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forage-based dairying in a water-limited future: use of models to investigate farming system adaptation in southern australia.the irrigated dairy industry in southern australia has experienced significant restrictions in irrigation water allocations since 2005, consistent with climate change impact predictions for the region. simulation models of pasture growth (dairymod), crop yield (agricultural production systems simulator, apsim), and dairy system management and production (udder) were used in combination to investigate a range of forage options that may be capable of sustaining dairy business profitability under r ...201222720972
assessment of fluorescein-based fluorescent dyes for tracing neotyphodium endophytes in planta.fluorescent dyes were assessed for their ability to stain viable hyphae of the fungi neotyphodium lolii and n. coenophialum, symbiotic endophytes of the pooideae grasses lolium perenne and festuca arundinacea, respectively. the fluorescein-based fluorophores; fluorescein diacetate (fda), 5(6)-carboxy-fluorescein diacetate (cfda), 5-chloromethylfluorescein diacetate (cmfda) and the chitin-binding stain, calcofluor while m2r, were assessed for staining of endophyte hyphae in vitro from axenic fung ...201322802389
effect of supplementary concentrate type on nitrogen partitioning in early lactation dairy cows offered perennial ryegrass-based pasture.forty-four early lactation (64 ± 20 d in milk) dairy cows of mixed parity were used to assess the effect of 4 supplementary concentrate types (n=11) on n partitioning. animals were blocked on parity and calving date, and blocks were balanced for previous milk yield and milk protein yield. cows received grazed pasture plus 5.17 kg of dry matter (dm)/d of one of the following isoenergetic concentrates: high crude protein (cp) with rolled barley (hp, 19% cp); low cp with rolled barley (lp, 15% cp); ...201222818461
effect of supplemental concentrate type on milk production and metabolic status in early-lactation dairy cows grazing perennial ryegrass-based pasture.forty-four early-lactation dairy cows of mixed parity were used to examine the effect of 4 supplemental concentrate types (n=11) on milk production and metabolic status. animals were blocked by parity and calving date, and blocks were balanced for previous milk yield and milk protein yield. cows received grazed pasture plus 5.17 kg of dm/d of 1 of the following isoenergetic (1.1 units of energy for lactation) concentrates: 1) high crude protein (cp) with rolled barley (hp, 19% cp); b) low cp wit ...201222818468
metal accumulation in lolium perenne and brassica napus as affected by application of chitosans.the effects of chitosan, a fishery waste-based material, and its derivative glutaraldehyde cross-linked chitosan (chitosan-gla) on metal uptake by lolium perenne (perennial ryegrass) and brassica napus (rapeseed) were studied in a greenhouse pot experiment. metal uptake by perennial ryegrass was highly dependent on the rate of addition of the chitosans. low application rate (1% w/w) enhanced metal uptake, whereas 10% (w/w) addition decreased metal uptake. it was estimated that chitosan 1% (w/w) ...201222908653
effects of novel and wild-type endophytes in perennial ryegrass on cow health and measure the effects of ar37, ar1 and wild-type endophytes in perennial ryegrass on cow health and milk production.201322913546
nitrogen metabolism and rumen microbial enumeration in lactating cows with divergent residual feed intake fed high-digestibility pasture.dairy cattle selected for negative residual feed intake (n-rfi; efficient) should maintain production while reducing dry matter intake over a lactation because of improvements in feed digestion and efficient use of nutrients. the objective of this study was to measure nitrogen (n) digestibility and rumen microbial community composition over a short period during early lactation in lactating holstein-friesian cows selected previously for divergent rfi. it was proposed that n-rfi cows would have g ...201222916906
the evaluation of fungal endophyte toxin residues in determine the concentrations of fungal endophyte toxins in the milk of cows fed perennial ryegrass containing wild-type or ar37 endophyte.201322984816
phytotoxic effect, uptake, and transformation of biochanin a in selected weed species.certain isoflavones are plant growth inhibitors, and biochanin a is a major isoflavone in clover species used for weed management. the effect of biochanin a on the monocot weed species echinochloa crus-galli l. and lolium perenne l. and dicot species silene noctiflora l., geranium molle l., and amaranthus caudatus l. was evaluated in agar medium bioassays. s. noctiflora and g. molle root growth was progressively inhibited with increasing concentrations of biochanin a, whereas the monocot species ...201223030687
