
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
a review on trichinella infection in south america.trichinella spp. causes human trichinellosis by means of the consumption of raw or inadequately treated meat from domestic or game animals. in the americas, as well as in other continents, trichinella infection is a health issue for humans and has a negative impact on the pork meat market, generated by people's fear of becoming infected with the parasite. the distribution of human cases and the sources of this disease in humans and animals were analysed in this report, which summarizes the infor ...202032949838
vulnerability of a top marine predator to coastal storms: a relationship between hydrodynamic drivers and stranding rates of newborn pinnipeds.coastal storms have increased in recent decades, affecting many species, including the south american sea lion (otaria byronia). reports of stranded sea lion pups are becoming common in chile, presumably due to the increase in the frequency and intensity of coastal storms. to validate this assumption, a 10-year database was built by coupling wave generation and coastal propagation models to correlate pure wave parameters (significant wave height hs, peak period tp, normalized wave power hs2 tp) ...202032732896
foraging behaviour of the south american sea lion (otaria byronia) in two disparate ecosystems assessed through blubber fatty acid analysis.fatty acids have been widely used as trophic biomarkers in marine mammals. however, for the south american sea lion, the most abundant otariid in the eastern south pacific, there is no information about blubber fatty acids and their link to diet. here, we compare fatty acid profiles of sea lions from two distinct oceanographic regions in northern and southern chile. their fatty acids vary greatly between regions, suggesting dietary differences at a spatial scale. the fatty acid c22:6ω3 was more ...202032235837
ascocotyle longa (digenea: heterophyidae) infecting dolphins from the atlantic ocean.we report for the first time the infection of dolphins with ascocotyle longa found in the intestines of three different species, sotalia guianensis, steno bredanensis, and tursiops truncatus gephyreus, which were found washed ashore along the southeastern and southern brazilian coast. the worms were identified based on morphological and molecular data using the 28s rdna gene and the coi gene. specimens of a. longa from the pinniped otaria flavescens were also analyzed. as the first isolation of ...202033169307
solving a long-standing nomenclatorial controversy: designation of a neotype for the southern sea lion otaria flavescens (shaw, 1800).during almost two centuries, two available specific epithets have competed for the southern sea lions of the genus otaria péron, 1816 (fig. 1), which is classically regarded as monotypic (but see below). the species distributes more or less continuously along the atlantic coast from southern brazil south to cape horn and along the pacific from northern peru to the west south american pacific coast . while some researchers have argued that the correct name for this species is phoca flavescens sha ...201930790968
spontaneous yawning and its potential functions in south american sea lions (otaria flavescens).spontaneous yawning is a widespread behaviour in vertebrates. however, data on marine mammals are scarce. in this study, we tested some hypotheses on the functions of yawning in a captive group of south american sea lions (otaria flavescens). according to the dimorphism hypothesis, species showing low levels of sexual dimorphism in canine size do not show sex differences in yawning distribution; this was supported by our findings, since yawning did not differ between the sexes. yawning was more ...201931754256
memory for own behaviour in pinnipeds.pinnipeds are aquatic predators feeding on a vast range of prey, and their social behaviour differs greatly between species (from extreme polygyny in some sea lions to monogamy in some true seals). it has been hypothesised that the foraging and social complexity of their lifestyle should drive the evolution of their cognitive abilities. to investigate how aware pinnipeds are of their own behaviour, a grey seal (halichoerus grypus), two harbour seals (phoca vitulina) and four south american sea l ...201931240504
measurement of intraocular pressure using rebound tonometry in anesthetized free-ranging south american sea lions (otaria byronia).intraocular pressures (iops) were measured using a rebound tonometer in 56 free-ranging adult south american sea lions (otaria byronia) from punta san juan, peru. all animals were anesthetized using medetomidine, midazolam, and butorphanol and determined to be in good health. no ocular abnormalities were observed affecting the cornea or ocular adnexa. field conditions precluded evaluation of the lens and posterior segment of the eye. mean (sd) iop values for males (n=37) were 31±11 mmhg (right e ...201931021688
antarctophthirus microchir infestation in synanthropic south american sea lion (otaria flavescens) males diagnosed by a novel non-invasive method.antarctophthirus microchir is a sucking louse species belonging to the family echinophthiriidae and has been reported to parasitize all species of the subfamily otariinae, the sea lions. former studies on this ectoparasite mainly required fixation, immobilization, or death of host species and especially examinations of adult male sea lions are still very rare. between march and may 2018, adult individuals of a unique "urban" bachelor group of south american sea lions (otaria flavescens) living d ...201930868295
heterophyid trematodes (digenea) from penguins: a new species of ascocotyle looss, 1899, first description of metacercaria of ascocotyle (a.) patagoniensis hernández-orts et al. (2012), and first molecular data.two species of heterophyid trematodes were found in the magellanic penguin, spheniscus magellanicus (forster), from patagonia, argentina. ascocotyle (ascocotyle) patagoniensis hernández-orts et al. (2012) is re-described based on new, properly fixed specimens (original material from south american sea lion, otaria flavescens shaw, was from frozen hosts). metacercariae of this species are reported and described for the first time from the heart of the silversides, odontesthes argentinensis (valen ...201930723670
transmission of corynosoma australe (acanthocephala: polymorphidae) from fishes to south american sea lions otaria flavescens in patagonia, argentina.acanthocephalans display a two-host life cycle that involves arthropods as intermediate hosts and vertebrates as definitive hosts. some species also use paratenic hosts to bridge the trophic gap between both obligatory hosts. however, the relative role of these paratenic hosts in the transmission to definitive hosts has seldom been assessed quantitatively. we report on infection patterns of cystacanths of corynosoma australe johnston, 1937 in 20 common teleost species and the argentine shortfin ...201930607605
back to the future? late holocene marine food web structure in a warm climatic phase as a predictor of trophodynamics in a warmer south-western atlantic ocean.stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios in the skeletal elements of both ancient and modern marine species from the beagle channel were used to compare the structure of late holocene and modern food webs, and predict potential changes as a result of a sea surface temperature (sst) increase in the region. complementary, ancient and modern shells of limpets and mussels were isotopically analysed to explore changes in the isotopic baseline and compare marine food webs through time after an approp ...201930430698
