
[a comparative study of the role of domestic cats and dogs in the epidemiology of toxoplasmosis].a total of 2643 persons in 5 different regions were examined for toxoplasmosis by the immunofluorescence test and toxoplasmin skin test. the presence in the house of cats and dogs was taken into account. in two of the five regions under study there was revealed an increased incidence of toxoplasmosis in persons keeping cats; this confirmed the role of these animals as a source of toxoplasmosis infection. the absence of such increase in the incidence of the disease in other regions in explained b ...1976133582
responses of group iv and group iii muscle afferents to thermal stimuli. 1976133748
adaptation to long term stretch in the passive discharge of muscle spindles. 1976133808
mucopolysaccharidosis in a cat.a young adult female siamese cat born of a mother-son mating was referred because of dwarfism, facial abnormalities, severe skeletal deformities, multifocal neurologic deficits, and retinal atrophy. cats of similar appearance had been observed in a previous litter of the same parents. metachromatic inclusion bodies were demonstrated in circulating leukocytes. the urine contained a high concentration of mucopolysaccharide, as detected by the toluidine blue spot test. the uronic acid content of th ...1976134013
proceedings: differential projection of spindle afferents from rostral and caudal parts of the mesencephalic nucleus of the fifth nerve. 1976134143
proceedings: development of histochemical profiles in cat jaw muscles. 1976134145
skeletal muscle fiber regeneration following heterotopic autotransplantation in cats. 1976134238
histoenzymatic activity of leucine aminopeptidase in normal bone marrow cells.human, monkey, cat and rat bone marrow cells were studied for the histochemical localization of leucine aminopeptidase activity. the granulocytes have a weak enzymic activity in the immature cells and a very strong one in the differentiated cells. the lymphopoiesis is characterized by a strong reaction in the lymphoblasts and different degrees of the enzyme activity in the lymphocytes. in the erythropoiesis, the undifferentiated cells are strongly positive, while the erythrocytes are negative. t ...1976134272
evidence for a role of central serotonergic neurones in digitalis-induced cardiac arrhythmias. 1976134289
the response of fast and slow nuclear bag fibres and nuclear chain fibres in isolated cat muscle spindles to fusimotor stimulation, and the effect of intrafusal contraction on the sensory endings.1. the mechanical behaviour of intrafusal muscle fibres during fusimotor stimulation and passive stretch was observed directly in muscle spindles isolated from the cat tenuissimus muscle. 2. mammalian intrafusal muscle fibres are of three functional types. most spindles contain one slow nuclear bag fibre, one fast nuclear bag fibre, and four or five nuclear chain fibres. 3. contraction in slow nuclear bag fibres is characterized by a long latency and very slow initial velocity, whereas the laten ...1976134389
feline dermatology. 1976134492
immunologic effects of morphine in rodents, rabbits, monkeys, and cats.the effects of prolonged morphine administration on immunologic reactivity against morphine was studied in a number of animal species: rabbit, monkey, guinea pig, rat, and cat. some evidence for increased serum binding of 14c-labeled morphine was noted after morphine treatment in all test species, with the rabbit the best responder and the cat showing little or no response. in addition to measurements on serum binding of 14c-labeled morphine, other methods (measurement of serum binding of 14c-la ...1976134532
muscle spindle control during locomotor movements generated by the deafferented spinal acute spinalized (th 12) cats, treated with dopa, curarized or with all lumbosacral dorsal roots transected, stepping patterns were elicited in the hindlimbs by continuous electrical stimulation of the dorsal roots. single primary endings in dorsal root filaments or single gamma and alpha efferents in muscle nerve filaments from flexors and extensors were recorded together with the efferent nerve activity to various hindlimb muscles. the experiments showed a clear coactivation of the intra- a ...1976134622
[general pharmacology and secretion inhibitory action of (8r)-3alpha-hydroxy-8-isopropyl-1alphah,5alphah-tropanium bromide-(+/-)-tropate (ipratropiumbromide) (author's transl)].(8r)-3alpha-hydroxy-8-isopropyl-1alphah,5alphah-tropaniumbromide-(+/-)-tropate (ipratropiumbromide, sch 1000) is a quaternary tropic acid tropane ester with pronounced anticholinergic activities (inhibition of secretion and spasmolysis). the effect of the substance of all parasympathetically innervated organs ist 1.4 to 2 times stronger than that of atropine. as an inhibitor of the secretion of free hydrochloric acid in the stomach it proved to be 5 times more effective than atropine. central ac ...1976134727
