
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
carboxylation reactions and photosynthesis of carbon compounds in isolated mesophyll and bundle sheath cells of digitaria sanguinalis (l.) scop. 19705421941
spectral, physical, and electron transport activities in the photosynthetic apparatus of mesophyll cells and bundle sheath cells of digitaria sanguinalis (l.) scop.isolated mesophyll cells and bundle sheath cells of digitaria sanguinalis were used to study the light-absorbing pigments and electron transport reactions of a plant which possesses the c(4)-dicarboxylic acid cycle of photosynthesis. absorption spectra and chlorophyll determinations are presented showing that mesophyll cells have a chlorophyll a-b ratio of about 3.0 and bundle sheath cells have a chlorophyll a-b ratio of about 4.5. the absorption spectrum of bundle sheath cells has a greater abs ...197116657669
isolation of mesophyll cells and bundle sheath cells from digitaria sanguinalis (l.) scop. leaves and a scanning microscopy study of the internal leaf cell morphology.a technique is described for the separation of mesophyll and bundle sheath cells from digitaria sanguinalis leaves and evidence for separation is given with light and scanning electron micrographs. gentle grinding of fully differentiated leaves in a mortar releases mesophyll cells which are isolated on nylon nets by filtration. more extensive grinding of the remaining tissue yields bundle sheath strands which are isolated by filtration with stainless steel sieves and nylon nets. further grinding ...197116657571
glycolate metabolism in mesophyll cells and bundle sheath cells isolated from crabgrass, digitaria sanguinalis (l.) scop., leaves. 19724335962
the effect of oxygen on 14co2 fixation in mesophyll cells isolated from digitaria sanguinalis (l.) scop. leaves. 19734761087
conversion of carbon 4 of malate into products of the pentose cycle by isolated bundle sheath strands of digitaria sanguinalis (l.) scop. leaves. 19734150779
decarboxylation of malate by isolated bundle-sheath cells of certain plants having the c4-dicarboxylic acid cycle of photosynthesis.bundle-sheath cells isolated by the grinding and filtration procedure of edwards and black (1971b) from species of plants having the c4-dicarboxylic acid pathway of photosynthesis were tested for the decarboxylation of malate from the c4-carboxyl position. the bundle-sheath cells, which showed high malic enzyme activity in extracts, decarboxylated 4[(14)c]malate at rates sufficient to be involved in photosynthesis. the malate decarboxylation is dependent on the addition of magnesium or manganese ...197324468846
c(4) photosynthesis: light-dependent co(2) fixation by mesophyll cells, protoplasts, and protoplast extracts of digitaria sanguinalis.mesophyll cells, protoplasts, and protoplast extracts of digitaria sanguinalis were used for comparative studies of light-dependent co(2) fixation. co(2) fixation was low without the addition of organic substrates. pyruvate, oxaloacetate, and 3-phosphoglycerate induced relatively low rates (10 to 90 mumoles/mg of co(2) fixation when added separately. however, a highly synergistic relationship was found between pyruvate + oxaloacetate and pyruvate + 3-phosphoglycerate for inducing ...197516659177
regulation of oxaloacetate, aspartate, and malate formation in mesophyll protoplast extracts of three types of c(4) plants.the use of mesophyll protoplast extracts from various c(4) species has provided an effective method for studying light-and substrate-dependent formation of oxaloacetate, malate, and asparate at rates equivalent to whole leaf c(4) photosynthesis. conditions regulating the formation of the c(4) acids were studied with protoplast extracts from digitaria sanguinalis, an nadp-malic enzyme c(4) species, eleusineindica, an nad-malic enzyme c(4) species, and urochloa panicoides, a phosphoenolpyruvate (p ...197516659295
studies on the pathway of cyclic electron flow in mesophyll chloroplasts of a c4 plant.1. cyclic photophosphorylation driven by white light, as followed by 14co2 fixation by mesophyll chloroplast preparations of the c4 plant digitaria sanguinalis, was specifically inhibited by disalicylidenepropanediamine (dspd), antimycin a, 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (dbmib), 1-ethyl-3(3-dimethyl-aminopropyl)-carbodiimide (edac), and kcn suggesting that ferredoxin, cytochrome b563, plastoquinone, cytochrome f, and plastocyanin are obligatory intermediates of cyclic electron ...1976999848
a highactivity atp translocator in mesophyll chloroplasts of digitaria sanguinalis, a plant having the c-4 dicarboxylic acid pathway of photosynthesis.the effect of exogenous adenine nucleotides on co2 fixation and oxygen evolution was studied with mesophyll protoplast extracts of the c4 plant digitaria sanguinalis. exogenous atp was found to stimulate the rate of pyruvate and pyruvate+oxalacetate induced co2 fixation, as well as reverse the inhibition of co2 fixation of carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone and several electron transport inhibitors. the atp-dependent stimulation of co2 fixation varied from 40 to 70 mumol co2 fixed/mg chlo ...1976963046
characterization of a nitrogen-fixing bacterial strain from the roots of digitaria sanguinalis.rates of nitrogen fixation of 3 to 10 g of n2 fixed per hectare per day were associated with root systems of digitaria sanguinalis. a gram-negative motile aerobic bacterial strain that was capable of n2 fixation was isolated from a washed root sample of one of these plants. optimal growth and n2 fixation occurred at a ph of about 6.5, a temperature of 30-37 degrees c, and at a po2 of about 0.01 atm. increased rates of n2 fixation resulted when this strain was grown in mixed cultures with aerobic ...19764212
distribution of nitrate-assimilating enzymes between mesophyll protoplasts and bundle sheath cells in leaves of three groups of c(4) plants.intercellular distribution of enzymes involved in amino nitrogen synthesis was studied in leaves of species representing three c(4) groups, i.e. sorghum bicolor, zea mays, digitaria sanguinalis (nadp malic enzyme type); panicum miliaceum (nad malic enzyme type); and panicum maximum (phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase type). nitrate reductase, nitrite reductase, glutamine synthetase, and glutamate synthase were predominantly localized in mesophyll cells of all the species, except in p. maximum whe ...197616659590
