
analysis of the composition of bacterial communities in oil reservoirs from a southern offshore brazilian basin.the aim of this study was to characterize and compare the bacterial community structure of two distinct oil samples from a petroleum field in brazil by using both molecular, based on the construction of 16s rrna gene libraries, and cultivation methods. statistical comparisons of libraries based on amplified ribosomal dna restriction analysis (ardra) data revealed no significant differences between the communities recovered in the non-biodegraded (nbd) and highly biodegraded oils (hbd). blastn an ...200717072536
brevibacillus ginsengisoli sp. nov., a denitrifying bacterium isolated from soil of a ginseng field.a gram-positive, rod-shaped, spore-forming bacterium, gsoil 3088t, was isolated from soil from a ginseng field in pocheon province in south korea and characterized in order to determine its taxonomic position. on the basis of 16s rrna gene sequence similarity, strain gsoil 3088t was shown to belong to the family paenibacillaceae, being related to brevibacillus centrosporus (96.6%), brevibacillus borstelensis (96.3%), brevibacillus parabrevis (96.1%), brevibacillus formosus (96.1%), brevibacillus ...200617082408
role of an extracellular neutral protease in infection against nematodes by brevibacillus laterosporus strain g4.proteases have been proposed as virulence factors in microbial pathogenicity against nematodes. however, what kinds of extracellular proteases from these pathogens and how they contribute to the pathogenesis of infections against nematode in vivo remain largely unknown. a previous analysis using a strain with a deletion in an extracellular alkaline protease blg4 gene from brevibacillus laterosporus demonstrated that blg4 was responsible for the majority of nematicidal activity by destroying host ...200717109172
metabolic activity and phylogenetic diversity of reed (phragmites australis) periphyton bacterial communities in a hungarian shallow soda the present study, the species composition and potential metabolic activities of bacterial communities of reed phragmites australis (cav.) (trin. ex steudel) periphyton from lake velencei were studied by cultivation-based and metabolic fingerprinting methods. serially diluted spring biofilm samples were used to test the community-level physiological profiling (clpp) using biolog microplates, and for plating onto different media. on the basis of their morphological, biochemical, and physiologi ...200717406774
species diversity and substrate utilization patterns of thermophilic bacterial communities in hot aerobic poultry and cattle manure composts.this study investigated the species diversity and substrate utilization patterns of culturable thermophilic bacterial communities in hot aerobic poultry and cattle manure composts by coupling 16s rdna analysis with biolog data. based on the phylogenetic relationships of 16s rdna sequences, 34 thermophilic (grown at 60 degrees c) bacteria isolated during aerobic composting of poultry manure and cattle manure were classified as bacillus licheniformis, b. atrophaeus, geobacillus stearothermophilus, ...200717450396
screening and distributing features of bacteria with hydantoinase and carbamoylase.hydantoinase and carbamoylase are key biocatalysts for the production of optically pure amino acids from dl-5-substituted hydantoins (ssh). out of 364 isolated strains with hydantoinase and carbamoylase at 45 degrees c, 24 strains showed efficient hydantoinase and carbamoylase activities. among them, 17 produced l-amino acids, and 7 produced d-amino acids from both aromatic dl-5-benzylhydantoin and aliphatic dl-5-isopropylhydantoin. most of the strains that were able to form l-amino acid belonge ...200917498938
the effects of the bt/tamus 2032 cationic peptides on innate immunity and susceptibility of young chickens to extraintestinal salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis infection.the bt/tamus 2032 (bt) cationic peptides are a group of related cationic peptides produced by a gram-positive bacterium. cationic amphiphilic peptides have been found to stimulate or prime the innate immune responses in mammals. the innate immune system of poultry is functionally inefficient during the first week post-hatch enabling pathogens such as salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis (se) to invade and colonize the visceral organs of these immature birds. the objective of the present study ...200717499193
proteases from bacillus: a new insight into the mechanism of action for rhizobacterial suppression of nematode populations.the aim of this study was to investigate the role of proteases in bacillus spp. of rhizobacteria in suppressing nematode populations and to understand their mechanism of action.200717718837
diversity analysis of antagonists from rice-associated bacteria and their application in biocontrol of rice understand the diversity, taxonomy and antagonistic potential of rice-associated bacteria, and to discover new bacteria for biocontrol of rice foliar pathogens.200817850318
identification of bacillus spp. from bikalga, fermented seeds of hibiscus sabdariffa: phenotypic and genotypic identify bacillus spp. responsible of the fermentation of hibiscus sabdariffa for production of bikalga, an alkaline fermented food used as a condiment in burkina faso.200817922831
metabolites produced by pseudomonas sp. enable a gram-positive bacterium to achieve extracellular electron transfer.previous studies revealed the abundance of pseudomonas sp. in the microbial community of a microbial fuel cell (mfc). these bacteria can transfer electrons to the electrode via self-produced phenazine-based mediators. a mfc fed with acetate where several pseudomonas sp. were present was found to be rich in a gram-positive bacterium, identified as brevibacillus sp. pth1. remarkably, mfcs operated with only the brevibacillus strain in their anodes had poor electricity generation. upon replacement ...200817968538
15n isotope labeling of a protein secreted by brevibacillus choshinensis for nmr study. 200817996188
tauramamide, a lipopeptide antibiotic produced in culture by brevibacillus laterosporus isolated from a marine habitat: structure elucidation and synthesis.tauramamide (1), a new lipopeptide antibiotic, is produced by cultures of the marine bacterial isolate brevibacillus laterosporus png276 obtained from papua new guinea. tauramamide was isolated as its methyl and ethyl esters 2 and 3, whose structures were elucidated by analysis of nmr, ms, and chemical degradation data. a total synthesis of tauramamide (1) and tauramamide ethyl ester (3) confirmed the structure proposed from spectroscopic analysis and provided the natural product for antimicrobi ...200718044840
lysis of cyanobacteria with volatile organic of bacteria collected from lake sagami, japan, brevibacillus sp., was found to have a lytic activity of cyanobacteria, but did not produce active compounds. instead, the co-culturing of microcystis with the brevibacillus sp. enhanced the production of two volatile compounds, beta-cyclocitral and 3-methyl-1-butanol, and the former had a characteristic lytic activity. it was confirmed that these volatile compounds were derived from the cyanobacteria themselves. beta-ionone, geosmin and 2-methy ...200818179811
