
saint lucia revisited.the eastern caribbean island of saint lucia is now famous in parasitological history as the setting for a major programme of schistosomiasis control'. perhaps less well-known are the island's effective control of many intestinal parasites, and elimination of malaria, such that the current patterns of mortality and other demographic indicators now resemble those of industrialized countries. more recently, the island has become the focus for another community-based health programme as the caribbea ...198815463009
anti-mosquito antibodies and their effects on feeding, fecundity and mortality of aedes aegypti.anti-mosquito antibodies, produced in mice inoculated with mosquito homogenates or exposed to mosquito bites, reacted with a variety of mosquito antigens including muscle, gut, fat body and nervous tissue; those in anti-mosquito bite sera reacted solely with salivary glands. mosquitoes fed on restrained immunized mice showed a significant increase in mortality correlated to both the titre and specificity of the anti-mosquito antibodies ingested. no changes in their fecundity or feeding success w ...19882980191
the collection of aedes aegypti and ae. albopictus from baltimore, maryland. 19883199132
mosquito repellents: monocarboxylic esters of aliphatic diols.selected monocarboxylic esters of aliphatic diols that contained an alicyclic group in the acyl portion of the molecule were effective repellents for aedes aegypti, anopheles quadrimaculatus and an. albimanus when tested on cloth. although 25 of the esters provided greater than 21 days of protection against all 3 species, the repellent potency of the 143 hydroxyesters that were tested was found to vary with mosquito species. anopheles quadrimaculatus was especially susceptible to this type of st ...19883199120
defense reactions by larvae of aedes aegypti during infection by the aquatic fungus lagenidium giganteum (oomycete).the adherence of zoospores of lagenidium giganteum to the cuticle of mosquito larvae is the initial step in the infection process. subsequently, a germ tube penetrates the integument, inducing a rapid melanization of the injured cuticle and epidermis. after entering the hemocoel the developing hyphae are occasionally encapsulated locally. this process is slow (6 to 12 h postincubation) and most frequently cell-free, although it can be mediated by circulating hemocytes. sporadic hemocyte mediatio ...19883416342
the functional response of toxorhynchites rutilus rutilus to changes in the population density of its prey aedes aegypti.we present an analysis of the functional response of the predator toxorhynchites rutilus rutilus (coquillett) to changes in the density of the larvae of aedes aegypti (l.) (diptera: culicidae). the experiment was replicated for five different ages, and at three different densities of the predator. the data were fitted to rogers' (1972) random predator equation by non-linear least-squares in order to estimate searching efficiency and handling time for each experimental treatment. the data show th ...19882908786
categorization of domestic breeding habitats of aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae) in northern queensland, australia. 19883392713
reexamination of chemically mediated oviposition behavior in aedes aegypti (l.) (diptera: culicidae). 19883392710
time and site of assembly of the peritrophic membrane of the mosquito aedes aegypti.we determined the time and site of secretion of the precursors of the peritrophic membrane (pm) in aedes aegypti and when the structure is assembled. the fine structure of the developing membrane of blood-feed females was described, and the pattern of secretion of injected tritiated glucosamine analyzed autoradiographically. immediately following blood feeding, ingested red cells rapidly become compressed, such that the surrounding plasma is extruded to the margin of the midgut contents. thereby ...19883383223
[determination of the efficacy of repellent preparations in relation to the feeding behavior of aedes aegypti and aedes togoi mosquitoes]. 20093173249
[effect of the viral preparation viroden on aedes aegypti l. mosquitoes in an experiment]. 20093173248
factors affecting oviposition site preference by toxorhynchites splendens in the a series of laboratory oviposition assays, gravid toxorhynchites splendens exhibited a preference for cups containing aedes aegypti larval rearing water, but not for cups containing liquid cultures of bacteria, live ae. aegypti in distilled water, ae. aegypti larval holding water with reduced bacterial contamination, or methyl propionate at 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3% in distilled water. preoviposition flight behavior was elicited by dark-colored containers, but few eggs were deposited if they containe ...19882903901
a decrease in cysteine levels causes the glutathione deficiency of aging in the mosquito.our previous results indicated that a glutathione (gsh) deficiency is a determinant of the aging process in many tissues and organisms. correction of this deficiency in the aging mosquito by feeding the cysteine (cys) precursor magnesium thiazolidine carboxylic acid (mgtc) suggested that the cause could be a lack of cys. adult mosquitoes (aedes aegypti) were fed either a control diet or a diet supplemented with mgtc and then were analyzed for their cys, cystine, gsh, and glutathione disulfide co ...19883340632
[predatory capacity of poecilia (lebistes) reticulata peters, 1895 (cyprinodontiformes: poecillidae) against larvae of culex quinquefasciatus say, 1823 and aedes aegypti linnaeus, 1762 (diptera: culicidae) under laboratory conditions in cuba]. 20093045915
