Title | Abstract | Year(sorted descending) Filter | PMID Filter |
a paradoxical mutant gata factor. | the niia (nitrite reductase) and niad (nitrate reductase) genes of aspergillus nidulans are subject to both induction by nitrate and repression by ammonium or glutamine. the intergenic region between these genes functions as a bidirectional promoter. in this region, nucleosomes are positioned under nonexpression conditions. on nitrate induction under derepressing conditions, total loss of positioning occurs. this is independent of transcription and of the nira-specific transcription factor but a ... | 2004 | 15075269 |
molecular characterization of protein o-mannosyltransferase and its involvement in cell-wall synthesis in aspergillus nidulans. | protein o-glycosylation is essential for protein modification and plays important roles in eukaryotic cells. o-mannosylation of proteins occurs in the filamentous fungus aspergillus. the structure and function of the pmta gene, encoding protein o-d-mannosyltransferase, which is responsible for the initial o-mannosylation reaction in aspergillus nidulans, was characterized. disruption of the pmta gene resulted in the reduction of in vitro protein o-d-mannosyltransferase activity to 6 % of that of ... | 2004 | 15184583 |
dual-color imaging of nuclear division and mitotic spindle elongation in live cells of aspergillus nidulans. | we have developed a dual-color imaging system based on cyan fluorescent protein-labeled histone h2a and green fluorescent protein-labeled alpha tubulin to visualize dna and spindles simultaneously in the same living cell of aspergillus nidulans. this system allows new details of mitosis and nuclear movement to be revealed. | 2004 | 15075284 |
biosynthesis and uptake of siderophores is controlled by the pacc-mediated ambient-ph regulatory system in aspergillus nidulans. | biosynthesis and uptake of siderophores in aspergillus nidulans are regulated not only by iron availability but also by ambient ph: expression of this high-affinity iron uptake system is elevated by an increase in the ambient ph. mediation of this regulation by the transcriptional regulator pacc has been confirmed via acidity- and alkalinity-mimicking mutants. | 2004 | 15075286 |
successful elimination of an invasive aspergillus nidulans lung infection by voriconazole after failure of a combination of caspofungin and liposomal amphotericin b in a boy with chronic granulomatous disease. | chronic granulomatous disease is an inherited defect in host defense mechanisms mainly affecting neutrophil function. pulmonary infection with aspergillus nidulans in a child with chronic granulomatous disease could not be eliminated by a combination of caspofungin and liposomal amphotericin b. voriconazole was successful in clearing the infection. | 2004 | 15194848 |
two delta9-stearic acid desaturases are required for aspergillus nidulans growth and development. | unsaturated fatty acids are important constituents of all cell membranes and are required for normal growth. in the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans, unsaturated fatty acids and their derivatives also influence asexual (conidial) and sexual (ascospore) sporulation processes. to investigate the relationship between fatty acid metabolism and fungal development, we disrupted the a. nidulans sdea and sdeb genes, both encoding delta9-stearic acid desaturases responsible for the conversion of p ... | 2004 | 15050539 |
development of a system for integrative and stable transformation of the zygomycete rhizopus oryzae by agrobacterium-mediated dna transfer. | two transformation systems, based on the use of cacl(2)/peg and agrobacterium tumefaciens, respectively, were developed for the zygomycete rhizopus oryzae. irrespective of the selection marker used, a pyr4 marker derived from r. niveus or a dominant amds(+) marker from aspergillus nidulans, and irrespective of the configuration of the transforming dna (linear or circular), the transformants obtained with the cacl(2)/peg transformation method were found to carry multiple copies of tandemly linked ... | 2004 | 15067540 |
establishment of mrfp1 as a fluorescent marker in aspergillus nidulans and construction of expression vectors for high-throughput protein tagging using recombination in vitro (gateway). | the advent of fluorescent proteins as vital dyes had a major impact in many research fields. different green fluorescent protein (gfp) variants were established in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms within the past 10 years, and other fluorescent proteins were discovered and applied. we expressed the discosoma red fluorescent protein, dsred (t4), the improved monomeric red fluorescent protein (mrfp1) and the blue fluorescent protein (bfp) in the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans. whereas ... | 2004 | 15071756 |
nitrate reductase activity is required for nitrate uptake into fungal but not plant cells. | the ability to transport net nitrate was conferred upon transformant cells of the non-nitrate-assimilating yeast pichia pastoris after the introduction of two genes, one encoding nitrate reductase and the other nitrate transport. it was observed that cells of this lower eukaryote transformed with the nitrate transporter gene alone failed to display net nitrate transport despite having the ability to produce the protein. in addition, loss-of-function nitrate reductase mutants isolated from severa ... | 2004 | 15123642 |
novel polyketide synthase from nectria haematococca. | we identified a polyketide synthase (pks) gene, pksn, from a strain of nectria haematococca by complementing a mutant unable to synthesize a red perithecial pigment. pksn encodes a 2,106-amino-acid polypeptide with conserved motifs characteristic of type i pks enzymatic domains: beta-ketoacyl synthase, acyltransferase, duplicated acyl carrier proteins, and thioesterase. the pksn product groups with the aspergillus nidulans wa-type pkss involved in conidial pigmentation and melanin, bikaverin, an ... | 2004 | 15128560 |
ph control of the production of recombinant glucose oxidase in aspergillus nidulans. | recombinant aspergillus nidulans sval040, capable of synthesizing and secreting glucose oxidase derived from aspergillus niger was used to study the influence of ph and carbon source on enzyme production. | 2004 | 15239699 |
altering a gene involved in nuclear distribution increases the repeat-induced point mutation process in the fungus podospora anserina. | repeat-induced point mutation (rip) is a homology-dependent gene-silencing mechanism that introduces c:g-to-t:a transitions in duplicated dna segments. cis-duplicated sequences can also be affected by another mechanism called premeiotic recombination (pr). both are active over the sexual cycle of some filamentous fungi, e.g., neurospora crassa and podospora anserina. during the sexual cycle, several developmental steps require precise nuclear movement and positioning, but connections between rip ... | 2004 | 15166143 |
negative subtraction hybridization: an efficient method to isolate large numbers of condition-specific cdnas. | the construction of cdna libraries is a useful tool to understand gene expression in organisms under different conditions, but random sequencing of unbiased cdna collections is laborious and can give rise to redundant est collections. we aimed to isolate cdnas of messages induced by switching aspergillus nidulans from growth on glucose to growth on selected polysaccharides. approximately 4,700 contigs from 12,320 ests were already available from a cdna library representing transcripts isolated f ... | 2004 | 15050035 |
