
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
etiology of yellow fever : v. properties of blood serum of yellow fever patients in relation to leptospira icteroides.the serum from a number of persons recovering from yellow fever in guayaquil was studied with a view to establishing its possible immunological relationship with a strain of leptospira icteroides derived from one of the yellow fever patients. for this purpose the serum of convalescents was mixed either with an organ emulsion of a passage strain, or with a culture of the organism, and inoculated intraperitoneally into guinea pigs. the pfeiffer reaction was first studied, and then the animals were ...191919868347
etiology of yellow fever : x. comparative immunological studies on leptospira icteroides and leptospira has been previously reported that a filterable microorganism belonging to the genus leptospira has been recovered from the blood or organs of human beings suffering from the disease known as yellow fever in guayaquil, and that the organism, which has been termed leptospira icteroides, induces in certain experimental animals the characteristic symptoms and lesions observed in the patients from whom it was isolated. it has also been previously shown that the serum from patients recovering from ...192019868393
heterotransplantation of the thyroid gland.1. after transplantation of the thyroid of the guinea pig into rats there is a primary injury of the transplant, noticeable as early as 3, 4, and 5 days after transplantation. the tissue is less resistant, and it is preserved only under the best conditions. the number of mitoses is much diminished in the transplant, but they may appear even as late as 9 days after transplantation. this was also the latest time at which living tissue was found. epithelium is best preserved in the neighborhood of ...192019868425
importance of blood groups in complement fixation reactions.1. the presence of a natural anti-human hemolysin, only active against group i and group ii cells, was demonstrated in over 50 guinea pigs, obtained from different sections of the surrounding country. it was shown that, in a majority of the sera tested, this hemolysin would be a contributing factor to an excess of amboceptor in the reaction, in the quantities of complement used in an antihuman complement fixation reaction. the hemolysin is specific, in as far as it can be absorbed with either gr ...192019868437
etiology of yellow fever : xii. chemotherapy versus serotherapy in experimental infection with leptospira several series of experiments guinea pigs were variously infected with different amounts of leptospira icteroides, either in the form of culture, organ emulsion from infected guinea pigs, or a mixture of both. the infecting materials were of different grades of virulence; in some series the amount given was near a single lethal dose, in others a subminimum lethal dose was given, i.e. causing mild infection with recovery in the majority of animals, and in still others the animals were injected ...192019868452
etiology of yellow fever : xi. serum treatment of animals infected with leptospira icteroides.the use ot a polyvalent immune serum ot nign potency in tne treatment of an experimental infection of guinea pigs with leptospira icteroides was found to be of definite advantage in checking the progress of the infection. when administered during the period of incubation the serum was found capable of completely preventing the development of the disease, although on subsequent examination hemorrhagic lesions of greater or less number and extent were found in the lungs of the guinea pigs which su ...192019868394
epinephrine content of the suprarenal glands in anaphylaxis.the epinephrine store of the suprarenal glands remains unaltered in guinea pigs and rabbits which have been sensitized to ox serum, or subjected to varying degrees of anaphylactic shock by the reinjection of the foreign protein.192019868463
further studies on the etiological role of vibrio fetus.the data bearing on these three cases are quite sufficient to rule out bacillus abortus as the agent. not only the cultures and guinea pig tests of fetal tissues and contents of the digestive tract, but also the agglutination and guinea pig tests of the milk, were negative. the same is true of the agglutination tests of the blood serum. only in one case was the placenta obtained in part. the stained films and the sections from various regions showed no abortion bacilli. guinea pig tests of place ...192019868469
experiments on the production of specific antisera for infections of unknown cause : iii. the effects of a serum precipitin on animals of the species furnishing the precipitinogen.there is present in serum of high precipitin titer, produced by the repeated injection of rabbits with the blood-free serum of guinea pigs or dogs, a principle highly toxic for animals of the species furnishing the antigen. intravenously the serum causes severe shock, and even sudden death, while locally it gives rise to acute inflammatory changes and profuse capillary hemorrhages. the complete removal of hemolysins and hemagglutinins from the serum by exposing it repeatedly to washed red cells ...192019868400
experimental studies on yellow fever occurring in merida, yucatan.injections into guinea pigs of the blood and the emulsions of liver and kidney obtained at autopsy from a fatal case of yellow fever in merida induced in some of these animals, after a period of several days incubation, a rise of temperature which lasted 1, 2, or more days. when killed for examination at this febrile stage the animals invariably showed hemorrhagic areas of various size, sometimes few and sometimes numerous, in the lungs, and also, though less constantly, in the gastrointestinal ...192019868464
studies on the viability of the tubercle bacillus.these observations suggest that open cases of tuberculosis should not be admitted to wards of a general hospital and emphasize the need of housing advanced cases under good control. dust rising from dry-swept floors, even where phenol was used, produced the disease in guinea pigs.192018010292
