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structural and functional differences in isoforms of mouse major urinary proteins: a male-specific protein that preferentially binds a male pheromone.the mups (major urinary proteins) of the house mouse, mus domesticus, are lipocalins that bind and slowly release male-specific pheromones in deposited scent marks. however, females also express these proteins, consistent with a second role in encoding individual signatures in scent marks. we have purified and characterized an atypical mup from the urine of male c57bl/6j inbred mice, which is responsible for the binding of most of the male pheromone, 2-sec-butyl-4,5-dihydrothiazole, and which is ...200515934926
allozymic polymorphism among 14 populations of the house mouse, mus musculus domesticus, from greece.nineteen loci from 239 individuals of the house mouse mus musculus domesticus (rodentia, muridae) were analyzed by means of thin layer electrophoresis. the mice were collected from 14 localities of greece mainly confined to the area of nw peloponnese, where a robertsonian (rb) system is observed. the individuals were chromosomally characterized by nine diploid numbers, the 2n = 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 40. the statistic elaboration revealed that all 14 populations studied were not cha ...200515859516
serological study of the lymphochoriomeningitis virus (lcmv) in an inner city of argentina.lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (lcmv) is the prototype of the family arenaviridae and is associated with the natural reservoir, mus domesticus (md). it causes meningitis and a flu-like illness characterized by malaise, myalgia, retrorbital headache, and photophobia. this study presents the data obtained in a rodent and human serological study during 6 years (1998-2003) in the city of rio cuarto, argentina. antibodies anti-lcmv were sought by elisa in rodents and humans. lcmv was found only i ...200515834871
second intermediate host land snails and definitive host animals of brachylaima cribbi in southern australia.this study of infection of southern australian land snails with brachylaima cribbi metacercariae has shown that all commonly encountered native and introduced snails are susceptible second intermediate hosts. the range of infected snails is extensive with metacercariae-infected snails being present in all districts across southern australia. c. virgata has the highest average natural metacercarial infection intensity of 6.1 metacercariae per infected snail. the susceptibility of birds, mammals a ...200515828579
molecular evolution of cadherin-related neuronal receptor/protocadherin(alpha) (cnr/pcdh(alpha)) gene cluster in mus musculus subspecies.the mouse cadherin-related neuronal receptor/protocadherin (cnr/pcdh) gene clusters are located on chromosome 18. we sequenced single-nucleotide polymorphisms (snps) of the cnr/pcdh(alpha)-coding region among 12 wild-derived and four laboratory strains; these included the four major subspecies groups of mus musculus: domesticus, musculus, castaneus, and bactrianus. we detected 883 coding snps (csnps) in the cnr/pcdh(alpha) variable exons and three in the constant exons. among all the csnps, 586 ...200515758202
agonistic onset marks emotional changes and dispersal propensity in wild house mouse males (mus domesticus).the authors investigated implications of agonistic onset for anxiety and dispersive motivation in maturing wild house mouse males (mus domesticus). laboratory-kept fraternal pairs either developed agonistic dominance or stayed amicable during their first 2 months of life, when the authors assessed open-field behavior and dispersal propensity. state anxiety was lower in amicable than agonistic males and higher in subordinate than dominant ones. during subsequent dispersal trials, 1 dominant and 1 ...200515740430
microinjection of cytoplasm or mitochondria derived from somatic cells affects parthenogenetic development of murine oocytes.cloned mammals are readily obtained by nuclear transfer using cultured somatic cells; however, the rate of generating live offspring from the reconstructed embryos remains low. in nuclear transfer procedures, varying quantities of donor cell mitochondria are transferred with nuclei into recipient oocytes, and mitochondrial heteroplasmy has been observed. a mouse model was used to examine whether transferred mitochondria affect the development of the reconstructed oocytes. cytoplasm or purified m ...200515716395
delayed sry and sox9 expression in developing mouse gonads underlies b6-y(dom) sex reversal.the phenomenon of b6-y(dom) sex reversal arises when certain variants of the mus domesticus y chromosome are crossed onto the genetic background of the c57bl/6j (b6) inbred mouse strain, which normally carries a mus musculus-derived y chromosome. while the sex reversal has been assumed to involve strain-specific variations in structure or expression of sry, the actual cause has not been identified. here we used in situ hybridization to study expression of sry, and the critical downstream gene so ...200515680364
the animal reservoir of tunga penetrans in severely affected communities of north-east brazil.tungiasis is a zoonotic ectoparasitosis caused by the sand flea tunga penetrans l. (siphonaptera: tungidae). this disease is hyperendemic in poor communities of north-east brazil, causing considerable morbidity in affected human populations, but the animal reservoirs have not been investigated previously in brazil. to assess the prevalence and intensity of t. penetrans infection in domestic and peri-domestic animals, as well as in the human population, we surveyed two typical communities of nort ...200415641998
agonistic onset during development differentiates wild house mouse males (mus domesticus).wild house mouse populations have been suggested to locally adapt to varying dispersal regimes by expressing divergent aggressivity phenotypes. this conjecture implies, first, genetic polymorphism for dispersive strategies which is supported by the finding of heritable variation for male dispersal tendency in feral house mice. secondly, aggressivity is assumed to translate into dispersal rates. this speculation is reinforced by experimental evidence showing that non-agonistic males display lower ...200415605255
characterization of diabetes-related traits in msm and jf1 mice on high-fat diet.we examined the effect of a high-fat diet on the diabetes-related traits of the japanese fancy mouse 1 (jf1), msm, and c57bl/6j (b6j) mice. msm and jf1 mice were derived from mus musculus molossinus. b6j is a commonly used laboratory strain, with the vast majority of genome segments derived from mus musculus domesticus and mus musculus musculus, and is susceptible to high-fat diet-induced type 2 diabetes. none of the strains showed symptoms of diabetes or obesity when fed a laboratory chow diet. ...200415542353
the evolution of gene expression in mouse hippocampus in response to selective breeding for increased locomotor activity.the evolution of behavior has been notoriously difficult to study at the molecular level, but mouse genetic technology offers new promise. we applied selective breeding to increase voluntary wheel running in four replicate lines of mus domesticus (s mice) while maintaining four additional lines through random breeding to serve as controls (c mice). the goal of the study was to identify the gene expression profile of the hippocampus that may have evolved to facilitate the increased voluntary runn ...200415521463
