
anatomical organization of the spinocerebellar system in the cat, as studied by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase.the distribution of spinocerebellar tract (sct) neurons has been studied in the entire length of the spinal cord of the cat following injections of horseradish peroxidase into the cerebellum, and whether or not the axons of the labeled neurons crossed within the spinal cord was determined in cases with injections preceded by hemisections at the cervical levels. the scts were classified into the following crossed and uncrossed tracts according to the cell origin and the fiber course; the crossed ...197984004
routing of transported materials in the dorsal root and nerve fiber branches of the dorsal root ganglion.after injection of the l7 dorsal root ganglion with 3h-leucine, fast axoplasmic transport carries some 3--5 x more labeled materials down the sensory fibers branches entering the sciatic nerve as compared to the dorsal root fiber branches of the neurons. freeze-substitution preparations taken from the two sides of the lumbar seventh dorsal root ganglia of cats and monkeys showed little difference in the histograms of nerve fiber diameters of the sensory nerve fiber branch of these neurons as com ...197884050
the effect of arterial hypertension of focal ischemic edema. an experimental study.the middle cerebral artery (mca) of cats was occluded permanently for 24h to study the influence of arterial hypertension during the early phase of focal ischemia upon the development of endema and changes of the blood-brain barrier (bbb). in normotensive animals mca occlusion results in a hemispheric weight increase of about 8% and marked water and electrolyte alterations in both the grey and white matter of the mca territory. the risa space increases mainly in the grey matter. hypertension agg ...197884057
cerebral vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage--experimental and clinical studies. 197984358
morphological types of horizontal cell in the retina of the domestic cat.two morphologically distinct types of horizontal cell are described from golgi-stained whole mounts of the cat retina. they are referred to as a-type and b-type cells. the two types differ in their dendritic branching pattern, their overall size and the absence or presence of an axon. at every retinal position the dendrites of b-type cells branch more densely and overlap each other more frequently than do the dendrites of a-type cells. at equivalent retinal positions the dendritic field size of ...197884387
receptor contacts of horizontal cells in the retina of the domestic cat.the terminal aggregations of a- and b-type horizontal cells, stained by the golgi-colonnier method, have been analysed. the pattern of the aggregations is regular and is shown to be in register with the cone mosaic. both tyes of horizontal cell are in contact with at least 80% of the cones above their dendritic fields. therefore, the different horizontal cell classes cannot be selective for a special kind of cone but must have at least 60% of the cone input in common. each a-type horizontal cell ...197884388
topography of horizontal cells in the retina of the domestic cat.neurofibrillar methods stain a class of horizontal cells in the cat retina which are shown to be identical with the a-type horizontal cell of golgi-staining. thus all of the a-type cells of a single retina can be observed. on this basis the changes in density and dendritic field size of a-type horizontal cells with respect to retinal eccentricity were measured. the decrease in density from centre to periphery is balanced by a corresponding increase in size of the dendritic field. consequently ea ...197884389
antibody response in cats to feline leukemia virus reverse transcriptase under natural conditions of exposure to the virus. 197884436
histochemical study of the myelin-associated carbohydrates.myelin-associated carbohydrates were studied by means of histochemical techniques in the central nervous system of birds and mammals. polianions in the surface of myelin and in interfascicular oligodendroglia were detected using histochemical techniques. glycoproteins were studied by means of concanavalin a. the con-a-po-dab sequence was used. concanavalin-a-binding sites were detected in oligodendroglia and on the myelin surface. similar results were observed in both birds and mammals. the proc ...197984512
neuromuscular blocking agents and spontaneous sympathetic activity.the action of neuromuscular blocking agents on the spontaneous sympathetic activity has been quantitated. "on line" spectrum analysis has been applied to the action potential of pre- and post ganglionic nerves of the coeliac plexus. the activity, the frequency spectrum and their changes after the injection of clinical and high doses of decamethonium, d-tubocurarine, succinylcholine, gallamine and pancuronium are determined.197884556
the olivocerebellar projections to the flocculus and paraflocculus in the cat, compared to those in the rabbit. a study using horseradish peroxidase as a tracer.the projections from the inferior olive to the flocculus and paraflocculus in the cat have been mapped by means of the method of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. the findings show that the afferents to the flocculus are derived from the dorsal cap, ventrolateral outgrowth, the principal olive (the caudal parts of the ventral and dorsal lamella) and from the rostral part of the medial accessory olive. the fibres to the paraflocculus come from the caudal part of the principal ...197984697
