
Avian polyomavirus infection of a fledgling budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus) and differential diagnoses of viral inclusions in psittacine birds--case report and mini-review.A two-week-old budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus) of an outdoor aviary died suddenly and was submitted for determination the cause of illness and death. Macroscopically, the sparsely feathered animal was in a poor body condition. Histopathological examination revealed in various mesenchymal and epithelial tissues, numerous up to 15 microm in diameter large intranuclear, amphophilic to basophilic inclusion bodies with a clearing of the centre. Additionally, a feather dysplasia and retention hyp ...201122059291
rapid genotyping of beak and feather disease virus using high-resolution dna melt curve analysis.beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) is a significant pathogen both for wild and captive psittacine birds globally. genotypic differentiation of bfdv isolates is crucial to establish effective control strategies for the conservation of endangered species and epidemiological investigations of disease outbreaks. the technique developed in this study is a simple, rapid and inexpensive genotyping method for bfdv using pcr and subsequent high-resolution melt (hrm) curve analysis. this was achieved u ...201425102431
mutability dynamics of an emergent single stranded dna virus in a naïve host.quasispecies variants and recombination were studied longitudinally in an emergent outbreak of beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) infection in the orange-bellied parrot (neophema chrysogaster). detailed health monitoring and the small population size (<300 individuals) of this critically endangered bird provided an opportunity to longitudinally track viral replication and mutation events occurring in a circular, single-stranded dna virus over a period of four years within a novel bottleneck p ...201424416396
characterization of the complete genome sequence of a beak and feather disease virus from a moluccan red lory (eos bornea).the complete genome sequence of a beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) encoding two major open reading frames (orfs) was characterized in a wild moluccan red lory (eos bornea). this is the first report of a bfdv genome from indonesia and the first reported bfdv infection for this host species.201324285654
whole-genome sequences of two beak and feather disease viruses in the endangered swift parrot (lathamus discolor).two complete genomes of beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) were characterized from lathamus discolor, the australian swift parrot. this is the first report of bfdv complete genome sequences in this host. the completed bfdv genomes consist of 1,984 nucleotides encoding two open reading frames with 99.7% pairwise nucleotide identity.201324285653
structural determination of importin alpha in complex with beak and feather disease virus capsid nuclear localization signal.circoviruses represent a rapidly increasing genus of viruses that infect a variety of vertebrates. replication requires shuttling viral molecules into the host cell nucleus, a process facilitated by capsid-associated protein (cap). whilst a nuclear localization signal (nls) has been shown to mediate nuclear translocation, the mode of nuclear transport remains to be elucidated. to better understand this process, beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) cap nls was crystallized with nuclear import re ...201323933059
expression in tobacco and purification of beak and feather disease virus capsid protein fused to elastin-like polypeptides.psittacine beak and feather disease, caused by beak and feather disease virus (bfdv), is a threat to endangered psittacine species. there is currently no vaccine against bfdv, which necessitates the development of safe and affordable vaccine candidates. a subunit vaccine based on bfdv capsid protein (cp), the major antigenic determinant, expressed in the inexpensive and highly scalable plant expression system could satisfy these requirements. full-length cp and a truncated cp (δn40 cp) were tran ...201323578703
novel ssdna viruses discovered in yellow-crowned parakeet (cyanoramphus auriceps) nesting material.during routine monitoring of yellow-crowned parakeets in the poulter valley of the south island of new zealand, a dead parakeet chick was discovered in a nest. known parrot-infecting viruses, such as beak and feather disease virus (bfdv), avian polyomavirus (apv), and parrot hepatitis b virus (phbv), were not detected in the nesting material. however, we recovered two novel single-stranded dna viruses (ssdna), cynncxv (2308 nt) and cynnckv (2087 nt), which have genome architectures similar to th ...201323417396
differential expression of two isolates of beak and feather disease virus capsid protein in escherichia coli.expression of recombinant beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) capsid-associated protein (cap) has relied on inefficient techniques that typically produce low yields or use specialized expression systems, which greatly increase the cost and expertise required for mass production. an escherichia coli system was used to express recombinant bfdv cap derived from two isolates of bfdv, from a long-billed corella (cacatua tenuirostris) and an orange-bellied parrot (obp; neophema chrysogaster). purifi ...201323403150