differential patterns of introgression across the x chromosome in a hybrid zone between two species of house mice.a complete understanding of the speciation process requires the identification of genomic regions and genes that confer reproductive barriers between species. empirical and theoretical research has revealed two important patterns in the evolution of reproductive isolation in animals: isolation typically arises as a result of disrupted epistatic interactions between multiple loci and these disruptions map disproportionately to the x chromosome. these patterns suggest that a targeted examination o ...200415521462
behavioral characterization of wild derived male mice (mus musculus musculus) of the pwd/ph inbred strain: high exploration compared to c57bl/6j.pwd/ph is an inbred mouse strain derived from wild mice trapped in central czech republic. these mice are of the mus musculus musculus subspecies, whose ancestors separated from those of mus musculus domesticus about one million years ago. there is a high degree of variation in the genomic sequence and a wide range of phenotypes between pwd/ph and standard laboratory inbred mouse strains, the genomes of which are principally mus musculus domesticus in origin, making pwd/ph mice an useful resourc ...200415520518
polymorphism and conservation of the genes encoding qa1 evaluate the polymorphism and conservation of the major histocompatibility complex class ib molecule qa1 in wild mouse populations, we determined the nucleotide sequence of exons 1-3 of qa1 of eight mouse haplotypes derived from wild mice, including mus musculus domesticus, m. m. castaneus, m. m. bactrianus, and m. spretus, as well as two t haplotypes. our data identify eight new alleles of qa1. taken together with previously published data on qa1 among the common laboratory inbred strains, a ...200415517242
functional morphology of the ear in fossorial rodents, microtus arvalis and arvicola terrestris.functionally relevant features and parameters of the outer, middle, and inner ear were studied morphologically and morphometrically in two species of voles, smaller microtus arvalis and larger arvicola terrestris. the findings in these fossorial (i.e., burrowing) rodents with components of surface activity were compared with respective findings reported for taxonomically related muroid rodents representing the same size classes but different eco-morphotypes: obligate subterranean rodents (ellobi ...200415487005
development and initial characterization of xenomitochondrial mice.xenomitochondrial mice harboring trans-species mitochondria on a mus musculus domesticus (md) nuclear background were produced. we created xenomitochondrial es cell cybrids by fusing mus spretus (ms), mus caroli (mc), mus dunni (mdu), or mus pahari (mp) mitochondrial donor cytoplasts and rhodamine 6-g treated cc9.3.1 or pc4 es cells. the selected donor backgrounds reflected increasing evolutionary divergence from md mice and the resultant mitochondrial-nuclear mismatch targeted a graded respirat ...200415377882
genetic analysis of x-linked hybrid sterility in the house mouse.hybrid sterility is a common postzygotic reproductive isolation mechanism that appears in the early stages of speciation of various organisms. mus musculus musculus and mus musculus domesticus represent two recently separated mouse subspecies particularly suitable for genetic studies of hybrid sterility. here we show that the introgression of chr x of m. m. musculus origin (pwd/ph inbred strain, henceforth pwd) into the genetic background of the c57bl/6j (henceforth b6) inbred strain (predominan ...200415366371
differential organization of a line-1 family in indian pygmy field mice.southern blot hybridization analysis of genomic dnas digested with restriction endonuclease ecor i and ava ii from mus musculus domesticus, mus booduga and mus terricolor with a cloned repetitive dna fragment of mus booduga as a probe showed difference in restriction pattern of this dna in these three species. further southern analysis of the bamh i digested genomic dnas from these species hybridized with cloned dna fragment as a probe and sequencing of the cloned dna revealed that this 252 bp c ...200315267136
the tobacco mouse and its relatives: a "tail" of coat colors, chromosomes, hybridization and speciation.the article reviews over 30 years' study of the chromosomal variation of the western house mice (mus musculus domesticus) from the neighboring valleys of poschiavo and valtellina on the swiss-italian border. this is done in the context of the social and political history of this area, on the grounds that mice, as commensals, are influenced by human history. the chromosomal study of mice in this area was initiated because their unusual black coat color led a 19th century naturalist to describe th ...200415237227
chromosomes and speciation in mus musculus domesticus.thirty years after its identification, the model of chromosomal speciation in mus musculus domesticus is reevaluated using the methods of population biology, molecular cytogenetics and functional genomics. three main points are considered: (1) the structural predisposition of m. m. domesticus chromosomes to robertsonian fusion; (2) the impediment of structural heterozygosity to gene flow between populations of mice with karyotypes rearranged by robertsonian fusion and between them and population ...200415237225
entrainment of the master circadian clock by scheduled feeding.the master circadian clock, located in the mammalian suprachiasmatic nuclei (scn), generates and coordinates circadian rhythmicity, i.e., internal organization of physiological and behavioral rhythms that cycle with a near 24-h period. light is the most powerful synchronizer of the scn. although other nonphotic cues also have the potential to influence the circadian clock, their effects can be masked by photic cues. the purpose of this study was to investigate the ability of scheduled feeding to ...200415155280
adaptive energetics in house mice, mus musculus domesticus, from the island of porto santo (madeira archipelago, north atlantic).the bioenergetic strategies of house mice (mus musculus domesticus) from the island of porto santo were investigated and compared with those of mice from mainland portugal. energy obtained from food ingestion was 18.2% lower in porto santo mice than in mainland mice (1.53 vs. 1.87 kj/g/day). the same pattern was observed for metabolisable energy intake, which was 19.2% lower in island specimens (0.87 vs. 1.08 kj/g/day for mainland specimens). apparent digestibility was similar in both groups of ...200415123178
developmental regulation of skull morphology. i. ontogenetic dynamics of the absence of processes regulating morphogenesis and growth, phenotypic variance of a population experiencing no selective mortality should increase throughout ontogeny. to determine whether it does, we measure variance of skull shape using geometric morphometrics and examine its ontogenetic dynamics in the precocial cotton rat (sigmodon fulviventer) and the altricial house mouse (mus musculus domesticus). in both species, variance of shape halves between the two youngest samples measured (b ...200415099307