[afferent projections to the locus coeruleus nucleus in the cat. study by the horseradish peroxidase technic].using a retrograde tracer technique with horseradish peroxidase, we have revealed some afferent projections to the locus coeruleus complex from the contralateral pontine tegmentum, raphe nuclei, substantia nigra, nucleus of the solitory tract, dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus and other regions of the ponto-bulbar reticular formation as well as from hypothalamic and preoptic areas.1976134760
[comparative study in the guinea pig, cat and dog of hypothalamo-infundibular nervous fibers immunoreactive to an anti-lh-rh immune serum].in the median eminence of guinea pig, cat and dog some axons of the hypothalamo-infundibular tract are immunoreactive with anti lh-rh. in these three species, the axons have a similar topography and area of peripheric terminations. these one occur at the capillaries of mantelplexus. it was also shown, in the cat, that these areas of termination exhibit a strong monoamine fluorescence.1976134788
[reactivity of the somesthesic cortex (s1) during the wakefulness-sleep cycle in the rat].the changes in amplitude of the activities evoked in the s1 cortex by stimulation of the specific radiations have been studied during the sleep-waking cycle. the recovery mode of these activities after a short or long delay has been tested by the paired stimuli method. results are in general agreement with those described in the cat.1976134812
[distribution of terminal intragenicular depolarization of visual afferences during reserpine pgo activity].the distribution during reserpine-induced pgo spikes of terminal depolarization among the visual afferents in cat lateral geniculate nucleus was studied. the terminal depolarization was found to be distributed rather evenly among the crossed and uncrossed retinal afferents of different conduction velocities.1976134825
[characteristics of unitary afferent discharges of neuromuscular spindles in man].the primary ending of muscle spindle in man shows a dynamic and static sensitivity to stretch, but the dynamic and vibratory sensitivities as well as conduction velocity of the afferent fibres seem to be relatively low in comparison to those described in the cat.1976134826
influence of cholinergic drugs on the lateral geniculate phasic waves.the lateral geniculate phasic wave (gl wave, glw) was studied at awaking, during the rem period of sleep (remp) and after administration of reserpine (rsp) and parachlorophenylalanine (pcpa). the glws were classified by the time relation to the eye movements (ems) into three groups of the gl-preceding glw (glws precede ems or concur with ems), the em-preceding glw (ems precede glws) and the em-discording glw (glws not associated with ems). changes in occurrence of thus classified glws and in the ...1976134943
dysplasia of the tricuspid valve in the dog and cat.dysplasia of the tricuspid valve in 14 dogs and 13 cats was studied. the clinical, electrocardiographic, radiographic, hemodynamic, angiocardiographic, and pathologic findings were reviewed in each species. alterations of the tricuspid valve complex included long, thick septal leaflets adhered to the septum; absent or short, stout fused chordae tendineae; hypertrophic fused papillary muscles; insertion of papillary muscles directly into the lateral leaflets; incomplete development of the valvula ...1976134984
vagal afferents essential for abdominal muscle activity during lung inflation in cats.maintained inflation of the lung evokes abdominal muscle activity in anesthetized cats only if the vagus nerves are intact, indicating the importance of vagal receptors. the location of these receptors was determined in 14 anesthetized cats by comparing prevagotomy inflation responses of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm to the responses obtained after section of the thoracic vagi at one of three different levels. the abdominal muscle and diaphragm responses to maintained lung inflation persis ...1976134985
similarities in the physiological bases of an abnormal grooming behavior in thyroidectomized cats and in cats with lesions of the central nervous system.thyroidectomized cats display a dissociation of the appetitive and consummatory components of grooming behavior when the body surface is tactually stimulated, an abnormal behavior that also occurs in cats with pontile or frontal neocortical lesions. systemic administration of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-htp) abolishes the abnormal behavior, whereas dihydroxyphenylalanine administration does not, and p-chlorophenylalanine (pcpa) administration induces the abnormal grooming behavior in thyroidectomized ...1976135004