effect of perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne l.) cultivars on the milk yield of grazing dairy cows.the objective of this experiment was to investigate the effect of four perennial ryegrass cultivars: bealey, astonenergy, spelga and abermagic on the milk yield and milk composition of grazing dairy cows. two 4 × 4 latin square experiments were completed, one during the reproductive and the other during the vegetative growth phase of the cultivars. thirty-two holstein-friesian dairy cows were divided into four groups, with each group assigned 17 days on each cultivar during both experiments. wit ...201323034142
increased plant carbon translocation linked to overyielding in grassland species mixtures.plant species richness and productivity often show a positive relationship, but the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood, especially at the plant species level. we examined how growing plants in species mixture influences intraspecific rates of short-term carbon (c-) translocation, and determined whether such short-term responses are reflected in biomass yields. we grew monocultures and mixtures of six common c3 grassland plant species in outdoor mesocosms, applied a (13)c-co(2) pulse ...201223049893
chemical compositions and biological activities of amomum subulatum essential oils from nepal.the essential oils from the seed and rind of amomum subulatum roxb. (collected from nepal) were obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by gc-ms. a total of 87 components were identified among the two essential oils accounting for 99.1%, and 99.0% of the oils, respectively. the two essential oils were dominated by the monoterpenoids 1,8-cineole (60.8% and 39.0%), alpha-pinene (6.4% and 4.8%), beta-pinene (8.3% and 17.7%), and alpha-terpineol (9.8% and 12.3%). allelopathic testing of the seed ...201223074918
effect of silage botanical composition on ruminal biohydrogenation and transfer of fatty acids to milk in dairy cows.ruminal biohydrogenation and transfer of fatty acids (fa) to milk were determined for 4 silages with different botanical compositions using 4 multiparous norwegian red dairy cows [(mean ± sd) 118 ± 40.9 d in milk, 22.5 ± 2.72 kg of milk/d, 631 ± 3.3 kg of body weight, 3.3 ± 0.40 points on body condition score at the start of the experiment] fitted with rumen cannulas. treatments consisted of 4 experimental silages: a mix of the first and third cut of organically managed short-term grassland with ...201323200474
investigation into the effect of molds in grasses on their content of low molecular mass thiols.the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of molds on levels of low molecular mass thiols in grasses. for this purpose, the three grass species lolium perenne, festulolium pabulare and festulolium braunii were cultivated and sampled during four months, from june to september. the same species were also grown under controlled conditions. high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection was used for quantification of cysteine, reduced (gsh) and oxidized (gssg) glutat ...201223202817
successional colonization of perennial ryegrass by rumen bacteria.this study investigated successional colonization of perennial ryegrass (prg) by the rumen microbiota. prg grown for 6 weeks in a greenhouse was incubated in sacco in the rumens of three holstein × freisian cows over a period of 24 h. prg incubated within the rumen was subsequently harvested at various time intervals postincubation to assess colonization over time. dgge-based dendograms revealed the presence of distinct primary (0-2 h) and secondary (4 h onwards) attached bacterial communities. ...201323206248
δ 13c as a marker to study digesta passage kinetics in ruminants: a combined in vivo and in vitro study.the aim of the current study was to explore the use of the tracer 13c as an internal marker to assess feed fraction-specific digesta passage kinetics through the digestive tract of dairy cows. knowledge on feed-specific fractional passage rates is essential to improve estimations on the extent of rumen degradation and microbial protein efficiency; however, this information is largely lacking. an in vivo and in vitro experiment was conducted with grass silages (lolium perenne l.) that were enrich ...201323211548
phytotoxic activity of foliar volatiles and essential oils of calamintha nepeta (l.) savi.foliar volatiles and essential oils of calamintha nepeta (l.) savi, a mediterranean plant species belonging to the labiatae family, were investigated for their phytotoxic activities on seed germination and root growth of crops (lactuca sativa l. and raphanus sativus l.) and weed species (lolium perenne l. and amaranthus retroflexus l.). foliar volatiles of c. nepeta (l.) savi strongly inhibited both germination and root growth of lettuce, and its essential oils, especially at 125, 250 and 500 μl ...201323216166