[aedes aegypti (l.): importance of its bioecology in the transmission of dengue and other arboviruses. ii. bibliography]. 19883042176
[monitoring of mosquito vectors at international airports of the south pacific region].a survey conducted in eight airports of the south pacific, yielded 2,044 larvae and 136 adult forms, belonging to 25 culicidae species. breeding places were found in every airport, either within the perimeter (6 airports) or in the protective zone. some potentially dangerous vectors were identified: aedes aegypti (4 airports), ae. polynesiensis, ae. vigilax, anopheles farauti (2 airports), culex annulirostris, c. p. quinquefasciatus. vector control measures should be strengthened to suppress eve ...19882900080
1,8-cineole (eucalyptol), a mosquito feeding and ovipositional repellent from volatile oil ofhemizonia fitchii (asteraceae).the mosquito feeding and ovipositional repellency of the major monoterpenoid present in the volatile oil ofhemizonia fitchii (asteraceae), i.e., 1,8-cineole, was investigated. although 1,8-cineole did not exhibit any significant mosquito larvicidal activity, it was moderately effective as a feeding repellent and highly effective as an ovipositional repellent against adultaedes aegypti (yellow fever mosquito). the ovipositional repellency of 1,8-cineole, coupled with the presence of severalhemizo ...198724301652
factors affecting the acquisition of plagiorchis noblei (trematoda: plagiorchiidae) metacercariae by larvae and pupae of aedes aegypti in the laboratory.when exposed to concentrations of less than one plagiorchis noblei cercariae per cc of water, the acquisition of metacercariae by aedes aegypti larvae increased significantly with each successive instar but declined precipitously upon pupation. thus, 1st instar larvae acquired no metacercariae, whereas 4th instars had a mean abundance of 6.15: pupae only acquired a mean of 0.62 parasites. parasite acquisition was largely a function of host size and activity. other factors, such as grooming and f ...19873504947
hormone-controlled camp-mediated fluid secretion in yellow-fever mosquito.evidence is presented for hormone-controlled adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (camp)-mediated nacl diuresis in malpighian tubules of the blood-feeding yellow-fever mosquito aedes aegypti. studies in isolated malpighian tubules reveal that camp added to the peritubular bath selectively stimulates nacl secretion and not kcl secretion by increasing the na conductance of the basolateral membrane of primary cells. these effects are duplicated by forskolin and theophylline in parallel with increas ...19872825546
life cycle and mode of infection of leptolegnia chapmanii (oomycetes) parasitizing aedes aegypti. 19873624894
the origin and movement of gas during adult emergence in aedes aegypti: an hypothesis.several events which precede adult emergence in aedes aegypti were studied, including changes in buoyancy, changes visible through the pupal cuticle and changes at the foregut-midgut junction. our data suggest tht the gas which is present in the posterior midgut at the time of emergence originates in the tracheal system. during the process of emergence this gas moves into the exuvial space through the adult spiracles and then follows the exuvial fluid into the alimentary canal.19873504927
linkage relationships between a low-mobility esterase locus and group i markers in larvae of the yellow fever mosquito, aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae). 19873625727
susceptibility of aedes aegypti and anopheles quadrimaculatus larvae to infection with the cercariae of plagiorchis noblei (trematoda: plagiorchiidae).the impact of interspecific behavioral differences on the relative susceptibility of third instar aedes aegypti and anopheles quadrimaculatus larvae to infection with cercariae of plagiorchis noblei was determined. when permitted to move freely in a column of water, larvae of ae. aegypti were significantly more susceptible to infection with the parasite than were an. quadrimaculatus larvae. this difference is ascribed to the significantly greater activity of ae. aegypti larvae in the water colum ...19873504909
ribosome metabolism during the vitellogenic cycle of the mosquito, aedes aegypti.ribosome accumulation and synthesis in the fat body of the mosquito aedes aegypti increased by approx. 4-fold during 18 h after the blood meal, consistent with the pattern of total rna accumulation during the synthetic phase of the vitellogenic cycle. by 24-30 h after the blood meal, the accumulated ribosomes began to be degraded, and the total rna content in the fat body eventually returned to previtellogenic levels. a method has been developed for isolation of ribosomal subunits from fat body, ...19873567223
the genetic basis of resistance and sensitivity to the meiotic drive gene d in the mosquito aedes aegypti l.a study has been made on the genetic basis of meiotic drive at the distorter (d) locus which, in coupling with the male-determining gene (or region) m on the y chromosome, causes production of excess male progeny. its effect is regulated by the sensitivity/resistance of the x chromosome. this study demonstrates that there are two major loci controlling resistance/sensitivity to md: (1) the m gene (or region) on the x chromosome (allelic with m) which may be either mr or ms (resistant or sensitiv ...19873505880
