
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
proposal for two new genera, brevibacillus gen. nov. and aneurinibacillus gen. nov.16s rrna gene sequences of the type strains of 11 species belonging to the bacillus brevis and bacillus aneurinolyticus groups were determined. on the basis of the results of gene sequence analyses, these species were separated into two clusters. the b. brevis cluster included 10 species, namely, bacillus brevis, bacillus agri, bacillus centrosporus, bacillus choshinensis, bacillus parabrevis, bacillus reuszeri, bacillus formosus, bacillus borstelensis, bacillus laterosporus, and bacillus thermo ...19968863420
differentiation of species in the bacillus brevis group and the bacillus aneurinolyticus group based on the electrophoretic whole-cell protein pattern.ninety strains of eleven bacillus species in the bacillus brevis group and the bacillus aneurinolyticus group were compared with the electrophoretic whole-cell protein pattern. the strains were separated into two clusters at the similarity of 55%. one cluster (cluster 1) was consisted of strains from the b. brevis group, and another cluster (cluster 2) was composed of strains from the b. aneurinolyticus group. the cluster 1 was separated into eight subclusters. out of eight subclusters, seven su ...19968836439
reclassification of "bacillus pulvifaciens" group ii as brevibacillus agri.organisms formerly identified as strains of paenibacillus pulvifaciens group ii were reclassified as members of the species brevibacillus agri. the reclassification was based on phylogenetic analysis of 16s rrna gene sequences from selected bacillaceae. the analysis strongly supported placement of group ii strains in the genus brevibacillus. high dna relatedness of 87-100% and close phenotypic similarity demonstrated that group ii strains were members of the species brevibacillus agri.19979058544
cloning and sequencing of a cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase gene from brevibacillus brevis cd162 and its expression in escherichia coli.a cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase (cgtase) gene of brevibacillus brevis cd162 was cloned into escherichia coli using puc19 as a vector. determination of the nucleotide sequence showed the presence of an open reading frame of 2079 bp encoding a polypeptide of 693 amino acid residues, composed of a 20-amino acid signal sequence and a 673-amino acid mature enzyme. neither a tata- nor a ttga-like sequence was observed within the cloned dna fragment. however, the fragment was expressed in escherichi ...19989682490
molecular cloning of the dnak locus, and purification and characterization of a dnak protein from bacillus brevis hpd31.using part of the dnak gene from bacillus subtilis as a probe, a 4. 4-kbp saci-bglii fragment of chromosomal dna of bacillus brevis, a protein-hypersecreting bacterium, was cloned. nucleotide sequencing revealed 3 open reading frames in the order of grpe-dnak-dnaj homologues. we purified dnak protein to homogeneity from b. brevis hpd31 harboring a multi-copy dnak expression plasmid. purified dnak showed atpase activity which was synergistically stimulated 14-fold by the addition of glutathione s ...19989748507
typing of bacillus sporothermodurans and other bacillus species isolated from milk by repetitive element sequence based pcr.when analysing raw milk for the presence of bacillus sporothermodurans, 11 bacillus strains were isolated which could be differentiated from known bacillus, brevibacillus and paenibacillus spp. by different primer specificity in pcr experiments, indicating that they probably belong to bacillus species as yet undescribed. using repetitive element sequence based pcr (rep-pcr), these 11 strains could be clearly distinguished from b. sporothermodurans as well as from each other. eighty-five b. sporo ...19989569706
propeptide of the metalloprotease of brevibacillus brevis 7882 is a strong inhibitor of the mature enzyme.a metalloprotease gene of brevibacillus brevis (npr) was expressed in escherichia coli in a soluble form as native npr precursor. a significant fraction of the precursor was spontaneously processed, producing the n-terminal propeptide and the mature enzyme. a strong inhibition of the mature npr by its own propeptide in the crude lysate was observed even in the absence of the covalent linkage between them. pure precursor, propeptide and the mature npr were isolated and kinetic parameters of the m ...199910452561
organization of genes for tetrapyrrole biosynthesis in gram--positive bacteria.clusters of genes encoding enzymes for tetrapyrrole biosynthesis were cloned from bacillus sphaericus, bacillus stearothermophilus, brevibacillus brevis and paenibacillus macerans. the sequences of all hemx genes found, and of a 6.3 kbp hem gene cluster from p. macerans, were determined. the structure of the hem gene clusters was compared to that of other gram-positive bacteria. the bacillus and brevibacillus species have a conserved organization of the genes hemaxcdbl, required for biosynthesis ...199910217486
semiautomated metabolic staining assay for bacillus cereus emetic toxin.this paper describes a specific, sensitive, semiautomated, and quantitative hep-2 cell culture-based 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay for bacillus cereus emetic toxin. of nine bacillus, brevibacillus, and paenibacillus species assessed for emetic toxin production, only b. cereus was cytotoxic.199910103289
dust-borne bacteria in animal sheds, schools and children's day care centres.a total of 316 bacterial strains, including psychrophiles, mesophiles and thermophiles, were isolated and identified from indoor dusts in schools, children's day care centres and animal sheds. several species which had not previously been reported from indoor environments were found: sphingomonas, brevibacterium, nocardiopsis, deinococcus and rhodococcus/gordona. a new psychrophilic actinomycete genus was also found in animal sheds, representing a new undescribed peptidoglycan type and an unusua ...199910212408
microbial system for polysaccharide depolymerization: enzymatic route for xanthan depolymerization by bacillus sp. strain enzymatic route for the depolymerization of a heteropolysaccharide (xanthan) in bacillus sp. strain gl1, which was closely related to brevibacillus thermoruber, was determined by analyzing the structures of xanthan depolymerization products. the bacterium produces extracellular xanthan lyase catalyzing the cleavage of the glycosidic bond between pyruvylated mannosyl and glucuronyl residues in xanthan side chains (w. hashimoto et al., appl. environ. microbiol. 64:3765-3768, 1998). the modified ...199910347037
improved cytotoxicity assay for bacillus cereus diarrhoeal improved mccoy cell cytotoxicity assay for bacillus cereus diarrhoeal toxin, which includes a staining procedure in addition to visual examination, was developed and the method was compared with two commercially available kits (oxoid bcet-rpla and tecra bde-via). a total of 71 strains of 15 different bacillus, brevibacillus and paenibacillus species, including 16 strains of b. cereus from outbreaks of food-borne illness, were evaluated for toxin production. eleven of the outbreak strains exhi ...199910347895
comparative phylogeny of rrs and nifh genes in the bacillaceae.the rrs (16s rdna) gene sequences of nitrogen-fixing endospore-forming bacilli isolated from the rhizosphere of wheat and maize were determined in order to infer their phylogenetic position in the bacillaceae. these rhizosphere strains form a monophyletic cluster with paenibacillus azotofixans, paenibacillus polymyxa and paenibacillus macerans. two of them (rsa19 and tod45) had previously been identified as bacillus circulans (group 2) by phenotypic characterization (api 50ch). evidence for nitr ...199910425751