soil intake of lactating dairy cows in intensive strip grazing systems.involuntary soil intake by cows on pasture can be a potential route of entry for pollutants into the food chain. therefore, it appears necessary to know and quantify factors affecting soil intake in order to ensure the food safety in outside rearing systems. thus, soil intake was determined in two latin square trials with 24 and 12 lactating dairy cows. in trial 1, the effect of pasture allowance (20 v. 35 kg dry matter (dm) above ground level/cow daily) was studied for two sward types (pure per ...201223217239
effects of different strategies for feeding supplements on milk production responses in cows grazing a restricted pasture allowance.milk production responses of grazing cows offered supplements in different ways were measured. holstein-friesian cows, averaging 227 d in milk, were allocated into 6 groups of 36, with 2 groups randomly assigned to each of 3 feeding strategies: (1) cows grazed perennial ryegrass pasture supplemented with milled barley grain fed in the milking parlor and pasture silage offered in the paddock (control); (2) same pasture and allotment supplemented with the same amounts of milled barley grain and pa ...201323219117
forages and pastures symposium: fungal endophytes of tall fescue and perennial ryegrass: pasture friend or foe?tall fescue [lolium arundinaceum (schreb.) darbysh. syn. festuca arundinacea schreb.] and perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne l.) are important perennial forage grasses utilized throughout the moderate- to high-rainfall temperate zones of the world. these grasses have coevolved with symbiotic fungal endophytes (epichloë/neotyphodium spp.) that can impart bioactive properties and environmental stress tolerance to the grass compared with endophyte-free individuals. these endophytes have proven to b ...201323307839
the effect of target postgrazing height on sward clover content, herbage yield, and dairy production from grass-white clover pasture.white clover (trifolium repens) is an important legume for grazed grassland that can increase the profitability and environmental sustainability of milk production. previous experiments on mown grass-clover plots suggest that low postgrazing heights (pgh) can increase sward clover content and herbage production. however, this has not been tested in actual strip or rotational grazing systems with dairy cows. furthermore, lowering pgh in grass-only swards (typically perennial ryegrass without whit ...201323332838
pathotype-specific qtl for stem rust resistance in lolium perenne.a genetic map populated with rad and ssr markers was created from f1 progeny of a stem rust-susceptible and stem rust-resistant parent of perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne). the map supplements a previous map of this population by having markers in common with several other lolium spp. maps including est-ssr anchor markers from a consensus map published by other researchers. a qtl analysis was conducted with disease severity and infection type data obtained by controlled inoculation of the popu ...201323361523
the skin prick test - european prick testing is an essential test procedure to confirm sensitization in ige-mediated allergic disease in subjects with rhinoconjunctivitis, asthma, urticaria, anapylaxis, atopic eczema and food and drug allergy. this manuscript reviews the available evidence including medline and embase searches, abstracts of international allergy meetings and position papers from the world allergy literature. the recommended method of prick testing includes the appropriate use of specific allergen extract ...201323369181
bioactivities of volatile components from nepalese artemisia species.the essential oils from the leaves of artemisia dubia, a. indica, and a. vulgaris growing wild in nepal were obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by gc-ms. the major components in a. dubia oil were chrysanthenone (29.0%), coumarin (18.3%), and camphor (16.4%). a. indica oil was dominated by ascaridole (15.4%), isoascaridole (9.9%), trans-p-mentha-2,8-dien-1-ol (9.7%), and trans-verbenol (8.4%). the essential oil of nepalese a. vulgaris was rich in alpha-thujone (30.5%), 1,8-cineole (12.4%) ...201223413575
infection of brachypodium distachyon by formae speciales of puccinia graminis: early infection events and host-pathogen incompatibility.puccinia graminis causes stem rust, a serious disease of cereals and forage grasses. important formae speciales of p. graminis and their typical hosts are p. graminis f. sp. tritici (pg-tr) in wheat and barley, p. graminis f. sp. lolii (pg-lo) in perennial ryegrass and tall fescue, and p. graminis f. sp. phlei-pratensis (pg-pp) in timothy grass. brachypodium distachyon is an emerging genetic model to study fungal disease resistance in cereals and temperate grasses. we characterized the p. gramin ...201323441218