[purification and properties of an antimicrobial substance from marine brevibacillus laterosporus lh-1].an antimicrobial substance produced by brevibacillus laterosporus isolated from the sea sediment was purified and characterized. the antimicrobial substance was purified by ultrafiltration, deae-sepharose fast flow chromatography, cm-sepharose fast flow chromatography and hplc reversed phase column chromatography, and after the final purification step, one active fraction was obtained, designated r-1. the molecular weight (mw) was accurately determined by maldi-tof-ms as 1608.023 da. and its pi ...200718271253
biodegradation of gaseous styrene by brevibacillus sp. using a novel agitating biotrickling filter.a novel biofilter with an agitator to control excessive biomass accumulation, the agitating biotrickling filter (abtf) system, was developed for treatment of gaseous styrene using brevibacillus sp. as the sole microorganism the abtf exhibited an elimination capacity of 3 kg styrene m(-3) day(-1). after 110 days, the biodegradation efficiency decreased because of the clogging. the excess biomass was effectively removed by agitation. after the first agitation step, 42.4 g biomass was eliminated, a ...200818317704
a novel hydantoinase process using recombinant escherichia coli cells with dihydropyrimidinase and l-n-carbamoylase activities as biocatalyst for the production of l-homophenylalanine.a dihydropyrimidinase gene (pydb) was cloned from the moderate thermophilic brevibacillus agri nchu1002 and expressed in escherichia coli. the purified dihydropyrimidinase exhibited strict d-enantioselectivity for d,l-p-hydroxyphenylhydantoin and d,l-5-[2-(methylthio)ethyl]hydantoin, and non-enantiospecificity for d,l-homophenylalanylhydantoin (d,l-hpah). the hydrolytic activity of pydb was enhanced notably by mn2+, with a maximal activity at 60 degrees c and ph 8.0. this enzyme was completely t ...200818342972
immature house fly (musca domestica) control in breeding sites with a new brevibacillus laterosporus formulation.a bacterial formulation containing spores of a brevibacillus laterosporus strain from sardinia, known to be toxic by ingestion to the house fly (musca domestica), was assayed in laboratory, outdoor, and field conditions for the control of immature stages of this pest. in all laboratory assays, the bacterial formulation exhibited toxicity against house fly larvae. a concentration of 1 x 10(8) spores of b. laterosporus/g of diet caused 100% mortality of house fly immature stages. the same formulat ...200818419923
coexistence of antibiotic-producing and antibiotic-sensitive bacteria in biofilms is mediated by resistant bacteria.antibiotic-sensitive bacteria have been found to coexist with antibiotic-producing bacteria in biofilms, but little is known about how the former develop in such an environment. here we isolated pyocyanin-sensitive bacteria belonging to the genus brevibacillus from a biofilm derived from soil extract and based on the preestablished biofilm of a pyocyanin producer, pseudomonas aeruginosa strain p1. in addition, pyocyanin-resistant strains belonging to the genus raoultella were isolated from the s ...200818441106
effects of organic solvents on immobilized lipase in pectin microspheres.lipase from brevibacillus agri 52 was found stable up to 90% diethylenglycol (deg), glycerol (gly), and 1,2 propanediol (1,2 pro) at 37 degrees c for 1 h and the stability was reduced only approximately 20% after 12 h incubation, but in 40% dimethylsulfoxide (dmso), lipase activity was stable only for 1 h. inhibition of the biocatalysts with dimethylformamide (dmf) was detected at 20% solvent concentration. in water immiscible systems, the stability of lipase in n-hexane, n-tetradecane and n-hep ...200818543116
characterization of depth-related microbial communities in lake sediment by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of amplified 16s rrna fragments.the characterization of microbial communities of different depth sediment samples was examined by a culture-independent method and compared with physicochemical parameters, those are organic matter (om), total nitrogen (tn), total phosphorus (tp), ph and redox potential (eh). total genomic dna was extracted from samples derived from different depths. after they were amplified with the gc-341f/907r primer sets of partial bacterial 16s rrna genes, the products were separated by denaturing gradient ...200818574965
enhanced survival of shrimp, penaeus (marsupenaeus) japonicus from white spot syndrome disease after oral administration of recombinant vp28 expressed in brevibacillus brevis.white spot syndrome virus (wssv) disease is a major threat to shrimp culture worldwide. here, we assessed the efficacy of the oral administration of purified recombinant vp28, an envelope protein of wssv, expressed in a gram-positive bacterium, brevibacillus brevis, in providing protection in shrimp, penaeus japonicus, upon challenge with wssv. juvenile shrimp (2-3g in body weight) fed with pellets containing purified recombinant vp28 (50microg/shrimp) for 2 weeks showed significantly higher sur ...200818603448
oil-removal enhancement in media with keratinous or chitinous wastes by hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria isolated from oil-polluted soils.the aim of this work was to isolate oil-degrading bacteria that use chitin or keratin as carbon sources from oil contaminated soils; and additionally to study if oil removal by these bacteria is enhanced when a chitinous or a keratinous waste is added to the culture media. to isolate the above-mentioned bacteria, 12 soil samples were collected close to an oil-well. such soils showed unsuitable nutrients content, but their counts of heterotrophic bacteria ranged within 10(5)-10(8) cfu g(-1) soil, ...200818613616
[multiplex-pcr approach to identify bacillus species applied in microbial fertilizers].to discriminate the strains of bacillus subtilis group including b. subtilis, b. amyloliquefaciens, b. licheniformis, and b. pumilus, a rapid and accurate distinguishing method is essential for the identification of the target strains to ensure the quality and safety of microbial fertilizers.200818652298
brevibacillus sp: a novel thermophilic source for the production of bile salt hydrolase.a thermophilic microorganism growing within the temperature range of 40-65 degrees c (optimum at 55 degrees c) was isolated from hot water springs near konkan, maharashtra, india. based on 16s rdna sequence analysis, it was concluded that the isolate belongs to the genus brevibacillus. the present paper reports the isolation, identification, and standardization of fermentation conditions for the production of enzyme, bile salt hydrolase (ec which is produced intracellularly at high tem ...200918679592
molecular characterization of a novel family-46 chitosanase from pseudomonas sp. a-01.pseudomonas sp. a-01, isolated as a strain with chitosan-degrading activity, produced a 28 kda chitosanase. following purification of the chitosanase (cto1) and determination of its n-terminal amino acid sequence, the corresponding gene (cto1) was cloned by a reverse-genetic technique. the gene encoded a protein, composed of 266 amino acids, including a putative signal sequence (1-28), that showed an amino acid sequence similar to known family-46 chitosanases. cto1 was successfully overproduced ...200818685218
