
PMID(sorted ascending)
iii. mediators of allergic reactions. endogenous and exogenous stimulating or suppressor substances. mediators of experimental hypersensitivity pneumonitis.using a physiologic model of hypersensitivity pneumonitis where depressions of arterial oxygen tension in unimmunized rabbits are monitored following aerosol challenge with aspergillus terreus spores, attempts were made to assess the nature of the cellular and pharmacologic mediators of the impairment. unlike normal animals no pao2 depressions were obtained following aerosol challenge in either rabbits deficient in c6 or in rabbits made thrombocytopenic with antiplatelet serum. such aerosols wer ...197773506
[biosynthesis of cellulolytic enzymes and xylanase during submerged cultivation of the fungus aspergillus terreus 17p].the fungus aspergillus terreus 17p--producer of cellulolytic enzymes--was cultivated in the biotec 10 l fermenter on the medium containing minced and heated (at 200 degrees) wheat straw aerated with a different rate. at the mixing rate of 350 rpm and aeration rate of 0.7 r/rpm on the fourth day the culture liquid was obtained whose filtrate contained an active complex of cellulolytic enzymes and xylanase: ci--3.4; apb--1.1, cx--35.7, cellobiase--0.23, xylanase--73.8 units/ml. the fractionation o ...1978103086
kinetics of inactivation of asperigillus flavus and aspergillus terreus conidiospores by amphotericin b in the presence of serum. 1979110762
a new n-nitroso compound, n-3-methylbutyl-n-1-methylacetonylnitrosamine, in corn-bread inoculated with fungi.a new n--nitroso compound, n--1--methylacetonyl--n--3--methylbutylnitrosamine (mambna) is found in corn-bread inoculated with the common fungi, such as fusarium moniliforme, geotrichun candidum, aspergillus terreus or a. flavipes, encountered in food of lin xian county, henan province. the preliminary identification of this compound with tlc has been confirmed by gc-ms analysis. furthermore, we have synthesized the mambna and the chemical analysis shows that it is identical with the mambna isola ...1979112677
onychomycosis caused by aspergillus terreus.four cases of onychomycosis caused by aspergillus terreus are presented. the clinical characteristics consisted of spotted and striated leuconychia, dark spots and fragility of the nails. the mycology is described, and is shown that a. terreus has an inhibitory effect on the growth of dermatophytes and scopulariopis brevicaulis. topical treatment with 1% pimafucin in a mixture of 60% dimethylsulfoxide (dmso) and 40% water as well as 9% aqueous solution of sodium benzoate were both effective. the ...1978147520
isolation and purification of blasticidin s deaminase from aspergillus enzyme catalyzing the deamination of the cytosine moiety of blasticidin s was extracted from a fungal strain that belongs to aspergillus terreus. the enzyme was purified with ammonium sulfate fractionation, sephadex g-100 column and deae cellulose column chromatography, followed by preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. blasticidin s deaminase could be separated easily from co-existing cytidine deaminase by deae column chromatography or gel electrophoresis, and preliminary study on t ...1975236272
territrems, tremorgenic mycotoxins of aspergillus terreus.the tremorgenic mycotoxins isolated from aspergillus terreus were given the trivial names territrem a and b instead of their previous designations of c1 and c2 respectively. high-resolution mass spectral data suggested the molecular formula of territrem a to be c28h30o9 and that of territrem b,c29h34o9. they were partially characterized by ultraviolet, infrared, proton magnetic resonance, and mass spectroscopy. the spectroscopic evidence indicated that their chemical structures were very similar ...1979453815
[production of patulin in a liquid medium by moulds belonging to the genera: aspergillus and penicillium (author's transl)].the toxinogenesis of 10 strains of penicillium granulatum, 5 of p. expansum, 4 of aspergillus terreus, 2 of a. clavatus, p. thomii, p. urticae, p. italicum and 1 of p. claviforme was tested at 26 degrees c in czapek's enriched liquid medium (8 p. 1000 glucose + 2 p. 1000 yeast extract). 6 strains of p. granulatum, 5 of p. expansum, 1 of p claviforme and p. thomii produced patulin after 9 days of culture. mycotoxin concentrations recovered was between 0.2 ppm and 3127 ppm. highly toxinogenic stra ...1977596791
cellulose-decomposing fungi of salt marshes in egypt.seventy-five species and three varieties which belong to thirty-four genera were identified from 74 soil samples collected from salt marshes in egypt. the most frequent fungi were aspergillus fumigatus, aspergillus niger, cladosporium herbarum and alternatia alternata, followed by aspergillus terreus, curvularia spicifera and penicillium notatum. six genera were of moderate occurrence: penicillium, fusarium, curvularia, rhizopus, stachybotrys, and chaetomium. five genera were of low occurrence: ...1978624509
quadrone, a new antitumor substance produced by aspergillus terreus. production, isolation and properties.a new antitumor compound named quadrone was isolated from the culture broth of aspergillus terreus nrrl 11,156. quadrone was active against kb cells in vitro, but died not possess antimicrobial activity.1978627521
disseminated aspergillosis in a dog.a dog with disseminated aspergillus terreus infection died after a protracted course of hospitalization. treatment with amphotericin b methyl ester was without effect. the causative organism was found in bone, myocardium, spleen, kidneys, liver, thymus, lymph nodes, and both eyes. treatment with antimicrobials and corticosteroids prior to hospitalization may have contributed to dissemination of the fungus.1978640935
