
diuretic activity of smilax canariensis, an endemic canary island species.smilax canariensis is an endemic species of the canary islands, popularly known as "zarzaparrilla sin espinas". this species has wide use in folk-medicine practice on the islands, especially as diuretic. so the aim of our study is to evaluate the diuretic activity of an aqueous and a methanol extract of this species.200818602777
suitability of pines and other conifers as hosts for the invasive mediterranean pine engraver (coleoptera: scolytidae) in north america.the invasive mediterranean pine engraver, orthotomicus erosus (wollaston) (coleoptera: scolytidae), was detected in north america in 2004, and it is currently distributed in the southern central valley of california. it originates from the mediterranean region, the middle east, and asia, and it reproduces on pines (pinus spp.). to identify potentially vulnerable native and adventive hosts in north america, no-choice host range tests were conducted in the laboratory on 22 conifer species. the bee ...200818613584
killing the canary: the international epidemiology of the homicide of media describe the international epidemiology of the homicide of media workers, and investigate country-level risk factors.200818621952
avian olfactory receptor gene repertoires: evidence for a well-developed sense of smell in birds?among vertebrates, the sense of smell is mediated by olfactory receptors (ors) expressed in sensory neurons within the olfactory epithelium. comparative genomic studies suggest that the olfactory acuity of mammalian species correlates positively with both the total number and the proportion of functional or genes encoded in their genomes. in contrast to mammals, avian olfaction is poorly understood, with birds widely regarded as relying primarily on visual and auditory inputs. here, we show that ...200818628122
total dietary intake of mercury in the canary islands, spain.estimating the risk associated with dietary intake of heavy metals by consumers is a vital and integral part of regulatory processes. the assessment of exposure to mercury shown in this paper has been performed by means of a study on the whole diet. total mercury (hg) levels were determined by cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry (aas) in 420 samples of regularly consumed food and drink. the total hg concentrations measured in the different groups of food ranged from non-detectable to 119 ...200818629690
papillomavirus-like infections in canaries (serinus canarius).a papillomavirus-like infection in canaries (serinus canarius) is described. papillomatous epithelial proliferations were observed at the commissure of the beak and on the head. histologically, stratified squamous epithelium covered with a hyperkeratotic layer and intranuclear inclusions were observed. electron microscopically, intranuclear aggregates of papilloma-like virus particles were demonstrated.199318671063
pathogenic staphylococci and staphylococcal infections in canaries.staphylococcus aureus was isolated from six cases of bacterial infection in canaries, staphylococcus hyicus from three and staphylococcus intermedius from one case. staphylococcus aureus was most often involved in outbreaks of septicaemia, with or without 'megabacterium' proventriculitis. the other coccal species were mainly complicating disease caused by atoxoplasma (lankesterella), chlamydia psittaci and canary pox.199418671080
response properties of the auditory telencephalon in songbirds change with recent experience and season.the caudomedial nidopallium (ncm) is a telencephalic auditory area that is selectively activated by conspecific vocalizations in zebra finches and canaries. we recently demonstrated that temporal and spectral dynamics of auditory tuning in ncm differ between these species [1]. in order to determine whether these differences reflect recent experience, we exposed separate groups of each species and sex to different housing conditions. adult birds were housed either in an aviary with conspecifics ( ...200818682724
use of a synthetic gnrh analog to induce reproductive activity in canaries (serinus canaria).in this study, we evaluated the effects of a transcutaneously administered gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog (lecirelin) on the reproductive activity of the canary (serinus canaria). two groups of 20 pairs of canaries were treated with increasing concentrations of lecirelin delivered in a cream vehicle; one group was exposed to a natural photoperiod, and the other group received additional photostimulation. two groups of 10 pairs of canaries served as controls; one group was exposed to an ar ...200818689073
cytokine il-1 beta but not il-1 alpha promoter polymorphism is associated with alzheimer disease in a population from the canary islands, spain.previous studies have reported the presence of low-grade inflammation in alzheimer disease (ad). based on these data, our work attempts to investigate the effects of some promoter polymorphisms of pro-inflammatory cytokines [interleukin (il)-1 alpha and il-1 beta] on ad.200818717723
main pigmentary features and melanocortin 1 receptor (mc1r) gene polymorphisms in the population of the canary islands.sun exposure, light skin pigmentation, and melanocortin 1 receptor (mc1r) gene variants are independent risk factors for skin cancer. the canary islands have a sunny and temperate climate, but data regarding the phenotypic and genotypic risk factors among the population are lacking.200818717860
evolution of caries and fluorosis in schoolchildren of the canary islands (spain): 1991, 1998, 2006.the aim of this work is to assess the evolution of caries and fluorosis prevalence and indices at 7 and 12 years of age in the canary islands through three cross epidemiological studies conducted in 1991, 1998 and 2006. the three studies followed a similar methodology, using the who diagnosis criteria and indications, except for the assessment of fluorosis, which was measured with the "thylstrup and fejerskov" index. the examining dentists were trained and calibrated in an area with high endemic ...200818758407
