
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
rotaviral rna found on various surfaces in a hospital laundry.the aim of this investigative study was to determine the presence of rotaviral rna at various control points (cp) of a hospital laundry. one of the possible sources of hospital infections is inappropriately laundered and disinfected hospital textiles. rt-pcr and nested pcr for gene amplification using specific primers following rna isolation were used to determine the presence of rotaviral rna on swabs. in addition, rotavirus suspensions were inoculated on marked surfaces as positive controls fo ...200818061282
rare au-1-like g3p[9] human rotaviruses with a kun-like nsp4 gene detected in children with diarrhea in italy.three g3p[9] rotaviruses, detected in children hospitalized with gastroenteritis in palermo, italy, were found to be genetically related to strains of either human or feline origin in the vp7, vp4, and vp6 genes. in contrast, in the nsp4 gene the viruses resembled g2p[4] human strains, suggesting a reassortment between au-1-like and kun-like strains.200818063802
molecular detection and characterization of gastroenteritis viruses occurring naturally in the stream waters of manaus, central amazonia, assess the presence of the four main viruses responsible for human acute gastroenteritis in a hydrographic network impacted by a disordered urbanization process, a 1-year study was performed involving water sample collection from streams in the hydrographic basin surrounding the city of manaus, amazonas, brazil. thirteen surface water sample collection sites, including different areas of human settlement characterized as urban, rural, and primary forest, located in the tarumã-açu, são raimund ...200818065620
astrovirus detection in sporadic cases of diarrhea among hospitalized and non-hospitalized children in rio de janeiro, brazil, from 1998 to 2004.we analyzed 379 stool samples collected from january 1998 through december 2004, from hospitalized and non-hospitalized children with diarrhea in rio de janeiro, brazil. these samples had prior negative results for other enteric viruses and bacterial pathogens. the specimens were analyzed for hastv detection by rt-pcr. hastv genotypes were determined by sequence analysis of the rt-pcr products. twenty (5.3%) out of 379 samples were positive for astrovirus. astrovirus was equally common among inp ...200818041001
detection of unusual rotavirus genotypes g8p[8] and g12p[6] in south korea.five hundred four fecal specimens, collected between 2004 and 2006 from young children with acute diarrhea, were screened for rotavirus by elisa with vp6-specific antibody. of these samples, 394 (78.2%) were confirmed as group a rotavirus and they underwent g- and p typing using a combination of elisa, rt-pcr, and sequence analysis methods. the dominant circulating g serotype was g1 (35.6%) followed by g3 (26.4%), g4 (14.7%), and g2 (11.9%). there was a low prevalence of g9 (1.0%) and of unusual ...200818041003
[an oral vaccine against rotavirus-caused gastroenteritis]. 200818081080
identical rearrangement of nsp3 genes found in three independently isolated virus clones derived from mixed infection and multiple passages of rotaviruses.three rotavirus variants with a rearranged rna segment derived from the nsp3 gene were isolated in three independent experiments of coinfection and multiple passages of simian rotavirus strain sa11 and single-vp7-gene- or nsp1-gene-substitution reassortants having genetic background of sa11. sequence analysis indicated that the three rearranged nsp3 genes had almost identical sequences and genomic structures organized by partial duplication of the open reading frame in a head-to-tail orientation ...200818092125
acute gastroenteritis cases associated with noroviruses infection in the state of rio de march 2005, the epidemiological surveillance service of resende, municipality of the middle paraiba valley, state of rio de janeiro, reported a sudden spontaneous occurrence of acute gastroenteritis cases in children in a public day care center. further, between may and june 2005, gastroenteritis outbreaks or sporadic cases of gastroenteritis were reported in two other municipalities, piraí and rio claro, also located in the middle paraiba valley. from march to june 2005, 50 fecal samples wer ...200818098155
infection control in paediatrics.infection control has a particularly important role in paediatric hospitals and must take into account the specificity of the needs and environment of the paediatric patient. children are susceptible to infections that are prevented in older patients by vaccination or previous natural exposure. consequently, the nosocomial pathogens and most common health-care-associated infection sites in children differ from those observed among adults. the immunological naivety of young children, especially n ...200818156087
arginine activates intestinal p70(s6k) and protein synthesis in piglet rotavirus enteritis.we previously showed that phosphorylation of p70 s6 kinase (p70(s6k)) in the intestine is increased during viral enteritis. in this study, we hypothesized that during rotavirus infection, oral arg, which stimulates p70(s6k) activation, will further stimulate intestinal protein synthesis and mucosal recovery, whereas the p70(s6k) inhibitor rapamycin (rapa) will inhibit mucosal recovery. newborn piglets were fed a standard milk replacer diet supplemented with arg (0.4 g x kg(-1) x d(-1), twice dai ...200818156399
immunogenicity and safety of a pentavalent human-bovine (wc3) reassortant rotavirus vaccine in healthy infants in korea.we evaluated the immunogenicity and safety of pentavalent human-bovine reassortant rotavirus vaccine in 178 korean healthy infants. seroresponse rate for serum antirotavirus iga titers was 94.7% among 94 vaccine recipients, as compared with 13.5% among 52 placebo recipients. seroresponse rates in serum neutralizing antibody to each human rotavirus serotype in the vaccine were significantly higher in the vaccine group than in the placebo group. this vaccine was generally well tolerated and immuno ...200818174862
apparent extinction of non-g2 rotavirus strains from circulation in recife, brazil, after the introduction of rotavirus vaccine.the introduction of a g1p[8] rotavirus vaccine in recife, brazil, caused a decrease in rotavirus detection from 27% (march-may, 2006) to 5.0% (march-may, 2007), with all strains becoming g2, against which less protection had been predicted.200818175037
characterization of rotavirus strains detected among children and adults with acute gastroenteritis in gizan, saudi assess the circulating rotavirus strains among hospitalized children and adults in gizan city.200818176680