[cellulolytic activity of the thermotolerant fungus aspergillus terreus 17p during submerged cultivation].it has been demonstrated that the thermotolerant fungus aspergillus terreus 17p can actively grow and produce a complex of cellulolytic enzymes on the dense nutrient medium consisting of straw (45%), wheat bran (45%), malt shoots (10%) and wet mineral supplements. the cultivation temperature is 40 degrees c, ph--5.6--6.0 and humidity of the medium--60--65%.1978674113
purification and characterization of dimethylallyl pyrophosphate: aspulvinone dimethylallyltransferase from aspergillus terreus.dimethylallyl pyrophosphate:aspulvinone dimethylallyltransferase, the prenylation enzyme for the biosynthesis of aspulvinone pigments, has been purified from mycelia of aspergillus terreus. the transferase catalyzed the transfer of the dimethylallyl moiety from dimethylallyl pyrophosphate to either of the two aromatic rings of aspulvinone e to give the mono- and diprenylated derivatives which were identified with the metabolites aspulvinone i and aspulvinone h, respectively. aspulvinone g, anoth ...1978678538
aspergillus terreus osteomyelitis.aspergillus terreus infection limited to the l1-2 disk space and first and second lumbar vertebrae developed in a patient not predisposed to invasive aspergillosis. the observation of morphologically distinct secondary spores (aleuriospores) on microscopic examination of open biopsy specimens permitted a preliminary identification of a terreus, which was confirmed by culture. the infection was eradicated with amphotericin b in a total dose of 3 gm. aspergillus terreus is usually a saprophyte. th ...1977879933
organic amendments and control of foot rot of piper betle caused by phytophthora parasitica var. piperina.experiments have been performed to control foot rot of piper betle by organic amendments and antagonists in soil. soil amended with corn straw gave best control. corn straw supplemented with nitrogen (nh4no3) gave still better control. the effect of different antagonists growing on corn-straw and til (sesamum indicum) oil cake amendments showed that trichoderma viride gave best control. aspergillus terreus failed to control the disease although it showed great antifungal activity under controlle ...1976952442
letter: primary cutaneous aspergillosis due to aspergillus terreus. 1976962349
toxicosis due to aspergillus terreus in chicks. 1976992823
[localization of cellulase in the aspergillus terreus mycelial cells].localization of cellulase was studied in the cells of aspergillus terreus 17p, a thermotolerant fungus. the activity of cx-enzyme was found in the supernatant and to be of a protein nature, as was established by means of differential centrifugation of a homogenate of the mycelium cells. ultrathin sections of the mycelium were fixed according to somogi and studied by electron microscopy. the cellulase was found to be located on the surface of the cell wall to which it was bound but not very firml ...19761004263
antitumor activity of asterriquinone, a metabolic product from aspergillus terreus. 19761024856
[effect of certain substances on the biosynthesis of cellulase by the thermotolerant fungus, aspergillus terreus i7p].different substrates which activate the enzyme synthesis were added to the natural medium for asp. terreus 17p cultivation where wheat straw was used as the carbon source. tween-80, oleic acid, sodium salts of ascorbic and acetic acid, potassium salt of indolyl acetic acid, sunflower seed oil, coreander seed oil, soapstock and sugars--glucose, sucrose, fructose and lactose were tested. an addition of tween-80 at a concentration of 0.1% to the cultivation medium showed the most favourable effect ...19751187570
the atmospheric fungal flora of the athens metropolitan the research programme of the department of microbiology of the athens university the nature of the mycological flora of the athenian air was studied. the research took place during the calendar year 1971. the open air was sampled twice weekly from two observation stations. the open plate technique was used, petri dishes containing sabourand's agar being exposed for 15 minutes. a total of 180 plates were exposed, and 1714 fungal colonies were isolated; these were subcultured and identified as ...19751207717
[toxinogenic moulds of silage. iv. - patulin production in liquid medium using fungus species isolated in silages (author's transl)].the toxinogenesis of 18 strains of byssochlamys nivea, 4 of byssochlamys fulva, 7 of paecilomyces varioti, 2 of aspergillus clavatus, i of aspergillus terreus, and i of penicillium urticae, isolated in ensilaged forages, is tested at 26 degrees c in czapek's enriched liquid medium (8 p. 1000 glucose + 2 p. 1000 yeast extract). 100 p. 100 of byssochlamys nivea strains, 75 p. 100 of byssochlamys fulva and 12 p. 100 of paecilomyces varioti strains produce patulin after 9 days of culture. mycotoxin ...19751232908
continuous itaconic acid production by immobilized biocatalysts.the continuous itaconic acid production from sucrose with aspergillus terreus tkk 200-5-3 mycelium immobilized on polyurethane foam cubes was optimized in column bioreactors using statistical experimental design and empirical modelling. the highest itaconic acid product concentration calculated on the basis of the obtained model was 15.8 g l-1 in the investigated experimental area, when sucrose concentration was 13.5%, aeration rate 150 ml min-1 and residence time 178 h. from sucrose with immobi ...19901366363