the impact of sequential ultra-low volume ground aerosol applications of malathion on the population dynamics of aedes aegypti (l.).the efficacy of sequential, ultra-low volume ground aerosol applications of malathion at current u.s. label rates was evaluated as an emergency control measure for adult populations of aedes aegypti (l.) in new orleans, louisiana. replicates of 11 sequential aerosol treatments applied 12 hr apart during a 5.5-day period reduced mean adult captures and oviposition rates during the treatment period 73% and 75%, respectively. we hypothesize that oviposition was not completely suppressed because fem ...19873578659
inheritance of ddt dehydrochlorination and of a mechanism restricting uptake of ddt in the mosquito aedes aegypti.crosses and backcrosses were made between the t8 dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (ddt) resistant strain and ns susceptible strain. each generation was tested for resistance, for internal levels of ddt and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (dde) (thus "ddt uptake" (ddt + dde) and percentage ddt dehydrochlorination in vivo), and for ddt dehydrochlorination in vitro, both at the larval and adult stages. the patterns of inheritance of uptake and dehydrochlorination were different. at both life stages ...19873582976
laboratory study on the mosquito larvicidal properties of leaf and seed extract of the plant agave americana.experiments on the leaf extract tested against three mosquito species led to 100% mortality of stage 4 anopheles, aedes and culex larvae at a concentration of 0.08% within 24-48 h, whereas 100% mortality of stage 1 larvae occurred at lower concentrations: 0.0032% for aedes aegypti, 0.016% for culex quinquefasciatus and 0.08% for anopheles stephensi, and was more rapid. at the end of 24 h, the highest dilution of the seed extract studied (1:200) produces a larval mortality of 100% for anopheles a ...19872882030
multiple forms of cerebral peptides with steroidogenic functions in pupal and adult brains of the yellow fever mosquito, aedes the adult mosquito, aedes aegypti, the cerebral egg development neurosecretory hormone (ednh) regulates reproduction by activating the ovaries to synthesize the steroid hormone ecdysone, while during postembryonic development the cerebral prothoracicotropic hormone (ptth) activates the prothoracic glands to synthesize ecdysone. in each case, ecdysone than drives stage-specific physiological processes. since ednh and ptth share a common steroidogenic function, it is conceivable that they are s ...19873582726
attractancy and species specificity of 6-acetoxy-5-hexadecanolide, a mosquito oviposition attractant pheromone.four stereoisomers of 6-acetoxy-5-hexadecanolide, a mosquito oviposition attractant pheromone, were bioassayed for their activity on mosquitoes. only (-)-(5r,6s) isomer was active in attractingculex quinquefasciatus say females for oviposition at dosages of 0.5 μg/100 ml water and above with the floating-cap method. the activity of this isomer increased 50-fold when it was applied directly to the water surface. the other three isomers, (+)-(5s,6r), (+)-(5r,6r), and (-)-(5s, 6s), were not active. ...198724301804
histochemical studies of uric acid in some insects. 2. uric acid and polyphenols in the fat is recalled that in the larva of aedes aegypti, starved after a rich protein diet, uric acid is formed and accumulates in the fat body, not as solid spheres but in high concentration in aqueous vacuoles. in the mature larva of celliphora vicina which has finished feeding and is settling down to form the puparium, the fat body at first contains no argentaffin deposits. during the following 2 or 3 days, argentaffin material appears in the form of amber or brown vesicles and black granules of al ...198718620191
the vitellogenin gene family of aedes aegypti.we have been interested in identifying genes that play a role in reproduction of the mosquito aedes aegypti. our interests are currently focused on the vitellogenin genes which in the mosquito are expressed only in the fat body in response to the insect steroid hormone, 20-hydroxyecdysone. four of the five vitellogenin genes in the genome have been cloned. we have examined the relationships between these genes and find that they form a small gene family exhibiting different levels of relationshi ...19873509110
monoclonal antibodies as probes for processing of the mosquito yolk protein; a high-resolution immunolocalization of secretory and accumulative pathways.a library of monoclonal antibodies (mab) directed against yolk polypeptides of the mosquito aedes aegypti was utilized to visualize the secretory pathway of these polypeptides in the fat body and their accumulative pathway in developing oocytes. single and double immunolabelling using mabs and colloidal gold of different sizes confirmed biochemical observation that 200 +/- 5 and 65 +/- 3 kda polypeptides represent subunits of the yolk protein. this immunocytochemical analysis showed that, in tro ...19873307021
heterochromatin diversity and cyclic responses to selective silver staining in aedes aegypti (l.).in interphase cells of aedes aegypti (l.) (2n = 4+ xx/xy), only the nucleolus responded to selective silver staining. the secondary constriction on chromosome 3 remained unresponsive at all times but the six centromeres were identified throughout mitosis from early prophase as well as those stages of meiosis subsequent to diplotene. the centromeric blocks were not synonymous with the pericentric heterochromatin revealed by c-banding. x chromosomes without an intercalary c-band were newly discove ...19872438099
