
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
effect of fluorine on the composition of bones: changes in the composition of bones of monkeys (macaca radiata). 195513242162
effect of feeding fat blends of hydrogenated groundnut (peanut) fat and cottonseed oil containing different levels of linoleic acid on serum choles terol levels in monkeys (macaca radiata) and liver cholesterol concentration in cholesterol-fed rats. 196214450884
an enzootic focus of simian malaria in macaca radiata radiata geoffroy of nilgiris, madras state, india. 196214490069
some biochemical and physiological features of normal monkeys (macaca radiata). 196314080749
isolation of dengue viruses in primary cultures of macaca radiata renal epithelial cells. 19655830411
clinical and pathological observations with special reference to the nervous system in macaca radiata infected with kyasanur forest disease virus. 19664162148
presence of a gonadotropin inhibitor in the urine of the bonnet monkey, macaca radiata. 19664956820
on a new species of balantidium from an indian monkey macaca radiata. 19664960435
comparative susceptibility of primary cultures from renal epithelial cells of macaca radiata and bs-c-1 cell line for the isolation of dengue viruses. 19684968661
experimental infection of macaca radiata with chikungunya virus and transmission of virus by mosquitoes. 19684971384
an individualized technique for inducing ovulation in the bonnet monkey, macaca radiata. 19714999730
the effects of dithiocarbamoylhydrazine derivative upon ovarian function and structure in the bonnet monkey (macaca radiata). 19715000820
the role of the olfactory signals in the mating behavior of bonnet monkeys (macaca radiata). 19715002567
normal serum biochemical values of macaca arctoides, macaca fascicularis, and macaca radiata. 19714332167
[comparison of sleep between 2 macaca species (macaca radiata and macaca mulatta)]. 19724624171
perinatal observations of mother-infant behaviour in the bonnet macaque. 19724218206
the menstrual cycle of the bonnet monkey (macaca radiata). changes in cervical mucus secretion, vaginal cytology, sex skin and urinary estrogen excretion (with colour plate i). 19724624013
an outbreak of infection by yersinia pseudotuberculosis in nonhuman primates.between october 1970 and june 1971, at the national center for primate biology, yersinia pseudotuberculosis of serotypes i-b and iii was isolated from 9 monkeys (one during life and 8 at necropsy) of the following species: macaca cynomolgus, macaca nemestrina, macaca radiata and cercocebus fulliginosus. all these animals had characteristic gastrointestinal lesions consisting of superficial erosions or ulcerations with masses of gram-negative coccobacilli and an acute inflammatory exudate. involv ...19724628884
progesterone levels in the bonnet monkey (macaca radiata) during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. 19724630102
experimental infection of animals with influenzavirus types a and b.the knowledge that domestic cats were susceptible to infection with freshly isolated a/hong kong/68 influenzavirus led to studies on the susceptibility of some other animal species to this virus, as well as to studies on the ability of egg-passaged hong kong virus and an asian virus to infect cats. the ability of a recent isolate of influenzavirus b to infect these animals was also studied. macaca radiata monkeys could be infected with fresh isolates of a/hong kong virus by intranasal instillati ...19724196340
herpesvirus simiae infection in macaca radiata. 19734347671
cyclic changes in cervical mucus and lh levels in the bonnet macaque (macaca radiata). 19734201910
sex differences in bonnet macaque networks and social structure. 19744811492
estradiol levels near the time of ovulation in the bonnet monkey (macaca radiata).plasma estradiol-17beta and total progestins were determined to delineate the relationship between preovulatory estradiol-17beta peak and ovulation in the bonnel monkey (macaca radiata). 6 monkeys were studied for 15 menstrual cycles. in subsequent cycles, serial laparotomy was performed in 5 of the 6 monkeys to correlate ovarian morphology to plasma estradiol-17beta. in 11 of the 15 cycles, estradiol-17beta peaks were 3- to 7-fold above baseline levels near the time of expected ovulation (cy ...19744457137
corynebacterium ulcerans mastitis in a bonnet macaque (macaca radiata). 19744371288
cyclic changes in the metabolism of glycogen in cervical mucus of bonnet monkeys (macaca radiata). 1975803283