assessment of the phytotoxicity of seaport sediments in the framework of a quarry-deposit scenario: germination tests of sediments aged artificially by column leaching.the aim of the sustainable management of sediments dredged in seaports (sedigest) project is to assess the risks of treated port sediments for terrestrial ecosystems when deposited in quarries. we simulated the "ageing" of these sediments up to the "moment" when plants can germinate. sediments were leached by water percolating through a laboratory column. sediments 1 and 2, taken from the port of toulon (france), were dried and aired. sediment 3, taken from the port of guilvinec (france), was st ...201323456254
functional characterisation and transcript analysis of an alkaline phosphatase from the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus funneliformis mosseae.alkaline phosphatases (alp) in arbuscular mycorrhizal (am) fungi have been suggested to be involved in transfer of phosphate from the mycorrhizal fungus to the host plant, but exact mechanisms are still unknown, partially due to the lack of molecular information. we isolated a full-length cdna (fmalp) from the am fungus funneliformis mosseae (syn. glomus mosseae) showing similarity with putative alp genes from rhizophagus intraradices (syn. glomus intraradices) and gigaspora margarita. for funct ...201323474124
legume-grass intercropping phytoremediation of phthalic acid esters in soil near an electronic waste recycling site: a field study.a field experiment was conducted to study the phytoremediation of phthalic acid esters (paes) by legume (alfalfa, medicago sativa l.)-grass (perennial ryegrass, lolium perenne l. and tall fescue, festuca arundinacea) intercropping in contaminated agricultural soil at one of the largest e-waste recycling sites in china. two compounds, dehp and dnbp, were present in the soil and in the shoots of the test plants at much higher concentrations than the other target paes studied. over 80% of 'total' ( ...201323487993
lead immobilization and bioavailability in microbial and root interface.a range of both soluble and insoluble phosphate (p) compounds have been used to immobilize pb in solution and soil. however, these compounds have limitations because of low solubility or leaching of p. phosphate solubilizing bacteria (psb) can be used to enhance the solubility of insoluble p compounds. the effects of psb on the immobilization of pb in the presence of phosphate rock (pr) and subsequent reduction in pb uptake by indian mustard (brassica juncea) in nutrient agar medium and ryegrass ...201323489643
inoculation with microorganisms of lolium perenne l.: evaluation of plant growth parameters and endophytic colonization of roots.turfgrasses are not only designed for recreation activities, but they also provide beneficial environmental effects and positively influence the human wellness. their major problems are predisposition to tearing out and microbial diseases. the aim of this study was to investigate whether the inoculation of microorganisms can be effective to improve plant growth and root development of perennial ryegrass, to evaluate new sustainable practice for green preservation. a microorganism-based commercia ...201323632388
nitrous oxide emissions from in situ deposition of n-labeled ryegrass litter in a pasture soil.during pasture grazing, freshly harvested herbage (litterfall) is dropped onto soils from the mouths of dairy cattle, potentially inducing nitrous oxide (no) emissions. although the intergovernmental panel on climate change (ipcc) recommends accounting for no emissions from arable crop residues in national inventories, emissions from the litterfall of grazed pasture systems are not recognized. the objective of this study was to investigate the potential of litterfall to contribute to no emission ...201323673824
toxicological evaluation and bioaccumulation potential of lolitrem b, endophyte mycotoxin in japanese black steers.lolitrem b, a causative toxin for ryegrass staggers, is produced by neotyphodium lolii infecting perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne). japanese black cattle have been suspected to be more sensitive to lolitrem b than to other strains, and there has been a concern about the public health hazard of eating beef contaminated with lolitrem b. we carried out a feeding experiment to examine the sensitivity of japanese black cattle to lolitrem b and the residual level of lolitrem b in several animal tiss ...201323721156
