
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
ibaraki virus, an agent of epizootic disease of cattle resembling bluetongue. i. epidemiologic, clinical and pathologic observations and experimental transmission to calves. 19694309396
ibaraki virus, an agent of epizootic disease of cattle resembling bluetongue. ii. isolation of the virus in bovine cell culture. 19694309397
ibaraki virus, an agent of epizootic disease of cattle resembling bluetongue. iv. physicochemical and serological properties of the virus. 19704319727
ibaraki virus, an agent of epizootic disease of cattle resembling bluetongue. 3. experimental inoculation of cell cultures, embryonated eggs and laboratory animals. 19704986398
electron microscopic studies on the replication of ibaraki virus. 19724341545
electron microscopy of ibaraki virus. 19734120843
growth of ibaraki virus in suspension culture of hmlu-1 cells.the established hamster lung cell line, hmlu-1 cells could grow in a suspended state. the initial cell count, 40 x 10(4)/ml, increased to 200 x 10(4)/ml on the 4th day of culture. the suspension culture of hmlu-1 cells was proved satisfactory for propagation of ibaraki virus. the viral titer reached a maximum of 10(6.75) tcid50/0.1 ml. the input multiplicity ranging from 0.003 to 3.0 exerted no influence on the final yield of the virus. the optimal ph value of initial culture ranged from 6.8 to ...19751685
ibaraki disease and its relationship to bluetongue.ibaraki disease, an epizootic disease of cattle in japan resembling bluetongue, is characterized by fever and lesions affecting the mucous membranes, the skin, the musculature and vascular system. degeneration of striated muscular tissue is observed in the oesophagus, larynx, pharynx, tongue and the skeletal muscles. oedema and haemorrhage are marked in the mouth, lips, abomasum, around the coronets, etc., and are occasionally followed by degeneration of the epithelium leading to erosions or ulc ...1975169788
double-stranded rna of ibaraki virus. 1977190770
rna and protein of ibaraki virus. 1978232730
monoclonal antibody analysis of serotype-restricted and unrestricted bluetongue viral antigenic determinants.twenty-one monoclonal antibodies that react with bluetongue virus (btv) and have restricted or unrestricted serotype specificities were identified in culture supernatants of hybridomas derived from lymphocytes of mice immunized with btv serotype 17. hybridomas were screened and antibody specificities characterized in a solid-phase radioimmunoassay and by immunoprecipitation with radiolabeled, btv 17-infected cell lysates. three general serotype specificities were demonstrated by 13 antibodies th ...19836186076
salt-dependent hemagglutination with ibaraki virus and its inhibition by specific antisera. 19836306320
hemagglutination-inhibiting antibody sensitive to 2-mercaptoethanol in cattle infected with ibaraki virus. 19836317932
physicochemical properties of ibaraki virus hemagglutinin. 19836656066
characterization of ribonucleic acid transcriptase in ibaraki virus core particles.ibaraki virus core particles were purified from infected bhk-21 cells. the core particles displayed rna transcriptase activity while the virion did not. the rna transcriptase activity was stimulated about 15-fold by addition of s-adenosyl-l-methionine. the reaction product was single-stranded rna which could be hybridized with heat-denatured ibaraki virus rna. the hybrids possessed the same electrophoretic mobility as ibaraki virus double-stranded rna.19836189966
the search for bluetongue viruses in the 200 years that cattle and sheep have been present in australia no evidence of bluetongue (bt) disease has ever been reported. the discovery in 1977 that a virus isolated from culicoides species collected in 1975 was bluetongue virus (btv) triggered a search for bt viruses and their vectors throughout the country. between 1975 and 1983, 46 strains of 5 serotypes of btv were isolated by various workers from the blood of subclinically infected sentinel cattle or from culicoides species. the ...19852989867
analysis of the terminal sequences of the genome segments of four orbiviruses.the dsrna genome segments of bluetongue virus (btv) types 1 and 20 and ibaraki virus (a member of the epizootic haemorrhagic disease (ehd) serogroup) have conserved sequences of six bases at both of their 3' termini. one strand of all the genome segments analysed ends in 3'cauuca ... 5' while the other strand ends in 3'caauuu ... 5'. these conserved sequences are identical to those previously reported for btv types 10 and 11 (a. kiuchi, c. d. rao, and p. roy (1983), "double-stranded rna viruses" ...19852981457