137cs determination and mutagenicity tests in wild mus musculus domesticus before and after the chernobyl accident.wild rodents were collected alive in a suburban area to the north of rome before, during, 6 months and 1 year after the chernobyl accident. radionuclide determinations to assess their content of (137)cs and mutagenicity tests (bone-marrow micronucleus test and sperm abnormalities assay) were performed on the captured animals. the results obtained for the species mus musculus domesticus (which was the rodent captured in highest numbers), compared with the results obtained before the fallout, show ...199015092303
genetic damage in urban mice exposed to traffic pollution.wild rodents (mus domesticus) were collected in three areas in rome exposed to different traffic flows to ascertain a possible correlation between genetic damage and heavy metal concentration. the concentration of lead, cadmium and zinc were determined in liver, kidney and bones and two mutagenicity tests (micronucleus test and sperm abnormality assay) were employed. the results obtained showed that the contents of lead and cadmium were higher in animals collected in areas with high traffic flow ...199615091385
mapping major quantitative trait loci for postnatal growth in an intersubspecific backcross between c57bl/6j and philippine wild mice by using principal component analysis.a number of quantitative trait loci (qtls) for postnatal growth have previously been reported in mice. as effects of the qtls are usually small and similar to one another in magnitude, it is generally difficult to know which loci are major contributors to postnatal growth. we applied principal component analysis to a genome-wide search for qtls affecting postnatal growth in body weight weekly recorded from 3 to 10 weeks of age in an intersubspecific backcross population of c57bl/6j inbred mice ( ...200415056934
meiotic recombination and spermatogenic impairment in mus musculus domesticus carrying multiple simple robertsonian translocations.we quantitatively analyzed the spermatogenic process, including evaluation of seminiferous tubules with defective cycles, rates of germ cell death and sperm morphology, in adult male mice with standard telocentric chromosomes (2n = 40, cd1 strain), homozygous (2n = 24, mil ii population) and heterozygous (2n = 24 x 40) for robertsonian (rb) rearrangements. the animals were analyzed at three different ages: three, five and seven months after birth. the number and position of crossover events were ...200315051955
hybrid breakdown caused by substitution of the x chromosome between two mouse subspecies.hybrid breakdown is a type of reproductive failure that appears after the f2 generation of crosses between different species or subspecies. it is caused by incompatibility between interacting genes. genetic analysis of hybrid breakdown, particularly in higher animals, has been hampered by its complex nature (i.e., it involves more than two genes, and the phenotype is recessive). we studied hybrid breakdown using a new consomic strain, c57bl/6j-x(msm), in which the x chromosome of c57bl/6j (deriv ...200415020476
detection of high levels of congenital transmission of toxoplasma gondii in natural urban populations of mus domesticus.the relative importance of different transmission routes of toxoplasma gondii has been a matter for debate. this ubiquitous parasite is generally thought to be transmitted by infective oocysts excreted by the definitive host, the cat. ingestion of undercooked meat has also been considered an important route of transmission in many mammals while congenital transmission has generally been considered relatively rare. experimental studies demonstrate the ability of t. gondii to be transmitted congen ...200415002902
polymorphisms of mouse apolipoprotein a-ii: seven alleles found among 41 inbred strains of mice, apolipoprotein a-ii (apoa-ii) associates to form amyloid fibrils in an age-associated manner. we determined the complete nucleotide sequences of the apoa-ii gene (apoa2) cdna in 41 inbred strains of mice including mus musculus domesticus (laboratory mouse), mus musculus castaneus, mus musculus molossinus, mus musculus musculus and mus spretus. among these strains we identified 7 alleles (apoa2a1, apoa2a2, apoa2b, apoa2c, apoa2d, apoa2e and apoa2f). polymorphisms of nucleotides at 15 pos ...200314986479
production of homoplasmic xenomitochondrial mice.the unique features of mtdna, together with the lack of a wide range of mouse cell mtdna mutants, have hampered the creation of mtdna mutant mice. to overcome these barriers mitochondrial defects were created by introducing mitochondria from different mouse species into mus musculus domesticus (mm) mtdna-less (rho(0)) l cells. introduction of the closely related mus spretus (ms) or the more divergent mus dunni (md) mitochondria resulted in xenocybrids exhibiting grossly normal respiratory functi ...200414745024
pathogens of house mice on arid boullanger island and subantarctic macquarie island, australia.studies on island populations of house mice (mus domesticus) and their viruses reveal insights into viral persistence in isolated communities. we surveyed the ectoparasites, endoparasites, and antiviral antibodies for 11 murine viruses and two bacteria of house mice inhabiting two islands off australia. house mice on boullanger island were seropositive to two viruses, murine cytomegalovirus and epizootic diarrhea of infant mice. on subantarctic macquarie island, house mice were seropositive for ...200314733270
[genetic and molecular characteristics of a new natural haplotype twmp1 of the house mouse (mus domesticus r.) from peru].a new natural haplotype, twwp1, found in a population of house mouse mus domesticus from peru, was subjected to genetic and molecular analyses. experiments were performed to study the complementation of the new haplotype, fertility of twmp1/tx heterozygotes, and transmission ratio distortion (trd) of the t-carrying chromosome in the progeny of heterozygous males. molecular analysis included blot hybridization with t-specific probes tu48, tu66, and tu119. the results were collated with the struct ...200314714460
different effects of intensity and duration of locomotor activity on circadian outstanding unresolved issue in chronobiology is how the level of locomotor activity influences length of the free-running, endogenous circadian period (tau). to address this issue, the authors studied a novel model, 4 replicate lines of laboratory house mice (mus domesticus) that had been selectively bred for high wheel-running activity (s) and their 4 unselected control (c) lines. previous work indicates that s mice run approximately twice as many revolutions/day and exhibit an altered dopa ...200314667150
[probable origin of the robertsonian phenomena in domestic mice in tunisia].the robertsonian phenomenon in house mice (mus musculus domesticus) from tunisia consists in the presence of only one 22-chromosome robertsonian race (22rb) carrying the maximum number of fusions observed until now. the 22rb populations exclusively occupy urban centers in the eastern-central region of tunisia where standard population with 40-all acrocentric chromosomes (40std) occur in surrounding neighborhoods and rural environments. in addition to the habitat partition, allozyme and mitochond ...200114658237