cloning, sequencing and analysis of dnak -dnaj gene cluster of bacillus megaterium.the dna fragment of heat shock genes (hrca-grpe-dnak-dnaj) containing complete hrca-grpe-dnak operon and the transcription unit of dnaj was cloned, sequensed and analyzed from bacillus megaterium rf5. the sequence of hrca, grpe and dnaj were first time reported, and their coding products exibit 60%, 63% and 81% of identities to the homologs of b. subtilis. a sigmaa-type promoter of gram-positive bacteria (pa1) and a terminator were located upstream of the hrca and downstream of dnak, and a contr ...200818785662
histidine-regulated activity of m-ficolin.human m-ficolin is a pathogen-associated molecular recognition molecule in the innate immune system, and it binds to some sugars, such as glcnac (n-acetylglucosamine), on pathogen surfaces. from previous structural and functional studies of the fd1 (m-ficolin fibrinogen-like domain), we proposed that the ligand-binding region of fd1 exists in a conformational equilibrium between active and non-active states depending on three groups with a pk(a) of 6.2, which are probably histidine residues, and ...200918826375
inhibition of photosynthesis in cyanobacteria and plankton algae by the bacterium brevibacillus laterosporus metabolites. 200818853767
[transformation and expression of specific insecticide gene bt cry3a in resident endogenetic bacteria isolated from apriona germari (hope) larvae intestines].transforming the specific insecticidal gene bt cry3a into the dominant resident endogenetic bacteria in intestines of apriona germari (hope) larvae to construct transgenic bacteria that can colonize and express the insecticidal gene bt cry3a perfectly in intestines of apriona germari (hope) larvae.200819062639
characterization of the smallest dimeric bile salt hydrolase from a thermophile brevibacillus sp.a thermophilic microorganism producing bile salt hydrolase was isolated from hot water springs, pali, maharashtra, india. this microorganism was identified as brevibacillus sp. by 16s rdna sequencing. bile salt hydrolase (bsh) was purified to homogeneity from this thermophilic source using q-sepharose chromatography and its enzymatic properties were characterized. the subunit molecular mass of the purified enzyme was estimated to be 28 kda by sds-page and, 28.2 kda by maldi-tof analysis. the nat ...200919142574
isolation, identification of sludge-lysing strain and its utilization in thermophilic aerobic digestion for waste activated sludge.a strain of sludge-lysing bacteria was isolated from waste activated sludge (was) in this study. the result of 16s rrna gene analysis demonstrated that it was a species of new genus brevibacillus (named brevibacillus sp. kh3). the strain could release the protease with molecule weight of about 40 kda which could enhance the efficiency of sludge thermophilic aerobic digestion. during the sterilized sludge digestion experiment inoculated with brevibacillus sp. kh3, the maximum protease activity wa ...200919147346
amino acid-selective isotope labeling of proteins for nuclear magnetic resonance study: proteins secreted by brevibacillus we report the first application of amino acid-type selective (aats) isotope labeling of a recombinant protein secreted by brevibacillus choshinensis for a nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) study. to prepare the 15n-aats-labeled protein, the transformed b. choshinensis was cultured in 15n-labeled amino acid-containing c.h.l. medium, which is commonly used in the escherichia coli expression system. the analyses of the 1h-15n heteronuclear single quantum coherence (hsqc) spectra of the secreted ...200919161967
brevibacillus laterosporus mtcc 2298: a potential azo dye evaluate the potential of brevibacillus laterosporus mtcc 2298 for the decolourization of different textile azo dyes including methyl red, mechanism of biotransformation and the toxicity of products.200919187152
isolation and characterization of cellulose-degrading bacteria from the deep subsurface of the homestake gold mine, lead, south dakota, usa.the present study investigated the cultivable mesophilic (37 degrees c) and thermophilic (60 degrees c) cellulose-degrading bacterial diversity in a weathered soil-like sample collected from the deep subsurface (1.5 km depth) of the homestake gold mine in lead, south dakota, usa. chemical characterization of the sample by x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy revealed a high amount of toxic heavy metals such as cu, cr, pb, ni, and zn. molecular community structures were determined by phylogenetic anal ...200919189143
cyanophycin-degrading bacteria in digestive tracts of mammals, birds and fish and consequences for possible applications of cyanophycin and its dipeptides in nutrition and determine the susceptibility of cyanophycin granule polypeptide (cgp) to degradation by several mammalian, avian and fish gut flora.200919191948
structural characterization of lipopeptides from brevibacillus brevis hob1.brevibacillus brevis hob1 was isolated from the formation water of an oil field and found to produce lipopeptides. the separation of lipopeptides was successfully achieved by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (hplc) leading to nine separated peaks. the chemical structures of these lipopeptides were studied by means of electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (esi-ms), gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (gc/ms), hplc and electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (esi ...201019224401
molecular characterization of early colonizer bacteria from wastes in a steel plant.forty-nine bacteria isolated from four newly-produced waste samples of a steel industry, which had a high content of cao, mgo, cr and p2o5, were characterized molecularly and phenotypically by susceptibility testing against heavy metals.200819241517
[diversity of bacteria isolated from the south china sea sediments].to isolate bacteria from nansha area of south china sea,200819271531
the n-terminal sequence after residue 247 plays an important role in structure and function of lon protease from brevibacillus thermoruber wr-249.previous studies on the n-terminal domain of lon proteases have not clearly identified its function. here we constructed randomly chosen n-terminal-truncated mutants of the lon protease from brevibacillus thermoruber wr-249 to elucidate the structure-function relationship of this domain. mutants lacking amino acids from 1 to 247 of n terminus retained significant peptidase and atpase activities, but lost approximately 90% of protease activity. further truncation of the protein resulted in the lo ...200919324005