fusariosis in a captive south american sea lion (otaria flavescens): a case report.superficial mycoses are commonly reported in captive pinnipeds, usually maintained in wet and warm environments, favorable to fungal growth. most superficial mycoses in pinnipeds have been described as difficult to treat; however, the majority of the reports come from past decades. cutaneous lesions associated with opportunistic fusarium sp. infections have been previously recognized in this taxon. we described the clinical signs, associated lesions and diagnosis (thermography, imprint cytology, ...201929761326
genome sequencing of mycobacterium pinnipedii strains: genetic characterization and evidence of superinfection in a south american sea lion (otaria flavescens).mycobacterium pinnipedii, a member of the mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (mtbc), is capable of infecting several host species, including humans. recently, ancient dna from this organism was recovered from pre-columbian mummies of peru, sparking debate over the origin and frequency of tuberculosis in the americas prior to european colonization.201931888476
tuberculosis caused by mycobacterium pinnipedii in a wild south american sea lion otaria flavescens stranded in southern brazil.tuberculosis (tb) in pinnipeds is typically caused by mycobacterium pinnipedii, which has also been associated with infections in other species, such as cattle and humans. as a result, this pathogen has zoonotic potential and is a public health concern. in 2016, a female south american sea lion otaria flavescens in southern brazil presented with emaciation and severe dyspnea and died within 3 h of capture. gross pathology identified pulmonary granulomas, and ziehl-neelsen stain identified acid-f ...201931187733
epidemiology of selected mycobacterium tuberculosis complex members in the czech republic in 2000-2016.the paper concerns the epidemiology of mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (mtbc) members except for m. tuberculosis in the czech republic in 2000 to 2016. m. bovis was confirmed in 18 patients. m. caprae was diagnosed in two patients in 2001 and 2016 and m. microti in one patient in 2007. m. africanum was detected in one hiv infected woman from nigeria in 2011. as regards animals, m. pinnipedii was isolated in 2009 from one southern sea lion (otaria flavescens) imported from germany. in 2002, m. ...201930630322
morphometrical and molecular evidence suggests cryptic diversity among hookworms (nematoda: uncinaria) that parasitize pinnipeds from the south-eastern pacific coasts.hookworms of the genus uncinaria parasitize pinniped pups in various locations worldwide. four species have been described, two of which parasitize pinniped pups in the southern hemisphere: uncinaria hamiltoni parasitizes otaria flavescens and arctocephalus australis from the south american coast, and uncinaria sanguinis parasitizes neophoca cinerea from the australian coast. however, their geographical ranges and host specificity are unknown. uncinaria spp. are morphologically similar, but mole ...201830428941
the tympanic region of otaria byronia (otariidae, carnivora) - morphology, ontogeny, age classes and we describe and explore for the first time the ontogeny and sexual dimorphism of the auditory region of otaria byronia. we studied the tympanic region of skulls of 237 specimens of different ages and sexes. geometric morphometric methods were used to analyze the tympanic bulla. in addition, 3d reconstructions of the tympanic bulla were performed using computed tomography analysis scans and a serial wearing technique. we provide a description of the external and internal morphology of the ty ...201829082536
helminth and respiratory mite lesions in pinnipeds from punta san juan, peru.the tissues and parasites collected from peruvian fur seals (arctocephalus australis) and south american sea lions (otaria byronia) found dead at punta san juan, peru were examined. the respiratory mite, orthohalarachne attenuata infected 3 out of 32 examined fur seals and 3 out of 8 examined sea lions, however caused moderate to severe lymphohistiocytic pharyngitis only in fur seals. hookworms, uncinaria sp, infected 6 of the 32 examined fur seals causing variable degrees of hemorrhagic and eos ...201830367764
mouth gape determines the response of marine top predators to long-term fishery-induced changes in food web, we analyse changes throughout time in the isotopic niche of the franciscana dolphin (pontoporia blainvillei), the south american fur seal (arctocephalus australis) and the south american sea lion (otaria flavescens) from the río de la plata estuary and adjacent atlantic ocean to test the hypothesis that fishing may modify the diet of small-gape predators by reducing the average size of prey. the overall evidence, from stable isotope and stomach contents analyses, reveals major changes in r ...201830361482
trichinella spiralis in a south american sea lion (otaria flavescens) from patagonia, argentina.trichinella spp. from a sylvatic cycle has been found in several animal species such as pumas (puma concolor), armadillos (chaetophractus villosus), rats (rattus norvegicus), and wild boars (sus scrofa) in argentina. moreover, trichinella infection has been detected in a wide range of marine mammals around the world, including polar bears (ursus maritimus) and walruses (odobenus rosmarus). until the present time, trichinella spp. infection has not been detected in marine mammals of south america ...201830334078
ancient female philopatry, asymmetric male gene flow, and synchronous population expansion support the influence of climatic oscillations on the evolution of south american sea lion (otaria flavescens).the south american sea lion (otaria flavescens) is widely distributed along the southern atlantic and pacific coasts of south america with a history of significant commercial exploitation. we aimed to evaluate the population genetic structure and the evolutionary history of south american sea lion along its distribution by analyses of mitochondrial dna (mtdna) and 10 nuclear microsatellites loci. we analyzed 147 sequences of mtdna control region and genotyped 111 individuals of south american se ...201728654647
isotopic niche partitioning between two apex predators over time.1.stable isotope analyses have become an important tool in reconstructing diets, analyzing resource use patterns, elucidating trophic relations among predators and understanding the structure of food webs., we use stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios in bone collagen to reconstruct and compare the isotopic niches of adult south american fur seals (arctocephalus australis; n = 86) and sea lions (otaria flavescens; n = 49) -two otariid species with marked morphological differences- in ...201728326539
blood cadmium and metallothionein concentrations in females of two sympatric pinnipeds species.otaria flavescens (sasl) and arctocephalus australis (safs) are endemic of south america. the aims were to assess cd concentrations in red blood cells (rbc) and plasma from free living females of both species; and to establish metallothioneins (mt) levels in blood fractions and the possible relationship between mts and cd. blood of fifteen sasl and eight safs females from isla de lobos were analyzed (years 2010-2011). all animals showed cd levels above the detection limit. cd concentrations on s ...201728576598