differences in rate of ruminal hydrogenation of c18 fatty acids in clover and ryegrass.biohydrogenation of c18 fatty acids in the rumen of cows, from polyunsaturated and monounsaturated to saturated fatty acids, is lower on clover than on grass-based diets, which might result in increased levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the milk from clover-based diets affecting its nutritional properties. the effect of forage type on ruminal hydrogenation was investigated by in vitro incubation of feed samples in rumen fluid. silages of red clover, white clover and perennial ryegrass har ...201323842207
fatty acid oxidation products ('green odour') released from perennial ryegrass following biotic and abiotic stress, potentially have antimicrobial properties against the rumen microbiota resulting in decreased this experiment, we investigated the effect of 'green odour' products typical of those released from fresh forage postabiotic and biotic stresses on the rumen microbiota and lipid metabolism.201323889811
supplementing lactating dairy cows fed high-quality pasture with black wattle (acacia mearnsii) tannin.a reduction in urinary nitrogen (n) excretion from dairy cows fed pasture containing a high n concentration in the dry matter (dm) will have environmental benefits, because losses to soil water and air by leachate and nitrous oxides (n2o) will be reduced. condensed tannins (ct) reduce digestion of n, and provision as a dietary additive could have nutritional benefits for production, but the amount required and the responses to different sources of ct on milk production have not been defined. two ...201323899456
risks associated with the transfer of toxic organo-metallic mercury from soils into the terrestrial feed chain.although the transfer of organo-metallic mercury (orghg) in aquatic food webs has long been studied, it has only been recently recognized that there is also accumulation in terrestrial systems. there is still however little information about the exposure of grazing animals to orghg from soils and feed as well as on risks of exposure to animal and humans. in this study we collected 78 soil samples and 40 plant samples (lolium perenne and brassica juncea) from agricultural fields near a contaminat ...201323917441
plant species identity surpasses species richness as a key driver of n(2)o emissions from grassland.grassland ecosystems worldwide not only provide many important ecosystem services but they also function as a major source of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (n2o), especially in response to nitrogen deposition by grazing animals. to explore the role of plants as mediators of these emissions, we tested whether and how n2o emissions are dependent on grass species richness and/or specific grass species composition in the absence and presence of urine deposition. we hypothesized that: (i) n2o emis ...201423939815
ice recrystallization inhibition mediated by a nuclear-expressed and -secreted recombinant ice-binding protein in the microalga chlamydomonas reinhardtii.a lolium perenne ice-binding protein (lpibp) demonstrates superior ice recrystallization inhibition (iri) activity and has proposed applications in cryopreservation, food texturing, as well as in being a "green" gas hydrate inhibitor. recombinant production of lpibp has been previously conducted in bacterial and yeast systems for studies of protein characterization, but large-scale applications have been hitherto limited due to high production costs. in this work, a codon-optimized lpibp was rec ...201324037309
chemical compositions, phytotoxicity, and biological activities of acorus calamus essential oils from nepal.four essential oils from the leaf (p23) and rhizomes (p19, p22, p24) of acorus calamus l., collected from various parts of nepal, were obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by gc-ms. from a total of 61 peaks, 57 compounds were identified among the four essential oils accounting for 94.3%, 96.2%, 97.6%, and 94.1% of the oils, respectively. all of the essential oils were dominated by (z)-asarone (78.1%-86.9%). the essential oils also contained (e)-asarone (1.9%-9.9%) and small amounts of gamm ...201324079199
mycotoxicoses of ruminants and the current study, mycotoxicoses of ruminants and horses are reviewed, with an emphasis on the occurrence of these diseases in south america. the main mycotoxicoses observed in grazing cattle include intoxications by indole-diterpenoid mycotoxins (paspalum spp. contaminated by claviceps paspali, lolium perenne infected by neotyphodium lolii, cynodon dactylon infected by claviceps cynodontis, and poa huecu), gangrenous ergotism and dysthermic syndrome (hyperthermia) caused by festuca arundinac ...201324091682