the relative importance of heredity and environment in determining the piebald pattern of guinea-pigs. 192016576506
the effects of an unbalanced diet in the production of guinea-pig scurvy. 192116742995
comparison of the growth-promoting properties for guinea-pigs of certain diets, consisting of natural foodstuffs. 192116742972
determination of the minimum doses of some fresh citrus fruit juices which will protect a guinea-pig from scurvy, together with some observations on the preservation of such juices. 192116742978
method for the intravenous injection of guinea-pigs. 192116558918
a study of bacillus has been possible to study the cultural characters and certain of the immunological relationships of sixteen strains of bacillus bovisepticus. the organisms have fallen into three distinct cultural groups. the largest group comprises eight strains, four of them obtained in pure cultures from cases of pneumonia in cows, two others were pure infections in calves, the others were associated with other organisms. this group may be characterized as short, non-motile, gram-negative, encapsulated ro ...192119868578
studies on the tuberculin reaction and on specific hypersensitiveness in bacterial infection.the work reported in the preceding sections justifies, we think, a number of definite conclusions. in addition to this, some of the experiments indicate a line of thought which may lead to considerable alteration in our conceptions, both of phenomena of bacterial hypersensitiveness and of infection. 1. in guinea pigs two fundamentally different types of intradermal reactions may be observed. one of these is the immediate, transitory reaction which develops in animals sensitized against proteins ...192119868574
studies on the d'herelle phenomenon.the inhibition produced by the lytic agent on the growth of bacillus coli is greatly influenced by the reaction of the medium; it is faint in a slightly acid (ph 6.8) or neutral (ph 7) or even slightly alkaline broth (ph 7.4), but is much stronger in a more alkaline medium (ph 8 or 8.5). we have isolated from the original strain of bacillus coli two types of organisms; one (type s) is sensitive to the lytic agent, the other (type r) is much more resistant. these types are distinguished also by o ...192119868540
studies on the phenomenon of d'herelle with bacillus has been shown that a lytic fluid for dysentery bacilli can be obtained from the peritoneum of the guinea pig by intraperitoneal inoculation of live dysentery bacilli, and that the lytic action of such a fluid is not strictly specific, but that it exerts a group action on the dysentery-colon-typhoid group of bacilli. a lytic fluid with similar effects was obtained from a child dying of flexner dysentery infection, and an anti-colon bacillus lytic fluid from a child who died of intussusception ...192119868572
experimental studies of the nasopharyngeal secretions from influenza patients : iv. anaerobic cultivation.from the filtered nasopharyngeal washings of patients in the first 36 hours of uncomplicated epidemic influenza and rarely in later stages of the disease, we have cultivated a minute bacilloid body, bacterium pneumosintes, 0.15 to 0.3 microns in length, of constant cultural characters and capable of indefinite propagation on artificial media. this organism, not of the nature of ordinary bacteria, was also recovered in pure culture from the unfiltered and filtered lung tissue of rabbits and guine ...192119868531
tuberculin hypersensitiveness in non-tuberculous guinea pigs induced by injections of bacillus-free filtrates.1. when a guinea pig with well developed peritoneal tuberculosis is injected intraperitoneally with about 20 cc. of a heavy suspension of a virulent tubercle bacillus (culture h37) death occurs within 24 hours or the animal becomes extremely toxic. such a peritoneal tuberculosis develops in about 1 month after 1 cc. of. a very heavy suspension of culture h37 has been introduced into the abdominal cavity. if the viscid fluid which is contained within the peritoneal cavity is mixed with saline sol ...192119868533
experimental studies of the nasopharyngeal secretions from influenza patients : ii. filterability and resistance to glycerol.all active transmissible agent present in the nasopharynx in early cases of influenza has been found to produce definite and characteristic clinical reactions and pathological effects in rabbits as already described in an earlier publication. the experiments here reported indicate that this active agent has the following properties. 1. the agent as it exists in the nasopharyngeal secretions in man, and in the lungs of rabbits injected with the human secretions, passes through berkefeld v and n c ...192119868502
etiology of yellow fever : xiii. behavior of the heart in the experimental infection of guinea pigs and monkeys with leptospira icteroides and leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae.1. slowing of the heart occurred in monkeys and guinea pigs during the febrile period of the experimental infection due to leptospira icteroides. a similar reaction took place in animals inoculated with leptospira icterohoemorrhagioe. 2. the mechanism of slowing was usually due to slowing of the whole heart. 3. once incomplete heart block was seen. changes in the ventricular complex occurred four times.192119868529
chemotherapeutic studies with ethylhydrocupreine hydrochloride in experimental pneumococcus pleuritis.1. solutions of ethylhydrocupreine (optochin) hydrochloride show a pronounced bactericidal activity for pneumococci in pleural pus. 2. the highest tolerated dose of ethylhydrocupreine hydrochloride for guinea pigs by intrapleural injection is about 0.2 to 0.3 cc. of a 1:100 solution per 100 gm. of weight, corresponding to 2 to 3 cc. of solution or 0.02 to 0.03 gm. of the drug per kilo of weight. 3. the injection of 1 cc. of a 1:500 solution of ethylhydrocupreine hydrochloride into each pleural c ...192119868530