development of a method for concentrating and detecting rotavirus in oysters.identification of enteric viruses in outbreak-implicated bivalve shellfish is difficult because of low levels of contamination and natural inhibitors present in shellfish tissue. in this study, the acid adsorption-alkaline elution method developed in our laboratory was proposed for the detection of rotavirus from oyster samples. the acid adsorption-alkaline elution process included the following steps: acid adsorption at ph 4.8, elution with 2.9% tryptose phosphate broth containing 6% glycine, p ...200818177969
targeted antibodies in dairy-based products.bovine colostrum contains immunoglobulins that provide the newborn calf with protection against microbial infections until its own immune system matures. the concentration of antibodies in colostrum against pathogens can be raised by immunizing cows with pathogens or their antigens. bovine colostrum-based immune milk products have proven efficacy in prophylaxis and treatment against various infectious diseases in humans such as diarrheal diseases caused by various pathogens like e. coli and rota ...200818183936
probiotics, immunomodulation, and health benefits.probiotics are defined as live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amount, confer a health benefit on the host. amongst the many benefits associated with the consumption of probiotics, modulation of the immune system has received the most attention. several animal and human studies have provided unequivocal evidence that specific strains of probiotics are able to stimulate as well as regulate several aspects of natural and acquired immune responses. there is also evidence that int ...200818183940
geometric mismatches within the concentric layers of rotavirus particles: a potential regulatory switch of viral particle transcription activity.rotaviruses are prototypical double-stranded rna viruses whose triple-layered icosahedral capsid constitutes transcriptional machinery activated by the release of the external layer. to understand the molecular basis of this activation, we studied the structural interplay between the three capsid layers by electron cryo-microscopy and digital image processing. two viral particles and four virus-like particles containing various combinations of inner (vp2)-, middle (vp6)-, and outer (vp7)-layer p ...200818184711
differential requirements for t cells in viruslike particle- and rotavirus-induced protective immunity.correlates of protection from rotavirus infection are controversial. we compared the roles of b and t lymphocytes in protective immunity induced either by intranasally administered nonreplicating viruslike particles or inactivated virus or by orally administered murine rotavirus. we found that protection induced by nonreplicating vaccines requires cd4(+) t cells and cd40/cd40l. in contrast, t cells were not required for short-term protective immunity induced by infection, but both t-cell-depende ...200818184712
establishment of fetal bovine intestinal epithelial cell cultures susceptible to bovine rotavirus infection.mucosal epithelial cells are infected by a wide variety of pathogens and determining their response to infection is critical for understanding disease pathogenesis. a protocol was developed for culturing primary epithelial cells from fetal bovine intestine and the cultured cells were evaluated for susceptibility to an enteric viral infection. immunohistochemical staining for cytokeratin confirmed that 60-75% of cultured cells were epithelial cells. furthermore, following infection with bovine ro ...200818187212
use of sequence analysis of the vp4 gene to classify recent vietnamese rotavirus isolates.twenty-eight strains of p(8), four of p(4) and one of p(19) rotavirus, isolated in ho chi minh city, vietnam, during 2002-2003, were investigated by sequence analysis of the vp4 gene. seven of the 28 p(8) rotavirus vp4 sequences clustered in the p(8)-3 lineage, or the rare, so-called op354-like lineage. amino-acid sequence comparison revealed that vietnamese p(8)-3 rotaviruses were generally very similar to malawian strains, including the prototype op354 strain. the numerical severity scores of ...200818190567
amount of maternal rotavirus-specific antibodies influence the outcome of rotavirus vaccination of newborn mice with virus-like presence of low or high levels of rotavirus-specific maternal antibodies, the ability of newborn mice to respond to immunization with rotavirus rf 8*-2/6/7 vlps, was evaluated. after parenteral vaccination, 100% of offspring born to low-antibody-titer dams developed rotavirus-specific igg antibodies (n=7). in contrast, only 25% of offsprings born to high-antibody-titer dams responded to parenteral immunization (n=12). when comparing parenteral versus oral immunization in offspring to low-anti ...200818191310
molecular characterization of bovine rotavirus strains circulating in northern italy, 2003-2005.a total of 232 stools collected from calves with rotavirus infection in herds located in northern italy from 2003 to 2005 was investigated. determination of the rotavirus g and p types was carried out using nested rt-pcr. g6 was the most prevalent genotype, accounting for 78.5% of samples, g10 accounted for 9.9% of samples and viruses of g8 type were found in 4.7% of samples. in 3% of samples, viruses were not classified due to concomitant infection with more g type strains, whereas viruses in 3 ...200818191347
complete characterisation of the american grass carp reovirus genome (genus aquareovirus: family reoviridae) reveals an evolutionary link between aquareoviruses and aquareovirus was isolated from several fish species in the usa (including healthy golden shiners) that is not closely related to members of species aquareovirus a, b and c. the virus, which is atypical (does not cause syncytia in cell cultures at neutral ph), was implicated in a winter die-off of grass carp fingerlings and has therefore been called 'american grass carp reovirus' (agcrv). complete nucleotide sequence analysis of the agcrv genome and comparisons to the other aquareoviruses show ...200818191982
[ten-year retrospective study of rotavirus infection in the province of castellón (spain)].to determine the percentage of rotavirus infection in children aged less than 14 years old and the epidemiology in area 02 of the province of castellón (spain).200818194626
