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virus associated papillomas in colobus monkeys (colobus guereza).numerous papillomas ranging in size from 1--10 mm were seen in four colobus monkeys (colobus guereza). the lesions were confined to the fingers and toes and to the dorsal-lateral aspects of the hands and feet distal to the carpus and tarsus. electron microscopy of two of the lesions revealed compactly arranged crystalline arrays of intranuclear virus particles in the epidermis. the particles were seen only in cells of the stratum granulosum and stratum corneum. by the negative stain technique, t ...19806253746
a comparative study of basal metabolism and thermoregulation in a folivorous (colobus guereza) and an omnivorous (cercopithecus mitis) primate species.1. abdominal temperatures (tab) and oxygen consumption (vo2) were measured in two males each of colobus and sykes monkeys. 2. tab in both species had the same range (36 38.5 c), but there were marked differences in the daily rhythms. 3. low ambient temperatures (ta) had little effect on tab; at ta = 33.5 35.5 c. however, tab rose quickly to above 40 c. 4. the thermoneutral zone (tnz) extended from about 5 to 28 c in both species. 5. in the colobus monkeys the basal metabolic rate (bmr) was consi ...19836131775
an outbreak of poliomyelitis caused by poliovirus type i in captive black and white colobus monkeys (colobus abyssinicus kikuyuensis) in the latter part of 1982, three black and white colobus monkeys, colobus abyssinicus kikuyuensis, from a small breeding group maintained at the institute of primate research in kenya, became paralysed within one month. two of these cases were fatal and the third animal survived. the clinical and pathological findings suggested a poliomyelitis-like disease. this was confirmed by the isolation of wild strains of poliomyelitis virus type i from faeces, spleen, kidney, lung and central nervous sys ...19846095497
ecology and population dynamics of colobus guereza in ethiopia. 19744214737
molecular cloning and characterization of the dna of two papillomaviruses from monkeys.benign and malignant lesions from monkeys were analyzed for the presence of papillomavirus (pv) dna. by hybridization with different pv dna probes under conditions of lowered stringency, two tumors were found to contain pv-specific dna sequences: (1) a cutaneous papilloma from a colobus monkey; and, (2) a lymph node metastasis of a squamous cell carcinoma of the penis from a rhesus monkey. analysis of the dna of the papilloma from the colobus monkey indicated the presence of extrachromosomal dna ...19882842954
venereal papilloma and papillomavirus in a colobus monkey (colobus guereza).a papilloma on the penis of a colobus monkey was found to contain papilloma-virus group specific antigens by immunohistochemical analysis and virus-like particles in the nuclei of epithelial cells by transmission electron microscopy. in low-stringency southern blot hybridizations, dna from the lesion annealed with human papillomavirus 11 dna, but not with the dnas of 13 other papillomaviruses. using human papillomavirus 11 dna as a probe in southern blot hybridizations, dna from the penile papil ...19872835331
incisor microwear and diet in three species of colobus.examination of incisor microwear in three species of colobus revealed that the predominantly folivorous c. badius more closely resembles c. satanas, a seed predator/folivore, than c. guereza, another predominantly folivorous species. this demonstrates that species of the same broad dietary category can have very different patterns of incisor microwear, indicative of differences in food procurement behavior and/or the physical properties of dietary items for some portion of the diet. conversely, ...20072227724
scanning electron microscopic analysis of dental wear on the heavily worn second molars of the wild japanese monkey (macaca fuscata).microscopic features on scanning electron micrographs of epoxy-replicas of the second molars of nine wild-caught adult female japanese monkeys, macaca fuscata, from oita takasakiyama, kyushu, were measured using a digitizer. these monkeys had been fed a monkey-diet during three or four days of captivity before replicas were made. six of these specimens showed such heavily worn second molars that narrow peripheral enamel bands surrounded large dentin exposures and the cusps of the others had been ...19911947932
contrasts in social structure among black-and-white colobus monkey groups.three types of colobus guereza groups may be distinguished on the bases of size and composition, namely small one-male groups, large, one-male groups and multi-male groups. the social structure of each type of group is described in terms of the distribution of non-agonistic interactions, the frequency and distribution of agonistic behaviour and the organization of the roles of vigilance, territorial defence and leadership. a number of differences are found between the group types which appear to ...1976817624
the pathology of measles in abyssinian colobus monkeys (colobus guereza): a description of an outbreak.the pathological changes found in four abyssinian colobus monkeys (colobus guereza) dying of measles are described. warthin-finkeldey giant cells were plentiful in the lymphoid tissue and spleen, in the mucosa of the alimentary tract and in the lungs, where they accompanied a non-suppurative pneumonia. in the alimentary tract they were most frequent in the colon when an associated colitis was present. measles virus was recovered from the lung tissue of one animal, the virus being neutralised by ...1975814224
measles in recently imported colobus monkeys (colobus guereza). 1975813359
feeding behaviour of red colobus and black and white colobus in east africa.the feeding behaviour of one troop of red colobus (colobus badius tephrosceles) was observed between august 1969 and june 1970 in the gombe national park. similar observations were made on two troops of red colobus and two of black and white colobus (c. guereza uellensis) in kibale forest reserve, uganda, between august and october 1970. the red colobus at gombe were highly selective in their choice of food, feeding on the leaves, shoots, flowers and fruit of a wide variety of tree species. the ...1975805763
the social life of a black-and-white colobus monkey, colobus investigate relationships between ecology and social organization, observations were made on several populations of colobus guereza in east africa in 1970-74. study time was concentrated in the kibale forest and the kabalega national park, uganda. findings on social behaviour are reported in this paper. assessments of group composition were made. the repertoire of communicatory acts was analysed. during five-day continuous observation periods at kibale (12 consecutive months) and at kabalega ...1977414475
a craniometric study of the black and white colobus illiger 1811 (primates: ceropithecoidea).this study examines the craniometry of black and white colobus monkeys using 1072 specimens representing all the recognized subspecies (after rahm, '70) of the genus. seventy-six measurements were taken on each individual, and examined using canonical variates analysis and clustering by ward's error sum method. the assumptions of the analytical techniques are shown to be met, and the results demonstrated to be stable. examination of the populations for statistical difference and taxonomic distin ...1979114059
observations on acute gastric dilatation in nonhuman the years 1967-1977 we diagnosed 23 cases of acute gastric dilatation in monkeys. fourteen of these animals were macaca mulatta, five macaca fascicularis, and one each of macaca nemestrina, aotus trivirgatus, saimiri sciureus, and colobus guereza. fourteen of the animals were males, nine were females, and all were adults or subadults. mortality was 78% (18 of 23 animals). thirteen of the animals had received on anesthetic, immobilizing, or tranquilizing drug 1-2 days before developing acute g ...197898666
Displaying items 101 - 115 of 115