general leucocytic response of the guinea pig during the reaction of artificial immunity in experimental tuberculous infection.guinea pigs have been rendered relatively immune against infection with virulent tubercle bacilli by preliminary inoculation with a suitable quantity of avirulent tubercle bacilli. blood counts on these animals show that associated with the immune reaction there is a definite general leucocytic response characterized by an absolute increase in the total count, with an absolute and relative increase in the lymphocytes. the period of greatest activity coincides with that known to be the period of ...192119868500
therapeutic action of n-phenylglycineamide-p-arsonic acid (tryparsamide) upon experimental infections of trypanosoma rhodesiense.a series of experiments was carried out to determine the effects of tryparsamide upon the infections produced in various species of animals by tr. rhodesiense. the strain of trypanosome used was one which possessed a very low virulence for guinea pigs, was fairly virulent for mice and rats, and highly virulent for rabbits. therapeutic experiments carried out on 24 hour infections in mice and rats showed that cures could be obtained in this class of infections by the administration of a single la ...192119868488
experimental studies on the etiology of typhus fever : i. concurrent infections during the course of experimental typhus fever in guinea pigs.the work reported in this paper relates to the bacteria which can be cultivated from the blood and spleen of guinea pigs at different stages of infection with the virus of typhus fever. the studies show that during the period of incubation and before the onset of fever no ordinary bacteria appear in the cultures, while on the 1st day of the febrile reaction different bacteria were found in 6 of 26 guinea pigs cultured; on the 2nd day, in 10 of 16; on the 3rd day, in 3 of 4; and on the 4th day in ...192119868575
typhus fever among recent immigrants : experimental demonstration of the identity of this disease with european epidemic typhus is experimentally demonstrated in the guinea pig that the blood from an infected czecho-slovakian arriving at the port of new york from italy contained the virus of typhus fever and that this strain is identical with the epidemic virus present in man and louse in poland.192119868563
quantitative distribution of particulate material (manganese dioxide) administered intravenously to the dog, rabbit, guinea pig, rat, chicken, and turtle.the distribution of manganese dioxide particles 1 hour following intravenous injection in cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, chickens, and turtles is described. this distribution is remarkably constant for all the animals tested, except the cat, in which the injected material is practically equally divided between the lungs and liver. in the other animals the liver performs the main share of the work, and in the cat it has been shown that the liver after 12 hours accumulates the manganese w ...192119868491
experimental studies on yellow fever in northern peru.fourteen typical cases of yellow fever were studied in northern peru during an epidemic occurring in 1920, nine in payta in march and april, and five in morropon and piura in april and may. the method of investigation was similar to that previously employed, but as the laboratory facilities were very meager certain changes were required. although in payta the work was handicapped by the lack of electric light, the scarcity of water and animal food, the unsuitability of the guinea pigs for inocul ...192119868492
immunology of the peruvian strains of leptospira icteroides.serum from yellow fever convalescents from payta, piura, and morropon gave a positive pfeiffer reaction with the strains of leptospira icteroides isolated in guayaquil and merida. the serum also protected the guinea pigs from these strains in the majority of instances. the pfeiffer reaction was complete with all recent convalescents (7 to 36 days) but slight or partial in some instances with serum derived from individuals who had had the attack of yellow fever 10 months previously. the virulence ...192119868493
the rate of growth of the domestic fowl.this paper points out the fact that the growth period of the domestic fowl is analogous to that of the mammal, being composed of three, or perhaps four, cycles; two of these cycles are postembryonic with maxima at about 8 and 18 weeks varying somewhat with the breed and two or at least one, are embryonic with maxima at 11 to 12 and 15 to 16 days of age. hatching occurs during the first part of the second or third cycle resembling in this respect the guinea pig rather than the mouse. the velocity ...192119871902
tuberculosis in guinea pigs with an experimentally-produced endothelial leukocytosis. 192119972533
studies of uranium poisoning : v. the influence of light on uranium poisoning in guinea pigs. 192219972558
the agglutination of red blood cells in the presence of blood sera.1. the addition of blood serum displaces the optimum for agglutination of red blood cells in a salt-free medium to the reaction characteristic of flocculation of the serum euglobulin. 2. this effect is not due merely to a mechanical entanglement of the cells by the precipitating euglobulin, since at reactions at which the latter is soluble it protects the cells from the agglutination which occurs in its absence. 3. a combination of some sort appears therefore to take place between sheep cells an ...192219871944
do species lacking a gall bladder possess its functional equivalent?in a previous paper the point has been brought out that the influence of the gall bladder upon the bile differs entirely from that of the ducts, the one organ acting to concentrate the secretion markedly and the other to dilute it slightly. the question arises, in species lacking a gall bladder, whether the concentrating function of this organ will be found lodged in the ducts. to test the point, observations have been made upon the mouse and rat, since these animals though so nearly related hav ...192219868592