transport in c4 mesophyll chloroplasts: evidence for an exchange of inorganic phosphate and phosphoenolpyruvate.1. mesophyll chloroplasts of the c4 plant digitaria sanguinalis contain endogenous phosphoenolpyruvate which appears to distribute across the envelope according to the existing ph gradient. the phosphoenolpyruvate remaining in the stroma can be rapidly released by external inorganic phosphate or 3-phosphoglycerate while external pyruvate did not affect the distribution. 2. phosphoenolpyruvate (pep) was a competitive inhibitor (ki (pep) = 450 micrometer) of 32pi uptake (km(pi)=200 micrometer) by ...197723151
regulation of chloroplast photosynthetic activity by exogenous magnesium.magnesium was most inhibitory to photosynthetic reactions by intact chloroplasts when the magnesium was added in the dark before illumination. two millimolar mgcl(2), added in the dark, inhibited co(2)-dependent o(2) evolution by hordeum vulgare l. and spinacia oleracea l. (c(3) plants) chloroplasts 70 to 100% and inhibited (pyruvate + oxaloacetate)-dependent o(2) evolution by digitaria sanguinalis l. (c(4) plant) mesophyll chloroplasts from 80 to 100%. when mg(2+) was added in the light, o(2) e ...197816660509
nitrogen assimilation pathways in leaf mesophyll and bundle sheath cells of c(4) photosynthesis plants formulated from comparative studies with digitaria sanguinalis (l.) scop.nitrogen assimilation in crabgrass digitaria sanguinalis (l.) scop., was studied by comparing leaf extracts with isolated mesophyll cell and bundle sheath strand extracts. the results show that both nitrate and nitrate reductase are localized in mesophyll cells; glutamine synthetase is nearly equally distributed in the mesophyll and bundle sheath; approximately 67% of the glutamate synthase activity is in the bundle sheath and 33% is in the mesophyll; and 80% of the glutamate dehydrogenase activ ...197916660955
compartmentation and export of 14co2 fixation products in mesophyll protoplasts from the c4-plant digitaria sanguinalis. 19816789772
two-dimensional electrophoretic mapping of proteins of bundle sheath and mesophyll cells of the c(4) grass digitaria sanguinalis (l.) scop. (crabgrass).two-dimensional electrophoresis was performed on proteins of bundle sheath and mesophyll cells isolated from the c(4) grass digitaria sanguinalis (l.) scop. two-dimensional maps of these proteins were constructed and ribulose-1,5-biphosphate carboxylase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase were identified. of the total number of proteins found in both cell types, 36% were found only in bundle sheath cells, 17% only in mesophyll cells, and 47% in both cell types. by comparison, the distributions o ...198216662680
differential protein composition and gene expression in leaf mesophyll cells and bundle sheath cells of the c(4) plant digitaria sanguinalis (l.) scop.the distribution and molecular weights of cellular proteins in soluble and membrane-associated locations were analyzed using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and coomassie blue staining of leaf (digitaria sanguinalis l. scop.) extracts and isolated cell extracts. leaf polypeptides also were pulse-labeled, followed by isolation of the labeled leaf cell types and analysis of the newly synthesized polypeptides in each cell type by electrophoresis and fluorography.comparison ...198216662539
photosynthetic metabolism of aspartate in mesophyll and bundle sheath cells isolated from digitaria sanguinalis (l.) scop., a nadp-malic enzyme c(4) plant.mesophyll cells and bundle sheath strands isolated from leaves of the c(4) plant digitaria sanguinalis (l.) scop. are capable of utilizing aspartate as a hill oxidant. the resulting o(2) evolution upon illumination depends on the presence of 2-oxoglutarate, is inhibited by 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea, and is stimulated by methylamine. the rate of aspartate-dependent o(2) evolution with mesophyll cells was similar to those with phosphoenolpyruvate + co(2) or with oxalacetate. amino-ox ...198216662295
inhibition of pitted morning glory (ipomoea lacunosa l.) and certain other weed species by phytotoxic components of wheat (triticum aestivum l.) straw.this study was conducted to determine if well-known phytotoxic effects of plant residues on crop growth could also be responsible for observed reductions of certain weed species in no-till cropping systems. an aqueous extract of field-grown wheat (triticum aestivum l.) reduced the germination and root length of pitted morning glory (ipomoea lacunosa l.) and common ragweed (ambrosia artemisiifolia l.). phytotoxicity was increased by about 70% when bioassays with the wheat extract on morning glory ...198324407798
differential uptake of mercury vapor by gramineous c(3) and c(4) plants.the uptake of mercury vapor by six gramineous plant species was compared under uniform conditions using a whole-plant chamber and (203)hg-labeled mercury at a low atmospheric concentration. mean hg uptake by leaves of the c(3) species oats (avena sativa), barley (hordeum vulgare), and wheat (triticum aestivum) was 5 times greater than that by leaves of the c(4) species corn (zea mays), sorghum (sorghum bicolor), and crabgrass (digitaria sanguinalis). although there was a difference in resistance ...198316663117
responses of c4 grasses to atmospheric co2 enrichment : i. effect of irradiance.the growth and photosynethetic responses to atmospheric co2 enrichment of 4 species of c4 grasses grown at two levels of irradiance were studied. we sought to determine whether co2 enrichment would yield proportionally greater growth enhancement in the c4 grasses when they were grown at low irradiance than when grown at high irradiance. the species studied were echinochloa crusgalli, digitaria sanguinalis, eleusine indica, and setaria faberi. plants were grown in controlled environment chambers ...198428312106
inhibition of 3-phosphoglycerate-dependent o(2) evolution by phosphoenolpyruvate in c(4) mesophyll chloroplasts of digitaria sanguinalis (l.) scop.the effects of phosphoenolpyruvate (pep), inorganic phosphate (pi), and atp on 3-phosphoglycerate (pga)-dependent o(2) evolution by chloroplasts of digitaria sanguinalis (l.) scop. (crabgrass) were evaluated relative to possible mechanisms of pep transport by the c(4) mesophyll chloroplast. crude and percoll purified chloroplast preparations exhibited rates of pga-dependent o(2) evolution in the range of 90 to 135 micromoles o(2) per milligram chlorophyll per hour, and up to 180 micromoles o(2) ...198416663911