selective expression of a major allergen and cytotoxin, asp f i, in aspergillus fumigatus. implications for the immunopathogenesis of aspergillus-related diseases.asp f i is a major 18-kda aspergillus fumigatus allergen and a member of the mitogillin family of cytotoxins. the nucleotide sequence of the asp f i gene was determined by sequencing polymerase chain reaction products amplified from a. fumigatus spore dna. the entire 678-bp dna includes an 81-bp leader sequence, preceding the n-terminal alanine codon, a 52-bp intron, and a 444-bp open reading frame, encoding a 149-amino acid protein (m(r) 16,899), which is 99% homologous to mitogillin from asper ...19921431110
disseminated aspergillus terreus infection in a caged pigeon.disseminated aspergillosis due to aspergillus terreus was diagnosed in a young pigeon kept by a bird fancier. the fungus was isolated in heavy growth from the infected tissues on sabouraud medium at 37 degrees c. microscopic examination of the squeeze preparation of the air sacs revealed the presence of typical conidiophores of an aspergillus sp. histologically, branched, septate hyphae morphologically indistinguishable from aspergillus were detected in the air sacs and lungs. the clinical, myco ...19921435955
emodin o-methyltransferase from aspergillus terreus.emodin o-methyltransferase, an enzyme catalyzing methylation of the 8-hydroxy group of emodin, was identified in the mould aspergillus terreus imi 16043, a (+)-geodin producing strain. the enzyme catalyzed the formation of questin from emodin and s-adenosyl-l-methionine. by chromatography on deae-cellulose, phenyl sepharose, q-sepharose, hydroxyapatite, and cm-cellulose, emodin o-methyltransferase was purified to apparent homogeneity. the purified protein had a molecular weight of 322 kda as est ...19921444712
purification and general properties of xylanase from aspergillus terreus.aspergillus terreus thom produced appreciable yield of xylanase on medium containing acid pretreated rice straw as sole carbon source. the enzyme was purified approximately 25-fold by ammonium sulfate precipitation, gel filtration through sephadex g-50 and ion-exchange chromatography on deae-cellulose with a yield of about 23% and specific activity of 15.38 units/mg protein. optimum activity against xylan was at 45 degrees c and ph 4.5. relative stability of the enzyme was recorded at ph range o ...19921471443
isolation of an aspergillus terreus mutant impaired in arginine biosynthesis and its complementation with the argb gene from aspergillus nidulans.using filtration enrichment techniques, an aspergillus terreus arginine auxotrophic strain which contains a mutation that abolishes ornithine transcarbamylase (otcase) activity has been isolated. this mutant has been genetically transformed with the cloned aspergillus nidulans otcase gene. prototrophic transformants arose at a frequency of about 50 transformants per microgram of plasmid dna. southern blot analysis of dna from the transformants showed that the transforming dna was ectopically int ...19921490598
disseminated aspergillosis in a dog with diskospondylitis and neurologic deficits.a german shepherd dog was treated initially for signs of urinary tract infection; subsequently, signs of spinal pain and neurologic deficits developed. fungal hyphae were found in the urine sediment, and spinal radiography revealed changes in the vertebrae and intervertebral disks at the levels of t3 to t8, t12 to t13, l3-4, and l5-6, consistent with diskospondylitis. fungal cultures of urine and specimens from spinal lesions yielded aspergillus terreus. itraconazole (5 mg/kg of body weight, po, ...19921559889
allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis caused by aspergillus terreus presenting lobar collapse.a case of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa) is described which presents left upper lobe collapse caused by aspergillus terreus, an organism rarely found in abpa. it is unusual for initial radiographic findings of abpa to include extensive collapse.19921568035
high performance liquid chromatography of spermidine and spermine using a postcolumn reactor of immobilized polyamine oxidase (aspergillus terreus) followed by electrochemical detection.a highly sensitive and selective method for the determination of spermidine and spermine has been developed. a polyamine oxidase (aspergillus terreus) immobilized column was used as a postcolumn reactor. the detection limit was 0.2 pmol/injection for both spermidine and spermine with a linear range of three orders of magnitude.19921600367
characterization of glucoamylase from aspergillus terreus 4.a strain of aspergillus terreus 4 was found to show extracellular amylolytic activity and the amylase was identified as glucoamylase enzyme. the optimum temperature for the enzyme activity was 60% and it was stable at this temperature for 1 h. the enzyme was optimally active at ph 5.0 and stable between ph 3.0-8.0. km values of glucoamylase for soluble starch, amylose and amylopectin were 5.9 mg/ml, 4.8 mg/ml and 2.6 mg/ml respectively.19901691122
cadmium, selenium, and tellurium chelators in aspergillus terreus.aspergillus terreus was cultivated on harrold's medium supplemented with 0.1% (w/v) cadmium chloride as well as on sulfur free medium amended with 0.1% (w/v) sodium selenite and potassium tellurite separately. the cell free extract of the fungus for each treatment was fractionated on a column packed with sephadex g 75. the results demonstrated the ability of the fungus to synthesize several cadmium, selenium, and tellurium-binding proteins as well as metallothionein. the results suggested the bi ...19911713040
