Nucleotide Sequences

mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island National Park, Astotin Lake, The Point, near administration/warden office1049486154
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Jasper National Park, highway 16 / 93A junction, thinned out lodgepole pine stand, valley basin1051571340
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Calgary, W.O. Mitchell Elementary School, EQP-CLL-5461051575860
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island NP, Wood Bison Trail, wetland alongside aspen forest, lots of tall grass1051578438
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Calgary, River Valley School, EQP-CLL-5981051578608
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island NP, Wood Bison Trail, wetland alongside aspen forest, lots of tall grass1051580240
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Waterton Lakes NP, Red Rock Parkway, moraine grassland, well established1052425527
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Calgary, Monsignor JS Smith School, EQP-CLL-5451052429359
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Jasper NP, Pocahontas Campground, Site C21, forest with birch and spruce on a slope, lots of fallen logs1052429671
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Jasper NP, Pocahontas Campground, Site C21, forest with birch and spruce on a slope, lots of fallen logs1052430839
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Black Diamond, Oilfields High School, EQP-CLL-6331052434913
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Calgary, W.O. Mitchell Elementary School, EQP-CLL-5461052436175
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Jasper NP, Pocahontas Campground, Site C21, forest with birch and spruce on a slope, lots of fallen logs1052436465
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Calgary, W.O. Mitchell Elementary School, EQP-CLL-5461052439227
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Calgary, Monsignor JS Smith School, EQP-CLL-5451052440513
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Calgary, Monsignor JS Smith School, EQP-CLL-5451052441129
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Calgary, W.O. Mitchell Elementary School, EQP-CLL-5461052441243
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Jasper NP, Pocahontas Campground, Site C21, forest with birch and spruce on a slope, lots of fallen logs1052441561
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Calgary, River Valley School, EQP-CLL-5981052442835
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Calgary, River Valley School, EQP-CLL-5981052443461
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Banff NP, Baker Creek, hydro trail, mature forest, lodgepole pine1052444835
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Calgary, W.O. Mitchell Elementary School, EQP-CLL-5461052446465
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Waterton Lakes NP, Highway 6 pulloff east of 2 Flags Lookout, montane forest, douglas fir and lodgepole pine (mostly conifer with aspen/birch understory)1052449965
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Waterton Lakes NP, Highway 6 pulloff east of 2 Flags Lookout, montane forest, douglas fir and lodgepole pine (mostly conifer with aspen/birch understory)1052450315
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Waterton Lakes NP, Red Rock Parkway, moraine grassland, well established1052454025
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Calgary, Monsignor JS Smith School, EQP-CLL-5451052456663
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Waterton Lakes NP, Highway 6 pulloff east of 2 Flags Lookout, montane forest, douglas fir and lodgepole pine (mostly conifer with aspen/birch understory)1052456837
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Calgary, W.O. Mitchell Elementary School, EQP-CLL-5461052459121
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Black Diamond, Oilfields High School, EQP-CLL-6331052460321
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Jasper NP, Highway 16 east side, North-east of Jasper Lake, wetland, Athabasca River floodplain1052460447
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Waterton Lakes NP, Red Rock Parkway, moraine grassland, well established1052465679
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island NP, Wood Bison Trail, aspen forest, rose bushes in understory1052466183
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Calgary, W.O. Mitchell Elementary School, EQP-CLL-5461060622788
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Jasper NP, Pocahontas Campground, Site C21, forest with birch and spruce on a slope, lots of fallen logs1060624202
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Jasper NP, Highway 16 east side, North-east of Jasper Lake, wetland, Athabasca River floodplain1060627784
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island NP, Wood Bison Trail, aspen forest, rose bushes in understory1060628506
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Jasper National Park, highway 16 / 93A junction, thinned out lodgepole pine stand, valley basin1060897920
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Calgary, W.O. Mitchell Elementary School, EQP-CLL-5461063176490
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Calgary, W.O. Mitchell Elementary School, EQP-CLL-5461063177660
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Waterton Lakes NP, Highway 6 pulloff east of 2 Flags Lookout, montane forest, douglas fir and lodgepole pine (mostly conifer with aspen/birch understory)1063180780
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Waterton Lakes NP, Highway 6 east of Chief Mountain, montane forest, fir/lodgepole pine stand with aspen/birch understory1063183132
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island National Park, The Point near administration/warden office, penninsula in Astontin Lake, emergent white birch/willow/trembling aspen1063787396
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island National Park, The Point near administration/warden office, penninsula in Astontin Lake, emergent white birch/willow/trembling aspen1063787636
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island National Park, The Point near administration/warden office, penninsula in Astontin Lake, emergent white birch/willow/trembling aspen1063790038
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island National Park, The Point near administration/warden office, penninsula in Astontin Lake, emergent white birch/willow/trembling aspen1063791726
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island National Park, The Point near administration/warden office, penninsula in Astontin Lake, emergent white birch/willow/trembling aspen1067978055
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island National Park, The Point near administration/warden office, penninsula in Astontin Lake, emergent white birch/willow/trembling aspen1067980153
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island National Park, The Point near administration/warden office, penninsula in Astontin Lake, emergent white birch/willow/trembling aspen1067986487
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island National Park, The Point near administration/warden office, penninsula in Astontin Lake, emergent white birch/willow/trembling aspen1067987027
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island National Park, The Point near administration/warden office, penninsula in Astontin Lake, emergent white birch/willow/trembling aspen1067989269
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island National Park, The Point near administration/warden office, penninsula in Astontin Lake, emergent white birch/willow/trembling aspen1067992071
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island National Park, The Point near administration/warden office, penninsula in Astontin Lake, emergent white birch/willow/trembling aspen1067992701
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island National Park, The Point near administration/warden office, penninsula in Astontin Lake, emergent white birch/willow/trembling aspen1067997073
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island National Park, The Point near administration/warden office, penninsula in Astontin Lake, emergent white birch/willow/trembling aspen1067998315
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island National Park, The Point near administration/warden office, penninsula in Astontin Lake, emergent white birch/willow/trembling aspen1068939950
mymaridae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island National Park, The Point near administration/warden office, penninsula in Astontin Lake, emergent white birch/willow/trembling aspen1068943784
Displaying items 1 - 56 of 56