[tuberculosis in domestic animals and its relationship with human tuberculosis]. 1976135254
crossed reflexes evoked by selective activation of muscle spindle primary endings in the decerebrate cat. 1976135597
[the hypotensive action of bradykinin in the guinea pig and cat].in the guinea-pig as in the cat, the duration of the bradykinin general arterial hypotension is reduced by indometacine. this decrease is due to the inhibition of the synthesis of endogenous vasodilatator prostaglandins. the guinea-pig and the cat present the same type of reactivity for bradykinin as the rabbit, the dog and the rat.1976135632
discharges of single hindlimb afferents in the freely moving cat.1. implanted semimicroelectrodes were used to record single afferent fiber discharges from l7 dorsal roots during unrestrained walking in the conscious cat. 2. a series of tests were used to identify an afferent during a short period of anesthesia following each recording session. the majority of afferents were from muscle spindle primary endings in hindlimb muscles. 3. ankle extensor spindle primaries generally showed their highest firing rates during that phase of stepping in which they were p ...1976135821
regeneration of afferent and efferent fibres to muscle spindles after nerve injury in adults cats.1. the nerves to cat peroneus longus and tenuissimus muscles were either cut or crushed close to the muscle and the afferent and efferent nerve supply to the muscle spindles was studied electrophysiologically between 2 and 32 weeks later. 2. recovery was more rapid and complete after crush than section for both afferent and efferent fibres. after recovery from either procedure normal primary and secondary afferents and static and dynamic gamma efferent fibres were found. 3. some abnormally occur ...1976135838
the relation between atpase activity and light chains of myosin in developing, adult and denervated muscles of several animals species.ca2+atpase activity and light chains of myosin, fractionated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, in developing, adult and denervated fast, slow and cardiac muscles of the rat, guinea-pig, cat, rabbit and chick were studied. it has been shown that in normal adult muscles the electrophoretic pattern of light chains of myosin reflects the myosin atpase activity only when muscles from the same animal species are compared. in homologous muscles from adult animals differing i ...1976135984
the mesonephros of cat and sheep. comparative morphological and histochemical studies. 1976136170
a study of psychomotor epilepsy with "kindled" cat preparations.seizure development was examined in amygdaloid (am), hippocampal (hipp) and septal (sept) "kindled" cats by behavioral and electrographic methods. hipp seizure developed into motor seizure after establishing secondary epileptogenesis in am and globys paliidus. a secondary epileptogenesis in the hippocampus was not necessary for am seizures to develop into generalized conculsions. the sept seizure development was almost identical to the hippocampal seizure development. this latter finding sugges ...1976136391
analysis of muscle receptor connections by spike-triggered averaging. 1. spindle primary and tendon organ afferents.1. the synaptic connections of 44 single identified muscle spindle ia afferents and of 21 golgi tendon organ (ib) afferents from medial gastrocnemius (mg) were studied in 46 cats by the spike-triggered averaging of synaptic noise in 803 motoneurons of various types. 2. the well-known monosynaptic ia excitatory connections were confirmed and their characteristics examined in 113 cells. the method was used at greater sensitivity than before and revealed that, in addition to the larger epsps of the ...1976136500
analysis of muscle receptor connections by spike-triggered averaging. 2. spindle group ii afferents.1. the spike-triggered averaging (sta) method has been used to study synaptic connections of nine spindle group ii afferents from medial gastrocnemius to 151 motoneurons of leg muscles in the cat. 2. epsps were found in 40 cells, predominantly of triceps surae with latency from cord entry ranging from 0.3 to 4.2 ms. those with latency less than or equal to 1.4 ms were deduced to be monosynaptic in confirmation of kirkwood and sears (13). mean amplitude for mg-lgs cells was 30.1 muv and mean rise ...1976136501
distribution of fusimotor axons to intrafusal muscle fibres in cat tenuissimus spindles as determined by the glycogen-depletion method.1. the distribution of fusimotor axons to bag1, bag2 and chain muscle fibres in cat tenuissimus spindles has been studied using a modification of the glycogen-depletion technique of edstrrom & kugelberg (1968). single fusimotor axons were stimulated intermittently at 40-100/sec for long periods (30-90 sec) during blood occlusion. portions of muscle containing the activated spindles were quick-frozen, fixed in absolute ethanol during freeze-substitution, and then embedded in paraffin wax. serial ...1976136511