expression and purification of canine granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (cg-csf).canine granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (cg-csf) with modification of cysteine at position 17 to serine was expressed in brevibacillus choshinensis hpd31. cg-csf secreted into the culture medium was purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation and consecutive column chromatography, using butyl sepharose and deae sepharose. biological activity of the recombinant cg-csf was 8.0 x 10(6) u/mg protein, as determined by its stimulatory effect on nfs-60 cell proliferation. purified cg-csf was subcut ...200919339059
ingestion of bacteria overproducing dnak attenuates vibrio infection of artemia franciscana larvae.feeding of bacterially encapsulated heat shock proteins (hsps) to invertebrates is a novel way to limit vibrio infection. as an example, ingestion of escherichia coli overproducing prokaryotic hsps significantly improves survival of gnotobiotically cultured artemia larvae upon challenge with pathogenic vibrio campbellii. the relationship between hsp accumulation and enhanced resistance to infection may involve dnak, the prokaryotic equivalent to hsp70, a major molecular chaperone in eukaryotic c ...200919373565
composition of bacterial communities associated with natural and laboratory populations of asobara tabida infected with wolbachia.asobara tabida wasps are fly endoparasitoids that naturally harbor three wolbachia strains, which induce cytoplasmic incompatibility and control oogenesis. to investigate whether other bacteria play a role in wasp biology, we surveyed the bacterial communities of wild a. tabida populations originating from different regions of france and of laboratory colonies using pcr-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and culture methods. proteobacteria and firmicutes were found to be the main phyla repr ...200919376923
study of cellulases from a newly isolated thermophilic and cellulolytic brevibacillus sp. strain jxl.a potentially novel aerobic, thermophilic, and cellulolytic bacterium designated as brevibacillus sp. strain jxl was isolated from swine waste. strain jxl can utilize a broad range of carbohydrates including: cellulose, carboxymethylcellulose (cmc), xylan, cellobiose, glucose, and xylose. in two different media supplemented with crystalline cellulose and cmc at 57 degrees c under aeration, strain jxl produced a basal level of cellulases as fpu of 0.02 iu/ml in the crude culture supernatant. when ...200919390881
brevibacillus brevis peritonitis.we present what we believe is the first case of brevibacillus (bacillus) brevis peritonitis in a patient with hepatocellular carcinoma, possibly caused by the ingestion of fermented foods containing b. brevis spores. this case also demonstrates a pattern of antibiotic susceptibility with differing in vitro and in vivo bactericidal efficacy.200919402209
brevibacillus panacihumi sp. nov., a beta-glucosidase-producing bacterium.two gram-positive-staining, endospore-forming, rod-shaped, motile bacteria, strains dcy35(t) and c17, were isolated from soil of a ginseng field in south korea and were characterized in order to determine their taxonomic positions. 16s rrna gene sequence analysis revealed that the two strains belonged to the family paenibacillaceae; strain dcy35(t) showed highest levels of similarity to strain c17 (99.9 %), brevibacillus invocatus lmg 18962(t) (98.9 %), b. centrosporus dsm 8445(t) (98.0 %), b. b ...200919406823
investigation of protease-mediated cuticle-degradation of nematodes by using an improved immunofluorescence-localization order to facilitate the understanding of the actual process of enzyme-based degradation of nematodes, we visualized the localization of blg4, a cuticle-degrading protease from the nematophagous bacterium brevibacillus laterosporus g4, on nematode cuticle by using an improved immuno-labeled fluorescent method. live nematodes, heat-killed nematodes and extracted nematode cuticles were exposed to the protease, and the localization of the protease and the resulting tissue degradation and destruct ...200919435598
guidelines for interpretation of 16s rrna gene sequence-based results for identification of medically important aerobic gram-positive bacteria.this study is believed to be the first to provide guidelines for facilitating interpretation of results based on full and 527 bp 16s rrna gene sequencing and microseq databases used for identifying medically important aerobic gram-positive bacteria. overall, full and 527 bp 16s rrna gene sequencing can identify 24 and 40 % of medically important gram-positive cocci (gpc), and 21 and 34 % of medically important gram-positive rods (gpr) confidently to the species level, whereas the full-microseq a ...200919528178
influence of magnetic field on activity of given anaerobic sludge.two modes of magnetic fields were applied in the cr(6+) removal sludge reactors containing two predominated strains--bacillus sp. and brevibacillus sp., respectively. the magnetic field mode i* of 0-4.5 or 0-14 mt between pieces was obtained by setting the magnetic pieces with the surface magnetic density of 0-6 or 0-20 mt into the reactor, and the magnetic field mode ii* of 6, 20, or 40 mt on the return line was obtained by controlling the working distance of the permanent magnet outside the sl ...200919543694
characterization of an organic-solvent-tolerant brevibacillus agri strain 13 able to stabilize solvent/water emulsion.brevibacillus agri strain 13 was isolated and characterized as a gram-positive organic-solvent-tolerant bacterium able to grow at 45 degrees c. it can tolerate high concentrations (5% and 20%, v/v) of various organic solvents with a broad range of log p(ow) when the organic solvent was provided as a nonaqueous layer. although it can tolerate a number of aromatic solvents, it cannot utilize them as a sole carbon source. the surface characteristics of cells exposed to organic solvent were investig ...200919548892
endophytic bacteria associated with growing shoot tips of banana (musa sp.) cv. grand naine and the affinity of endophytes to the host.a cultivation-based assessment of endophytic bacteria present in deep-seated shoot tips of banana suckers was made with a view to generate information on the associated organisms, potential endophytic contaminants in tissue-cultured bananas and to assess if the endophytes shared a beneficial relationship with the host. plating the tissue homogenate from the central core of suckers showed colony growth on nutrient agar from just 75% and 42% of the 12 stocks during may and november, respectively ( ...200919633807
[analysis of bacterial colonization associated with gigaspora margarita spores by green fluorescence protein (gfp) marked technology].we analyzed bacterial colonization associated with spores of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (amf) gigaspora margarita, to indicate their ecological niche, and to provide information for further researches on their populations or functions.200919637569
dna-binding specificity of the lon protease alpha-domain from brevibacillus thermoruber wr-249.lon protease has been well studied in many aspects; however, the dna-binding specificity of lon in prokaryotes has not been clearly identified. here we examined the dna-binding activity of lon protease alpha-domains from brevibacillus thermoruber (bt), bacillus subtilis (bs), and escherichia coli (ec). maldi-tof mass spectroscopy showed that the alpha-domain from bt-lon binds to the duplex nucleotide sequence 5'-ctgttagcgggc-3' (ms1) and protected it from dnase i digestion. surface plasmon reson ...200919643080
