
[effect of guanidine dderivatives on choline acetylase and acetylcholinesterase of the rabbit brain].the effects of 14 guanidino compounds on the activity of rabbit brain choline acetyltransferase (cat) and acetylcholine esterase (ace) have been studied, comparatively with that of pentylentetrazol. no guanidino compound examined nor pentylentetrazol had an effect on cat activity. 4 of them showed a moderate inhibitory effect on ace, of the same order of magnitude as that of pentylentetrazol, but significantly lower than that of the specific inhibitors eserine and mytelase.1977148952
changes in the pause in muscle spindle discharge during a sequence of twitches. 1978149014
[pharmacological properties of adonis sibir and a. vernalis growing in bashkiria].animal tests have evidenced that adonis sibir, whose glucoside composition is close to that of adonis vernalis, exerts cardiotonic, diuretic and sedative action. the activity of adonis sibir, growing in bashkiria, meets requirements of the state pharmacopea x for adonis vernalis. by comparison with the latter adonis sibir. displays more pronounced sedative properties, is less cumulative, is absorbed at a slower rate on its enteral introduction and produces a greater slowing down of the cardiac r ...1978149022
projection of single knee flexor ia fibers to homonymous and heteronymous motoneurons. 1978149185
the major metabolite of phenytoin (dilantin) induces gingival overgrowth in cats. 1978149199
site on inhibition of the spino-bulbo-spinal reflex on stimulation of the anterior lobe of the cerebellum.the effect of stimulation of the anterior lobe (al) of the cerebellum on spinobulbo-spinal (sbs) reflex activity evoked by somatic and splanchnic afferentation was studied in chloralose-anaesthetized cats. unit activity synchronous with the sbs component of the efferent discharge was observed at the level of motoneurons, descending axons of the dorsolateral and ventral funiculi and neurones of the reticular formation (rf). conditioning stimulation of the al inhibited this unit activity. reticula ...1978149318
is pump stimulation associated with positive inotropy of the heart?a purified sodium and potassium dependent adenosinetriphosphatase isolated from cat heart was not stimulated by any concentration of ouabain that produced positive inotropy of cat papilliary muscle. only inhibition of enzyme activity was observed. concentrations of ouabain used ranged from 3.3 x 10(-10) molar to 5 x 10(-7) molar and produced an increased force of contraction without any evidence of toxicity. the results are inconsistent with a concept that stimulation of sodium pump activity is ...1978149369
[proprioception of the extraocular muscle--a review and recent findings (author's transl)]. 1978149493
recovery of myosin atpase after relief of pressure-overload hypertrophy and failure. 1978149505
[effect of para-chlorophenylalanine and 5-hydroxytryptophan on the caudate nucleus in cats].in unrestrained cats parachlorophenylalanine, an inhibitor of serotonin synthesis, increased the thresholds of the contraversive reaction and arrest reaction accompanied by spindle-waves in the sensory-motor cortex in the stimulation of the rostro-ventral areas of the caudate nucleus. the reactions evoked from the dorso-medial areas of the head and the body of the nucleus changed differently. on the contrary, 5-hydroxytryptophane, serotonin precursor, increased most of the indices of the caudate ...1978149572
ionic basis of the receptor potential in primary endings of mammalian muscle spindles.the effect of changing the ionic composition of bathing fluid on the receptor potential of primary endings has been examined in isolated mammalian spindles whose capsule was removed in the sensory region. after impulse activity is blocked by tetrodotoxin, ramp-and-hold stretch evokes a characteristic pattern of potential change consisting of a greater dynamic depolarization during the ramp phase and a smaller static depolarization during the hold phase. after a high-velocity ramp there is a tran ...1978149839
the projection of jaw elevator muscle spindle afferents to fifth nerve motoneurones in the cat.1. by spike-triggered averaging of intracellular synaptic noise it has been shown in pentobarbitone anaesthetized cats that jaw elevator muscle spindle afferents with their cell bodies in the mid-brain have a relatively weak monosynaptic projection to masseter and temporalis motoneurones. 2. extending the spike-triggered averaging method to recording extracellular excitatory field potentials it has been shown that virtually all the spindles do project monosynaptically to the motoneurone pool. it ...1978149860
endotoxin fever in para-chlorophenylalanine (pcpa) treated newborn guinea pigs and kittens. 1978149886