genotypic diversity among brevibacillus laterosporus comparison with other entomopathogenic bacillus species, the genome of brevibacillus laterosporus is poorly characterized. the aim of this study was to examine genetic variability in b. laterosporus by using a range of typing methodologies. strains of b. laterosporus were examined for variation in 13 chromosomal genes encoding enzymes by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. optimal conditions of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and randomly amplified polymorphic dna were established that allowe ...199910543843
structural conversion from non-native to native form of recombinant human epidermal growth factor by brevibacillus choshinensis.brevibacillus choshinensis (bacillus brevis) hpd31 is a very efficient producer of recombinant human epidermal growth factor (egf). the produced egf is secreted into the medium with high efficiency. however part of the egf that accumulates in the medium, exists as multimeric forms which are biologically inactive. we found the bacterium has the activity to structurally convert multimeric forms to the monomeric, native ones. optimal temperature and ph for the conversion were 40 degrees c and ph 9, ...199910635560
features of dnak operon genes of the obligate thermophile bacillus thermoglucosidasius kp1006.the dnak gene was cloned from the obligate thermophile bacillus thermoglucosidasius kp1006, together with the grpe and dnaj genes in the same operon. the dnak, grpe and dnaj genes showed high identity with those of other bacterial strains, particularly with those of bacillus stearothermophilus nub36, despite an extremely low homology for the corresponding total genomic dna. there were significant differences in the proline content of the dnak operon proteins which is closely correlated with the ...200015188890
properties of bacillus cereus and other bacilli contaminating biomaterial-based industrial processes.this paper is an overview on bacilli in industrial processes, with focus on food grade paper and paperboard production. paperboards mainly contain sporeforming bacteria belonging to the genera bacillus, paenibacillus and brevibacillus, usually found in quantities from < 50 to 250 cfu g(-1) homogenized paperboard. of those frequently found, bacillus cereus group, b. licheniformis, b. subtilis and brevibacillus brevis are important for food hygiene because of their hydrolytic activities on food co ...200011016612
selective medium based on tyrosine metabolism for the isolation and enumeration of brevibacillus brevis (bacillus brevis).to develop a selective medium for the enumeration of brevibacillus brevis nagano spores from soil and plant material.200011069644
mosquitocidal bacterial toxins: diversity, mode of action and resistance phenomena.bacteria active against dipteran larvae (mosquitoes and black flies) include a wide variety of bacillus thuringiensis and b. sphaericus strains, as well as isolates of brevibacillus laterosporus and clostridium bifermentans. all display different spectra and levels of activity correlated with the nature of the toxins, mainly produced during the sporulation process. this paper describes the structure and mode of action of the main mosquitocidal toxins, in relationship with their potential use in ...200011142715
[establishment of the phylogenetic relationship between the microbial producers of cyclodextrin glucanotransferases using their complete amino acid sequences].a phylogenetic tree was constructed on the basis of the amino acid sequences of the known cyclodextrin glucanotransferases (cdgts), including those deduced from the nucleotide sequences of bacillus sp. strain 6.6.3 and paenibacillus macerans ib-7 genes encoding alpha- and beta-cdgts. the tree clearly demonstrates the existence of distinct phylogenetic groups of cdgt-producing microorganisms and the divergence of the alpha-, beta-, and gamma-cdgt produced by microorganisms from the genera bacillu ...200011315672
proteome and transcriptome based analysis of bacillus subtilis cells overproducing an insoluble heterologous protein.bacillus subtilis and related bacillus species are frequently used as hosts for the industrial production of recombinant proteins. in this study the cellular response of b. subtilis to the overproduction of an insoluble heterologous protein was investigated. for this purpose pora, an outer membrane protein from neisseria meningitidis, which accumulates after overexpression in the cytoplasm of b. subtilis mainly in the form of inclusion bodies, was used. the molecular response to overexpression o ...200111341315
mode of antagonism of brevibacillus brevis against botrytis cinerea in assess the activity of brevibacillus brevis (formerly bacillus brevis) nagano and the antibiotic it produces, gramicidin s, against the plant pathogen botrytis cinerea.200111576302
microbial diversity in hot synthetic compost as revealed by pcr-amplified rrna sequences from cultivated isolates and extracted dna.high-temperature (>/=60 degrees c) synthetic food waste compost was examined by cultivation-dependent and -independent methods to determine predominant microbial populations. fluorescent direct counts totaled 6.4 (+/-2.5)x10(10) cells gdw(-1) in a freeze-dried 74 degrees c compost sample, while plate counts for thermophilic heterotrophic aerobes averaged 2.6 (+/-1.0)x10(8) cfu gdw(-1). a pre-lysis cell fractionation method was developed to obtain community dna and a suite of 16s and 18s rdna-tar ...200111295460
rapid detection of brevibacillus formosus bn53-1 in chicken we describe a rapid method for detecting the hydrogen sulfide-decomposing bacterium brevibacillus formosus bn53-1 in chicken feces. the method, which can be adapted to the specific detection of a variety of useful eubacteria, is based on blot hybridization and polymerase chain reaction (pcr), and makes use of the genus or species hypervariable region of eubacterial 16s rdna. the approximate limit of detection under the conditions we tested was 1.0 x 10(3) cells in 10 mg of chicken feces.200111400737
high-level production of recombinant chicken interferon-gamma by brevibacillus choshinensis.cytokines, such as interferon-gamma have been shown to have adjuvant and growth promoting activity in poultry and livestock and have the potential to be used as alternatives to antibiotics. we have developed an efficient system for commercial-scale synthesis of recombinant chicken interferon-gamma (chifn-gamma) using brevibacillus choshinensis as the host for protein production. the chifn-gamma expression vector, pncifn, was constructed using the novel escherichia coli-b. choshinensis shuttle ve ...200111570852
paenibacillus jamilae sp. nov., an exopolysaccharide-producing bacterium able to grow in olive-mill wastewater.endospore-forming strains were isolated from corn-compost treated with olive-mill wastewater ('alpechin'). the strains were taxonomically studied and proposed as a novel paenibacillus species. these organisms (strains b.3t, b.7 and b.9) were particularly distinguishable from other aerobic spore-forming species by their ability to grow optimally in 100% (v/v) olive-mill wastewater at 30 degrees c and ph 7.0 and concomitant production of an interesting exopolysaccharide. chemotaxonomic analysis re ...200111594596
