
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
ciliated neurons and different types of synapses in anterior hypothalamic nuclei of reptiles.the magnocellular paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei and the parvocellular preoptic and periventricular nuclei have been studied by light and electron microscopy in emys orbicularis, lacerta agilis and elaphe longissima. the ultrastructure of cerebrospinal fluid (csf)-contacting neurons was described in the preoptic and periventricular nuclei of emys and lacerta species. single 9 x 2 + 0 cilia similar to those of the csf-contacting dendritic terminals were found on perikarya of non csf-contac ...1976991258
[use of a body condition index (bci) for the study of the reproduction in snakes].a body condition index (bci = actual body mass/optimal theoritical body mass of the studied animal) was estimated in females of 3 species of snake. from dissections of 88 vipera aspis and 18 coluber viridiflavus, strong relationships between body reserves (such as mass of fat bodies and liver) and bci were found. furthermore, bci explained most of the variance in the mass of the fat bodies and in the mass of the liver; however bci and body length together increased the percentage of variation ex ...19947987689
relics of the europe's warm past: phylogeography of the aesculapian snake.understanding how species responded to past climate change can provide information about how they may respond to the current global warming. here we show how a european reptile species responded to the last natural global warming event at the pleistocene-holocene transition that led to the holocene climatic optimum approximately 5000-8000 years ago. the aesculapian snake, zamenis longissimus, is a thermophilous species whose present-day distribution in the southern half of europe is a remnant of ...201020883801
thermal strategies and energetics in two sympatric colubrid snakes with contrasted exposure.the thermoregulatory strategy of reptiles should be optimal if ecological costs (predation risk and time devoted to thermoregulation) are minimized while physiological benefits (performance efficiency and energy gain) are maximized. however, depending on the exact shape of the cost and benefit curves, different thermoregulatory optima may exist, even between sympatric species. we studied thermoregulation in two coexisting colubrid snakes, the european whipsnake (hierophis viridiflavus, lacépède ...201020091170
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