enzymatic degradation of fibroin fiber by a fibroinolytic enzyme of brevibacillus thermoruber yas-1.the employment of thermophiles and their enzymes is effective for the degradation of hard-to-degrade proteins. in this report, we describe the efficient degradation of fibroin, one major protein of silk fiber, by a thermophile and its enzymes. brevibacillus thermoruber yas-1, a thermophile which produces a proteinase with high action on fibroin fiber, was screened from samples obtained at the manza hot springs, gunma, japan. the time course of fibroin degradation by the strain was investigated w ...200919664554
residues leu52 and leu134 are important for the structural integrity of a nucleotide exchange factor grpe from bacillus licheniformis.a dna fragment encoding bacillus licheniformis grpe (blgrpe) with double mutations at codons 52 and 134 was obtained during pcr cloning. leu52 and leu134 in blgrpe were individually replaced with pro and his to generate blgrpe-l52p and blgrpe-l134h. blgrpe and blgrpe-l52p synergistically stimulated the atpase activity of b. licheniformis dnak (bldnak); however, blgrpe-l134h and the double-mutated protein (blgrpe-l52p/l134h) had no co-chaperone function. blgrpe, blgrpe-l52p, and blgrpe-l134h main ...200919665474
solvent tolerance acquired by brevibacillus brevis during an olive-waste vermicomposting this work, a cultivable, gram-positive, solvent-resistant bacterium was isolated from vermicomposted olive wastes (vow). the highest 16s rrna sequence similarity (99%) was found in brevibacillus brevis. the genome of the isolate, selected for trichloroethylene (tce)-tolerance, contained a nucleotide sequence encoding a conserved protein domain (acr_tran) ascribable to the hae1-rnd family. members of this family are hydrophobic/amphiphilic efflux pumps largely restricted to gram-negative bacte ...200919665790
brevibacillus fluminis sp. nov., isolated from sediment of estuarine wetland.identification of a bacterial strain, designated cj71(t), was carried out using a polyphasic taxonomic approach. strain cj71(t) was isolated from sediment from the estuarine wetland of the han river, south korea, by enrichment culture using pyrene as the sole carbon and energy source. the isolate was white-pigmented, rod-shaped, gram-positive, strictly aerobic and motile. 16s rrna gene sequence analysis revealed that strain cj71(t) had the highest sequence similarity (96.9 %) to brevibacillus fo ...201019700454
characterization and phylogenetic analysis of biodemulsifier-producing bacteria.based on demulsification performance, twenty biodemulsifier-producing strains were isolated from various environmental sources. five of them achieved nearly or over 90% of emulsion breaking ratio within 24 h. with the aid of biochemical and physiological tests and 16s rdna analysis, these isolates were classified into eleven genera, in which six genera (brevibacillus sp., dietzia sp., ochrobactrum sp., pusillimonas sp., sphingopyxis sp. and achromobacter sp.) were firstly reported as demulsifyin ...201019720525
feeding the bt cationic peptides to chickens at hatch reduces cecal colonization by salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis and primes innate immune cell functional activity.the bt/tamus 2032 (bt) cationic peptides are a group of related cationic peptides produced by a gram-positive soil bacterium, brevibacillus texasporus. cationic amphiphilic peptides produced by host cells have been found to stimulate or prime the innate immune responses in mammals, but little information is available on the effects of bacterial-produced peptides on host immunity. we have previously shown that bt, provided as a feed additive for 4 days after hatch, significantly induced protectio ...201019735207
toward plant cell wall degradation under thermophilic condition: a unique microbial community developed originally from swine waste.a unique thermophilic microbial community developed initially from swine waste was investigated in this study. cellulase activities were observed when this community was inoculated to media containing either cellulose or carboxymethylcellulose at 57 degrees c. through constructing a clone library for the 16s ribosomal dna, it was revealed that this community was mainly composed of three genera: thermobacillus, brevibacillus, and anoxybacillus. new findings regarding the thermo- and ph stability ...201019790003
[screening and characteristics of normal temperature lignocellulose-degradation microbial community].a normal temperature lignocellulose-degrading microflora has been constructed by our laboratory. we researched the degradation activity and compose of the community in 28 degrees c fermentation condition. the results showed that the microbial community could degrade 39.6% of rice stew gross weight within five days.the volatile products were detected using cp-chirasil-dex cb capillary column by gc-ms, propionic acid, ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, 4-amino-1-butanol, butanoic acid, diethoxydimethyl-s ...200919799317
detection and hazard assessment of pathogenic microorganisms in medical wastes.this study was undertaken to investigate the types and concentrations of microbial agents in various medical wastes as well as to characterize their survivals in these wastes at different temperatures for microbial risk assessment. medical wastes collected from 5 major hospitals in south korea were classified and stored at three different temperatures (-20, 6, and 30 degrees c). presence of various microorganisms such as pathogenic viruses and bacteria were investigated by both cultivation and b ...200919827491
poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) co-polymer production from a local isolate, brevibacillus invocatus mtcc 9039.accumulation of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) [p(3hb-co-3hv)] co-polymer by a local isolate, brevibacillus invocatus mtcc 9039 under batch mode was investigated under glucose, acetate and propionate-supplemented conditions. cells harvested at the stationary phase of growth depicted maximum accumulation of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (phb), i.e. 3% of dry cell weight (dcw) at ph 7.0 and temperature 30 degrees c at 48h of incubation. phb accumulation reached up to 52% (dcw) under 3% gluc ...201019900805
characterization of an endophytic bacterial community associated with eucalyptus spp.endophytic bacteria were isolated from stems of eucalyptus spp (eucalyptus citriodora, e. grandis, e. urophylla, e. camaldulensis, e. torelliana, e. pellita, and a hybrid of e. grandis and e. urophylla) cultivated at two sites; they were characterized by rapd and amplified rdna restriction analysis (ardra). endophytic bacteria were more frequently isolated from e. grandis and e. pellita. the 76 isolates were identified by 16s rdna sequencing as erwinia/pantoea (45%), agrobacterium sp (21%), curt ...200919937585
evaluation of the vitek2 bcl card for identification of bacillus species and other aerobic evaluate the performance of the vitek2 bacillus identification card (bcl) for the identification of aerobic endospore-forming bacteria, using fresh isolates and reference strains.201019943885