developing country applications of molecular farming: case studies in south africa and argentina.molecular farming is a technology that is very well suited to being applied in developing countries, given the reasonably high level of expertise in recombinant plant development in many centers. in addition, there is an urgent need for products such as inexpensive vaccines and therapeutics for livestock and for some human diseases - and especially those that do not occur or are rare in developed regions. south africa and argentina have been at the fore in this area among developing nations, as ...201323394557
extensive recombination detected among beak and feather disease virus isolates from breeding facilities in poland.beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) causes the highly contagious, in some cases fatal, psittacine beak and feather disease in parrots. the european continent has no native parrots, yet in the past has been one of the world's biggest importers of wild-caught exotic parrot species. following the banning of this practice in 2007, the demand for exotic pet parrots has largely been met by established european breeding facilities, which can also supply buyers outside europe. however, the years of un ...201323324468
relatedness between host species and genotype of beak and feather disease virus suggesting possible interspecies cross infection during bird trade.beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) is a causative agent of psittacine beak and feather disease (pbfd), which shows a characteristic feather disorder in psittacine birds. in the present study, the subclinical infection rate of pbfd in imported and domestically bred psittacine birds was investigated by polymerase chain reaction. as a result, 126 of 402 birds (31.3%) were found to be bfdv positive. the dna sequences of the part of open reading frame (orf) c1 were determined for 16 bfdv-positive ...201323149463
evidence of multiple introductions of beak and feather disease virus into the pacific islands of nouvelle-caledonie (new caledonia).beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) is a circular ssdna virus that causes psittacine beak and feather disease and has almost global presence. here, we report for the first time the presence of in nouvelle-calédonie (new caledonia). one hundred and sixty-eight exotic and 79 endemic birds were sampled in nouvelle-calédonie, 26 were found to be positive for bfdv. we characterized the full genomes of 26 isolates and phylogenetic analysis placed nine of the isolates into the bfdv-j strain, with the ...201222855782
molecular characterisation of beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) in new zealand and its implications for managing an infectious disease.beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) infections are often fatal to both captive and wild parrot populations. its recent discovery in a wild population of native red-fronted parakeets has raised concerns for the conservation of native parrots, all of which are threatened or endangered. the question of a recent introduction versus a native genotype of the virus poses different conservation-management challenges, and thus, a clear understanding of the molecular phylogeny of bdfv is a crucial step ...201222638639
tracking viral evolution during a disease outbreak: the rapid and complete selective sweep of a circovirus in the endangered echo parakeet.circoviruses are among the smallest and simplest of all viruses, but they are relatively poorly characterized. here, we intensively sampled two sympatric parrot populations from mauritius over a period of 11 years and screened for the circovirus beak and feather disease virus (bfdv). during the sampling period, a severe outbreak of psittacine beak and feather disease, which is caused by bfdv, occurred in echo parakeets. consequently, this data set presents an ideal system for studying the evolut ...201222345474
characterization of the whole-genome sequence of a beak and feather disease virus isolate from a mallee ringneck parrot (barnardius zonarius barnardi).the complete genome sequence of beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) from a wild australian mallee ringneck parrot (barnardius zonarius barnardi) was characterized. the genome consists of 1,995 nucleotides and encodes two major proteins in opposing directions. this is the first evidence of bfdv infectivity and the first complete genome sequence for this novel host.201425059866
phylogeny of beak and feather disease virus in cockatoos demonstrates host generalism and multiple-variant infections within psittaciformes.phylogenetic analyses of the highly genetically diverse but antigenically conserved, single-stranded circular, dna genome of the avian circovirus, beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) from cockatoo species throughout australia demonstrated a high mutation rate for bfdv (orders of magnitude fall in the range of 10(-4) substitutions/site/year) along with strong support for recombination indicating active cross-species transmission in various subpopulations. multiple variants of bfdv were demonstr ...201425010272