bluetongue, epizootic haemorrhagic disease of deer and related viruses: current situation in australia.since 1975 3 serotypes of bluetongue (bt) virus (btv) have been identified in australia: btv1 (csiro156), btv20 (csiro19) and btv21. at present 2 further bt viruses (dpp90 and dpp192) have been isolated from the blood of healthy cattle in the northern territory (nt) and are undergoing identification. there is serological evidence for btv15 infection in western australia (wa) and the nt, and a background level of serological activity to btv serotypes 1 to 17. in addition, over 50 isolations of ep ...19852989863
analysis of the terminal sequences of the genome segments of four orbiviruses.the rna sequences of the terminal regions of the genome segments of 4 different orbiviruses were analysed. in 3 of these [bluetongue virus (btv) types 1 and 20 and ibaraki virus, a member of the epizootic hemorrhagic disease (ehd) serogroup], 1 strand of all of the genome segments analysed ends in 3'caauuu...5' while the other strand ends in 3'cauuca...5'. these conserved sequences are identical to those reported for btv types 10 and 11. the 3' terminal sequences of segments 3 and 10 of the btv ...19852989875
isolation and characterization of orbivirus genotypic variants.orbivirus variants containing either rna deletions or concatemeric rnas have been isolated. a variant of ibaraki virus (a member of the epizootic hemorrhagic disease of deer serogroup) contained an rna 9 segment which had terminal sequences identical to rna 9 of wild type virus but was approximately 140 base pairs (bp) shorter. in vitro translation showed that whereas rna 9 of wild type virus generated the minor structural protein vp6 (molecular weight 38 k), the variant rna 9 coded for a 32 k p ...19873564676
antigenic relationship among strains of ibaraki virus and epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus studied with monoclonal antibodies.twelve monoclonal antibodies against ibaraki virus (ibv) were established and preliminarily characterised by indirect immunoperoxidase (iip), haemagglutination inhibition (hi) and neutralisation (nt) tests. five antibodies reacted in the iip test with all ibv and epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus (ehdv) strains tested, and five antibodies reacted with ibv and alberta strain (serotype 2) but not with new jersey strain (serotype 1) of ehdv. two of 12 antibodies showed both hi and nt activities. ...19892539639
a comparison of different cloned genome segments of epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus as serogroup-specific probes.the eight largest double-stranded (ds) rna genome segments of epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus (ehdv) serotype 2 (alberta strain) have been cloned. of these, segments 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are represented by clones that correspond in size to those predicted for full-length clones. the different clones were used as nucleic acid probes to study the nucleic acid homology of cognate genes of four different ehdv serotypes. the results indicated that the 4 isolates may be subdivided in two geographic ...19902310302
cross-protection against influenza b type virus infection by intranasal inoculation of the ha vaccines combined with cholera toxin b subunit.the relationship between the antibody responses to various influenza b type virus ha vaccines and protection against live b virus infection was investigated in balb/c mice which had been inoculated intranasally with a combination of the ha vaccines and b subunit of cholera toxin (ctb) 4 weeks previously. the inoculation of ha vaccine, prepared from b/ibaraki/2/85 (b/ibaraki), b/nagasaki/1/87 (b/nagasaki) or b/aichi/5/88 (b/aichi) viruses, combined with ctb induced high levels of both nasal iga a ...19901965078
enhanced replication of orbiviruses in bovine testicle cells infected with bovine viral diarrhoea virus.bovine testicle (bt) cells infected with non-cytopathogenic (ncp) bovine viral diarrhoea virus (bvdv) developed cytopathogenic effect (cpe) after superinfection with 7 orbiviruses, whereas no cpe was induced by them in the absence of ncp bvdv infection. the cpe was accompanied by the enhanced replication of orbiviruses. seven of 10 strains of ncp bvdv induced the enhanced replication of ibaraki virus, a member of orbivirus. these 7 strains of ncp bvdv were end phenomenon positive. in contrast, t ...19958519897