dual projections of single neurons are visualized simultaneously: use of enzymatically inactive [3h]hrp. 197984698
types of thalamo-cortical relay neurons in the anteroventral nucleus of the cat. a combined horseradish peroxidase--golgi study.neurons displaying a thalamo-cortical projection were marked by means of the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp), and the labeled elements were compared with neurons impregnated by the golgi technique. injections of hrp into the posterior area of the limbic cortex resulted in its uptake by various anterior thalamic nuclei, especially the anteroventral nucleus. hrp-positive cells are characterized by their position, dendritic orientation, and the shape and size of their somata. o ...197984713
anatomical and functional aspects of the associative projections from somatic area si to sii.1. electrophysiological and morphological (retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase, hrp) experiments have been carried out in the cat in order to study the associative projections from area si to ipsilateral sii. 2. microelectrode recordings were performed in the forepaw focus of sii both in normal (64 units) and in si-undercut (51 units) cats. 29.6% of the neurons recorded in the unoperated and 29.4% of those collected in the operated cats were excited by electric stimulation of t ...197984762
electron microscopic studies of serially sectioned cat spinal alpha-motoneurons. i. effects of microelectrode impalement and intracellular staining with the fluorescent dye "procion yellow".cat spinal alpha-motoneurons were studied in the light and electron microscope after intracellular recording and staining with the fluorescent dye procion yellow. generally, the ultrastructural preservation of the stained neurons improved when the amount of dye delivered was decreased, and when the duration of the microelectrode impalement of the neuron as well as the time between the intracellular staining and the tissue fixation was kept as short as possible. utilizing the optimal experimental ...197984820
electron microscopic studies of serially sectioned cat spinal alpha-motoneurons. iii. motoneurons innervating fast-twitch (type fr) units of the gastrocnemius muscle.two intracellularly stained cat gastrocnemius alpha-motoneurons of the fr-type (burke et al., '73) were studied ultrastructurally. the architecture and synaptology of the cell body and proximal parts of the dendrites were analyzed from a long series of consecutive sections, according to a method presented in a preceding paper (conradi et al., '79a). several of the dendrites had a base diameter exceeding 10 micrometer. the proportion of the surface covered by boutons was 40-50% for the cell body ...197984821
clinical and theoretical aspects of head movement dependent oscillopsia (hmdo). a review.head movement-dependent oscillopsia (hmdo) with peripheral vestibular, brainstem and cerebellar lesions is reviewed. the differentiation of this kind of oscillopsia is based mainly on clinical grounds. hmdo with bilateral abolition of caloric responses, and in the absence of disease of the central nervous system, is due to bilateral vestibular disease. hmdo in patients with internuclear ophthalmoplegia and other brainstem signs is probably due to a lesion of vor pathways in or near the medial lo ...197884858
substance p in the vagus nerve. immunochemical and immunohistochemical evidence for axoplasmic transport.1. the presence of immunoreactive substance p (i-sp) in the vagus nerve of 5 species was demonstrated by radioimmunoassay. different amounts of sp per unit weight were found: guinea pig greater than cat greater than rabbit, rat and cattle. 2. infranodose ligations of the vagus nerve of cats and rabbits caused an accumulation of i-sp proximal but not distal to the ligation. the results obtained by radioimmunoassay and immunohistochemistry indicate a somatofugal axoplasmic transport of sp. 3. doub ...197985263
axons from non-cochlear sources in the anteroventral cochlear nucleus of the cat. a study with the rapid golgi method. 197885282
some golgi data on visual cortex of the rhesus monkey.the rhesus monkey's visual cortex was studied on golgi material. the terminal arborization of the geniculate fibres and non-specific vertical fibres have been analysed. the interneurons (intrinsic neurons) of the area described in detail and classified on the basis of their axonal and dendrite arborizations. the stellate neurons in layer iv are discussed.197885406
effects of changes in cortical excitability upon the epileptic bursts in generalized penicillin epilepsy of the cat.previous studies had suggested that the epileptic bursts of feline generalized penicillin epilepsy represent the response of hyperexcitable cortex to thalamocortical volleys normally evoking spindles. if this were the case, it should be possible to convert the epileptic bursts of generalized penicillin epilepsy into spindles by decreasing the excitability of cortical neurons. in cats exhibiting the eeg signs of feline generalized penicillin epilepsy cortical excitability was decreased by hypoxia ...197985521
petit mal and grand mal seizures produced by toluene or benzene intoxication in the cat.motor incoordination, euphoria and hallucinations are symptoms reported for humans voluntarily intoxicated by industrial solvents. an epileptic-like consciousness impairment has also been noted. the present paper describes a technique used for the experimental study of solvent intoxication in which toluene and benzene can be applied directly into the trachea of freely moving cats with chronically implanted electrodes. this technique permits the control of solvent dose and time of exposure. resul ...197985522