recombinant goose circoviruses circulating in domesticated and wild geese in poland.circoviruses are circular single-stranded dna (ssdna) viruses that infect a variety of animals, both domestic and wild. circovirus infection in birds is associated with immunosuppression and this in turn predisposes the infected animals to secondary infections that can lead to mortality. farmed geese (anser anser) in many parts of the world are infected with circoviruses. the majority of the current genomic information for goose circoviruses (gocvs) (n= 40) are from birds sampled in china and ta ...201829498637
complete genome sequence of beak and feather disease virus isolated from an african grey parrot in china in 2017.the complete nucleotide (nt) sequence of beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) was determined. the viral genome consists of 1,991 nt, including an 870-nt open reading frame 1 (orf1), a 744-nt orf2, a conserved stem-loop structure, and the second hairpin. this is the first reported detection of bfdv in an infected african grey parrot in china.201829439043
disease screening of three breeding populations of adult exhibition budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) in new zealand reveals a high prevalence of a novel polyomavirus and avian malaria infection.disease surveillance is vital to the management of new zealand's endemic and threatened avian species. three infectious agents that are potential threats to new zealand's endemic birds include avian polyomavirus (apv), beak and feather disease virus (bfdv), and avian malaria. all three agents have been reported in new zealand; however, possible reservoir populations have not been identified. in this communication, we report the first study of apv, bfdv, and avian malaria in introduced adult exhi ...201424758122
experimental inoculation of bfdv-positive budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) with two mycobacterium avium subsp. avium isolates.beak and feather disease virus- (bfdv-) positive (naturally infected) but clinically healthy budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) were inoculated with two isolates of mycobacterium avium subsp. avium isolated from naturally infected golden pheasant (chrysolophus pictus) and peafowl (pavo cristatus). during a period of more than two months after inoculation, samples of cloacal and crop swabs, faeces, and blood were obtained for bfdv and mycobacterium avium testing with pcr. birds were euthanized ...201424738057
Prevalence and genetic characterization of avian polyomavirus and psittacine beak and feather disease virus isolated from budgerigars in Mainland China.Budgerigar fledgling disease (BFD) and psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD) are caused by avian polyomavirus (APV) and psittacine beak and feather disease virus (PBFDV), respectively. These diseases frequently infect psittacine birds and result in similar clinical manifestations. In this study, we observed the prevalence of PBFDV infection and a dual infection of APV and PBFDV in a budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus) in Mainland China for the first time. One PBFDV isolate and two APV isol ...201122002652
structural insights into the assembly and regulation of distinct viral capsid complexes.the assembly and regulation of viral capsid proteins into highly ordered macromolecular complexes is essential for viral replication. here, we utilize crystal structures of the capsid protein from the smallest and simplest known viruses capable of autonomously replicating in animal cells, circoviruses, to establish structural and mechanistic insights into capsid morphogenesis and regulation. the beak and feather disease virus, like many circoviruses, encode only two genes: a capsid protein and a ...201627698405
a comparison of pcr assays for beak and feather disease virus and high resolution melt (hrm) curve analysis of replicase associated protein and capsid genes.beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) threatens a wide range of endangered psittacine birds worldwide. in this study, we assessed a novel pcr assay and genetic screening method using high-resolution melt (hrm) curve analysis for bfdv targeting the capsid (cap) gene (hrm-cap) alongside conventional pcr detection as well as a pcr method that targets a much smaller fragment of the virus genome in the replicase initiator protein (rep) gene (hrm-rep). limits of detection, sensitivity, specificity and ...201627565820
erratum to: the phylogenetic and recombinational analysis of beak and feather disease virus taiwan isolates. 201627558121