physiological and morphological changes in autolyzing aspergillus nidulans cultures. | physiological and morphological changes in carbon-limited autolyzing cultures of aspergillus nidulans were described. the carbon starvation arrested conidiation while the formation of filamentous and "yeast-like" hyphal fragments with profoundly altered metabolism enabled the fungus to survive the nutritional stress. the morphological and physiological stress responses, which maintained the cellular integrity of surviving hyphal fragments at the expense of autolyzing cells, were highly concerted ... | 2004 | 15259768 |
structure of the 'open' form of aspergillus nidulans 3-dehydroquinate synthase at 1.7 a resolution from crystals grown following enzyme turnover. | crystallization of aspergillus nidulans 3-dehydroquinate synthase (dhqs), following turnover of the enzyme by addition of the substrate dahp, gave a new crystal form (form j). although the crystals have dimensions of only 50 x 20 x 5 micro m, they are well ordered, diffracting to 1.7 a. the space group is c222(1), with unit-cell parameters a = 90.0, b = 103.7, c = 177.4 a. structure determination and refinement to r = 0.19 (r(free) = 0.25) shows the dhqs is in the 'open' form with the substrate ... | 2004 | 15103156 |
mesa, a novel fungal protein required for the stabilization of polarity axes in aspergillus nidulans. | the aspergillus nidulans proteome possesses a single formin, sepa, which is required for actin ring formation at septation sites and also plays a role in polarized morphogenesis. previous observations imply that complex regulatory mechanisms control the function of sepa and ensure its correct localization within hyphal tip cells. to characterize these mechanisms, we undertook a screen for mutations that enhance sepa defects. of the mutants recovered, mesa1 causes the most dramatic defect in pola ... | 2004 | 15155805 |
a role for cred, a carbon catabolite repression gene from aspergillus nidulans, in ubiquitination. | in aspergillus nidulans, it is known that creb encodes a deubiquitinating enzyme that forms a complex with the wd40 motif containing protein encoded by crec, that mutations in these genes lead to altered carbon source utilization and that the cred34 mutation suppresses the phenotypic effects of mutations in crec and creb. therefore, cred was characterized in order to dissect the regulatory network that involves the creb-crec deubiquitination complex. cred contains arrestin domains and py motifs ... | 2004 | 15255903 |
a basic-region helix-loop-helix protein-encoding gene (devr) involved in the development of aspergillus nidulans. | basic-region helix-loop-helix (bhlh) proteins form an interesting class of eukaryotic transcription factors often involved in developmental processes. here, a so far unknown bhlh protein-encoding gene of the filamentous ascomycete aspergillus nidulans was isolated and designated devr for regulator of development. deletion of devr revealed that the gene is non-essential for vegetative growth. however, the deletion mutant produced wrinkled colonies, a yellow pigment and did not form conidia on min ... | 2004 | 15049823 |
on the mechanism of action of the antifungal agent propionate. | propionate is used to protect bread and animal feed from moulds. the mode of action of this short-chain fatty acid was studied using aspergillus nidulans as a model organism. the filamentous fungus is able to grow slowly on propionate, which is oxidized to acetyl-coa via propionyl-coa, methylcitrate and pyruvate. propionate inhibits growth of a. nidulans on glucose but not on acetate; the latter was shown to inhibit propionate oxidation. when grown on glucose a methylcitrate synthase deletion mu ... | 2004 | 15265042 |
aspergillus nidulans as a model system to characterize the dna damage response in eukaryotes. | interest in dna repair in aspergillus nidulans had mainly grown out of studies of three different biological processes, namely mitotic recombination, inducible responses to detrimental environmental changes, and genetic control of the cell cycle. ron morris started the investigation of the genetic control of the cell cycle by screening hundreds of cell cycle temperature sensitive aspergillus mutants. the sequencing and innovative analysis of these genes revealed not only several components of th ... | 2004 | 14998526 |
regulators of g-protein signalling in aspergillus nidulans: rgsa downregulates stress response and stimulates asexual sporulation through attenuation of ganb (galpha) signalling. | regulators of g-protein signalling play a crucial role in controlling the degree of heterotrimeric g-protein signalling. in addition to the previously studied flba, we have identified three genes (rgsa, rgsb and rgsc) encoding putative rgs proteins in the genome of aspergillus nidulans. characterization of the rgsa gene revealed that rgsa downregulates pigment production and conidial germination, but stimulates asexual sporulation (conidiation). deletion of rgsa (deltargsa) resulted in reduced c ... | 2004 | 15228532 |
streptomyces lividans and brevibacterium lactofermentum as heterologous hosts for the production of x22 xylanase from aspergillus nidulans. | the aspergillus nidulans gene xlna coding for the fungal xylanase x22 has been cloned and expressed in two heterologous bacterial hosts: streptomyces lividans and brevibacterium lactofermentum. streptomyces strains yielded 10 units/ml of xylanase when the protein was produced with its own signal peptide, and 19 units/ml when its signal peptide was replaced by the one for xylanase xys1 from streptomyces halstedii. b. lactofermentum was also able to produce xylanase x22, affording 6 units/ml upon ... | 2004 | 15168093 |
pina is essential for growth and positively influences nima function in aspergillus nidulans. | the phospho-ser/thr-directed prolyl-isomerase pin1 was originally identified in vertebrate systems as a negative regulator of nima, a ser/thr protein kinase that regulates the g(2)/m transition in aspergillus nidulans. here we explore the physiological roles of the pin1 orthologue, pina, in a. nidulans and evaluate the relevance of the interaction of pina with nima in this fungus. we find pina to be an essential gene in a. nidulans. in addition, when pina levels are reduced 50-fold the cells gro ... | 2004 | 15178679 |
the dual nature of the wheat xylanase protein inhibitor xip-i: structural basis for the inhibition of family 10 and family 11 xylanases. | the xylanase inhibitor protein i (xip-i) from wheat triticum aestivum is the prototype of a novel class of cereal protein inhibitors that inhibit fungal xylanases belonging to glycoside hydrolase families 10 (gh10) and 11 (gh11). the crystal structures of xip-i in complex with aspergillus nidulans (gh10) and penicillium funiculosum (gh11) xylanases have been solved at 1.7 and 2.5 a resolution, respectively. the inhibition strategy is novel because xip-i possesses two independent enzyme-binding s ... | 2004 | 15181003 |
tangled nudels? | 2004 | 15232582 | |