intrapulmonary airway morphology in three species of monkeys: a correlated scanning and transmission electron microscopic study.intrapulmonary airways were studied in rhesus (macaca mulatta), stumptail (macaca arctoides), and bonnet (macaca radiata) monkeys by correlated scanning and transmission electron microscopy. lobar, segmental, and subsegmental bronchi in all three macaques were lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium composed primarily of ciliated cells, mucous cells, and basal cells. neuronal processes and cells containing dense-core vesicles were also observed. terminal bronchioles in bonnet and stumptail ...1975804810
increased collagen and glycoprotein contents of the denervated cremaster muscle of the bonnet monkey, macaca radiata.denervation of genitofemoralis in the bonnet monkey for 60 days resulted in a significant increase in neutral salt-soluble, alkali-soluble and insoluble collagens as well as glycoproteins. the hydroxyproline content of the salt-soluble and insoluble collagens in the muscle increased on denervation. these changes are discussed to imply the impairment of the action of specific structural genes.1975814015
teratologic evaluation of imipramine hydrochloride in bonnet (macaca radiata) and rhesus monkeys (macaca mulatta).imipramine hydrochloride was administered orally twice daily to 18 bonnet and 3 rhesus monkeys between days 23 and 45 of pregnancy for 1-3 or 18-22 days at 1, 2, and 10 times the recommended human dose. no teratologic changes were observed, although signs of maternal toxicity occurred at the high dose level, and the abortion rate was higher than in controls.19751154287
follicle counts in the ovary of the bonnet monkey (macaca radiata). 1975820581
monkey motor stimulation and altered social behavior during chronic methadone assess the effects of chronic methadone administration on locomotor, social, and eating behavior od drug-native individuals under circumstances approximating those of methadone "maintenance" clinics, we gave single, daily oral doses of methadone to 5 macaca radiata monkeys living in a social group. we obtained motor activity counts automatically during 6 weeks of baseline, 10 weeks of drug administration, and 3 weeks of post-drug abstinence. social behaviors of association, dominance, submiss ...1975810820
spermiation and epididymal maturation of spermatozoa in the bonnet macaque (macaca radiata) as viewed by scanning electron microscopy.spermiation and epididymal maturation of spermatozoa were studied in the bonnet monkey (macaca radiata) by light and scanning electron microscopy. the morphology, location, and release of residual body were observed during spermiation. along the epididymal duct, the shape of spermatozoa changed, the constriction at the anulus disappeared, the marginal thickening diminished in length, and the cytoplasmic droplet regressed and moved toward the posterior end of the middle piece. mature spermatozoa ...1975803037
termination of pregnancy in macaques (macaca radiata) using monkey antiserum to ovine luteinizing hormone. 19751139954
ectoparasitism in macaca radiata. 19751152426
effect of constant light on nychthemeral variations in serum testosterone in male macaca radiata. 1976817212
blood groups of bonnet macaques (macaca radiata), with a brief introduction to seroprimatology.the human-type a-b-o blood groups of 52 bonnet macaques (macaca radiata) were determined. application of method of population genetics indicated the gene frequences to be 0 = 0.173, a = 0.480 and b = 0.347. cross testing of sera and red cells of the bonnet macaques revealed two blood-type-specific isoagglutinins, one of them strong enough for use as a blood typing reagent. no blood group polymorphism was revealed by testing bonnet macaque red cells with isoantisera produced in rhesus monkeys (m. ...1976826172
ultrastructure of testes and excurrent ducts in the bonnet monkey (macaca radiata).the testes and excurrent ducts of four bonnet macaques (macaca radiata) were examined using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. the three layers of contractile and connective tissue composing the tunica albuginea, and the multilayered tunica propria of the seminiferous tubules were similar to that of man. spermatids project from the epithelium or are found free in the lumen. the stages of the cycle of the germinal epithelium in the bonnet macaque were similar to that in other macaques ...1976828929
radiation-induced fetal testicular damage in the monkey (macaca radiata).the testes of five monkeys (macaca radiata) were examined histologically for evidence of damage, following in utero fractionated x-irradiation. radiation-induced damage was found in the testes of animals beginning at total exposures of 170 r, when compared to controls.1976826635