a comparison of blood nitric oxide metabolites and hemoglobin functional properties among diving mammals.the ability of marine mammals to hunt prey at depth is known to rely on enhanced oxygen stores and on selective distribution of blood flow, but the molecular mechanisms regulating blood flow and oxygen transport remain unresolved. to investigate the molecular mechanisms that may be important in regulating blood flow, we measured concentration of nitrite and s-nitrosothiols (sno), two metabolites of the vasodilator nitric oxide (no), in the blood of 5 species of marine mammals differing in their ...201727993597
analysing the natural population growth of a large marine mammal after a depletive understanding of the underlying processes and comprehensive history of population growth after a harvest-driven depletion is necessary when assessing the long-term effectiveness of management and conservation strategies. the south american sea lion (sasl), otaria flavescens, is the most conspicuous marine mammal along the south american coasts, where it has been heavily exploited. as a consequence of this exploitation, many of its populations were decimated during the early 20th century but c ...201728706228
habitat use and spatial fidelity of male south american sea lions during the nonbreeding period.conditions experienced during the nonbreeding period have profound long-term effects on individual fitness and survival. therefore, knowledge of habitat use during the nonbreeding period can provide insights into processes that regulate populations. at the falkland islands, the habitat use of south american sea lions (otaria flavescens) during the nonbreeding period is of particular interest because the population is yet to recover from a catastrophic decline between the mid-1930s and 1965, and ...201728616194
relaxed open mouth reciprocity favours playful contacts in south american sea lions (otaria flavescens).fine-tuning communication is well documented in mammalian social play which relies on a large variety of specific and non-specific signals. facial expressions are one of the most frequent patterns in play communication. the reciprocity of facial signals expressed by the players provides information on their reciprocal attentional state and on the correct perception/decoding of the signal itself. here, for the first time, we explored the relaxed open mouth (rom), a widespread playful facial expre ...201728433401
with the noose around the neck: marine debris entangling otariid species.plastic debris in marine environments and its impact on wildlife species is becoming a problem of increasing concern. in pinnipeds, entanglements commonly consist of loops around the neck of non-biodegradable materials from fishing gear or commercial packaging, known as "neck collars". these entanglements can cause injuries, death by suffocation and starvation, and therefore they may add to the overall decrease in population. our objective was to describe the entanglement of two species of otari ...201727899209
from mammals back to birds: host-switch of the acanthocephalan corynosoma australe from pinnipeds to the magellanic penguin spheniscus magellanicus.trophically-transmitted parasites are regularly exposed to potential new hosts through food web interactions. successful colonization, or switching, to novel hosts, occur readily when 'donor' and 'target' hosts are phylogenetically related, whereas switching between distantly related hosts is rare and may result from stochastic factors (i.e. rare favourable mutations). this study investigates a host-switching event between a marine acanthocephalan specific to pinnipeds that is apparently able to ...201728981550
improvement in survivorship: the key for population recovery?maría florencia grandi, silvana l. dans, and enrique a. crespo (2016) in northern patagonia, commercial harvesting of south american sea lions, otaria flavescens, from 1920 to 1960, decimated its population abundance. population recovery was not immediate after hunting ceased in 1962. the population was stable until 1989, and since then has grown at an annual rate of increase of 5.7%. along with this growth there was an increase of the juvenile fraction and changes in the social composition of c ...201631966154
coinfection of california sea lion adenovirus 1 and a novel polyomavirus in a hawaiian monk seal (neomonachus schauinslandi).the hawaiian monk seal (neomonachus schauinslandi) is an endangered species. here, we present a clinical case of a 26-yr-old male hawaiian monk seal (hms) kept in an aquarium with a history of intermittent anorexia and evidence of renal disease. histologic examination revealed eosinophilic intranuclear inclusions in the liver. conventional nested pcr protocols were used to test for viruses, and it tested positive for adenovirus and polyomavirus, and negative for herpesvirus. the adenovirus parti ...201627468013
anthropozoonotic endoparasites in free-ranging "urban" south american sea lions (otaria flavescens).the present study represents the first report on the gastrointestinal endoparasite fauna of a free-ranging "urban" colony of south american sea lions (otaria flavescens) living within the city of valdivia, chile. a total of 40 individual faecal samples of south american sea lions were collected during the year 2012 within their natural habitat along the river calle-calle and in the local fish market of valdivia. coprological analyses applying sodium acetate acetic formalin methanol (saf) techniq ...201627051860
identification of respiratory and gastrointestinal parasites of three species of pinnipeds (arctocephalus australis, arctocephalus gazella, and otaria flavescens) in southern order to improve understanding of parasitism in south american pinnipeds, respiratory and gastrointestinal samples were collected from 12 arctocephalus australis (south american fur seal), one arctocephalus gazella (antarctic fur seal), and one otaria flavescens (south american sea lion). ova and larvae were microscopically identified from fecal samples and respiratory secretions collected from live a. australis undergoing rehabilitation at centro de recuperação de animais marinhos (cram-furg ...201627010274
regional variability in diving physiology and behavior in a widely distributed air-breathing marine predator, the south american sea lion (otaria byronia).our understanding of how air-breathing marine predators cope with environmental variability is limited by our inadequate knowledge of their ecological and physiological parameters. because of their wide distribution along both coasts of the sub-continent, south american sea lions (otaria byronia) provide a valuable opportunity to study the behavioral and physiological plasticity of a marine predator in different environments. we measured the oxygen stores and diving behavior of south american se ...201627247316
corrigendum: respiratory function in voluntary participating patagonia sea lions (otaria flavescens) in sternal recumbency.[this corrects the article on p. 528 in vol. 7, pmid: 27899896.].201628070180
gastric carcinoma in a south american sea lion (otaria flavescens).a 22-year-old captive male south american sea lion (otaria flavescens) developed an undifferentiated carcinoma originating in the cardiac region of the stomach. clinical symptoms included vomiting, anorexia and weight loss. ultrasonography and endoscopy showed gastric wall thickness. at necropsy, the gastric wall had significant thickening around the cardiac region, and metastases were found in some organs. histologically, samples from the stomach wall and metastases showed the same tumor tissue ...201627052463