genetic characterization, distribution and prevalence of avian pox and avian malaria in the berthelot's pipit (anthus berthelotii) in macaronesia.exotic pathogens have been implicated in the decline and extinction of various native-island-bird species. despite the fact that there is increasing concern about the introduction of diseases in island ecosystems, little is known about parasites in the islands of macaronesia. we focus on berthelot's pipit (anthus berthelotii), an endemic and widespread macaronesian bird species, using a combination of field studies and molecular techniques to determine: (1) the range and prevalence of avian pox ...200818762985
spontaneous toxoplasmosis in canaries (serinus canaria) and other small passerine cage outbreak of spontaneous toxoplasma gondii infection on an italian bird-farm is described. small passerine birds (serinus canaria, carduelis chloris, carduelis carduelis, carduelis spinus, carduelis cannabina, pyrrhula pyrrhula) showed clinical signs consisting of anorexia, prostration, weight loss, diarrhoea and dyspnoea accompanied by a high mortality rate. clinical, pathological, biological and serological investigations were performed. characteristic lesions and toxoplasma gondii specimens ...198618766519
a bacterial proventriculitis in canaries (serinus canaria).a description is given of the pathomorphology and pathomorphogenesis of a bacterial infection of the proventriculus of canaries. the cause appeared to be a large, rod-shaped, grampositive bacterium, in which no spore formation could be observed. cultivation in vitro has not as yet been achieved. thirty % of the 30 canaries examined contained this bacterium in the proventriculus. in the rest of the digestive tract much smaller numbers were found. the bacteria were associated with a proliferative ...198418766868
[leukosis in captive wild birds].among 2589 captive wild birds, examined between 1974 and 1983, we found leukosis in 26 birds belonging to 13 different species and five orders. we diagnosed lymphoid leukosis in 11 birds (two melopsittacus undulatus, two psittacus erithacus one platycerus eximius, one columba livia, one streptopelia decaocto, one polyplectron bicalcaratum, one pavo cristatus, one aptenodytes patachonia and one finch, species unknown), myeloid leukosis in 14 (nine melopsittacus undulatus, two agapomis personata f ...198418766880
poverty is a risk factor for osteoporotic fractures.this study assesses the possible association between poverty and osteoporosis and/or fragility fractures in a population of postmenopausal women. we found that postmenopausal women with low socioeconomic status had lower values of bmd at the lumbar spine, a higher prevalence of densitometric osteoporosis, and a higher prevalence of total and vertebral fractures.200918773136
glomerular hypervascularity. a congenital defect in a canary (serinus canarius). 197418777258
municipal distribution of ovarian cancer mortality in spain.spain was the country that registered the greatest increases in ovarian cancer mortality in europe. this study describes the municipal distribution of ovarian cancer mortality in spain using spatial models for small-area analysis.200818789142
inverse association between serum resistin and insulin resistance in determine how serum concentrations of resistin are distributed in humans in relation to insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.200818789551
avian mycobacteriosis in companion birds: 20-year survey.the causative agents of avian mycobacteriosis in pet birds are rarely identified. the aim of this study is to add information about the etiology of avian mycobacteriosis. the identification of mycobacterium species in 27 cases of avian mycobacteriosis in pet birds was investigated by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) and sequencing of a rrna hypervariable region. avian mycobacteriosis appeared to be an infrequent diagnosis. interestingly, a few cases of avian mycobacteriosis were recorded in very ...200918789612
much to know about proteolysis: intricate proteolytic machineries compromise essential cellular functions.proteolysis has traditionally been considered as a radical way to terminate the function of a protein. however, protein destruction also is the starting point for many processes as they can only occur when the way has been cleared for the action of other proteins. protein destruction can occur virtually in all compartments and organelles of the cell, associated with cell membranes or large protein complexes, it determines subcellular partitioning, association with positive or negative regulators ...200818793136
genetic structuring and migration patterns of atlantic bigeye tuna, thunnus obesus (lowe, 1839).large pelagic fishes are generally thought to have little population genetic structuring based on their cosmopolitan distribution, large population sizes and high dispersal capacities. however, gene flow can be influenced by ecological (e.g. homing behaviour) and physical (e.g. present-day ocean currents, past changes in sea temperature and levels) factors. in this regard, atlantic bigeye tuna shows an interesting genetic structuring pattern with two highly divergent mitochondrial clades (clades ...200818798987
noradrenergic deficits alter processing of communication signals in female songbirds.during acoustic communication, animals must attend to sounds from a particular source while simultaneously rejecting intrusion from other sources. one possible candidate mechanism for this process is the noradrenergic system. noradrenaline is a neuromodulator that tunes sensory processing systems and regulates attention. we examined whether pharmacological degradation of the noradrenergic system using n-(2-chloroethyl)-n-2-bromobenzyl-amine hydrochloride (dsp-4) modifies processing of species-ty ...200818815444
herpes simplex-like infection in a bottlenose dolphin stranded in the canary islands.a bottlenose dolphin, stranded in the canary islands in 2001 exhibited non-suppurative encephalitis. no molecular detection of cetacean morbillivirus (cemv) was found, but a herpesviral-specific band of 250 bp was detected in the lung and brain. the sequenced herpesviral pcr product was compared with genbank sequences, obtaining 98% homology (p-distance of 0.02) with human herpesvirus 1 (herpes simplex virus 1 or hsv-1). this is the first report of a herpes simplex-like infection in a stranded d ...200818828564
