Nucleotide Sequences

agrothereutes abbreviatusCanada: Alberta, Wood Buffalo NP, Benchmark Weather Station1068945072
agrothereutes abbreviatusCanada: Alberta, Waterton Lakes NP, Foothills Parkland Region1067997041
agrothereutes abbreviatusCanada: Alberta, Jasper NP, Highway 16 / 93A Junction1067993505
agrothereutes abbreviatusCanada: Alberta, Elk Island NP, peninsula in Astotin Lake, The Point near administration/warden office1067992367
agrothereutes abbreviatusCanada: Alberta, Elk Island NP, peninsula in Astotin Lake, The Point near administration/warden office1067977585
agrothereutes abbreviatusCanada: Alberta, Elk Island NP, peninsula in Astotin Lake, The Point near administration/warden office1060896412
agrothereutes abbreviatusCanada: Alberta, Waterton Lakes NP, Highway 6 east of Chief Mountain893664660
agrothereutes abbreviatusCanada: Alberta, Banff NP, Corral Creek old road893664574
agrothereutes abbreviatusCanada: Alberta, Waterton Lakes NP, Highway 6 pulloff east of 2 Flags Lookout893664534
agrothereutes abbreviatusCanada: Alberta, Banff NP, Corral Creek old road893657510
agrothereutes abbreviatusCanada: Alberta, Banff NP, Corral Creek old road893642596
agrothereutes abbreviatusCanada: Alberta, Waterton Lakes NP, Red Rock Parkway893644932
agrothereutes abbreviatusCanada: Alberta, Waterton Lakes NP, Foothills Parkland Region893646752
agrothereutes abbreviatusCanada: Alberta, Jasper NP, Pocahontas Campground, Site C21893647146
agrothereutes abbreviatusCanada: Alberta, Banff NP, Corral Creek old road893648422
agrothereutes abbreviatusCanada: Alberta, Elk Island NP, Wood Bison Trail893654682
agrothereutes abbreviatusCanada: Alberta, Banff NP, Corral Creek old road893654814
agrothereutes abbreviatusCanada: Alberta, Banff NP, Corral Creek old road893655282
agrothereutes abbreviatusCanada: Alberta, Waterton Lakes NP, Red Rock Parkway893655624
agrothereutes abbreviatusCanada: Alberta, Elk Island NP, Wood Bison Trail893656530
Displaying items 1 - 20 of 20