the electrocardiogram of anaesthetized southern sea lion (otaria flavescens) females.the goal of this study was to characterize for the first time the electrocardiogram (ecg) of the southern sea lion (ssl) otaria flavescens.201626644201
long-lasting concentrations of cefovecin after subcutaneous and intramuscular administration to patagonian sea lions (otaria flavescens).cefovecin is a third-generation cephalosporin developed as an aqueous solution for use by the subcutaneous route in dogs and cats. this study evaluated the duration of cefovecin plasma concentrations after single intramuscular (im) or subcutaneous (sc) injection at different doses in 10 patagonian sea lions (otaria flavescens). blood samples were collected serially from the day of the injection up to 60-90 days post-injection. plasma drug concentrations were determined by high performance liquid ...201626639826
anembryonic gestation in wild south american sea lion, otaria flavescens.we present the first record and description of an anembryonic gestation in a wild south america sea lion, otaria flavescens (carnivora, pinniped). this is the first report of an anembryonic gestation in a wild marine mammal species. this description furthers the knowledge of general aspects of the reproduction of an otariid species, which presents the particularities of delayed implantation and polygynic breeding system, and adds information on a reproductive abnormality in marine mammals.201626497953
reference intervals of mineral elements in plasma of anesthetized free-ranging adult females of south american sea lion, otaria flavescens.levels of zinc (zn), copper (cu), potassium (k), calcium (ca), magnesium (mg), and phosphorus (p) in plasma of otaria flavescens females (n = 29) were evaluated. reference intervals were established for each element, being the first report for this species.201627156112
long-term seasonal and interannual patterns of marine mammal strandings in subtropical western south atlantic.understanding temporal patterns of marine mammal occurrence is useful for establishing conservation strategies. we used a 38 yr-long dataset spanning 1976 to 2013 to describe temporal patterns and trends in marine mammal strandings along a subtropical stretch of the east coast of south america. this region is influenced by a transitional zone between tropical and temperate waters and is considered an important fishing ground off brazil. generalized additive models were used to evaluate the tempo ...201626814667
respiratory function in voluntary participating patagonia sea lions (otaria flavescens) in sternal recumbency.we measured esophageal pressures (n = 4), respiratory flow rates (n = 5), and expired o2 and co2 (n = 4) in five adult patagonia sea lions (otaria flavescens, body mass range 94.3-286.0 kg) during voluntary breaths while laying down out of water. the data were used to estimate the dynamic specific lung compliance (scl), the o2 consumption rate ([formula: see text]o2) and co2 production rates ([formula: see text]co2) during rest. our results indicate that the resting tidal volume in patagonia sea ...201627899896
pup vibrissae stable isotopes reveal geographic differences in adult female southern sea lion habitat use during gestation.individuals within populations often differ substantially in habitat use, the ecological consequences of which can be far reaching. stable isotope analysis provides a convenient and often cost effective means of indirectly assessing the habitat use of individuals that can yield valuable insights into the spatiotemporal distribution of foraging specialisations within a population. here we use the stable isotope ratios of southern sea lion (otaria flavescens) pup vibrissae at the falkland islands, ...201627304855
sex beyond species: the first genetically analyzed case of intergeneric fertile hybridization in pinnipeds.a species, according to the biological concept, is a natural group of potentially interbreeding individuals isolated by diverse mechanisms. hybridization is considered the production of offspring resulting from the interbreeding of two genetically distinct taxa. it has been documented in over 10% of wild animals, and at least in 34 cases for artic marine mammals. in otariids, intergeneric hybridization has been reported though neither confirming it through genetic analyses nor presenting evidenc ...201626994861
population structure and historical demography of south american sea lions provide insights into the catastrophic decline of a marine mammal population.understanding the causes of population decline is crucial for conservation management. we therefore used genetic analysis both to provide baseline data on population structure and to evaluate hypotheses for the catastrophic decline of the south american sea lion (otaria flavescens) at the falkland islands (malvinas) in the south atlantic. we genotyped 259 animals from 23 colonies across the falklands at 281 bp of the mitochondrial hypervariable region and 22 microsatellites. a weak signature of ...201627493782
a case of trychophyton rubrum dermatophytosis in a patagonian sea lion (otaria byronia).a 23-yr old female patagonian sea lion (otaria byronia) presented multifocal to coalescing and ulcerative skin lesions on the lumbar region. skin scrapings were collected and a microscopic examination was conducted followed by a fungal culture that revealed a trychophyton rubrum infection, an anthropophilic dermatophytosis agent. oral terbinafine and topical eniconazole were used as a treatment for a period of 75 days and complete recovery was achieved. epidemiological analysis revealed a dermat ...201526352974
diving deeper into individual foraging specializations of a large marine predator, the southern sea lion.despite global declines in the abundance of marine predators, knowledge of foraging ecology, necessary to predict the ecological consequences of large changes in marine predator abundance, remains enigmatic for many species. given that populations suffering severe declines are of conservation concern, we examined the foraging ecology of southern sea lions (ssl) (otaria flavescens)-one of the least studied otariids (fur seal and sea lions)-which have declined by over 90% at the falkland islands s ...201526323982
diet-to-female and female-to-pup isotopic discrimination in south american sea lions.the use of accurate, species-specific diet-tissue discrimination factors is a critical requirement when applying stable isotope mixing models to predict consumer diet composition. thus, diet-to-female and female-to-pup isotopic discrimination factors in several tissues for both captive and wild south american sea lions were estimated to provide appropriate values for quantifying feeding preferences at different timescales in the wild populations of this species.201526212166
postmortem findings in four south american sea lions (otaria byronia) from an urban colony in valdivia, chile.we performed postmortem examination on four south american sea lions (otaria byronia) from an urban colony in valdivia, chile. chronic leptospirosis and suspected morbillivirus-like infection were diagnosed in one individual. antibodies against toxoplasma gondii and the zoonotic helminthes contracaecum sp., pseudoterranova sp., and diphyllobothrium sp. were also detected.201525380367