the role of cholinergic mechanisms in the corticofugal inhibition of the spinal trigeminal nucleus. 197985523
interpositus and fastigial unit activity during sleep and waking in the cat.fine wire microelectrodes were used to record single unit activity from two of the intracerebellar nuclei, the interpositus and fastigius, during the sleep-waking cycle. the mean rates, interspike interval distributions and patterns of firing as revealed by autocorrelograms, were investigated. for each stage of the sleep-waking cycle and for as many units as possible the constancy of these measures was examined throughout several sleep cycles. twenty-four interpositus units were recorded through ...197985532
tectopontine pathway in the cat: laminar distribution of cells of origin and visual properties of target cells in dorsolateral pontine nucleus.1. the superior colliculus projects to the dorsolateral nucleus of the pons. retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) revealed that cells in the superior colliculus, which send their axons to the pons, lie in both superficial (iii) and deep (iv--vii) layers. superficial cells outnumbered deep cells. the inferior colliculus also projects heavily to the dorsolateral pontine nucleus. 2. dorsolateral pontine visual cells were activated only by visual stimulation. cells responsive to soma ...197985698
nocodazole action on tubulin assembly, axonal ultrastructure and fast axoplasmic transport.the action of a synthetic antitubulin agent, nocodazole, on tubulin self-assembly, preformed microtubules, fast axoplasmic transport and axonal ultrastructure was studied. nocodazole completely blocks the self-assembly of tubulin containing or lacking associated proteins. this inhibition is readily reversible. at similar concentrations, nocodazole also depolymerizes preformed microtubules in vitro. fast axoplasmic transport in cat vagus nerve is disrupted by bathing the nerve fivers in a medium ...197985702
peptic ulcer and the pylorus. 197985946
improved staining methods for pas-positive material and renin granules in semithin sections of araldit-embedded tissue. 197886173
localization of aortic cells in the nodose ganglion by hrp retrograde transport in the cat.localization of the aortic cells in the nodose ganglion was attempted in the cat using retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). following dissection of the aortic nerve from the vago-aortic trunk, the cut ends of the aortic fibers were immersed in a hrp solution for 23--46 h. labelled cells were found in the nodose ganglion and were located mainly in the medial border of the ganglion.197986177
[reaction of the cerebral cortical neurons to complete ischemia].changes of morphological and neurophysiological characteristics of pyramidal neurons in response to complete ischemia have been studied by means of vital microscopy of cat and rabbit cortex neurons in addition to some other cytological methods. these responses were found to be complex involving phasic changes in the neuron size, membrane potential and redox potential. neurons of particular types responded to normo- and hypothermic ischemia differently. pyramidal neurons retained their vital abil ...197986219
mediator release during allergen-induced bronchoconstriction in asthmatic subjects. 197986411
automatic eeg analysis: a segmentation procedure based on the autocorrelation function.a new automatic procedure for eeg segmentation is presented. based on the autocorrelation function, it is simple to implement and gives good segmentation and clustering results.197986433
various types of corticotectal neurons of cats as demonstrated by means of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase.the retrograde labeling of cortical neurons with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was used to investigate the morphological features of neurons in various cortical areas projecting to the superior colliculus in the cat. corticotectal cells were found to be labeled in layer v of the entire cerebral cortex. the number of labeled cells and their locations varied according to the sites of injections of hrp in the colliculus. most of the corticotectal cells identified in the present study were small (9-- ...197986453
cortical neurons projecting to the pontine nuclei in the cat. an experimental study with the horseradish peroxidase technique.horseradish peroxidase (hrp) injections in various portions of the cat pontine nuclei resulted in retrograde labeling of neurons in layer v of the ipsilateral cerebral cortex. corticopontine neurons, pyramidal in type, have been found to be labeled in the entire cortex, confirming the previous findings of anterograde degeneration studies. most (91%) of the labeled cells were 14--26 micrometer in diameter (mean 19.4 +/- 4.5 micrometer sd). small (10--20 micrometer) and medium (20--40 micrometer) ...197986454
the anatomical substrate of callosal messages from si and sii in the cat.horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected into the first (si) or second (sii) somatosensory areas of 21 adult cats. the radial and tangential (normal and parallel to the pial surface, respectively) distribution and morphology of the callosal neurons were studied. hrp injections were combined with single unit recording in the contralateral cortex in order to determine which part of the somatosensory periphery is represented within the regions containing callosal neurons, the callosal (efferent) z ...197986455