experimental reproduction of smon in animals by prolonged administration of clioquinol: clinico-pathological findings. 1975136536
neurotoxity of iodoxyquinoline: a further study on beagle dogs.eight beagle dogs were treated orally with iodoxyquinoline (chinoform, clioquinol) again, and all of them manifested similar neurologic symptoms to those observed in our previous experiments on mongrel dogs, beagle dogs, cats and a monkey. the neurologic symptoms were identical both clinically and pathologically with those of subacute myelo-optico-neuropathy (abbreviated to smon) in man. in the present study, the neurologic manifestations evolved with less total chinoform doses (5.1-13.8 g/kg) i ...1975136537
the role of the fusimotor system with respect to the contribution of the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles to the respiratory tidal volume.the efferent electrical activity in the phrenic nerve can be quantified in such a way that it gives a good correlation to tidal volume. after administration of the drug benzoctamine this relationship changes: more phrenic nerve activity is needed for the same tidal volume. no changes were found in the neuro-muscular transmission from the phrenic nerve to the diaphragm. there was no alteration in dynamic compliance of the lungs or in airway resistance. the afferent phrenic nerve activity from pro ...1976136640
analysis of the dynamic responses of deefferented primary muscle spindle endings to ramp stretch.a detailed analysis of the complex dynamic response of 8 deefferented primary muscle spindle endings to ramp stretches of the extensor digitorum longus muscle (edl) was made in anaesthetized cats. the analysis was based on lennerstand's linear muscle spindle model, in which the dynamic peak, i.e. the peak frequency at the end of the dynamic phase of a ramp stretch, is assumed to consist of three components: a position response, a slow velocity response, and a quick velocity response. the compone ...1976136642
distribution of myofibrillar atpase in the lumbar back muscles of the cat. 1976136867
recuperative potential of cardiac muscle following relief of pressure overload hypertrophy and right ventricular failure in the cat.this study examined the recuperative potential of cat hearts subjected to experimental right ventricular pressure overload (for a 10- to 14-day period) which provoked hypertrophy with and without congestive heart failure. five groups of cats were studied: normal controls; one group with 70% pulmonary artery constriction which produced right ventricular hypertrophy (rvh); one group with an 87% constriction which also produced right ventricular hypertrophy but with congestive heart failure (chf); ...1977137086
use of the tissue slice technique for evaluation of renal transport processes.a detailed discussion of the tissue slice technique for evaluation of transport phenomena is presented. information is given concerning the preparation of tissue slices and the advantages of this procedure over corresponding in vivo techniques. in addition, the relationship of the in vitro renal transport of organic substances to in vivo renal function is discussed in detail. finally, certain pitfalls related to in vitro slice transport studies are presented.1976137115
absence of the gamma-spindle loop in the reinnervated hind leg muscles of the cat: "alpha-muscle".degeneration of afferent and efferent fibres supplying leg muscles was elicited by applying dry ice to the sciatic nerve in the mid femoral region. two months after the denervation the cats showed practically normal walking activity. after 3 months the twitch tension of the reinnervated muslce (triceps surae) was almost similar to the tension developed by the non-operated contralateral control muscle. afferent discharges with a pattern typical for muscle spindles could rarely be found before the ...1976137124
effects of para-chlorophenylalanine upon brain stimulated affective attack in the cat.previous investigations of the effects of parachlorophenylalanine (pcpa) on affective attack have produced equivocal results. the present report examined the effects of pcpa upon attack elicited by electrical stimulation of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus in the cat. using a within-animals design and postdrug testing clear potentiation of affective attack patterns was observed for a number of the components of attack behavior (approach, use of forepaws, and biting). the present results may ...1976137408