[spontaneous activity of the passive muscle spindles of the cat triceps surae].in a slack deeferented m. triceps surae about 45% of 400 stretch receptors under study have a spontaneous discharge. the following facts indicated that some intrafusal fibres in the slack muscles are presumably in the prestretch state: 1) the isotonic contraction of the muscle diminished or abolished the spontaneous discharge; 2) at the beginning of the stretch of the slack muscle the initial slowing in the discharge frequency of the unit sometimes appeared; this slowing did not depend on the ty ...1978149927
lesions in the cat spinal cord following local injections of 6-aminonicotinamide.lesions were made in the spinal cord of cats by means of local injections of 6-aminonicotinamide. the concentration needed to induce primary demyelination also caused extensive axonal death. in the early stages following injection there was evidence of astrocyte and oligodendrocyte destruction and with longer survival times most of the surviving demyelinated axons were remyelinated by schwann cells. this experimental system indicates that schwann cell remyelination of central axons follows astro ...1978150011
proprioceptive innervation of the external cremaster muscle of some domestic mammals.the proprioceptive innervation of the external cremaster muscle of some domestic animals was studied. muscle spindles and tendon organs with their well-known features were found, but this finding was uncommon and unexpected in the investigated animals. for this reason, we believe that there is no relationship between the presence of these proprioceptors and the cremasteric reflex.1978150191
histochemical fiber composition of lumbar back muscles in the cat.a histochemical analysis has been performed of the activity of myofibrillar atpase, nadh2tetrazolium-reductase, succinic dehydrogenase and phosphorylase and of the content of fat and glycogen in the muscles of the cat's lumbar back region. the correlation between the fiber composition and the previously studied contraction properties of the muscles was analyzed. all muscles contain fibers with a low activity (type i) and such with a high activity (type ii) of myofibrillar atpase following preinc ...1978150195
atopy to dander from domestic animals.atopy to dander from domestic animals occurs rather frequently in atopic patients, especially danders from the cat, guinea-pig, horse, rabbit, and golden hamster. there is no clear sex difference. the age group in which the phenomenon is found most frequently is from 21 to 30 years. as in hay-fever patients during the season, we found a double-peaked frequency curve for the blood eosinophilia. animal-dander atopy was diagnosed particularly in patients with asthma and/or with atopic eczema. the s ...1978150218
[muscle relaxation and muscle spindle adaptation].in experiments on deefferented m. triceps surae of the cats, the unequal correlation between speed of muscle relaxation during interval from 2.5 to 40 sec after the beginning of static stretch and the rate of adaptation of three functionally different groups of muscle spindles, was revealed. the dependence of the adaptation of muscle spindle endings on relaxation of both extra-and intrafusal muscle fibers, is discussed.1978150339
[participation of muscle spindles in the mechanism of peripheral inhibition].a relaxed deefferented muscle of an anesthetized cat has spindles with long-lasting impulse activity. the receptors with spontaneous activity are more sensitive to an alteration in the muscle condition than inactive ones. stimulation of the muscle nerve entails inhibition of discharges not only in the spindles of a contracting muscle but in spontaneously active receptors of the synergic muscles which do not actively contract. the conditions for inhibition of spontaneous activity of the synergic ...1978150340
[functional state of muscle receptors in experimental hypocalcemia].removal of the parathyroid glands induced hypocalcemia in cats and sharply increased the spontaneous and the evoked activities of primary and secondary endings of muscle spindles. i. v. administration of calcium chloride diminished the firing rate in control and experimental animals both in the dynamic and the static phases of stretching. the increased activity of muscle spindles seems to be of major importance for the development of motor disturbances during the parathyroid insufficiency.1978150341
fusimotor actions on sensitivity of spindle secondary endings to slow muscle stretch in cat peroneus tertius. 1978150458
thiamine deficiency encephalopathy in a specific-pathogen-free cat colony.thiamine deficiency encephalopathy occurred in a specific-pathogen-free cat colony where the diet consisted exclusively of commercially canned diet. this product was described by the manufacturer as a complete diet for cats. the clinical diagnosis was confirmed by the demonstration of bilaterally symmetrical hemorrhage and microvascular fibrinoid necrosis in the brain and low erythrocyte transketolase levels. treatment of clinically ill cats with vitamin b complex was followed by recovery within ...1978150472