fungal diversity in the rhizosphere of endemic plant species of tenerife (canary islands): relationship to vegetation zones and environmental factors.knowledge about fungal diversity scaling relationships relative to that of plants is important to understand ecosystem functioning. tenerife island, a natural laboratory to study terrestrial biodiversity, is represented by six different vegetation zones characterized by specific abiotic conditions and plant communities with a high proportion of endemic plants. little is known about the biodiversity of associated fungi. to understand the relationship between plant and fungal communities, we analy ...200918830279
gloeodontia xerophila (aphyllophorales, basidiomycota), a new species with corticioid basidioma from the canary islands.gloeodontia xerophila sp. nov. is described and illustrated from material collected on dead xerophyte debris in the canary islands. this species is characterized by the odontioid hymenophore with short aculei, up to 2 mm long, dimitic hyphal system and amyloid, subglobose and verrucose spores, 4-5 x 3-4 microm. the new taxon is compared with other species in the genus and a key to the species of gloeodontia is provided.200818833760
organochlorine pesticide levels in loggerhead turtles (caretta caretta) stranded in the canary islands, spain. 200818834602
[physicians' attitudes and perceptions regarding the critical care and critical care specialty].to evaluate the attitudes and perceptions of the doctors of a hospital regarding critical care and the speciality of intensive medicine.200818842223
multiple colonizations, in situ speciation, and volcanism-associated stepping-stone dispersals shaped the phylogeography of the macaronesian red fescues (festuca l., gramineae).whereas examples of insular speciation within the endemic-rich macaronesian hotspot flora have been documented, the phylogeography of recently evolved plants in the region has received little attention. the macaronesian red fescues constitute a narrow and recent radiation of four closely related diploid species distributed in the canary islands (f. agustinii), madeira (f. jubata), and the azores (f. francoi and f. petraea), with a single extant relative distributed in mainland southwest europe ( ...200818853360
splenic marginal zone lymphoma--a clinicopathological study in a series of 16 patients.splenic marginal zone lymphoma (smzl), characterized in the who classification of lymphoid tumors, is a rare disorder comprising less than 1% of lymphoid neoplasms; only a few series concerning this entity have been published. although this type of lymphoma is well defined histologically, its histogenesis remains obscure. moreover, specific biological markers are still lacking and immunophenotype profile is not specific. these and other reasons, such as the existence of cytogenetic subtypes, hav ...200818854089
duration of immunity to malaria, plasmodium cathemerium, in the canary. 194818867813
infectivity of sporozoites of plasmodium cathemerium 3h2 exposed in vitro to hen and canary bloods. 194818907619
the potential pathogenicity of chlorhexidine-sensitive acanthamoeba strains isolated from contact lens cases from asymptomatic individuals in tenerife, canary islands, spain.pathogenic strains of the genus acanthamoeba are causative agents of a serious sight-threatening infection of the eye known as acanthamoeba keratitis. the prevalence of this infection has risen in the past 20 years, mainly due to the increase in number of contact lens wearers. in this study, the prevalence of acanthamoeba in a risk group constituted by asymptomatic contact lens wearers from tenerife, canary islands, spain, was evaluated. contact lenses and contact lens cases were analysed for th ...200818927419
[hemoglobin stanleyville ii [alpha78(ef7)asn --> lys]. first case described in spain].structural hemoglobinopathies are the result of mutations in the genes of globin, which determine a qualitative alteration in the expression of these genes. most alterations do not originate any significant change, and correspond to silent or asymptomatic forms. this study proves a new case of hemoglobin (hb) stanleyville ii.200818928738
bird pollination of canary island endemic plants.the canary islands are home to a guild of endemic, threatened bird-pollinated plants. previous work has suggested that these plants evolved floral traits as adaptations to pollination by flower specialist sunbirds, but subsequently, they appear to have co-opted generalist passerine birds as sub-optimal pollinators. to test this idea, we carried out a quantitative study of the pollination biology of three of the bird-pollinated plants, canarina canariensis (campanulaceae), isoplexis canariensis ( ...200918931830
infectivity of sporozoites of plasmodium cathemerium 3h2 exposed in vitro to hen and canary bloods. 194818938303
molecular characterization of a poxvirus isolated from an american flamingo (phoeniconais ruber rubber).an avian poxvirus from the beak scab of an american flamingo (phoeniconais ruber rubber) was isolated by inoculation on the chorioallantoic membrane (cam) of specific-pathogen-free (spf) chicken embryos. the virus produced multifocal areas of epithelial hyperplasia along with foci of inflammation in the cam, and rare cells contained small eosinophilic intracytoplasmic bodies. chickens inoculated with the isolated virus in the feather follicle of the leg did not develop significant lesions. nucle ...200818939646
a chemo attractant in onion root exudates recognized by ditylenchus dipsaci in laboratory bioassay.abstract a quantitative bioassay that translates preferences of axenically cultured and field population of ditylenchus dipsaci, observed in vitro, into relative attractiveness of sterile root exudates preparations and their components is described. onion (allium cepa cv. white lisbon) root exudates (ore) are consistently and significantly much more attractive than the buffer control in all these assays. exudates from oat cv. lodi, mustard cv. albatross and tomato cv. rehovot 13 are significantl ...200318944166
genetic structure of the population of pepino mosaic virus infecting tomato crops in spain.abstract the population structure of pepino mosaic virus (pepmv), which has caused severe epidemics in tomato in spain since 2000, was analyzed. isolates were characterized by the nucleotide sequence of the triple gene block and coat protein gene and, for a subset of isolates, a part of the rna-dependent rna polymerase gene. the full-length sequence of the genomic rna of a solanum muricatum isolate from peru also was determined. in spite of high symptom diversity, the spanish population of pepmv ...200618944442