reflex connections form muscle stretch receptors to their own fusimotor neurones. 1976137417
intracellular recordings from intact soleus muscles of cats. 1976137418
effects of fm vibration on muscle spindles in the cat. 1976137419
nature of the persisting canges in afferent discharge from muscle following its contraction. 1976137421
use of afferent triggered averaging to study the central connections of muscle spindle afferents. 1976137422
muscle stretch and chemical muscle spindle excitation: effects on renshaw cells and efficiency of recurrent inhibition. 1976137423
patterns of motoneuronal units discharge during naturally evoked afferent input. 1976137424
the mechanical properties of dynamic nuclear bag fibres, static nuclear bag fibres and nuclear chain fibres in isolated cat muscle spindles. 1976137426
controlled variations of input-output parameters affecting the active tension-extension diagram during muscle stretch. 1976137427
structural features relative to the function of intrafusal muscle fibres in the cat. 1976137428
ultrastructural observations of a muscle spindle in the region of a contraction site of a dynamic gamma axon. 1976137429
studies of the histochemistry, ultrastructure, motor innervation, and regeneration of mammalian intrafusal muscle fibres. 1976137430
studies on muscle spindle primary endings with sinusoidal stretching. 1976137431
the skeleto-fusimotor innervation of cat muscle spindle. 1976137432
the time-course of recovery of the initial burst of primary endings of muscle spindles. 1977137767
reflex control of expiratory airflow and duration.unanesthetized, unrestrained cats were studied repeatedly after placement of a permanent tracheostomy, catheters for respiratory pressure measurements, and respiratory muscle emg electrodes. the tracheostomy was opened or closed by a remote mechanism. opening the tracheostomy reduced tracheal pressure to zero and diverted flow from the upper airway; closing the tracheostomy reestablished the normal pathway for airflow. opening the tracheostomy during expiration evoked reflex responses in the dia ...1977137890
serial-section analysis of cat muscle spindles following observation of the effects of stimulating dynamic fusimotor axons [proceedings]. 1976137967
the response of spindle primary afferents to 1 hz sinusoidal stretching during paired fusimotor stimulation [proceedings]. 1976137968
[mathematical model of the muscle spindle]. 1976138003
uptake and release of gaba and gaba in huntington's chorea [proceedings]. 1977138147
thalamo-cortical systems regulating spindle bursts and recruiting responses. ii. effect of thalamic lesions.the effects of thalamic lesions on recruiting responses and spindle bursts have been studied in 12 cats immobilized with gallamine. recruiting responses were elicited by stimulation of the midline thalamic nuclear complex. spindle bursts were produced by lesions in the mesencephalic tegmentum. recruiting responses and spindle bursts were recorded from the cortex and thalamus. the effect of thalamic lesions on such spontaneous and induced potentials was evaluated by making lesions anteriorly in t ...1975138328
influence of severe hypercapnia upon cerebral cortical metabolism, csf electrolyte concentrations and eeg in the cat.the interconnections between eeg, intermediary and energy metabolism of the brain cortex and csf potassium level are studied during severe hypercapnia in anaesthetized, artificially ventilated cats. hypercapnic animals were ventilated with 40 to 50% to co2 in oxygen. during severe hypercapnia the eeg becomes isoelectric. the csf potassium concentration is raised and the changes in metabolism suggest an acidosis-induced inhibition of phosphofructokinase and, probably, of hexokinase. the energy ch ...1976138459
an estimate of the secondary spindle receptor afferent contribution to the stretch reflex in extensor muscles of the decerebrate cat.1. vibration or stretch of the medial gastrocnemius muscle in the decerebrate cat each caused a significant increase in the tension of a synergist, the lateral gastrocenmius. 2. simultaneous vibration and stretch of the medial gastrocnemius resulted in a substantial increase of lateral gastrocnemius tension which was greater that that produced by medial gastrocnemius vibration alone. the size of this force increase was proportional to the amplitude of medial gastrocnemius stretch, for the limit ...1977138737
[susceptibility of laboratory animals to trichinella from synanthropic and natural foci of the northern caucasus].laboratory animals were infected with larvae of four species of trichinella. the tests have whown that t. pseudospiralis is highly infectious for golden hamsters and guinea pigs. rats are relatively resistant to t. pseudospiralis but highly susceptible to t. spiralis. t. nelsoni turned out to be little infectious to rodents which were used in the experiment. t. nativa is little infectious for rats but more infectious for golden hamsters and guinea pigs as compared to t. nelsoni.1976138835