characterization of 4,4'-diisothiocyano-2,2'-disulfonic acid stilbene inhibition of 3-phosphoglycerate-dependent o(2) evolution in isolated chloroplasts : evidence for a common binding site on the c(4) phosphate translocator for 3-phosphoglycerate, phosphoenolpyruvate, and inorganic phosphate.3-phosphoglycerate (pga)-dependent o(2) evolution by mesophyll chloroplasts of the c(4) plant, digitaria sanguinalis l. scop. (crabgrass), was inhibited by micromolar levels of 4,4'-diisothiocyano-2,2'-disulfonic acid stilbene (dids). as little as 1.8 micromolar dids added to the assay medium (containing 0.7 millimolar pga) resulted in 80 to 100% inhibition of o(2) evolution. the extent of inhibition of o(2) evolution observed was dependent on various factors including: ph, concentration of dids ...198516664279
the nucleotide sequence of a geminivirus from digitaria sanguinalis.the encapsidated single-stranded circular dna of a geminivirus isolated from digitaria sanguinalis has been sequenced. the data obtained are consistent with there being one dna circle of 2701 nucleotides. comparison of the nucleotide sequence with those of maize streak virus (msv) and wheat dwarf virus showed 64 and 47% dna homology, respectively. the sequence has four potential coding regions for proteins of greater than 10 kda, two in the viral (+) sense and two in the complementary (-) sense. ...19873672928
agrobacterium-mediated infectivity of cloned digitaria streak virus dna.a monomeric clone of double-stranded dna synthesized in vitro dna of the geminivirus digitaria streak (dsv) was subcloned as a tandem dimeric unit into a binary vector of agrobacterium tumefaciens, creating a plasmid pds2. inoculation of digitaria sanguinalis with a. tumefaciens carrying pds2 resulted in viral infection. the symptoms, virus particles, and dna forms obtained were indistinguishable from those of a natural dsv infection of d. sanguinalis. inoculations have also induced infections i ...19883341112
weed hosts of meloidogyne arenaria and m. incognita common in tobacco fields in south carolina.thirty-two weed species common in south carolina and one cultivar of tobacco were evaluated as hosts of meloidogyne arenaria race 2 and m. incognita race 3 in the greenhouse. egg mass production and galling differed (p < 0.05) among weed species. chenopodium album, euphorbia maculata, and vicia villosa were good hosts of m. arenaria. amaranthus palmeri, rumex crispus, amaranthus hybridus, ambrosia artemisiifolia, lpomoea hederacea var. integriuscula, setaria lutescens, sida spinosa, portulaca ol ...198819290313
sulfhydryl reagents and energy-linked reactions in monocot thylakoids.monofunctional maleimides have been used to covalently modify the coupling factor protein of monocot thylakoid membranes. as with dicot thylakoids, incubation of the monocot thylakoids with maleimides in the light but not in the dark results in inhibition of both atp synthesis and hydrolysis. in the dark, sites on the gamma and epsilon subunits of maize zea mays coupling factor 1 are modified after incubation of maize mesophyll thylakoids with the fluorescent maleimide n-(anilinonaphthyl-4) male ...199016667548
phytotoxicity of sorgoleone found in grain sorghum root exudates.root exudates ofsorghum bicolor consist primarily of a dihydroquinone that is quickly oxidized to ap-benzoquinone named sorgoleone. the aim of this investigation was to determine the potential activity of sorgoleone as an inhibitor of weed growth. bioassays showed 125μm sorgoleone reduced radicle elongation oferagrostis tef. in liquid culture, 50-μm sorgoleone treatments stunted the growth oflemna minor. over a 10-day treatment period, 10μm sorgoleone in the nutrient medium reduced the growth of ...199224254628
analyzing the light energy distribution in the photosynthetic apparatus of c4 plants using highly purified mesophyll and bundle-sheath thylakoids.the chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of mesophyll and bundle-sheath thylakoids from plant species with the c4 dicarboxylic acid pathway of photosynthesis were investigated using flow cytometry. ten species with the nadp-malic enzyme (nadp-me) biochemical type of c4 photosynthesis were tested: digitaria sanguinalis (l.) scop., euphorbia maculata l., portulaca grandiflora hooker, saccharum officinarum l., setaria viridis (l.) beauv., zea mays l., and four species of the genus flaveria. thi ...199612226432
the light-dependent transduction pathway controlling the regulatory phosphorylation of c4 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in protoplasts from digitaria sanguinalis.phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (pepc) was characterized in extracts from c4 mesophyll protoplasts isolated from digitaria sanguinalis leaves and shown to display the structural, functional, and regulatory properties typical of a c4 pepc. in situ increases in the apparent phosphorylation state of the enzyme and the activity of its ca2+-independent protein-serine kinase were induced by light plus nh4cl or methylamine. the photosynthesis-related metabolite 3-phosphoglycerate (3-pga) was used as a ...199612239393
flow cytometric analysis of cytosolic ph of mesophyll cell protoplasts from the crabgrass digitaria sanguinalis.phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (pepc, ec is a key enzyme of photosynthesis in c4 plants; it is specifically localized in the cytosol of mesophyll cells and is regulated by a phosphorylation/dephosphorylation process. the light-dependent phosphorylation of pepc is triggered by an increase in the cytosolic ph (phc) of mesophyll cell protoplasts. an epifluorescence and confocal microscopy analysis showed that the specific ph probe 2',7'-bis-(2-carboxyethyl)-5-(and-6) carboxyfluorescein, ...19968974869
role of the phosphoinositide pathway in the light-dependent c4 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase phosphorylation cascade in digitaria sanguinalis protoplasts.stimulus-response coupling in animal cells frequently involves the hydrolysis of ptdins(4,5)p(2) which is catalysed by phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase c (pi-plc). there is an increasing body of evidence for pi-plc-based signalling in plant cells; however, the physiological role of this system remains poorly documented in plants. our data provide the first evidence that a pi-plc-based signalling system is a committed step in the transduction chain controlling the phosphorylation state of ...200011171220
estimation of base temperatures for nine weed species.experiments were conducted to test several methods for estimating low temperature thresholds for seed germination. temperature responses of nine weeds common in annual agroecosystems were assessed in temperature gradient experiments. species included summer annuals (amaranthus albus, a. palmeri, digitaria sanguinalis, echinochloa crus-galli, portulaca oleracea, and setaria glauca), winter annuals (hirschfeldia incana and sonchus oleraceus), and conyza canadensis, which is classified as a summer ...200010938833