antiviral activity of plant flavonoid, 5,7,4'-trihydroxy-8-methoxyflavone, from the roots of scutellaria baicalensis against influenza a (h3n2) and b viruses.we investigated effects of isoscutellarein-8-methylether (5,7,4'-trihydroxy-8-methoxyflavone, f36) from the roots of scutellaria baicalensis on the single-cycle replication of mouse-adapted influenza viruses a/guizhou/54/89 (h3n2 subtype) and b/ibaraki/2/85 in madin-darby canine kidney (mdck) cells. the agent suppressed replication of these viruses from 6 to 12 h after incubation in a dose-dependent manner by 50% at 20 microm and 90% at 40 microm, respectively. f36 (50 microm) reduced the releas ...19957742801
epidemiology of bovine ephemeral fever virus infection in taiwan.sick animals with excessive nasal discharges and protruding tongue as a result of dyspnea were observed in the august of 1996. eight strains of bef virus were isolated from heparinized blood samples of the affected cattle. most of the affected cattle were difficult to be treated and had a poor prognosis. a total of 516 farms in the 9 districts of taiwan were affected in 1996. among a population of 110,247 dairy cattle, 14,993 (13.6%) cattle were found to be clinically ill. during the epidemic, 1 ...19989880933
identification and pcr-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of a variant of the ibaraki virus from naturally infected cattle and aborted fetuses in hundred fourteen field isolates of the ibaraki virus (ibav), a member of the epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus serotype 2 (ehdv-2), were isolated from blood samples of affected and apparently healthy cattle and culicoides biting midges and from blood samples of dams and internal organs of aborted fetuses during an outbreak of ibaraki disease in the southern part of japan in 1997. in this outbreak, 242 cattle showed typical symptoms of the disease, and several hundred dams had miscarriages ...199910565887
cloning and expression of the m5 rna segment encoding outer capsid vp5 of epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus japan serotype 2, ibaraki virus.the complete nucleotide sequence of a cdna clone representing the m5 rna segment of epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus japan serotype 2 (ehdv-2), ibaraki virus, was determined. the m5 segment is 1641 base pairs long with the single open reading frame which predicts a polypeptide of 527 amino acids. the comparison of the amino acid sequence of the vp5 with those of ehdv-1, bluetongue virus serotype 10, and african horse sickness virus serotype 4 revealed that the protein shared 67%, 57% and 42% ...200010770603
the complete nucleotide sequence of segment l2 of ibaraki virus encoding for the antigen recognized by neutralizing antibodies.the complete nucleotide sequence of cdna clones representing the l2 dsrna from japan isolate of epizootic hemorrhagic disease serotype 2 (ehdv-2jpn) was determined. the ehdv-2jpn l2 gene is 3002 base pairs long with a single open reading frame of 2949 bp which predicts a polypeptide of 982 amino acid residues. comparison of vp2 sequence between japan and north american isolates of ehdv-2 showed a 72% homology in spite of the same serotype, although those among the north american isolates showed ...200010770607
the complete nucleotide sequences of l3 and s7 segments of ibaraki virus encoding for the major inner capsid proteins, vp3 and vp7.the complete nucleotide sequences of the genes encoding two of the major inner capsid proteins of ibaraki virus (ibav), belonging to epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus serotype 2 (ehdv-2) were determined. the l3 rna segment is 2768 nucleotides in length which encodes vp3 polypeptides of 899 amino acid residues (m.w. 103 kda). the s7 rna segment, which encodes the vp7 core protein, is 1162 nucleotides in length and encodes 349 amino acids (m.w. 38 kda). these rna segments had the characteristic ...200111217068
analysis of intratypic variation evident in an ibaraki virus strain and its epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus serogroup.a new strain of ibaraki virus (ibav) was isolated from cattle showing atypical symptoms of ibaraki disease. the isolate was genetically characterized, and the genetic diversity and evolution of the capsid proteins of viruses in the epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (ehdv) serogroup were investigated. the nucleotide sequences of the isolate's viral rna segments 2, 3, 6, and 7, which encode the viral structural proteins vp2, vp3, vp5, and vp7, respectively, were determined and were then compared ...200212354866