blood-brain barrier enzyme activity in experimental cerebral edema by hypoxia-hypercapnia. 1978150638
[distribution of 1-14c palmitic acid in brain tissue after intraventricular injection in the conscious cat].the distribution of (1-14c) palmitic acid in the brain tissue following the injection into the cerebral ventricles of conscious cats was investigated. the radioactive material was found in the brain tissue surrounding the cerebral ventricles and in the cerebral cortex, but in varying amounts : the smallest amounts were found in the cerebral cortex, while the highest in the thalamus and in the hippocampus. radioactive material was also found in the peripheral venous blood. the amount of the radio ...1978150906
[metabolism of (1-14c)-palmitic acid in the cat's brain].following injection into the cerebral ventricles of conscious cats, (1-14c) palmitic acid was rapidly taken up and incorporated into a variety of brain lipids. the peak of uptake of (1-14c) palmitic acid, about 50% of injected radioactive material, into the brain tissue was obtained within the first 24 h following its administration. thereafter, the radioactivity slowly decreased reaching the least value by the end of the second week. the most heavily labelled lipids were the phospholipids, whil ...1978150916
[sensory innervation of the gastro-intestinal junction: new electrophysiological, histological and histochemical data].the sensory innervation of the small intestine was studied in the cat with electrophysiological, histological and histochemical techniques. thanks to the histochemical technique (peroxydase method) the exact number and proportion of splanchnic and vagal fibres was determined : the latter being about 9 times more numerous than the former. on the other hand the exact position of the corresponding cells was defined in the nodose and spinal ganglia by means of the previous technique and the microele ...1978150918
the different respiratory effects of inspiratory and expiratory stimulations of the carotid sinus nerve and carotid body. 1978151500
[search for new antidepolarizing muscle relaxants and the 1st experience with their clinical use]. 1978151518
metabolism and distribution of exogenous histamine in cats.1 the metabolism and disposition in blood and tissues of exogenous [(14)c]-histamine was examined in cats.2 the principal metabolites in blood of histamine instilled into the small intestine (directly or by transfer from the stomach) and colon were imidazoleacetic acid and t-methylimidazoleacetic acid, being present in approximately equal amounts although in individual cats one or other acid could predominate. only small amounts of histamine entered the circulation although in two of four cats g ...1978151568
evidence for electrogenic pumping in cat muscle spindle. 1978151579
projection from area 3a to the motor cortex by neurons activated from group i muscle afferents.two receiving areas in the pericruciate cortex are known for inputs from group i muscle afferents of forelimb nerves. one focus is near the postcruciate dimple of area 3a, and the other in the lateral sigmoid gyrus of the motor cortex (area 4gamma). the cortico-cortical projection of area 3a to 4gamma, and the relay by this projection of group i muscle afferent input to the motor cortex were investigated in cats. the following results were obtained. 1. seventy-four neurons within area 3a were an ...1978151631
[epidemiological characteristics of microsporosis caused by microsporum canis]. 1978152027
[the role of cerebral serial scintigraphy within the noninvasive diagnosis of cerebral diseases (author's transl)].based on findings obtained from 442 patients with various cerebral diseases by comparative evaluation of cerebral serial scintigraphy (css) and cranial axial compouted transmission tomography (t-cat), a scheme is introduced which illustrates reasonable employment of css in combination with t-cat in patients presumed to have (a) "intracranial tumor", (b) "cerebrovascular disease" or (c) "unspecific symptoms". concerning group (a), t-cat should primarily be employed; as to groups (b) and (c), css ...1978152264
morphological and biochemical correlates of skeletal muscle contractility in the cat. ii. physiological and biochemical studies.isometric twitch characteristics and biochemical parameters of isolated myosin and sarcoplasmic reticulum have been compared in three cat hind limb muscles. the fast twitch caudofemoralis and the slow twitch soleus are almost pure muscles as judged from histochemical studies. isolated myosin from the caudofemoralis is not only 2- to 3-fold higher in its atpase activities than that of the soleus, but also in non-dissociated forms has greater electrophoretic mobility than the soleus myosin. purifi ...1978152319
the nerve supply of mammalian muscle spindles. 1978152405