using satellite tracking and isotopic information to characterize the impact of south american sea lions on salmonid aquaculture in southern chile.apex marine predators alter their foraging behavior in response to spatial and/or seasonal changes in natural prey distribution and abundance. however, few studies have identified the impacts of aquaculture that represents a spatially and temporally predictable and abundant resource on their foraging behavior. using satellite telemetry and stable isotope analysis we examined the degree of spatial overlap between the south american sea lion (sasl) and salmon farms, and quantify the amount of nati ...201526309046
thermal reference points as an index for monitoring body temperature in marine mammals.monitoring body temperature is essential in veterinary care as minor variations may indicate dysfunction. rectal temperature is widely used as a proxy for body temperature, but measuring it requires special equipment, training or restraining, and it potentially stresses animals. infrared thermography is an alternative that reduces handling stress, is safer for technicians and works well for untrained animals. this study analysed thermal reference points in five marine mammal species: bottlenose ...201526338544
morphology of the lingual surface of south american fur seal (arctocephalus australis) and sea lion (otaria flavescens).in this study, we aimed to describe the morphological characteristics of the lingual papillae in two species of otariidae family by stereomicroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. we used tongues of two south american otariidae species. the tongues were elongated and terminated in bifid apex and there was no median sulcus on the dorsal lingual surface. the most numerous type of lingual papilla was filiform in the south american fur seal (sasl) and entire dorsal lingual surface was covered by ...201525431362
longer and less overlapping food webs in anthropogenically disturbed marine ecosystems: confirmations from the past.the human exploitation of marine resources is characterised by the preferential removal of the largest species. although this is expected to modify the structure of food webs, we have a relatively poor understanding of the potential consequences of such alteration. here, we take advantage of a collection of ancient consumer tissues, using stable isotope analysis and siber to assess changes in the structure of coastal marine food webs in the south-western atlantic through the second half of the h ...201425076042
molecular identification, morphological characterization and new insights into the ecology of larval pseudoterranova cattani in fishes from the argentine coast with its differentiation from the antarctic species, p. decipiens sp. e (nematoda: anisakidae).larvae of the genus pseudoterranova constitute a risk for human health when ingested through raw or undercooked fish. they can provoke pseudoterranovosis in humans, a fish-borne zoonotic disease whose pathogenicity varies with the species involved, making their correct specific identification a necessary step in the knowledge of this zoonosis. larvae of pseudoterranova decipiens s.l. have been reported in several fish species from off the argentine coasts; however, there are no studies dealing w ...201424161261
mycobacterium pinnipedii in a stranded south american sea lion (otaria byronia) in brazil.we report tuberculosis in a stranded south american sea lion (otaria byronia) in brazil caused by mycobacterium pinnipedii, a member of mycobacterium tuberculosis complex.201424484491
adhesive and invasive capacities of edwardsiella tarda isolated from south american sea lion.edwarsiella tarda is a zoonotic bacterium that can be isolated from humans, animals and the environment. although e. tarda is primarily considered a fish pathogen, it is the only species of its genus considered to be pathogenic for humans as well. a survey of zoonotic intestinal bacteria in fresh feces from south american sea lions (sasl) otaria flavescens, reported e. tarda as the most frequently isolated species. in this study, we used hep-2 cells to establish in vitro the adherence and invasi ...201425477948
uncovering deep mysteries: the underwater life of an amphibious louse.despite the incredible success of insects in colonizing almost every habitat, they remain virtually absent in one major environment--the open sea. a variety of hypotheses have been raised to explain why just a few insect species are present in the ocean, but none of them appears to be fully explanatory. lice belonging to the family echinophthiriidae are ectoparasites on different species of pinnipeds and river otters, i.e. they have amphibious hosts, who regularly perform long excursions into th ...201425449903
occupancy dynamics of south american sea-lions in brazilian haul-outs.along the brazilian coast only two haul-outs of south american sea lions (otaria flavescens) are known: ilha dos lobos and molhe leste, both located in the southernmost state of brazil, rio grande do sul. most sea lions observed in these haul-outs are adult and sub-adult males. it is supposed that the species' presence in these areas is due to food supply and absence of parental assistance by males. this study analysed the use of these haul-outs by o. flavescens between 1993 and 2002 based on co ...201324789403
testing bergmann's rule and the rosenzweig hypothesis with craniometric studies of the south american sea lion.we tested the validity of bergmann's rule and rosenzweig's hypothesis through an analysis of the geographical variation of the skull size of otaria flavescens along the entire distribution range of the species (except brazil). we quantified the sizes of 606 adult south american sea lion skulls measured in seven localities of peru, chile, uruguay, argentina, and the falkland/malvinas islands. geographical and environmental variables included latitude, longitude, and monthly minimum, maximum, and ...201323053224
intestinal helminth fauna of the south american sea lion otaria flavescens and fur seal arctocephalus australis from northern patagonia, argentina.we report on the intestinal helminth fauna of 56 south american sea lions, otaria flavescens, and 5 south american fur seals, arctocephalus australis, from northern patagonia, argentina. a total of 97,325 helminth specimens were collected from sea lions. gravid individuals were represented by 6 species of parasites: 1 digenean (ascocotyle (ascocotyle) patagoniensis), 1 cestode (diphyllobothrium spp.), 3 nematodes (uncinaria hamiltoni, contracaecum ogmorhini s.s., pseudoterranova cattani) and 1 a ...201322967801
description, microhabitat selection and infection patterns of sealworm larvae (pseudoterranova decipiens species complex, nematoda: ascaridoidea) in fishes from patagonia, argentina.third-stage larvae of the pseudoterranova decipiens species complex (also known as sealworms) have been reported in at least 40 marine fish species belonging to 21 families and 10 orders along the south american coast. sealworms are a cause for concern because they can infect humans who consume raw or undercooked fish. however, despite their economic and zoonotic importance, morphological and molecular characterization of species of pseudoterranova in south america is still scarce.201323988009