[immunization schedule of the spanish association of pediatrics: recommendations 2008].the vaccine advisory committee of the spanish association of pediatrics provides information on the new developments in vaccines that have taken place in 2007, based on the available evidence, and discusses these developments. certain modifications to the immunization schedule for 2008 are recommended. a second varicella vaccine booster dose, administered together with the booster dose of the measles-mumps-rubella (mmr) vaccine when children start school (3-4 years), is recommended to avoid vacc ...200818194631
the clinical and molecular epidemiology of community- and healthcare-acquired rotavirus gastroenteritis.rotavirus is the most common etiologic agent of healthcare-acquired diarrhea in pediatric patients. there has been little published information on healthcare-acquired rotavirus infection.200818162939
epitope mapping and use of epitope-specific antisera to characterize the vp5* binding site in rotavirus sa11 nsp4.rotavirus (rv) is the leading cause of infantile gastroenteritis worldwide. rv nonstructural protein 4 (nsp4), the first characterized viral enterotoxin, is a 28-kda glycoprotein that has pleiotropic functions in rv infection and pathogenesis. nsp4 has multiple forms enabling it to perform its different functions. dissecting such functions could be facilitated by use of epitope-specific antibodies. this work mapped the epitopes for the monoclonal antibody b4-2/55 and three polyclonal antisera ge ...200818164740
cost and cost-effectiveness of childhood vaccination against rotavirus in assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of routine childhood vaccination by new vaccines against rotavirus in france.200818166250
efficacy of the pentavalent rotavirus vaccine in subjects after 1 or 2 doses in the rotavirus efficacy and safety trial. 200818166579
role of escherichia coli in acute diarrhoea in tribal preschool children of central india.five hundred and eighty preschool children belonging to tribal areas of madhya pradesh were followed up daily for the presence of diarrhoea for a period of 1 year. in all, 1236 episodes of diarrhoea were recorded with an average of 2.13 episodes per child per year. stool samples were collected during 780 episodes. they were cultured to isolate escherichia coli as well as non-e. coli enteropathogens. ten different genes were detected to identify all diarrhoeagenic e. coli using multiplex polymera ...200818173783
rotavirus vaccines: an overview.rotavirus infection is the most common cause of severe diarrhea disease in infants and young children worldwide and continues to have a major global impact on childhood morbidity and mortality. vaccination is the only control measure likely to have a significant impact on the incidence of severe dehydrating rotavirus disease. in 1999, a highly efficacious rotavirus vaccine licensed in the united states, rotashield, was withdrawn from the market after 14 months because of its association with int ...200818202442
genetic heterogeneity of porcine enteric caliciviruses identified from diarrhoeic piglets.enteric caliciviruses (noroviruses and sapoviruses) are responsible for the majority of non-bacterial gastroenteritis in humans of all age groups. analysis of the polymerase and capsid genes has provided evidence for a huge genetic diversity, but the understanding of their ecology is limited. in this study, we investigated the presence of porcine enteric caliciviruses in the faeces of piglets with diarrhoea. a total of 209 samples from 118 herds were analysed and calicivirus rna was detected by ...200818204823
changing profile of rotavirus in ireland: predominance of p[8] and emergence of p[6] and p[9] in mixed infections.six hundred and thirty three fecal specimens were collected from patients under 6 years, suffering from non-bacterial, putative viral gastroenteritis in the south of ireland, between 2003 and 2006. following laboratory identification of rotavirus as the aetiological agent in 558 specimens, reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction was employed to amplify the vp7 and vp4 gene segments of 249 and 245 samples, respectively. g and p typing was subsequently carried out on these amplicons. g1 (6 ...200818205218
individuals with selective iga deficiency resolve rotavirus disease and develop higher antibody titers (igg, igg1) than iga competent individuals.while iga is proposed to be essential to control rotavirus disease, no information is available how iga deficient individuals modulate rotavirus disease and immune responses. in this study it was shown that patients (n = 62) with selective iga deficiency (iga-d) (<0.05 g/l) resolve rotavirus disease and show higher total igg and igg1 subclass antibody titers to rotavirus than iga proficient individuals (n = 62) (geometric mean titer, gmt) 18,101 vs. 4,000 (p < 0.005); 8,463 vs. 1691, (p < 0.005) ...200818205219
norovirus gastroenteritis among children in iraqi kurdistan.of 260 children under age 5 years who were hospitalized with acute gastroenteritis in kurdistan, iraq, between april and may 2005, 78 (30%) tested positive for norovirus by rt-pcr. these comprised genogroups gi (23%), gii (74%) and gi + gii (3%). among 28 noroviruses sequenced, gii/4 was the predominant genotype.200818205231
rotavirus gastroenteritis: epidemiological data from a regional hospital in belgium.the belgian institute of public health registered from 2000 to 2005 a yearly average of 6,790 hospital admissions for rotavirus gastroenteritis in children less than 5 years of age. very efficacious rotavirus vaccines are available nowadays. the surveillance of hospitalisation due to rotavirus gastroenteritis is a good target for the follow-up of vaccine-related prevention. in a large regional belgian hospital, rotavirus is associated with 12% to 21% of all hospitalisation days among children le ...200817294214
structured surveillance of infantile gastroenteritis in east anglia, uk: incidence of infection with common viral gastroenteric pathogens.the aim of this study was to investigate the burden of disease associated with gastroenteric viruses (rotavirus, norovirus, sapovirus, astrovirus and enteric adenovirus) using structured surveillance of children aged <6 years in the community. faecal samples were collected between 2000 and 2003 from 685 children with symptoms of gastroenteritis. the children comprised three groups; 223 in the structured surveillance cohort, 203 in a community cohort and 259 in a cohort of hospitalized children. ...200817313697