the relation of the hypophysis to antibody operative technique was evolved permitting successful partial hypophysectomy in guinea pigs. such animals, when immunized to bacillus typhosus, produced specific agglutinins in the same quantity and at the same rate as unoperated and operation controls immunized at the same time and by the same method. in guinea pigs previously immunized to bacillus typhosus and hen red blood corpuscles partial hypophysectomy had no effect on the continued production and persistence of typhoid agglutinins, he ...192219868602
studies upon experimental measles : i. the effects of the virus of measles upon the guinea general it may be said that three striking alterations occurred constantly in the animals reacting to intracardiac injections of blood from cases of measles; namely, pyrexia, leucopenia, and nephritis. the elevation in temperature usually began about the 9th day following inoculation, the rise being fairly abrupt from the normal to 104 degrees f. and above, at which height it remained with slight fluctuations for 3 or 4 days, finally subsiding by lysis. during the period of fever, particularl ...192219868603
studies upon experimental measles : iii. the symptom-complex in the guinea pig and rabbit following the intratracheal and intravenous injections of filtered nasopharyngeal secretions from cases of human measles.1. there is present as a causal agent in the nasopharyngeal secretions of measles cases a filter-passing virus. 2. the rabbit and the guinea pig react specifically to the intratracheal and intracirculatory injections of filtered nasopharyngeal secretions secured from cases of human measles. 3. enanthem, exanthem, and pyrexial disturbances characterize this specific reaction in the rabbit; in the guinea pig the reaction manifests itself by pyrexia, marked leucopenia, and grave nephritis in the fa ...192219868667
studies on the disease of guinea pigs due to bacillus abortus.1. the infectivity of bacillus abortus for guinea pigs is extremely great. it is computed that somewhat less than 100 organisms are required to infect most animals. 2. occasional animals are encountered having much more resistance to bacillus abortus infection than is possessed by the average. the most resistant animal encountered was infected by a number of organisms computed to be less than 10,000. 3. the principal effect on the character of the bacillus abortus disease, caused by varying the ...192219868703
infectious motor paralysis in young rabbits.1. the attempt to infect young rabbits and guinea pigs with material containing in all probability the virus of human infantile paralysis failed. 2. failure to infect the primary animals almost of necessity brought failure with the secondary flea-bitten animals. it is, however barely conceivable that a non-infectious form of an organism might circulate in the blood of the primary animal and that this form, through development in an intermediate host, the flea, might become virulent for the secon ...192219868653
insusceptibility to sensitization and anaphylactic shock.1. attempts to produce anaphylactic shock in white rats by second intravenous or subdural injections of horse serum have failed. 2. it was impossible to demonstrate either by skin reactions or by the uterine reaction that white rats can be sensitized to horse serum. 3. it was not possible to sensitize guinea pigs passively with the serum of white rats presumably immunized to horse serum. 4. in spite of the fact that the white rat could not be made anaphylactic to horse serum, the tissues of the ...192219868698
the susceptibility of mice and rats to infection with bacillus abortus.1. white mice are highly susceptible to infection by inoculation with bacillus abortus. the susceptibility appears to be as great as that of the guinea pig, and this animal probably can be substituted satisfactorily for guinea pigs in diagnostic work. 2. both mice and rats are very refractory to feeding infection with bacillus aborlus. the failure to infect mice in this way was complete, but the feeding of large amounts of culture gave infection in rats. subcutaneous inoculation resulted in infe ...192219868705
identification of a paratyphoid-enteritidis strain associated with epizootics of mouse typhoid.a bacillus of the paratypnoid-enteritidis group associated with epizootics among laboratory mice has been identified with bacillus festis caviae smith which produces similar affections in guinea pigs and has been very closely related to the type "mutton" aertrycke strain of schütze. this identification is based upon the cultural reactions of the organism, direct and cross-agglutinations, and similar absorptive capacities of the unknown and type strains.192219868660
the value of heat-killed cultures for the prevention of the bacillus abortus inoculation disease of guinea pigs.from the data presented it seems permissible to draw the following conclusions. 1. guinea pigs cannot be rendered immune to the bacillus abortus inoculation disease by treatment with heat-killed cultures of this organism. this agrees with the work of ascoli, and with the general conclusions of many that dead cultures confer very little or no immunity to infectious abortion in cattle. 2. the progress of the disease can be delayed appreciably by such treatment. this is supported by the following o ...192219868704
studies on x-ray effects : ix. the action of serum from x-rayed animals on lymphoid cells in vitro.lymphoid cells, prepared from the thymus and lymph glands of rats, when suspended in the serum of x-rayed rats and incubated for 2 hours, increase in number from 15 to 30 per cent, and mitotic figures are found among these cells in fairly large numbers. a like suspension of cells in normal serum undergoes rapid disintegration and in only one instance among a large number of films examined was a mitotic figure found. the stimulative effect of the serum from x-rayed rats endures from 1 to 2 hours ...192219868613