lousy mums: patterns of vertical transmission of an amphibious this study, we document patterns of vertical transmission of the amphibious louse antarctophthirus microchir (echinophthiriidae) in pups of south american sea lion, otaria flavescens, from patagonia. vertical transmission is fundamental for the long-term stability of a. microchir populations because only pups stay long enough (1 month) on land for the louse to reproduce. a total of 72 pups ≤7 days old from a single rookery were captured and examined for lice. infection parameters and populati ...201323828192
an outbreak of lethal adenovirus infection among different otariid outbreak of fatal fulminant hepatitis at a japanese aquarium involved 3 otariids: a california sea lion (zalophus californianus), a south african fur seal (arctocephalus pusillus) and a south american sea lion (otaria flavescens). in a span of about a week in february 2012, 3 otariids showed diarrhea and were acutely low-spirited; subsequently, all three animals died within a period of 3 days. markedly increased aspartate amino transferase and alanine amino transferase activities were observe ...201323643878
molecular systematics of pinniped hookworms (nematoda: uncinaria): species delimitation, host associations and host-induced morphometric variation.hookworms of the genus uncinaria have been widely reported from juvenile pinnipeds, however investigations of their systematics has been limited, with only two species described, uncinaria lucasi from northern fur seals (callorhinus ursinus) and uncinaria hamiltoni from south american sea lions (otaria flavescens). hookworms were sampled from these hosts and seven additional species including steller sea lions (eumetopias jubatus), california sea lions (zalophus californianus), south american fu ...201324162075
digenetic trematodes in south american sea lions from southern brazilian waters.the aim of this work was to perform a systematic study to detect and quantify the digenetic trematode infections in south american sea lions from the southern brazilian coast. twenty-four south american sea lions, otaria flavescens (carnivora: otaridae), were found dead along the coast of rio grande do sul state, brazil, between june 2010 and september of 2011. two trematode species were found in the intestines of o. flavescens, i.e., stephanoprora uruguayense (digenea: echinostomatidae) and asc ...201323421418
assessing host-parasite specificity through coprological analysis: a case study with species of corynosoma (acanthocephala: polymorphidae) from marine this paper we report an investigation of the utility of coprological analysis as an alternative technique to study parasite specificity whenever host sampling is problematic; acanthocephalans from marine mammals were used as a model. a total of 252 scats from the south american sea lion, otaria flavescens, and rectal faeces from 43 franciscanas, pontoporia blainvillei, from buenos aires province, were examined for acanthocephalans. specimens of two species, i.e. corynosoma australe and c. cet ...201221554836
a new species of ascocotyle (trematoda: heterophyidae) from the south american sea lion, otaria flavescens, off patagonia, argentina.we describe a new heterophyid species, ascocotyle (ascocotyle) patagoniensis n. sp., based on specimens collected from the intestines of the south american sea lion otaria flavescens from patagonia (argentina). ascocotyle (a.) patagoniensis n. sp. is distinguished from the other species of the subgenus by the number of circumoral spines, which are arranged in 2 rows of 18 to 23. the new species also differs from the other species in having a gonotyl without papillae. the specimens exhibited the ...201222375817
life begins when the sea lion is ashore: microhabitat use by a louse living on a diving mammal host.among anoplura, the family echinophthiriidae includes species that infest pinnipeds and otters. previous evidence obtained from pinnipeds infested by echinophthiriids, specifically from seals, indicates that flippers are the preferred infestation sites, while lice from fur seals select areas in the pelage. we studied habitat selection of antarctophthirus microchir on south american sea lion pups (otaria flavescens shaw, 1800) from patagonia, argentina, during the austral summer of 2009. we found ...201222244156
expression and immunohistochemical detection of leptin-like peptide in the gastrointestinal tract of the south american sea lion (otaria flavescens) and the bottlenose dolphin (tursiops truncatus).this study provides an immunohistochemical approach to the expression of leptin in the gastrointestinal tract of the monogastric south american sea lion (otaria flavescens), and the poligastric bottlenose dolphin (tursiops truncatus). the specific organization of the gastrointestinal tract is examined in relation to the neuroendocrine regulation of the gut exerted by leptin. in the south american sea lion some leptin-like-immunoreactive (ir) cells, and endocrine type cells, were found in the pit ...201222791650
serological evidence of toxoplasma gondii infection in captive marine mammals in mexico.toxoplasma gondii infection in marine mammals is important because they are considered as a sentinel for contamination of seas with t. gondii oocysts, and toxoplasmosis causes mortality in these animals, particularly sea otters. serological evidence of t. gondii infection was determined in 75 captive marine mammals from four facilities in southern and central geographical regions in mexico using the modified agglutination test (mat). antibodies (mat, 1:25 or higher) to t. gondii were found in 55 ...201121944844
campylobacter insulaenigrae: first isolation report from south american sea lion (otaria flavescens, (shaw, 1800).campylobacter insulaenigrae have been isolated from different pinnipeds but not from south american sea lion (otaria flavescens).the aim of this work is to report the first isolation of c. insulaenigrae from south american sea lion (otaria flavescens).the isolate, identified by its phenotypic and molecular characteristics, allow recognizing o. flavescens as a new host for c. insulaenigrae.201124031630
pinniped tuberculosis in malayan tapirs (tapirus indicus) and its transmission to other terrestrial the last 7 yr, three different species of terrestrial mammals were diagnosed with mycobacterium pinnipedii either within one collection or through the introduction of an infected animal from another zoo. the affected species included the malayan tapir (tapirus indicus), bactrian camel (camelus bactrianus bactrianus), and crested porcupine (hystrix cristata). in the first zoo, all of these were living in exhibits adjacent to a group of south american sea lions (otariaflavescens) and were cared ...201122946398
computed tomographic examination of south american sea lions (otaria flavescens) with suspected mycobacterium pinnipedii infection.ten south american sea lions (otaria flavescens) were presented for clinical evaluation and diagnosis of tuberculosis following known exposure to mycobacterium pinnipedii. ct was used to determine whether foci of calcification in mediastinal lymph nodes, typically associated with pinniped tuberculosis, could be detected and whether ct was a useful diagnostic modality, in conjunction with other tests, for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in this species. blood was collected from the caudal gluteal v ...201121984562