infantile gastroenteritis in the community: a cost-of-illness study.rotavirus infections are the main cause of gastroenteritis in infants and children and it is expected that by the age of 5 years, nearly every child will have experienced at least one episode of rotavirus gastroenteritis. while severe cases are hospitalized, milder disease is either treated at home or by the gp, and as such the true prevalence of rotavirus infection in the community, and the burden of disease, is unknown. this paper reports the results of a cost-of-illness study which was conduc ...200817338837
exploring the cost effectiveness of an immunization programme for rotavirus gastroenteritis in the united kingdom.rotavirus is the most common cause of gastroenteritis in children aged <5 years old, two new vaccines have recently been developed which can prevent associated morbidity and mortality. while apparently safe and efficacious, it is also important to establish whether rotavirus immunization is cost effective. a decision analytical model which employs data from a review of published evidence is used to determine the cost effectiveness of a rotavirus vaccine. the results suggest that some of the heal ...200817335631
an estimation of indirect costs caused by acute rotavirus gastroenteritis in a galician area, spain. 200817364172
climatic factors associated with hospitalizations for rotavirus diarrhoea in children under 5 years of age.this study compares the seasonality of rotavirus diarrhoeal hospital admissions and its relationship to climatic factors across three australian cities. weekly admission of rotavirus diarrhoea (1993-2003) in children aged <5 years and weekly average temperature and relative humidity for each city were modelled using a log-linear model with a cubic trend and season. interactions were included to test for differences in the effect of temperature and humidity between seasons and between cities. adm ...200817352836
polymerase chain reaction in the detection of an 'outbreak' of asymptomatic viral infections in a community birth cohort in south india.asymptomatic enteric infections are important where sequelae or protection from subsequent illness is an outcome measure. the use of reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) to identify asymptomatic enteric infections in a birth cohort followed for rotaviral infections in a south indian urban slum is reported. of 1191 non-diarrhoeal samples from 371 children collected in may-june 2003, 22 (1.9%) were positive by elisa. a total of 147 (40.6%) of 362 samples tested by vp6 rt-pcr we ...200817521476
unsaturated fluoro-ketopyranosyl nucleosides: synthesis and biological evaluation of 3-fluoro-4-keto-beta-d-glucopyranosyl derivatives of n(4)-benzoyl cytosine and n(6)-benzoyl adenine.the protected beta-nucleosides 1-(2,4,6-tri-o-acetyl-3-deoxy-3-fluoro-beta-d-glucopyranosyl)-n(4)-benzoyl cytosine (2a) and 9-(2,4,6-tri-o-acetyl-3-deoxy-3-fluoro-beta-d-glucopyranosyl)-n(6)-benzoyl adenine (2b), were synthesized by the coupling of peracetylated 3-deoxy-3-fluoro-d-glucopyranose (1) with silylated n(4)-benzoyl cytosine and n(6)-benzoyl adenine, respectively. the nucleosides were deacetylated and several subsequent protection and deprotection steps afforded the partially acetylate ...200817548129
reversible eeg changes during rotavirus gastroenteritis.rotavirus can cause seizures and encephalopathy in infants and young children. we report reversible eeg abnormalities in a 2 year and 7 month old boy who had a single seizure during rotavirus gastroenteritis. his eeg showed bilateral independent temporoparietal sharp waves. the eeg was normal 10 days after the first eeg and the patient has been followed with no neurological sequelae. the eeg literature in children developing seizures secondary to rotavirus infection including ours suggest the in ...200817573218
phylogenetic analysis of porcine rotavirus in argentina: increasing diversity of g4 strains and evidence of interspecies a rotaviruses are one of the most frequently detected viral agents associated with neonatal diarrhea in piglets. in order to characterize rotavirus (rv) strains circulating in argentinean swine, four porcine production farms located in buenos aires were studied. rv strains genotyped as p[6]g4, p[6]g8 and p[1]g6 were found in piglets under 30 days of age, without diarrhea. phylogenetic and sequence analysis of the vp7 gene from g4 strains available in databases, reveals five porcine new lin ...200817659850
rotascore study: epidemiological observational study of acute gastroenteritis with or without rotavirus in greek children younger than 5 years old.we present the results of a prospective multi-center, community-based epidemiological observational study regarding the clinical burden of pediatric rotavirus gastroenteritis (prg) in greece.200817653571
gastroenteritis by rotavirus in spanish children. analysis of the disease burden.rotavirus is one of the most common causes of gastroenteritis worldwide. with the commercialisation of effective rotavirus vaccines in europe in sight, it is necessary to provide studies which evaluate the disease burden. the aim of this study is two-fold, on one hand, to determine the burden of the rotavirus disease in spanish children under the age of five, and on the other, to estimate the economic cost of these hospitalizations. the study was undertaken during a 5 year period (2000-2004). th ...200817653572
an outbreak of gastroenteritis in a holiday resort in italy: epidemiological survey, implementation and application of preventive measures.a major gastroenteritis outbreak was reported in a vacation resort in central italy in 2003. a total of 183 cases were identified. the case-control study identified a statistically significant correlation between the disease and sea bathing, use of sanitary facilities in bungalows and of common showers. stool samples taken from people affected were found positive for norovirus (68%, 13 of 19 samples), rotavirus (38%, 1 of 14 samples) and campylobacter (7%, 3 of 8 samples). environmental investig ...200820405445
partial genome sequence analysis of parvoviruses associated with enteric disease in poultry.poult enteritis mortality syndrome (pems) of turkeys and runting-stunting syndrome (rss) of chickens are significant viral enteric diseases of poultry. although a number of different viruses, including avian reoviruses, rotaviruses, astroviruses and coronaviruses, have been isolated from the intestinal contents of birds in affected poultry flocks, their role in pems and rss is not yet understood. here, we report the application of a molecular screening method to detection of novel viruses in int ...200818622862