a model for polygenic inheritance of abdominal tergal scale pattern in aedes aegypti.there is much variation in the amount of white scaling on the abdominal tergites of aedes aegypti. the genetic basis for this white scale pattern was investigated in two laboratory strains established by selection from the carn strain of ae. aegypti. these experimental strains were crossed in all possible directions in single pair matings. based on analysis of their progeny it is proposed that genes at three separate independently assorting loci control abdominal tergal scale pattern. correlatio ...19863507526
laboratory and field studies with 32p labeled toxorhynchites rutilus rutilus.females and eggs of toxorhynchites r. rutilus were labeled with 32p by feeding fourth-stage larvae 32p labeled aedes aegypti larvae. eggs from females up to 3 weeks in age had detectable levels of radioactivity and individual eggs contained ca. 0.3% of the mother's total radioactivity. comparisons of labeled and unlabeled females in indoor and outdoor cage tests indicated that survival and fecundity of the 2 groups were approximately equal. no differences were noted for dispersal and fecundity o ...19863507524
the effects of plagiorchis noblei metacercariae on the development and survival of aedes aegypti larvae in the laboratory.plagiorchis noblei infections impair the survival and development of fourth instar aedes aegypti larvae. mortality during the larval and pupal stages reached 92%, and 60% of the emerging adults were malformed. the metacercariae interfere with pupation and the emergence of adults. larvae and pupae that fail to transform to the next developmental stage within the normal time characteristically persist for extended periods, but invariably die without transforming. whereas 82% of the control larvae ...19863806320
toxicity of pyrethroids to aedes aegypti larvae in relation to temperature.the influence of temperature on the toxicity of the pyrethroids cypermethrin, permethrin, fenvalerate, d-phenothrin, flucythrinate and bioallethrin to 3rd instar aedes aegypti larvae was determined. based on lc50 levels, the toxicities of all pyrethroids were in the range of 1.33- to 3.63-fold greater at 20 degrees c than at 30 degrees c. our laboratory results suggest that for larval control of ae. aegypti, field performance of these pyrethroids may be reduced at warmer temperatures.19863507510
effect of three pyrethroids on blood feeding and fecundity of aedes aegypti.caged aedes aegypti were exposed to a range of concentrations of d-phenothrin, d-allethrin and tetramethrin in a wind tunnel. mortality, blood engorgement and egg production among these mosquitoes and their progeny were recorded. tetramethrin was the most effective (lc50 of 0.0017%), followed by d-phenothrin (lc50 0.0031%) and d-allethrin (lc50 0.01%). blood engorgement was decreased by treatment with each pyrethroid at the high concentration (0.002%, 0.003% and 0.01% respectively). treatment wi ...19863507504
a laboratory study of cyromazine on aedes aegypti and culex quinquefasciatus and its activity on selected predators of mosquito a laboratory study, the insect growth regulator, cyromazine, exerted a high level of biological activity on aedes aegypti and culex quinquefasciatus treated in the 4th larval instar. at 1.5 and 1.0 ppm this igr produced 97 and 99% inhibition of emergence in adult ae. aegypti, respectively. in cx. quinquefasciatus, there was 99% inhibition at 1 ppm and complete inhibition at 1.5 ppm. the overall pupal mortality was higher than larval or adult stages of both species. this material induced diffe ...19863507502
ultrastructural organization of spermatocysts in the testes of aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae). 19863735341
[use of surviving infectious larvae of dipetalonema dessetae in study and research on filaricidal substances].dipetalonema dessetae in proechimys oris, the natural final host is a rodent filariasis model used as an in vivo antifilarial screening test. the laboratory vector is aedes aegypti. infective larvae l3 isolated from the intermediate host develop and remain healthy for up to 30 days in a biphasic culture medium composed of a cell feeder layer (l 929) and rpmi 1640 supplemented with foetal calf serum. this culture technique has enabled us to screen antifilarial compounds on a new in vitro test. th ...20063795974
differences between the nutritional reserves of laboratory-maintained and field-collected adult mosquitoes.individual female mosquitoes from field populations of aedes aegypti, culex nigripalpus and coquillettidia perturbans were analyzed for sugar, glycogen and lipids. controls were maintained in the laboratory for 7 to 10 days on 2% and either 10 or 20% sucrose. mosquitoes held in the laboratory had significantly more glycogen and lipid than field-collected mosquitoes of the same species. laboratory mosquitoes maintained on 10 or 20% sucrose contained more sugar than did field mosquitoes. mosquitoe ...19862906967
determination and significance of suspended protein in wastewater.a simple method is presented to measure the nutrient load of wastewater. suspended particles, including microorganisms, are collected on a membrane filter by vacuum filtration, followed by colorimetric protein assay. soluble proteins can be determined in the filtrate by precipitation. in domestic sewage and agricultural dairy wastewater, the largest portion of protein was retained on the membrane. young larvae of culex nigripalpus, cx. quinquefasciatus and aedes aegypti pupated when maintained i ...19862906966