the source of the microorganisms in the lungs of normal has been possible to show that the lungs of such animals as the calf, rabbit, guinea pig, white rat, and white mouse are readily invaded by organisms. the most frequent types observed in cultures from the border of the lungs have been streptothrix, molds, and bacteria of the bacillus subtilis group. these forms originate in certain dry food stuffs (hay and straw). by withholding or moistening these materials it has been possible to diminish the number of organisms in the lungs. when these mat ...192219868674
etiology of yellow fever : xiv. duration of the protective effect of anti-icteroides immune serum after subcutaneous inoculation into animals.analysis of the records of instances in which non-immune persons contracted yellow fever notwithstanding vaccination shows that the onset of disease occurs soon after vaccination, the longest period being 13 days. since the average incubation period in yellow fever is 6 days, it seems that infection must have taken place in some instances during the period while protection was developing. these instances led to a study of the possibility of immediate protection by means of the anti-icteroides se ...192219868677
modification of an improved anaerobe the filtrates of typhus-infected tissues of guinea pigs can be occasionally found a substance which produces in these animals thermic reactions, lesions characteristic of experimental typhus, and, still less frequently, inimunity to later injections of active virus. the general indications are that this substance is not a living organism.192219868619
experimental studies on the etiology of typhus fever : iv. immunizing and toxic agents found occasionally in filtrates of typhus-infected the filtrates of typhus-infected tissues of guinea pigs can be occasionally found a substance which produces in these animals thermic reactions, lesions characteristic of experimental typhus, and, still less frequently, immunity to later injections of active virus. the general indications are that this substance is not a living organism.192219868620
experimental studies on the etiology of typhus fever : ii. survival of the virus in aerobic and anaerobic culture media.the results of the foregoing experiments show that the typhus virus, found in the blood of guinea pigs during the height of typical experimental typhus fever, does not survive at 37 degrees c. in anaerobic media for as long a period as in the same media under aerobic conditions. in media from which oxygen is excluded, the viability period is 24 to 48 hours; in the same media having no barrier to atmospheric oxygen, the period is usually 5 days, in one instance, 3 days. the dead virus fails to in ...192219868590
experimental studies on the etiology of typhus fever : iii. filtration experiments.we have presented experiments to show that the typhus virus in the tissues of the guinea pig during the height of reaction to the experimental disease does not lose its infecting power when the cells of the brain or of the spleen are disintegrated by repeated freezing and thawing, or by freezing and desiccating, or by crushing by mechanical means, or by grinding into a homogeneous pulp with sand. the virus after such treatment is as actively infective as in the same tissue not subjected to the d ...192219868591
the food value of mangolds and the effects of deficiency of vitamin a on guinea-pigs. 192216743145
the parthenogenetic development of eggs in the ovary of the guinea pig. 192317808327
referred sensations caused by stimulation of the integument in normal guinea pigs. 192317815531
a cytological study of the nature of rickettsia in rocky mountain spotted fever.the rickettsia of rocky mountain spotted fever were easily differentiated from mitochondria, phagocytosed blood pigment, nuclear debris, and all other known cellular constituents. although they were lodged within the cytoplasm of endothelial cells, they were not observed to establish any definite relations with the nucleus or with other cellular components. their number varied in contiguous cells which sustained the same degree of injury as evidenced by nuclear changes, and alterations in their ...192319868723
further studies on bacterial hypersusceptibility. ii.when filtered alkaline extracts of pulverized bacteria of several varieties are precipitated with acid in the cold, boiled with acid, and all materials thrown down by these procedures removed, there remains a small amount of an alcohol-precipitable material which no longer gives any of the ordinary chemical reactions for proteins, such as the biuret, hopkins-cole, millon, and sulfosalicylic acid reactions. the only protein reaction usually given by this material is a very weak xanthoproteic reac ...192319868726
immunity studies of rocky mountain spotted fever : i. usefulness of immune serum in suppressing an impending infection.from the results of the experiments presented it is evident that in guinea pigs an early administration of immune rabbit serum will suppress the infection; that is, if it is given within the period of incubation, the effect being proportionately greater the earlier the serum is administered. almost no beneficial effect is observed when the serum is given after the onset of the disease. in the animals inoculated with 10 to 100 m.l.d. the incubation period is shorter than when 1 m.l.d. is injected ...192319868734
the influence of calcium chloride upon experimental botulism.1. calcium chloride given subcutaneously, intraperitoneally, or intravenously has been found to have no effect upon the production of botulism following the injection of bacillus botulinus (strain 80b) into the peritoneal cavity of guinea pigs. 2. treatment of bacillus botulinus with alcohol has been found markedly to decrease its toxicity for guinea pigs. this is in conformity with the work of bronfenbrenner and schlesinger. 3. toxin-free spores of bacillus botulinus have been found pathogenic ...192319868746