relative quantity judgments in south american sea lions (otaria flavescens).there is accumulating evidence that a variety of species possess quantitative abilities although their cognitive substrate is still unclear. this study is the first to investigate whether sea lions (otaria flavescens), in the absence of training, are able to assess and select the larger of two sets of quantities. in experiment 1, the two sets of quantities were presented simultaneously as whole sets, that is, the subjects could compare them directly. in experiment 2, the two sets of quantities w ...201121526363
mitochondrial control region haplotypes of the south american sea lion otaria flavescens (shaw, 1800).the south american sea lion, otaria flavescens, is widely distributed along the pacific and atlantic coasts of south america. however, along the brazilian coast, there are only two nonbreeding sites for the species (refúgio de vida silvestre da ilha dos lobos and refúgio de vida silvestre do molhe leste da barra do rio grande), both in southern brazil. in this region, the species is continuously under the effect of anthropic activities, mainly those related to environmental contamination with or ...201020838754
ovarian interstitial cell tumor in a south american sea lion (otaria flavescens).a case of an ovarian tumor is reported in an 8-yr-old south american sea lion (otaria flavescens) kept in a marine park in malta (35.57 degrees n, 14.25 degrees e). the neoplasm was a solid mass of dense sheets and nests of round to polyhedral, irregularly shaped cells with abundant, finely vacuolated cytoplasm. the nuclei were uniformly small and round to oval. the supporting stroma contained thecal cells. the tumor cells were positive for positive inhibin and vimentin and focally positive for ...201020688715
population genetic structure and historical population dynamics of the south american sea lion, otaria flavescens, in north-central patagonia.the north-central patagonian coast is the sea lions most abundant area in argentina. as occurs along the entire atlantic coast, the distribution of breeding colonies at this smaller geographical scale is also patchy, showing at least three areas with breeding activity. we study the genetic structure and historical population dynamics of the species in five colonies in this area, analysing a 508 base-pair segment of the d-loop control region. otaria flavescens showed 10 haplotypes with 12 polymor ...201020526799
organochlorine residues in south american sea lions, otaria flavescens (shaw, 1800): bioaccumulation and time trends.blubber from stranded south american sea lions (otaria flavescens) was sampled between 1991 and 2005 on the peninsula valdés in argentina and analyzed for organochlorine (oc) pollutants. mean blubber concentrations, expressed on an extractable basis, were 686 (sd = 1,060) ng g(-1) for dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane (tddt) and 735 (sd = 787) ng g(-1) for polychlorinated byphenils (pcb). the oc levels were well below those associated with adverse sublethal effects and lethality in mammals. oc co ...201020458568
population dynamics of antarctophthirus microchir (anoplura: echinophthiriidae) in pups from south american sea lion, otaria flavescens, in northern patagonia.we analysed population dynamics of the louse antarctophthirus microchir in pups of the south american sea lion, otaria flavescens, at the punta león rookery (argentina) over a period of 2 years. a total of 136 pups were aged and marked at the beginning of the lactation period ashore, then sampled for lice at different times within 30 days. sampling was restricted to the chest and belly, two sites where lice were especially abundant. this concentration on ventral areas might protect lice from the ...200919154643
redescription of antarctophthirus microchir (anoplura: echinophthiriidae) from the south american sea lion, otaria flavescens, from patagonia, argentina.antarctophthirus microchir was originally described from phocarctos hookeri on the basis of 1 female and 1 male only. we redescribe adults and describe, for the first time, the 3 nymphal stages from specimens collected from otaria flavescens from patagonia, using light and scanning electron microscopy. the present material can be distinguished from other antarctophthirus species by the presence of a fringe of setae on the back of the head, only present in antarctophthirus trichechi and antarctop ...200919463036
hemangiosarcoma in a south american sea lion (otaria byronia).a 10-yr-old male south american sea lion (otaria byronia) died after several weeks of depression, anorexia, weight loss, and progressive respiratory distress. at necropsy, three confluent, lobulated, dark-red masses were noted in the mesentery. similar masses were also observed in the lung and both kidneys. hemangiosarcoma was diagnosed based on gross findings, histopathology, and immunohistochemistry. this is the first case of hemangiosarcoma reported in pinnipeds.200818432107
sexual harassment and female gregariousness in the south american sea lion, otaria flavescens.most colonial pinnipeds form extreme clusters of breeding females that cannot be entirely explained by the distribution of sites for reproduction. avoidance of male harassment has been postulated as an important determinant of reproductive aggregation in this group of mammals. female gregariousness can reduce harassment by resident males by two mechanisms; directly by the 'dilution effect' or indirectly because resident males that defend large female groups are less harassing. in order to invest ...200818392796
mycobacterium pinnipedii: transmission from south american sea lion (otaria byronia) to bactrian camel (camelus bactrianus bactrianus) and malayan tapirs (tapirus indicus).tuberculosis infections caused by mycobacterium (m.) pinnipedii in a south american sea lion, bactrian camel, and malayan tapirs kept in two zoological gardens spanning a time period of 5 years are reported. the zoos were linked by the transfer of one tapir. conventional bacteriological and molecular methods were applied to detect the pathogen. spoligotyping and miru/vntr-typing performed to assess the genetic similarity revealed identical molecular characteristics of the isolates from all anima ...200817913401
purification and characterization of chitinases from clostridium sp. e-16 isolated from the intestinal tract of the south american sea lion (otaria flavescens).this study was undertaken to examine the properties of chitinases purified from clostridium sp. e-16, an intestinal bacterium of the south american sea lion (otaria flavescens). we also elucidated the taxonomic status of this bacterium to better understand the role of intestinal anaerobic bacteria in marine animals.200616869903
isoflurane anaesthesia in four sea lions (otaria byronia and zalophus californianus).to (1) evaluate a purpose-built chamber for inducing isoflurane anaesthesia in sea lions and (2) assess isoflurane as an anaesthetic for dental surgery in these species.200616916352
sex-specific foraging strategies and resource partitioning in the southern elephant seal (mirounga leonina).the evolution of resource specializations is poorly understood, especially in marine systems. the southern elephant seal (mirounga leonina) is the largest of the phocid seals, sexually dimorphic, and thought to prey predominantly on fish and squid. we collected vibrissae from male and female southern elephant seals, and assessed stable c and n isotope ratios along the length of the vibrissae. given that whiskers grow slowly, this sampling strategy reflects any variation in feeding behaviour over ...200617015314
[helminth parasites of the south american sea lion otaria flavescens from the gulf of arauco, chile]. 20067347613