[characteristics of strains of the agents of pseudotuberculosis and intestinal yersiniosis isolated from several species of domestic animals]. 1977139064
contractile and histochemical properties of the inferior oblique muscle in the rat and in the cat.mechanical and histochemical properties of inferior oblique muscles(io) were compared in adult albino rat and pigmented cat. the twitch contraction times and the fusion frequencies were about the same in both species indicating similar contractile properties of the fast contracting fibers. rat io seemed to contain fewer slowly contracting fibers than cat io; half-decay time of the twitch was shorter in rat than in cat muscles and fusion started at higher stimulus frequencies. fatique resistance ...1977139074
skeletal muscle fiber splitting induced by weight-lifting exercise in skeletal muscle hypertrophy induced by exercise has been thought to be exclusively related to an increase in cross-section area of individual muscle fibers and not to an increase in the number of muscle fibers. recent experiments using surgical intervention to cause muscle overload have induced an increase in fiber numbers; however, the muscle also exhibited pathological alterations. the purpose of this study was to determine if an exercise regimen also induced hyperplasia. cats were train ...1977139079
[structure of spindle proprioceptors of intercostal muscles in various mammals]. 1976139156
tonic inhibitory influence of a supraspinal monoaminergic system on presynaptic inhibition of an extensor monosynaptic reflex.presynaptic inhibition of the extensor (quadriceps, quad) monosynaptic reflex (msr) in unanaesthetized decerebrate cats was antagonized by imipramine hydrochloride (2-5 mg/kg), 5-hydroxytryptophan (75 mg/kg) and a specific 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-ht) neuronal uptake blocker, fluoxetine hydrochloride (lilly 110140, 0.25-6 mg/kg). these effects of imipramine and fluoxetine were partially reversed by the 5-ht antagonist, cyproheptadine hydrochloride (5 mg/kg), and completely reversed by the applicat ...1977139193
characteristics of nondepolarizing neuromuscular block: (i) post-junctional block by alpha-bungarotoxin.the characteristics of neuromuscular block produced by alpha-bungarotoxin, a post-junctionally active polypeptide toxin purified from snake venoms, have been studied in vivo in 12 anaesthetized cats, using the sciatic nerve-tibialis anterior muscle preparation. the onset of the neuromuscular block was slow and without fasciculation. the block was persitently progressive. the time course of the block depended on the dosage. in general, 0.1 mg/kg of alpha-butx appeared to approximate the threshold ...1977139198
rabies. 1977139398
a three-element description for muscle with viscoelastic passive elements. 1977139410
inhibition of renal adenosine triphosphatase by cadmium.the effects of cdcl2 on adenosine triphosphatase (atpase) were studied microsomal fractions or tissue homogenates of outer cortex, inner cortex and outer medulla of dog kidney. cd was found to be an inhibitor of na+ +k+ atpase with 150 value of 2.1 to 3.2 x 10(-4) m regardless of type or source of the enzyme preparation tested. mg++ atpase was about 10-fold less sensitive to inhibition by cd than na+ +k+ atpase. the inhibition of microsomal na+ +k+ atpase from outer medulla was characterized by ...1977139465
digitalis toxicity: lack of marked effect on brain na+,k+-adenosine triphosphatase in the cat.effect of digitalis on central sympathetic neurons have been proposed to alter sympathetic influences on the heart and to contribute to the induction of arrhythmias. recently, however, we have presented evidence which indicates that the involvement of a direct central action of digitalis is negligible in the alteration of sympathetic nerve activity after i.v. administration of the drug. thus, a group of experiments were designed to determine if central drug concentrations or biochemical events i ...1977139466
control of dynamic and static nuclear bag fibres and nuclear chain fibres by gamma and beta axons in isolated cat muscle spindels.1. the behaviour of nuclear bag and nuclear chain intrafusal fibres in isolated cat muscle spindles with a blood supply, during stimulation of dynamic gamma axons, dynamic beta axons, or static gamma axons in ventral root filaments was observed and recorded on still and moving film. 2. most spindles were controlled by one dynamic gamma axon (sometimes a beta axon) and three static gamma axons, one of which was often non-selective in distribution. a large majority of fusimotor axons controlled on ...1977139469