the production of antibodies in rabbits by a simplified intratracheal method.the method described of producing antibodies by the administration of antigens through the larynx is simple. the results obtained, however, conform closely to those obtained through intraperitoneal injection. the procedure is relatively a safe one and may well be employed in experimental inoculations. the advantages of rapidity and painlessness are obvious. in addition, gross injury has not been observed. injections may be repeated at frequent intervals without danger to the life of the animal. ...192319868760
conditions determining the transplantability of tissues in the confirmation of shirai's observation, we find that transplantable mouse tumors grow actively when inoculated into the brains of rats, guinea pigs, and pigeons, whereas subcutaneous or intramuscular grafts in the same animals fail. this growth of foreign tissue in the brain, however, takes place only when the grafted material lies entirely in the brain tissue; if it comes in contact with the ventricle a cellular reaction takes place with resultant destruction of the graft. the growth of foreig ...192319868782
protection against typhoid-like infections by vaccination : an experimental study.1. a natural infection of guinea pigs with the "mutton" strain of bacillus aertrycke was used to test the protective power of vaccination against the typhoid group of infections. 2. under the conditions of the experiment, complete protection was secured by vaccination with full strength fresh saline vaccine, while 100 per cent of deaths occurred among the controls. 3. the immunity acquired is variable and depends on the number of organisms injected. 4. vaccine kept 10 to 14 months gave less prot ...192319868790
oxidase reaction of various groups of bacteria.1. a simple technique is described for studying the oxidase action of bacteria by means of the oxidation of p-aminoleucomalachite green. 2. it is shown that pneumococci under aerobic conditions produced an oxidase when grown on suitable medium. the sera of any of seven different animal species constitute such a medium, the degree of oxidation by the pneumococcus depending upon the animal from which the serum was taken-rat, guinea pig, rabbit, horse, man, cat, and chicken in order of diminishing ...192319868791
experimental studies on the etiology of typhus fever : v. survival of the virus in collodion sacs implanted intraabdominally in guinea pigs.the typhus virus contained in the blood of guinea pigs at the height of the experimental disease remains infective for 31 days in collodion sacs placed within the abdominal cavity of guinea pigs.192319868819
roentgen ray intoxication : iv. intestinal lesions and acute intoxication produced by radiation in a variety of animals.these experiments show that the common laboratory animals are about equally sensitive to the x-ray given over the abdomen. the clinical reaction following a m.l.d. is very similar and the intestinal pathology almost identical. the rat and guinea pig are slightly more sensitive to the x-ray than are the dog, cat, and rabbit. by contrast birds, frogs, and reptiles are very resistant to the x-ray and may tolerate two or three doses of radiation lethal for dogs. we can offer no convincing explanatio ...192319868825
differentiation of oxyhemoglobins by means of mutual solubility tests.1. the rule of addition of solubilities is applicable to the differentiation of the oxyhemoglobins of not too closely related species. 2. the oxyhemoglobins of the horse, dog, rat, and guinea pig show differences when tested by this method. the oxyhemoglobins of the donkey and horse show a similarity which is best explained by the assumption of isomorphism.192319872057
action on fibroblasts of extracts of homologous and heterologous tissues.extracts of homologous adult tissues detemine an increase in the mass of pure cultures of chicken fibroblasts nourished thereon comparable to that resulting from embryonic tissue juice. but the effect of these extracts differs markedly from that of the latter, since cell multiplication does not continue indefinitely. after a few passages, the fibroblasts cultivated in adult tissue extracts grew more slowly than in tyrode solution. the cytoplasm became dark and filled with fat granules, and death ...192319868805
immunity studies of rocky mountain spotted fever : ii. prophylactic inoculation in animals.freshly prepared mixtures of spotted fever virus and immune rabbit serum in neutral or superneutral proportions confer complete immunity on guinea pigs. the mixtures undergo a considerable loss in immunizing power when heated to 60 degrees c. for 20 minutes, but are still capable, if used in sufficient quantity, of conferring a degree of immunity on the vaccinated animal such that a subsequent experimental infection is rendered less severe and non-fatal. unheated mixtures which had been preserve ...192319868813
the production of "brown-seequard's epilepsy" in normal nonoperated guinea pigs. 192317834062
a study of diphtheria bacilli, with special reference to their serological classification.much work has already been done in connection with the differentiation of true diphtheria bacilli from diphthomorphic organisms. some observers have maintained that all disease producing strains could be distinguished from non-pathogenic types by their sugar reactions. others have laid much stress on some particular forms of virulence test. more recently serological classification has been attempted in order to help to solve this problem.with regard to sugar reactions graham-smith (1908) found t ...192320474792
the pulmonary lesions produced by the inhalation of dust in guinea-pigs: a report to the medical research council. 192420474824
resistance of young and old guinea pigs to tuberculosis as an experimental study. 192421408872
the behavior of the germinal epithelium in testis grafts and in experimental cryptorchid testes (rat and guinea pig). 192417839834