histone methyltransferases in aspergillus nidulans: evidence for a novel enzyme with a unique substrate specificity. | we have studied enzymes involved in histone arginine methylation in the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans. three distinct protein arginine methyltransferases (prmts) could be identified, which all exhibit intrinsic histone methyltransferase activity when expressed as glutathione s-transferase (gst) fusion proteins. two of these proteins, termed rmta (arginine methyltransferase a) and rmtc, reveal significant sequence homology to the well-characterized human proteins prmt1 and prmt5, respec ... | 2004 | 15311944 |
fungal metabolic model for type i 3-methylglutaconic aciduria. | aspergillus nidulans catabolizes leu to acetyl-coa and acetoacetate through a pathway homologous to that used by humans. fungal hlya encodes a bifunctional polypeptide comprising the last two enzymes in this pathway, 3-methylglutaconyl-coa hydratase and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coa lyase. hlya transcription is specifically induced by leu. a delta hlya mutation removing the complete 3-methylglutaconyl-coa hydratase c-terminal domain prevents growth on leu but not on lactose or other amino acids ... | 2004 | 15181004 |
nek2a interacts with mad1 and possibly functions as a novel integrator of the spindle checkpoint signaling. | chromosome segregation in mitosis is orchestrated by protein kinase signaling cascades. a biochemical cascade named spindle checkpoint ensures the spatial and temporal order of chromosome segregation during mitosis. here we report that spindle checkpoint protein mad1 interacts with nek2a, a human orthologue of the aspergillus nidulans nima kinase. mad1 interacts with nek2a in vitro and in vivo via a leucine zipper-containing domain located at the c terminus of mad1. like mad1, nek2a is localized ... | 2004 | 14978040 |
the kip3-like kinesin kipb moves along microtubules and determines spindle position during synchronized mitoses in aspergillus nidulans hyphae. | kinesins are motor proteins which are classified into 11 different families. we identified 11 kinesin-like proteins in the genome of the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans. relatedness analyses based on the motor domains grouped them into nine families. in this paper, we characterize kipb as a member of the kip3 family of microtubule depolymerases. the closest homologues of kipb are saccharomyces cerevisiae kip3 and schizosaccharomyces pombe klp5 and klp6, but sequence similarities outside ... | 2004 | 15189985 |
candida albicans rim13p, a protease required for rim101p processing at acidic and alkaline phs. | candida albicans is an important commensal of mucosal surfaces that is also an opportunistic pathogen. this organism colonizes a wide range of host sites that differ in ph; thus, it must respond appropriately to this environmental stress to survive. the ability to respond to neutral-to-alkaline phs is governed in part by the rim101 signal transduction pathway. here we describe the analysis of c. albicans rim13p, a homolog of the rim13p/palb calpain-like protease member of the rim101/pacc pathway ... | 2004 | 15189995 |
terbinafine resistance mediated by salicylate 1-monooxygenase in aspergillus nidulans. | resistance to antifungal agents is a recurring and growing problem among patients with systemic fungal infections. uv-induced aspergillus nidulans mutants resistant to terbinafine have been identified, and we report here the characterization of one such gene. a sib-selected, 6.6-kb genomic dna fragment encodes a salicylate 1-monooxygenase (sala), and a fatty acid synthase subunit (fasc) confers terbinafine resistance upon transformation of a sensitive strain. subfragments carrying sala but not f ... | 2004 | 15328121 |
a nudel-dependent mechanism of neurofilament assembly regulates the integrity of cns neurons. | the cytoskeleton controls the architecture and survival of central nervous system (cns) neurons by maintaining the stability of axons and dendrites. although neurofilaments (nfs) constitute the main cytoskeletal network in these structures, the mechanism that underlies subunit incorporation into filaments remains a mystery. here we report that nudel, a mammalian homologue of the aspergillus nidulans nuclear distribution molecule nude, is important for nf assembly, transport and neuronal integrit ... | 2004 | 15208636 |
the ganb galpha-protein negatively regulates asexual sporulation and plays a positive role in conidial germination in aspergillus nidulans. | we isolated the ganb gene encoding the galpha-protein homolog from aspergillus nidulans. to investigate the cellular function of ganb, various mutant strains were isolated. deletion of constitutively inactive ganb mutants showed conidiation and derepressed brla expression in a submerged culture. constitutive activation of ganb caused a reduction in hyphal growth and a severe defect in asexual sporulation. we therefore propose that ganb may negatively regulate asexual sporulation through the brla ... | 2004 | 15280244 |
screening for microtubule-disrupting antifungal agents by using a mitotic-arrest mutant of aspergillus nidulans and novel action of phenylalanine derivatives accompanying tubulin loss. | the microtubule, which is one of the major targets of anthelmintics, anticancer drugs, and fungicides, is composed mainly of alpha- and beta-tubulins. we focused on a unique characteristic of an aspergillus nidulans bena33 mutant to screen for microtubule-disrupting antifungal agents. this mutant, which has a beta-tubulin with a mutation of a single amino acid, undergoes mitotic arrest due to the formation of hyperstable microtubules at 37 degrees c. the heat sensitivity of the mutant is remedie ... | 2004 | 15105129 |
the role of thiol species in the hypertolerance of aspergillus sp. p37 to arsenic. | aspergillus sp. p37 is an arsenate-hypertolerant fungus isolated from a river in spain with a long history of contamination with metals. this strain is able to grow in the presence of 0.2 m arsenate, i.e. 20-fold higher than the reference strain, aspergillus nidulans ts1. although aspergillus sp. p37 reduces as(v) to as(iii), which is slowly pumped out of the cell, the measured efflux of oxyanions is insufficient to explain the high tolerance levels of this strain. to gain an insight into this p ... | 2004 | 15364940 |
the early impact of genetics on our understanding of cell cycle regulation in aspergillus nidulans. | the application of genetic analysis was crucial to the rapid progress that has been made in cell cycle research. ron morris, one of the first to apply genetics to cell cycle research, developed aspergillus nidulans into an important model system for the analysis of many aspects of cell biology. within the area of cell cycle research, ron's laboratory is noted for development of novel cell biological and molecular genetic approaches as well as seminal insights regarding the regulation of mitosis, ... | 2004 | 14998523 |
differential expression of the chitin synthase genes of aspergillus nidulans, chsa, chsb, and chsc, in response to developmental status and environmental factors. | to understand the role of the chitin synthase genes of aspergillus nidulans, we analyzed the expression of chsa, chsb, and chsc both by northern blotting and by a vital reporter system with sgfp encoding a modified version of green fluorescent protein, sgfp. chsa was expressed specifically during asexual differentiation, but not during either vegetative growth or sexual differentiation. the expression of chsb was ubiquitous throughout the fungal body and relatively independent of the change in d ... | 2004 | 15121085 |