[frequencygrams due to the stimulation of dynamic gamma axons exerting type ii effects].frequencygrams are graphs giving indirect information on the contraction of intrafusal muscle fibres. frequencygrams of cat spindle primary endings (flexor hallucis longus, soleus and peroneus brevis muscles) were recorded during repetitive stimulation of dynamic gamma axons exerting type ii effects. the features of these frequencygrams (periodic increments whose frequency is equal to that of the stimulation and "driving") show that they can be ascribed to a relatively strong and fast intrafusal ...1978152676
spindle afferent discharge during normal and obstructed movements in cats [proceedings]. 1978152809
histological analysis of cat muscle spindles following direct observation of the effects of stimulating dynamic and static motor axons.1. eleven cat tenuissimus spindles have been analysed mainly by cutting serial, transverse, 1 micrometer thick sections following direct observation of the effects of dynamic motor (gamma or beta) stimulation. 2. histological results from these spindles were also used to interpret the effects of static fusimotor stimulation of other spindles. 3. dynamic motor stimulation usually produced contractions seen as convergent movements of sarcomeres in single bag fibres, identified as bag1 fibres for r ...1978152810
trichloroacetamidines, a new class of positive inotropic agents.a series of trichloroacetamidine derivatives, obtained by addition of amines to trichloroacetonitrile, was evaluated for positive inotropic activity on isolated cat heart papillary muscles. increased contractility, not antagonized by beta-adrenergic blockade with sotalol or reserpine pretreatment, was observed in this assay with a variety of n-substituted trichloroacetamidine derivatives. more extensive pharmacological studies with the 3-indolylmethyl analogue 2 showed that this amidine in dogs, ...1978152813
bulbospinal tryptaminergic neurones. a search for the role of bulbospinal tryptaminergic neurones in the control of sympathetic activity.1. the possible role of bulbospinal tryptaminergic neurones in the control of sympathetic activity has been investigated in anaesthetised cats. 2. depletion of spinal cord stores of 5-hydroxytryptamine was achieved by systemic administration of p-chlorophenylalanine or by intraspinal microinjections of 5,6-dihydroxytryptamine. 3. blood pressure was little changed by these treatments, neither was the pattern of ongoing activity in sympathetic nerves (arterial pulse rhythmicity and respiratory mod ...1978152900
[effect of electro-acupuncture on the response of the trigeminal nucleus evoked by electric stimulation of dental pulp in the cat].the potential in the spinal trigeminal nucleus evoked by electrical tooth pulp stimulation is depressed by electro-acupuncture given to the acupuncture point in the course of the nerve innervating the stimulated tooth.1978153194
[most often used methods for evoking experimental cardiomegaly]. 1978153209
metabolic and contractile changes in fast and slow muscles of the cat after glucocorticoid-induced atrophy. 1978153233
[receptor adaptation of muscle spindles treated in different ways].comparison of the grades of 60 sensitive muscle spindle terminals on two actions: gradual stretch of the muscle and short intensive tetanization of the muscle nerve, showed that, irrespective of the mode of action, the character of adaptation remains the smae in majority of units. the speed of receptors adaptation depends not on the specific of testing precedures, but, apparently, on the means of connection of the sensitive terminals with different types of intrafusal muscle fibers with differen ...1978153244
[retinal neovascularizations...]. 1978153361
the action of joint and secondary muscle-spindle afferents on dynamic gamma-motoneurones of the cat triceps surae muscle [proceedings]. 1978153397
the distribution of golgi tendon organs and muscle spindles in masseter and temporalis muscles of the cat. 1978153483
a review of muscle transplantation in mammals.recent research in the field of mammalian muscle transplantation is reviewed with respect to the typical postoperative course of a free muscle graft. several questions of clinical relevance are discussed, such as 1) whether or not predenervation of a muscle graft is necessary, 2) the issue of survival vs. regeneration of muscle fibres within the graft, and 3) whether or not a muscle must be grafted as an intact anatomical unit. in addition problems of neuromuscular relations are discussed.1978153534
chronic polyelectromyography in awake, unrestrained animals.a procedure is described for making an implantable electrode array for recording emg activity in muscles of awake, unrestrained animals (rats and cats) at rest, during rhythmic activity and in response to various reflexogenic stimuli. the electrode array consists of a percutaneous connector (covered with dow-corning silastic medical adhesive), steel wire spiral leads contained in silicone tubing and silicone plate probes with platinum electrodes. these plate probes can be fixed either to the bon ...1978153542