aspergillus terreus as a cause of septic olecranon bursitis.a 72-year-old, non-insulin-dependent diabetic man with a 2-month history of painful right olecranon bursitis was examined after a fall on the sidewalk that resulted in some abrasion of the skin overlying the elbow. fluid aspirated from the bursa showed growth of aspergillus terreus, as did tissue from a bursectomy performed 1 week later. septic bursitis is an uncommon disease that is nearly always caused by staphylococcus aureus or hemolytic streptococci. mycotic bursitis is very rare and this i ...19921728851
an immunohistochemical study of canine disseminated immunohistochemical study of 25 lesions from 7 dogs with disseminated aspergillosis (aspergillus terreus) is presented. all had multiple fungal granulomas in many viscera, with centres of necrotic tissue and hyphal elements surrounded by a mixed infiltrate of predominantly mononuclear cells. within these lesions, hyphae coated with immunoglobulin (igg, igm, iga) and complement (c3, c4) were identified, together with peri-lesional mononuclear cells that reacted with antisera directed towards e ...19911807243
identification of emodinanthrone oxygenase in fungus aspergillus terreus.emodinanthrone oxygenase, which catalyzes the oxidation of emodinanthrone to emodin, has been identified in fungus, aspergillus terreus. the fixation of an oxygen atom at the c-10 position of emodinanthrone from molecular oxygen catalyzed by the enzyme was proved by the 18o2 incubation experiment and analyses of the product emodin by mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance. the fact that the reaction did not require any foreign electron donor suggested the involvement of internal monoox ...19911810248
transformation of aspergillus terreus with the hygromycin b resistance marker from escherichia coli.aspergillus terreus was transformed to hygromycin b resistance using a bacterial resistance gene under the control of aspergillus nidulans regulatory sequences. southern hybridization of transformants indicated that in most of the cases the vector dna was integrated into the recipient chromosome in the form of tandem arrays. transformants were mitotically stable in both selective and non-selective medium and retained their capacity to produce xylanase or glucoamylase activities.19911936947
aspergillus terreus endophthalmitis in a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia.a 65-year-old woman with a 7-year history of chronic lymphocytic leukemia presented with acute visual loss, pain, and redness in her right eye. results of stains and cultures of anterior chamber fluid were negative. neurologic problems, bronchopulmonary pneumonia, recurrent skin lesions, and a low-grade fever developed. progressive respiratory distress ensued, and the patient died 1 month after presentation. cultures from antemortem sputum and skin samples were positive for aspergillus terreus. ...19911987925
induction of cellulose- and xylan-degrading enzyme systems in aspergillus terreus by homo- and heterodisaccharides composed of glucose and xylose.synthetic heterodisaccharides composed of glucose and xylose were tested as inducers of cellulose- and xylan-degrading enzymes in aspergillus terreus, and the inducing abilities were compared with those of sophorose and xylobiose or their positional isomers. measurement of secreted and cell-associated enzyme activities revealed that the heterodisaccharides induced the synthesis of the cellulolytic and xylanolytic enzymes, 2-o-beta-d-glucopyranosyl d-xylose (glcbeta 1-2xyl) being the most powerfu ...19912033377
lovastatin and simvastatin--inhibitors of hmg coa reductase and cholesterol biosynthesis.the microsomal enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme a (hmg coa) reductase is a key rate-controlling step early in the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway that catalyzes the conversion of hmg coa to mevalonic acid. since this enzyme plays a significant role in regulating cholesterol synthesis, it is a rational target for pharmacologic intervention. the first potent, specific inhibitor of hmg coa was mevastatin (compactin, ml-236b), which was discovered in 1976 by endo et al. [j antibiot 1976:2 ...19902073667
clinical and experimental mycotic keratitis caused by aspergillus terreus and the effect of subconjunctival oxiconazole treatment in the animal model.aspergillus terreus was isolated from a case of keratomycosis. the patient, a 50 year old, female presented with a large corneal ulcer with hypopyon. the direct microscopic examination of the scrapings revealed hyaline, thin, septate and branched hyphae. in vitro some antimycotics (amphotericin b, 5-fluorocytosine, oxiconazole, amorolfine and ketoconazole) were tested against a. terreus by agar dilution method. ketoconazole with mic of 3 micrograms/ml after 7 days of incubation was most effectiv ...19902089254
aspergillus terreus myocarditis: report of a case and review of the literature.aspergillus terreus is an uncommon cause of myocarditis, with only six reported cases in the world literature. this report describes a case of severe disseminated aspergillus terreus infection with extensive involvement of the heart in an immunosuppressed patient after aortic valve replacement surgery. pathologic findings are similar to those found in aspergillus fumigatus myocarditis. all six previously reported cases of a. terreus carditis occurred in postoperative cardiac surgery or immunocom ...19902095835