airborne fungi in industrial environments--potential agents of respiratory diseases. | investigations on airborne fungi in a poultry house, a swinery, a feed preparing and storing house, a grain mill, a wooden panel producing factory, and organic waste recycling facilities have been carried out in lithuania. low concentrations of fungal spores were detected in the wooden panel producing factory, the swinery, the feed preparing and storing house, and the poultry house; moderate concentrations were found in the organic waste recycling facilities; high concentrations were revealed at ... | 2004 | 15236494 |
unique biosynthesis of dehydroquinic acid? | a search of the genomic sequences of the thermophilic microorganisms aquifex aeolicus, archaeoglobus fulgidus, methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum, and methanococcus jannaschii for the first seven enzymes (arog, b, d, e, k, a, and c ) involved in the shikimic acid biosynthetic pathway reveal two key enzymes are missing. the first enzyme in the pathway, 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonic acid 7-phosphate synthase (arog) and the second enzyme in the pathway, 5-dehydroquinic acid synthase (arob) are " ... | 2004 | 15381397 |
multi-copy suppression of an aspergillus nidulans mutant sensitive to camptothecin by a putative monocarboxylate transporter. | the mono carboxylate transporter (mct) is a family of membrane proteins from the major facilitator superfamily (mfs) of transporters. here, we report the first identified aspergillus nidulans mct homologue, amca. the amca gene was isolated by high copy number suppression of the hydroxyurea (hu) sensitivity of an a. nidulans camptothecin-sensitive mutant. expression of amca is increased when hyphae are grown in media containing acetate or pyruvate as single carbon source, and after exposure to se ... | 2004 | 15386109 |
the effect of crea in glucose and xylose catabolism in aspergillus nidulans. | the catabolism of glucose and xylose was studied in a wild type and crea deleted (carbon catabolite de-repressed) strain of aspergillus nidulans. both strains were cultivated in bioreactors with either glucose or xylose as the sole carbon source, or in the presence of both sugars. in the cultivations on single carbon sources, it was demonstrated that xylose acted as a carbon catabolite repressor (xylose cultivations), while the enzymes in the xylose utilisation pathway were also subject to repre ... | 2004 | 12920487 |
the alternative d-galactose degrading pathway of aspergillus nidulans proceeds via l-sorbose. | the catabolism of d-galactose in yeast depends on the enzymes of the leloir pathway. in contrast, aspergillus nidulans mutants in galactokinase ( gale) can still grow on d-galactose in the presence of ammonium-but not nitrate-ions as nitrogen source. a. nidulans gale mutants transiently accumulate high (400 mm) intracellular concentrations of galactitol, indicating that the alternative d-galactose degrading pathway may proceed via this intermediate. the enzyme degrading galactitol was identified ... | 2004 | 14624333 |
the azga purine transporter of aspergillus nidulans. characterization of a protein belonging to a new phylogenetic cluster. | the azga gene of aspergillus nidulans encodes a hypoxanthine-adenine-guanine transporter. it has been cloned by a novel transposon methodology. the null phenotype of azga was defined by a number of mutations, including a large deletion. in mycelia, the azga gene is, like other genes of purine catabolism, induced by uric acid and repressed by ammonium. its transcription depends on the pathway-specific uay zinc binuclear cluster protein and the broad domain area gata factor. azga is not closely re ... | 2004 | 14597637 |
high efficiency transformation of penicillium nalgiovense with integrative and autonomously replicating plasmids. | penicillium nalgiovense is a filamentous fungus that is acquiring increasing biotechnological importance in the food industry due to its widespread use as starter culture for cured and fermented meat products. strains of p. nalgiovense can be improved by genetic modification to remove the production of penicillin and other potentially hazardous secondary metabolites, to improve its capacity to control the growth of undesirable fungi and bacteria on the meat product, and other factors that contri ... | 2004 | 14698104 |
ammonium-induced internalisation of uapc, the general purine permease from aspergillus nidulans. | the aspergillus nidulans uapc protein is a high-affinity, moderate-capacity, uric acid-xanthine transporter, which also displays a low transport capacity for hypoxanthine, adenine, and guanine. it has been previously shown that a functional uapc-gfp fusion protein localises at the plasma membrane. here, we demonstrate that ammonium, a preferred nitrogen source, dramatically changes the subcellular distribution of uapc. after addition of ammonium, uapc-gfp is removed from the plasma membrane and ... | 2004 | 14643258 |
aspergillus nidulans hypa regulates morphogenesis through the secretion pathway. | aspergillus nidulans hypa encodes a predicted 1474 amino acid, 161.9 kda cytoplasmic peptide. strains with hypa1 and hypa6 alleles are wild type at 28 degrees c but have wide, slow-growing hyphae and thick walls at 42 degrees c. hypa1 and hypa6 have identical genetic lesions. hypa1 and hypa6 restrictive phenotypes have statistically similar morphometry, and strains with either allele can conidiate at 42 degrees c. hypa deletion strains require osmotic support and have aberrant morphology, but pr ... | 2004 | 14643261 |
the pot1+ homologue in aspergillus nidulans is required for ordering mitotic events. | orderly progression through mitosis is essential to reduce segregation errors in the cell's genetic material. we have used a cytological screen to identify a mutant that progresses through mitosis aberrantly and have cloned the complementing gene, nimu, which encodes a protein related to pot1 and other telomere end-binding proteins. we show that loss of nimu function leads to premature mitotic spindle elongation, premature mitotic exit, errors in chromosome segregation, and failure to delay mito ... | 2004 | 14657278 |
plasmid vectors for protein production, gene expression and molecular manipulations in aspergillus niger. | we constructed three sets of plasmids for use in aspergillus niger. these plasmids were assembled using various combinations of a series of modular dna cassettes that included a selectable marker, pyrg, derived from aspergillus nidulans; two promoter regions for directing protein expression; a cassette derived from the ama1 replicator sequence to support autonomous replication; and a reporter gene based on the a. niger laca gene. one set included integrating and autonomously replicating plasmids ... | 2004 | 15848224 |
loss of heterozygosity by mitotic recombination in diploid strain of aspergillus nidulans in response to castor oil plant detergent. | somatic recombination in heterozygous diploid cells may be a promotional agent of neoplasms by inducing homozygosity of defective genes. tumor suppressor genes may in this way be completely suppressed in recombinant cells. in this work, the genotoxic effects of detergent derived from the castor oil plant (ricinus communis) in heterozygous diploid cells of aspergillus nidulans are evaluated. previous studies have evaluated the application of this substance in endodontic treatments as an irrigatin ... | 2004 | 15744430 |