an increase in phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase c activity precedes induction of c4 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase phosphorylation in illuminated and nh4cl-treated protoplasts from digitaria sanguinalis.a ca2+-dependent phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase c (pi-plc) activity has been characterized in the microsomal fraction of digitaria sanguinalis mesophyll cell protoplasts. microsomal pi-plc was found to be inhibited in vitro by a mammalian anti-plc-delta1 antibody and by the aminosteroide u-73122, an inhibitor of pi-plc activity in animal cells. in western blot experiments, the antibody recognized an 85 kda protein in both microsomal protein extracts from mesophyll protoplasts and rat br ...200010972876
cloning and characterization of a phospholipase c from the c(4) plant digitaria a plc activity was implicated in the light transduction pathway that controls c(4) photosynthesis in digitaria sanguinalis, a full length plc cdna (dsplc2) was cloned. the proteins encoded by the two possible open reading frames were produced in escherichia coli; they both harbour a plc activity but with different response to ca(2+) concentration, and with different sensitivity to the plc inhibitor u-73122.200212021300
biological and genomic sequence characterization of maize streak virus isolates from wheat.abstract maize streak virus (msv) is best known as the causal agent of maize streak disease. however, only a genetically uniform subset of the viruses within this diverse species is actually capable of producing severe symptoms in maize. whereas these "maize-type" viruses all share greater than 95% sequence identity, msv strains isolated from grasses may share as little as 79% sequence identity with the maize-type viruses. here, we present the complete genome sequences and biological characteriz ...200218944143
influence of organic and inorganic soil amendments on plant growth in crude oil-contaminated soil.phytoremediation can be a viable alternative to traditional, more costly remediation techniques. three greenhouse studies were conducted to evaluate plant growth with different soil amendments in crude oil-contaminated soil. growth of alfalfa (medicago sativa l., cultivar: riley), bermudagrass (cynodon dactylon l., cultivar: common), crabgrass (digitaria sanguinalis, cultivar: large), fescue (lolium arundinaceum schreb., cultivar: kentucky 31), and ryegrass (lolium multiflorum lam., cultivar: ma ...200314750564
a bleaching herbicidal activity of methoxyhygromycin (mhm) produced by an actinomycete strain streptomyces sp. screen bioherbicidal isolates and evaluate herbicidal activity of methoxyhygromycin (mhm) produced by streptomyces sp. 8e-12.200312753247
turfgrass, crop, and weed hosts of blissus occiduus (hemiptera: lygaeidae).blissus occiduus barber is an important pest of buffalograss, buchloë dactyloides (nuttall) engelmann, turf. no-choice studies documented the susceptibility of selected turfgrasses, crops, and weeds to b. occiduus feeding. highly to moderately susceptible grasses included buffalograss; yellow setaria glauca (l.) and green foxtail setaria viridis (l.); kentucky bluegrass, poa pratensis l.; perennial ryegrass, lolium perenne l.; brome, bromus spp. leyss.; zoysiagrass, zoysia japonica steudel; berm ...200414998128
a ca(2+)-dependent protein kinase with characteristics of protein kinase c in leaves and mesophyll cell protoplasts from digitaria sanguinalis: possible involvement in the c(4)-phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase phosphorylation mesophyll cells (mc) of digitaria sanguinalis, the c(4)-phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (c(4)-pepc) initiating the photosynthetic pathway is controlled by a complex light-dependent phosphorylation process. we showed previously that the transduction cascade involves the phosphoinositide pathway and a ca(2+)-dependent step, which precedes the upregulation of the pepc kinase (pepck). we have now further characterized the cascade component requiring ca(2+). a ca(2+)-dependent protein kinase that ...200414733923
in situ c(4) phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity and kinetic properties in isolated digitaria sanguinalis mesophyll cells.isolated mesophyll cells from darkened leaves of the c(4) plant digitaria sanguinalis keep functional plasmodesmata that allow the free exchange of low molecular mass compounds with the surrounding medium. this cell suspension system has been used to measure c(4) pepc activity in situ using a spectrophotometric assay. compared to the extracted enzyme assayed in vitro, the essentially non-phosphorylated 'in-cell' c(4) pepc showed altered functional and regulatory properties. while the s (0.5) for ...200416328800
allelopathic potential of citrus junos fruit waste from food processing industry.the allelopathic potential of citrus junos fruit waste after juice extraction was investigated. aqueous methanol extracts of peel, inside and seeds separated from the fruit waste inhibited the growth of the roots and shoots of alfalfa (medicago sativa l.), cress (lepidium sativum l.), crabgrass (digitaria sanguinalis l.), lettuce (lactuca sativa l.), timothy (pheleum pratense l.), and ryegrass (lolium multiflorum lam.). the inhibitory activity of the peel extract was greatest and followed by tha ...200415158515
western corn rootworm (coleoptera: chrysomelidae) beetle emergence from weedy cry3bbl rootworm-resistant transgenic corn.three greenhouse experiments were conducted to evaluate western corn rootworm, diabrotica virgifera virgifera leconte, beetle emergence from individual pots containing glyphosate-tolerant transgenic corn, zea mays l., expressing the cry3bbl endotoxin from the soil bacterium bacillus thuringiensis berliner (mon863), nontransgenic glyphosate-tolerant isoline corn, grassy weeds (giant foxtail, setariafaberi r.a.w. herrm; and large crabgrass, digitaria sanguinalis (l.) scop.), and combinations there ...200516334339
phenological observations on shrubs to predict weed emergence in turf.phenology is the study of periodic biological events. if we can find easily recognizable events in common plants that precede or coincide with weed emergences, these plants could be used as indicators. weed seedlings are usually difficult to detect in turf, so the use of phenological indicators may provide an alternative approach to predict the time when a weed appears and consequently guide management decisions. a study was undertaken to determine whether the phenological phases of some plants ...200515846520