rapid detection of the fusarium oxysporum lineage containing the canary island date palm wilt pathogen.abstract fusarium oxysporum f. sp. canariensis causes fusarium wilt disease on the canary island date palm (phoenix canariensis). to facilitate disease management, a polymerase chain reaction diagnostic method has been developed to rapidly detect the pathogen. a partial genomic library of f. oxysporum f. sp. canariensis isolate 95-913 was used to identify a dna sequence diagnostic for a lineage containing all tested isolates of f. oxysporum f. sp. canariensis. two oligonucleotide primers were de ...199918944754
negative per capita effects of two invasive plants, lythrum salicaria and phalaris arundinacea, on the moth diversity of wetland communities.invasive plants have been shown to negatively affect the diversity of plant communities. however, little is known about the effect of invasive plants on the diversity at other trophic levels. in this study, we examine the per capita effects of two invasive plants, purple loosestrife (lythrum salicaria) and reed canary grass (phalaris arundinacea), on moth diversity in wetland communities at 20 sites in the pacific northwest, usa. prior studies document that increasing abundance of these two plan ...200918947450
evaluating new candidate snps as low penetrance risk factors in sporadic breast cancer: a two-stage spanish case-control study.a polygenic model has been proposed in order to explain the genetic susceptibility to sporadic breast cancer. according to this model, common population variants would be responsible for low to modest effects on the risk of developing the disease. we have carried out a high-throughput snp genotyping project in order to shed some light on the complex genetic aetiology of non-familial breast cancer.200918950845
indirect determination of fluorides by the edta titration of samarium.fluorides are determined by the back-titration of excess of samarium with edta to the canary yellow end-point of methylthymol blue. the fluoride is precipitated and digested in a solution buffered at ph 2.5-3.0 with monochloroacetate buffer. after digestion, the ph is adjusted to 5.6-5.8 with pyridine and the excess of samarium is back-titrated in the presence of the precipitate, for samples with small quantities of fluoride. the procedure was used to analyse simple fluorides, fluoroborates and ...197018960777
classification of commercial wines from the canary islands (spain) by chemometric techniques using metallic contents.eleven elements, k, na, ca, mg, fe, cu, zn, mn, sr, li and rb, were determined in dry and sweet wines bearing the denominations of origin of el hierro, la palma and lanzarote islands (canary islands, spain). analyses were performed by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry, with the exceptions of lithium and rubidium for which flame atomic emission spectrophotometry was used. sweet wines from la palma were elaborated as naturally sweet with over-ripe grapes and significant differences were fo ...200318968916
long-term effects of lead poisoning on bone mineralization in vultures exposed to ammunition sources.long-lived species are particularly susceptible to bioaccumulation of lead in bone tissues. in this paper we gain insights into the sublethal effects of lead contamination on egyptian vultures (neophron percnopterus). our approach was done on the comparison of two populations (canary islands and iberian peninsula) differing in exposures to the ingestion of lead ammunition. blood lead levels were higher in the island population (canary islands range: 5.10-1780 microg l(-1) n=137; iberian peninsul ...200918995938
[mortality related with alcohol in spain and the different autonomous communities of spain in 2004].alcohol consumption is associated with great morbidity-mortality rate. the aim of this study is to analyze the mortality that can be attributed to alcohol consumption in spain and in its different autonomous communities during 2004.200819000474
photosynthesis, chloroplast pigments, and antioxidants in pinus canariensis under free-air ozone fumigation.high o3 levels, driving uptake and challenging defense, prevail on the canary islands, being associated with the hot and dry summers of the mediterranean-type climate. pinus canariensis is an endemic conifer species that forms forests across these islands. we investigated the effects of ozone on photosynthesis and biochemical parameters of p. canariensis seedlings exposed to free-air o3 fumigation at kranzberg forest, germany, where ambient o3 levels were similar to those at forest sites in the ...200919000645
therapy in a subtropical climate for children with cerebral palsy. evidence of physical and psychosocial effects?to assess a possible therapeutic effect in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy of a habilitation programme in a warm sunny climate.200919006523
molecular markers reveal no genetic differentiation between myrica rivas-martinezii and m. faya (myricaceae).myrica rivas-martinezii is a critically endangered endemic of the laurel forest of the canary islands and co-occurs very close to m. faya. some authors suggest that m. rivas-martinezii and m. faya are two morphs of the same species, so molecular markers were used to estimate the levels and structuring of genetic variation within and among natural populations in order to evaluate genetic relationships between these two congeners.200919008254
canary in a coal mine? interest in bupropion sr use among smokers in the compass trial. 200819023832
[characterization of the atmospheric environment in las palmas de gran canaria and santa cruz de tenerife, spain: 2000-2004].the island factor in the cities of las palmas de gran canaria and santa cruz de tenerife, their meteorology and the proximity to the african continent that originates the natural particulate matter transport over the islands, cause some specific features in their air quality. the aim of this paper is to characterize the air pollution from 2000 to 2004 as exposure indicator of both cities inhabitants.200819039503