the immunosuppressive effect of concanavalin a in monkeys.these studies were performed to evaluate the immunosuppressive effect of concanavalin a (cona) in monkeys. bonnet monkeys (macaca radiata) weighing between 2.5-3.5 kg were used. following the exchange of full thickness skin allografts in randomly selected animals, gross and histopathological studies of the rejection reaction were performed. gross observations showed the allograft reaction in control animals to be a well defined phenomenon occurring at 9.0 +/- 0.7 days. in contrast the rejection ...1976818753
changes in the sialic acid concentration in the major cervical glycoprotein from the bonnet monkey (macaca radiata) during a hormonally induced cycle.the major macromolecular component of monkey cervical mucus has been purified from crude monkey cervical mucus at various times during a hormonally induced estrous cycle. the major component, a high-molecular weight glycoprotein, was secreted in large amounts in midcycle mucus. the glycoprotein exhibited human blood group b activity and contained the same concentration of l-fucose, d-galactose, n-acetyl-d-galactosamine, and n-acetyl-d-glucosamine during the cycle. there were no changes in the am ...1977405259
measurement of hemolytic complement and the third component of complement in nonhuman primates.complement, determined by hemolytic assay, and the third component of complement (c3), determined by radial immunodiffusion assay, were measured in nine nonhuman primate species. the species studied were the titi (callicebus mollach). the sooty mangabey (cercocebus atys), the thick-tailed galago or bushbaby (galago crassicaudatus panganiensis), the crab-eating monkey (macaca fascicularis), the rhesus monkey (macaca mulatta), the bonnet monkey (macaca radiata), the stumptailed macaque (macaca spe ...1977414024
brain acetylcholinesterase activity and multiplicity in the bonnet monkey (macaca radiata) and the rhesus monkey (macaca mulatta). 1977405458
purification, properties, and partial structure elucidation of a high-molecular-weight glycoprotein from cervical mucus of the bonnet monkey (macaca radiata).a high-molecular-weight glycoprotein has been purified from the cervical mucus of the bonnet monkey (macaca radiata). the glycoprotein was shown to be homogeneous by electrophoresis, sedimentation equilibrium, and n-terminal group determination, and to contain 19% protein, 19% d-galactose, 18% n-acetyl-d-galactosamine, 15% n-acetyl-d-glucosamine, 11% l-fucose, 10% sialic acid, and 1% sulfate groups, corresponding to about 1800 amino acid residues and 400 carbohydrate side chains of about 9 monos ...1977402940
factionated x-radiation damage to developing ovaries in the bonnet monkey (macaca radiata). 1977408865
failure to produce atherosclerosis in macaca radiata on a high-methionine, high-fat, pyridoxine-deficient diet.accelerated atherosclerotic lesions are observed in genetic defects characterised by marked homocystinaemia as a result of low levels of cystathionine synthase, a pyridoxal phosphate-dependent enzyme. attempts were therefore made to induce atherosclerosis in macaca radiata, maintained on a high-protein, high-methionine and high-fat diet by inducing pyridoxine deficiency with deoxypyridoxine. pyridoxine deficient monkeys failed to show any biochemical or pathological evidence of atherosclerosis, ...1977901621
antibody response of monkeys (macaca radiata) to sathuperi virus. 197796014
heterologous radioimmunoassay systems for measurement of follicle stimulating hormone (follitropin) & luteinizing hormone (lutropin) in the bonnet monkey macaca radiata. 197898429
passive immunization with an antibody to the beta-subunit of ovine luteinizing hormone as a method of early abortion--a feasibility study in monkeys (macaca radiata).antiserum to the beta-subunit of ovine luteinizing hormone (olh-beta) raised in monkeys (macaca radiata) has been tested by a variety of criteria both in vivo and in vitro to establish its ability to neutralize olh, hlh, and human chorionic gonadotropin (hcg). passive administration of this antiserum caused inhibition of ovulation and termination of pregnancy in recipient monkeys as indicated by premature vaginal bleeding and a significant reduction in serum progesterone and estrogen levels. the ...197898358