synthesis and herbicidal activity of 2-(7-fluoro-3-oxo- 3,4-dihydro-2h-benzo[b][1,4]oxazin-6-yl)isoindoline-1,3-diones.the mode of action of 2-(7-fluoro-3-oxo-3,4-dihydro-2h-benzo[b][1,4]oxazin-6-yl)-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-2h-isoindoline-1,3-diones, including the commercial herbicide flumioxazin, had been identified as inhibition of protoporphyrinogen oxidase (protox). as part of continuous efforts to search for new herbicides with high efficacy, broad-spectrum activity, and safety to crops, flumioxazin and its iodo analogue (b2055) were used as lead compounds for further optimization. series of novel compounds were ...200516190649
pyrichalasin h production and pathogenicity of digitaria-specific isolates of pyricularia grisea.summary culture filtrates from 72 isolates of pyricularia, grouped into 13 rdna types, were analysed via hplc. of these isolates, 31 (r9 dna type) from crabgrass (digitaria sanguinalis), one (r9 dna type) from pangolagrass (digitaria smutsii) and six (r8 dna type) from digitaria horizontalis produced 20-280 microg pyrichalasin h per millilitre of culture. these same isolates were pathogenic on five digitaria species. interestingly, two isolates, km-1 and br 29, which were originally isolated fro ...200520565683
[potential allelopathic effects of piper nigrum, mangifera indica and clausena lansium].with piper nigrum, mangifera indica and clausena lansium as the donators, this paper studied their potential allelopathic effects on the germination and growth of zea mays, glycine max, cucurbita moschata, arachis hypogaea, raphanus sativus, echinochloa crusgalli, digitaria sanguinalis and stylosanthes guianensis. the results showed that the aqueous extracts of these donators could inhibit the germination and growth of z. mays, g. max, c. moschata, e. crus-galli and d. sanguinalis at high concen ...200617147171
herbicidal potential of ophiobolins produced by drechslera gigantea.drechslera gigantea, a potential mycoherbicide of grass weeds, was isolated in florida from naturally infected large crabgrass (digitaria sanguinalis); it produces phytotoxic metabolites in liquid culture. the main metabolite was identified by spectroscopic methods and optical properties as ophiobolin a (1), a well-known phytotoxic sesterterpene produced by several phytopathogenic fungi of important crops and already extensively studied for its interesting biological activities. the other three ...200616506833
synthesis and herbicidal activity of novel 3-aminocarbonyl-2-oxazolidinethione derivatives containing a substituted pyridine ring.a series of 3-aminocarbonyl-2-oxazolidinethione derivatives containing a substituted pyridine ring were designed and synthesized. the structures of all of the title compounds were characterized by 1h nmr, 13c nmr, ir, and hrms. their agricultural bioactivities were evaluated, and some of these compounds exhibited good herbicidal activities against echinochloa crusgalli, sorghum vulgare, digitaria sanguinalis, eclipta prostrasta, cucumis sativus, and brassica campestris, which were associated mai ...200616390188
design and syntheses of novel phthalazin-1(2h)-one derivatives as acetohydroxyacid synthase inhibitors.a series of 2-substituted-8-(4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yloxy)-4-methylphthalazin-1-one derivatives, 7a-7w, were designed via an ortho-substituent cyclization strategy to discover a new herbicidal lead structure. these compounds were synthesized by a seven-step route using 3-hydroxy-acetophenone as a starting material. determination of the ki values against wild-type a. thaliana acetohydroxyacid synthase (ahas) (ec indicated that some of the compounds displayed good enzyme inhibition act ...200617117801
ophiobolin e and 8-epi-ophiobolin j produced by drechslera gigantea, a potential mycoherbicide of weedy grasses.drechslera gigantea, a fungal pathogen isolated from large crabgrass (digitaria sanguinalis) and proposed as a potential mycoherbicide of grass weeds, produces phytotoxic metabolites in liquid and solid cultures. ophiobolin a and three minor ophiobolins i.e., 6-epi-ophiobolin a, 3-anhydro-6-epi-ophiobolin a and ophiobolin i were obtained from the liquid culture broths. interestingly and unexpectedly, ophiobolins also appeared in cultures of this fungus and they were isolated together with the kn ...200616962149
inhibition of maize streak virus (msv) replication by transient and transgenic expression of msv replication-associated protein mutants.maize streak disease is a severe agricultural problem in africa and the development of maize genotypes resistant to the causal agent, maize streak virus (msv), is a priority. a transgenic approach to engineering msv-resistant maize was developed and tested in this study. a pathogen-derived resistance strategy was adopted by using targeted deletions and nucleotide-substitution mutants of the multifunctional msv replication-associated protein gene (rep). various rep gene constructs were tested for ...200717170465
accumulation of cd, pb and zn by 19 wetland plant species in constructed wetland.uptake and distribution of cd, pb and zn by 19 wetland plant species were investigated with experiments in small-scale plot constructed wetlands, into which artificial wastewater dosed with cd, pb and zn at concentrations of 0.5, 2.0 and 5.0mgl(-1) was irrigated. the results showed that the removal efficiency of cd, pb and zn from the wastewater were more than 90%. generally, there were tens differences among the 19 plant species in the concentrations and quantity accumulations of the heavy meta ...200717353090
[purification and structural identification of herbicides from botrytis cinerea].toxin produced by phytopathogenic fungi is one of the important microbial herbicides. we found a new compound with herbicidal activity.200819160818
pyrimidinyl-substituted amides and thioureas: syntheses, crystal structure and herbicidal activities.the high herbicidal activities of [1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-c]pyrimidine and 2h-1,2,4-thiadiazolo[2,3-a]pyrimidine derivatives suggested the development of new fused heterocyclic compounds for application as herbicides.200818080290
differentiation of magnaporthe species complex by rep-pcr genomic fingerprinting.rice blast disease, caused by the fungus magnoporthe grisea is responsible for considerable damages on rice and leaf spot on some weeds in iran and in other parts of the world. infected samples were collected from rice and weeds including digitaria sanguinalis (crabgrass), setaria italica (foxtail millet), echinochloa crus-galli (barnyard millet), and some unknown weeds during 1997-2005 and were preserved in collection of mycology at the university of tehran, iran. in this study, genetic diversi ...200920222568
