagia occidentalis, o. ostertagi, skrjabinema ovis, trichostrong ...1977864844
prevalence and seasonal changes in the gastro-intestinal helminths of nigerian goats.a total of 120 gastro-intestinal tracts and 960 faecal samples were examined to assess the prevalence and seasonal changes in the gastro-intestinal helminth parasites of red sokoto (maradi) goats slaughtered at ibadan between may 1991 and april 1992. egg types of strongyles, strongyloides, trichuris, skrjabinema, dicrocoelium and moniezia were encountered in 93%, 83%, 44%, 0.9%, 2.3% and 31% of the faecal samples respectively. however, only strongyle, strongyloides and trichuris eggs occurred in ...19968960229
linear distribution of nematodes in the gastrointestinal tract of tracer lambs.forty-eight tracer lambs were killed in 2004-2007. the abomasum, duodenum, small intestine (jejunum and ileum), colon and caecum were collected and processed for parasites enumeration and identification-mucosal scrapings of both abomasums and intestines were digested. out of 48 gastrointestinal tracts examined, all were found to be positive for nematode infection. seventeen species of gastrointestinal nematodes were recovered: bunostomum trigonocephalum, cooperia curticei, haemonchus contortus, ...200818766377
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