correlation between alcian blue stainig of glycosaminoglycans of cat nucleus pulposus and tem x-ray probe microanalysis.the nucleus pulposus of cat intervertebral disc was examined after staining glycosaminoglycans with alcian blue and the results correlated with tem x-ray probe microanalysis. in unstained sections a difference in copper levels between tissues and resin was detected. in tissue stained with alcian blue before embedding, the copper levels were slightly increased and the morphological appearance of the intercellular material was amorphous. in sections restained after cutting, the relative levels of ...197986531
effects of the unilateral nigral modulation of substance p transmission on the activity of the two nigro-striatal dopaminergic pathways. 197986931
[toxicity, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the soviet bleomycin, bleomycetin, in a single administration to laboratory animals].toxicity of bleomycetin (bleomycin a2) administered intravenously, intraperitoneally, subcutaneously or intramusculary in a single dose to animals was almost identical. on its oral administration bleomycetin was 10--14 times less toxic than on its parenteral use. rats were somewhat less sensitive to bleomycetin than mice. bleomycetin had no significant effect on the level of the arterial pressure, respiration, ecg characteristics and elements of the vegetative nervous system in narcotized cats. ...197987149
properties of striate hypercomplex cells in the cat. 197887169
the effect of mild hypoxia on the ionic currents in cardiac muscle. 197887177
observations of hrp labeling following injection through a chronically implanted cannula--a method to avoid diffusion of hrp into injured of the limitations of the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) tracer method is the diffusion of hrp into injured axons resulting in unintended labeling of neurons not terminating in the injection area. to overcome this limitation, an experiment was designed to inject the hrp through an implanted cannula after degeneration and healing had taken place. it was shown that implantation of a cannula into the internal capsule significantly decreased the number of labeled axons in the injection site, thus ...197987243
intracellular marking with lucifer yellow ch and horseradish peroxidase of cells electrophysiologically characterized as glia in the cerebral cortex of the cat.intracellular microelectrodes filled with either lucifer yellow ch, a highly florescent dye, or horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were used to electrophysiologically characterize and mark cells in the cerebral cortex of cat. fifty-eight cells, characterized electrophysiologically as glia, were marked with lucifer yellow ch. all were identified as protoplasmic astrocytes, and included cells in the glia limitans of the molecular layer. an additional 54 cells, similarly characterized as glia, were label ...197987405
trajectory of group ia afferent fibers stained with horseradish peroxidase in the lumbosacral spinal cord of the cat: three dimensional reconstructions from serial sections.a reconstruction was made of the intramedullary trajectory of 23 physiologically identified ia afferents from cat hind limb muscles (medial gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris, flexor digitorum-hallucis longus, and hamstring). the afferents were stained by intra-axonally injected hrp. the axons of these afferents were traced over distances of 5.8 mm to 15.7 mm rostrocaudally. in the dorsal funiculus fibers from all the muscles showed a similar course and similarly bifurcated into an ascending and a ...197987406
synaptic hyperfunction in sympathetic ganglion, its significance in essential hypertension. 197987949
production of decremental oscillations following spike potential by muscarinic drugs, histamine and bradykinin in cat sympathetic ganglion. 197988022
vascular anatomy and tissue osmolality in the filiform and fungiform papillae of the cat's tongue.the vascular anatomy of the filiform and fungiform papillae of the feline tongue was studied by i.a. injection of india ink. vascular loops of various appearances were found in the types of papillae studied, i.e. the large and the small filiform papillae and the fungiform ones. such hairpin loops may function as countercurrent exchangers and to test this hypothesis tissue osmolality was determined in the papillae, while exposing them to various isotonic electrolyte solutions. the large filiform ...197988166
the cerebellar projection from the lateral reticular nucleus as studied with retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase.the cerebellar projection from the lateral reticular nucleus (nrl) was studied in cats by means of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase (the projection to the paramedian lobule was not included, see brodal, 1975, for afferents to this cortical region). the entire cerebellar cortex and all cerebellar nuclei receive fibres from the nrl. the strongest connection is with the anterior lobe and lobulus viiib of the posterior lobe vermis. as concerns the anterior lobe the observations ...197988191
types of striatonigral neurons labeled by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. 197988205
spino-olivary neurones in the lumbo-sacral cord of the cat demonstrated by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. 197988247