identification of genes for resistance to a digitaria isolate of magnaporthe grisea in common wheat cultivars.common wheat cultivars are resistant to magnaporthe grisea, a crabgrass (digitaria sanguinalis)-specific species of the blast fungus. to dissect the genetic basis of this "nonhost" type of resistance, we need an exceptional cultivar that is susceptible to m. grisea. a screening under various conditions revealed that triticum aestivum 'chinese spring' (cs) was susceptible to m. grisea isolate dig41 when incubated at high temperature (26 degrees c) after inoculation. by contrast, t. aestivum 'p168 ...200919935928
an allelopathic substance in red pine needles (pinus densiflora).aqueous methanol extracts of red pine (pinus densiflora) needles inhibited the growth of roots and shoots of cress (lepidium sativum), lettuce (lactuca sativa), alfalfa (medicago sativa), ryegrass (lolium multiflorum), timothy (pheleum pratense), digitaria sanguinalis and echinochloa crus-galli. increasing the extract concentration increased inhibition, suggesting that the pine needles may have growth inhibitory substances and possess allelopathic potential. the aqueous methanol extract of the p ...200918755523
synthesis and herbicidal activity of isoindoline-1,3-dione substituted benzoxazinone derivatives containing a carboxylic ester group.a carboxylic ester group was introduced to three series of isoindolinedione substituted benzoxazinone derivatives. some of these analogues exhibited good herbicidal activities, and the injury symptoms against weeds included leaf cupping, crinkling, bronzing, and necrosis, typical of protox inhibitor herbicides. structurally, they were classified as chemical group a (4-carboxylic ester group-6-isoindolinyl-benzoxazinones), b (4-carboxylic ester group-7-isoindolinyl-benzoxazinones), and c (4-carbo ...200919772294
mesotrione control and pigment concentration of large crabgrass (digitaria sanguinalis) under varying environmental conditions.mesotrione is a carotenoid biosynthesis-inhibiting herbicide currently labeled for crabgrass (digitaria spp.) control. mesotrione control of large crabgrass has been reported to vary with temperature and relative humidity; however, the effect of irradiance on mesotrione efficacy has not previously been reported. likewise, little is known about pigment concentrations of digitaria spp. the present research investigated the effects of mesotrione on large crabgrass, digitaria sanguinalis (l.) scop., ...200919235182
allelopathy and allelopathic substance in the moss rhynchostegium aqueous methanol extract of the moss rhynchostegium pallidifolium, which often forms large pure colonies on soils and rocks, inhibited the growth of cress (lepidium sativum), alfalfa (medicaga sativa), lettuce (lepidium sativum), ryegrass (lolium multiflorum), timothy (phleum pratense) and digitaria sanguinalis seedlings. increasing the extract concentration increased the inhibition. these results suggest that r. pallidifolium may show allelopathic activity. the extract was purified and a put ...201020018404
comparative study of rhizobacterial community structure of plant species in oil-contaminated this study, the identity and distribution of plants and the structure of their associated rhizobacterial communities were examined in an oil-contaminated site. the number of plant species that formed a community or were scattered was 24. the species living in soil highly contaminated with total petroleum hydrocarbon (tph) (9,000-4,5000 mg/g-soil) were cynodon dactylon, persicaria lapathifolia, and calystegia soldanella (a halophytic species). among the 24 plant species, the following have bee ...201020890100
synthesis and biological activity of 4-(4,6-disubstituted-pyrimidin-2-yloxy)phenoxy acetates.ten novel 4-(4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yloxy)phenoxy acetates and 4-(4,6-dimethylpyrimidin-2-yloxy)phenoxy acetates were synthesized with hydroquinone, 2-methylsulfonyl-4,6-disubstituted-pyrimidine and chloroacetic ester as starting materials. the products were characterized by ir, (1)h-nmr, ms spectra and elemental analyses. preliminary bioassay indicates that the target compounds possess high herbicidal activity against monocotyledonous plants such as digitaria sanguinalis l. at concentrations ...201020335962
involvement of phospholipase d and phosphatidic acid in the light-dependent up-regulation of sorghum leaf phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase-kinase.the photosynthetic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (c(4)-pepc) is regulated by phosphorylation by a phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase kinase (pepc-k). in digitaria sanguinalis mesophyll protoplasts, this light-mediated transduction cascade principally requires a phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase c (pi-plc) and a ca(2+)-dependent step. the present study investigates the cascade components at the higher integrated level of sorghum bicolor leaf discs and leaves. pepc-k up-regulation required li ...201020410319
accelerated metolachlor degradation in soil by zerovalent iron and compost amendments.soil incubation and germination tests were conducted to assess zerovalent iron (zvi), organic compost, moisture and their combinations on metolachlor degradation in soil. the zvi alone degraded 91% of metolachlor in soil within 40 days following bi-phasic kinetics. organic amendment alone facilitated metolachlor degradation in soil up to 60% after 40 days depending on the amendment rate. however, the combination of zvi with compost amendment at 30 ton ha(-1) and 30% moisture content accelerated ...201020352186
changes in constructed brassica communities treated with glyphosate drift.we constructed a mixed-species community designed to simulate roadside and field edge plant communities and exposed it to glyphosate drift in order to test three hypotheses: (1) higher fitness in transgenic brassica carrying the cp4 epsps transgene that confers resistance to glyphosate will result in significant changes in the plant community relative to control communities; (2) given repeated years of glyphosate drift selective pressure, the increased fitness of the transgenic brassica with cp4 ...201121563582