identification of bacteria in pasteurized zucchini purées stored at different temperatures and comparison with those found in other pasteurized vegetable puré hundred nineteen isolates from a commercial zucchini purée stored at 4, 10, and 20 to 25 degrees c were fingerprinted using repetitive sequence-based pcr (rep-pcr) and classified into 35 rep types. one representative isolate of each rep type was subsequently identified by api50chb/20e profile and partial rrs gene sequence analysis. nine rep types were misidentified by the api system. strains were misidentified as being in the bacillus circulans (group 2) api taxon or in taxa with a low numbe ...200111571151
discrimination of aerobic endospore-forming bacteria via electrospray-lonization mass spectrometry of whole cell injection electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (esi-ms) without prior analyte separation was investigated for the analysis of whole cell suspensions of bacteria. thirty-six strains of aerobic endospore-forming bacteria, consisting of six bacillus species and one brevibacillus species, were studied200111569802
simplified technique for identification of the aerobic spore-forming bacteria by phenotype.the use of modern research approaches of genetics, biochemistry and molecular biology has led to progress in bacterial taxonomy. systematic study of the aerobic spore-forming bacteria has resulted in the realignment of the genus bacillus into several new genera. in the meantime, the identification process has become more difficult for the non-specialist in bacillus taxonomy. this paper presents a key for the simplified phenotypic identification of the mesophilic, aerobic, spore-forming bacteria ...200111491334
heterotrophic bacteria growing in association with methylococcus capsulatus (bath) in a single cell protein production process.the methanotrophic bacterium methylococcus capsulatus (bath) grows on pure methane. however, in a single cell protein production process using natural gas as methane source, a bacterial consortium is necessary to support growth over longer periods in continuous cultures. in different bioreactors of norferm danmark a/s, three bacteria consistently invaded m. capsulatus cultures growing under semi-sterile conditions in continuous culture. these bacteria have now been identified as a not yet descri ...200212073128
[the construction of shuttle vectors of brevibacillus brevis-escherichia coli].the 5' region of the cell wall protein(cwp) gene containing multiple tandem promoters and the signal peptide-coding sequence was isolated by pcr from br. brevis 50, and used to construct the shuttle vector pbke50, which included the replication origin of pub110 and the erythromycin-resistance gene of pgk12. the alpha-amylase gene of bacillus subtilis 168 was ligated to pbke50, producing plasmid pbke50/alpha-amy. after the resulting plasmid was introduced into br. brevis 50, soluble and biologica ...200212385239
flow-injection electrospray ionization mass spectrometry of crude cell extracts for high-throughput bacterial identification.flow-injection electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (fi-esi-ms) of unfractionated cell-free extracts obtained from bacterial cells suspended in a solvent mixture was investigated as a rapid analytical method for reproducible, high-throughput bacterial identification. five bacterial strains (two escherichia coli, two bacillus spp. and one brevibacillus laterosporus) were studied in this investigation. axenically grown bacterial cells were suspended in an acidic organic solvent and the cell-f ...200211838015
study of the bacterial load in a gelatine production process focussed on bacillus and related endosporeforming genera.gelatine is an animal protein with many industrial applications. previous studies pointed out that endosporeforming bacteria, belonging to the genus bacillus or related genera, might contaminate and survive the production process of gelatine, leading to products of low quality and safety. the aim of this study is to determine the bacterial diversity of contaminants isolated from a gelatine production chain with emphasis on aerobic endosporeforming bacteria. contaminants were isolated from sample ...200212583722
aerobic and facultatively anaerobic cellulolytic bacteria from the gut of the termite zootermopsis demonstrate the occurrence of cellulolytic bacteria in the termite zootermopsis angusticollis.200211849325
[phylogenetic diversity of aerobic saprotrophic bacteria isolated from the daqing oil field].a diverse and active microbial community in the stratal waters of the daqing oil field (china), which is exploited with the use of water-flooding, was found to contain aerobic chemoheterotrophic bacteria (including hydrocarbon-oxidizing ones) and anaerobic fermentative, sulfate-reducing, and methanogenic bacteria. the aerobic bacteria were most abundant in the near-bottom zones of injection wells. twenty pure cultures of aerobic saprotrophic bacteria were isolated from the stratal waters. under ...200211910798
polyphasic identification of bacillus and brevibacillus strains from clinical, dairy and industrial specimens and proposal of brevibacillus invocatus sp. nov..thirty-three clinical, dairy and industrial isolates of aerobic endospore-forming bacteria which were unreactive in routine identification tests were characterized genotypically by using amplified rdna restriction analysis (ardra), 16s rdna sequencing and dna-dna reassociation, and phenotypically by using fatty acid methyl ester (fame) analysis, sds-page of whole-cell proteins, api biotype 100 assimilation tests and 16 other routine phenotypic tests. three isolates were identified as strains of ...200212054263
differentiation of paenibacillus larvae subsp. larvae, the cause of american foulbrood of honeybees, by using pcr and restriction fragment analysis of genes encoding 16s rrna.a rapid procedure for the identification of paenibacillus larvae subsp. larvae, the causal agent of american foulbrood (afb) disease of honeybees (apis mellifera l.), based on pcr and restriction fragment analysis of the 16s rrna genes (rdna) is described. eighty-six bacterial strains belonging to 39 species of the genera paenibacillus, bacillus, brevibacillus, and virgibacillus were characterized. amplified rdna was digested with seven restriction endonucleases. the combined data from restricti ...200212089057
importance of hydrophobic interaction between a soxb-type cytochrome c oxidase with its natural substrate cytochrome c-551 and its mutants.cytochrome c-551, the electron donor of soxb-type cytochrome c oxidase in thermophilic bacilli, can be over-expressed in bacillus thermodenitrificans cells by tranformation with pstec551. several mutant cytochromes c-551 were prepared by site-directed mutagenesis to this expression plasmid. among them, several lys residues were changed to ala/ser, and we found that these mutant cytochromes retained their activity as substrates, although their k(m) values were 0.04-0.12 microm, depending on the s ...200212153714
diversity and functionality of bacillus and related genera isolated from spontaneously fermented soybeans (indian kinema) and locust beans (african soumbala).a total of 126 isolates of bacillus and related genera from indigenous, spontaneously fermented soybeans (kinema) and locust beans (soumbala) were characterized with the purpose of defining interspecific, as well as intraspecific relationships among the components of their microflora. b. subtilis was the dominant species, and species diversity was more pronounced in soumbala than in kinema. while from kinema, six species were isolated (b. subtilis, b. licheniformis, b. cereus, b. circulans, b. t ...200212160077