biodegradation of malachite green by brevibacillus laterosporus mtcc 2298.brevibacillus laterosporus mtcc 2298 was screened for the decolorization of eight triphenylmethane dyes. decolorization of malachite green was found to be fastest (87% within 3 hours, at the concentration 0.1 g/l) among the screened dyes. various triphenylmethane dyes showed differential induction patterns of the dye-degrading enzymes. the activities of the laccase, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-dichlorophenolindophenol reductase (nadh-dcip reductase), malachite green reductase, and aminopyr ...200919957764
extracellular production of riboflavin-binding protein, a potential bitter inhibitor, by brevibacillus choshinensis.riboflavin-binding protein (rbp) is a glycophosphoprotein found in hen eggs. we previously identified the extraordinary characteristic of rbp in reducing bitterness. for a more detailed study on the mode of action and industrial application of this characteristic, we investigated the microbial production of recombinant rbp (rrbp). we constructed a chicken rbp gene expression vector by inserting the rbp cdna in pncmo2, the escherichia coli-brevibacillus choshinensis shuttle vector. b. choshinensi ...201020045733
speciation of gram-positive bacteria in fresh and ambient-stored sub-tropical marine fish.this study identified gram-positive bacteria in three sub-tropical marine fish species; pseudocaranx dentex (silver trevally), pagrus auratus (snapper) and mugil cephalus (sea mullet). it further elucidated the role played by fish habitat, fish body part and ambient storage on the composition of the gram-positive bacteria. a total of 266 isolates of gram-positive bacteria were identified by conventional biochemical methods, vitek, pcr using genus- and species-specific primers and/or 16s rrna gen ...201020110133
identification and characterization of microorganisms from earthworm viscera for the conversion of fish wastes into liquid fertilizer.five bacteria isolated from earthworm viscera and identified as brevibacillus agri, bacillus cereus, bacillus licheniformis, and brevibacillus parabrevis by 16s rrna sequencing were employed in the conversion of fish wastes generated from a restaurant specializing in sliced raw fish into fertilizer. within 120h after inoculation of autoclaved fish waste with 5.15 x 10(5) cfu ml(-1) mixed isolates, the amount of dry sludge decreased from 29.4 to 0.2g, the ph changed from 7.05 to 5.70, and the cel ...201020189380
effects of bovine milk lactoperoxidase system on some bacteria.bovine lactoperoxidase (lpo) was purified from skimmed milk using amberlite cg-50-h+ resin, cm sephadex c-50 ion-exchange chromatography, and sephadex g-100 gel filtration chromatography. lactoperoxidase was purified 20.45-fold with a yield of 28.8%. purity of enzyme checked by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis method and a single band was observed. km was 0.25 mm at 20 degrees c, vmax value was 7.95 micromol/ml min at 20 degrees c (ph 6.0). antibacterial study was done ...201020198919
brevibacillus expression system: host-vector system for efficient production of secretory proteins.brevibacillus expression system is an effective bacterial expression system for secretory proteins. the host bacterium, brevibacillus choshinensis, a gram-positive bacterium, has strong capacity to secrete a large amount of proteins (approximately 30 g/l), which mostly consist of cell wall protein. a host-vector system that utilizes such high expression capacity has been constructed for the production of secretory proteins and tested for various heterologous proteins, including cytokines, enzyme ...201020210747
effect of plant age on endophytic bacterial diversity of balloon flower (platycodon grandiflorum) root and their antimicrobial activities.balloon flower (platycodon grandiflorum) is widely cultivated vegetable and used as a remedy for asthma in east asia. experiments were conducted to isolate endophytic bacteria from 1-, 3-, and 6-year-old balloon flower roots and to analyze the enzymatic, antifungal, and anti-human pathogenic activities of the potential endophytic biocontrol agents obtained. total 120 bacterial colonies were isolated from the interior of all balloon flower roots samples. phylogenetic analysis based on 16s rrna ge ...201020221603
vinyl acetate degradation by brevibacillus agri isolated from a slightly aerated methanogenic a previous paper, the authors showed that a slight aeration of a methanogenic reactor treating wastewater from the manufacture of polymeric resins could improve its performance, by increasing or allowing the removal of some of its contaminants, including vinyl acetate (va). this paper reports the isolation under aerobic conditions of a va-biodegrading axenic culture (strain c1) retrieved from the sludge of a slightly aerated methanogenic reactor at 1 mg l(-1) d(-1) of dissolved oxygen (do). t ...201020232673
oil phytoremediation potential of hypersaline coasts of the arabian gulf using rhizosphere technology.the rhizosphere and phyllosphere of the halophyte halonemum strobilaceum naturally inhabiting hypersaline coastal areas of the arabian gulf harbor up to 8.1 x 10(4)g(-1) and 3 x 10(2)g(-1), respectively, of extremely halophilic oil-utilizing microorganisms. such organisms were 14- to 38-fold more frequent in the rhizosphere than in the plant-free soil. frequent genera in the rhizosphere were affiliated to the archaea halobacterium sp. and halococcus sp., the firmicute brevibacillus borstenlensis ...201020303746
[identification of pyrene degrading strains and the degrading characteristics research].three bacterial strains j1, j2, j3 which could use pyrene as the sole carbon and energy sources were isolated from soils contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) by enrichment culture. the strains were identified as pseudomonas aeruginosa, flavobacterium mizutaii, brevibacillus parabrevis according to the results of morphology, physiology and the phylogenetical analyses of 16s rdna sequence. it was observed that the three strains could use pyrene at the concentrations of 50, 100 ...201020329546
degradation of native feathers by a novel keratinase-producing, thermophilic isolate, brevibacillus thermoruber t1e.strain t1e, isolated and identified as brevibacillus thermoruber, and evolutionally distant from the known keratinolytic isolates, proved to have feather-degrading ability. during the 7-day fermentation period, t1e consumed 10 g/l native goose feathers as the sole source of carbon and energy at 50 degrees c under aerobic conditions. the isolate secreted a thermostable, keratinolytic protease, which exhibited activity optimally at ph 6.5, whilst it was inhibited at alkaline ph. the keratin cleava ...201020355333
production of an in vitro-derived deletion mutation of brevibacillus laterosporus by constructing a homology-driven integration this study, a homology-driven integration vector and electroporation system was developed to delete a protease gene in the pathogenic bacterium brevibacillus laterosporus strain g4. furthermore, an in vitro protease-deficient mutation was generated by introducing the integration vector with a 445-bp protease blg4 fragment into b. laterosporus chromosomal target via homologous recombination. the blg4-deficient mutant showed a significant drop in protease activity as compared to the wild-type g ...201020358371