in-vivo staining of aedes vigilax, aedes aegypti and culex annulirostris larvae with giemsa and other vital dyes.of 11 stains tested in the laboratory with larval aedes aegypti, giemsa at dosages of 6 mg/liter for 24 hr and 21 mg/liter for 3 hr proved most satisfactory for in-vivo staining. at these rates, giemsa caused some mortality especially in first instars of ae. vigilax, ae. aegypti and culex annulirostris but effectively was retained in all adults examined up to 3 days posteclosion. the method was deemed satisfactory for investigations of larval movement of ae. vigilax, cx. sitiens and ae. alternan ...19862466952
chromosome banding homologies in three species of aedes (stegomyia).the chromosome complements of the mosquitoes aedes aegypti, aedes mascarensis, and aedes albopictus, belonging to the subgenus stegomyia, gave a uniform response to the q-, h-, and r-banding techniques. of the three homomorphic chromosome pairs, only the shortest or sex pair (i) showed a consistent banding pattern. in the three species, a bright yellow intercalary band was present on one arm of both chromosomes of the sex pair after heat treatment and staining with acridine orange. the rest of t ...19862424581
peptide nature of two mosquito natriuretic factors.high-pressure liquid chromatography (hplc) of saline extracts of aedes aegypti heads yields three fractions (from a total of 108) that affect transepithelial voltage and/or fluid secretion in isolated aedes malpighian tubules. in this study we investigated the physical and chemical nature of the active materials in these fractions. gel-filtration chromatography revealed that the molecular weights of the three fractions were between 1,900 and 2,700. to test their thermostability the fractions wer ...19863953844
the effects of larval density, temperature and ph on the culture growth and infectivity of saprolegnian sp. zoospores to aedes aegypti larvae at various instars in the laboratory. 19863759180
aedes aegypti larvae in portsmouth, rhode island. 19863507481
the size of emerging and host-seeking aedes aegypti and the relation of size to blood-feeding success in the field.the average wing length of aedes aegypti females collected as pupae was 2.47 mm, which was significantly smaller than the 2.64 mm average wing length of the host-seeking females collected in the field. the average wing length of nulliparous host-seeking females was 2.62 mm, which was significantly smaller than the 2.76 mm wing length of parous host-seeking females. thus, small ae. aegypti females exhibited reduced blood-feeding success and, most likely, reduced survival when compared with large ...19863507471
evaluation of two new insect growth regulators against mosquitoes in the laboratory.biological activity of two new igrs was studied under laboratory conditions against 2nd- and 4th-instar larvae and pupae of anopheles quadrimaculatus, aedes aegypti and culex tarsalis. the igr s-21149, an oxime [0-(2-(4'-phenoxyphenoxy)ethyl propionaldoxime], produced an overall mortality or inhibition of emergence of 95% (when 4th instar treated) at 0.0047, 0.0013 and 0.00041 mg/liter in the three species, respectively. the ei95 values for the second igr s-31183, a pyridine compound, [1-(4'-phe ...19862906962
efficacy of arosurf--a monomolecular surface film, in controlling culex quinquefasciatus say, anopheles stephensi liston & aedes aegypti (l). 19862874113
the 1982 emergency ultralow volume spray campaign against aedes aegypti adults in paramaribo, suriname. 19863801746
changes in ribonuclease activity during development of the mosquito, aedes the mosquito aedes aegypti, quantitative and qualitative changes have been detected in ribonuclease activity during development. ribonuclease activity is particularly high in extracts from larvae, relative to that in extracts from pupae or adults. larval extract is enriched for a ribonuclease that is heat-labile, has an alkaline ph optimum, and is extremely sensitive to the divalent cation, manganese. extract from adult females is enriched for a heat-stable component that has an acidic ph opt ...19863743028
mosquito trypsin: immunocytochemical localization in the midgut of blood-fed aedes aegypti (l.).a polyclonal antibody was raised against trypsin purified from the midgut of blood-fed aedes aegypti. using this antibody and our modification of the peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical reaction, strong activity was found in the lumen of the midgut at the light-microscopical level. the activity was localized mainly in the posterior part of the distensible, abdominal midgut, along the periphery of the blood bolus and within the peritrophic membrane. immunoreactivity appeared 8 h after th ...19863524850
comparison of three fenitrothion controlled-release formulations as larvicides for aedes aegypti (l.) (diptera: culicidae). 19854078135
the duration of larval life of aedes aegypti as affected by time of hatch.when aedes aegypti eggs (1-10 wk old) were submerged in water, larvae that hatched in the 24 hr period following exposure to reduced oxygen developed significantly faster than larvae from the initial hatch. there were significant differences in the sex ratios between first- and second-hatch groups; however, adult size and fecundity did not differ significantly.19853880263
location of esterase loci in aedes aegypti.linkage relations of two loci, est-4 and est-6, have been studied in aedes aegypti. est-4 is on chromosome i, the sex chromosome, about 33 units from the sex region on the opposite side from red eye (re). this location is demonstrated for the first time. data for est-6 agree with results of other workers.19853880258