alcohol self-administration in monkeys (macaca radiata): the effects of prior alcohol exposure.responding by 4 monkeys was maintained under a fixed ratio 10 (fr 10) schedule for either food, intravenous sucrose or alcohol. the 20 hr sessions were divided so that food was available during hours 1, 6, 11, 16 and alcohol or sucrose during hours 2-5, 7-10, 12-15, and 17-20. all animals failed to maintain responding for isocaloric sucrose but continued to respond for food during those sessions. responding under alcohol conditions was positively accelerated in 2 animals that were not previously ...197897675
hematological data of the laboratory-maintained bonnet (macaca radiata) and the langur (presbytis entellus entellus) monkeys. 197895998
midcycle ovarian histology of the bonnet monkey, macaca radiata. 1978418824
breath ethane and pentane as measures of vitamin e protection of macaca radiata against 90 days of exposure to ozone. 1978413712
an epidemiological study of neonatal and postneonatal mortality in macaca radiata at the california primate research center (1966-1973).this study evaluates neonatal and postneonatal survival of macaca radiata to 180 days of age at the california primate research center from 1966 through 1973. of a total of 287 live births, infant mortality rates (imr) for three different types of housing were significantly different: 12% for inside cages, 41% for an outside one-half-acre enclosure and 31% for outside corncrib cages. experience of the female in raising an infant to weaning age was a significant determinant only for the outside h ...1979113534
depression can be induced in a bonnet macaque infant.depression is a well-known reaction to separation in all species of macaques studied except the bonnet (m. radiata), in whom this reaction has never before been observed. we have produced the depressive response of postural collapse and social withdrawal in a bonnet infant by altering the social structure of the group in which it lived in a way calculated to interfere whith the species-typical system of social support.1979414290
semen analysis & hormonal levels in bonnet macaques administered embelia ribes berries, an indigenous plant having contraceptive activity. 1979120847
perception of conspecific vocalizations by japanese macaques. evidence for selective attention and neural lateralization.japanese macaques (macaca fuscata) and control species (vervet, pigtailed macaque, bonnet macaque) were trained for food to respond to one class of recorded fuscata vocalizations and do not respond to a second class. a measure of neural lateralization was obtained by presenting the stimuli randomly to the right or the left ear, and comparing performance in the two ears (ear advantage method). vocalizations were from steven green's field tapes. in experiment i, the two classes were green's 'smoot ...1979399204
homologues of the human a, b, o & m, n blood groups in macaca radiata (geoffroy) & presbytes entellus (dufresne) & the reaction of their erythrocytes with lectins. 1979120312
effect of passive immunization with specific antiserum to fsh on the spermatogenic process and fertility of adult male bonnet monkeys (macaca radiata). 1979118251
initiation of menstrual cyclicity in laboratory maintained bonnet (macaca radiata) & langur (presbytis entellus entellus) monkeys. 1979116960
teratogenic effects of hyperthermia in the bonnet monkey (macaca radiata). 1979112705
studies on insulin secreted by isolated islets of the monkey, macaca radiata radiata.the effects of various experimental conditions during the isolation of monkey islets by the collagenase method on the insulinogenic response of the isolated islets to glucose have been studied and compared with rat islets isolated under similar conditions. the monkey islets gave a normal response for at least 120 min. the results are compared with available studies on primate islets.1979111984
flow-volume curves and total pulmonary resistance in normal bonnet and rhesus monkeys.we measured expiratory flow-volume curves and total pulmonary resistance in 15 normal, anesthetized, upright bonnet (macaca radiata) and 8 rhesus (m. mulatta) monkeys. absolute maximum flows are about half that found in humans, but, if expressed in vital capacities per second, monkey flows are about four times that of humans. however, irrespective of flow rate, the typical shape of maximum expiratory flow-volume (mefv) curves of rhesus monkeys is similar to that of normal young adults and that o ...1979110758