[validation of a food intake frequency questionnaire adapted for the study and monitoring of the adult population of the canary islands, spain].the registering of eating habits requires a valid and reliable method. the purpose of this study is to validate the food intake frequency questionnaire, cdc-ffq, which is an adaptation of another questionnaire, in order to assess the nutrition of the adult population of the canary islands.200819039504
[presentation of the "cdc de canarias" cohort: objectives, design and preliminary results].the canary islands rank first in spain with respect to the ischaemic heart disease and diabetes mortality rates. the islands female population leads the country in deaths from breast cancer. the "cdc de canarias" is a general population cohort study in order to analyse the prevalence and incidence of these diseases and the exposure to their risk factors (rf) in the adult population of the archipelago.200819039505
hypericum grandifolium choisy: a species native to macaronesian region with antidepressant effect.various species of hypericum genus have been used in the canary islands as sedative, diuretic, vermifuge, wound healing, antihysteric and antidepressant agent. studies have shown that methanol extract of hypericum grandifolium choisy is active in tetrabenazine-induced ptosis and forced swimming tests. in the current study, the aqueous, butanol and chloroform fractions obtained from the methanol extract as well as three sub-fractions derived from the chloroform fraction were evaluated for their c ...200919041704
the peopling of madeira archipelago (portugal) according to hla genes.the madeira-porto santo archipelago was officially colonized in 1420 by portuguese settlers. its importance in columbus' information for the american discovery and for slave traffic across the atlantic is unquestionable. thus, a complex peopling may have given rise to a present-day high admixture of ethnicities according to hla genes. a sample of 173 healthy unrelated madeirans was analysed and compared with 6986 hla chromosomes from other worldwide populations. genetic distances, neighbour-join ...200919055604
maternal effects and beta-carotene assimilation in canary chicks.carotenoids are pigments responsible for the red, orange and yellow coloration of plants and animals. they may be beneficial in two ways; they have a powerful antioxidant activity, and they can behave as an immunostimulant. animals however cannot synthesize carotenoids de novo, they must obtain them through their diet. in our experiments on canaries, we investigated how mothers transfer their dietary carotenoid-related benefits to their offspring; either through the egg, or through the diet (dur ...200919059274
high levels of polychlorinated biphenyls in tissues of atlantic turtles stranded in the canary islands, spain.polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs 28, 31, 52, 101, 138, 153, 180, and 209) were measured in tissue samples (liver and fat) from 30 loggerhead turtles caretta caretta, 1 green turtle chelonia mydas, and 1 leatherback dermochelys coriacea stranded on the coasts of the canary islands, trying to establish a possible relation between pcb concentrations and the lesions and causes of death. tissues from these turtles contained higher levels of pcbs than those reported in turtles from other geographical r ...200919062067
obesity and health related quality of life in the general adult population of the canary explore the relationship between excess weight and health related quality of life (hrql) in the general population by means of the euroqol-5d questionnaire.200919067234
differentiation of two canary do red wines according to their metal content from inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry by using probabilistic neural networks.the metal content of 54 commercialized wines (30 samples from tacoronte-acentejo do (class t) and 24 valle de la orotava do (class o) wines) was performed by icp-oes (al, ba, cu, fe, mn, sr, zn, ca, k, na and mg) and gf-aas (ni and pb). wine samples were processed by dry ashing followed by solution with 5% nitric acid. metals were considered as suitable descriptors to differentiate between t and o classes. supervised learning pattern recognition procedures were applied. linear discriminant analy ...200719071612
spatio-temporal upwelling trends along the canary upwelling system (1967-2006).spatio-temporal trends in upwelling patterns were studied along the canary upwelling system for the period 1967-2006. the northwestern coast of african from lat 20 degrees n to 32 degrees n is observed to be under a permanent upwelling regime characterized by coastal sea surface temperatures (sst) colder than the oceanic ones at the same latitude. the temperature difference is termed the temperature upwelling index (ui(sst)). this regime is consistent with the wind-derived ekman transport (ui(w) ...200819076422
helicobacter pylori and caga seroprevalence in sub-saharan inmigrants recently arrived to gran canaria (spain).non-ulcerous dyspepsia is common among sub-saharan people migrating into spain. given the high prevalence of h. pylori (hp) infection in their countries of origin, we studied the prevalence of infection in this population, and specifically the prevalence of infection by the more virulent, caga-positive strains (cap). 140 sub-saharan immigrants recently arrived to gran canaria (canary islands, spain) were studied. 80.7% were male, with a mean age of 24.2 y. 90.7% tested seropositive for hp and 72 ...200819086248
a new anoplocephalid (cestoda: cyclophyllidea) from gallotia atlantica (reptilia, lacertidae) in the canary islands, spain.a new species of anoplocephalid cestode is described from gallotia atlantica (reptilia, lacertidae) on the canary islands, spain. oochoristica feliui n. sp. belongs to the group of oochoristica spp. having circular suckers and fewer than 25 testes in a single cluster: o. lygosomae burt, 1933; o. lygosomatis skinker, 1935; o. elongata dupouy et kechemir, 1973; o. jonnesi bursey, mcallister and freed, 1997; o. junkea johri, 1950; o. macallisteri bursey and goldberg, 1996; o. novaezelandae schmidt ...200919090647
no "canary in the coalmine" for intra-abdominal hypertension. 200919112315
use of cymelarsan in goats chronically infected with trypanosoma evansi.toxicity and therapeutic trials using cymelarsan (an arsenical compound) against trypanosoma evansi infection were carried out using chronically infected goats. for the toxicity trial, 40 goats were divided into four groups of 10 animals each; the first three groups received s.c. injections of 5, 10, and 15 mg/kg bw of cymelarsan, respectively, and the last one served as control. no systemic reaction was observed in any goat throughout the experiment. for the therapeutic trial, 15 adult female g ...200819120242