egg maturation and ecdysiotropic activity in extracts of mosquito (aedes aegypti) heads.blood-fed, decapitated female aedes aegypti mosquitoes matured eggs when injected with an extract of heads, but non-blood-fed females did not. the response to head extract was optimal when the head was allowed to remain for 2 hr after feeding. a dose response to injected egg development neurosecretory hormone (ednh) was observed in vivo that was similar to in vitro dose responses previously reported. blood-fed decapitated females responded equally well to boiled or unboiled head extract. when bl ...19854065529
the susceptibility of aedes aegypti (l) larvae to a pathogenic non sexual saprolegnia sp. 19853833712
preliminary isolation of mosquito natriuretic factor.a natriuretic factor that triggers diuresis in isolated malpighian tubules of the mosquito was isolated from the head of the yellow-fever mosquito aedes aegypti by passing a saline extract of mosquito heads through low-pressure and then high-pressure liquid chromatography (hplc) columns. three fractions with biologic activity eluted during a reverse-phase hplc linear acetonitrile gradient run. fraction i depolarized the transepithelial voltage (vt) of isolated perfused malpighian tubules but did ...19852413779
high-resolution gradient polyacrylamide electrophoresis of isozymes of the mosquito, aedes aegypti.a procedure for high resolution electrophoresis of isozymes of the mosquito aedes aegypti using nonlinear (2.5%-20%) polyacrylamide gradient gel slabs is described. crude mosquito homogenates were electrophoresed on gradient and on homogeneous (7%) polyacrylamide gels and stained for esterase (est), isocitrate dehydrogenase (idh) and malate dehydrogenase (mdh). the resulting zymograms were compared to demonstrate the high resolving power of the polyacrylamide gradient gel system.19853880252
ethyl-methanesulfonate-induced changes in filarial susceptibility in aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae). 19854045933
argentophilic structures of spermatogenesis in the yellow fever mosquito.application of the silver-staining technique to air-dried chromosome preparations of the yellow fever mosquito, aedes aegypti, revealed the following: 1) intensely stained pericentromeric regions in all chromosomes including the y chromosome in spermatogonia, and during the primary and secondary spermatocytes; 2) the presence of prepachytene that were not reported earlier; 3) a nucleolus organizing region that persisted up to the late pachytene stage; and 4) rod or ring-like centrioles in pachyt ...20064031466
efficacy of three insect growth regulators on the development of aedes aegypti. 19853880238
wind tunnel evaluation of commonly used adulticides against new orleans aedes aegypti. 19853880235
effects of cyromazin and methoprene on the developmental stages of anopheles dirus, aedes aegypti and culex quinquefasciatus (diptera : culicidae).the effects of two chemical compounds, cyromazin and methoprene, on the developmental stages of anopheles dirus, aedes aegypti and culex quinquefasciatus were investigated under laboratory conditions, with the mean temperature of 24 degrees +/- 1 degree c and the relative humidity at 65-75%. both compounds were tested against the second, third and fourth instar larvae. the concentrations of cyromazin used for an. dirus and cx. quinquefasciatus ranged from 0.0008 to 0.5 mg/l; and for ae. aegypti ...19852866585
effect of weekly releases of toxorhynchites amboinensis (doleschall) on aedes aegypti (l.) (diptera: culicidae) in new orleans, louisiana. 19852861216
response of domestic and peridomestic strains of aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae) in new orleans, louisiana, usa, to organophosphate, organochlorine, and pyrethroid insecticides. 19854009625
dominant lethal effects of thiotepa in male aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae). 19853925149
hormone-mediated formation of the endocytic complex in mosquito oocytes.the developmental events leading to oocyte competence to internalize proteins, and the hormonal control of these events in the mosquito aedes aegypti have been studied. the oocytes of newly eclosed females have an undifferentiated cortex. during previtellogenic development, a highly specialized endocytic complex, consisting of numerous coated vesicles and uncoated endosomes, microvilli, and, presumably, vitellogenin receptors, forms in the oocyte cortex. morphometric analysis and probes with a p ...19853988025
mathematical models of the effectiveness and persistence of mosquito repellents.two models of the effectiveness and persistence of mosquito repellents on the skin were developed from published functions and data. the probit plane model, y = a + b1x1 + b2x2, relates the response (y, in probits) of the mosquito test population to the log dose (x1) of repellent applied and the test period, or elapsed time from the time of application (x2). the exponential decay model, z = x1 + (b2/b1)x2, estimates the repellent residue (log-1 z) from x1 and x2. the models were validated with o ...19852906657
use of an artificial bromeliad to show the importance of color value in restricting colonization of bromeliads by aedes aegypti and culex artificial bromeliad was developed which, painted and containing an infusion water, elicited ovipositional response by caged adult aedes aegypti, culex quinquefasciatus, wyeomyia vanduzeei and wy. mitchellii. comparison was made of the ovipositional response of adults of the four mosquito species to artificial bromeliads painted black, white, dark green and deep blue. adult ae, aegypti and wy. vanduzeei did not discriminate significantly between white, dark green and deep blue, but whereas ae ...19852906654