[anisakidosis a marine parasitic zoonosis: unknown or emerging in peru?].the purpose of this review is to show the experimental studies carried out on the biological cycle, culture, pathogenicity of the anisakidae nematode larvae and to disseminate the information regarding current epidemy and the probable emergence of anisakidosis in peru, and in addition, to propose measures of prevention and control, as well as the perspective and need for investigation. the studies of experimental pathogenicity in cats, dos, and hamsters are incomplete. eight cases of acute human ...200415614302
uncinaria hamiltoni (nematoda: ancylostomatidae) in south american sea lions, otaria flavescens, from northern patagonia, argentina.thirty-one south american sea lion pups (otaria flavescens) found dead in punta león, argentina, during the summer of 2002, were examined for hookworms (uncinaria hamiltoni). parasite parameters were analyzed in 2 locations of the rookery, i.e., a traditional, well-structured breeding area and an expanding area with juveniles and a lax social structure. prevalence of hookworms was 50% in both localities, and no difference was observed in prevalence between pup sexes (p > 0.05). hookworms were co ...200415357082
evidence of helicobacter sp. in dental plaque of captive dolphins (tursiops gephyreus).gastrointestinal lesions have been extensively reported in wild and captive marine mammals. however, their etiology remains unclear. in humans and other animals, chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers have been associated with helicobacter sp. therefore, the aim of our study was to investigate the presence of helicobacter sp. in the gastric juice, dental plaque, and saliva of marine mammals living in a controlled environment. five dolphins (tursiops gephyreus), one killer whale (orcinus orca), one ...200212238390
malassezia pachydermatis isolated from a south american sea lion (otaria byronia) with dermatitis.a fungus was isolated from the skin of an otaria byronia and from the water of the pool in which the animal was kept. it formed creamy colonies with soft texture on dixon agar and grew well without supplements of long-chain fatty acids. cells were ovoid to cylindrical in shape, budded from a broad base, and budded and divided at the same location. thus, the isolate was identified as m. pachydermatis. we compared this very rare isolate from a marine mammal with four strains of m. pachydermatis us ...200010993190
molecular characterization of mycobacteria isolated from seals.tuberculosis (tb) was diagnosed in 10 seals from three species (arctocephalus australis, arctocephalus tropicalis and otaria flavescens) found in south america. the mycobacteria isolated from these cases belonged to the mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, as determined by rflp using an is6110 probe, spoligotyping, analysis of the 16s rrna gene sequence and by pcr-restriction analysis of hsp65. polymorphisms in gyra, katg, oxyr and pnca were investigated in some of the isolates, as well as the pr ...199910517604
2,3,7,8-substituted pcdds and pcdfs in sea lion (otaria flavescens) skin biopsies from two south-western atlantic populations.congener specific 2,3,7,8-chlorinated pcdds and pcdfs were determined in skin biopsies taken from sea lions (otaria flavescens) living in two areas of the south-western atlantic on the coast of argentina (mar del plata and punta bermeja). this is the first report on pcdds and pcdfs in sea lion skin biopsies from the southern hemisphere. differences were found in the congener pattern according to the sampling area. animals living in the polluted area (mar del plata harbour) had detectable levels ...199910901670
skin biopsy as a nondestructive tool for the toxicological assessment of endangered populations of pinnipeds: preliminary results on mixed function oxidase in otaria flavescens.the aim of this study was to develop and validate a method for assessing the toxicological risk of endangered populations of pinnipeds based on a nondestructive biological tool, the skin biopsy specimen. skin biopsies can be obtained from pinnipeds by anaesthetising the animals and taking a small amount of skin in the anterior flipper area, or by shooting a biopsy dart with a crossbow. skin biopsy material is suitable for a wide range of chemical and biomarker analysis. organochlorines and polyc ...19979353903
fingerprint of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in two populations of southern sea lions (otaria flavescens).the fingerprint of 14 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) was investigated in biopsy, fur, blood, liver and faeces of live and dead specimens of two argentinian population of southern sea lion (otaria flavescens). one colony lives in mar del plata harbour which is particularly polluted with petroleum, the second (control) colony lives at punta bermeja (patagonia). the highest concentrations of the five carcinogenic pahs were found in the mar del plata sea lions.19979569942
the use of non destructive biomarkers in the study of marine mammals.marine mammals have been subject to heavy anthropogenic pressure by direct killing and chemical pollution all over the world. most studies of contamination and biomarker responses in marine mammals have been conducted using animals killed by hunting out of a total of 12 cetacean species studied, 45 of the specimens were obtained by sacrificing the animal; out of a total of eight pinniped species studied, 40 of the specimens were obtained by killing. the development of a series of non destructive ...199723899212
tuberculosis in sea lions and fur seals from the south-western atlantic coast.diverse pathological conditions causing the strandings and/or deaths of several species of sea lions and seals on the northern coast of the province of buenos aires are being studied. tuberculosis was diagnosed in six cases of strandings, involving two otariid seal species (one otaria flavescens and five arctocephalus australis), between march 1989 and december 1992. necropsies were performed on all six cases. granulomatous lesions were observed in the prescapular and hepatic lymph nodes. lesion ...19969025145
production of chitinase and beta-n-acetylglucosaminidase by intestinal bacteria of pinnipedian animals.the chitinase- and beta-n-acetylglucosaminidase(glcnacase)-producing ability of intestinal bacteria from pinnipedian animals was determined using fluorogenic 4-methylumbelliferone glycosides of n-acetylglucosamine oligosaccharides. intestinal microflora of a single cape fur seal, three california sea lions and three south american sea lions were characterized by a predominance of isolates of the bacteroidaceae and enterobacteriaceae families and the genus clostridium. of the 711 isolates tested ...19968987705
amino acid sequences of hemoglobin beta chains of five species of pinnipeds: neophoca cinerea, otaria byronia, eumetopias jubatus, pusa hispida, and pagophilus groenlandica.pinnipeds (otariidae, odobenidae, and phocidae) in the order carnivora have one or two types (hb i and hb ii) of hemoglobin components. these hemoglobins consist of identical beta chains and different alpha chains. we determined the complete amino acid sequences of the hemoglobin beta chain of three species of otariidae (australian sea lion, south american sea lion, and northern sea lion) and two species of phocidae (ringed seal and harp seal) from intact beta chain and chemical cleavage fragmen ...19968968957
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