plant responsiveness to root-root communication of stress cues.phenotypic plasticity is based on the organism's ability to perceive, integrate and respond to multiple signals and cues informative of environmental opportunities and perils. a growing body of evidence demonstrates that plants are able to adapt to imminent threats by perceiving cues emitted from their damaged neighbours. here, the hypothesis was tested that unstressed plants are able to perceive and respond to stress cues emitted from their drought- and osmotically stressed neighbours and to in ...201222408186
identification of two phytotoxins, blumenol a and grasshopper ketone, in the allelopathic japanese rice variety awaakamai.aqueous methanol extracts of the traditional rice (oryza sativa) variety awaakamai, which is known to have the greatest allelopathic activity among japanese traditional rice varieties, inhibited the growth of roots and shoots of cress (lepidium sativum), lettuce (lactuca sativa), timothy (phleum pratense), digitaria sanguinalis, lolium multiflorum and echinochloa crus-galli. increasing the extract concentration increased the inhibition, suggesting that the extract of awaakamai contains growth in ...201222364828
evaluation of the combination of 1,3-dichloropropene and dazomet as an efficient alternative to methyl bromide for cucumber production in china.the combination of 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-d) and dazomet (dz) offers a potential alternative to methyl bromide (mb) for soil disinfection. mb is scheduled to be withdrawn from routine use by 2015 in developing countries. combination treatments of 1,3-d + dz were evaluated in a laboratory study and in two commercial cucumber fields.201222228481
differential gene expression for curvularia eragrostidis pathogenic incidence in crabgrass (digitaria sanguinalis) revealed by cdna-aflp analysis.gene expression profiles of digitaria sanguinalis infected by curvularia eragrostidis strain qz-2000 at two concentrations of conidia and two dew durations were analyzed by cdna amplified fragment length polymorphisms (cdna-aflp). inoculum strength was more determinant of gene expression than dew duration. a total of 256 primer combinations were used for selective amplification and 1214 transcript-derived fragments (tdfs) were selected for their differential expression. of these, 518 up-regulate ...201324116044
crabgrass (digitaria sanguinalis) allelochemicals that interfere with crop growth and the soil microbial community.three chemicals, veratric acid, maltol, and (−)-loliolide, were isolated from crabgrass and their structures were identified by spectroscopic analysis. the chemicals were detected in crabgrass root exudates and rhizosphere soils, and their concentrations ranged from 0.16 to 8.10 μg/g. at an approximate concentration determined in crabgrass root exudates, all chemicals significantly inhibited the growth of wheat, maize, and soybean and reduced soil microbial biomass carbon. phospholipid fatty aci ...201323678893
design, synthesis, biological activities and 3d-qsar of new n,n'-diacylhydrazines containing 2,4-dichlorophenoxy moieties.a series of new n,n'-diacylhydrazine derivatives were designed and synthesized. their structures were verified by 1h-nmr, ms and elemental analysis. the herbicidal activities and plant growth regulating activity of these n,n'-diacylhydrazines were evaluated. the herbicidal activity results showed that most of these n,n'-diacyl-hydrazines showed excellent in vivo activities against echinochloa crus-galli, digitaria sanguinalis, brassica napus, amaranthus retroflerus. most of them exhibited higher ...201324300121
plant community characteristics and their responses to environmental factors in the water level fluctuation zone of the three gorges reservoir in china.the annual water level regulating of the three gorges reservoir prolonged the submerged duration (from 2 to 8 months) and resulted in the reversal of natural flood rhythms (winter submerged). these changes might alter plant community characteristics in the water level fluctuation zone (wlfz). the aim of this study was to determine the plant community characteristics in the wlfz and their responses to the environmental factors (i.e., annual hydrological regulation, topographic characteristics, so ...201323589274
photochemical and antioxidant responses in the leaves of xerophyta viscosa baker and digitaria sanguinalis l. under water this study, photochemical and antioxidant responses of the monocotyledonous resurrection plant xerophyta viscosa baker and the crab grass digitaria sanguinalis l. under water deficit were investigated as a function of time. water deficit was imposed by withholding irrigation for 21 d. gas exchange and chlorophyll a fluorescence analyses indicated that the dehydration treatment caused photoinhibition in both species. the reduction in the photosynthesis rate in both species during water deficit ...201316042345
evaluation of sulfuryl fluoride as a soil fumigant in china.root-knot nematodes and soil-borne diseases constrain the rapid development of protected agriculture in china, especially while phasing out methyl bromide (mb). the fumigant sulfuryl fluoride (sf) is currently used as an alternative to mb for the disinfestation of buildings and post-harvest commodities. our experiments aimed to evaluate a novel application of sf as a soil fumigant in greenhouses in china.201423512505
synthesis and evaluation of heterocyclic analogues of attractive strategy to discover more active and/or crop-selective herbicides is to make structural changes to currently registered compounds. this strategy is especially appealing for those compounds with limited herbicide resistance and whose chemistry is accompanied with transgenic tools to enable herbicide tolerance in crop plants. bromoxynil is a photosystem ii (psii) inhibitor registered for control of broadleaf weeds in several agronomic and specialty crops. recently at the university ...201424354444
developmental toxicity assessment of the new turf herbicide, methiozolin ([5-(2,6-difluorobenzyl)oxymethyl-5-methyl-3,3(3-methylthiophen-2-yl)-1,2-isoxazoline]), in rabbits.methiozolin is a new herbicide to control annual bluegrass (poa annua l.) and large crabgrass (digitaria sanguinalis (l.) scop.) in various turfgrasses. the potential of methiozolin to induce maternal and developmental toxicity was investigated in the pregnant new zealand white rabbits. methiozolin was, at dose levels of 0, 125, 250 and 500 mg/kg/day, administered by oral gavage to artificially inseminated rabbits (25 females per group) from days 6 to 28 of gestation. all does were subjected to ...201526003517