parameiosis in aspergillus nidulans in response to doxorubicin. | the recombinagenic effect of doxorubicin (an anticancer agent that impairs dna synthesis and causes chromosome breaks) was used to induce parameiotic events in aspergillus nidulans. heterokaryons formed with master strains and uvs mutants were inoculated with and without doxorubicin. haploid segregants (parameiotics and parents) and aneuploids were selected as heterokaryon-derived visible sectors. among parameiotic segregants, recombinants by intergenic mitotic crossing-over and recombinants by ... | 2004 | 15881406 |
endogenous lipogenic regulators of spore balance in aspergillus nidulans. | the ability of fungi to produce both meiospores and mitospores has provided adaptive advantages in survival and dispersal of these organisms. here we provide evidence of an endogenous mechanism that balances meiospore and mitospore production in the model filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans. we have discovered a putative dioxygenase, ppoc, that functions in association with a previously characterized dioxygenase, ppoa, to integrate fatty acid derived oxylipin and spore production. in contras ... | 2004 | 15590815 |
mitochondrial beta-oxidation in aspergillus nidulans. | beta-oxidation (beta-ox) occurs exclusively in the peroxisomes of saccharomyces cerevisiae and other yeasts, leading to the supposition that fungi lack mitochondrial beta-ox. here we present unequivocal evidence that the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans houses both peroxisomal and mitochondrial beta-ox. while growth of a peroxisomal beta-ox disruption mutant (deltafoxa) was eliminated on a very long-chain fatty acid (c(22:1)), growth was only partially impeded on a long-chain fatty acid ( ... | 2004 | 15554960 |
patterns of intron gain and loss in fungi. | little is known about the patterns of intron gain and loss or the relative contributions of these two processes to gene evolution. to investigate the dynamics of intron evolution, we analyzed orthologous genes from four filamentous fungal genomes and determined the pattern of intron conservation. we developed a probabilistic model to estimate the most likely rates of intron gain and loss giving rise to these observed conservation patterns. our data reveal the surprising importance of intron gain ... | 2004 | 15562318 |
regulation of penicillin biosynthesis in filamentous fungi. | the beta-lactam antibiotic penicillin is one of the mainly used antibiotics for the therapy of infectious diseases. it is produced as end product by some filamentous fungi only, most notably by aspergillus (emericella) nidulans and penicillium chrysogenum. the penicillin biosynthesis is catalysed by three enzymes which are encoded by the following three genes: acva (pcbab), ipna (pcbc) and aata (pende). the genes are organised into a gene cluster. although the production of secondary metabolites ... | 2004 | 15719552 |
ferrichrome in schizosaccharomyces pombe--an iron transport and iron storage compound. | schizosaccharomyces pombe has been assumed not to produce siderophores. nevertheless, the genomic sequence of this fission yeast revealed the presence of siderophore biosynthetic genes for hydroxamates. applying a bioassay based on an aspergillus nidulans strain deficient in siderophore biosynthesis, and using reversed-phase hplc and mass spectrometry analysis, we demonstrate that s. pombe excretes and accumulates intracellularly the hydroxamate-type siderophore ferrichrome. under iron-limiting ... | 2004 | 15689108 |
synthesis and biological evaluations of sulfa derivatives bearing heterocyclic moieties. | some new sulfa derivatives bearing a heterocyclic moieties fural, pyrimidinone, thiazolidinone, benzimidazole and 1,2,4-triazinone and the related compounds 2-19 have been synthesized from treatment of sulfa drugs with thioisocyanate, acid chlorides, 3-chloro-1,2,4-triazines, aldehydes, esters and/or 2-methylbenzoxazole followed by ring closure reactions. structures of the products have been deduced from their elemental analysis and spectral data. significant antimicrobial activities were observ ... | 2004 | 15881802 |
cofactor processing in galactose oxidase. | go (galactose oxidase; e.c. is a monomeric 68 kda enzyme that contains a single copper ion and an amino acid-derived cofactor. the enzyme is produced by the filamentous fungus fusarium graminearum as an extracellular enzyme. the enzyme has been extensively studied by structural, spectroscopic, kinetic and mutational approaches that have provided insight into the catalytic mechanism of this radical enzyme. one of the most intriguing features of the enzyme is the post-translational genera ... | 2004 | 15777009 |
[fatal aspergillus nidulans pneumonia]. | 2004 | 15777589 | |
potential link between the nima mitotic kinase and nuclear membrane fission during mitotic exit in aspergillus nidulans. | we have isolated tinc as a nima-interacting protein by using the yeast two-hybrid system and have confirmed that tinc interacts with nima in aspergillus nidulans. the tinc-nima interaction is stabilized in the absence of phosphatase inhibitors and in the presence of kinase-inactive nima, suggesting that the interaction is enhanced when nima is not fully activated. tinc is a cytoplasmic protein. tinc homologues and a tinc-like protein (a. nidulans hetc) are conserved in other filamentous fungi. n ... | 2004 | 15590818 |
in silico reconstruction of nutrient-sensing signal transduction pathways in aspergillus nidulans. | we report here probable nutrient-sensing signal transduction pathways in aspergillus nidulans, a model filamentous fungus, based on sequence homology studies with known saccharomyces cerevisiae and schizosaccharomyces pombe proteins. specifically, we identified a. nidulans homologs for yeast proteins involved in (1) filamentation-invasion, (2) camp-pka, (3) pheromone response, (4) cell integrity and (5) tor signaling pathways. we have also studied autophagy, one of the most important cellular re ... | 2004 | 15752076 |
reactive oxygen species generated by microbial nadph oxidase noxa regulate sexual development in aspergillus nidulans. | nadph oxidases (nox) have been characterized as higher eukaryotic enzymes used deliberately to produce reactive oxygen species (ros). the recent discovery of new functional members of the nox family in plants and animals has led to the recognition of the increasing importance of ros as signals involved in regulation of diverse cellular processes such as defence, growth and signalling. here, we address the role of nadph oxidase-generated ros in the biology of the filamentous fungus aspergillus ni ... | 2003 | 14622412 |
[optimization of t-dna insertional mutagenesis and analysis of mutants of magnaporthe grisea]. | the rice blast fungus magnaporthe grisea causes one of the most destructive diseases of rice around the world. significant progresses have been made recently in genomics studies of the fungus, opening new era of the functional genomics which requires to generate a large scale of gene knockout mutants. it has been demonstrated that t-dna insertional mutagenesis is a powerful tool of functional genomics not only for plants but also for fungi. in this paper, we optimized the conditions for t-dna in ... | 2003 | 15969057 |