food wasting by house mice: variation among individuals, families, and genetic lines.under ad libitum conditions, laboratory house mice (mus domesticus) fragment considerable amounts of pelleted food and leave it scattered in their cages. the proportion of food thus wasted (in relation to food eaten) varies remarkably among individuals, from 2% to 40%, but is highly consistent in consecutive trials, even when the mice were moved from 22 to -10 degrees c and food consumption doubled. food wasting did not differ either between the sexes or between genetic lines that had been selec ...200314637238
do precocial mammals develop at a faster rate? a comparison of rates of skull development in sigmodon fulviventer and mus musculus domesticus.variation in neonatal maturity among mammals is often explained by variation in gestation length, but species may also differ in developmental rate, a quantity that is difficult to measure because the conventional formalism makes two important and potentially unrealistic assumptions: (1) ontogeny of form can be described by a single line, and (2) species have the same ontogeny of form. we examine two species, one precocial (sigmodon fulviventer), the other altricial (mus musculus domesticus), an ...200314632234
cosegregation of robertsonian metacentric chromosomes in the first meiotic division of multiple heterozygous male mice as revealed by fish analysis of spermatocyte ii metaphases.contrasting results (random segregation or cosegregation of isomorphic chromosomes) have been reported up to now on the segregation pattern of robertsonian metacentric chromosomes of mus musculus domesticus in multiple heterozygotes, using different approaches (karyotypical analysis of the progeny or of second meiotic metaphases). in the present contribution data are presented based on fish (fluorescence in situ hybridisation) analysis with telomeric probes, which allowed us to distinguish metac ...200314610354
gene expression, cell localization, and evolution of rodent submandibular gland androgen-binding protein.a small dimeric androgen-binding protein (abp) secreted by mouse (mus) submandibular salivary glands has been hypothesized to function in mate-selection. the alpha-subunit (abpa) evolves rapidly under natural selection. however, cellular site(s) of synthesis, mode of function, and patterns of evolution of this biologically important protein are otherwise unknown. we used a radiolabeled riboprobe and in situ hybridization to mouse (mus) abpa mrna to localize abpa synthesis to submandibular gland ...200214566605
haemoglobin types of the wild house mouse (mus musculus domesticus rutty 1772). 196414243394
[on the genetic determinism of acoustic epilepsy in mus musculus domesticus (swiss/rb)]. 196414143657
disturbed expression of sox9 in pre-sertoli cells underlies sex-reversal in mice b6.ytir.sry in some varieties of mus musculus domesticus fails to form normal testis when introduced into the c57bl/6j (b6) strain. we studied the developmental pattern of pre-sertoli cells that express sox9 by immunofluorescence and the profile levels of sox9 transcripts by semiquantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction and in situ hybridization in developing gonads of b6-ytir mice. sox9-positive cells (pre-sertoli cells) appeared in all b6.ytir genital ridges at 11.5 and 12.5 days po ...200413679320
onset and progress of meiotic prophase in the oocytes in the b6.ytir sex-reversed mouse ovary.when the y chromosome of a mus musculus domesticus male mouse (caught in tirano, italy) is placed on a c57bl/6j genetic background, approximately half of the xy (b6.ytir) progeny develop into normal-appearing but infertile females. we have previously reported that the primary cause of infertility can be attributed to their oocytes. to identify the primary defect in the xy oocyte, we examined the onset and progress of meiotic prophase in the b6.ytir fetal ovary. using bromo-deoxyuridine incorpora ...200312904311
syphacia obvelata infections and reproduction of male domestic mice mus musculus domesticus on a sub-antarctic island.the reproductive activity of feral male mice on an island of the sub-antarctic kerguelen archipelago was influenced by biological factors depending on periods within the breeding season. after having controlled host reproductive activity indices for body size, i.e. age, and body condition effects, syphacia obvelata prevalence did not vary with host reproductive status or age either during the beginning or the middle-end of the reproductive season. considering the beginning of the breeding season ...200312895284
identification and characterization of t haplotypes in wild mice populations using molecular part of a population genetics survey of the hybrid zone between mouse subspecies mus musculus domesticus and m. m. musculus, we identified and characterized the t haplotypes in 1068 mice from 186 different populations in a 2500 km2 area in central jutland. on the basis of two t-specific pcr markers, 130 mice possessed this haplotype. the allele frequencies at six microsatellites on the third and fourth chromosomal inversions of the t region were sufficiently different between t-bearing and no ...200312872912
physical performance and soleus muscle fiber composition in wild-derived and laboratory inbred mouse strains.we compared four inbred mouse strains in their physical performance, measured as a maximal treadmill running time, characteristics of soleus muscle, anatomic character, and growth. the strains used were mus musculus domesticus [c57bl/6 (b6) and balb/c], mus musculus molossinus (msm/ms), and mus spretus. maximal running time was significantly different among these four mouse strains. running time until exhaustion was highest in msm/ms and lowest in m. spretus. maximal times for the laboratory mou ...200312851421
the mode of evolution of molecular markers in populations of house mice under artificial selection for locomotor behavior.a complete understanding of the mode of evolution of molecular markers is important for making inferences about different population genetic parameters, especially because a number of studies have reported patterns of allelic variation at molecular markers that are not in agreement with neutral evolutionary expectations. in the present study, house mice (mus domesticus) from the fourteenth generation of a selection experiment for increased voluntary wheel-running activity were used to test how s ...201012816964
functional respiratory chain analyses in murid xenomitochondrial cybrids expose coevolutionary constraints of cytochrome b and nuclear subunits of complex iii.the large number of extant muridae species provides the opportunity of investigating functional limits of nuclear/mitochondrial respiratory chain (rc) subunit interactions by introducing mitochondrial genomes from progressively more divergent species into mus musculus domesticus mtdna-less (rho0) cells. we created a panel of such xenomitochondrial cybrids, using as mitochondrial donors cells from six murid species with divergence from m. m. domesticus estimated at 2 to 12 myr before present. spe ...200312777531
sry expression level and protein isoform differences play a role in abnormal testis development in c57bl/6j mice carrying certain sry alleles.transfer of certain mus domesticus-derived y chromosomes (sry(dom) alleles, e.g., sry(pos) and sry(akr)) onto the c57bl/6j (b6) mouse strain causes abnormal gonad development due to an aberrant interaction between the sry(dom) allele and the b6-derived autosomal (tda) genes. for example, b6 xy(pos) fetuses develop ovaries and ovotestes and b6 xy(akr) fetuses have delayed testis cord development. to test whether abnormal testis development is caused by insufficient sry(dom) expression, two approa ...200312750339