beak and feather disease virus in wild and captive parrots: an analysis of geographic and taxonomic distribution and methodological trends.psittacine beak and feather disease (pbfd) has emerged in recent years as a major threat to wild parrot populations and is an increasing concern to aviculturists and managers of captive populations. pathological and serological tests for screening for the presence of beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) are a critical component of efforts to manage the disease and of epidemiological studies. since the disease was first reported in the mid-1970s, screening for bfdv has been conducted in numerous ...201627151279
beak and feather disease viruses circulating in cape parrots (poicepahlus robustus) in south africa.captive and wild psittacines are vulnerable to the highly contagious psittacine beak and feather disease. the causative agent, beak and feather disease virus (bfdv), was recently detected in the largest remaining population of endangered cape parrots (poicepahlus robustus), which are endemic to south africa. full-length genomes were isolated and sequenced from 26 blood samples collected from wild and captive cape parrots to determine possible origins of infection. all sequences had characteristi ...201525209153
molecular detection and characterization of beak and feather disease virus in psittacine birds in tehran, iran.beak and feather disease virus (bfdv), a member of genus circovirus, is a small, non-enveloped, single stranded dna virus. although bfdvs are among the most well studied circoviruses, there is little to no information about bfdvs in iran. the aim of the present study was to detect and identify bfdv molecules from the birds referred to the avian clinic of the faculty of veterinary medicine, tehran university, iran. a total of 55 dna samples were extracted from birds from nine different species of ...201829805458
beak and feather disease virus: correlation between viral load and clinical signs in wild cape parrots (poicepahlus robustus) in south africa.psittacine beak and feather disease (pbfd), the most prevalent viral disease affecting psittacines, is caused by beak and feather disease virus (bfdv). this study assessed viral load using qpcr in a wild cape parrot population affected by pbfd and compared it to overall physical condition based on clinical signs attributable to pbfd. a significant inverse correlation between viral load and overall physical condition was found, which confirmed that clinical signs may confidently be used to diagno ...201525193072
a high prevalence of beak and feather disease virus in non-psittacine australian birds.beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) is a circovirus and the cause of psittacine beak and feather disease (pbfd). this disease is characterized by feather and beak deformities and is a recognized threat to endangered psittaciformes (parrots and cockatoos). the role that non-psittacine birds may play as reservoirs of infection is unclear. this study aimed to begin addressing this gap in our knowledge of pbfd.201728703699
health assessment of captive psittacine species in prerelease programs at costa rican rescue centers.with stricter laws regulating the capture and possession of wild animals in costa rica, local wildlife-rescue centers have been overwhelmed by an influx of confiscated or relinquished illegal pets, specifically of psittacine species. as part of a nationwide health-assessment program targeting these centers, 122 birds representing five psittacine species ( ara macao, amazona autumnalis, amazona auropalliata, amazona farinosa, aratinga finschi) and one hybrid macaw ( ara macao × ara ambiguus) were ...201729297799
pigeon circoviruses display patterns of recombination, genomic secondary structure and selection similar to those of beak and feather disease viruses.pigeon circovirus (picv) has a ~2 kb genome circular ssdna genome. all but one of the known picv isolates have been found infecting pigeons in various parts of the world. in this study, we screened 324 swab and tissue samples from polish pigeons and recovered 30 complete genomes, 16 of which came from birds displaying no obvious pathology. together with 17 other publicly available picv complete genomes sampled throughout the northern hemisphere and australia, we find that picv displays a similar ...201424639400
beak and feather disease virus carriage by knemidocoptes pilae in a sulphur-crested cockatoo (cacatua galerita).this paper describes the pathology associated with psittacine beak and feather disease in a wild sulphur-crested cockatoo with concurrent knemidocoptic mange, cestodiasis and mycotic encephalitis.201729243237
host heterozygosity and genotype rarity affect viral dynamics in an avian subspecies complex.genetic diversity at community, population and individual levels is thought to influence the spread of infectious disease. at the individual level, inbreeding and heterozygosity are associated with increased risk of infection and disease severity. host genotype rarity may also reduce infection risk if pathogens are co-adapted to common or local hosts, but to date, no studies have investigated the relative importance of genotype rarity and heterozygosity for infection in a wild, sexually reproduc ...201729042596