respiratory mechanics in normal bonnet and rhesus monkeys.we measured lung volumes and quasi-static volume-pressure relationships in 22 normal upright bonnet (macaca radiata) and 12 rhesus (m. mulatta) monkeys. in comparison with interspecies pulmonary function/body weight regressions our monkeys' lung volumes are larger and their lungs are considerably more compliant, but their chest wall compliance is similar to a wide range of mammalian species. however, chest wall compliance of our monkeys was found to be considerably less than that of other more c ...1979110757
progestin receptors in the brain and pituitary of the bonnet monkey (macaca radiata): differences between the monkey and the rat in the distribution of progestin receptors. 19806243095
older monkeys' (macaca radiata) response to new group formation: behavior, reproduction and mortality. 19807428861
zinc deficiency in rhesus and bonnet monkeys, including effects on reproduction.zinc deficiency was induced in two species of monkeys, macaca mulatta (rhesus) and macaca radiata (bonnet), by feeding a purified diet containing isolated soybean protein. in both rhesus and bonnet monkeys, plasma zinc levels were reduced in 7 or 14 days after institution of the zinc-deficiency regimen. dermal lesions on the extremities, face and abdomen, and alopecia also appeared in both species. reduced hair zinc concentration was observed in zinc-deficient bonnet monkeys. oral supplementatio ...19806767006
release of norethisterone from a bioabsorbable implant in female bonnet monkeys (macaca radiata).bioabsorbable implants prepared by fusion of 85% norethisterone (net) and 15% cholesterol were inserted subdermally in four cycling bonnet monkeys (macaca radiata). no skin reaction or inflammation was observed at the site of implantation. plasma concentration of norethisterone (net) measured by radioimmunoassay were monitored for 14 to 16 months at monthly intervals. in the first month weekly samples were analysed. net was released into circulation within 24 hours after insertion of the implant ...19806768491
myelinated fibers of the deep branch of the ulnar nerve at the wrist in bonnet monkeys (macaca radiata) and some of its branches to the order to estimate the peripheral nervous correlates concerning the motor performance of the hand, the myelinated fibers of the deep ulnar nerve and some of its branches to the intrinsic muscles of the monkey (macaca radiata) hand have been enumerated and their caliber spectra plotted. the content of the myelinated sensory fibers in the deep ulnar nerve was found to be 70% of the total. this high figure is attributable to the fact that 25-50% of the myelinated fibers in the deep ulnar nerve ar ...19807212292
sialic acid content of serum, urine and leukocytes during pregnancy in the bonnet monkey (macaca radiata).serum, urinary and leukocyte sialic acid content was determined in five bonnet monkeys (macaca radiata) during the later two-thirds or pregnancy. there was a progressive increase in the levels of serum sialic acid till about one week prior to delivery, followed by a significant decline at parturition and a sharp peak shortly after delivery. the levels came down to non-pregnancy values by two months postpartum. the urinary sialic acid levels were also elevated during pregnancy, but there was no p ...19807218330
lack of seasonal changes in biochemical constituents of bonnet monkey semen.the seasonal changes in the production of semen were investigated in four proven-fertile bonnet males (macaca radiata), maintained under ordinary laboratory conditions. the various physical and biochemical characteristics of 190 ejaculates collected at different seasons of the year were analyzed. there were no significant changes in the responses to penile stimulation, in semen volume, sperm density, and in the concentrations of fructose, citric acid, sialic acid, maltase, amylase, and protein o ...19807416852
craniofacial and central nervous system malformations induced by triamcinolone acetonide in nonhuman primates: i. general teratogenicity.eighteen pregnant macaca mulatta, 15 macaca radiata, and six papio cynocephalus were treated with 5--20 mg/kg triamcinolone acetonide (tac) between 21 and 43 days of gestation on single- or multiple-day treatment schedules. prenatal deaths and stillbirths were tripled in the bonnet monkey and doubled in the rhesus monkey, but did not significantly increase in the baboon. the central nervous system and cranium were the most commonly malformed areas in all three species. the incidence of severe de ...19807444796