host defense against salmonella and rotaviral gastroenteritis: a serial study of transcriptional factors and cytokines.common etiologies of acute enterocolitis in childhood include the intracellular pathogens salmonella and rotavirus, along with extracellular pathogens. in order to elucidate differentiating immunologic parameters in patients with acute gastroenteritis of different etiologies, we investigated interferon (ifn)-gamma, interleukin (il)-12, and t-bet of t-helper type 1 subsets, and il-4 and gata-3 of t-helper type 2 subsets.200818629423
llama-derived single-chain antibody fragments directed to rotavirus vp6 protein possess broad neutralizing activity in vitro and confer protection against diarrhea in a rotavirus is one of the most common causes of severe diarrhea in human infants and newborn animals. rotavirus virions are triple-layered particles. the outer capsid proteins vp4 and vp7 are highly variable and represent the major neutralizing antigens. the inner capsid protein vp6 is conserved among group a rotaviruses, is highly immunogenic, and is the target antigen of most immunodiagnosis tests. llama-derived single-chain antibody fragments (vhh) are the smallest molecules with antige ...200818632867
detection and characterization of group c rotaviruses in asymptomatic piglets in c rotaviruses are important human enteric pathogens that have also been detected in a variety of mammalian species, including pigs. group c rotaviruses have been identified in piglets with diarrhea, but their ecology remains to be elucidated. by screening of 292 fecal samples collected from 4- to 5-week-old asymptomatic pigs from four herds in ireland between 2005 and 2007, 13 (4.4%) samples tested positive by reverse transcription-pcr for group c rotavirus. group a rotaviruses were also d ...200818632912
prospective study of the burden of acute gastroenteritis and rotavirus gastroenteritis in children less than 5 years of age, in padova, on the burden of rotavirus gastroenteritis in europe are needed to help understand the potential impact of introducing new rotavirus vaccines.200818633575
cerebrospinal fluid diacron-reactive oxygen metabolite levels in pediatric patients with central nervous system diseases.this study assessed the validity of cerebrospinal fluid oxidative status of pediatric patients with central nervous system diseases, using the diacron-reactive oxygen metabolites test (d-roms; diacron international s.r.l.; grosseto, italy). eighty-seven pediatric patients (8 with bacterial meningitis, 18 with aseptic meningitis, 23 with febrile seizures, 6 with rotavirus gastroenteritis-induced convulsions, 16 with epilepsy, 2 with adrenoleukodystrophy, 2 with multiple sclerosis, and 12 control ...200818639749
electron microscopic identification of viruses associated with poult enteritis in turkeys grown in california 1993-2003.poult enteritis (pe) is one of the most common diseases seen in young turkey flocks. since 1993, more than 1800 cases of suspected pe have been submitted for examination by negative stain electron microscopy; this has involved more than 2400 individual results, because in many cases more than one virus was identified; at least 1500 individual results were positive for viruses. viruses have been identified in poults as young as 3 days and up to 9 wk of age. the most commonly found viruses are rot ...200818646448
enteric viruses detected by molecular methods in commercial chicken and turkey flocks in the united states between 2005 and 2006.intestinal samples collected from 43 commercial broiler and 33 commercial turkey flocks from all regions of the united states during 2005 and 2006 were examined for the presence of astrovirus, rotavirus, reovirus, and coronavirus by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (pcr), and for the presence of groups 1 and 2 adenovirus by pcr. phylogenetic analysis was performed to further characterize the viruses and to evaluate species association and geographic patterns. astroviruses were ide ...200818646452
outbreak of rotavirus variant p[8] in seoul, south epidemiologic study was performed to determine the genetic variability of rotaviruses in seoul, south korea. in 3,174 stool specimens from children with acute diarrhea at five referral hospitals, 571 (18%) possessed the antigen of group a rotavirus detectable by elisa--10.8% in 2004 and 28.1% in 2005. vp7 genotyping revealed that the g3 type was found in 25.6% of all typed isolates, g4 in 23.8%, g2 in 21.6%, and g1 in 17.6%. vp4 genotyping showed that the p[8] type was detected in 66.7%, p[6] ...200818649327
evidence for zoonotic transmission of group c rotaviruses among children in belém, brazil.the prevalence and potential zoonotic transmission of group c rotavirus (rvc) were examined by testing fecal samples collected from children during a longitudinal study that was carried out in the outskirts of belém, brazil, from december 1982 to march 1986. the study involved a group of 30 children who were followed from birth to 3 years. of the 77 samples tested from 29 children, 5 (6.5%) were positive for human and 3 (4%) for porcine rvc by using nested pcr assay with primers specific for vp6 ...200818649333
incidence and clinical characteristics of group a rotavirus infections among children admitted to hospital in kilifi, kenya.rotavirus, predominantly of group a, is a major cause of severe diarrhoea worldwide, with the greatest burden falling on young children living in less-developed countries. vaccines directed against this virus have shown promise in recent trials, and are undergoing effectiveness evaluation in sub-saharan africa. in this region limited childhood data are available on the incidence and clinical characteristics of severe group a rotavirus disease. advocacy for vaccine intervention and interpretation ...200818651787
genomic characterization of a novel group a lamb rotavirus isolated in zaragoza, ovine rotavirus (ovr) strain, 762, was isolated from a 30-day-old lamb affected with severe gastroenteritis, in zaragoza, spain, and the vp4, vp7, vp6, nsp4, and nsp5/nsp6 genes were subsequently characterized molecularly. strain ovr762 was classified as a p[14] rotavirus, as the vp4 and vp8* trypsin-cleavage product of the vp4 protein revealed the highest amino acid (aa) identity (94% and 97%, respectively) with that of the p11[14] human rotavirus (hrv) strain pa169, isolated in italy. analy ...200818661221
the epidemiology and disease burden of rotavirus infection in the salento peninsula, italy.the aim of this study was to delineate the epidemiology of rotavirus gastroenteritis in the salento peninsula, italy. the study lasted a year and included the gathering of data on hospitalizations for enteritis caused by rotaviruses in the pediatric wards of seven hospitals in the province of lecce. during 2004, 7,938 children were hospitalized; 973 of them had gastroenteric symptoms and 202 were positive for rotavirus. the percentage of admissions to hospital was high in autumn and at the begin ...200818664076