swohp, a nucleoside diphosphate kinase, is essential in aspergillus nidulans. | the temperature-sensitive swoh1 mutant of aspergillus nidulans was previously identified in a screen for mutants with defects in polar growth. in the present work, we found that the swoh1 mutant swelled, lysed, and did not produce conidia during extended incubation at the restrictive temperature. when shifted from the permissive to the restrictive temperature, swoh1 showed the temperature-sensitive swelling phenotype only after 8 h at the higher temperature. the swoh gene was mapped to chromosom ... | 2003 | 14665452 |
the expression of sterigmatocystin and penicillin genes in aspergillus nidulans is controlled by vea, a gene required for sexual development. | secondary metabolism is commonly associated with morphological development in microorganisms, including fungi. we found that vea, a gene previously shown to control the aspergillus nidulans sexual/asexual developmental ratio in response to light, also controls secondary metabolism. specifically, vea regulates the expression of genes implicated in the synthesis of the mycotoxin sterigmatocystin and the antibiotic penicillin. vea is necessary for the expression of the transcription factor aflr, wh ... | 2003 | 14665453 |
the phoa and phob cyclin-dependent kinases perform an essential function in aspergillus nidulans. | unlike pho85 of saccharomyces cerevisiae, the highly related phoa cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk) of aspergillus nidulans plays no role in regulation of enzymes involved in phosphorous acquisition but instead modulates differentiation in response to environmental conditions, including limited phosphorous. like pho85, aspergillus phoa is a nonessential gene. however, we find that expression of dominant-negative phoa inhibits growth, suggesting it may have an essential but redundant function. suppor ... | 2003 | 14668368 |
transinhibition and voltage-gating in a fungal nitrate transporter. | we have applied enzyme kinetic analysis to electrophysiological steady-state data of zhou et al. (zhou, j.j., trueman, l.j., boorer, k.j., theodoulou, f.l., forde, b.g., miller, a.j. 2000. a high-affinity fungal nitrate carrier with two transport mechanisms. j. biol. chem. 275:39894-9) and to new current-voltage-time records from xenopus oocytes with functionally expressed nrta (crna) 2h+-no3- symporter from emericella (aspergillus) nidulans. zhou et al. stressed two michaelis-menten (mm) mechan ... | 2003 | 14692450 |
regulation of cell cycle progression by calcium/calmodulin-dependent pathways. | many hormones, growth factors, and cytokines regulate proliferation of their target cells. perhaps the most universal signaling cascades required for proliferative responses are those initiated by transient rises in intracellular calcium (ca(2+)). the major intracellular receptor for ca(2+) is calmodulin (cam). cam is a small protein that contains four ef-hand ca(2+) binding sites and is highly conserved among eukaryotes. in all organisms in which the cam gene has been deleted, it is essential. ... | 2003 | 14671000 |
nitrogen metabolism and virulence of candida albicans require the gata-type transcriptional activator encoded by gat1. | nitrogen acquisition and metabolism is central to microbial growth. a conserved family of zinc-finger containing transcriptional regulators known as gata-factors ensures efficient utilization of available nitrogen sources by fungi. gata factors activate expression of nitrogen catabolic pathways when preferred nitrogen sources are absent or limiting, a phenomenon known as nitrogen catabolite repression. gat1 of candida albicans encodes a gata-factor homologous to the area protein of aspergillus n ... | 2003 | 14617156 |
sub-families of alpha/beta barrel enzymes: a new adenine deaminase family. | no gene coding for an adenine deaminase has been described in eukaryotes. however, physiological and genetical evidence indicates that adenine deaminases are present in the ascomycetes. we have cloned and characterised the genes coding for the adenine deaminases of aspergillus nidulans, saccharomyces cerevisiae and schizosaccharomyces pombe. the a.nidulans gene was expressed in escherichia coli and the purified enzyme shows adenine but not adenosine deaminase activity. the open reading frames co ... | 2003 | 14643670 |
cloning and expression analysis of the atp-binding cassette transporter gene mfabc1 and the alternative oxidase gene mfaox1 from monilinia fructicola. | brown rot, caused by moniliniafructicola (g wint) honey, is a serious disease of peach in all commercial peach production areas in the usa, including south carolina where it has been primarily controlled by pre-harvest application of 14-alpha demethylation (dmi) fungicides for more than 15 years. recently, the qo fungicide azoxystrobin was registered for brown rot control and is currently being investigated for its potential as a dmi fungicide rotation partner because of its different mode of ac ... | 2003 | 14561072 |
genetic transformation of monascus purpureus dsm1379. | monascus purpureus was transformed into hygromycin b resistance with hygromycin b phosphotransferase (hph) fused to aspergillus nidulans trpc or a putative monascus purpureus gpd1 promoter by electroporation. among five strains, only m. purpureus dsm1397 was a competent recipient. normal growth and sporulation on media containing up to 500 mg hygromycin b l(-1) occurred up to five generations. upon transformation of the strain with the green fluorescent protein gene (sgfp) as a model gene and hp ... | 2003 | 14571974 |
a novel improved method for aspergillus nidulans transformation. | we systematically investigated the efficiency of aspergillus nidulans transformation using protoplasts prepared from different stages of conidiospore germination and young mycelium. using standard integrative plasmids, increased transformation yields were obtained with protoplasts isolated from a specific stage coincident with germ tube emergence. this increase ranged, on the average, from two- to eightfold depending on different plasmids used. transformation efficiencies with a replicative plas ... | 2003 | 14607411 |
4'-phosphopantetheinyl transferase-encoding npga is essential for siderophore biosynthesis in aspergillus nidulans. | aspergillus nidulans produces two major siderophores: it excretes triacetylfusarinine c to capture iron and contains ferricrocin as an intracellular iron-storage compound. siderophore biosynthesis involves the enzymatic activity of nonribosomal peptide synthetases (nrps). nrps contain 4'-phosphopantetheine as an essential prosthetic group, which is attached by 4'-phosphopantetheinyl transferases. a. nidulans appears to possess at least one gene, npga, encoding such an enzyme. using a strain carr ... | 2003 | 14508603 |
discrimination between gene expression patterns in the invasive margin and the tumour core of malignant melanomas. | genes that determine the invasive capacity of the invasive front of malignant melanomas (mm) have not yet been systematically investigated in vivo. therefore, we combined laser pressure catapulting (lpc) microdissection with cdna microarray technology (dermarray, research genetics, representing about 5700 genes) to systematically analyse differences in gene expression profiles between the invasive margin and the tumour centre in nine cases of vertical growth phase mm. signal-to-noise statistical ... | 2003 | 14512792 |