differences in ibaraki virus rna segment 3 sequences from three epidemics.phylogenetic tree and partial nucleotide sequence analysis of rna segment 3 were conducted to compare the ibaraki virus (ibav) strains from three epidemics in japan, and serotype 2 epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus strains isolated in australia, taiwan, and canada. each strain was classified relative to the ibaraki disease (ibad) epidemics, which occurred in 1959-1960, 1987, or 1997-1998. in particular, major variation of the gene was identified in the strains isolated after 1997 when a new ty ...200314665759
the begomoviruses honeysuckle yellow vein mosaic virus and tobacco leaf curl japan virus with dnabeta satellites cause yellow dwarf disease of tomato.the complete nucleotide sequences of two begomoviruses (nara virus-1 and nara virus-2), a satellite dna (dnabeta-nara) and defective dnas were obtained from honeysuckle (lonicera japonica) showing characteristic yellow vein mosaic symptoms in nara prefecture, japan. one begomovirus (ibaraki virus) and a satellite dna (dnabeta-ibaraki) was isolated and cloned from honeysuckle plants exhibited typical yellowing of veins and small elliptical shaped enations along veins on the under side of the leav ...200818722488
serological survey of arthropod-borne viruses among wild boars in japan.a total of 90 blood samples were collected from wild boars in the kyushu region of japan, and a seroepidemiological survey for 7 arthropod-borne viruses was performed using hemagglutination inhibition tests. the individual seropositive rates for each virus were 52.2% for japanese encephalitis virus (jev), 47.8% for getah virus (getv), 13.3% for akabane virus, 10.0% for aino virus and less than 5% for bluetongue virus, chuzan virus and ibaraki virus. the results indicated that among the 7 viruses ...200919721358
rapid homogenous detection of the ibaraki virus ns3 cdna at picomolar concentrations by magnetic modulation.magnetic modulation biosensing (mmb) system is experimentally demonstrated for rapid and homogeneous detection of the ibaraki virus ns3 cdna. a novel fluorescent resonance energy transfer (fret)-based probe discriminates the target dna from the control. when detection is made, the fret-based probe is cleaved using taq-polymerase activity and fluorescent light is produced. the biotinylated probes are attached to streptavidin-coupled superparamagnetic beads and are maneuvered into oscillatory moti ...200919775882
magnetic modulation biosensing for rapid and homogeneous detection of biological targets at low concentrations.this paper reviews the development of a magnetic modulation biosensing (mmb) system for rapid, simple and sensitive detection of biological targets in homogeneous solution at low concentrations. it relies on condensation and modulation of the fluorescent-labeled probes attached to magnetic beads using an alternating magnetic field gradient. condensation of the beads from the entire volume increases the signal while modulation separates the signal from the background noise of the non-magnetized s ...201020214612
rapid homogeneous detection of biological assays using magnetic modulation biosensing system.a magnetic modulation biosensing system (mmb) [1,2] rapidly and homogeneously detected biological targets at low concentrations without any washing or separation step. when the il-8 target was present, a 'sandwich'-based assay attached magnetic beads with il-8 capture antibody to streptavidin coupled fluorescent protein via the il-8 target and a biotinylated il-8 antibody. the magnetic beads are maneuvered into oscillatory motion by applying an alternating magnetic field gradient through two ele ...201020616784
seroprevalence of five arboviruses in sentinel cattle as part of nationwide surveillance in south korea, investigate the possible circulation of arboviruses in south korea, nationwide surveillance of five arbovirues was conducted in sentinel calves during 2009-2012. we used serum neutralization tests to investigate the presence of antibodies for the aino virus, akabane virus, bovine ephemeral fever virus, chuzan virus and ibaraki virus. in 2009, 2011 and 2012, the seropositive rates for these five arboviruses were all less than 14.1%. in 2010, however, the seropositive rates for aino virus and a ...201425342637