bacillus marcorestinctum sp. nov., a novel soil acylhomoserine lactone quorum-sensing signal quenching bacterium.a gram-positive, facultatively anaerobic, endospore-forming and rod-shaped bacterium was isolated from soil samples and designated strain lqq. this organism strongly quenches the acylhomoserine lactone quorum-sensing signal. the lqq strain exhibits phenotypic characteristics consistent with its classification in the genus bacillus. it is positive in catalase and no special growth factor is needed. it uses glucose as sole carbon source. the dna g + c content is 39.8 mol %. the closest relatives b ...201020386651
bacterial community dynamics during the application of a myxococcus xanthus-inoculated culture medium used for consolidation of ornamental this study, we investigated under laboratory conditions the bacterial communities inhabiting quarry and decayed ornamental carbonate stones before and after the application of a myxococcus xanthus-inoculated culture medium used for consolidation of the stones. the dynamics of the community structure and the prevalence of the inoculated bacterium, m. xanthus, were monitored during the time course of the consolidation treatment (30 days). for this purpose, we selected a molecular strategy combi ...201020393845
isolation and identification of bacillus spp. and related genera from different starchy foods.samples of butternut squash, potatoes, rice, and wheat flour were analyzed. bacillus spp. and related species belonging to paenibacillus and brevibacillus genera were found in 96% of the samples. in butternut squash, predominant species were bacillus pumilus and paenibacillus polymyxa together with other bacillus spp. species (b. cereus, b. licheniformis, b. sphaericus, and b. subtilis). in all the potato samples, bacillus species were detected (b. cereus, b. mycoides, and b. licheniformis). als ...201020546413
[analysis of microbial diversity of nitrifying bacteria by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism].we analyzed the microbial diversity and quantity of nitrifying bacteria in the enrichment reactor by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (t_rflp), a cultured-independent molecular technique. the result indicated that nitrobacteria enriched the best, and the diversity index decreased 62.80% compared with the initial data. nitrobacteria were predominant in the reactor. meanwhile, we studied the microbial diversity before and after adding nitrobacteria into shrimp ponds, and analyzed ...201020575436
biodegradation of phenanthrene with biosurfactant production by a new strain of brevibacillus this work, a phenanthrene-degrading bacterial strain was isolated by enrichment method from hydrocarbon contaminated sludge samples and identified as brevibacillus sp. pdm-3 based on morphological, biochemical, chemotaxonomic (fames analysis) and molecular (16s rdna sequencing) analysis. growth parameters for efficient degradation of phenanthrene such as nutrient medium, ph, temperature, rpm and inoculum size were standardized and 93% of phenanthrene was degraded in 6days as analysed by hplc. ...201020627713
brevibacillus laterosporus strain bpm3, a potential biocontrol agent isolated from a natural hot water spring of assam, india.a bacterial strain designated as bpm3 isolated from mud of a natural hot water spring of nambar wild life sanctuary, assam, india, strongly inhibited growth of phytopathogenic fungi (fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri, f. semitectum, magnaporthe grisea and rhizoctonia oryzae) and gram-positive bacterium (staphylococcus aureus). the maximum growth and antagonistic activity was recorded at 30°c, ph 8.5 when starch and peptone were amended as carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively. in greenhouse e ...201120630733
[the midgut bacterial flora in lab-reared anopheles sinensis].to screen gram-negative bacteria in the midguts of lab-reared anopheles sinensis at 3 development stages (larva, unfed adult and engorged adult).201020666322
characterization of endo-1,3-1,4-β-glucanases in gh family 12 from magnaporthe oryzae.we have cloned three putative endoglucanase cdnas, designated mocel12a, mocel12b, and mocel12c, from magnaporthe oryzae. the deduced peptide sequences of both mocel12a and mocel12b contain secretion signal peptides and a catalytic core domain that classify them into gh subfamily 12-1. in contrast, the deduced peptide sequence of mocel12c consists of a signal peptide, a catalytic core domain, and a fungal-type carbohydrate binding module belonging to gh subfamily 12-2. although most gh family 12 ...201020680265
groel provides protection against bacillus anthracis infection in balb/c mice.heat shock proteins (hsps) of the hsp60 and hsp70 family are highly conserved and essential to all living organisms. hsps are immunodominant in numerous microbial infections and have been investigated for their vaccine potential. we investigated the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of groel and dnak of b. anthracis in murine model. both hsps were found to be highly immunogenic with mixed antibody response (both igg1 and igg2a), indicating stimulation of both humoral and cell-mediated immun ...201020832865
phytoremediation of mercury in pristine and crude oil contaminated soils: contributions of rhizobacteria and their host plants to mercury removal.the rhizospheric soils of three tested legume crops: broad beans (vicia faba), beans (phaseolus vulgaris) and pea (pisum sativum), and two nonlegume crops: cucumber (cucumis sativus) and tomato, (lycopersicon esculentum) contained considerable numbers (the magnitude of 10(5)g(-1) soil) of bacteria with the combined potential for hydrocarbon-utilization and mercury-resistance. sequencing of the 16s rrna coding genes of rhizobacteria associated with broad beans revealed that they were affiliated t ...201020833430
growth performance and carcase quality in broiler chickens fed on bacterial protein grown on natural gas.1. the effects of increasing concentrations (0, 40, 80 or 120 g/kg) of bacterial protein meal (bpm) and bacterial protein autolysate (bpa) grown on natural gas on growth performance and carcase quality in broiler chickens were examined. 2. adding bpm to diets reduced feed intake and improved gain: feed from 0 to 21 d and overall to 35 d, but did not significantly affect weight gain compared to the soybean meal based control diet. 3. increasing concentrations of bpa significantly reduced growth r ...201021058073
[characterization of a bacterial biocontrol strain 1404 and its efficacy in controlling postharvest citrus anthracnose].anthracnose caused by colletotrichum gloeosporioides (penz.) sacc. is a main disease in citrus production. to develop an effective biocontrol measure against citrus postharvest anthracnose, we screened antagonistic microbes and obtained a bacterial strain 1404 from the rhizospheric soil of chili plants in nanning city, guangxi, china. the objectives of the present study were to: (1) identify and characterize the antagonistic bacterium; and (2) to evaluate the efficacy of the antagonistic strain ...201021090261
