
absent or low rate of adult neurogenesis in the hippocampus of bats (chiroptera).bats are the only flying mammals and have well developed navigation abilities for 3d-space. even bats with comparatively small home ranges cover much larger territories than rodents, and long-distance migration by some species is unique among small mammals. adult proliferation of neurons, i.e., adult neurogenesis, in the dentate gyrus of rodents is thought to play an important role in spatial memory and learning, as indicated by lesion studies and recordings of neurons active during spatial beha ...200717520014
reproduction of angola free-tailed bats (tadarida condylura) and little free-tailed bats (tadarida pumila) in malawi (central africa) and elsewhere in africa.angola free-tailed bats and little free-tailed bats occur in diverse habitats throughout most of africa south of the sahara. this study investigated the reproductive strategies and related biology of these species in malawi where they were sympatric, and analysed data from elsewhere in africa to show how the strategies varied along a gradient of habitats from approximately 12 degrees n to 25 degrees s. both the angola free-tailed bat and the little free-tailed bat were normally monotocous. angol ...19892915350
bombali virus in mops condylurus bats, 2018, a previously unknown ebola virus, bombali virus, was discovered in sierra leone. we describe detection of bombali virus in guinea. we found viral rna in internal organs of 3 angolan free-tailed bats (mops condylurus) trapped in the city of n'zerekore and in a nearby village.201931310231
the discovery of bombali virus adds further support for bats as hosts of we describe the complete genome of a new ebolavirus, bombali virus (bomv) detected in free-tailed bats in sierra leone (little free-tailed (chaerephon pumilus) and angolan free-tailed (mops condylurus)). the bats were found roosting inside houses, indicating the potential for human transmission. we show that the viral glycoprotein can mediate entry into human cells. however, further studies are required to investigate whether exposure has actually occurred or if bomv is pathogenic in humans ...201830150734
detection of entebbe bat virus after 54 years.entebbe bat virus (entv; flaviviridae: flavivirus), closely related to yellow fever virus, was first isolated from a little free-tailed bat (chaerephon pumilus) in uganda in 1957, but was not detected after that initial isolation. in 2011, we isolated entv from a little free-tailed bat captured from the attic of a house near where it had originally been found. infectious virus was recovered from the spleen and lung, and the viral rna was sequenced and compared with that of the original isolate. ...201526101270
molecular diet analysis of two african free-tailed bats (molossidae) using high throughput sequencing.given the diversity of prey consumed by insectivorous bats, it is difficult to discern the composition of their diet using morphological or conventional pcr-based analyses of their faeces. we demonstrate the use of a powerful alternate tool, the use of the roche flx sequencing platform to deep-sequence uniquely 5' tagged insect-generic barcode cytochrome c oxidase i (coi) fragments, that were pcr amplified from faecal pellets of two free-tailed bat species chaerephon pumilus and mops condylurus ...201121731749
reproduction in females of the little free-tailed bat, tadarida (chaerephon) pumila, in the eastern transvaal, south africa.little free-tailed bats (2-9/month) were collected over 15 months in the eastern transvaal lowveld (latitude 24 degrees 59's). there was an extended but distinct breeding season of 8 months per year. females appeared to be polyoestrous and able to bear 3 pregnancies per breeding season. there was a progressive decrease in the magnitude of the three birth peaks during the breeding season, with a concomitant slight loss in birth synchronization. gestation period was approximately 60 days and one y ...19863735237
a comparative morphological and histological study of the gastrointestinal tract of four insectivorous bat species: asellia tridens, chaerephon pumilus, nycteris thebaica, rhinopoma hardwickii.various studies address the morphology of the gastrointestinal tracts (gits) of insectivorous bat species. however, detailed morphometric studies including mucin histochemistry are scarce. this study compares various git measurements as well as the quantification of intestinal mucin secreting cells in four insectivorous bat species representing four different families of chiroptera. alcian blue/periodic acid schiff's stain was used to differentiate between acid and neutral mucin-secreting cells ...201931116472
[the aerobic intestinal flora of the microchiropteran bat chaerephon pumila in madagascar].from stools of 88 malagasy insect eater bats chaerephon pumila, a large amount of bacterial strains were isolated. twenty different species were recognized, most of them belonged to enterobacteriaceae family. eight strains were identified as salmonella enterica subsp. enterica o48: -; 1.5, despite many atypical characters. strains of salmonella enteritidis, koserella trabulsii, kluyvera sp., odc negative serratia marcescens, atypical hafnia alvei... were also identified.19883240566
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