[isolation, biological properties, and spatial structure of an antibiotic loloatin a].peptide antibiotic with cyanolytic activity was isolated from the igm52 strain of the brevibacillus laterosporus gram-positive spore-forming bacteria. by 1h nmr spectroscopy, this antibiotic was identified as loloatin a, a cyclic decapeptide cyclo(-asn-asp-tyr-val-orn-leu-dtyr-pro-phe-dphe-). the spatial structure of loloatin a in solution was determined. the english version of the paper: russian journal of bioorganic chemistry, 2002, vol. 28, no. 4; see also
a nontoxic chimeric enterotoxin adjuvant induces protective immunity in both mucosal and systemic compartments with reduced ige antibodies.a novel nontoxic form of chimeric mucosal adjuvant that combines the a subunit of mutant cholera toxin e112k with the pentameric b subunit of heat-labile enterotoxin from enterotoxigenic escherichia coli was constructed by use of the brevibacillus choshinensis expression system (mcta/ltb). nasal immunization of mice with tetanus toxoid (tt) plus mcta/ltb elicited significant tt-specific immunoglobulin a responses in mucosal compartments and induced high serum immunoglobulin g and immunoglobulin ...200212402195
characterization of a thermostable d-stereospecific alanine amidase from brevibacillus borstelensis bcs-1.a gene encoding a new thermostable d-stereospecific alanine amidase from the thermophile brevibacillus borstelensis bcs-1 was cloned and sequenced. the molecular mass of the purified enzyme was estimated to be 199 kda after gel filtration chromatography and about 30 kda on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, indicating that the enzyme could be composed of a hexamer with identical subunits. the purified enzyme exhibited strong amidase activity towards d-amino acid-containin ...200312571020
a gene cluster involved in pyrimidine reductive catabolism from brevibacillus agri nchu1002.genes involved in pyrimidine reductive catabolism (pyd) were isolated from a moderate thermophile, brevibacillus agri nchu1002, and nine orfs in an 8.2-kb dna fragment were identified by dna sequence analysis. the pyd gene cluster included three closely spaced orfs, designated pyda, pydb, and pydc, transcribed in the same orientation. based on their amino acid sequence identity and enzyme activity assay, the gene products were identified as dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (pyda), dihydropyrimidi ...200312670488
[production of oil-processing compounds by microorganisms from the daqing oil field, china].twenty pure cultures isolated from formation waters of the daqing oil field were studied with respect to their capacity to produce surface-active compounds in media with individual hydrocarbons, lower alcohols, and fatty acids. aerobic saprotrophic bacteria belonging to the genera bacillus, brevibacillus, rhodococcus, dietzia, kocuria, gordonia, cellulomonas, clavibacter, pseudomonas, and acinetobacter decreased the surface tension of cultivation media from 55-63 to 28-44 mn/m. strains of bacill ...200312751245
cloning and expression of the ccda-associated thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase (cata) gene from brevibacillus choshinensis: stimulation of human epidermal growth factor production.brevibacillus choshinensis (bacillus brevis) is a protein-hyperproducing bacterium with a useful host-vector system for the production of recombinant proteins. here, we cloned the ccda-cata (cmacr;cda āssociated thioredoxin-like tmacr;hiol-disulfide oxidoreductase) locus of b. choshinensis hpd31-s5. cata protein (molecular weight, 19664) contains a thioredoxin-like motif, cys-gly-pro-cys. it was successfully expressed in b. choshinensis extracellularly ( approximately 100 microg x ml(-1) culture ...200312770499
phylogenetic relationships between bacillus species and related genera inferred from comparison of 3' end 16s rdna and 5' end 16s-23s its nucleotide sequences.the nucleotide sequences of the 3' end of the 16s rdna and the 16s-23s internal transcribed spacer (its) of 40 bacillaceae species were determined. these included 21 bacillus, 9 paenibacillus, 6 brevibacillus, 2 geobacillus, 1 marinibacillus and 1 virgibacillus species. comparative sequence analysis of a 220 bp region covering a highly conserved 150 bp sequence located at the 3' end of the 16s rrna coding region and a conserved 70 bp sequence located at the 5' end of the 16s-23s its of the 40 sp ...200312807189
influence of bacterial strains isolated from lead-polluted soil and their interactions with arbuscular mycorrhizae on the growth of trifolium pratense l. under lead toxicity.we isolated two bacterial strains from an experimentally lead (pb)-polluted soil in hungary, 10 years after soil contamination. these strains represented the two most abundant cultivable bacterial groups in such soil, and we tested their influence on trifolium pratense l. growth and on the functioning of native mycorrhizal fungi under pb toxicity in a second pb-spiked soil. our results showed that bacterial strain a enhanced plant growth, nitrogen and phosphorus accumulations, nodule formation, ...200314663492
protective mucosal immunity in aging is associated with functional cd4+ t cells in nasopharyngeal-associated lymphoreticular tissue.our previous studies showed that mucosal immunity was impaired in 1-year-old mice that had been orally immunized with ova and native cholera toxin (nct) as mucosal adjuvant. in this study, we queried whether similar immune dysregulation was also present in mucosal compartments of mice immunized by the nasal route. both 1-year-old and young adult mice were immunized weekly with three nasal doses of ova and nct or with a nontoxic chimeric enterotoxin (mutant cholera toxin-a e112k/b subunit of nati ...200312574339
enumeration and characterization of iron(iii)-reducing microbial communities from acidic subsurface sediments contaminated with uranium(vi).iron(iii)-reducing bacteria have been demonstrated to rapidly catalyze the reduction and immobilization of uranium(vi) from contaminated subsurface sediments. thus, these organisms may aid in the development of bioremediation strategies for uranium contamination, which is prevalent in acidic subsurface sediments at u.s. government facilities. iron(iii)-reducing enrichment cultures were initiated from pristine and contaminated (high in uranium, nitrate; low ph) subsurface sediments at ph 7 and ph ...200314660400
nature of polymorphisms in 16s-23s rrna gene intergenic transcribed spacer fingerprinting of bacillus and related genera.the intergenic transcribed spacers (its) between the 16s and 23s rrna genetic loci are frequently used in pcr fingerprinting to discriminate bacterial strains at the species and intraspecies levels. we investigated the molecular nature of polymorphisms in its-pcr fingerprinting of low-g+c-content spore-forming bacteria belonging to the genera bacillus, brevibacillus, geobacillus, and paenibacillus: we found that besides the polymorphisms in the homoduplex fragments amplified by pcr, heteroduplex ...200312957895
symbiotic efficiency of autochthonous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (g. mosseae) and brevibacillus sp. isolated from cadmium polluted soil under increasing cadmium levels.the effect of inoculation with indigenous naturally occurring microorganisms (an arbuscular mycorrhizal (am) fungus and rhizosphere bacteria) isolated from a cd polluted soil was assayed on trifolium repens growing in soil contaminated with a range of cd. one of the bacterial isolate showed a marked pgpr effect and was identified as a brevibacillus sp. mycorrhizal colonization also enhanced trifolium growth and n, p, zn and ni content and the dually inoculated (am fungus plus brevibacillus sp.) ...200312927489