[extrafusal muscle fibers, their types and biological characteristics]. 1978153739
characteristics of active na transport in intact cardiac active na transport maintains the na and k concentration gradients across the cell membrane of many cells and restores them following excitation. heart muscle cells display frequent electrical discharges and thus the cardiac na pump is of fundamental functional significance. some methods for studying active na transport are described. the active na efflux from heart muscle cells is activated by an increase in the intracellular na and the extracellular k concentration. the linkage between acti ...1979154300
excitation of dynamic fusimotor neurones of the cat triceps surae by contralateral joint afferents. 1979154358
some observations on responses evoked by pinna stimulation in efferent and afferent fibres innervating hind limb muscle spindles of the rat. 1979154408
[effects of a new psychotropic agent, cs-430, on the central nervous system of experimental animals (author's transl)].in rats and rabbits with chronically implanted electrodes cs-430(10-bromo-2, 3, 7, 11b-tetrahydro--11b-(2-fluorophenyl)-oxazolo(3, 2d) [1, 4]benzodiazepine-6(5h)-one) (3 mg/kg, .o.) decreased the slightly awake period and increased the slow-wave sleep period. the onset time of sleep was significantly shortened. in the rat pre-treated with p-chlorophenylalaine (500 mg/kg, p.o.), the awake period was remarkable increased and the slow wave sleep period was considerably decreased at 48 hours after t ...1978154438
activity patterns in individual hindlimb primary and secondary muscle spindle afferents during normal movements in unrestrained cats.1. chronically implanted microelectrode wires in the l7 and s1 dorsal root ganglia were used to record unit activity from cat hindlimb primary and secondary muscle spindle afferents. units could be reliably recorded for several days, permitting comparison of their activity with homonymous muscle emg and length during a variety of normal, unrestrained movements. 2. the general observation was that among both primary and secondary endings there was a broad range of different patterns of activity d ...1979154557
physiological properties of muscle spindles in dorsal neck muscles of the cat.1. single-fiber recording was used to examine the properties of 107 spindle endings in cat biventer cervicis (bc) and complexus (cm) muscles. responses of receptors were examined following muscle contraction and ramp and hold stretch. twenty-two endings in splenius (sp) were also examined, but their responses could not be quantitated because the anatomy of sp prevented the application of appropriate stretches. 2. conduction velocitites of spindle afferents ranged from 13 to 90 m/s. endings with ...1979154558
typical sympathetic noradrenergic endings in a muscle spindle of the cat [proceedings]. 1978154565
electrophysiological studies with a new anti-depressant drug: comparison of the effects of viloxazine (ici 58,834) with three tricyclic anti-depressants in the encéphale isolé. 1978154621
vertebrate fusimotor neurones and their influences on motor behavior. 1978154690
effects of sympathetic catecholamines (adrenaline and noradrenaline), injected intra-arterially, on the myotatic reflex activity of the quadriceps muscle in decerebrate cat. 1978154910
histophysiological observations on fast skeleto-fusimotor three instances, repetitive stimulation of a single fast skeleto-fusimotor axon supplying cat tenuissimus muscle was observed to activate a secondary ending belonging to a precisely located spindle. prolonged repetitive stimulation of these beta-axons elicited glycogen depletion in the intrafusal muscle fibres of the located spindles and in extrafusal fibres. the intrafusal depletion affected the longest of the chain fibres in two instances, and the bag1 and bag2 fibres in the third instance. ...1979154938
[ventrobulbular hypotensive action of muscimol].muscimol, a rigid analogue of gaba has been injected in the cns of urethane anesthetized, normotensive cats. injected either intracisternally (1 or 2 microgram/kg, 0.05 ml) or directly by microinjection in a restricted ventrolateral region of the brain stem (0.5 or 1 microgram/kg, 0.5 microliter), muscimol induced hypotension and bradycardia. these central cardiovascular effects of muscimol were antagonized by bicuculline, a "specific" gaba antagonist agent. these data emphasize the involvement ...1978154957
the utilization of ornithine and citrulline by the growing kitten.previous experiments have demonstrated that cats fed an arginine free purified amino acid diet (-arg) could be protected from hyperammonemia by the inclusion of ornithine in the diet. experiments reported here show that diets containing ornithine added at an equimolar (+orn) or five times equimolar (+5 orn) to replace arginine in the +arg basal diet (2.0% arg . hcl), were incapable of maintenance of body weight. growing kittens fed a -arg +orn and -arg +5 orn diets had a daily rate of body weigh ...1979155152