survey of captive parrot populations around port phillip bay, victoria, australia, for psittacine beak and feather disease virus, avian polyomavirus and psittacine adenovirus.this study investigated the prevalence of psittacine beak and feather disease virus (bfdv), avian polyomavirus (apv) and psittacine adenovirus (psadv) in captive psittacine birds around port phillip bay, victoria, australia.201526220322
emerging infectious disease or evidence of endemicity? a multi-season study of beak and feather disease virus in wild red-crowned parakeets (cyanoramphus novaezelandiae).beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) is a single-stranded dna virus that is the etiological agent of beak and feather disease in both wild and captive parrots. given that bfdv is globally recognized as a conservation threat for wild parrots, between 2011-2013, red-crowned parakeets (cyanoramphus novaezelandiae, n = 229), which are endemic to new zealand, were captured in mist nets on tiritiri matangi island and hauturu-o-toi/little barrier island (lbi), new zealand, for disease surveillance. bl ...201526138559
genome sequences of beak and feather disease virus in urban rainbow lorikeets (trichoglossus haematodus).beak and feather disease viral genomes were recovered from two deceased juvenile urban rainbow lorikeets (trichoglossus haematodus) that lacked tail feathers. these genomes share ~95% pairwise identity with two beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) genomes identified in wild and captive australian t. haematodus birds and ~92% identity to those in wild new caledonian t. haematodus deplanchii birds.201525908126
erratum for sarker et al., molecular characterization of genome sequences of beak and feather disease virus from the australian twenty-eight parrot (barnardius zonarius semitorquatus). 201525614578
psittacine beak and feather disease-like illness in gouldian finches (chloebia gouldiae).beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) is a member of the genus circovirus and causes psittacine beak and feather disease (pbfd) in psittaciformes. pbfd is a severe disease generally characterized by immunodeficiency and beak and feather disorders. although circovirus spp. have been detected in several nonpsittacine species, little is known about the symptoms and the disease associated with this infection in birds other than psittaciformes. in this study, we report the identification of circoviru ...201425518446
molecular characterization of genome sequences of beak and feather disease virus from the australian twenty-eight parrot (barnardius zonarius semitorquatus).three complete genomes of beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) were recovered from wild twenty-eight parrots (polytelis anthopeplus monarchoides). the genomes consisted of 1,996 bp with 1,934 identical sites and a typically content stem-loop structure between orf1 and orf2. this is the first report of bfdv infection as well as the complete genome sequences for this host species globally.201425477410
phylogenetic analysis of beak and feather disease virus across a host ring-species complex.pathogens have been hypothesized to play a major role in host diversity and speciation. susceptibility of hybrid hosts to pathogens is thought to be a common phenomenon that could promote host population divergence and subsequently speciation. however, few studies have tested for pathogen infection across animal hybrid zones while testing for codivergence of the pathogens in the hybridizing host complex. over 8 y, we studied natural infection by a rapidly evolving single-strand dna virus, beak a ...201425225394
faecal virome analysis of wild animals from brazil.the brazilian cerrado fauna shows very wide diversity and can be a potential viral reservoir. therefore, the animal's susceptibility to some virus can serve as early warning signs of potential human virus diseases. moreover, the wild animal virome of this biome is unknown. based on this scenario, high-throughput sequencing contributes a robust tool for the identification of known and unknown virus species in this environment. in the present study, faeces samples from cerrado birds (psittacara le ...201931480274
towards inferring the global movement of beak and feather disease virus.beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) is a circular single-stranded dna virus that causes psittacine beak and feather disease. we analysed 184 publically available bfdv full genomes to infer both the approximate geographical origin of the most recent common ancestor (mrca) of these sequences and past bfdv long-range migrations using a bayesian phylogeographic analyses. while the analysed bfdv sequences were sampled over too brief a period to ensure a strong enough temporal signal for accurate lo ...201424503064
evidence of psittacine beak and feather disease virus spillover into wild critically endangered orange-bellied parrots (neophema chrysogaster).we report the recent emergence of a novel beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) genotype in the last remaining wild population of the critically endangered orange-bellied parrot (neophema chrysogaster). this virus poses a significant threat to the recovery of the species and potentially its survival in the wild. we used pcr to detect bfdv in the blood of three psittacine beak and feather disease (pbfd)-affected wild orange-bellied parrot fledglings captured as founders for an existing captive br ...201424484492