a microbial consortium isolated from a crude oil sample that uses asphaltenes as a carbon and energy source.a microbial consortium capable of mineralizing asphaltenes was obtained from the maya crude oil. the enrichment system was built with a glass column reactor containing mineral medium supplied with asphaltenes as energy and carbon source. the consortium growth was evaluated in casoy agar during 40 weeks. the steady-state phase of the enriched bacterial community was observed after 10 weeks when the culture reach 10(5) to 10(6) cfu ml(-1). the isolates belong to bacterial genus reported for degrad ...200415228072
functional domains of brevibacillus thermoruber lon protease for oligomerization and dna binding: role of n-terminal and sensor and substrate discrimination domains.lon protease is a multifunctional enzyme, and its functions include the degradation of damaged proteins and naturally short lived proteins, atpase and chaperone-like activities, as well as dna binding. a thermostable lon protease from brevibacillus thermoruber wr-249 (bt-lon) has been cloned and characterized with an n-terminal domain, a central atpase domain that includes a sensor and substrate discrimination (ssd) domain, and a c-terminal protease domain. here we present a detailed structure-f ...200415181012
reclassification of brevibacillus brevis strains ncimb 13288 and dsm 6472 (=nrrl nrs-887) as aneurinibacillus danicus sp. nov. and brevibacillus limnophilus sp. nov.comparison of the hypervariable region (269-279 bases in length) at the 5' end of the 16s rdna sequences of 29 bacterial strains that were identified previously as brevibacillus brevis showed that 13 strains clustered with aneurinibacillus species, eight strains clustered with bacillus species and eight strains clustered with brevibacillus species. based on dna-dna hybridization results, 27 strains, not including [brevibacillus brevis] ncimb 13288 and [brevibacillus brevis] dsm 6472, were reiden ...200415023954
identification of a gene encoding lon protease from brevibacillus thermoruber wr-249 and biochemical characterization of its thermostable recombinant enzyme.a gene encoding thermostable lon protease from brevibacillus thermoruber wr-249 was cloned and characterized. the br. thermoruber lon gene (bt-lon) encodes an 88 kda protein characterized by an n-terminal domain, a central atpase domain which includes an ssd (sensor- and substrate-discrimination) domain, and a c-terminal protease domain. the bt-lon is a heat-inducible gene and may be controlled under a putative bacillus subtilis sigmaa-dependent promoter, but in the absence of circe (controlling ...200414764100
characterization of microorganisms using uv resonance raman spectroscopy and chemometrics.the past decade has seen an increased interest in the application of several physicochemical analytical techniques for the rapid detection and identification of microorganisms. we report the development of uv resonance raman (uvrr) spectroscopy for the reproducible acquisition of information rich raman fingerprints from endospore-forming bacteria belonging to the genera bacillus and brevibacillus. uvrr was conducted at 244 nm, and spectra were collected in typically 60 s. cluster analyses of the ...200414750850
cold-active dnak of an antarctic psychrotroph shewanella sp. ac10 supporting the growth of dnak-null mutant of escherichia coli at cold temperatures.shewanella sp. ac10 is a psychrotrophic bacterium isolated from the antarctica that actively grows at such low temperatures as 0 degrees c. immunoblot analyses showed that a heat-shock protein dnak is inducibly formed by the bacterium at 24 degrees c, which is much lower than the temperatures causing heat shock in mesophiles such as escherichia coli. we found that the shewanella dnak (shednak) shows much higher atpase activity at low temperatures than the dnak of e. coli (ecodnak): a characteris ...200415599780
a brevibacillus choshinensis system that secretes cytoplasmic proteins.brevibacillus choshinensis has previously been shown to be a useful strain for the secretion of heterologous proteins via the sec secretory pathway. this pathway involves the secretion of proteins prior to folding, whereas the alternative tat (twin-arginine translocation) pathway enables pre-folded proteins to be secreted. we have modified the signal peptide of the brevibacillus expression vector pncmo2 to accommodate a sec avoidance signal as well as the twin arginines required for secretion vi ...200415925899
expression and purification of thioredoxin (trxa) and thioredoxin reductase (trxb) from brevibacillus choshinensis.brevibacillus choshinensis (formerly bacillus brevis) is a protein-hyperproducing bacterium and has been used for commercial protein production. here, we cloned thioredoxin (trxa) and thioredoxin reductase (trxb) genes from b. choshinensis, and expressed the gene products in escherichia coli with an amino-terminal hexa-his-tag for purification and characterization. his-trxa and his-trxb were purified to homogeneity with one-step ni-nta affinity column chromatography, and the two recombinant prot ...200415358361
characteristics of a new enantioselective thermostable dipeptidase from brevibacillus borstelensis bcs-1 and its application to synthesis of a d-amino-acid-containing dipeptide.a new thermostable dipeptidase gene was cloned from the thermophile brevibacillus borstelensis bcs-1 by genetic complementation of the d-glu auxotroph escherichia coli wm335 on a plate containing d-ala-d-glu. nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that the gene included an open reading frame coding for a 307-amino-acid sequence with an m(r) of 35,000. the deduced amino acid sequence of the dipeptidase exhibited 52% similarity with the dipeptidase from listeria monocytogenes. the enzyme was purifi ...200415006780
module-specific antibodies against human connective tissue growth factor: utility for structural and functional analysis of the factor as related to chondrocytes.connective tissue growth factor/hypertrophic chondrocyte specific gene product 24 (ctgf/hcs24/ccn2) shows diverse functions in the process of endochondral ossification. it promotes not only the proliferation and differentiation of chondrocytes and osteoblasts in vitro, but also angiogenesis in vivo. the ctgf gene is a member of the gene family called ccn, and it encodes the characteristic 4-module structure of this family, with the protein containing igfbp, vwc, tsp and ct modules. we raised sev ...200415113833
isolation, characterization, and identification of bacterial contaminants in semifinal gelatin extracts.bacterial contamination of gelatin is of great concern. indeed, this animal colloid has many industrial applications, mainly in food and pharmaceutical products. in a previous study (e. de clerck and p. de vos, syst. appl. microbiol. 25:611-618), contamination of a gelatin production process with a variety of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria was demonstrated. in this study, bacterial contamination of semifinal gelatin extracts from several production plants was examined. since these extr ...200415184171
molecular characterisation of bacterial contamination in semi-final gelatine extracts, using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis.contamination of gelatine may affect the safety and/or quality of its applications. characterisation of bacterial isolates from semi-final gelatine batches revealed thermotolerant, aerobic, endosporeforming contaminants. in this paper, bacterial contamination in gelatine batches is analysed without previous isolation, by means of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (dgge) of pcr-amplified 16s rdna sequences. v9 and v6-v8 regions of the 16s rdna gene were found more suitable for this purpose ...200415490563