the incidence of coccidioidomycosis among nonhuman primates housed outdoors at the california primate research center.serum from 191 nonhuman primates housed outdoors from october 1977 to october 1978 at the california primate research center was assayed for the presence of antibody specific for coccidioidin. one macaca mulatta had coccidioidal antibody which was found to be associated with disseminated coccidioidomycosis. one macaca radiata had complement-fixing antibody specific for coccidioidin and a pulmonary lesion. additionally, two other animals had coccidioidal antibody but lacked clinical evidence of d ...19806775083
weight gain in bonnet and pigtail macaques.developmental weight gain was traced in two species of macaque, macaca radiata and macaca nemestrina. some similarities in growth patterns between the two species were observed. spontaneous obesity in bonnet macaques was observed, and growth curves of these specimens were compared with those of normal animals.19807420411
isolation and identification of spermatozoon-surface glycoproteins from macaca radiata. 19807417965
experimental cerebral infarction in primates: regional changes in brain histamine content.histamine levels in different regions of the brain in the primate macaca radiata were studied following experimental infarction induced in the basal ganglia by coagulation of the middle cerebral artery. in the basal ganglia an elevation of histamine level was seen probably due to proliferation of mast cells. in the hypothalamus, a main constituent of the ascending histaminergic neuronal pathway, a sharp rise in histamine content occurred in infarcted as well as sham-operated animals: this probab ...19817241117
primigravidity and infant loss in bonnet macaques. 19817338889
responses of juvenile bonnet macaques to social stimuli presented through color videotapes.twelve juvenile bonnet macaques (macaca radiata), 6 males and 6 females, were presented with color videotape recordings of 3 types of social stimuli. the stimulus animals, all unfamiliar adult conspecifics, consisted of a passive female, a passive male, and a threatening male. subjects were observed in the presence of their mother and 1 other juvenile-mother dyad. the juveniles showed the highest scores for contact with mother when presented with the threatening male stimulus. similarly, subject ...19817202848
chronic bronchiolitis in nonhuman primates after prolonged ozone exposure.bonnet monkeys (macaca radiata) were exposed to 0.0, 0.5, or 0.8 ppm ozone for 7, 28, or 90 consecutive days, 8 hours per day. the pulmonary response was evaluated by means of pulmonary function testing, light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission microscopy, autoradiography, and morphometry. pulmonary function values obtained before exposure did not statistically differ from values obtained after exposure. a general trend of increased quasistatic compliance of the lung was obse ...19817294160
fetal ear malformations induced by maternal ingestion of thalidomide in the bonnet monkey (macaca radiata).gross malformations of the external, middle, and internal ear were seen in fetal monkeys following maternal ingestion of thalidomide. twenty-five pregnant bonnet monkeys (macaca radiata) were each given a single oral dose of 10 mg/kg of thalidomide on day 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, or 29, or 30 mg/kg on day 25 or 28 of gestation. (day of mating is assumed to be day zero of pregnancy). the skeletons, processed and stained with alizarin red s, were examined for changes in configuration and/or ossificatio ...19817256658
hand usage in a colony of bonnet monkeys, macaca radiata.handedness and its possible inheritance have been studied in a colony of 69 macaca radiata by observation of hand usage during daily feeding and foraging activities. each animal was observed for the number of right- and left-handed actions made during two tasks:feeding and searching. individual animals fell into one of three classes: significantly right-handed, significantly left-handed, and no significant preference. for analysis, handedness was considered as both a directional phenomenon (perc ...19817259722
regulation of testosterone rhythmicity by gonadotropins in bonnet monkeys (macaca radiata). 19816788102
studies on bonnet monkey cervical mucus. the effect of proteases on mucus glycoproteins of macaca radiata.the influence of proteinases on monkey cervical glycoproteins was investigated to assess their effect on cervical mucus and, thereby, on sperm penetration. the major component of periovulatory cervical mucus, a high molecular weight glycoprotein, was treated with pronase, trypsin, chymotrypsin, papain, and bovine seminal peptidase, and the enzyme-resistant glycoprotein was purified by gel filtration on sepharose 2b. a macromolecular component in high yield was recovered containing carbohydrate a ...19817032604