histochemical reactions of fibres in a fast twitch muscle of the cat.1. serial sections of flexor digitorum longus muscle (f.d.l.) of the cat were examined histochemically for four enzyme systems: adenosine triphosphatase (atpase) with alkaline and acid pre-incubation, phosphorylase and succinic dehydrogenase (sdhase).2. the number of types into which fibres should be divided was assessed by estimating enzyme reaction intensity from measurements of light transmission through photomicrographs. it was concluded that in general the enzyme reaction intensities of fib ...1979155159
muscle spindle discharge in normal and obstructed movements.1. the discharge activity of muscle spindle endings located in tail and hind limb muscles was recorded during voluntary movements in the cat. 2. during active shortening of the receptor-bearing muscles, both primary and secondary endings tended to fall silent. this was more pronounced, the higher the rate of muscle shortening. we suggest that in unobstructed movements in which muscle velocities exceed 0.2 resting lengths per second (lr/sec), the firing patterns of spindle afferents are dominated ...1979155160
a determination of static mechanical properties of intrafusal muscle in isolated cat muscle spindles. 1979155224
a study on the histologic structure of acupuncture points and types of fibers conveying needling sensation. 1979155514
an ultrastructural study of nerve terminal degeneration in muscle spindles of the tenuissimus muscle of the cat.muscle spindles in the tenuissimus muscle of the cat were studied between 12 and 168 h after cutting or freezing the nerve to this muscle. degenerative changes in sensory and motor nerve terminals on intrafusal muscle fibres were observed using the electron microscope. comparisons were made with spindles from unoperated or sham-operated cats. the earliest degenerative changes were seen in sensory and motor terminals at 20-24 h after the lesion. no nerve endings were seen by 114 h after denervati ...1979155729
the in vitro differentiation of cat sulcular epithelium. 1979155731
stereochemical preferences for curarimimetic neuromuscular junction blockade iv: monoquaternary ammonium probes possessing carbon and nitrogen asymmetry.two enantiomeric pairs of neuromuscular junction blocking agents were prepared in which an asymmetric carbon atom is adjacent to an asymmetric quaternized nitrogen moiety. the blocking agents were obtained from the enantiomers of laudanosine by stereoselective quaternization with benzyl and ethyl iodides. curarimimetic potencies were measured with an in vivo cat hypoglossal nerve-tongue muscle preparation. the studies suggest that the asymmetry present in these structures does not lead to signif ...1979155741
effects of parachlorophenylalanine and 5,6-dihydroxytryptamine on aggressive behaviour evoked by cholinomimetics and anticholinesterases injected into the cerebral ventricles of conscious cats. 1979155782
reticulospinal neurones with axons in the dorsal part of the lateral funiculus of the lumbar segments.the presence of reticulospinal axons in the dorsal part of the lateral funiculus (dlf) of the lumbar spinal cord segments was tested in chloralose-anaesthetized cats. in the medial part of the reticular formation, 59 units which gave antidromic responses to stimulation of the isolated dlf of segment l1--l3 were observed. the rate of their axonal conduction was 20--120 m/s. 62% of the units generated discharge activity in response to electrical stimulation of the skin of the trunk and/or the limb ...1979155825
role of the complement system in immunity and immunopathology. 1978155921
glomerulonephritis in dogs and cats. 1978155922
cardiac contractile proteins. adenosine triphosphatase activity and physiological function.this review has pointed out the good correlation frequently observed between atpase activity of various contractile protein preparations and contractile function of various muscles including the myocardium. some of the variables in the measurement of the various atpases and the relationship of these measurements to physiological atpase in the intact myofibril have been mentioned. the possible roles of changes in the light chains of sulfhydryl groups in the control of atpase activity have been ou ...1979156088
myosin adenosine triphosphatase activity in the volume-overloaded hypertrophied feline right ventricle. 1979156089
[action of polymethylene-bis-quaternary compounds on the muscarinic and nicotinic cholinoreceptors].the action of compounds with general formula (formula: see text) on the frog heart ventricle, cat blood pressure, guinea pig ileum and frog rectus abdominis was studied. with dioxolane radicals (type f-2268) a strong muscarinomimetic action on the cat arterial blood pressure and guinea pig ileum was observed, with maximum marked action at n = 10, which was more pronounced at an even than at odd number of methylene groups. on the frog heart the compounds with an odd number of "n" elicited an atro ...1979156125