molecular characterization of brevibacillus laterosporus and its potential use in biological control.thirty-three strains of brevibacillus laterosporus, including three novel strains isolated from brazilian soil samples, were examined for genetic variability by the use of different pcr-based methods. molecular markers that could characterize bacterial strains with regards to their pathogenic potential were investigated. in addition, toxicity was assessed by the use of insects belonging to the orders lepidoptera and coleoptera and the mollusk biomphalaria glabrata. among the targets tested, biom ...200415528531
description of heterotrophic bacteria occurring in paper mills and paper isolate aerobic mesophilic bacilli and thermophilic bacteria from different paper mill samples and to evaluate their potential harmfulness.200415546414
monitoring of dnak gene expression in porphyromonas gingivalis by oxygen stress using dna microarray.porphyromonas gingivalis, a gram-negative anaerobe associated with adult periodontitis, expresses numerous potential virulence factors. dnak, a member of the heat shock protein family, functions as a molecular chaperone and plays a role in microbial pathogenicity. however, little is known regarding its gene expression caused by oxygen stress in p. gingivalis. in the present study, a custom-made dna microarray was designed and used to monitor dnak gene expression in p. gingivalis caused by oxygen ...200415287542
expression and purification of the bacillus subtilis thioredoxin superfamily protein ykvv.bacillus subtilis ykvv protein, an extracellular thioredoxin superfamily protein, was successfully expressed both in brevibacillus choshinensis culture medium using an efficient promoter and the secretion signal of its surface layer protein, and in escherichia coli cytoplasm with the amino-terminal his-tag (his-ykvv). his-ykvv was purified to homogeneity by ni-nta column. both secreted ykvv and purified his-ykvv exhibited thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase activity.200415322369
biodegradation of polyethylene by the thermophilic bacterium brevibacillus select a polyethylene-degrading micro-organism and to study the factors affecting its biodegrading activity.200515836478
interactive effect of brevibacillus brevis and glomus mosseae, both isolated from cd contaminated soil, on plant growth, physiological mycorrhizal fungal characteristics and soil enzymatic activities in cd polluted soil.the interaction between two autochthonous microorganisms (brevibacillus brevis and glomus mosseae) isolated from cd amended soil increased plant growth, arbuscular mycorrhizal (am) colonization and physiological characteristics of the am infection (measured as sdh or alp activities). the enhanced plant cd tolerance after coinoculation with native microorganisms seemed to be a consequence of increased p and k acquisition and, simultaneously, of decreased concentration of cd, cr, mn, cu, mo, fe an ...200515589653
aerobic bacterial flora of the nasal cavity in gulf of california sea lion (zalophus californianus) pups.nasal swab samples from clinically healthy california sea lions pups (zalophus californianus) from six different reproductive rookeries in the gulf of california were collected to determine the type and frequency of the representative aerobic bacterial microflora of their nasal mucosa. a total of 114 samples were examined and 100 bacterial isolates were identified and typified by microbiological and biochemical standard tests. fifty four isolates corresponded to gram positive bacteria (54%) and ...200516266850
stable coexistence of five bacterial strains as a cellulose-degrading community.a cellulose-degrading defined mixed culture (designated sf356) consisting of five bacterial strains (clostridium straminisolvens csk1, clostridium sp. strain fg4, pseudoxanthomonas sp. strain m1-3, brevibacillus sp. strain m1-5, and bordetella sp. strain m1-6) exhibited both functional and structural stability; namely, no change in cellulose-degrading efficiency was observed, and all members stably coexisted through 20 subcultures. in order to investigate the mechanisms responsible for the obser ...200516269746
structure and biosynthesis of the bt peptide antibiotic from brevibacillus texasporus.we isolated a novel gram-positive bacterium, brevibacillus texasporus, that produces an antibiotic, bt. bt is a group of related peptides that are produced by b. texasporus cells in response to nutrient limitation. we report here purification and determination of the structure of the most abundant bt isomer, bt1583. amino acid composition and tandem mass spectrometry experiments yielded a partial bt1583 structure. the presence of ornithine and d-form residues in the partial bt1583 structure indi ...200516332843
an extracellular protease from brevibacillus laterosporus g4 without parasporal crystals can serve as a pathogenic factor in infection of nematodes.brevibacillus laterosporus is an aerobic spore-forming bacterium with the ability to produce canoe-shaped lamellar parasporal inclusions adjacent to spores. an isolate named g4 was identified as a b. laterosporus which does not produce parasporal crystals and shows significant toxic activity toward nematodes. crude extracellular protein extract from culture supernatant of b. laterosporus g4 killed the nematodes within 12 h and finally destroyed the targets within 24 h, which suggested possible p ...200515950127
production of a recombinant cholera toxin b subunit-insulin b chain peptide hybrid protein by brevibacillus choshinensis expression system as a nasal vaccine against autoimmune diabetes.mucosally induced tolerance is an attractive strategy for preventing or reducing autoimmune diseases. here, we produced a recombinant ctb fusion protein linked with autoantigen t cell epitope of insulin b chain peptide 9-23 (c19s) at levels up to 200 mg/l culture media in brevibacillus choshinensis secretion-expression system. receptor-competitive assay showed that the ctb-insulin peptide binds to gm1 receptor almost equivalent degree as the native form of ctb. non-obese diabetes (nod) mice that ...200516142801
suppression of meloidogyne javanica by antagonistic and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria.four rhizobacteria selected out of over 500 isolates from rhizosphere of the vegetables in china were further studied for suppression of the root-knot nematode and soil-borne fungal pathogens in laboratory and greenhouse in belgium. they were identified as brevibacillus brevis or bacillus subtilis by biolog test and partial 16s rdna sequence comparison. they not only inhibited the radial growth of the root-infecting fungi rhizoctonia solani sx-6, pythium aphanidermatum zjp-1 and fusarium oxyspor ...200515909333
brevibacillus brevis isolated from cadmium- or zinc-contaminated soils improves in vitro spore germination and growth of glomus mosseae under high cd or zn this study we investigated the saprophyte growth of two arbuscular-mycorrhizal fungi (glomus mosseae isolate) under increasing cd or zn levels and the influence of a selected bacterial strain of brevibacillus brevis. microorganisms here assayed were isolated from cd or zn polluted soils. b. brevis increased the presymbiotic growth (germination rate growth and mycelial development) of glomus mosseae. spore germination and mycelial development of both g. mosseae isolate were reduced as much as ...200516003472