lacrymal passages in the guinea-pig and rabbit. 192418168372
experimental studies on the etiology of typhus fever : vi. skin lesions in experimental typhus fever of guinea pigs.the skin of guinea pigs in which the virus of typhus fever is propagated, when mildly irritated in advance of the febrile reaction, shows a characteristic exanthem during the height of the experimental disease. more drastic methods of irritation, however, cause a dermatitis which obscures the rash but produce in the corium more marked specific histopathological changes. the exanthem may aid the study of the specific incitant of typhus fever in the lesions.192419868848
experimental studies with a spiral organism found in a wild rat.1. two cases of rat-bite fever with a typical fever course and a maculopapular exanthem came under my observation in mexico. 2. a spiral organism morphologically identical with one known in japan as the causative agent of sodoku was found in a mus decumanus caught in mexico city. 3. the organism was found to be pathogenic for white rats and guinea pigs, the infection being fatal for guinea pigs. 4. the bite of an infected guinea pig led in one of two instances to infection and death of the anima ...192419868869
further observations on the phenomena encountered in attempting to transmit varicella to rabbits.1. the intradermal method of inoculating virus iii, a hitherto unknown filterable virus producing lesions in rabbits, gives more reliable results than those obtained by smearing the virus on the scarified skin. 2. virus iii, heated 10 minutes at 55 degrees c., will not produce visible reactions in the skin of rabbits. 3. virus iii passes through berkefeld n and v filters. 4. the data obtained so far indicate that the best method of preserving virus iii in an active state is to filter the testicu ...192419868883
the permeability of the lining of the lower respiratory tract for antibodies.the experimental results indicate that the walls of the lower respiratory tract are relatively as impermeable for antibodies as they are for serum proteins. the kind of serum employed does not influence this fact. antibodies contained in homologous (rabbit) serum failed to enter the blood stream when injected into the trachea in greater concentration than those contained in heterologous (guinea pig and cow) sera. that a little serum and its contained substances are absorbed after intratracheal i ...192419868904
the effects of the intratracheal administration of foreign has been possible to sensitize guinea pigs by the intratracheal administration of small amounts of horse or cow serum. the degree of sensitiveness is comparable to that obtained when the same doses of serum are injected into the peritoneal cavity. nevertheless, relatively small amounts of foreign protein are slowly absorbed through the lining membranes of the lower respiratory tract. in sensitive animals it has not been possible to produce shock by intratracheal injection of amounts of serum ...192419868903
studies upon the etiology of dengue fever : i. experimental transmission to the lower animal.the dengue cases studied during this epidemic were, as a whole, typical examples of the disease. the onset was sudden, often of a violent character, ushered in with severe headache and backache, vague pains throughout the body, and fever ranging from 101-105 degrees f. on the 2nd or 3rd day a maculopapular eruption appeared, generally on the neck, chest, and arms, but sometimes more widely disseminated. in most instances the fever remained for 3 or 4 days, after which it dropped to normal to ris ...192419868961
studies upon the etiology of dengue fever : ii. cultivation and nature of the virus.we have described the cultivation of a minute organism, upon the special media devised by noguchi for growing spirochetal organisms, that gives rise to pyrexial and leucocytic reactions in the guinea pig. the reaction in the animal following the injection of culture filtrate is identical with that induced by the inoculation of human dengue blood. while it is possible, it is hardly probable that the infection of animals with cultures of this microorganism several generations removed from the orig ...192419868962
the effect of anesthesia and of sedatives on the serum therapy of experimental botulism.when guinea pigs are fed large amounts of botulinus toxin, they develop symptoms of intoxication within 6 hours and die usually within 12 hours after the feeding of toxin. if very large amounts of toxin are introduced intraperitoneally, the animals may show symptoms of intoxication at the end of the 1st hour and die usually within 2 hours following the administration of toxin. if these animals are placed under anesthesia following the administration of toxin, the intoxication proceeds much more ...192419868862
studies on pneumococcus growth inhibition : ii. a method for demonstrating the growth-inhibitory and bactericidal action of normal serum-leucocyte mixtures.somewhat discordant results which have been reported by others who have investigated the property of the whole blood of resistant animals to cause inhibition of growth or death of pneumococci have led us to investigate this matter and to develop a new technique in which the conditions as they are present in the animal body are more nearly imitated. the observations already made have rendered it probable that phagocytosis plays some rôle in any destructive power for pneumococcus which whole blood ...192419868840
allergic irritability : the formation of anti-sheep hemolytic amboceptor in the normal and tuberculous guinea pig.the guinea pig infected with virulent tubercle bacilli develops much more anti-sheep amboceptor than do controls when given like amounts of sheep red blood corpuscles. the curve of antibody production in the guinea pig when treated with sheep red blood corpuscles shows a departure from curves previously determined in other animals. these facts were ascertained as part of an effort to learn mbre of the functional nature of the inheritable factors controlling natural resistance to disease. the nat ...192419868936