whole-genome sequence characterization of a beak and feather disease virus in a wild regent parrot (polytelis anthopeplus monarchoides).the whole-genome sequence of beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) from a wild australian regent parrot (polytelis anthopeplus monarchoides) was characterized. the genome consists of 1,993 bp and has a typical stem-loop structure between open reading frame 1 (orf1) and orf2. this is the first evidence of bfdv infection as well as the complete genome sequence for this host species, globally.201424482518
hygiene and biosecurity protocols reduce infection prevalence but do not improve fledging success in an endangered parrot.emerging infectious diseases (eids) are recognised as global extinction drivers of threatened species. unfortunately, biodiversity managers have few tested solutions to manage them when often the desperate need for solutions necessitates a response. here we test in situ biosecurity protocols to assess the efficacy of managing psittacine beak and feather disease (pbfd), one of the most common and emergent viral diseases in wild parrots (psittaciformes) that is currently affecting numerous threate ...201930886308
beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) prevalence, load and excretion in seven species of wild caught common australian parrots.pathogens pose a major risk to wild host populations, especially in the face of ongoing biodiversity declines. beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) can affect most if not all members of one of the largest and most threatened bird orders world-wide, the psittaciformes. signs of disease can be severe and mortality rates high. its broad host range makes it a risk to threatened species in particular, because infection can occur via spill-over from abundant hosts. despite these risks, surveillance o ...202032609774
identification and characterization of a distinct strain of beak and feather disease virus in southeast china.beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) is an infectious agent responsible for feather degeneration and beak deformation in birds. in march 2017, an epidemic of psittacine beak and feather disease (pbfd) struck a farm in fuzhou in the fujian province of southeast china, resulting in the death of 51 parrots. in this study, the disease was diagnosed and the pathogen was identified by pcr and whole genome sequencing. a distinct bfdv strain was identified and named as the fz strain. this bfdv strain c ...202031552609
evolution of circoviruses in lorikeets lags behind its hosts.the presence of endogenous viral elements in host genomes hints towards much older host-virus relationships than predicted by exogenous phylogenies, with highly mutable single-stranded dna (ssdna) viruses and rna viruses often occupying entangled multispecies ecological niches. the difficulty lies in unravelling the long-term evolutionary history of vertebrate virus-host relationships and determining the age of a potentially ancient tree based only fresh shoots at the tips. resolving such lineag ...201627118178
discovery and complete genome sequence of a novel circovirus-like virus in the endangered rowi kiwi, apteryx rowi.circoviruses are circular, non-enveloped, single-stranded dna viruses around 2000 nucleotides (nt) in length and include the pathogenic species, porcine circovirus 1 and beak and feather disease virus, capable of causing significant morbidity and mortality. this group of viruses may be robust to degradation by external environments, and avian circoviruses are known to move between closely related hosts. using a de novo metagenomic approach, followed by confirmatory pcr, we identify for the first ...201627115421
identification and characterization of novel genotypes of psittacine beak and feather disease virus from budgerigar in china.psittacine beak and feather disease (pbfd) is a common disease in psittacine bird that caused by beak and feather disease virus (bfdv). bfdv is widely spread and threatening psittacine birds worldwide. however, the bfdv infection in china remains largely unknown. in this study, a surveillance study of bfdv was conducted in three budgerigar breeding facilities, which showed that 66.6% of collected faeces samples were positive for bfdv. full genomes of nine bfdv circulating in the three budgerigar ...201931237100
complete genome sequence of genotype psittacine beak and feather disease virus, a strain identified from budgerigars in china.psittacine beak and feather disease virus (pbfdv) has been reported in many countries, such as australia, poland, the united states, south africa, etc. in this study, the complete genome of a pbfdv isolate was determined and characterized from budgerigars in china.201931097493