[biological properties of an alcoholic extract of aspergillus terreus].the following effects of aspergillus terreus alcoholic extract are investigated: antiblastic and antiviral effect, and the ability of modification of interferon production and lymphocyte blastic transformation. in particular the extract showed more evident antiproliferative effect on transformed or ebv immortalised cells and lower effect on normal cells. moreover doses from 12.5 +/- micrograms/ml depressed significatively the in vitro interferon production and lymphocyte blastic transformation i ...19902102121
production of l-dopa by aspergillus terreus.production of l-dopa by the activity of tyrosinase from a strain of aspergillus terreus 104 was investigated. effects of substrate (l-tyrosine) concentrations, its mode of feeding to the assay mixture and also the effects of l-ascorbic acid and other antioxidants on the production rate of l-dopa were studied. the parameters for optimal production of l-dopa with a maximum conversion of 85% of 0.1% l-tyrosine were determined.19902126517
pulmonary aspergillosis due to aspergillus terreus combined with staphylococcal pneumonia and hepatic candidiasis.a female patient with systemic lupus erythematosus (sle) developed pulmonary aspergillosis with staphylococcal pneumonia and hepatic candidiasis. aspergillus terreus, which is a rare causative organism of pulmonary aspergillosis, was identified from a pulmonary lesion by culture. the aleurioconidium production, a characteristic of the genus aspergillus sect. terrei, was demonstrated on short and irregular hyphal features in tissue sections. this report is the first of a combined case of pulmonar ...19902233979
in vitro activity of alpha, beta, gamma human interferons and aspergillus terreus mycotoxins on cell proliferation.the in vitro effect of different doses of alpha, beta and gamma human interferons and their interaction on the proliferation rate of human erythroleukemic cell line (k-562) and other cell lines has been evaluated. the results show that the stronger activity is exerted by beta hif in comparison with alpha hif. the action is selective and species-specific. beta hif never elicited an "enhancing" effect on cell proliferation; on the contrary this phenomenon has been observed to occur with alpha and ...19862437939
selenoprotein in aspergillus terreus.aspergillus terreus, a moderately selenium-tolerant fungus, metabolized se-selenite into several protein seleno-amino acids: selenomethionine and selenocysteine, as well as, nonprotein seleno-amino acids, selenocystathionine, and y-glutamyl selenomethyl selenocysteine. the results indicate the failure of the fungus to discriminate between sulphur and selenium. selenium was also incorporated into several proteins of different molecular weights, mostly of low molecular weight proteins. labeled stu ...19882484562
incorporation of tellurium into amino acids and proteins in a tellurium-tolerant fungi.aspergillus fumigatus, aspergillus terreus, and penicillium chrysogenum, a tellurium tolerant fungi, are able to grow on sulfur free medium amended with 0.2% (w/v) tellurite. tellurium was incorporated into several types of low and high molecular weight proteins. the newly detected telluro-proteins contained an extraordinary high level of tellurium, as well as telluro-cysteine, telluro-cystine, telluro-methionine, and serine.19892484755
aspergillus ball thrombus occluding a homograft conduit.almost total occlusion of an aortic homograft conduit by a ball of aspergillus terreus was found postmortem in a 6-month-old infant following repair of a type i truncus arteriosus. signs of pulmonary hypertensive crisis, fever, anaemia, and thrombocytopenia were present. however, blood cultures were persistently negative. a 2-d echocardiogram failed to demonstrate any vegetation. the clinical, pathological, and postmortem findings are described and difficulties in the diagnosis of aspergillus in ...19892624793
disseminated aspergillus terreus infection in immunocompromised hosts.aspergillus terreus is ubiquitous in the environment but has rarely been found to be pathogenic. when recovered from clinical specimens, it is commonly considered a saprophyte. we report two cases of fatal disseminated a. terreus infection. the first patient was receiving corticosteroid therapy for immune thrombocytopenia when the condition developed, and the second patient was receiving immunosuppressive therapy after bone marrow transplantation for myelodysplasia. we also describe the frequenc ...19892671518
[features of integration of recombinant cosmids, containing aspergillus terreus dna, in the saccharomyces cerevisiae genome].a genome clonotheque of 25-40 kb sau3a fragments of aspergillus terreus dna was constructed in the episomal cosmid vector pes33 containing the arg4 gene of yeast. 23 independently originated stable arg+ transformants were selected after transformation of the cir0 yeast strain esh-o with pooled cosmid molecules. both genetic and southern analysis showed that 39% of these stable transformants occurred due to recombination between dna sequences from a. terreus and saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosom ...19892684748