cost-effectiveness of introducing a rotavirus vaccine in developing countries: the case of developing countries rotavirus is the leading cause of severe diarrhoea and diarrhoeal deaths in children under 5. vaccination could greatly alleviate that burden, but in mexico as in most low- and middle-income countries the decision to add rotavirus vaccine to the national immunisation program will depend heavily on its cost-effectiveness and affordability. the objective of this study was to assess the cost-effectiveness of including the pentavalent rotavirus vaccine in mexico's national im ...200818664280
11th annual conference on vaccine research.the 11th annual conference on vaccine research, hosted by the national foundation for infectious disease, attracted approximately 450 leaders in the fields of epidemiology, health economics, immunology and vaccinology, making it the largest scientific meeting devoted exclusively to vaccine research and technology. the conference highlighted recent advancements in vaccine design, including the discovery of new adjuvants, cytokines and regulatory pathways. other topics included a comprehensive ove ...200818665770
determination of human rotavirus vp6 genogroups i and ii by reverse transcription-pcr.based on nucleotide sequence and phylogenetic analysis of the partial vp6 genes, group a rotaviruses can be mainly differentiated into two genogroups. in this study, a method employing reverse transcription-pcr (rt-pcr) and degenerate primers was established to assign the vp6 genogroup. vp6 genogroup i and genogroup ii could be determined according to the sizes of the amplicons: 380 and 780 bp, respectively. the vp6 genogroup of human reference strains of g1 to g4 and g9 types and rotateq vaccin ...200818667595
emerging g9 rotavirus strains in the northwest of china.although g9 rotaviruses have become one of the important rotavirus genotypes worldwide, they have been uncommon in china. recently, we reported g9 rotaviruses as a highly prevalent genotype in xinjiang, the northwest part of china [yang, x., matthijnssens, j., sun, h., muhamaiti, j., zhang, b., nahar, s., van ranst, m., rahman, m., 2008. temporal changes of rotavirus strain distribution in a northwest city of china, 1996-2005. int. j. infect. dis., june (epub ahead of print)]. here we report the ...200818674575
molecular characterization of vp4, vp6 and vp7 genes of a rare g8p[14] rotavirus strain detected in an infant with gastroenteritis in this study, the molecular characterization of a rare g8p[14] group a rotavirus (garv) strain detected in northern italy during the 2004-2005 epidemiological rotavirus season is described. two hundred and seventy three rotavirus-like particle positive stools out of 856 stools from children (31.9%) hospitalized with gastroenteritis were analyzed using polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis and 271 garvs were genotyped by vp7 and vp4 specific rt-pcrs. one strain (pr/1300/04) with a long electrophero ...200818674577
a critique of criteria for evaluating vaccines for inclusion in mandatory school immunization programs.several new vaccines for children and young adults have been introduced recently and now appear on the advisory committee on immunization practices' recommended childhood and adolescent immunization schedule (meningococcal, rotavirus, human papillomavirus). as new vaccines are introduced, states face complex decisions regarding which vaccines to fund and which vaccines to require for school or child care entry. this complexity is evidenced by the current debate surrounding the human papillomavir ...200818676536
analysis of rotavirus antigenemia and extraintestinal manifestations in children with rotavirus gastroenteritis.this study was conducted to examine the association between rotavirus antigenemia and clinical features, particularly extraintestinal manifestations, and the association between serum cytokine levels and rotavirus antigen quantity.200818676558
molecular characterization of rare bovine group a rotavirus g15p[11] and g15p[21] strains from eastern india: identification of simian sa11-like vp6 genes in g15p[21] strains.during a surveillance study (november 2001-march 2005), one rare g15p[11] and two rare g15p[21] bovine group a rotavirus strains were detected in diarrhoeic calves in eastern india. sequence analysis of the vp8*, vp6, nsp4 and nsp5 genes of the g15p[11] strain confirmed its bovine origin. although the nsp4 and nsp5 genes of the two g15p[21] strains were of bovine origin, their vp6 genes shared higher nucleotide and amino acid identities with simian strain sa11 (92.5-93.1% and 98.5-98.7%) than bo ...200818679786
diarrhea among children admitted to a private tertiary-care hospital, bangkok, thailand: a case series.we report here a case series of pediatric diarrhea cases admitted to a private tertiary-care hospital in bangkok, thailand. retrospective data were collected from computerized medical records of 2,001 children with diarrhea (80.9% thai), ages birth to 14 years, admitted to our facility during 2000-2005. the most common symptom leading to admission was vomiting (34.6%), while the most common sign was dehydration (63.6%). the largest proportion was comprised of toddlers (45.4%), followed by infant ...200818564682
temporal changes of rotavirus strain distribution in a city in the northwest of china, 1996-2005.very little is known about human rotaviruses in the northwest of china. to investigate the genomic diversity, we evaluated the distribution of rotavirus genotypes in this region covering a 10-year period (1996-2005).200818565780
rotavirus genotypes circulating in brazil before national rotavirus vaccination: a review.rotavirus vaccine was recently introduced in brazil, which has the potential to greatly reduce childhood deaths from diarrhoea. to provide baseline data to assess the effect of mass rotavirus vaccination on the ecology of circulating rotavirus strains, we systematically analysed published studies in the pre-vaccine era.200818567534
implementation of rotavirus immunization in philadelphia, pennsylvania: high levels of vaccine ineligibility and off-label use.our goal was to predict, using delayed diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis vaccination as an indicator, whether the current narrowly defined age limits for pentavalent rotavirus vaccine exclude a substantial proportion of children from complete immunization against rotavirus and to assess adherence of providers to recommended age limits by examining the first 6 months of use of pentavalent rotavirus vaccine in philadelphia, pennsylvania.200818595974