a non-invasive method to assess environmental contamination with avian pathogens: beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) detection in nest boxes.indirect transmission of pathogens can pose major risks to wildlife, yet the presence and persistence of wildlife pathogens in the environment has been little studied. beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) is of global conservation concern: it can infect all members of the psittaciformes, one of the most threatened bird orders, with infection often being lethal. indirect transmission of bfdv through contaminated nest hollows has been proposed as a major infection source. however, data on whether ...202032566393
seasonal fluctuation of beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) infection in wild crimson rosellas (platycercus elegans).understanding patterns of pathogen emergence can help identify mechanisms involved in transmission dynamics. beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) poses a major threat world-wide to wild and captive parrots. yet data from wild birds on seasonal fluctuations in prevalence and infection intensity, and thereby the potential high-risk times for virus transmission, have been lacking. we screened wild crimson rosellas (platycercus elegans) for bfdv in blood and cloacal swabs. prevalence in blood sampl ...202032398741
disease surveillance in wild victorian cacatuids reveals co-infection with multiple agents and detection of novel avian viruses.wild birds are known reservoirs of bacterial and viral pathogens, some of which have zoonotic potential. this poses a risk to both avian and human health, since spillover into domestic bird populations may occur. in victoria, wild-caught cockatoos trapped under licence routinely enter commercial trade. the circovirus beak and feather disease virus (bfdv), herpesviruses, adenoviruses and chlamydia psittaci have been identified as significant pathogens of parrots globally, with impacts on both avi ...201931383310
investigation and sequence analysis of avian polyomavirus and psittacine beak and feather disease virus from companion birds in eastern turkey.avian polyomavirus (apv) and psittacine beak and feather disease virus (pbfdv) induce contagious and persistent diseases that affect the beaks, feathers, and immune systems of companion birds. apv causes hepatitis, ascites, hydropericardium, depression, feather disorders, abdominal distension, and potentially death. pbfdv can induce progressive beak deformity, feather dystrophy, and plumage loss. we conducted the first prevalence survey of both apv and pbfdv infections in companion birds in east ...202033367137
repeat spillover of beak and feather disease virus into an endangered parrot highlights the risk associated with endemic pathogen loss in endangered species.conservation efforts for the orange-bellied parrot (neophema chrysogaster), one of the world's most critically endangered bird species, have been hampered by beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) spillover infection. to understand the vulnerability of orange-bellied parrots to potential reservoirs of infection we investigated geographic versus taxonomic structure in 160 full-genome and 319 partial rep gene bfdv sequences from captive and wild orange-bellied parrots and other wild parrot species ...202033600597
genetic signatures of population bottlenecks, relatedness, and inbreeding highlight recent and novel conservation concerns in the egyptian vulture.the assessment of temporal variation in genetic features can be particularly informative on the factors behind demography and viability of wildlife populations and species. we used molecular methods to evaluate neutral genetic variation, relatedness, bottlenecks, and inbreeding in a declining population of egyptian vulture (neophron percnopterus) in central spain. the results show that the genetic diversity remained relatively stable over a period of twelve years despite the decline in census an ...202133828925
monitoring of free-ranging and captive psittacula populations in western europe for avian bornaviruses, circoviruses and polyomaviruses.avian pathogens such as bornaviruses, circoviruses and polyomaviruses are widely distributed in captive collections of psittacine birds worldwide and can cause fatal diseases. in contrast, only little is known about their presence in free-ranging psittacines and their impact on these populations. rose-ringed parakeets (psittacula krameri) and alexandrine parakeets (psittacula eupatria) are non-native to europe, but have established stable populations in parts of western europe. from 2012-2017, w ...202031617746
trade and conservation implications of new beak and feather disease virus detection in native and introduced parrots.psittacine beak and feather disease (pbfd), caused by beak and feather disease virus (bfdv), has spread rapidly around the world, raising concerns for threatened species conservation and biosecurity associated with the global pet bird trade. the virus has been reported in several wild parrot populations, but data are lacking for many taxa and geographical areas with high parrot endemism. we aimed to advance understanding of bfdv distribution in many data-deficient areas and determine phylogeneti ...201830152576
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