[trigemino-motor reflexes]. 1979156134
effect of splenic nerve stimulation on the contents of noradrenaline, atp and sulphomucopolysaccharides in noradrenergic vesicle fractions from the cat order to assess the effect of splenic nerve stimulation on the contents of noradrenaline, atp and 35s-labelled compounds in noradrenergic vesicles from the spleen, experiments were carried out on the cat spleen in situ, its frontal portion being used as control. particulate fractions containing noradrenergic vesicles were isolated on ficoll gradient centrifugation of homogenates from both portions of the spleen. the cats received phenoxybenzamine (10 mg/kg) and imipramine (5 mg/kg) to inhibit ...1979156487
static and dynamic fusimotor action on the response of spindle primary endings to sinusoidal stretches in the cat. 1979156575
[spontaneous discharges of muscle receptors of different functional types].characteristics of discharges as well as presence or absence of spontaneous impulse activity (sia) were studied in 473 receptors of deafferented muscles in anesthetized cats. the sia was absent in majority of golgi's organs, pressor receptors, and in elementary dynamic and static receptors of muscle spindles. the sia probability is particularly high in spindle receptors of phasic-tonic type. absence or presence of the sia is one of criteria for identifying the type of receptors. among the univer ...1979156655
expiratory duration and abdominal muscle responses to elastic and resistive loading. 1979156713
the influence of the gamma system on cross-correlated activity of ia muscle spindles and its relation to information the decerebrate cat during static or slowly varying (less than 0.3 hz) muscle stretches, the activity of muscle spindle (ms) pairs was poorly correlated and such correlation was not changed after ventral root sectioning. with slightly faster sinusoidal stretches (0.3-20 hz) activity in pairs of ms was also poorly correlated. however, sectioning of the ventral roots produced preferential firing frequencies in the same muscle spindle pairs and increased their degree of correlation. the increase ...1979156885
ultrastructural observations on the tapetum lucidum fibrosum. 1979157086
[blastocyst implantation in the domestic cat. light and electron microscopic study]. 1979157087
concurrent feline immune-complex nephritis. tubular antigen-positive and renal amyloidosis.we describe tubular antigen-positive immune-complex nephritis in a case of feline renal amyloidosis. amyloid deposition was observed in mesangial area, and thickening of capillary walls was shown in the majority of the glomeruli. this case was also characterized with typical fluorescent granular depositions of cat igg and c3 along the glomerular capillary walls as seen in human membranous glomerulonephritis. the fluorescent pattern of tubular antigen was identical with that of igg and c3. electr ...1979157110
[proprioceptive feedback and temporal regulation in cats].temporal regulation in cats was studied using operant conditioning techniques; milk was delivered according to either a two-lever response duration schedule or a two-lever drl schedule. after an equal number of experimental sessions, the subjects on the drl schedule reached larger delay values than the subjects on the response duration schedule. hypotheses concerning the intervention of proprioceptive feedback in the temporal regulation of motor behavior are discussed.1978157188
[recent histophysiological data on the moto innervation of neuro-muscular spindles]. 1978157195
[sleep and monoamines: differential radioautography of central neurons after systematic injection of tritiated 5-hydroxytryptophane (5 htp 3h) or of dihydroxyphenylalanine (dopa 3h)].in normal cats 90 min. after the intravenous injection of 5 mg/kg of 5 htp and 3h 5 htp or dopa and 3h dopa a few reactive nerve cell bodies were identified by radioautography. on the contrary, 48 hrs. after p-chlorophenylalanin or subtotal lesion of raphe nuclei, these tracers showed numerous reactive neurons inside or outside the central monoaminergic systems.1978157232
[decrease in the frequency of muscle spindle discharges during muscle stretching].when studying responses of 500 muscle receptors to stretching of the m. triceps of the cat deafferented hindlimb, 23 cases revealed a transient decrease in the firing rate (dfr) of muscle spindles' receptors. the dfr occurs in the same receptor at different forms and rates of stretching approximately at the same area of stretching ("the dfr area"). when increasing the rate of stretching, the dfr effect is enhanced. the dfr effect seems to be due to a short-lasting unloading of the spindle area w ...1979157292