[myosin and cardiac hypertrophy]. 1977139588
spasticity: its physiology and management. part i. neurophysiology of spasticity: classical concepts.spasticity, seen so frequently in clinical situations, presents motor signs resembling those produced experimentally by transecting the brain stem of a cat at the intercollicular level. this paper reviews experimental results which elucidate the roles of different brain regions in the genesis of classical decerebrate rigidity and demonstrate the function of the gamma motor system in the maintenance of the rigidity. interruption of the gamma-spindle loop of a muscle (i.e. interrupting the monosyn ...1977139620
hypercalcemia: a paraneoplastic disease. 1977139733
endoscopy and laparoscopy in the diagnosis and management of neoplasia in small animals. 1977139734
feline panleukipenia. i. pathogenesis in germfree and specific pathogen-free cats.germfree and specific pathogen-free cats were inoculated panleukopenia vivus. total leucocyte counts decreased significantly in both germfree and specific pathogen-free cats. clinical illness was not seen in any germfree cat. specific pathogen-free cats had anorexia and slight diarrhea 5-6 days after inoculation. none of the cats died. both germfree and specific pathogen-free cats had thymic involution. no other gross lesions were seen. tissues for histological virus isolation and immunofluoresc ...1977139735
effects of intermittent pressure loading on the development of ventricular hypertrophy in the cat.although the effects of persistent pressure loading on the development of ventricular hypertrophy have been studied extensively, the effects of intermittent pressure loading have not been examined. to study the effects of intermittent pressure loading we subjected the right ventricle of cats to intermittent pulmonary artery constriction over a 2-week period. two intermittent pressure loading schedules were employed. the first consisted of a right ventricular systolic pressure of 60 mm hg for 3.5 ...1977140026
the conversion of some biochemical properties of mammalian skeletal muscles following cross-reinnervation. 1977140059
serotonin, the superior colliculus, and grooming behavior in cats with neocortical lesions.previous studies of cats with pontile lesions indicate that a serotonergic deficit exists in the superior colliculi and that this deficit is involved in the genesis of an abnormal grooming behavior. cats with frontal neocortical lesions exhibit the same serotonergic deficit and the same abnormal grooming behavior. the present study established that the serotonergic deficit is involved in the mediation of the abnormal grooming behavior in cats with frontal neocortical lesions. microinjections of ...1977140186
the changes in configuration of the rib cage and abdomen during breathing in the anaesthetized cat.1. the external surface of the rib cage and abdominal wall in anaesthetized cats was surgically exposed in order to record their movements cinematographically in spontaneous breathing and in paralysed cats, during artificial positive pressure ventilation. 2. cine-stereophotography was used to allow the recording of the movements of a set of markers placed on the external surface of the trunk wall and the corresponding stereometric data were numerically and graphically processed into three-dimens ...1977140238
the interface of the work environment and hypertension. 1977140279
localization of intraspinal longitudinal systems participating in the spreading of viscerosomatic experiments on the cats the relationship was studied of individual columns of the spinal cord to irradiation of the early (propriospinal) and late component of viscerosomatic reflex responses. it was found that the intraspinal systems involved in the descending spread of activity forming the early and the late component of the splanchnic response along the spinal cord were localized mainly in the anterolateral quadrants of the white matter. the descending systems are bilateral and cross at th ...1977140388
defensive reflexes of the respiratory tract in dogs.intrapleural pressure, the tracheal air flow and tidal volume were recorded simultaneously in pentobarbital-anaesthetized dogs and changes occurring in them during defensive reflexes elicited by mechanical stimulation of the mucosa of different parts of the respiratory tract were evaluated quantitatively. the results show that, in addition to coughing and sneezing provoked by inserting a nylon fibre into the tracheobronchial region, the larynx and the nose, further respiratory reflexes described ...1977140400
histoenzymological properties of masseter muscle in domestic and laboratory animals [proceedings]. 1976140455