molecular detection of human enteric viruses in urban rivers in korea.we performed rt-nested pcr to study the distribution of human enteric viruses in urban rivers in korea. during 2002-2003, water samples were collected from four rivers in gyeonggi province, south korea. among 58 samples, 45 (77.6%), 32 (55.2%), 12 (20.7%), 2 (3.4%), 4 (6.9%), and 4 (6.9%) showed positive results with adenoviruses (advs), enteroviruses (evs), reoviruses (revs), hepatitis a viruses (havs), rotaviruses (rovs), and sapoviruses (svs), respectively. according to the binary logistic re ...200818600062
rotavirus infection in the neonatal nurseries of a tertiary care hospital in india.the majority of neonatal rotavirus infections are believed to be asymptomatic, and protection from subsequent infection and disease has been reported in neonatally infected children. in this study, we present the results of a 4-year prospective surveillance in the neonatal nurseries of a tertiary care hospital in south india.200818600189
vaccine research--11th annual conference: cutaneous formulations, universal vaccinations and recently licensed vaccines. 200818600589
recommendations for the classification of group a rotaviruses using all 11 genomic rna segments.recently, a classification system was proposed for rotaviruses in which all the 11 genomic rna segments are used (matthijnssens et al. in j virol 82:3204-3219, 2008). based on nucleotide identity cut-off percentages, different genotypes were defined for each genome segment. a nomenclature for the comparison of complete rotavirus genomes was considered in which the notations gx-p[x]-ix-rx-cx-mx-ax-nx-tx-ex-hx are used for the vp7-vp4-vp6-vp1-vp2-vp3-nsp1-nsp2-nsp3-nsp4-nsp5/6 encoding genes, resp ...200818604469
[a research on rotaviral diarrhea outbreak in guangxi province].to analyze epidemiological characters of an outbreak of rotavirus diarrhea in daxing county, guangxi province.200818574528
[use of poct (point of care tests) in the diagnosis of infectious diseases].poct have a great potential in ambulatory infectious diseases diagnosis, due to their impact on antibiotic administration and on communicable diseases prevention. some are in use for long (s. pyogenes antigen, hiv antibodies) or short time (s. pneumoniae antigen, p. falciparum). the additional major indications will be community-acquired lower respiratory tract infections, infectious diarrhoea in children (rotavirus, enterotoxigenic e. coli), and hopefully sexually transmitted infections. easy t ...200818578431
update on immunizations in children and adolescents.over the past few years, there have been many changes to the recommendations for children and adolescents by the advisory committee on immunization practices. these include dividing the immunization schedule into two parts (i.e., ages birth to six years and seven to 18 years, with catch-up schedules for each group); expanding the recommendations for influenza vaccine to children ages six months to 18 years without risk factors; expanding coverage for hepatitis a vaccine to include all children a ...200818581836
[ethics and immunization]. 200818582745
setting priorities for new vaccination programs by using public health officers and immunization managers opinions.the objective of this work was to assess the opinions of public health professionals (phps) about routinely recommended and new vaccines, and to evaluate the feasibility of using a modified basic priority rating system (bprs) approach to prioritize new immunization programs. one hundred and thirty six phps were invited to participate in the survey and 101 responded. ninty-eight percent of respondents agreed that "recommended vaccines are very useful" (mean score=9.5 out of 10). between 47% and 1 ...200818582998
delayed onset and diminished magnitude of rotavirus activity--united states, november 2007-may 2008.rotavirus is the leading cause of severe acute gastroenteritis among infants and young children, accounting for an estimated 527,000 deaths among children aged <5 years worldwide in 2004 (1,2). in the united states, rotavirus causes few deaths (20-60) each year, but remains a substantial cause of morbidity among children, resulting in approximately 55,000--70,000 hospitalizations, 205,000-272,000 emergency department (ed) visits, and 410,000 physician office visits. in the continental united sta ...200818583958
improved inactivation of nonenveloped enteric viruses and their surrogates by a novel alcohol-based hand sanitizer.norovirus is the leading cause of food-related illness in the united states, and contamination of ready-to-eat items by food handlers poses a high risk for disease. this study reports the in vitro (suspension test) and in vivo (fingerpad protocol) assessments of a new ethanol-based hand sanitizer containing a synergistic blend of polyquaternium polymer and organic acid, which is active against viruses of public health importance, including norovirus. when tested in suspension, the test product r ...200818586970
integrins alpha1beta1 and alpha2beta1 are receptors for the rotavirus enterotoxin.rotavirus nsp4 is a viral enterotoxin capable of causing diarrhea in neonatal mice. this process is initiated by the binding of extracellular nsp4 to target molecule(s) on the cell surface that triggers a signaling cascade leading to diarrhea. we now report that the integrins alpha1beta1 and alpha2beta1 are receptors for nsp4. nsp4 specifically binds to the alpha1 and alpha2 i domains with apparent k(d) = 1-2.7 mum. binding is mediated by the i domain metal ion-dependent adhesion site motif, req ...200818587047
parenteral administration of rf 8-2/6/7 rotavirus-like particles in a one-dose regimen induce protective immunity in mice.rotavirus virus-like particles (rv-vlps) represent a novel strategy for development of a rotavirus subunit vaccine. in this study, rf 8-2/6/7-vlps with rotavirus vp8 protein (amino acid 1-241 of vp4) fused to the amino terminal end of a truncated vp2, were evaluated for their immunogenic and protective properties. a single intramuscular dose of, either 2 or 20 microg, rf 8-2/6/7-vlps alone or combined with a potent adjuvant poly[di(carboxylatophenoxy)]phosphazene] (pcpp) induced rotavirus-specif ...200818588935