characterization of bacterial community inhabiting the surfaces of weathered bricks of nanjing ming city walls.nanjing ming city wall, one of the important historic heritages in china, has greatly suffered weathering. microbes play an important role in the weathering of historic buildings. however, little is known about the microbial community inhabiting naturally weathered brick minerals and their roles in the mineral weathering. to examine the associations between microorganisms and brick weathering process, we compare the phylogenetic diversity, abundance, community structure, and specific functional ...201021112073
diversity of endophytic bacteria within nodules of the sphaerophysa salsula in different regions of loess plateau in china.a total of 115 endophytic bacteria were isolated from root nodules of the wild legume sphaerophysa salsula grown in two ecological regions of loess plateau in china. the genetic diversity and phylogeny of the strains were revealed by restriction fragment length polymorphism and sequencing of 16s rrna gene and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus-pcr. their symbiotic capacity was checked by nodulation tests and analysis of nifh gene sequence. this is the first systematic study on endop ...201121303396
involvement of residues asp8, asn13, glu145, asp168, and thr173 in the chaperone activity of a recombinant dnak from bacillus licheniformis.based on the sequence homology, we have modeled the three-dimensional structure of bacillus licheniformis dnak (bldnak), a counterpart of hsp70, and identified five different amino acids that might be responsible for maintaining adp-mg(2+)-pi in the correct configuration at the atp-binding cleft of the protein. as compared with wild-type bldnak, site-directed mutant proteins d8a, n13d, e145a, d168a, and t173a had a dramatic reduction in their chaperone activities. complementation test revealed t ...201121335977
comparative applications of azadirachtin- and brevibacillus laterosporus-based formulations for house fly management experiments in dairy farms.the potential of two bioinsecticidal formulations containing brevibacillus laterosporus spores and azadirachtin, respectively, was assayed in laboratory and in comparative field treatments for the management of immature house flies on dairy farms. as already known for b. laterosporus, preliminary laboratory experiments with azadirachtin evidenced a concentration-dependent effect. azadirachtin median lethal concentration (lc50) value determined for second instar larvae was 24.5 microg/g diet. app ...201121485372
cloning of a novel collagenase gene from the gram-negative bacterium grimontia (vibrio) hollisae 1706b and its efficient expression in brevibacillus choshinensis.the collagenase gene was cloned from grimontia (vibrio) hollisae 1706b, and its complete nucleotide sequence was determined. nucleotide sequencing showed that the open reading frame was 2,301 bp in length and encoded an 84-kda protein of 767 amino acid residues. the deduced amino acid sequence contains a putative signal sequence and a zinc metalloprotease consensus sequence, the hexxh motif. g. hollisae collagenase showed 60 and 59% amino acid sequence identities to vibrio parahaemolyticus and v ...201121515782
biochemical characterization and 16s rrna sequencing of few lipase-producing thermophilic bacteria from taptapani hot water spring, orissa, india.three lipase-producing thermophilic bacteria (ak-p1, ak-p2, and ak-p3) were isolated from the taptapani hot water spring in orissa, india. the crude extra cellular lipases from cell-free culture supernatant were reacted in an olive oil mixture, and their lipolytic activities were compared. identification of the bacteria was carried out using biochemical tests, 16srrna sequencing and sequences submitted to ncbi genbank. strain ak-p3, exhibited the highest lipolytic activity of 5.5 u/ml was identi ...201121541249
determinative factors of competitive advantage between aerobic bacteria for niches at the air-liquid interface.we focused on bacterial interspecies relationships at the air-liquid interface where the formation of pellicles by aerobes was observed. although an obligate aerobe (brevibacillus sp. m1-5) was initially dominant in the pellicle population, a facultative aerobe (pseudoxanthomonas sp. m1-3) emerged and the viability of m1-5 rapidly decreased due to severe competition for oxygen. supplementation of the medium with carbohydrates allowed the two species to coexist at the air-liquid interface. these ...201021576889
brevibacillus aydinogluensis sp. nov., a moderately thermophilic bacterium isolated from karakoc hot spring in turkey.two gram-positive, moderately thermophilic, endospore-forming, rod-shaped, motile bacteria were isolated from karakoc hot spring in the provinces of izmir, turkey and were characterized in order to determine their phylogenetic positions. these strains were designated as pdf25t and pdf30. 16s rrna gene sequence analysis revealed that the two strains belonged to the genus brevibacillus; strain pdf25t showed highest sequence similarity to strain pdf30 (99.4 %), brevibacillus thermoruber dsm 7064t ( ...201121622837
recombinant canine granulocyte colony-stimulating factor accelerates recovery from cyclophosphamide-induced neutropenia in dogs injected intravenously with 400mg/m(2) cyclophosphamide (cpa), the peripheral neutrophil count decreased to less than 1000cells/μl in 5-9 days. treatment with purified recombinant canine granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (rcg-csf), produced by brevibacillus expression system, at the nadir of the granulocyte count accelerated recovery from the cpa-induced neutropenia by 1-3 days. therapeutic administration of rcg-csf at doses of 2.5-10μg/kg did not show any significant difference on t ...201121645930
simultaneous hydrocarbon biodegradation and biosurfactant production by oilfield-selected bacteria.aims:ôçé to study the bacterial diversity associated with hydrocarbon biodegradation potentiality and biosurfactant production of tunisian oilfields bacteria. methods and results:ôçé eight tunisian hydrocarbonoclastic oilfields bacteria have been isolated and selected for further characterization studies. phylogenetic analysis revealed that three thermophilic strains belonged to the genera geobacillus, bacillus and brevibacillus, and that five mesophilic strains belonged to the genera pseudomona ...201121668593
bioproduction of vanillin using an organic solvent-tolerant brevibacillus agri 13.nowadays, majority of vanillin supplied to the world market is chemically synthesized from a petroleum-based raw material, raising a concern among the consumers regarding the product safety. in this study, an organic solvent-tolerant brevibacillus agri 13 previously reported for a strong predilectic property was utilized as a whole-cell biocatalyst for bioproduction of vanillin from isoeugenol (ig). b. agri 13 is the first biocatalyst reported for bioproduction of vanillin at a temperature as hi ...201121814805
Displaying items 101 - 200 of 211