effect of selection for dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (ddt) resistance on the uptake and breakdown of ddt in aedes aegypti l.aedes aegypti larvae and adults were selected to high levels of resistance with dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (ddt) along separate lines. the larval-selected line showed three responses associated with larval resistance: increased detoxication of ddt by dehydrochlorination to dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane dde (demonstrated both in vivo and in vitro), increased tolerance to unmetabolised ("residual") ddt and, a reduction in uptake of ddt. larval selection caused very little change in adult res ...19853986671
reduced productivity in tretamine-treated adult populations of aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae). 19853981551
ultrastructure of midgut endocrine cells in the adult mosquito, aedes aegypti.the ultrastructure of endocrine cells in the midgut of the adult mosquito, aedes aegypti, resembled that of endocrine cells in the vertebrate gastro-intestinal tract. midgut endocrine cells, positioned basally in the epithelium as single cells, were cone-shaped and smaller than the columnar digestive cells. the most distinctive characteristic of endocrine cells was numerous round secretory granules along the lateral and basal plasma membranes where contents of the granules were released by exocy ...19854060146
transition from somatic to meiotic pairing and progressional changes of the synaptonemal complex in spermatocytes of aedes aegypti.aedes aegypti spermatocytes were reconstructed from electron micrographs. the species has tight somatic pairing of the chromosomes, and there are therefore no classical leptotene and zygotene stages, but rather a gradual transition from somatic pairing to meiotic pairing (= pachytene). the term "prepachytene" has been used for the transitory stage. the first visible sign of impending meiosis was a reorganization of the chromatin, which resulted in the formation of spaces (synaptic spaces) in the ...19854042770
[biology and behavior of aedes aegypti]. 19853843130
the inactivation of acetylcholinesterase by alpha-terthienyl and ultraviolet light. studies in vitro and in larvae of the mosquito aedes aegypti.acetylcholinesterase (ec was inactivated photochemically in solution, in the presence of dissolved terthiophene sensitizers. alpha-terthienyl (2,2':5,2"-terthiophene) and its isomers 3,2':5',2"- and 3,2':5',3"-terthiophenes showed very similar sensitizing properties. with all three terthiophenes, the photosensitization was completely suppressed under anaerobic conditions, and therefore the inactivation process required the presence of oxygen. the enzyme was inactivated in vivo when four ...19846509086
genetic variation in an urban population of aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae). 19846502629
amino acids and peptides. xi. synthesis of attractant and repellent peptides for aedes aegypti and blattella germanica. 19846532560
paradoxical effects of simulated larviciding on production of adult mosquitoes.we determined whether simulated mortality of larval mosquitoes in food-deprived bodies of water increases emergence of adult females as well as their size by releasing the remaining larvae from competition for food. removal of larval aedes aegypti from rearing containers with suboptimal amounts of food increased the number of adults that emerged. thus, larvicidal measures do not inevitably lead to reduced numbers of mosquito vectors of disease. in food-limiting breeding sites, partially effectiv ...19846507734
quantitative structure-activity relationship of insect juvenile hormone mimetic compounds.juvenile hormone mimetic activities on aedes aegypti (yellow-fever mosquito) and tenebrio molitor (yellow mealworm) of compounds having (2e,4e)-3,7,11-trimethyl-2,4-dodecadienone structures were comparatively and quantitatively analyzed in terms of their physiochemical structural parameters and by regression analysis. they were structurally composed of three classes, ester and thiol ester derivatives, amides, and ketones, depending on the c1 substituents. the results indicated that the steric di ...19846492079
hormonal regulation of ovarian ecdysteroid production in the autogenous mosquito, aedes atropalpus.the effects of juvenile hormone (jh) and egg development neurosecretory hormone (ednh) on ovarian ecdysteroid production during vitellogenesis in the autogenous mosquito, aedes atropalpus, were investigated using in vitro techniques coupled with radioimmunoassay (ria) and high-pressure liquid chromatography (hplc). normal females were characterized by quantitative, qualitative, and temporal patterns of in vitro ovarian ecdysteroid production. females decapitated at emergence showed little ovaria ...19846541607
esterase activity in strains of aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae) tolerant and susceptible to the organophosphate insecticide malathion. 19846492084
lithium attenuates the active transport of calcium in the larva of aëdes aegypti. 19846491591