is reproduction of the australian house mouse (mus domesticus) constrained by food? a large-scale field quantity and especially food quality are thought to be key factors driving reproductive changes in the house mouse, mus domesticus, leading to outbreaks of house mouse populations in the australian grain-growing region. characteristic changes during an incipient mouse plague are an early start of breeding, a high proportion of females breeding at a young age and a prolonged breeding season. we conducted a large-scale food manipulation during an incipient mouse plague, which started with ear ...200312721826
differential sensitivity to acute administration of ritalin, apomorphine, sch 23390, but not raclopride in mice selectively bred for hyperactive wheel-running behavior.previous studies of mice ( mus domesticus) selectively bred for high voluntary wheel running have suggested that the hyperactivity is associated with dysfunction in the dopaminergic neuromodulatory system and that high-running mice may represent a useful genetic model for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd).200312669177
short report: distribution and feeding preference of the sand flies phlebotomus sergenti and p. papatasi in a cutaneous leishmaniasis focus in sanliurfa, turkey.sand flies (diptera: psychodidae) and rodents were collected in the endemic focus of urban cutaneous leishmaniasis in sanliurfa, turkey. phlebotomus sergenti and p. papatasi represented 99% of the sand fly population. these flies were trapped in highest numbers in animal sheds, followed by cellars. however, p. sergenti was relatively more abundant in rooms. an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of the gut contents from blood-fed females detected immunoglobulins specific to birds and mammals, sugg ...200312556140
multiple roles of major urinary proteins in the house mouse, mus domesticus.the urine of the house mouse, mus domesticus, contains large amounts of proteins that are specifically synthesized in the liver to be secreted in the urine. these proteins, termed major urinary proteins (mups), have multiple roles in the communication of information in urine-derived scent marks. they bind low-molecular-mass volatile pheromones, and effect their delivery to the scent mark, followed by a slow release that is controlled by the rate of dissociation from the mups. however, this famil ...200312546672
studies of mitochondrial dna, allozyme and morphometric variation in a house mouse hybrid unusual chromosomal hybrid zone of the house mouse, mus musculus domesticus, exists in upper valtellina, northern italy, consisting of four robertsonian (rb) races and the standard (all-acrocentric, or 2n = 40) race, all hybridizing freely within 10 km2. the hybrid zone in valtellina provides an excellent opportunity to study the role of rb fusions in reproductive isolation and speciation. this hybrid zone has already been well studied for the distribution of rb fusions and the fertility of h ...200212534215
the mosaic structure of variation in the laboratory mouse genome.most inbred laboratory mouse strains are known to have originated from a mixed but limited founder population in a few laboratories. however, the effect of this breeding history on patterns of genetic variation among these strains and the implications for their use are not well understood. here we present an analysis of the fine structure of variation in the mouse genome, using single nucleotide polymorphisms (snps). when the recently assembled genome sequence from the c57bl/6j strain is aligned ...200212466852
analysis of candidate imprinted genes linked to dlk1-gtl2 using a congenic mouse line.the study of genomic imprinting requires the use of dna sequence polymorphisms between interfertile mouse species or strains. most commonly, crosses between mus musculus domesticus and mus musculus castaneus or mus spretus animals are used. difficulties arise in the maintenance of these wild-derived mice in conventional animal facilities, however, and can be overcome by the use of a congenic strain for the region under study. we describe here the generation of a new mouse line, congenic for a re ...200212461649
the effect of multiple simple robertsonian heterozygosity on chromosome pairing and fertility of wild-stock house mice (mus musculus domesticus).the influence of robertsonian (rb) heterozygosity on fertility has been the subject of much study in the house mouse. however, these studies have been largely directed at single simple heterozygotes (heterozygous for a single rb metacentric) or complex heterozygotes (heterozygous for several to many metacentrics which share common chromosome arms). in this paper we describe studies on male multiple simple heterozygotes, specifically the f(1) products of crosses between wild-stock mice homozygous ...200212438809
sex chromosome aneuploidy in wild small mammals.we describe four examples of the xo condition in wild mammals. one xo house mouse (mus musculus domesticus) was caught in nature and subsequently gave birth to three litters in captivity, confirming for wild mice the fertility observed for xo laboratory mice. two other xo house mice were produced from laboratory crosses of wild-caught mice. an immature xo common shrew (sorex araneus) was caught in nature; this appears to be the first xo recorded in the order insectivora. we collected data from r ...200212438805
lifelong voluntary exercise in the mouse prevents age-related alterations in gene expression in the heart.we present the first quantitative gene expression analysis of cardiac aging under conditions of sedentary and active lifestyles using high-density oligonucleotide arrays representing 11,904 cdnas and expressed sequence tags (ests). with these data, we test the hypothesis that exercise attenuates the gene expression changes that normally occur in the aging heart. male mice (mus domesticus) were sampled from the 16th generation of selective breeding for high voluntary exercise. for the selective b ...200312429864
the murine alpha(1)-proteinase inhibitor gene family: polymorphism, chromosomal location, and structure.alpha(1)-proteinase inhibitor (alpha(1)-pi) is a member of the serpin superfamily of serine proteinase inhibitors, which function in maintaining homeostasis through regulation of numerous proteolytic processes. in laboratory mice (mus musculus domesticus), alpha(1)-pi occurs in multiple isoforms encoded by a family of three to five genes that are polymorphic among inbred strains and that are located at the serpina1 locus on chromosome 12. in the present study, we have characterized the alpha(1)- ...200212408969
aspects of the life history of muspicea borreli (nematoda: muspiceidae), parasite of the house mouse (mus domesticus) in australia.prevalence of muspicea borreli (nematoda) infection in wild populations of mus domesticus in forests in southeastern new south wales and in rural canberra, australia was variable, relatively low and the parasite occurred predominantly in male mice. experimental infection of balb/c mice occurred only via subcutaneous inoculation but was achieved using i) adults containing embryonating eggs, ii) adults containing active larvae and iii) active larvae dissected from the uterus of female worms. exper ...200212375362