occurrence of a thermostable antigen of ovarian carcinoma in normal tissues and secretions.thermostable antigen (ta) occurs in ovarian carcinoma and in certain specialized tissues. high titers of ta were found in nineteen of twenty endocervical extracts but not in myometrium, endometrium, or exocervix. ta was present in all of sixteen cervical mucus samples. antibodies to perchloric acid extract of bronchus showed cross-reaticity with ta from ovarian carcinoma and cervix. immunofluorescence with frozen sections revealed ta to be present in the columnar epithelium of ovarian neoplasms, ...197988253
changes in seizure susceptibility, sleep time and sleep spindles following thalamic and cerebellar lesions.the present experiment attempted to clarify conflicting evidence on the relationship of sleep spindles to seizure activation. seizure thresholds were calculated in minutes post-injection following ip administration of the convulsant drug monomethylhydrazine (mmh) to cats with lesions intended to alter the occurrence of spontaneous 12-15 c/sec sleep spindles recorded from sensorimotor cortex. twelve cats with bilateral cortical and subcortical recording electrodes were divided into 3 groups recei ...197988323
derivation of reliable electromyograms and their relation to tension in mammalian skeletal muscles during synchronous stimulation.there exists a good correlation between the measured electrical activities and isometric twitch tension in the cat soleus muscle during synchronous stimulation. for an unbiased sampling of electrical activities by averaging a number of electromyograms over the muscle concerned, a relation of the form e = 0.98t + 5.35 has been established. it is hoped that this relation will prove valuable in clinical application where emgs are used. electrode types for emg pick-up differ in terms of the signal r ...197988333
inhibition in penicillin-induced epileptic foci.a previous study indicated that the early surface negative component (associated with recurrent inhibition) of the evoked potential recorded from cat pericruciate cortex, subsequent to pyramidal tract stimulation, was altered after application of penicillin to the cortical surface (van duijn et al. 1973). this suggested that decreased effectiveness of recurrent inhibition might be the basis for epileptogenicity of penicillin. to verify that recurrent inhibition is functionally decreased in the p ...197988338
vestibulo-ocular responses during the states of sleep in the cat.the vestibulo-ocular response (vor) was recorded during natural sleep in cats with chronically implanted electrodes. by using a small amplitude sinusoidal head rotation (11 degrees) peak-to-peak at 0.4 hz) which elicited only slow compensatory eye movements, the vor amplitude was found to decrease steeply (down to 40% or less) during slow-wave sleep. the phase of the vor with respect to head position remained approximately constant. with a larger amplitude of sinusoidal rotation (320 degrees pea ...197988340
aminopyridine-induced seizure activity.typical seizure activity can be induced by applying 3-aminopyridine to the surface of the cat cortex. the well known characteristics of epileptiform discharges were readily observed by simultaneous recording from both the surface and deeper layers.197988349
frequency-following responses in primary auditory and reticular formation structures.the responses of the cat brain to tonal stimuli were recorded from the inferior colliculus, medial geniculate, reticular formation and the far field. the response consisted of an onset component and a frequency-following response (ffr) component in the inferior colliculus (ic) and the far field. in contrast to previous work, the ffr was also observed in the reticular formation. the response in the reticular formation was abolished at lower doses of pentobarbital and at lower relative intensities ...197988357
responses of somatosensory cortical neurons to inhibitory amino acids during topical and iontophoretic application of epileptogenic agents. 197988360
penicillin iontophoresis and the responses of somatosensory cortical neurons to amino acids. 197988361
muscle fibrillation caused by cytochalasin-b applied to the motor nerve.cytochalasin-b, a drug known to interfere with axoplasmic transport, evoked fibrillary potentials in the geniohyoid muscle when applied to its motor nerve. despite this denervation-like effect, neuromuscular transmission remained normal. some contractile characteristics of the muscle were studied. it was found that contraction time, isometric twitch tension, and half-relaxation time were not altered by the drug treatment. the present findings show that neurogenic molecular factors conveyed by ax ...197988504
effect of furosemide (lasix) on acute severe experimental cerebral edema.the effect of furosemide (lasix) therapy on a standardized experimental cerebral edema, induced in rats by applying a cooling stamp to the right side of the skull over the right coronal suture by means of a stereotactic instrument, was examined. the hemispherically separated water and electrolyte contents of the brain were analyzed after 24 h. following furosemide therapy, the behavior of these edema parameters was compared statistically with dexamethasone, glycerol and albumin. an increase of t ...197988510
the response of focal ischemic cerebral edema to dexamethasone.twenty-four h after permanent occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (mca) in the cat, the hemispheric swelling due to edema is markedly reduced under treatment with large doses of dexamethasone than is the case with the untreated group. the increase of regional water and sodium content in the mca territory is less in the dexamethasone treated group, whereas the potassium changes in the ischemic tissue showed only small differences between the two groups. the potassium content of the non-ischem ...197988511