survival of the biocontrol agents brevibacillus brevis zjy-1 and bacillus subtilis zjy-116 on the spikes of barley in the field.fusarium head blight (fhb) caused by fusarium graminearum is a devastating disease that results in extensive yield losses to wheat and barley. a green fluorescent protein (gfp) expressing plasmid prp22-gfp was constructed for monitoring the colonization of two biocontrol agents, brevibacillus brevis zjy-1 and bacillus subtilis zjy-116, on the spikes of barley and their effect on suppression of fhb. survival and colonization of the brevibacillus brevis zjy-1 and bacillus subtilis zjy-116 strains ...200516052710
[ecological effects of multifunctional micro-flora agent in environment].in this paper, strains zjy-1 (brevibacillus brevis) and zjy-116 (bacillus subtilis) with evident inhibitory effect on fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum and with promotion effect on plant growth were screened from cucumber rhizosphere, and the feasibility of exerting the ecological effects of multifunctional micro-flora agent was studied by treating cucumber seeds with the two strains singly or mixed with chlorpyrifos-degrading strain dsp3 (alcaligenes faecali). the results showed that the tw ...200516422513
ctsr is the master regulator of stress response gene expression in oenococcus oeni.although many stress response genes have been characterized in oenococcus oeni, little is known about the regulation of stress response in this malolactic bacterium. the expression of eubacterial stress genes is controlled both positively and negatively at the transcriptional level. overall, negative regulation of heat shock genes appears to be more widespread among gram-positive bacteria. we recently identified an ortholog of the ctsr gene in o. oeni. in bacillus subtilis, ctsr negatively regul ...200516077106
serratia marcescens gene required for surfactant serrawettin w1 production encodes putative aminolipid synthetase belonging to nonribosomal peptide synthetase family.serrawettin w1 produced by serratia marcescens is a surface active exolipid having various functions supporting behaviors of bacteria on surface environments. through the genetic analyses of serrawettin-less mutants of s. marcescens 274, the swrw gene encoding putative serrawettin w1 synthetase was identified. homology analysis of the putative swrw demonstrated the presence of condensation, adenylation, thiolation, and thioesterase domains which are characteristic for nonribosomal peptide synthe ...200515840955
enhancement of linear gramicidin expression from bacillus brevis atcc 8185 by casein peptide.bacillus brevis (brevibacillus parabrevis) atcc 8185 synthesizes two kinds of antibiotic peptides, cyclopeptide tyrocidine and linear gramicidin. the production of linear gramicidin can be induced by the standard method (using a skim milk medium for pre-culture and beef broth for the main culture) employed for the induction of tyrocidine. in this study, we tried to determine the optimal growth medium for b. brevis atcc 8185 for synthesizing linear gramicidin. the yield of linear gramicidin produ ...200515849407
whole cell matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and in situ structure analysis of streptocidins, a family of tyrocidine-like cyclic peptides.streptocidins, a family of tyrocidine-like cyclic decapeptides, are an ideal demonstration object for the detection and in situ structure analysis of natural compounds directly in microbial cells using whole cell matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight-mass spectrometry (maldi-tofms), an emerging technique that can be used for rapid sensitive metabolic profiling of microorganisms. five main members of the streptocidin family (a-e) were detected in brevibacillus cells picked fr ...200516175658
brevibacillus levickii sp. nov. and aneurinibacillus terranovensis sp. nov., two novel thermoacidophiles isolated from geothermal soils of northern victoria land, antarctica.thirteen strains of endospore-forming bacteria were isolated from geothermal soils at cryptogam ridge, the north-west slope of mt melbourne, and at the vents and summit of mt rittmann in northern victoria land, antarctica. 16s rrna gene sequencing, sds-page and routine phenotypic characterization tests indicated that the seven isolates from the north-west slope of mt melbourne represent a novel species of brevibacillus and that the six isolates from cryptogam ridge and the vents and summit of mt ...200515879231
conformational properties of bacterial dnak and yeast mitochondrial hsp70. role of the divergent c-terminal alpha-helical subdomain.among the eukaryotic members of the hsp70 family, mitochondrial hsp70 shows the highest degree of sequence identity with bacterial dnak. although they share a functional mechanism and homologous co-chaperones, they are highly specific and cannot be exchanged between escherichia coli and yeast mitochondria. to provide a structural basis for this finding, we characterized both proteins, as well as two dnak/mthsp70 chimeras constructed by domain swapping, using biochemical and biophysical methods. ...200515955075
novel processing and localization of cata, ccda associated thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase, in protein hyper-producing bacterium brevibacillus choshinensis.previously, we have cloned ccda and its associated thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase gene, cata, in brevibacillus choshinensis. ccda is known to be an integral membrane protein and its associated oxidoreductase homologues are believed to be membrane anchoring proteins, both providing reducing equivalents across the membrane to control correct disulfide bond formation. here, we found that cata is first localized as a membrane bound form and then slowly released into the cellular periphery and cultur ...200515638809
[labeling of biocontrol agents zjy-1 and zjy-116 gfp gene and its ecological adaptability in cucumber rhizosphere].the recombined plasmid prp22-gfp contained with gfp gene and chloramphenicol resistant was successfully introduced into two biocontrol agents brevibacillus brevis zjy-1 and bacillus subtilis zjy-116. after seed inoculation, the survival and colonization of the two strains were studied by periodically retrieving the gfp-tagged strains in the cucumber rhizosphere based on the selective markers. the results showed that both the strains could successfully colonize in the rhizosphere during the whole ...200516471356
the efficacy of tamus 2032 in preventing a natural outbreak of colibacillosis in broiler chickens in floor pens.a 42-d floor pen study was conducted with broiler chickens comparing the effects on bird performance of 12 ppm tamus 2032 (also known as bt) and 55 ppm bacitracin methylene disalicyclate (bmd) when fed alone or in combination with 99 ppm monensin (mon). unmedicated and 99 ppm mon treatments were included in the study design. beginning on d 22 of study, birds in all 6 treatments were subjected to a modulated house temperature and airflow to mimic conditions conducive to outbreaks of colibacillosi ...200516479941
[construction of the shuttle expression-secretion vector with the promoters and signal peptide-encoding sequence from brevibacillus brevis].the multiple and tandem promoters and signal peptide-encoding sequence of cell wall protein encoding gene was amplified from brevibacillus brevis b15 total dna, the pcr fragment was cloned, sequenced and analyzed, then was submitted to genbank with a accession no. ay956423. another pair of primers were designed to amplify the fragment again, bamhi and pstl sites was introduced flanking the pcr production. bamhi/pstl digested fragment was cloned into the corresponding site of shuttle vector pp43n ...200617037048