comparing therapeutic efficacy between ivermectin, selamectin, and moxidectin in canaries during natural infection with dermanyssus gallinae.the aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of three spot-on drugs on canaries during dermanyssus gallinae natural infections and during the breeding season. three groups of canary couples (seven couples each) were included: group a was treated with ivermectin, b with selamectin, and c with moxidectin. all the drugs were administered topically infrascapularly. the parasitic charge was estimated before the treatment (t(0)) and after 8 (t(1)), 16 (t(2)), 24 (t(3)), and 32 (t(4)) days followi ...200819120251
genetic diversity and differentiation processes in the ploidy series of olea europaea l.: a multiscale approach from subspecies to insular populations.geographical isolation and polyploidization are central concepts in plant evolution. the hierarchical organization of archipelagos in this study provides a framework for testing the evolutionary consequences for polyploid taxa and populations occurring in isolation. using amplified fragment length polymorphism and simple sequence repeat markers, we determined the genetic diversity and differentiation patterns at three levels of geographical isolation in olea europaea: mainland-archipelagos, isla ...200919143937
withanolides from whitania aristata and their diuretic activity.withania aristata is an endemic plant used traditionally in canary islands as a diuretic. in this paper, we report on this pharmacological activity in several extracts of the dry vegetal material collected and the identification and diuretic activity of two withanolides, one of them previously not reported, isolated from the most active fraction.200919146940
repertoire sharing and auditory responses in the hvc of the songbirds, auditory neurons of the nucleus hvc respond selectively to a particular complex sound, the bird's own song (bos). in the canary, this song selectivity did not exclude responses to conspecific songs. here, we recorded single units in nucleus hvc of adult canaries to assess to what extent repertoire sharing among birds contributed to auditory responsiveness to birds' songs other than the bos. results indicated that song phrases driving auditory responses could differ from bird's own ...200919151601
fitness to drive of psychiatric patients.driving a motor vehicle could be central to the functional autonomy of patients with psychiatric illnesses. for patients, a driver's license could mean independence, the ability to care for themselves, and the freedom to travel when they wish. however, both psychiatric disorders and psychiatric drug treatments can produce changes in perception, information processing and integration, and psychomotor activity that can disturb and/or interfere with the ability to drive safely.200819158977
the ggn and cag repeat polymorphisms in the exon-1 of the androgen receptor gene are, respectively, associated with insulin resistance in men and with dyslipidemia in women.the human androgen receptor (ar) gene possesses two trinucleotide repeats of cag and ggn in exon-1. the ggn repeat affects the amount of ar protein translated, while the cag repeat affects the efficiency of ar transcriptionaly. in this study, we have genotyped these polymorphic tracts in a representative sample of 557 caucasian adult individuals (314 women and 243 men) from the canary islands, spain (the enca study), and investigated their association with fasting serum levels of lipids, glucose ...200919159685
natural infection with cryptosporidium galli in canaries (serinus canaria), in a cockatiel (nymphicus hollandicus), and in lesser seed-finches (oryzoborus angolensis) from brazil.proventricular infection by cryptosporidium sp. or cryptosporidium galli has been associated with mortality, weight loss, diarrhea, and pasty feces. the purpose of this study is to report the occurrence of natural c galli infection in canaries (serinus canaria), in a cockatiel (nymphicus hollandicus), and in lesser seed-finches (oryzoborus angolensis) with clinical complaints of apathy and sporadic mortality. screening for cryptosporidium spp. using microscopic examination of fecal samples and s ...200819166068
nucleotide sequence-based identification of a novel circovirus of canaries.circovirus-like, spherical particles measuring 16 to 18 nm in diameter were detected in organ homogenates from adult canaries that had died after a short illness characterized by dullness, anorexia, lethargy and feather disorder. a polymerase chain reaction method, based on degenerate primers specific to conserved amino acid sequences in the circovirus replication-associated protein, was used to amplify dna specific to a novel circovirus, tentatively named canary circovirus (ccv). sequence analy ...200119184917
innovation and discovery: the application of nucleic acid-based technology to avian virus detection and characterization.polymerase chain reaction (pcr)-based approaches to the detection, differentiation and characterization of avian pathogens continue to be developed and refined. the pcrs, or reverse transcriptase-pcrs, may be general, designed to detect all or most variants of a pathogen, or to be serotype, genotype or pathotype specific. progress is being made with respect to making nucleic acid approaches more suitable for use in diagnostic laboratories. robotic workstations are now available for extraction of ...200119184952
caboxamycin, a new antibiotic of the benzoxazole family produced by the deep-sea strain streptomyces sp. ntk 937.caboxamycin, a new benzoxazole antibiotic, was detected by hplc-diode array screening in extracts of the marine strain streptomyces sp. ntk 937, which was isolated from deep-sea sediment collected in the canary basin. the structure of caboxamycin was determined by mass spectrometry, nmr experiments and x-ray analysis. it showed inhibitory activity against gram-positive bacteria, selected human tumor cell lines and the enzyme phosphodiesterase.200919198633