pattern of segmental recombination in the distal inversion of mouse t examine genetic exchange between t haplotypes and their wild-type homologs, four previously identified mouse chromosome (chr) 17 variants termed mosaic haplotypes were analyzed in detail. three of these haplotypes-one from a mus musculus population in bulgaria, one from a mus domesticus population in chile, and one from a m. domesticus population in germany-display properties indicative of the t complex. all four haplotypes are exceptional because they are characterized by the presence of a f ...200212226709
dependence of population response to fertility control on the survival of sterile animals and their role in regulation.the species for which fertility control is presently used, or for which it is being developed, range from small mammal pests, such as the house mouse (mus domesticus), to large mammals, such as the african elephant (loxodonta africana). however, the possibility of a population response other than a reduction in abundance proportional to the fraction of animals rendered infertile has been shown in field trials. for example, when intermediate levels of sterility were imposed on wild populations of ...200212220168
risk assessment for release of genetically modified organisms: a virus to reduce the fertility of introduced wild mice, mus domesticus.risk assessment is a key task in developing genetically modified organisms (gmos) intended for release into the environment. a risk assessment protocol is described, focusing on genetically modified biological control agents intended to reduce fertility in mammalian pests. the protocol is being applied to development of an immunocontraceptive murine cytomegalovirus vaccine intended to reduce the frequency and extent of costly troublesome plagues of introduced house mice, mus domesticus, in south ...200212220167
ecological basis for fertility control in the house mouse (mus domesticus) using immunocontraceptive vaccines.laboratory studies confirm the potential for fertility control in the house mouse mus domesticus using mouse cytomegalovirus (mcmv) as a vector for an immunocontraceptive vaccine. this article presents an overview of key results from research in australia on enclosed and field populations of mice and the associated epidemiology of mcmv. the virus is geographically widespread in australia. it also persists in low population densities of mice, although if population densities are low for at least ...200212220162
dominance, plasma testosterone levels, and testis size in house mice artificially selected for high activity levels.male house mice (mus domesticus) from four replicate lines selectively bred for high voluntary wheel-running behavior were compared with four random-bred control lines with respect to dominance, testis size, and plasma testosterone level. behavior was measured with a tube apparatus in which focal mice encountered a standard opponent from an inbred strain, and positions of mice were scored over a 10-min period; the test was replicated the following day. blood samples were taken from undisturbed m ...200212213499
contact zones between chromosomal races of mus musculus domesticus. 3. molecular and chromosomal evidence of restricted gene flow between the cd race (2n = 22) and the acr race (2n = 24).the contact zone between the ancarano (acr; 2n = 24) and cittaducale (cd; 2n = 22) races of mus musculus domesticus was studied. we used chromosomes and mitochondrial dna (mtdna) sequences of the control region as genetic markers to detect introgression between races. in total, 76 mice were trapped at 17 localities. cytogenetic analysis was performed on 73 mice. a segment of the control region (468 bp) was sequenced in 41 specimens. the two races are distributed parapatrically and the contact zo ...200212209393
epizootiology of syphacia obvelata from a domestic mouse population on the subantarctic kerguelen archipelago.the effects of abundance, age, and sex of feral domestic mice mus musculus domesticus on infections with the nematode parasite syphacia obvelata were analyzed during a long-term study of the mouse population on guillou island (1.45 km2), a part of the subantarctic kerguelen archipelago. the population dynamics of the nematode did not follow the variation in host abundance. however, depending on the year, differences in pinworm abundance were found between the age classes and sex. such patterns s ...200212197108
antioxidant gene expression in active and sedentary house mice (mus domesticus) selected for high voluntary wheel-running behavior.we present liver mrna levels of the two antioxidant enzymes catalase (cat) and mn-superoxide dismutase (sod2) in four treatment groups of house mice assayed by rnase protection at 20 months of age. these groups were mice from four replicate selection and four replicate control lines from the sixteenth generation of selective breeding for high voluntary wheel running, housed with or without running wheels from age 3 weeks through 20 months. exercising control females had induced cat expression; s ...200212196416
hantaan virus infection causes an acute neurological disease that is fatal in adult laboratory mice.hantaan virus, the etiological agent of korean hemorrhagic fever, is transmitted to humans from persistently infected mice (apodemus agrarius), which serve as the primary reservoir. here we demonstrate that several strains of adult mus musculus domesticus (c57bl/6, balb/c, akr/j, and sjl/j) were susceptible to hantaan virus infection when infected intraperitoneally. first clinical signs were loss of weight, ruffled fur, and reduced activity, which were followed by neurological symptoms, such as ...200212163608
evolution of a small-muscle polymorphism in lines of house mice selected for high activity study the correlated evolution of locomotor behavior and exercise physiology, we conducted an artificial selection experiment. from the outbred hsd:icr strain of mus domesticus, we began eight separate lines, each consisting of 10 breeding pairs. in four of the lines, we used within-family selection to increase voluntary wheel running. the remaining four lines were random-bred (within lines) to serve as controls. various traits have been monitored to test for correlated responses. here, we re ...200212144025
the gene for ciliary neurotrophic factor (cntf) maps to murine chromosome 19 and its expression is not affected in the hereditary motoneuron disease 'wobbler' of the mouse.the cdna for ciliary neurotrophic factor (cntf), a polypeptide involved in the survival of motoneurons in mammals, has recently been cloned (stöckli et al., nature, 342, 920 - 923, 1989; lin et al., science, 246, 1023 - 1025, 1989). we have now localized the corresponding gene cntf to chromosome 19 in the mouse, using an interspecific cross between mus spretus and mus musculus domesticus. the latter was carrying the gene wobbler (wr) for spinal muscular atrophy. dna was prepared from backcross i ...199112106247
scaling of rotational inertia in murine rodents and two species of lizard.because the force required to rotate a body about an axis is directly proportional to its rotational inertia about the axis, it is likely that animals with high rotational inertia would be constrained in their turning abilities. given that rotational inertia scales with mass(1.67) in geometrically similar animals, whereas the ability to apply torque scales with mass(1.00), larger animals would be expected to have more difficulty turning than smaller animals of similar shape. to determine how rot ...200212089217