passage of stable isotope-labeled grass silage fiber and fiber-bound protein through the gastrointestinal tract of dairy cows.fractional passage rates are required to predict nutrient absorption in ruminants but data on nutrient-specific passage kinetics are largely lacking. with the use of the stable isotope ratio (δ) as an internal marker, we assessed passage kinetics of fiber and fiber-bound nitrogen (n) of intrinsically labeled grass silage from fecal and omasal excretion patterns of δ(13)c and δ(15)n. in a 6×6 latin square, lactating dairy cows received grass silages [455 g/kg of total diet dry matter (dm) ] in a ...201324119806
dairy cows increase ingestive mastication and reduce ruminative chewing when grazing chicory and plantain.although the nutritive value of chicory (cichorium intybus l.) and plantain (plantago lanceolata l.) has been thoroughly studied, little is known about the grazing behavior of cattle feeding on chicory and plantain swards. the objective of the present study was to assess and describe the grazing behavior of dairy cows as affected by dietary proportions of chicory and plantain fed as monocultures for part of the day. ninety holstein-friesian cows (489±42 kg of body weight; 4.1±0.3 body condition ...201324119808
effects of organic solvent extracts from herbage on feeding behavior in goats.the effects of organic solvent extracts from perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne l. cv. friend), orchardgrass (dactylis glomerata l. cv. akimidori) andlolium ×festuca hybrid on the hay consumption of goats were measured by simple two-choice feeding assays. orchardgrass hay treated with methanol extracts (resuspended in water) of perennial ryegrass showed an increased intake by goats compared to untreated hay (p < 0.01). the palatability of hay tended to be slightly decreased by spraying it with p ...199624227483
effect of pre-grazing herbage mass on dairy cow performance, grass dry matter production and output from perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne l.) pastures.a grazing study was undertaken to examine the effect of maintaining three levels of pre-grazing herbage mass (hm) on dairy cow performance, grass dry matter (dm) production and output from perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne l.) pastures. cows were randomly assigned to one of three pre-grazing hm treatments: 1150 - low hm (l), 1400 - medium hm (m) or 2000 kg dm/ha - high hm (h). herbage accumulation under grazing was lowest (p<0.01) on the l treatment and cows grazing the l pastures required more ...201424229787
wide hybridization experiments in cereals.wide hybridization is a useful tool in plant breeding, but little is known about its possible range. for the cereals, wheat, barley and rye, this was tested with 15 different species of the poaceae and panicoideae. embryo formation could be obtained with agropyron repens, alopecurus agrestis, dactylis glomerata, festuca glauca, hordeum bulbosum, lolium perenne, pennisetum americanum, and zea mays. as well, haploid as diploid embryos occurred. new embryo culture techniques should enable these emb ...198424257639
fatty acids, α-tocopherol, β-carotene, and lutein contents in forage legumes, forbs, and a grass-clover mixture.fresh forages are an important natural source of vitamins and fatty acids in ruminant diets, and their concentrations in forage species are important for the quality of animal-derived foods such as dairy and meat products. the aims of this study were to obtain novel information on vitamins and fatty acids (fa) in a variety of forage legumes and non-legume forb species compared to a grass-clover mixture and to explore implications for animal-derived products. seven dicotyledons [four forbs (salad ...201324262011
milk production and composition of mid-lactation cows consuming perennial ryegrass-and chicory-based diets.dry matter intakes (dmi), nutrient selection, and milk production responses of dairy cows grazing 3 herbage-based diets offered at 2 allowances were measured. the 2 allowances were 20 (low) and 30 (high) kg of dry matter (dm)/cow per day and these were applied to 3 herbage types: perennial ryegrass (prg) and chicory (chic+) monocultures and a mixed sward of chicory and perennial ryegrass (mix). the chic+ diet was supplemented with alfalfa hay (approximately 2 kg of dm/cow per day) to maintain di ...201424290818
phytotoxic properties of nordihydroguaiaretic acid, a lignan fromlarrea tridentata (creosote bush).the phytotoxic properties of nordihydroguaiaretic acid (ndga) isolated from creosote bush,larrea tridentata (zygophyllaceae), were examined. ndga dramatically reduces the seedling root growth of barnyard grass, green foxtail, perennial ryegrass, annual ryegrass, red millet, lambsquarter, lettuce, and alfalfa, and reduces the hypocotyl growth of lettuce and green foxtail. it has no effect on the germination of lettuce seeds. ndga almost certainly contributes to the observed allelopathic nature of ...198524311094