fog reduces transpiration in tree species of the canarian relict heath-laurel cloud forest (garajonay national park, spain).the ecophysiologic role of fog in the evergreen heath-laurel 'laurisilva' cloud forests of the canary islands has not been unequivocally demonstrated, although it is generally assumed that fog water is important for the survival and the distribution of this relict paleoecosystem of the north atlantic macaronesian archipelagos. to determine the role of fog in this ecosystem, we combined direct transpiration measurements of heath-laurel tree species, obtained with granier's heat dissipation probes ...200919203969
ultrastructural study of the spermatozoon of taenia taeniaeformis (batsch, 1786) (cestoda, cyclophyllidea, taeniidae), an intestinal parasite of felis catus from la palma (canary islands, spain).the ultrastructural characters of the mature spermatozoon of taenia taeniaeformis are described by means of transmission electron microscopy. materials were obtained from a naturally infected road-killed cat (felis catus) from la palma (canary islands, spain). the mature spermatozoon of t. taeniaeformis is a filiform cell, which is tapered at both extremities and lacks mitochondria. it is characterised by the presence of (1) a single spirallised crested body about 140 nm thick, (2) a single axon ...200919205741
intestinal barrier dysfunction, endotoxemia, and gastrointestinal symptoms: the 'canary in the coal mine' during exercise-heat stress?reduced intestinal blood flow and high intestinal temperatures during exercise-heat stress can lead to intestinal barrier dysfunction. such dysfunction may increase intestinal permeability to endotoxin. during exercise-heat stress, intestinal barrier dysfunction and endotoxemia can produce gastrointestinal symptoms and increased production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. such problems may be a warning sign ('canary in the coal mine') for the onset of exertional heat stroke. failure to heed such a ...200819208999
silicosis in lymph nodes: the canary in the miner?to investigate evidence that lymph node silicosis can precede parenchymal silicosis.200919209037
vasotocin target sites in the capsular region surrounding the nucleus robustus archistriatalis of the canary brain.abstract the aim of this study was to characterize neurohypophyseal hormone receptors in the brain of the canary (serinus canarius) by using autoradiographical and biochemical procedures with a radioiodinated vasotocin analogue, [(125) l]d(ch(2))(5)[tyr(me)(2), thr(4), orn(8), tyr-nh(2) (9)]vasotocin ([(125) i]-ota). this synthetic analogue was used previously to identify a population of oxytocin-like receptors in the rat brain that have high affinity for vasotocin. in vitro autoradiography reve ...199019215402
ossifying fibroma in a canary (serinus canaria).a 1-year-old male canary (serinus canaria, jibber breed), with a protuberance on the left tibia was referred to the clinic. the bird was not able to use the affected foot to stand on its perch. results of radiographs revealed a radio-opaque hard tissue mass. the canary was euthanatized and submitted for necropsy. on histopathologic examination, the mass was diagnosed as an ossifying fibroma tumor. to our knowledge, ossifying fibroma has not been reported in birds so far, and this is the first kn ...200819216260
[epidemiological features of invasive pneumococcal disease before and after the introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in gran canaria (canary islands)].the introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (pcv-7) has modified the epidemiology of invasive pneumococcal disease (ipd). our aim was to investigate the epidemiological features of ipd before and after implementing the use of pcv-7.200919217998
rhizobia from lanzarote, the canary islands, that nodulate phaseolus vulgaris have characteristics in common with sinorhizobium meliloti isolates from mainland spain.the stable, low-molecular-weight (lmw) rna fractions of several rhizobial isolates of phaseolus vulgaris grown in the soil of lanzarote, an island of the canary islands, were identical to a less-common pattern found within sinorhizobium meliloti (assigned to group ii) obtained from nodules of alfalfa and alfalfa-related legumes grown in northern spain. the p. vulgaris isolates and the group ii lmw rna s. meliloti isolates also were distinguishable in that both had two conserved inserts of 20 and ...200919218416
kleemeier award lecture 2008--the canary in the coal mine: telomeres and human healthspan.telomeres, the repeated series of dna sequences that cap the ends of linear chromosomes, become shorter during cell division and oxidative stress. shortened telomeres have been documented in a wide variety of pathologies associated with aging and are also predictive of early mortality in the very old. however, telomere shortening--like the canary in the coal mine--is not the cause of the deleterious effects, but rather, the harbinger of increased health risk. using immune responses to infection ...200919228779
[regional differences between glomerulonephritis in the canary islands]. 200919240780
[framingham function estimates the risk of cardio vascular mortality more effectively than score function in the population of the canary islands (spain)].to compare the performance of the framingham and score functions to estimate fatal cardiovascular events. in addition, we explored the ability of both functions to detect the risk contributed by factors not included in their equations: sedentariness, obesity, abdominal circumference, abdomen/height razón, abdomen/pelvis ratio, and excessive alcohol consumption.200919250709
[review of the protocol for the treatment of diabetic retinopathy].we present general guidelines to help us with the treatment of diabetic retinopathy (dr) at a time when numerous therapeutic alternatives have been developed although their role has not yet been adequately defined. this protocol is not directed at experienced retinologists but rather at general ophthalmologists who require a practical and up to date guide of a pathology as prevalent as rd. the different therapeutic options available, and their most accepted indications depending on the degree of ...200919253176