electron microscopic identification of mammillary body terminals in the rat's av thalamic nucleus by means of anterograde transport of hrp. a quantitative comparison with the em degeneration and em autoradiographic techniques.a comparison has been made between the number of horseradish peroxidase (hrp)-labeled mammillary body terminals in the antero-ventral (av) nucleus and the number of such terminals labeled with the electron microscopic (em) autoradiographic [6] and em degeneration technique [6]. with the antero-grade hrp technique less terminals were labeled than with the autoradiographic technique, but more than with the degeneration technique. furthermore it may be concluded that the anterograde hrp technique i ...197988693
retrograde transport of bisbenzimide and propidium iodide through axons to their parent cell bodies.two fluorescent substances bisbenzimide (bb), which fluoresces yellow-green and propidium iodide (pi), which fluoresces orange were found to be transported retrogradely through axons to their parent cell bodies in rat and cat. bb gives a very strong and long lasting fluorescent retrograde neuronal labeling and is very effectively transported over long distances both in rat and cat. bb and pi also label glial nuclei around retrogradely labeled neurons. bb in addition labels glial nuclei along axo ...197988694
hypothalamic projection to the pulvinar-lp complex in the cat: a study by the silver impregnation method.this study was designated to determine the exact terminal portion of the hypothalamo-thalamic projection found in our previous study by the hrp method [7]. electrolytic lesions were made in the brains of 13 adult cats, and the ensuing degenerating fibers were impregnated with nauta-gygax and fink-heimer methods. following the lesions of the hypothalamic small nucleus which had been reported to receive abundant hrp transport from the pulvinar-lp complex, terminal degeneration concentrated in the ...197988698
observations on the morphology of intracellularly stained gamma-motoneurons in relation to their axon conduction velocity.hindlimb gamma-motoneurons of adult cats were stained intracellularly with horseradish peroxidase. the gamma-motor-axons had intramedullary diameters between 2.0 micron and 2.4 micron and lacked recurrent collaterals. the conduction velocity of the gamma-motor-axons (20-29 m/sec) was close to what could be predicted from the relationship between conduction velocity and intramedullary diameter of much thicker adult alpha-motor-axons. however, the gamma-motor-axons were conducting much faster than ...197988701
visualization of the hrp reaction product using the polarization microscope.the reaction product of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) staining can be visualized with considerable contrast using the polarization microscope. this is illustrated on whole mount preparations of the cat retina which were stained after injection of hrp into the superior colliculus. when the specimen is placed between two crossed polarizing filters, the stained cells appear rather bright, in contrast to the other components of the tissue which remain dark. the visualization with the polarization mic ...197988702
comparative studies of hageman factor (factor xii) in mammalian plasmas by immunological techniques. 197988740
sarcoma virus-induced transformation specific antigen: presence of antibodies in cats that were naturally exposed to leukemia virus. 197988797
improved nissl method to stain formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde-fixed material.nissl staining of paraffin sections from formaldehyde- or glutaraldehyde-fixed specimens is significantly intensified when sections are kept in a 50% (w/v) aqueous solution of potassium metabisulfite before being stained by a conventional nissl method.197988863
the role of histamine in functional vasodilatation in submandibular gland of the cat [proceedings]. 197988895
a cerebello-pulvinar projection in the cat as visualized by the use of anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. 197988999
autonomic block, cardiovascular depression and histamine release produced by polymyxin b in the cat.the present study quantifies the autonomic block, the cardiovascular depression and the histamine releasing effects of polymyxin b in nine anaesthetized cats. the dose requirements for 50 per cent depression of the mean arterial blood pressure, the bradycardiac response to vagal stimulation, and the contraction of the nictitating membrane elicited by pre-ganglionic and post-ganglionic stimulation of the cervical sympathetic trunk have a narrow range of scatter, being of the order of 6--12 ...197989005
the central cervical nucleus in the cat. ii. the cerebellar connections studied with retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase.after hrp injections in kittens and adult cats into parts of the cerebellum known to receive spinal afferents, retrogradely labelled neurones were found in the c1--c4 segments of the spinal cord, primarily in the central cervical nucleus (ccn). a few labelled neurones were also found in laminae iv and vi--ix of rexed. the results obtained in kittens and adult cats were similar. control hrp injections were made into the vestibular nuclei and the inferior colliculus. after injections mainly involv ...197989038