comparative metabolite fingerprinting of the rumen system during colonisation of three forage grass (lolium perenne l.) varieties.the rumen microbiota enable ruminants to degrade complex ligno-cellulosic compounds to produce high quality protein for human consumption. however, enteric fermentation by domestic ruminants generates negative by-products: greenhouse gases (methane) and environmental nitrogen pollution. the current lack of cultured isolates representative of the totality of rumen microbial species creates an information gap about the in vivo function of the rumen microbiota and limits our ability to apply predic ...201324312434
genetic control of resistance to crown rust (puccinia coronato corda) in lolium perenne l. and its implications in breeding.a genetic analysis of resistance to crown rust in a series of natural populations of lolium perenne by means of the diallel cross has revealed that heritability is high (58%) and that the genes concerned show complete but ambi-directional dominance for resistance. an environmental correlation was established between the degree of infection and productivity but no genetic correlation was present. the implications of this mode of control for resistance breeding procedures are briefly considered.197724317594
induction of salicylic acid-mediated defense response in perennial ryegrass against infection by magnaporthe oryzae.incorporation of plant defense activators is an innovative approach to development of an integrated strategy for the management of turfgrass diseases. the effects of salicylic acid (sa), benzothiadiazole (bth, chemical analog of sa), jasmonic acid (ja), and ethephon (et, an ethylene-releasing compound) on development of gray leaf spot in perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne l.) caused by magnaporthe oryzae were evaluated. gray leaf spot disease incidence and severity were significantly decreased w ...201424328494
fate and transformation products of amine-terminated pamam dendrimers under ozonation and irradiation.this article deals with the degradation of a third-generation (g3) poly(amidoamine) (pamam) dendrimer under ozonation and irradiation. the identification and quantification of g3 pamam dendrimer and its transformation products has been performed by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight-mass spectrometry. the dendrimer was completely depleted by ozone in less than 1 min. the effect of ultraviolet irradiation was attributed to hydroxyl-mediated oxidation. t ...201424384376
milk production and enteric methane emissions by dairy cows grazing fertilized perennial ryegrass pasture with or without inclusion of white experiment was undertaken to investigate the effect of white clover inclusion in grass swards (gwc) compared with grass-only (go) swards receiving high nitrogen fertilization and subjected to frequent and tight grazing on herbage and dairy cow productivity and enteric methane (ch4) emissions. thirty cows were allocated to graze either a go or gwc sward (n=15) from april 17 to october 31, 2011. fresh herbage [16 kg of dry matter (dm)/cow] and 1 kg of concentrate/cow were offered daily. herbage ...201424393178
sublingual or subcutaneous immunotherapy for seasonal allergic rhinitis: an indirect analysis of efficacy, safety and cost.the standard of preventive care for poorly controlled seasonal allergic rhinitis (ar) is subcutaneous immunotherapy (scit) with allergen extracts, administered in a physician's office. as an alternative to scit, sublingual immunotherapy (slit) is now an option for patients with seasonal ar. oralair, a slit tablet containing freeze-dried allergen extracts of five grasses [cocksfoot (dactylis glomerata), meadow grass (poa pratensis), rye grass (lolium perenne), sweet vernal grass (anthoxanthum odo ...201424444390
effects of chicory/perennial ryegrass swards compared with perennial ryegrass swards on the performance and carcass quality of grazing beef experiment investigated whether the inclusion of chicory (cichorium intybus) in swards grazed by beef steers altered their performance, carcass characteristics or parasitism when compared to steers grazing perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne). triplicate 2-ha plots were established with a chicory/ryegrass mix or ryegrass control. forty-eight belgian blue-cross steers were used in the first grazing season and a core group (n = 36) were retained for finishing in the second grazing season. the ex ...201424489708
bioactivities and compositional analyses of cinnamomum essential oils from nepal: c. camphora, c. tamala, and c. glaucescens.this work examines the biological activity of essential oils of cinnamomum camphora leaves, c. glaucescens fruit, and c. tamala root from nepal. the oils were screened for phytotoxic activity against lettuce and perennial ryegrass, brine shrimp lethality, and antibacterial, antifungal, cytotoxic, insecticidal, and nematicidal activities. c. camphora leaf essential oil was phytotoxic to lettuce, antifungal to aspergillus niger, and insecticidal, particularly toward midge and butterfly larvae, fru ...201324555298