riboflavin formation by mould fungi cultivated on hydrocarbon-containing media.the potentiality of some mould fungi, isolated from petroleum sludge to produce riboflavin when grown on hydrocarbon-containing media was tested. aspergillus terreus was found to be distinguished by its capacity to produce riboflavin when cultivated on the different culture media tested. it was able to grow more luxuriantly and produce good riboflavin output on solar-containing medium. a solar concentration of 5% v/v favoured high riboflavin productivity. the maximal vitamin b2 yields were achie ...19892739581
cytological effects of fungal metabolites produced by fungi isolated from egyptian poultry feedstuffs.the cytogenetic effects of fungal metabolites produced by 113 strains belonging to 36 fungal species and isolated form 5 substrates of commercial poultry feedstuffs were tested for their effect on the growing root meristems of allium cepa. the fungal metabolites of paecilomyces canescens, aspergillus fumigatus, syncephalastrum racemosum, aspergillus terreus and mucor hiemalis strongly suppressed cell division. metabolites from other strains had less effect on cell division but permitted the appe ...19892746472
colonization of a squamous cell carcinoma in the bovine horn core by aspergillus terreus.aspergillus terreus, an opportunistic pathogen, was found to be associated with cancerous tissue of the horn core in a weak and old debilitated cow. the organism was isolated in pure and luxurient growth from a surgically operated specimen of the horn core, and was also demonstrated in the fresh mounts and pas stained sections of the infected tissues. the isolate showed resistance to nystatin (100 micrograms) when tested by paper disk diffusion technique. this appears to be the first report on t ...19892755465
biochemical studies on acetate non-utilizing mutants of aspergillus terreus irrl 16043.the strain aspergillus terreus irrl 16043 can utilize glucose as well as acetate as a sole carbon source. thirty-nine mutants were isolated from the wild-type by treatment with a chemical mutagen, n-methyl-n'-nitro-n-nitrosoguanidine (mntg) which could not utilize acetate as a sole carbon source, and were designated as acetate non-utilizing (acu). by complementation and biochemical analyses they were divided into three functional groups, acu a, acu b and acu c lacking isocitrate lyase, malate sy ...19872885725
origin of monacolin l from aspergillus terreus freshly harvested aspergillus terreus cultures grown for the production of lovastatin (formerly called mevinolin), no monacolin l could be detected. however, during the isolation of lovastatin, significant quantities of monacolin l appeared. it has been discovered that a new metabolite structurally related to the members of the monacolin series is present. this metabolite is unstable and under mildly acidic conditions and elevated temperature, it converts to monacolin l. the subject metabolit ...19892921224
new fungal strains that produce a specific inhibitor of adhesive glucan synthesis by streptococcus mutans. 19872952628
[caries-inhibitory effect of mutastein in animal experiments]. 19862974614
purification and properties of dihydrogeodin oxidase from aspergillus terreus.the last step of (+)-geodin biosynthesis is a phenol oxidative coupling, which is one of the most important reactions in biosynthesis of natural products. the enzyme named dihydrogeodin oxidase catalyzes the regio- and stereospecific phenol oxidative coupling reaction to form (+)-geodin from dihydrogeodin. the enzyme was purified from the cell-free extract of aspergillus terreus, a (+)-geodin producer, by ammonium sulfate fractionation, acid treatment, and column chromatographies on deae-cellulo ...19873032923
production and characterization of a murine monoclonal antibody to aspergillus fumigatus antigen having igg- and ige-binding employing hybridoma technology, a monoclonal antibody against aspergillus fumigatus was produced. this antibody, isotyped as igm k, reacted with 12 of 16 antigens extracted from 9 different a. fumigatus strains. this antibody also reacted with all 3 aspergillus flavus antigens studied, but not with aspergillus niger, aspergillus terreus, penicillium notatum or candida albicans antigens. western blot analysis indicated that this antibody reacted with two concanavalin a (con-a) binding bands of ...19883045013
cosmids carrying aspergillus terreus dna can integrate into saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome xii via recombination between yeast and foreign dnas.a genome clonotheque consisting of 25- to 40-kb sau3ai fragments of aspergillus terreus dna was constructed in the episomal cosmid vector pes33 containing the yeast arg4 gene. from the 475 transformants of cir0 yeast strain esh-0, 23 stable arg+ transformants were independently selected. genetic and southern analysis of these stable transformants showed that 39% arose as a result of recombination between cloned a. terreus dna sequences and yeast chromosome xii. the recombination events most like ...19883058328
[characteristics of the integration of recombinant cosmids containing dna of aspergillus terreus into genome of saccharomyces cerevisiae]. 19883069411
binding of fibrinogen to the pathogenic aspergillus species.the binding of human fibrinogen to the pathogenic aspergilli was investigated in vitro by different procedures using either fibrinogen in solution or fixed, insolubilized fibrinogen. binding of fibrinogen was detected at the surface of hyphae and conidia by an immunofluorescence assay. ultrastructural localization of the binding sites was visualized with fibrinogen-sensitized gold particles. the labelling was restricted to the outer cell wall layer of the 'smooth' walled conidia. quantitative an ...19883073204