effects of 2-nicotinamidoethyl nitrate (sg-75) on dog coronary artery and cat papillary muscle.effects of 2-nicotinamidoethyl nitrate (sg-75) on isolated dog coronary artery and cat papillary muscle were investigated. sg-75 dose-dependently relaxed the isolated coronary arterial strips contracted with potassium. large doses of sg-75 depressed contraction of papillary muscle driven with electrical stimulation and inhibited enhancement of contraction of papillary muscle induced by calcium and isoproterenol. from these results it is suggested that sg-75 may have a weak ca++-antagonistic acti ...1979157399
cavernous hemangioma of optic chiasm, optic nerves and right optic tract. case report and review of literature.diminishing right ocular visual acuity for three weeks in a 30 year old man was confirmed by examination. bilateral scotomata and bitemporal hemiachromatopsia indicated a chiasmal lesion; reduced visual acuity and marcus gunn pupil of the right eye and left relative temporal hemianopia indicated asymmetric involvement. erythrocytes in the csf verified a suspected subarachnoid bleed; contrast-enhanced cat scan demonstrated a suprasellar mass. a cystic, multiloculated, bluish mass distorted the ri ...1979157624
[decurarization using the cation-anion molecular interaction of a myorelaxant and its antagonist].in experiments on the cat neuromuscular preparation the authors investigated the anticurare action of the new compound iem-931 having sulphonate-anionic groups 20 a apart. the new compound administered in a dose of 184 mkm/kg prevents and removes the curare effect of rythetronium which is its structural analogue. regarding tubocurarine the antagonism is displayed, however, only from the dose of 384 mkm/kg. this indicates that efficacy of the anticurare action of iem-931 is directly related to co ...1979157883
the regularity of muscle spindle discharge in man.1. the variability of discharge of thirty-nine muscle spindle afferents from the pretibial muscles of normal human subjects was determined for spike train sequences recorded with the ankle joint fixed in 25 degrees plantar flexion, during further stretch and during graded voluntary contractions of the receptor-bearing muscle. 2. in non-contracting muscles with the ankle joint in 25 degrees plantar flexion, a sustained discharge was maintained by twenty-four of the thirty-nine endings. the mean d ...1979158085
a new technique for production of chronic atrial septal defect in cat without thoracotomy. 1979158192
[uptake and esterification of (4-14c) cholesterol after injection into the cerebral ventricles of conscious cats].the brain tissue had appreciable capacity to take up and to esterify (4-14c) cholesterol from the cats cerebral ventricles. the highest values of radioactive material in the brain tissue were found 30 minutes after intraventricular injection of (4-14c) cholesterol. thereafter, within a few hours most of the labelled cholesterol disappeared and by the end of 48 h the brain tissue retained only small amounts of it. at the same time, radioactive material was found in the peripheral venous blood, bu ...1979158417
tremor in the tension developed isometrically by soleus during the tonic vibration reflex in the decerebrate cat.1. irregularities in the development of tension during the tonic vibration reflex of the soleus muscle of the decerebrate cat have been analysed into their frequency components. the reflex was recorded isometrically and elicited by longitudinal vibration, normally at 150 hz. the amplitude of vibration was set so as to elicit a maximal reflex response, suggesting 1:1 driving of the majority of the ia afferents at the frequency of vibration. 2. the resulting power spectrum regularly showed a well ...1979158643
the blood supply of muscle spindles in some mammals and the pigeon.the blood supply of muscle spindles was studied in serial cross sections in macaque, cat, rabbit, guinea pig, mouse and pigeon muscles which had been incubated in a medium containing 3,3' diaminobenzidine. lumina of blood vessels were recognized by the reaction product that was localized within erythrocytes. the outer capsule was well vascularized, but few or no capillaries were seen in the periaxial space. the inner spindle capsule, which closely invests the axial bundle, was rarely contacted b ...1979158661
changes in laryngeal motoneurone activity and in laryngeal calibre during the expiration anaesthetized and paralysed cats, the response of the laryngeal motoneurones during the expiration reflex is characterized by pronounced activation of the expiratory laryngeal motoneurones in the compressive phase and the subsequent constriction phase. in the expulsive phase the frequency of these discharges is significantly reduced. the inspiratory laryngeal motoneurones are inhibited during the reflex. the expiration reflex, in anaesthetized cats, is accompanied in the compressive phase and ...1979158776
Displaying items 2201 - 2300 of 158446