
PMID(sorted descending)
fatal chlamydia avium infection in captive picazuro pigeons, the 2016, an outbreak of chlamydia avium infection occurred among picazuro pigeons (patagioenas picazuro) living in an aviary in the netherlands. molecular typing revealed a unique strain of c. avium. our findings show that c. avium infection, which usually causes subclinical infection, can cause fatal disease in pigeons.202032946739
the seasonal role of field characteristics on seed-eating bird abundances in agricultural temperate agroecosystems, avian responses in abundance and distribution to landscape attributes may be exacerbated by the coupling of natural seasons and farming practices. we assessed the seasonal roles of field type, field use in the surroundings, and distance from a field to the nearest woodlot on the abundance of seed-eating birds in a 225,000 km2 study area in the pampas of central argentina. during spring-summer and autumn of 2011-2013, we randomly selected 392 fields and used transect ...201729491986
difference between the vocalizations of two sister species of pigeons explained in dynamical terms.vocal communication is an unique example, where the nonlinear nature of the periphery can give rise to complex sounds even when driven by simple neural instructions. in this work we studied the case of two close-related bird species, patagioenas maculosa and patagioenas picazuro, whose vocalizations differ only in the timbre. the temporal modulation of the fundamental frequency is similar in both cases, differing only in the existence of sidebands around the fundamental frequency in the p. macul ...201627033354
serologic evidence of toxoplasma gondii infection in wild birds and mammals from southeast this study, serum samples of 53 wild animals from two different states from the southeast region of brazil were analyzed for the presence of anti-toxoplasma gondii antibodies by the modified agglutination test (mat), with a cut-off of 1: 5 for birds and of 1: 25 for mammals. out of the sampled animals, 27 were birds and 26 were mammals, and from this total, 83% (n = 44) were free-living animals. antibodies were found in 13 mammals, from which 11 were free-living animals, and in five birds, al ...201424712186
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