beta-glucosidases from cellulolytic fungi aspergillus terreus, geotrichum candidum, and trichoderma longibrachiatum as typical ethanol precipitation (v/v) and chromatography on sephadex sp, deae (or deae-cellulose), and g-200 beta-glucosidases (ec from the culture filtrates of cellulolytic fungi aspergillus terreus, geotrichum candidum, and trichoderma longibrachiatum grown on the medium with cellulose containing materials were isolated. the enzymes were homogenous as shown by different techniques. the substrate specificities of the obtained enzymes were studied. beta-glucosidases had higher affinity for p- ...19873111495
humoral immunity in disseminated aspergillus terreus infection in the dog.aspects of humoral immunity were studied in 17 dogs with disseminated aspergillosis (16 cases aspergillus terreus, 1 case aspergillus flavipes). all dogs had markedly raised serum igg levels by single radial immunodiffusion (range 1500-6000 mg dl-1). despite this, serum antibody to a. terreus was demonstrated in only 7/16 cases by agar gel diffusion, 9/16 cases by counter immunoelectrophoresis, 10/16 by elisa and 11/16 by an indirect immunofluorescence assay. serum antibody was also detected in ...19883131949
[aspergillus terreus as a cause of inflammation of the maxillary sinus]. 19883167990
aspergillus terreus as a cause of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis.a 70-year-old woman with nodular, poorly differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma is the third reported patient with invasive pulmonary aspergillosis caused by aspergillus terreus. this case differs from the two previously reported in that neither neutropenia nor broad spectrum antibiotics preceded the infection. a terreus should not be dismissed as a laboratory contaminant in pulmonary specimens, especially those from immunosuppressed patients.19883168592
a novel anthraquinone ring cleavage enzyme from aspergillus enzyme activity which catalyzes the ring cleavage of the anthraquinone questin to form benzophenone desmethylsulochrin was found in the cell-free extract of aspergillus terreus, a (+)-geodin producer. the product was identified as desmethylsulochrin by high-resolution mass spectroscopy and chemical carrier dilution analysis. the enzyme showed an absolute requirement of nadph and molecular oxygen. therefore, the enzyme, named questin oxygenase, was considered to be classified as a monooxygenas ...19883182756
[endocarditis with unusual causative agents].in the period 1947-1985, 601 patients with infective endocarditis were seen at the university hospital zurich and the kantonsspital lucerne. streptococci, enterococci and staphylococci were the predominant causative organisms in two-thirds of all cases. in more than 25% of the patients blood cultures remained negative. in 6 patients endocarditis was caused by very rare organisms, viz. coxiella burnetii (2 cases), hemophilus parainfluenzae, corynebacterium bovis (diphtheroids), brucella melitensi ...19873324331
aspergillus terreus infection in a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and polycythaemia rubra vera. 19883362085
biosynthesis of mevinolin, a hypocholesterolemic fungal metabolite, in aspergillus terreus.mevinolin and compactin are fungal metabolites which inhibit cholesterol biosynthesis in mammalian systems. biogenetically, mevinolin is formed from polyketide chains, one 18-carbon and one 4-carbon, derived from acetate in normal head to tail fashion. the remaining two carbons in mevinolin, namely c-2' and c-6 methyl groups, are transferred from s-adenosylmethionine. to distinguish the timing and sequence of these two methylation steps, [me-14c]- and [me-3h,14c]-l-methionine were fed to aspergi ...19873423140
aspergillus terreus causing invasive pulmonary aspergillosis with air-crescent sign.aspergillus terreus is an uncommon cause of human disease. a patient with acute myelomonocytic leukemia is described who developed an invasive pulmonary infection with a terreus characterized by an air-crescent sign on chest roentgenogram. previous reports of a terreus infections and the pathogenesis and significance of an air-crescent sign in invasive pulmonary aspergillosis are reviewed.19863458927
[antiproliferative effect of an extract of aspergillus terreus].we have studied antiproliferative effect of aspergillus terreus extract on various cell lines: i-407 normal human cells, l-929 normal murine cells, k-562 erythroleukemic human cells, iad lymphoblastoid human cells and b 95-8 monkey lymphoblastoid cells. k-562 and lymphoblastoid cells showed higher sensitivity to the extract. moreover, "a cytostatic dose" of the extract on k-562 cells (12.5 micrograms/ml showed a reduction of 3h-thymidine (but not of 14c-uracil) incorporation, leading us to hypot ...19863483336
inhibitory effect of mutastein on the synthesis of artificial, dental plaque by streptococcus mutans. 19873570972
aspergillus terreus as a possible cause of mycetoma on the foot of a dog. 19873587279
a rapid enzymatic assay for total blood polyamines.we have designed a rapid, reliable enzymatic assay for total blood polyamines, as based on the combination of substrate specificity of polyamine oxidase (pao) from aspergillus terreus and putrescine oxidase (puo) from micrococcus rubens. quinone dye, derived from hydrogen peroxide generated in the oxidation reaction, is measured spectrophotometrically at 555 nm, and total amounts of putrescine (put), cadaverine (cad), spermidine (spd), and spermine (spm) can be readily determined. the minimum de ...19873652436