foraging behavioural changes induced by conspecific and heterosubspecific odours in two strains of wild mice.mice in wild populations of the two subspecies mus musculus domesticus and mus musculus musculus may potentially compete for food. because of the importance of olfaction in mice, we hypothesised that the presence of unfamiliar conspecific or heterosubspecific chemical cues could play a role in access to and use of food resources. we used an experimental design that tested this assumption with males from two strains, originated from wild populations of these subspecies, as subjects. exploratory a ...200212044688
neural critical bands and inhibition in the auditory midbrain of the house mouse (mus domesticus). 200211998757
chiasma repatterning across a chromosomal hybrid zone between chromosomal races of mus musculus domesticus.chiasma number and distribution were analysed in male house mice from a karyotypic hybrid zone between the cd race (2n = 22) and the standard race (2n = 40) located in central italy. chiasma repatterning occurs across the transect. the overall trend produces a diminution of chiasmata in the mice with cd chromosomal background. the progressive reduction of chiasmata indicates that genes could pass from one race to another in an asymmetrical way: from metacentric races to the standard population.200211990757
[natural hybridization between 2 sympatric species of mice, mus musculus domesticus l. and mus spretus lataste].using protein loci and dna markers, we show by a multilocus genetic analysis that certain populations of the two sympatric mouse species mus musculus domesticus and mus spretus show clear signs of partial introgression. given the sterility of f1 males and the known partial genetic incompatibilities between the genomes of the two species, our finding does not invalidate the biological species complex, but allows to think that very limited genetic exchanges remain possible even long after the dive ...200211980180
respiratory mechanics in mice: strain and sex specific assess the contribution of genetic background to respiratory mechanics, we developed a ventilator unit to measure lung function parameters in the mouse. we studied two commonly used inbred mice strains originating from mus musculus domesticus (c57bl/6 and c3heb/fej) and a third strain derived from mus musculus molossinus [japanese fancy mouse 1 (jf1)]. the ventilator allows for accurate performance of the different breathing manoeuvres required for measuring in- and expiratory reserve capacit ...200211942924
genomic organization of the mouse src gene. sequencing of src introns revealed a new chromosome 2 microsatellite marker.ten introns interrupting the coding sequence of the mouse src protooncogene were sequenced (in total 11260 bp) and their general characteristics compared with the homologous genes in human and chicken. while the study of genome organization of the src gene was performed only in the inbred mouse strain balb/chea (mus musculus domesticus), one special region in the intron 5 was also sequenced in additional mouse strains (m. musculus musculus and m. spretus), because the discovered ca and gt repeat ...200211871859
maternal-care behavior and life-history traits in house mice (mus domesticus) artificially selected for high voluntary wheel-running test the hypothesis that selective breeding for high voluntary wheel running negatively affects maternal performance in house mice, we observed maternal behavior and compared litter size and mass, in replicate lines of selected (n=4) and control (n=4) mice from generations 20 and 21 of an artificial selection experiment. at generation 21, selected-line females ran 2.8-times more revolutions per day than females from random-bred control lines, when tested at approximately 6 weeks of age as par ...200211864774
selection for high voluntary wheel-running increases speed and intermittency in house mice (mus domesticus).in nature, many animals use intermittent rather than continuous locomotion. in laboratory studies, intermittent exercise regimens have been shown to increase endurance compared with continuous exercise. we hypothesized that increased intermittency has evolved in lines of house mice (mus domesticus) that have been selectively bred for high voluntary wheel-running (wheel diameter 1.12 m) activity. after 23 generations, female mice from four replicate selection lines ran 2.7 times more revolutions ...200111815655
[isolation of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus from human individuals].the activity of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (lcmv) in argentina has been previously reported on the basis of serological evidence in rodents and humans and the isolation of only one strain of lcmv from a mus domesticus captured in the province of córdoba. the aim of this paper was to register patients with serological diagnosis of lcm, to isolate and to identify human strains of lcmv in argentina. during the last 19 years, 15 cases were diagnosed as lcm by immunoflourescent indirect assay ...200111808424
food consumption and body composition in mice selected for high wheel-running activity.the effects of genetic selection for high wheel running (13th generation) and prolonged access (8 weeks) to running wheels on food consumption and body composition were studied in house mice (mus domesticus). mice from four replicate lines selected for high wheel-running activity ran over twice as many revolutions per day on activity wheels as did mice from four replicate control lines. at approximately 49 days of age, all mice were placed individually in cages with access to wheels and monitore ...200111765974
sry promoters from domesticus (tirano) and c57bl/6 mice function similarly in embryos and adult animals.introduction of the y chromosome from a mus musculus domesticus (tirano) subspecies into the mus musculus musculus c57bl/6 (b6) inbred strain background results in sex reversal in xy offspring. it has been hypothesized that the domesticus testis-determining y (tdy) locus is misregulated in b6 genome, thereby impairing sex determination in b6.y(dom) animals. the identification of a gene in the sex-determining region on the y chromosome (sry) as the tdy has provided a means to experimentally exami ...200111748612
individual recognition in mice mediated by major urinary proteins.the ability to recognize individuals is essential to many aspects of social behaviour, such as the maintenance of stable social groups, parent-offspring or mate recognition, inbreeding avoidance and the modulation of competitive relationships. odours are a primary mediator of individuality signals among many mammals. one source of odour complexity in rodents, and possibly in humans, resides in the highly polymorphic major histocompatibility complex (mhc). the olfactory acuity of mice and rats al ...200111740558
the effects of robertsonian fusions on chiasma frequency and distribution in the house mouse (mus musculus domesticus) from a hybrid zone in northern scotland.chiasma frequency and distribution were studied in male mus musculus domesticus from the john o'groats-standard chromosomal hybrid zone in northern scotland. individuals of the john o'groats race (2n=32; homozygous for the robertsonian fusions 4.10, 6.13, 9.12 and 11.14) and the standard race (2n=40, all telocentric), and hybrids with various karyotypes, were examined. chiasma frequency was significantly negatively correlated with the number of robertsonian configurations in the meiotic cell. th ...200111737277