diversity of polyketide synthase gene sequences in aspergillus species. | fungal polyketide synthases are responsible for the biosynthesis of several mycotoxins and other secondary metabolites. the aim of our work was to investigate the diversity of polyketide synthases in aspergillus species using two approaches: pcr amplification using oligonucleotide primers, and bioinformatics. ketosynthase domain probes amplified dna fragments of about 700 bp in each examined isolate. sequences of these domains were aligned and analyzed by phylogenetic methods. the ketosynthase d ... | 2003 | 14527661 |
mutational analysis of the major proline transporter (prnb) of aspergillus nidulans. | prnb, the l-proline transporter of aspergillus nidulans, belongs to the amino acid polyamine organocation (apc) transporter family conserved in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. in silico analysis and limited biochemical evidence suggest that apc transporters comprise 12 transmembrane segments (tms) connected with relatively short hydrophilic loops (l). however, very little is known on the structure-function relationships in apc transporters. this work makes use of the a. nidulans prnb transporter to ... | 2003 | 14578044 |
the aspergillus nidulans alca promoter drives tightly regulated conditional gene expression in aspergillus fumigatus permitting validation of essential genes in this human pathogen. | aspergillus fumigatus causes invasive aspergillosis, a mycosis that is usually fatal in immunocompromised patients. functional genomics in this fungus will aid the discovery of novel antifungal drugs to treat invasive aspergillosis. however, there is still a need for appropriate molecular genetic tools to facilitate such functional studies. here, we describe the use of a conditional gene expression system allowing the identification of novel therapeutic targets through validation of essential ge ... | 2003 | 14516763 |
identification of proteins that interact with the central coiled-coil region of the human protein kinase nek1. | nek protein kinases are evolutionarily conserved kinases structurally related to the aspergillus nidulans mitotic regulator nima. at least nine members of the nek family in vertebrates have been described to date, but for most of them the interacting protein partners are unknown. the pleiotropic deleterious effects and the formation of kidney cysts caused by nek1 mutation in mice emphasize its involvement in the regulation of diverse cellular processes and in the etiology of polycystic kidney di ... | 2003 | 14690447 |
characterization of phia, a gene essential for phialide development in aspergillus nidulans. | we have previously identified genes and proteins involved in the fungal response to the streptomyces-produced antibiotics, bafilomycin b1 and concanamycin a, known inhibitors of v-atpases. using mrna differential display we identified an aspergillus nidulans gene with 30-fold up-regulated expression in the presence of bafilomycin. this gene, here denoted phia, and its gene product, were further characterized by targeted gene disruption and immunohistochemistry. phenotypically, the phia mutation ... | 2003 | 14599891 |
addendum to "the ph-induced glycosylation of secreted phosphatases is mediated in aspergillus nidulans by the regulatory gene pacc-dependent pathway" [fungal genet. biol. 39 (2003) 286-295]. | 2003 | 14599896 | |
intron requirement for afp gene expression in trichoderma viride. | the 430 bp orf of the aspergillus giganteus antifungal protein (afp) gene, containing two small introns, was fused between the promoter and the terminator of the aspergillus nidulans trpc gene. the afp gene in this vector produced detectable levels of spliced mrna in trichoderma viride. in contrast, in the same vector configuration, its 285 bp intronless derivative showed no accumulation of mrna when transformed into t. viride. such expression results were confirmed at the protein level. this fa ... | 2003 | 14600221 |
arsenate transport and reduction in the hyper-tolerant fungus aspergillus sp. p37. | aspergillus sp. p37 is able to grow at arsenate concentrations of 0.2 m--more than 20-fold higher than that withstood by reference microorganisms such escherichia coli, saccharomyces cerevisiae and aspergillus nidulans. this paper examines the transport of arsenate and phosphate and the reduction of arsenate in aspergillus sp. p37. these properties were compared with the corresponding properties of the archetype strain aspergillus nidulans ts1. both uptake and efflux of arsenate were inhibited b ... | 2003 | 14641588 |
multiple gata sites: protein binding and physiological relevance for the regulation of the proline transporter gene of aspergillus nidulans. | in aspergillus nidulans, proline can serve both as a carbon and a nitrogen source. the transcription of the prnb gene, encoding the proline transporter, is efficiently repressed only by the simultaneous presence of ammonium and glucose. thus, repression of this gene demands the activation of the crea repressor and the inactivation of the positive-acting gata factor area. repression of all other prn structural genes results largely from inducer exclusion. in an area null mutation background, prnb ... | 2003 | 14507380 |
the kinesin family member bimc contains a second microtubule binding region attached to the n terminus of the motor domain. | the kinesin family member bimc has a highly positively charged domain of approximately 70 amino acids at the n terminus of the motor domain. motor domain constructs of bimc were prepared with and without this extra domain to determine its influence. the level of microtubules needed for half saturation of the atpase of bimc motor domain constructs is reduced by approximately 7000-fold at low ionic strength upon addition of this extra n-terminal extension. although the change in microtubule affini ... | 2003 | 14530265 |
a novel extracellular multicopper oxidase from phanerochaete chrysosporium with ferroxidase activity. | lignin degradation by the white rot basidiomycete phanerochaete chrysosporium involves various extracellular oxidative enzymes, including lignin peroxidase, manganese peroxidase, and a peroxide-generating enzyme, glyoxal oxidase. recent studies have suggested that laccases also may be produced by this fungus, but these conclusions have been controversial. we identified four sequences related to laccases and ferroxidases (fet3) in a search of the publicly available p. chrysosporium database. one ... | 2003 | 14532088 |
transcriptional regulation of methionine synthase by homocysteine and choline in aspergillus nidulans. | roles played by homocysteine and choline in the regulation of ms (methionine synthase) have been examined in fungi. the aspergillus nidulans meth gene encoding ms was cloned and characterized. its transcription was not regulated by methionine, but was enhanced by homocysteine and repressed by choline and betaine. ms activity levels were regulated in a similar way. the repression by betaine was due to its metabolic conversion to choline, which was found to be very efficient in a. nidulans. betain ... | 2003 | 12954077 |