isolation of (-)-gamma-cadinene and aristolochene from aspergillus terreus. 19873680043
terrecyclic acid a, a new antibiotic from aspergillus terreus. iv. absolute stereochemistry of terrecyclic acid a. 19863949627
mevinolinic acid biosynthesis by aspergillus terreus and its relationship to fatty acid biosynthesis.mevinolinic acid, the open acid form of mevinolin, which is a metabolite of aspergillus terreus, has been shown to be a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme a reductase (alberts et al., proc. natl. acad. sci. u.s.a. 77:3957-3961, 1980). the biosynthesis of mevinolinic acid was studied by examining the incorporation of [1-14c]acetate and [methyl-14c]methionine into the molecule. these isotopes were rapidly incorporated into mevinolinic acid, with [1-14c]acetate ...19853988710
isolation, chemical structure, acute toxicity, and some physicochemical properties of territrem b' from aspergillus terreus.we have isolated a metabolite of territrem, designated territrem b', from the chloroform extract of a rice culture of aspergillus terreus 23-1 by using the same isolation procedure as that for territrems a, b, and c. the present isolation procedure gave about 10 mg of territrem b' from 4 kg of rice culture per batch. analysis of the high-resolution mass spectrum showed that the molecular composition of territrem b' is c29h34o10 (found, 542.2167; required, 542.200). some results of physicochemica ...19853994375
mycotic pneumonia and meningoencephalitis due to aspergillus terreus in a neonatal snow leopard (panthera uncia). 19854032629
abnormal form of aspergillus terreus isolated from mycotic abscesses.a remarkable outer cell-wall thickening (up to 1.5 mum) was observed on septate hyphae obtained from pus collected from multiple abscesses of a 25-year-old female patient. ultrastructural examination of the hyphae showed a thick electron dense layer of microfibrillar material surrounding the electron transparent cell wall. the organism was able to grow only on hypertonic media upon initial isolation but on later subculture it grew on normal isotonic media. the thick microfibrillar material dimin ...19854047126
the pathology of disseminated aspergillus terreus infection in dogs.disseminated aspergillus terreus infection was diagnosed in ten previously healthy adult dogs--nine german shepherds and one dalmatian. the disease was characterized by the presence of multiple granulomas and infarcts in a wide range of organs. the kidney, spleen, and skeletal system were most commonly and severely affected. fungal hyphae were demonstrated in large numbers within granulomas and thrombi, and a. terreus was readily isolated by culture. this disseminated mycosis appears unique; in ...19854082379
the itaconic and itatartaric acid formation by uv and gamma irradiated isolates of aspergillus terreus nrrl 1960. 19674166071
letter: a cholinesterase inhibitor produced by aspergillus terreus. 19744212124
an epidithiapiperazinedione antiviral agent from aspergillus terreus. 19684301873
[the activity of cellulolytic enzymes and xylanase in the thermo-tolerant fungus aspergillus terreus after being kept in a lyophilized state for a long period]. 19744449500
[mutants of the heat-tolerant fungus aspergillus terreus--producers of cellulolytic enzymes]. 19744453215
effect of methylendioxyphenyl synergists on metabolism of carbaryl by aspergillus terreus. 19744474950
two unusual organisms, aspergillus terreus and metschnikowia pulcherrima, associated with the lung disease of ankylosing spondylitis. 19724628429
fixation of nitrogen by the mutants of aspergillus terreus nrrl 1960. 19724671434
influence of nitrogen source on the synthesis of fat from sucrose by aspergillus terreus, aspergillus ochraceus, cladosporium fulvum, cladosporium herbarum and penicillium gladioli. 19724672593
microbial hydroxylation of 5-anilino-1,2,3,4-thiatriazole.two hundred eighty-five fungi, including 100 basidiomycetes and 35 yeasts, 75 actinomycetes, and 40 bacteria were screened for their ability to convert 5-anilino-1,2,3,4-thiatriazole (at) to 5-(p-hydroxyanilino)-1,2,3,4-thiatriazole (p-ht). eleven cultures were found that formed p-ht, which was isolated and whose structure was determined. aspergillus tamarii nrrl 3280 formed 8.6 g of p-ht/liter from 10 g of at/liter (78.9% conversion) in shaken flasks and 4.57 g of p-ht/liter from 6 g of at/lite ...19734699219
component fatty acids of aspergillus terreus fat. 19734761319
growth and fat formation of aspergillus oryzae and aspergillus terreus on enzyme-hydrolyzed sweet potatoes. 19734763732
[extraction of cellulolytic enzymes and xylanase from a filtrate of the culture fluid of the heat-tolerant fungus aspergillus terreus 17p]. 19734771034
studies on the metabolic pathway for itatartaric acid formation by aspergillus terreus. i. metabolism of glucose and some c5 and c6-carboxylic acids. 19744836926
studies on the metabolic pathway for itatartaric acid formation by aspergillus terreus. ii. use of (-)citramalate, citraconate and itaconate by cell-free extracts. 19744836927
aspergillosis: comparative virulence, metabolic rate, growth rate and ubiquinone content of soil and human isolates of aspergillus terreus. 19744850653
the biosynthesis of phenols. xxiv. the conversion of the anthraquinone question into the benzophenone, sulochrin, in cultures of aspergillus terreus. 19725065535
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 1090