attempts to transmit rheumatic fever to rabbits and guinea a series of attempts to transmit a virus from patients in the acute stages of rheumatic fever, twenty-seven rabbits and fourteen guinea pigs were inoculated with one of the following materials: whole blood, serum, joint fluid, pleural fluid, throat washings, suspensions of tonsil tissue. subsequent transfer inoculations from animal to animal brought the total number of animals employed in the experiments to 67 rabbits and 40 guinea pigs. only two animals developed an acute non-bacterial arthr ...192419868938
cutaneous hypersensitiveness to tuberculin in guinea pigs. 192419972601
kurloff bodie in the blood of guinea pigs. 192419972607
congenital cystic omenta, kidneys and livers in identical guinea-pig twins. 192419972608
studies on compensatory hypertrophy of the thyroid gland : vi. the effect of feeding anterior lobe of the pituitary gland on the hypertrophy of the thyroid gland in the guinea pig. 192419972619
the effect of certain metabolic changes upon the aorta of rabbits and guinea pigs. 192519969661
on bimolecular layers of lipoids on the chromocytes of the blood.we have examined the blood of man and of the rabbit, dog, guinea pig, sheep, and goat. there exists a great difference in the size of the red blood cells of these animals, but the total surfaces of the chromocytes see pdf for structure from 0.1 cc. blood do not show a similarly great divergence, because animals having very small cells (goat and sheep) have much greater quantities of these cells in their blood than animals with blood cells of larger dimensions (dog and rabbit). we give all the re ...192519868999
studies of leptospira hebdomadis.from the results of etiological study of the disease known as akiyami which prevails in the shida district of shizuoka province, we conclude that: 1. akiyami is an infectious disease caused by a leptospira. 2. the leptospira causing akiyami is very difficult to differentiate morphologically from leptospira icterohoemorrhagioe and leptospira hebdomadis. 3. the strains of leptospira isolated from cases of akiyami are of two types. one type, isolated from three of the sixteen cases, is highly virul ...192519869097
skin reactions to simultaneous treatments with radiant heat and soft x-rays.guinea pigs have been exposed to suberythema doses of soft x-rays, to radiant heat of intensity about critical for producing slight burns, and to both radiations simultaneously. no erythema was produced in the skin of the animals exposed to x-rays alone and only slight burns resulted in 50 per cent of the animals exposed to heat radiation alone. the animals exposed to heat and x-radiation simultaneously developed well marked burns which healed much more slowly than those produced by heat alone.192519869024
the significance of anaphylaxis in pneumococcus immunity.1. intraperitoneal injections of killed and living broth cultures of a virulent pneumococcus produce in guinea pigs a high degree of active immunity and a serum with strong protective power. 2. despite the protective power of such serum no agglutinins for the homologous organism and no precipitins for soluble derivatives were demonstrable. 3. guinea pig immunity to pneumococcus infection produced by the method described is not attended by cutaneous allergy to derivatives of the pneumococcus used ...192519868974
the production and significance of cutaneous allergy to pneumococcus protein.1. intracutaneous injection of guinea pigs with an alkaline extract of pneumococcus produces in about two-thirds of the animals an allergy with a skin reaction similar to the allergic skin response of tuberculosis. 2. continuance of the intracutaneous injections after the appearance of allergy results in its disappearance. the skin ceases to react. 3. neither the animals manifesting skin allergy nor those which fail to develop it show any significant alteration in susceptibility to pneumococcus ...192519868975
skin reactions to alternate heat and x-ray exposures.different areas on the abdomen of the same guinea pigs have been exposed to suberythema doses of soft x-rays, to heat of an intensity below the critical dose for the production of burns, and to both radiations in sequence. the only effect of exposure to x-ray or heat alone was a slight scaling of the skin. the areas exposed to heat and x-radiation developed well marked and persistent burns. the results were the same no matter in which sequence the agents were applied.192519869089
the problem of the etiology of herpes zoster.attempts were made to produce lesions in. animals by the injection of material obtained from the vesicles and involved skin of nine cases of herpes zoster. all the cases, with the exception of one (case ii), were characteristic cases of idiopathic herpes zoster and the question of their being cases of so called zosteriform herpes or symptomatic herpes zoster can hardly be raised. as regards case ii, if this case occurred alone, there might be some doubt as to its nature on account of the mildnes ...192519869091
the influence of the "diaplyte" antigen of dreyer on tuberculosis of the guinea pig.we have prepared "diaplyte" antigen according to dreyer's procedure and have studied its therapeutic and prophylactic value in experimental tuberculosis of guinea pigs. in our hands it has failed to yield beneficial effects. the animals treated with the antigen tended in general to develop lesions more quickly and to die earlier than the controls.192519868986
allergic irritability : ii. anaphylaxis in the guinea pig as affected by the inheritance.inbred lines of guinea pig which have previously been observed to differ in their susceptibility to tuberculosis differ in their anaphylactic responses as well. the families that are relatively resistant to tuberculosis appear also to be somewhat more resistant to some one or more of the phases of the anaphylactic reaction complex.192519868991
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