feline panleukopenia. ii. the relationship of intestinal mucosal cell proliferation rates to viral infection and development of lesions.proliferation rates of small intestinal mucosal cells of noninfected germfree and specific pathogen-free kittens were compared to the incidence of infected cells and microscopic lesions in kittens experimentally infected with panleukopenia virus. mucosal crypt length, cells per crypt, mitotic index and villous length were greater in specific pathogen-free kittens than in germfree kittens. crypt cells per unit length and villous length per crypt length ratio were greater in germfree kittens. the ...1977140499
myocardial hypertrophy. light microscopic findings on the myocardium. blood supply. ventricular dilatation and heart failure.the heart is an organ with an almost constant number of muscle cells under physiological conditions. but beyond the critical heart weight (500 g) there is an increase in the number of muscle fibers (hyperplasia) and a similar increase in the number of capillaries. the relation of 1 capillary to 1 muscle fiber remains constant. during physiological growth there is a rather close correlation between the growth of human coronary arteries and the growth of the myocardium. under pathological conditio ...1977140665
the role of ca++ ions in the hypertrophied myocardium [proceedings].pressure-hypertrophied right ventricular myocardium (rvh) demonstrates paradoxically increased oxygen consumption (mvo2) related to increased in vitro energy-linked mitochondrial calcium flux. the present experiments were designed to measure mitochondrial ca++ retention in intact rvh and relate changes in mitochondrial ca++ metabolism to altered rvh contractile behavior and relaxation. sixteen cats were pulmonary artery banded and their hearts plus paired controls were perfused with 45ca krebs-h ...1977140673
[correlation between seizure susceptibility and brain catecholamine levels. an experimental study using a kindling preparation].correlation between the kindled seizure susceptibility and brain monoamine levels was investigated in the hippocampal and amygdaloid kindled cats. increase of interictal discharge (iid) frequency and morphological change of iid into self-sustained discharge appeared following reserpine administration. alpha-mpt also increased the iid frequency. these changes in reserpine- and alpha-mpt-treated cats were suppressed completely by the administration of l-dopa, suggesting that depletion of norepinep ...1976140696
slow- wave sleep and epilepsy: rostral thalamus and basal forebrain lesions suppress spindles and seizures. 1977140808
trinitrotoluene: a review of reported dose-related effects providing documentation for a workplace standard.the scientific and medical literature on tnt was reviewed with emphasis on studies providing correlation between work exposures and adverse health effects. numerous adverse effects including upper respiratory and gastrointestinal complaints, anemia, liver function abnormalities, and possibly aplastic anemia have been noted at tnt levels below the current standard of 1.5 mg/m3. mild biological effects, particularly reduction in hemoglobin levels or red blood cell counts, have been noted at exposu ...1977140930
types of intra- and extrafusal muscle fibre innervated by dynamic skeleto-fusimotor axons in cat peroneus brevis and tenuissimus muscles, as determined by the glycogen-depletion method.1. the types of intra- and extrafusal muscle fibre innervated by dynamic skeleto-fusimotor (beta) axons were determined by using a modification of the glycogen-depletion method of edström & kugelberg (1968) combined with histochemical tests for various enzyme reactions. a single beta axon was prepared in each of the experiments, which were carried out on six peroneus brevis and two tenuissimus muscles. 2. the intrafusal distribution of dynamic beta axons is almost exclusively restricted to bag1 ...1977140933
purification of histamine receptor, (iii) characterization of receptor rich membrane fraction of small intestinal smooth muscle of the cat.intracellular localization of histamine receptors in small intestinal smooth muscle of the cat was studied by investigating distribution of marker enzymes in the receptor rich fraction. distribution of membrane markers coincided with that of the radiochemically labeled receptor fraction. membrane fraction was further purified and it was concluded that the histamine receptor rich fraction is mainly composed of cell membrane. the chemical composition of the fraction lent support to this conclusion ...1977140947
[toxic diseases of the inner ear (author's transl)].a clear presentation of toxic diseases of the inner ear under consideration of the endogen and exogen factors is shown by means of tables as well as clinical findings and experimental results obtained in animals.1977140977
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