the central cervical nucleus in the cat. iii. the cerebellar connections studied with anterograde transport of 3h-leucine.injections of 3h-leucine were made into the region of the central cervical nucleus (ccn) in the c1--c4 segments of the spinal cord in 19 adult cats. in the cerebellum labelled mossy fibre terminals were found bilaterally concentrated in lobule i and adjoining parts of lobule ii of the anterior lobe. in addition, a fair number of terminals were found in the basal parts of lobules iii--viii. the terminals were mainly found in the vermal zone. only a minor proportion was observed in the intermediat ...197989039
anatomical changes in cat dorsal horn cells after transection of a single dorsal root. 197989040
[chronic subdural hematoma (author's transl)]. 197989633
the efficacy of a topical ear preparation against otodectes cynotis infection in dogs and cats. 197989751
innervation of the feline eustachian tube.the distribution of adrenergic, cholinergic and peptidergic nerves in the feline eustachian tube was studied using histochemical techniques. adrenergic, acetylcholinesterase-positive and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide immunoreactive nerves were numerous in the tubal wall. all three types of nerve fibers occurred in the subepithelial layer, around small blood vessels and around the acini of seromucous glands. no nerves displaying substance p or enkephalin immunoreactivity were observed.197989826
coupling between neuronal activity and focal blood flow in experimental seizures.local blood flow, ecog and single cortical neurone activity were recorded simultaneously from single microelectrodes in 17 cats. seizures were induced by repeated intravenous injections of pentylenetetrazol (ptz, 10-20 mg/kg) or by local application of 1 m na-penicillin. seven to 20 sec after appearance of burst activity in cortical neurones and ecog, focal flow increased up to 300% of control. the extent of this flow increase was significantly correlated with the change in firing rate of the ne ...197989943
in-phase brain activities during arousal and sleep.eeg of sensorimotor area, emg of neck muscles and unit activity in lateral geniculate (lg) nucleus, recorded in freely moving cats, were analysed for the presence of correlations between them. the 3 activities were first integrated with a 2 sec time constant, then a correlation coefficient was assessed between time-linked points of the 3 records for periods of 40 sec. the average vlaues of the correlation coefficients were found to increase from arousal through slow synchronized sleep (s sleep), ...197989948
a method for continuously monitoring the electrical threshold of single intraspinal nerve fibers.a method is described for the determination and continuous monitoring of the electrical threshold of single primary afferent fibres within the spinal cord of the cat. the centre barrels of multibarrel micropipettes, filled with 3.6 m nacl, were used as stimulating electrodes, impulses in single afferents were recorded peripherally and a firing index of 50% was maintained by using a feedback circuit to regulate the amplitude of the stimulating pulses (0.2-0.3 msec duration, less than 2 microa).197989955
[hormone supplies during chronic emotional stress]. 197989974
observations on the orthograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase in the cat.horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was applied to the precruciate cortex of the cat. the peroxidase was either applied directly to the surface or injected by glass micropipettes in single or multiple injections. retrograde as well orthograde transport was observed by light and electron microscopy in different areas: in the thalamus: the nucleus ventralis lateralis and the nucleus centrum medianum, in the red nucleus and in the spinal cord. the distribution of hrp within the nervous elements of the nuc ...197990081
feline syncytium-forming virus: identification of a virion associated reverse transcriptase and electron microscopical observations of infected cells.the maturation of feline syncytium-forming virus (fsfv), a member of the foamy virus sub-family (spumavirinae), has been studied by electron microscopy of thin sections of infected feline embryo (fea) cells. the initial event observed was formation of crescent-shaped nucleoids at the plasma membrane. as budding progressed, the nucleoid became circular in outline with an electron-lucent centre in fully mature extracellular particles. these observations suggested that the maturation of fsfv in ful ...197990117
central transport and distribution of labelled glutamic and aspartic acids to the cochlear nucleus in cats: an autoradiographic study. 197990345
[use of hematoxylin to demonstrate the microcirculatory bed in full-thickness objects and sections of the wall of the gastrointestinal tract].slight modifications of the widely applied hematoxylin method of staining make it possible to reveal completely microcirculatory bed in total film preparations and in histological sections of the gastrointestinal wall. hematoxylin staining of all elements in the vascular wall and the surrounding tissue helps to differentiate definitely every component of the microcirculatory bed and to demonstrate vascular-tissue and vascular-neural interconnections in film preparations and histological sections ...197990495