relationship between serum gonadotropin concentrations & cervical mucus characteristics of the bonnet monkeys macaca radiata. 19817239569
the distribution of estrone sulphatase, dehydroepiandrosterone sulphatase, and arylsulphatase c in the primate (macaca radiata) brain and pituitary.estrone sulphatase, arylsulphatase c and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphatase were measured in the pituitary, hypothalamus-preoptic area, amygdala, hippocampus, midbrain, septum, frontal cortex and occipital cortex of monkey (macaca radiata) brain. all the regions showed measurable activities of all three enzymes. in all the animals tested, either the midbrain or hypothalamus-preoptic area showed the greatest activity of all three enzymes. in particular, estrone sulphatase showed the highest specif ...19816943298
serum testosterone levels during the menstrual cycle and early pregnancy in the bonnet monkey (macaca radiata).serum testosterone concentrations have been determined during the menstrual cycle and early pregnancy in the bonnet monkey, macace rediata. during the cycle, there is an increase around the time of ovulation and a secondary peak in the late luteal phase. in pregnancy, there is a distinct peak around 23-25 days, a period which corresponds to the peak of chorionic gonadotropin reported by atkinson et al. (1975) in rhesus monkeys. administration of exogenous hcg causes a significant rise in the ser ...19826890895
mast cell density in isolated monkey lungs on exposure to cigarette smoke.the density and percentage of degranulated cells of the mast cell population were studied in the isolated lungs of 25 monkeys (macaca radiata radiata) before and after acute exposure to cigarette smoke. in each animal one lung was used as the test lung while the other lung was used as its control. in the control lungs the total mean mast cell count was 9.5/mm2 and the proportion of degranulated cells was 9.7%. in the lungs exposed to smoke the total counts were lower (7.3/mm2) and the percentage ...19826186044
coronary artery distribution in bonnet monkeys (macaca radiata).full use of nonhuman primates as a model for coronary vascular disease has been hampered by several factors, including the limited availability of detailed coronary anatomic data. this study was undertaken to identify the gross coronary arterial anatomy of the bonnet monkey (macaca radiata). the hearts of sixteen adult male bonnet monkeys were subjected to postmortem coronary angiography and gross morphological examination. the main left coronary artery divided into the left anterior descending ...19827137596
suppressed immune response in infant monkeys associated with maternal separation.the effect of maternal separation on an in vitro measure of the cellular immune response was studied in infant bonnet monkeys (macaca radiata). using a modified mixed-species separation paradigm, bonnet mother-infant pairs were each housed with a single adult female pigtailed monkey (macaca nemestrina). over a 14-day separation period, the infants showed a suppression of lymphocyte proliferation in response to mitogens relative to a 14-day baseline period which preceded separation. the lymphocyt ...19827168729
bonnet monkey (macaca radiata) as a suitable host for chronic non-fatal plasmodium knowlesi infection. 19827174003
presbytis entellus and macaca radiata as new hosts for experimental plasmodium cynomolgi bastianellii infection. 19827174004
psychoendocrine correlates of sociosexual responsivity in older premenopausal primates.cycling older premenopausal female bonnet macaques (17 to 18 years) show decreased attractivity (mounting indices) and responsivity to males in short-term pair-testing compared to younger, fully mature cycling females (9 to 13 years). comparison of age-group mean circulating levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone during four phases of the menstrual cycle shows a significant decrement in older females only in the height of the estrogen surge during the periovulatory (estrous) phase of ...19826890147
sociosexual and hormonal changes in aging female bonnet macaques.a comparison of younger mature and older perimenopausal female bonnet macaques showed differences in sexual interaction with males. older females evoked significantly fewer copulations than did younger females. although older females were cycling regularly, the midcycle (estrus) peaking of sexual interaction and levels of plasma estradiol were less pronounced in older than in younger females. younger females were mounted more during estrus than during the luteal phase of their cycles, and the fr ...19827200997