chronic rejection after combined liver and small bowel transplantation in a child with chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction: a case 11-year-old boy with irreversible intestinal failure secondary to chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (cipo) and intestinal failure-associated liver disease (ifald) underwent a combined en bloc reduced liver and small bowel transplantation. he was discharged home after 9 weeks on full oral intake without requiring intravenous nutritional or fluid supplementation. the first episode of mild acute rejection, which occurred 18 months after transplantation, was successfully treated with steroids ...200818589190
[new vaccines to be considered in pediatrics and school health services]. 200818590007
molecular characterization of the nsp4 gene of human group a rotavirus samples from the west central region of brazil.nonstructural protein 4 (nsp4), encoded by group a rotavirus genome segment 10, is a multifunctional protein and the first recognized virus-encoded enterotoxin. the nsp4 gene has been sequenced, and five distinct genetic groups have been described: genotypes a-e. nsp4 genotypes a, b, and c have been detected in humans. in this study, the nsp4-encoding gene of human rotavirus strains of different g and p genotypes collected from children between 1987 and 2003 in three cities of west central regio ...200818592101
the epidemiology of human rotavirus associated with diarrhoea in kenyan children: a review.rotavirus gastroenteritis still remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality among young children in developing countries, with approximately 150,000-200,000 deaths occurring annually in sub-saharan africa. we reviewed papers published over the last 30 years on the epidemiology of rotavirus diarrhoea among the hospitalized and out-patient children in kenya. the analysis shows rotavirus prevalence of 6-56% with diarrhoea occurring throughout the year and generally exhibiting distinct peaks du ...200818593738
aqueous suspension of carbon nanotubes enhances the specificity of long pcr.dna manipulation technology is facing more challenges in the postgenomics era. more and more nanomaterials have been investigated for their potential implications in developing better gene technology. in this study, we reported the beneficial effect of single-walled carbon nanotubes (swcnts) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (mwcnts) in enhancing the specificity and total efficiency of long (14 kb) pcr. hydroxylic and carboxylic carbon nanotubes (cnts) had similar enhancing effects. nanotubes co ...200818476818
rotavirus within day care centres in oxfordshire, uk: characterization of partial immunity.repeated measures data for rotavirus infection in children within 14 day care centres (dccs) in the oxfordshire area, uk, are used to explore aspects of rotavirus transmission and immunity. a biologically realistic model for the transmission of infection is presented as a set of probability models suitable for application to the data. two transition events are modelled separately: incidence and recovery. the complexity of the underlying mechanistic model is reflected in the choice of the fixed v ...200818477541
qualitative and quantitative characteristics of rotavirus-specific cd8 t cells vary depending on the route of infection.cd8 t-cell response provides an important defense against rotavirus, which infects a variety of systemic locations in addition to the gut. here we investigated the distribution, phenotype, and function of rotavirus-specific cd8 t cells in multiple organs after rotavirus infection initiated via the intranasal, oral, or intramuscular route. the highest level of virus-specific cd8 t cells was observed in the peyer's patches of orally infected mice and in the lungs of intranasally infected animals. ...200818480435
rotavirus epidemiology: the asian rotavirus surveillance network.availability of new rotavirus vaccines has highlighted the need to collect local disease and economic burden data to aid decision makers at global, regional and country level. the world health organization and the gavi alliance recommended that generic protocols be used and that regional surveillance networks be established to collect these data, thereby helping to fast-track the introduction of these new vaccines into developing countries. nine countries and regions participated in the first ph ...200818485546
the evidence to support health claims for the health benefits of ingesting live bacteria become more evident, foods are now being produced that contain probiotic bacteria. the data to support label health claims for probiotic products are often difficult to provide. the experimental evidence to identify probiotic microorganisms and to demonstrate their efficacy in clinical trials is more challenging than for other potential functional foods because effects are mediated by living microorganisms and may therefore be influenced by the s ...200818492865
molecular studies of fecal anaerobic commensal bacteria in acute diarrhea in children.the commensal bacterial flora of the colon may undergo changes during diarrhea, owing to colonization of the intestine by pathogens and to rapid intestinal transit. this study used molecular methods to determine changes in the composition of selected commensal anaerobic bacteria during and after acute diarrhea in children.200818493205
european society for paediatric infectious diseases/european society for paediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition evidence-based recommendations for rotavirus vaccination in europe: executive summary. 200818493224
role of interferon in homologous and heterologous rotavirus infection in the intestines and extraintestinal organs of suckling mice.recent studies demonstrated that viremia and extraintestinal rotavirus infection are common in acutely infected humans and animals, while systemic diseases appear to be rare. intraperitoneal infection of newborn mice with rhesus rotavirus (rrv) results in biliary atresia (ba), and this condition is influenced by the host interferon response. we studied orally inoculated 5-day-old suckling mice that were deficient in interferon (ifn) signaling to evaluate the role of interferon on the outcome of ...200818495762
human bocavirus infection in children hospitalized with acute gastroenteritis in china.human bocavirus (hbov) was first identified in children with acute respiratory-tract infections, but recent studies have revealed that hbov is also frequently detected in fecal specimens from children with gastroenteritis.200818499516
cost-effectiveness analysis of routine rotavirus vaccination in brazil.the objective of this study was to conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis of a universal rotavirus vaccination program among children < or = 5 years of age in brazil.200818505602
Displaying items 1801 - 1900 of 10398