the toxic effects of triorganotin(iv) compounds on the culicine mosquito, aedes aegypti (l).the structure-activity relationships of 25 triorganotin(iv) compounds were studied using the 4th instar a. aegypti larvae of the susceptible liverpool red-eye strain. the lc50 values of these compounds were compared with those of malathion, ddt and temephos. maximal activities were obtained with tritolyltin chloride and its complexes with triphenyl-phosphine oxide and pyridine n-oxide, dimethyloctyltin- and diethyloctyltin acetates and tributyltin sucrose phthalate. a limited number of the trior ...19846204424
effects of toxorhynchites amboinensis on laboratory-reared aedes aegypti populations (diptera: culicidae). 19846144797
[effect of the mosquito cage temperature and the blood of the host food source on the formation and breakdown of the peritrophic membrane in female aedes aegypti l. (diptera, culicidae)]. 20096717378
salivary apyrase of aedes aegypti: characterization and secretory fate.salivary gland homogenates of female adult aedes aegypti hydrolyzed atp and adp thereby defining an apyrase activity. activity is divalent cation dependent with an optimum ph of 9.0. atpase and adpase activities could not be dissociated thus suggesting the presence of a true apyrase enzyme. apyrase activity is low on the day of emergence but increases to 160 mu per pair of glands on the second day. the site at which mosquitoes probed into warm polyacrylamide gels retains apyrase activity, confir ...19846094095
relative toxicity of organic solvents to aedes aegypti larvae. 19836631047
evaluation of a controlled-release silicate formulation of temephos against aedes aegypti larvae in the laboratory and psorophora columbiae larvae (diptera: culicidae) in rice field plots. 19836192242
peritrophic membranes and protease activity in the midgut of the malaria mosquito, anopheles stephensi (liston) (insecta: diptera) under normal and experimental conditions.formation and solubility of the peritrophic membranes (pm) in the midgut (stomach) of female anopheles stephensi depended on salt concentration in the gut lumen. high calcium drastically reduced the solubility of the pm in vitro. thin-layer chromatography revealed the presence of n-acetylgalactosamine and galactose in the pm. in contrast to aedes aegypti no n-acetylglucosamine was present indicating significant differences between anopheles and aedes mosquitoes with respect to pm formation and c ...19836345801
the exchange of calcium in larvae of the mosquito aedes aegypti.the exchange of labelled calcium between the external medium and the whole body was investigated in the larva of aedes aegypti (l.) using a closed, two-compartmental model. the transport system for the uptake of ca2+ was found to be saturable and obeyed michaelis-menten kinetics. the efficiency of the inward transport of calcium from dilute solutions was markedly reduced by starvation or by ruthenium-red, a selective inhibitor of ca2+ activated atpase, indicating that this transport system is en ...19836192197
insecticidal evaluation of zolone against culex quinque-fasciatus, anopheles culicifacies, a. stephensi and aedes aegypti. 19836137454
inheritance of brown-eye and colourless-eye in the mosquito aedes autosomal recessive gene bw (probably closely linked to y on chromosome 2) gives a brown eye colour. when this gene and the sex-linked gene re (red-eye) are both homozygous, a colourless-eye results. brown-eye shows good viability and penetrance, and it has been maintained as a pure stock. colourless-eye shows 87% penetrance in both sexes, and the females are low in viability and fertility. a colourless-eye stock has been maintained by crossing colourless-eyed males to their heterozygous red- ...19836882068
diuresis in newly emerged, unfed mosquitoes. ii. the basic pattern in relation to escape from the water, preparation for mature flight, mating and the first blood meal.a study of 2000 newly emerged adult mosquitoes (aedes aegypti) shows that the rate of excretion is high at the time of eclosion but falls rapidly over the next few minutes. in both sexes, however, the high rate of excretion is regained during a second peak in the middle of day 1. it remains high for about 6 h and then falls in a remarkably steady manner to reach a low level plain, which persists at least till the end of day 3. in females this plain is not reached till some 8 h after the onset in ...19836132392
an osmoregulatory syncytium and associated cells in a freshwater embryological terms the anal papillae are the product of eversion of the hindgut tissues. the rectum and the anal papillae have the same origin and have a marked structural similarity. the insect hindgut is very labile being able to produce salt transporting or 'chloride cells' from any of the tissues of which it is composed. the hindgut consists of four distinct regions: the ileum and part of the anal canal have a mechanical function, the rectum and the posterior anal canal contain transport ...19836879594
insecticidal effect of aliphatic alcohols against aquatic stages of aedes mosquitoes.effectiveness of certain long carbon chain aliphatic alcohols as ovicides and larvicides was investigated under laboratory conditions against eggs and larvae of aedes aegypti and aedes scutellaris. out of the eight alcohols tested, three (1-decanol, 1-undecanol and 1-dodecanol) proved to be very effective. the hatching of mosquito eggs was inhibited at a dosage of 5 to 7 litres/hectare. first, third and fourth instar larvae were killed at a dosage of 3 to 7 litres/hectare. first instar larvae we ...19836683011
[new regioselective synthesis of racemic 7,11-dimethyloctadecane--an ovipositon attractant for the yellow fever mosquito (aedes aegypti)]. 19836628194
Displaying items 12601 - 12700 of 14974