Nucleotide Sequences

entedoninae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Jasper NP, Pocahontas Campground, Site C211052445947
entedoninae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Jasper NP, Pocahontas Campground, Site C21, forest with birch and spruce on a slope, lots of fallen logs1052458813
entedoninae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Banff NP, Baker Creek at hydro line, mature forest, lodgepole pine, adjacent to hydro line1063178790
entedoninae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island NP, peninsula in Astotin Lake, The Point near administration/warden office1063792884
entedoninae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island National Park, The Point near administration/warden office, penninsula in Astontin Lake, emergent white birch/willow/trembling aspen1067981343
entedoninae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island National Park, The Point near administration/warden office, penninsula in Astontin Lake, emergent white birch/willow/trembling aspen1067985105
entedoninae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Jasper NP, Highway 16 / 93A Junction1067986227
entedoninae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island NP, peninsula in Astotin Lake, The Point near administration/warden office1067993791
entedoninae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island NP, peninsula in Astotin Lake, The Point near administration/warden office1068001427
entedoninae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island NP, peninsula in Astotin Lake, The Point near administration/warden office1068942202
entedoninae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island NP, peninsula in Astotin Lake, The Point near administration/warden office1068942228
entedoninae sp. bold-2016Canada: Alberta, Elk Island National Park, The Point near administration/warden office, penninsula in Astontin Lake, emergent white birch/willow/trembling aspen1068942434
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