biogas production from boreal herbaceous grasses--specific methane yield and methane yield per hectare.the objective of this study was to determine the specific methane yields of four grass species (cocksfoot, tall fescue, reed canary grass and timothy) cultivated under boreal conditions as well as how harvesting time and year of cultivation affects the specific methane yields per ha. the specific methane yields of all grasses and all harvests varied from 253 to 394 nl ch4/kg volatile solids (vs) added. the average specific methane yield of the 1st harvest of all grasses was higher than the 2nd h ...200919261471
involvement of phytosulfokine in the attenuation of stress response during the transdifferentiation of zinnia mesophyll cells into tracheary elements.phytosulfokine (psk) is a sulfated peptide hormone required for the proliferation and differentiation of plant cells. here, we characterize the physiological roles of psk in transdifferentiation of isolated mesophyll cells of zinnia (zinnia elegans 'canary bird') into tracheary elements (tes). transcripts for a zinnia psk precursor gene, zepsk1, show two peaks of expression during te differentiation; the first accumulation is transiently induced in response to wounding at 24 h of culture, and th ...200919270060
hatching behavior of potato cyst nematodes from the canary islands.the present work investigated early hatching differences in naturally occuring field populations and newly reared populations of potato cyst nematodes from the canary islands. hatching behavior of the two species appears to be distinct, with more juveniles hatched from g. pallida that hatch earlier and over a shorter time than g. rostochiensis. the hatching rate of 3-year-old pcn populations was more than double (mean 44.5% ñ 1) that shown by newly reared populations (mean 19.1% ñ 12.5), and tho ...199619277163
applications of geostatistics in plant nematology.the application of geostatistics to plant nematology was made by evaluating soil and nematode data acquired from 200 soil samples collected from the a(p) horizon of a reed canary-grass field in northern minnesota. geostatistical concepts relevant to nematology include semi-variogram modelling, kriging, and change of support calculations. soil and nematode data generally followed a spherical semi-variogram model, with little random variability associated with soil data and large inherent variabil ...199419279938
investigations of the host range of the corn cyst nematode, heterodera zeae, from maryland.the host range of the corn cyst nematode, heterodera zeae, recently detected in maryland, was investigated. a total of 269 plant entries, representing 68 families, 172 genera, and 204 species, was inoculated with cysts or a mixture of eggs and second-stage juveniles of h. zeae. the host range of the maryland population of h. zeae was limited to plants of the gramineae and included 11 tribes, 33 genera, 42 species, and 77 entries. all 22 corn (zea mays) cultivars tested were hosts. other economic ...198719290286
a global assessment of chromium pollution using sperm whales (physeter macrocephalus) as an indicator species.chromium (cr) is a well-known human carcinogen and a potential reproductive toxicant, but its contribution to ocean pollution is poorly understood. the aim of this study was to provide a global baseline for cr as a marine pollutant using the sperm whale (physeter macrocephalus) as an indicator species. biopsies were collected from free-ranging whales around the globe during the voyage of the research vessel the odyssey. total cr levels were measured in 361 sperm whales collected from 16 regions ...200919324391
respiratory fluxes in a canary islands pine forest.we estimated component and whole-ecosystem co(2) efflux (r(eco)) in a pinus canariensis chr. sm. ex dc stand in tenerife, canary islands, an ecotone with strong seasonal changes in soil water availability. from november 2006 to february 2008, we measured foliage, stem and soil co(2) efflux by chamber techniques. site-specific co(2) efflux models obtained from these chamber measurements were then combined with half-hourly measurements of canopy, stem and soil temperature as well as soil water pot ...200919324703
the world's first immunization campaign: the spanish smallpox vaccine expedition, 1803-1813.summary: smallpox produced the death of up to thirty percent of those infected, so jenner's preventive method spread quickly. the spanish government designed and supported a ten-year effort to carry smallpox vaccine to its american and asian territories in a chain of arm-to-arm vaccination of children. an expedition directed by doctor francisco xavier de balmis sailed from corunna in november 1803, stopping in the canary islands, puerto rico, and venezuela. balmis led a subexpedition to cuba, me ...200919329842
the economic costs and health-related quality of life of people with hiv/aids in the canary islands, spain.the objective was to determine the economic burden, as well as the impact on hrqol for people with hiv/aids in spain in 2003.200919331682
the maternal aborigine colonization of la palma (canary islands).teeth from 38 aboriginal remains of la palma (canary islands) were analyzed for external and endogenous mitochondrial dna control region sequences and for diagnostic coding positions. informative sequences were obtained from 30 individuals (78.9%). the majority of lineages (93%) were from west eurasian origin, being the rest (7%) from sub-saharan african ascription. the bulk of the aboriginal haplotypes had exact matches in north africa (70%). however, the indigenous canarian sub-type u6b1, also ...200919337312
pre-hospital antibiotic treatment and mortality caused by invasive meningococcal disease, adjusting for indication bias.mortality from invasive meningococcal disease (imd) has remained stable over the last thirty years and it is unclear whether pre-hospital antibiotherapy actually produces a decrease in this mortality. our aim was to examine whether pre-hospital oral antibiotherapy reduces mortality from imd, adjusting for indication bias.200919344518
detection of myocardial dysfunction during cancer chemotherapy with tissue doppler imaging: a canary in the coal mine? 200919345310
willingness to undergo colorectal cancer screening in first-degree relatives of hospitalized patients with colorectal evaluate whether willingness to undergo colonoscopy screening is influenced by being a first-degree relative of hospitalized patients with or without colorectal cancer after briefing and surgeon recommendation.200919349529
Displaying items 1201 - 1300 of 1712