the host specific ns3 glycosylation pattern reflects the virulence of ibaraki virus in different hosts.the non-structural protein ns3 was investigated in ibaraki virus (ibav), an epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus, serotype 2. degree of ns3 glycosylation, cytopathic effect, and virus release efficiency were compared between mammalian and insect cells. the molecular weight of synthesized ns3 was compared in western blot analysis following the removal of the glycochain by pngase f treatment and revealed that glycosylation of ns3 occurred only in mammalian cells. also, it was revealed that the amou ...201424389093
development of reverse genetics for ibaraki virus to produce viable vp6-tagged ibav.ibaraki virus (ibav) is a member of the epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (ehdv) serogroup, which belongs to the orbivirus genus of the reoviridae family. although ehdv, including ibav, represents an ongoing threat to livestock in the world, molecular mechanisms of ehdv replication and pathogenesis have been unclear. the reverse genetics (rg) system is one of the strong tools to understand molecular mechanisms of virus replication. here, we developed a rg system for ibav to identify the noness ...201526101741
epizootic haemorrhagic disease.summary epizootic haemorrhagic disease (ehd) is an arthropod-transmitted viral disease of certain wild ungulates, notably north american white-tailed deer and, more rarely, cattle. the disease in white-tailed deer results from vascular injury analogous to that caused by bluetongue virus (btv), to which ehd virus (ehdv) is closely related. there are seven serotypes of ehdv recognised, and ibaraki virus, which is the cause of sporadic disease outbreaks in cattle in asia, is included in ehdv seroty ...201526601439
reemergence of ibaraki disease in southern japan in japan in 2013, two cattle in the northwestern part of kagoshima prefecture developed fever and swallowing difficulty and were suspected of having ibaraki disease. the epizootic hemorrhagic virus (ehdv) genome was detected from diseased and asymptomatic cattle by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr). high neutralization antibody titers to ibaraki virus (ibav) ranging from 1:128 to 1:1,024 were observed in the rt-pcr-positive cattle, and the virus was isolated in one of the ...201526018356
the effect of glycosylation on cytotoxicity of ibaraki virus nonstructural protein ns3.the cytotoxicity of ibaraki virus nonstructural protein ns3 was confirmed, and the contribution of glycosylation to this activity was examined by using glycosylation mutants of ns3 generated by site-directed mutagenesis. the expression of ns3 resulted in leakage of lactate dehydrogenase to the culture supernatant, suggesting the cytotoxicity of this protein. the lack of glycosylation impaired the transport of ns3 to the plasma membrane and resulted in reduced cytotoxicity. combined with the prev ...201626178820
the requirement of environmental acidification for ibaraki virus infection to host cells.the effect of environmental acidification on ibaraki virus (ibav) infection was tested using endosomal inhibitory chemicals and low ph treatment. treatment of target cells with endosomal inhibitors significantly decreased the progeny virus production. ibav outer capsid proteins, vp5 and vp2, were removed from virion when purified ibav was exposed to low ph environment. further experiment showed that the exposure to low ph buffer facilitated ibav infection when the cellular endosomal pathway was ...201626321298
innocuity of a commercial live attenuated vaccine for epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus serotype 2 in late-term pregnant cows.epizootic hemorrhagic disease (ehd) is an arthropod-borne infectious viral disease sustained by the epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (ehdv). the only commercially available and currently used vaccines are manufactured for ehdv-2 in japan, either live or inactivated vaccines. in this study we tested the innocuity for fetuses of the live attenuated ehdv-2 vaccine in five late-term pregnant cows. whole blood and serum samples were collected from dams and screened for the presence of ehdv-2 rna, ...201626876438
Displaying items 1 - 45 of 45