
study of the gastrointestinal parasitic fauna of captive non-human primates (macaca fascicularis).the aim of this study was to examine helminths and protozoans in cynomolgus macaques (macaca fascicularis) imported from registered breeding facilities in china and their relation to health risks for non-human primate handlers in biomedical research centers and in breeding facilities. fresh fecal samples were collected from a total of 443 m. fascicularis and analyzed by copromicroscopical analysis, immunoenzymatic, or molecular assays. as to helminths, whose eggs were shed in 2.03% of the sample ...201626374536
cryptosporidium infection in children with cancer undergoing chemotherapy: how important is the prevention of opportunistic parasitic infections in patients with malignancies?cryptosporidiosis is a relatively uncommon disease in healthy individuals but could be potentially worrisome in immunocompromised patients. this study aimed to evaluate cryptosporidium infection in children with cancer undergoing chemotherapy. a case-control study was conducted in 132 children with cancer undergoing chemotherapy and 132 non-cancer controls. the modified ziehl-neelsen (mzn) staining and polymerase chain reaction methods were used for the detection of cryptosporidium parasite. all ...201728730516
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