cells of origin of the spinocerebellar tract in the rat, studied with the method of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase.following injections of horseradish peroxidase into the cerebellum, the distribution of labeled neurons was studied in the whole length of the spinal cord of the rat. to find the ascending side of the axons, injections were made following hemisections at c1 or between c1 and c2. labeled spinocerebellar tract neurons were classified into two groups according to the axonal course in the spinal cord; one is composed of neurons with uncrossed ascending axons and the other, neurons with crossed ascen ...197990539
anatomical observations of horseradish peroxidase-filled terminal primary axonal arborizations in layer ii of the substantia gelatinosa of rolando. 197990543
application of coupled oxidation reaction to electron microscopic demonstration of horseradish peroxidase: cobalt-glucose oxidase method. 197990544
[effect of cooling and electrical stimulation of nuclei of raphe system on states of alertness in cat].in cats prepared in a 'semi-chronic' manner (spinal cord transected, brachial plexus sectioned bilaterally) all states of alertness are present; their quantitative evolution is characterized by an immediate postoperative period with continuous wakefulness and a secondary period of recovery of the states of sleep, which are then maintained. in such a preparation, localized moderate cooling (+10 degrees c) of the nucleus raphe dorsalis induces slow wave sleep and paradoxical sleep; the same type o ...197990600
stimulus induced and seizure related changes in extracellular potassium concentration in cat thalamus (vpl).extracellular potassium activity (ak) and field potentials (fp) were measured in the nucleus ventro-postero-lateralis (vpl) thalami in order to assess the extent of thalamic participation in cortical seizure activity. small increases (up to 0.7 mmole/l) or decreases (up to 0.2 mmole/l) in ak were induced by electrical stimulation of the contralateral forepaw. these changes in ak were spatially more limited than the simultaneously recorded fp. similar observations were made during weak electrical ...197990603
relation between extracellular potassium concentration and neuronal activities in cat thalamus (vpl) during projection of cortical epileptiform discharge.neuronal and potassium activities (ak) were measured in the nucleus ventro-posterolateralis thalami (vpl) during propagated epileptiform activity from the somatosensory cortex of cats. seizures were induced by repetitive electrical stimulation of the cortical surface or by topical application of penicillin. the recruitment of vpl into a seizure resulted in large increases of ak to levels of up to 11.6 mmoles/l, accompanied by increased in neuronal discharge rate to 300/sec. sometimes the rise in ...197990604
effects of diphenylhydantoin on the spontaneous activity of purkinje, nucleus interpositus, red nucleus and motor cortex cells.(1) extracellular multiunit recordings were made of the spontaneous activity in cerebellar purkinje cells, nucleus interpositus, red nucleus and sensorimotor cortex in acute cat preparations. (2) changes in this spontaneous neural activity produced by the administration of diphyenylhydantoin (dph) were studied. dph was infused i.v., generally at a concentration of 2.5 mg/ml and at a rate varying from 0.08 to 0.48 mg/kg/min. two different patterns of infusion were used: fixed time, variable rate ...197990605
single unit activity vs. amplitude of the epidural evoked potential in primary auditory cortex of awake cats.the study investigated, in primary auditory cortex (ai) of awake cats, the relationship over a range of stimuli between the amplitude and latency of the initial positive deflection (p1) of the primary evoked potential and the intensity of concurrent underlying evoked single unit activity. epidural evoked potentials and extracellular responses of 155 single units to monaural 100 musec clicks ranging from 45 to 110 db were recorded. at low stimulus levels, considerable unit response could occur wi ...197990607
blastomycosis: report of three cases from alberta with a review of canadian cases.approximately 120 cases of blastomycosis have been reported from canada to-date. the great majority of these occurred in the eastern provinces. since 1970, three cases of blastomycosis have been seen in alberta. the first case, with meningeal and pulmonary involvements, was diagnosed at post-mortem. the second case was that of a 75-year-old male with a history of pancytopenia, aortic arteriosclerosis, exposure to mercury, and fever. koh and periodic-acid schiff (pas) stained smears of the lung t ...197991108
stationary potential of the brain: part i. basic studies. 197991122
stationary potential of the brain: part ii. clinical studies. 197991123
projections of auditory nerve in the cat as seen by anterograde transport methods. 197991142
[study of nervous system connections by means of axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase]. 197991355
methyl xanthines, adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate and the spinal transmission of nociceptive information.1 in spinal cats anaesthetized with either alpha-chloralose or sodium pentobarbitone, a study was made of the effects of adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic amp), mono- and di-butyryl cyclic amp and the methyl xanthines, theophylline and isobutyl methyl xanthine (ibmx), on the responses of neurones of laminae i, iv and v to noxious and innocuous skin stimuli. the compounds were administered from micropipettes positioned in the substantia gelatinosa. ibmx was also given intravenously.2 w ...197991402
Displaying items 1301 - 1400 of 158446