density-related effects on the infectivity and aggressiveness of a sterilising smut in a wild population of digitaria sanguinalis.understanding host-pathogen evolutionary dynamics needs characterisation and quantification of processes occurring at many spatiotemporal scales. with this aim, the effects of smut on a naturally infected population of the summer annual digitaria sanguinalis were followed for 4 years in an uncropped field. the main purpose of the study was to quantify the effects of within-population density on the infectivity and the aggressiveness of the pathogen in a range of densities that occurred naturally ...201524990686
synthesis and herbicidal activity of 5-heterocycloxy-3-methyl-1-substituted-1h-pyrazoles.with the objective of finding valuable herbicidal candidates, a series of new 5-heterocycloxy-3-methyl-1-substituted-1h-pyrazoles were synthesized and their herbicidal activities were evaluated. the bioassay results showed that some compounds exhibited excellent herbicidal activities at the concentration of 100 mg/l, and compound 5-chloro-2-((3-methyl-1-(2,2,2-trifluoroethyl)-1h-pyrazol-5-yl)oxy)pyrimidine showed bleaching activity to green weeds. in greenhouse conditions, this compound also sho ...201526712728
synthesis, crystal structure, herbicidal activities and 3d-qsar study of some novel 1,2,4-triazolo[4,3-a]pyridine derivatives.1,2,4-triazolo[4,3-a]pyridine derivatives represent a new series of compounds that possess good herbicidal activity against echinochloa crusgalli (l.) beauv., setaria faberii, digitaria sanguinalis (l.) scop., brassica juncea coss., amaranthus retroflexus l. and eclipta prostrata l.201524753294
synthesis and herbicidal activity evaluation of novel α-amino phosphonate derivatives containing a uracil moiety.a series of novel α-amino phosphonate derivatives containing a uracil moiety 3a-3l were designed and synthesized by a lewis acid (magnesium perchlorate) catalyzed the kabachnik-fields reaction. the bioassays {in vitro, in vivo [glass house 1 (gh1) and glass house 2 (gh2)]} showed that most of compounds 3 exhibited excellent and selective herbicidal activities; for example, in gh1 test, compounds 3b, 3d, 3f, 3h and 3j showed excellent and wide spectrum herbicidal activities at the dose of 1000 g/ ...201626786699
variations of leaf cuticular waxes among c3 and c4 gramineae herbs.modern c4 plants are commonly distributed in hot and dry environments whereas c3 plants predominate in cool and shade areas. at the outmost of plant surface, the deposition and chemical composition of cuticular waxes vary under different environmental conditions. however, whether such variation of cuticular wax is related to the distribution of c3 and c4 under different environmental conditions is still not clear. in this study, leaves of six c3 gramineae herbs distributed in spring, roegneria k ...201627563829
khellin and visnagin, furanochromones from ammi visnaga (l.) lam., as potential bioherbicides.plants constitute a source of novel phytotoxic compounds to be explored in searching for effective and environmentally safe herbicides. from a previous screening of plant extracts for their phytotoxicity, a dichloromethane extract of ammi visnaga (l.) lam. was selected for further study. phytotoxicity-guided fractionation of this extract yielded two furanochromones, khellin and visnagin, for which herbicidal activity had not been described before. khellin and visnagin were phytotoxic to model sp ...201627936681
anti-methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa) activity of rubiaceae, fabaceae and poaceae plants: a search for new sources of useful alternative antibacterials against mrsa this study, we evaluated the effects of the extracts of the leaves of species from the rubiaceae (galium aparine l. and asperula arvensis l.), fabaceae (lathyrus aphaca l. and vicia narbonensis l.) and poaceae (digitaria sanguinalis (l.) scop. and hordeum murinum l.) plant families on a wide and extensive panel of isolated methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus strains (mrsa). the effects of the methanolic leaf extracts of rubiaceae, fabaceae and poaceae plants on mrsa were evaluated by ...201627585260
host specialization of the blast fungus magnaporthe oryzae is associated with dynamic gain and loss of genes linked to transposable elements.magnaporthe oryzae (anamorph pyricularia oryzae) is the causal agent of blast disease of poaceae crops and their wild relatives. to understand the genetic mechanisms that drive host specialization of m. oryzae, we carried out whole genome resequencing of four m. oryzae isolates from rice (oryza sativa), one from foxtail millet (setaria italica), three from wild foxtail millet s. viridis, and one isolate each from finger millet (eleusine coracana), wheat (triticum aestivum) and oat (avena sativa) ...201627194050
global warming increases the interspecific competitiveness of the invasive plant alligator weed, alternanthera warming could accelerate the spread of invasive species to higher latitudes and intensify their effects on native species. here, we report results of two years of field surveys along a latitudinal gradient (21°n to 31°n) in southern china, to determine the species structure of the invasive plant alternanthera philoxeroides community. we also performed a replacement series experiment (mono and mixed) to evaluate the effects of elevated temperature on the competitiveness of a. philoxeroides ...201727720597
an efficient synthesis method targeted to a novel aziridine derivative of p-menthane from turpentine and its herbicidal activity.a novel aziridine compound n-acetyl-1,2-azacyclo-p-menthane d was synthesised using turpentine as raw material and characterised by ft-ir, (1)h nmr, (13)c nmr, esi(+)-ms and hrms. the pre-emergence herbicidal activities of d and its synthetic intermediates cis- and trans-n,n'-diacetyl-p-menthane-1,8-diamine (b2 and b1) were determined. the result showed that d exhibited much higher herbicidal activities against annual ryegrass, digitaria sanguinalis and ixeris denticulate than b2 and b1. the ic5 ...201728114804
differences in photosynthetic responses of nadp-me type c4 species to high light.three species chosen as representatives of nadp-me c4 subtype exhibit different sensitivity toward photoinhibition, and great photochemical differences were found to exist between the species. these characteristics might be due to the imbalance in the excitation energy between the photosystems present in m and bs cells, and also due to that between species caused by the penetration of light inside the leaves. such regulation in the distribution of light intensity between m and bs cells shows tha ...201727990574
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