cloning, expression and deletion of the cuticle-degrading protease blg4 from nematophagous bacterium brevibacillus laterosporus g4.brevibacillus laterosporus g4, which was isolated from soil sample, kills free-living nematodes (panagrellus redivius) and plant-parasite nematodes (bursaphelenchus xylophilus) and degrades their cuticle in previous bioassay. our works for b. laterosporus g4 had demonstrated that an extracellular alkaline protease blg4 played a key role as a pathogenic factor in infection against nematode. in this study, the nematicidal activity of blg4 was further verified by an in vitro assay with purified rec ...200616897037
multiple activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases by purified independent ccn2 modules in vascular endothelial cells and chondrocytes in culture.ccn2 consists of 4 distinct modules that are conserved among various ccn family protein members. from the n-terminus, insulin-like growth factor binding protein (igfbp), von willebrand factor type c repeat (vwc), thrombospondin type 1 repeat (tsp1) and c-terminal cysteine-knot (ct) modules are all aligned tandem therein. the multiple functionality of ccn2 is thought to be enabled by the differential use of these modules when interacting with other molecules. in this study, we independently prepa ...200616938382
groes/groel and dnak/dnaj have distinct roles in stress responses and during cell cycle progression in caulobacter crescentus.misfolding and aggregation of protein molecules are major threats to all living organisms. therefore, cells have evolved quality control systems for proteins consisting of molecular chaperones and proteases, which prevent protein aggregation by either refolding or degrading misfolded proteins. dnak/dnaj and groes/groel are the best-characterized molecular chaperone systems in bacteria. in caulobacter crescentus these chaperone machines are the products of essential genes, which are both induced ...200616980445
two bacterial strains isolated from a zn-polluted soil enhance plant growth and mycorrhizal efficiency under this study we investigated the interactions among plant, rhizosphere microorganisms and zn pollution. we tested the influence of two bacterial strains isolated from a zn-polluted soil on plant growth and on the symbiotic efficiency of native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (amf) under zn toxicity. the two bacterial strains exhibited zn tolerance when cultivated under increasing zn levels in the medium. however, strain b-i showed a higher zn tolerance than strain b-ii at the two highest zn levels ...200616098559
flow-injection determination of l-histidine with an immobilized histidine oxidase from brevibacillus borstelensis kait-b-022 and chemiluminescence detection.a chemiluminometric flow injection analytical system for the quantitation of l-histidine is described. histidine oxidase (ec 1.4.3.-) from brevibacillus borstelensis kait-b-022 was immobilized on tresylated poly(vinyl alcohol) beads and packed into a stainless-steel column. the hydrogen peroxide produced was detected chemiluminometrically by a flowthrough sensor containing immobilized peroxidase (ec 1.1 1.1.7). the maximum sample throughput was 10 h(-1). the calibration graph was linear from 0.0 ...200616429781
isolation and characterization of a bluegill-degrading microorganism, and analysis of the root hair-promoting effect of the degraded products.bluegill-degrading bacteria were isolated from various environmental sources. brevibacillus sp. bgm1 degraded bluegill efficiently at 50 degrees c, and its culture supernatant showed the highest peptide and amino acid concentrations as trichloroacetic acid (tca) soluble fraction (asf) (10.7 mg/ml) of all supernatants obtained with bluegill as a substrate. strain bgm1 secreted a protease(s) into the medium, and the concentration of peptides and amino acids gradually increased. the fertile effect ...200616495648
[isolation and characterization of heterotrophic nitrifying bacteria].method of isolating the heterotrophic nitrifiers and the characterization of the heterotrophic nitrification were studied. two heterotrophic nitrifiers were newly isolated from a membrane bioreactor (mbr) in which the tn removal efficiency was 80.1%. the batch test results indicate that bacillus sp. ly and brevibacillus sp. ly could utilize the organic carbon as the source of assimilation when they grew on glucose and ammonium chloride medium companying the formation of oxidized-nitrogen. after ...200616686198
ionic contacts at dnak substrate binding domain involved in the allosteric regulation of lid gain further insight into the interactions involved in the allosteric transition of dnak we have characterized wild-type (wt) protein and three mutants in which ionic interactions at the interface between the two subdomains of the substrate binding domain, and within the lid subdomain have been disrupted. our data show that ionic contacts, most likely forming an electrically charged network, between the n-terminal region of helix b and an inner loop of the beta-sandwich are involved in mainta ...200616415343
development of a group-specific pcr combined with ardra for the identification of bacillus species of environmental significance.a group-specific primer pair was designed to amplify the 16s rrna gene of representative reference strains from environmentally sourced, mesophilic aerobic spore-forming bacillus taxa. the pcr generated a 1114 bp amplicon but did not do so with dna extracted from 16 other eubacterial species. when amplicons were digested with restriction enzymes alui or taqi, different profiles containing between 2 and 5 fragments ranging in size from 76 to 804 base pairs were seen with different bacillus specie ...200615979744
brevibacillus ginsengisoli sp. nov., a denitrifying bacterium isolated from soil of a ginseng field.a gram-positive, rod-shaped, spore-forming bacterium, gsoil 3088t, was isolated from soil from a ginseng field in pocheon province in south korea and characterized in order to determine its taxonomic position. on the basis of 16s rrna gene sequence similarity, strain gsoil 3088t was shown to belong to the family paenibacillaceae, being related to brevibacillus centrosporus (96.6%), brevibacillus borstelensis (96.3%), brevibacillus parabrevis (96.1%), brevibacillus formosus (96.1%), brevibacillus ...200617082408
inhibition of the growth of paenibacillus larvae, the causal agent of american foulbrood of honeybees, by selected strains of aerobic spore-forming bacteria isolated from apiarian sources.the bacterium paenibacillus larvae, the causative agent of american foulbrood disease of honeybee larvae, occurs throughout the world and is found in many beekeeping areas of argentina. the potential as biocontrol agents of antagonic aerobic spore-forming bacteria isolated from honey samples and other apiarian sources were evaluated. each isolate was screened against one strain of paenibacillus larvae (atcc 9545) by using a perpendicular streak technique. ten randomly selected bacterial strains ...200616458322
screening for microbial markers in miocene sediment exposed during open-cast brown coal mining.viable microorganisms were found in miocene lacustrine clays of the cypris formation excavated from 200-m below the surface as spoil during open-cast brown coal mining (sokolov brown coal basin, north-western bohemia, czech republic). both saprotrophic microfungi of the genera penicillium, verticillium, cladosporium and aspergillus as well as heterotrophic bacteria were isolated from an intact sediment cores. heterotrophic bacteria were classified by the mis sherlock system as representatives of ...200616622790
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