differential sensitivity to acute administration of cocaine, gbr 12909, and fluoxetine in mice selectively bred for hyperactive wheel-running study the neural basis of genetic hyperactivity, we measured acute drug responses of mice (mus domesticus) from four replicate lines that had been selectively bred (23-24 generations) for increased running-wheel activity.200111702085
open-field behavior of house mice selectively bred for high voluntary behavioral assays are commonly used to test both locomotor activity and emotionality in rodents. we performed open-field tests on house mice (mus domesticus) from four replicate lines genetically selected for high voluntary wheel-running for 22 generations and from four replicate random-bred control lines. individual mice were recorded by video camera for 3 min in a 1-m2 open-field arena on 2 consecutive days. mice from selected lines showed no statistical differences from control mic ...200111699603
the quantitative genetics of maximal and basal rates of oxygen consumption in mice.a positive genetic correlation between basal metabolic rate (bmr) and maximal (vo(2)max) rate of oxygen consumption is a key assumption of the aerobic capacity model for the evolution of endothermy. we estimated the genetic (v(a), additive, and v(d), dominance), prenatal (v(n)), and postnatal common environmental (v(c)) contributions to individual differences in metabolic rates and body mass for a genetically heterogeneous laboratory strain of house mice (mus domesticus). our breeding design did ...200111560903
molecular studies on the colonization of the madeiran archipelago by house study the colonization history of the house mouse (mus musculus domesticus) on the madeiran archipelago, complete mitochondrial d-loop sequences were obtained for 44 individuals from madeira, porto santo and ilhas desertas. altogether, 19 d-loop haplotypes were identified which formed part of a single clade in a phylogeny incorporating haplotypes from elsewhere in the range of m. m. domesticus, indicating that the madeiras were colonized from a single source. similarities between the sequence ...200111555245
c57bl/6j-t-associated sex reversal in mice is caused by reduced expression of a mus domesticus sry allele.c57bl/6j-t-associated sex reversal (b6-tas) in xy mice results in ovarian development and involves (1) hemizygosity for tas, a gene located in the region of chromosome 17 deleted in t(hp) and t(orl), (2) homozygosity for one or more b6-derived autosomal genes, and (3) the presence of the akr y chromosome. here we report results from experiments designed to investigate the y chromosome component of this sex reversal. testis development was restored in b6 t(orl)/+ xy(akr) mice carrying a mus muscu ...200111514455
reproductive changes in fluctuating house mouse populations in southeastern mice (mus domesticus) in the victorian mallee region of southeastern australia show irregular outbreaks. changes in reproductive output that could potentially drive changes in mouse numbers were assessed from 1982 to 2000. litter size in females is positively correlated with body size. when standardized to an average size female, litter size changes seasonally from highest in spring to lowest in autumn and winter. litter size is depressed throughout breeding seasons that begin when the abu ...200111506689
rodents and leptospira transmission risk in terceira island (azores).the role of rodents as leptospira renal carriers in terceira island was evaluated (1993-1995) through kidney culture and serology [microscopic aglutination test (mat)] of 94 mice and rats. fifty-nine animals were positive (n = 41 by serology + culturing; n = 11 serology; n = 7 culturing), presenting a wide distribution in man-made and natural areas. house mice had the highest bacteriological (82.9%) and serological (90.9%) rates, being strictly related to serovar arborea. black rats were involve ...200011484805
low levels of sry transcripts cannot be the sole cause of b6-y(tir) sex reversal.sry, a single-copy gene on the y-chromosome, triggers the fetal gonad to begin testis differentiation in mammals. on the other hand, mutation or absence of sry results in ovary differentiation and the female phenotype. however, cases of xy sex reversal in the presence of wild-type sry exist in mice and man. one such example is the b6-y(tir) mouse, whose autosomes and x-chromosome are from the c57bl/6j mouse (an inbred strain of mus musculus molossinus), whereas the y-chromosome is from a mus mus ...200111353512
patterns of infection by salmonella and yersinia spp. in commensal house mouse (mus musculus domesticus) populations.this study sought to examine the risk posed by house mice transmitting pathogens to livestock on typical mixed-agriculture farms in the uk.200111348436
female preference for male saliva: implications for sexual isolation of mus musculus subspecies.we studied the effects of a single genetic change on a complex mammalian behavior using animals congenic for two variants of abpa, the gene for the alpha subunit of mouse salivary androgen-binding protein (abp), in two-way preference tests. females exhibited a preference for investigating salivas of males of their own genetic type of abp but not for urines of either type of male. this preference behavior is consistent for samples of mice from geographically diverse populations of mus musculus do ...200111327170
gallegostrongylus australis n. sp. (nematoda: angiostrongylidae) from muridae in australia, with zoogeographical considerations.gallegostrongylus australis n. sp. (nematoda: angiostrongylidae) is described from subpleural nodules in the lungs of rattus fuscipes, r. lutreolus and mus domesticus in australia. it is distinguished from g. andersoni occurring in gerbillids in west africa by the shorter lengths of spicules and gubernaculum, and from g. ibicensis occurring in microtids and murids in spain by the greater lengths of spicules and gubernaculum and the shorter distances from vulva and from anus to the caudal extremi ...200111304950
clinal analysis of a chromosomal hybrid zone in the house mouse.these studies centre on the 'barcelona' karyotypic race of the western house mouse (mus musculus domesticus), first described by adolph & klein (1981). this is one of many races within m. m. domesticus characterized by metacentric chromosomes that have originated by repeated robertsonian fusions, with perhaps further modification by whole-arm reciprocal translocations. data on 111 mice from 20 sites show that the race is centred 24 km to the west of barcelona city and has a homozygous metacentri ...200111279829
urine marking and social dominance in male house mice (mus musculus domesticus).house mice use urine marking for a variety of forms of social communication. urine marking varies with dominance status; socially dominant male house mice urine mark more than those that are socially subordinate. experiment i was designed to confirm this previous finding. experiment ii was designed to test whether urine marking, measured prior to testing males for aggression, could be used to predict social dominance. mice were tested for urine marking in 20 cmx40 cm rectangular cages with filte ...200111254998
Displaying items 301 - 400 of 791