production and secretion of aspergillus nidulans catalase b in filamentous fungi driven by the promoter and signal peptide of the cladosporium fulvum hydrophobin gene hcf-1. | we describe here the use of sequences from the hydrophobin gene hcf-1 of cladosporium fulvum to construct pcatbex, a vector for high-level expression and secretion of catb, a catalase from aspergillus nidulans. transformation of c. fulvum with pcatbex results in a 60-fold increase in the mycelial activity in the fungus and the appearance of up to 5.4 mkat/l of catalase in the growth medium. the levels of catalase in the supernatant increased dramatically following removal of nitrogen from the me ... | 2003 | 12955453 |
tina interacts with the nima kinase in aspergillus nidulans and negatively regulates astral microtubules during metaphase arrest. | the tina gene of aspergillus nidulans encodes a protein that interacts with the nima mitotic protein kinase in a cell cycle-specific manner. highly similar proteins are encoded in neurospora crassa and aspergillus fumigatus. tina and nima preferentially interact in interphase and larger forms of tina are generated during mitosis. localization studies indicate that tina is specifically localized to the spindle pole bodies only during mitosis in a microtubule-dependent manner. deletion of tina alo ... | 2003 | 12925754 |
mannitol is required for stress tolerance in aspergillus niger conidiospores. | d-mannitol is the predominant carbon compound in conidiospores of the filamentous fungus aspergillus niger and makes up 10 to 15% of the dry weight. a number of physiological functions have been ascribed to mannitol, including serving as a reserve carbon source, as an antioxidant, and to store reducing power. in this study, we cloned and characterized the a. niger mpda gene, which encodes mannitol 1-phosphate dehydrogenase (mpd), the first enzyme in the mannitol biosynthesis pathway. the mpda pr ... | 2003 | 12912888 |
viability of dried vegetative cells or filaments, survivability and/or reproduction under water and light stress, and following heat and uv exposure in some blue-green and green algae. | vegetative cells in dried, mucilagenous mass of gloeocapsa aeruginosa and aphanothece nidulans, reticulum of hydrodictyon reticulatum, mucilagenous mass of chroococcus minor, and filaments of oedogonium sp. and scytonema hofmanni died within 1/2, 1/2, 1/2, 1, 3 and 6 h, respectively, while dried vegetative filaments of phormidium foveolarum retained under similar storage conditions viability for 4 d. p. foveolarum tolerated 1 mol/l nacl. the resistance to desiccation in p. foveolarum exhibited s ... | 2003 | 14533482 |
branching is coordinated with mitosis in growing hyphae of aspergillus nidulans. | filamentous fungi like aspergillus nidulans can effectively colonize their surroundings by the formation of new branches along the existing hyphae. while growth conditions, chemical perturbations, and mutations affecting branch formation have received great attention during the last decades, the mechanisms that regulates branching is still poorly understood. in this study, a possible relation between cell cycle progression and branching was studied by testing the effect of a nuclei distribution ... | 2003 | 12948510 |
the serine/threonine kinase nek6 is required for cell cycle progression through mitosis. | the aspergillus nidulans protein nima (never in mitosis, gene a) is a protein kinase required for the initiation of mitosis, whereas its inactivation is necessary for mitotic exit. here, we demonstrate that human nima-related kinase 6 (nek6) is required for mitotic progression of human cells. nek6 is phosphorylated and activated during m phase. inhibition of nek6 function by either overexpression of an inactive nek6 mutant or elimination of endogenous nek6 by sirna arrests cells in m phase and t ... | 2003 | 14563848 |
the aspergillus nidulans swoc1 mutant shows defects in growth and development. | previous work identified swoc1 as a single-gene mutant with defects in polarity establishment. in this study swoc1 was shown to have defects in endocytosis, compartmentation, nuclear distribution, and conidiation. temperature-shift experiments showed that the swoc1 mutant establishes multiple random sites of germ tube emergence. surprisingly, these experiments also showed that even a slight delay in polarity establishment causes defects in later vegetative growth and asexual reproduction. the sw ... | 2003 | 14573468 |
cdna cloning, expression and characterization of an allergenic l3 ribosomal protein of aspergillus fumigatus. | aspergillus fumigatus (afu) is an important fungal pathogen causing allergic and invasive respiratory disorders. a plethora of multi-functional allergens/antigens secreted by afu have been implicated in pathogenesis. the present study was undertaken to identify and characterize novel afu allergen/antigen by cdna library approach. cdna library of afu was immunoscreened with pooled sera of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa) patients. the cdna clone, ts1, reacting significantly with spe ... | 2003 | 12974759 |
glycosphingolipids of the model fungus aspergillus nidulans: characterization of gipcs with oligo-alpha-mannose-type glycans. | aspergillus nidulans is a well-established nonpathogenic laboratory model for the opportunistic mycopathogen, a. fumigatus. some recent studies have focused on possible functional roles of glycosphingolipids (gsls) in these fungi. it has been demonstrated that biosynthesis of glycosylinositol phosphorylceramides (gipcs) is required for normal cell cycle progression and polarized growth in a. nidulans (cheng, j., t.-s. park, a. s. fischl, and x. s. ye. 2001. mol. cell biol. 21: 6198-6209); howeve ... | 2003 | 12923229 |
genomics reveals sexual secrets of aspergillus. | 2003 | 12949156 | |
global nutritional profiling for mutant and chemical mode-of-action analysis in filamentous fungi. | we describe a method for gene function discovery and chemical mode-of-action analysis via nutrient utilization using a high throughput nutritional profiling platform suitable for filamentous microorganisms. we have optimized the growth conditions for each fungal species to produce reproducible optical density growth measurements in microtiter plates. we validated the nutritional profiling platform using a nitrogen source utilization assay to analyze 21 aspergillus nidulans strains with mutations ... | 2003 | 12898394 |
glucose uptake in germinating aspergillus nidulans conidia: involvement of the crea and sora genes. | d-glucose uptake in germinating wild-type aspergillus nidulans conidia is an energy-requiring process mediated by at least two transport systems of differing affinities for glucose: a low-affinity system (k(m) approximately 1.4 mm) and a high-affinity system (k(m) approximately 16 micro m). the low-affinity system is inducible by glucose; the high-affinity system is subject to glucose repression effected by the carbon catabolite repressor crea and is absent in sora3 mutant conidia, which exhibit ... | 2003 | 12904552 |
re: watts et al. proteins 2002;48:161-168. | 2003 | 12833536 | |
histone deacetylases in fungi: novel members, new facts. | acetylation is the most prominent modification on core histones that strongly affects nuclear processes such as dna replication, dna repair and transcription. enzymes responsible for the dynamic equilibrium of histone acetylation are histone acetyltransferases (hats) and histone deacetylases (hdacs). in this paper we describe the identification of novel hdacs from the filamentous fungi aspergillus nidulans and the maize pathogen cochliobolus carbonum. two of the enzymes are homologs of saccharom ... | 2003 | 12853613 |