Nucleotide Sequences

draba densifoliacanada: alberta, mtn w of highwood pass rd, ca. 7mi n of coleman1328826524
draba densifoliacanada: alberta, waterton lakes nat park, horseshoe basin, just ne of mt. galwey1328838606
draba densifoliacanada: alberta, kakwa wildland prov. park, paradise basin, top of saddle b/w falls and horn ck (se corner of kakway wildland prov. park). nad 83 11u e327840 n59812071328841266
draba densifoliacanada: alberta, waterton lakes nat park, horseshoe basin, just ne of mt. galwey1331050877
draba densifoliacanada: alberta, kakwa wildland prov. park, paradise basin, top of saddle b/w falls and horn ck (se corner of kakway wildland prov. park). nad 83 11u e327840 n59812071331051944
draba densifoliacanada: alberta, kakwa wildland provincial park, ridge between putzy creek and trench creek. nad 83 11u e0321613 n59800091328836695
draba densifoliacanada: alberta, kakwa wildland prov. park, coal ridge, saddle b/w peaks. nad83 11u e0304490 n60065401328826410
draba densifoliacanada: alberta, kakwa wildland provincial park, ridge between putzy creek and trench creek. nad 83 11u e0321613 n59800091331050251
draba densifoliacanada: alberta, mtn w of highwood pass rd, ca. 7mi n of coleman1331049463
draba densifoliacanada: alberta, kakwa wildland prov. park, coal ridge, saddle b/w peaks. nad83 11u e0304490 n60065401331049414
Displaying items 1 - 10 of 10