physiology of maternal separation in a bonnet macaque infant.a bonnet monkey infant (m. radiata) was monitored both physiologically and behaviorally during a separation experiment in which both its mother and other conspecifiecs were removed from its social group leaving the bonnet infant with three adult pigtailed females. the separated infant exhibited the characteristic slouched posture of depression and physiological changes including decreases in the heart rate and body temperature, increases in cardiac arrhythmias, and alterations in sleep patterns, ...198232197564
a comparison of mother and nonmother behaviors during birth season in two species of captive macaques.9 adult rhesus macaque females (macaca mulatta) and 7 adult bonnet macaque females (macaca radiata) were observed during the birth season to identify possible differences between mothers and nonmothers in time budgets and social interactions. rhesus mothers spent less time moving, feeding, grooming others and aiding others than rhesus nonmothers did. bonnet mothers spent less time resting and moving, but more time in huddling groups than bonnet nonmothers did. mothers of both species were approa ...19827095663
the bonnet monkey (macaca radiata): a model for the study of gonadotropin dynamics during fasting in the human.general hospital and harvard medical school, boston postmenopausal women excrete significantly greater quantities of radioimmunoassayable luteinizing hormone (lh) and follicle stimulating hormone (fsh) during fasting than during the control or refeeding periods. the concentrations of these gonadotropins in the serum, however, are not affected. in the present studies, ovariectomized bonnet monkeys (macaca radiata) and ovariectomized sprague-dawley rats were studied to compare the effects of fasti ...198232197561
females without infants: mating strategies in two species of captive macaques.bonnet (macaca radiata) and rhesus (macaca mulatta) macaque females were observed during the breeding season to evaluate differences in mating strategies between females without infants and females with dependent offspring. rhesus nonmothers participated in consortships earlier in the breeding season and initiated and received more approaches with adult males than rhesus mothers did. bonnet nonmothers entered estrus earlier, began copulating earlier, and approached and presented to adult males m ...19836683218
brief report: chromosomal analysis of perinatal death in macaca mulatta and macaca radiata.peripheral blood samples from 53 macaque perinatal deaths at the california primate research center (cprc) were cultured to produce chromosomes for analysis. karyotypes were constructed for 26 successful cultures and revealed no apparent chromosomal anomalies. a genetic screening program at primate breeding facilities is important for estimating the frequency of chromosomal anomalies in macaques and for understanding the contribution of chromosomal anomalies to reproductive loss and congenital m ...198331986849
a binding protein for lysosomal enzymes isolated from brain by phosphomannan-sepharose chromatography.we have isolated from monkey (macaca radiata) brain lysosomal fraction by phosphomannan-sepharose chromatography a protein that binds four different lysosomal enzymes, beta-hexosaminidase, beta-glucuronidase, alpha-l-fucosidase and arylsulfatase. the isolated protein which appeared in an aggregated homogeneous form on gel electrophoresis under non-denaturing conditions at both ph 8.3 and ph 5.0 was found to be heterogeneous on sds-gel electrophoresis with molecular weights less than 67,000. bind ...19836847656
localization of nucleolus organizing regions on chromosomes of the hanuman langur, presbytis entellus entellus (dufresne), & the bonnet monkey, macaca radiata. 19836667986
hyperosmolar non-ketotic diabetic coma in the nonhuman primate: a first report.diabetes mellitus was diagnosed in an aged bonnet macaque (macaca radiata). six months later the monkey was found comatose. laboratory findings of extreme hyperglycemia, hyperosmolality, and glycosuria without ketonuria were consistent with a diagnosis of hyperosmolar, non-ketotic diabetic coma (nkc). further laboratory studies disclosed very low levels of immunoreactive insulin and depressed free fatty acid values. growth hormone and cortisol levels were within normal limits.19836852768
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