influence of different systems for feeding supplements to grazing dairy cows on milk fatty acid composition.this study investigated the effects of different strategies for feeding supplements to grazing dairy cows on the proportions of fatty acids in milk. two hundred and sixteen cows were fed supplementary grain and forage according to one of 3 different strategies; (1) control: cows grazed perennial ryegrass pasture (14 kg dry matter/d) supplemented with milled barley grain fed in the milking parlour and pasture silage offered in the paddock; (2) partial mixed ration 1 (pmr1): same pasture allotment ...201424560061
antioxidant responses in carassius auratus and lolium perenne exposed to the laboratory pollution.experiments conducted in the laboratories can produce numerous wastes, which could potentially affect the health of the researchers. in this study, the antioxidant responses in liver of carassiua auratus and leaf of lolium perenne were investigated after chronic exposure to the air pollution in four different laboratories. the obtained data showed that oxidative stress was induced in some laboratories, as indicated by some significantly altered biochemical parameters. additionally, the toxicity ...201424561535
differential effects of light quality, provided by different grass neighbours, on the growth and morphology of trifolium repens l. (white clover).the ability to respond in a specific manner to different light conditions imposed by different species of grass is a major factor contributing to white clover persistence in pastures. gaps in a pasture provide light with a higher red:far-red ratio (r:fr) and higher photosynthetic photon flux density (ppfd) than the light filtered through neighbours. white clover (trifolium repens l.) was grown under different light conditions in ways that tried to simulate as closely as possible some of the ligh ...200024595840
a comparative study of the terrestrial ecotoxicity of selected protic and aprotic ionic liquids.ionic liquids (ils) are a fairly new and very promising group of compounds with a vast variety of possible structures and uses. they are considered to be potentially "green", but their impact on the environment tends to be neglected or not studied enough, especially when it comes to terrestrial ecotoxicity, where there are very few studies performed to date. this work presents a comparative study of the terrestrial ecotoxicity of selected representatives of two ils groups: a new family of protic ...201424630250
combined analysis of the chloroplast genome and transcriptome of the antarctic vascular plant deschampsia antarctica desv.antarctic hairgrass (deschampsia antarctica desv.) is the only natural grass species in the maritime antarctic. it has been researched as an important ecological marker and as an extremophile plant for studies on stress tolerance. despite its importance, little genomic information is available for d. antarctica. here, we report the complete chloroplast genome, transcriptome profiles of the coding/noncoding genes, and the posttranscriptional processing by rna editing in the chloroplast system.201424647560
turf wars: experimental tests for alternative stable states in a two-phase coastal ecosystem.alternative stable states have long been thought to exist in natural communities, but direct evidence for their presence and for the environmental switches that cause them has been scarce. using a combination of greenhouse and field experiments, we investigated the environmental drivers associated with two distinctive herbaceous communities in coastal ecosystems in new zealand. in a mosaic unrelated to micro-topography, a community dominated largely by native turf species (notably leptinella dio ...201424669734
forage fiber effects on particle size reduction, ruminal stratification, and selective retention in heifers fed highly digestible grass/clover silages.the objective of this study was to investigate the effect of ndf content in highly digestible grass/clover silage on particle size reduction, ruminal stratification, and selective retention in dairy heifers. the reduction in particle size from feed to feces was evaluated and related to feed intake, chewing activity, and apparent digestibility. four grass/clover harvests (mixtures of lolium perenne, trifolium pratense, and trifolium repens) were performed from early may to late august at differen ...201424671592
in this issue - april 2014: perceptions of 2007 equine influenza outbreak · hyperinsulinaemia in ponies · hydration and perennial ryegrass toxicosis · travel history needed for possible canine leishmaniosis · complications of arthroscopy · metaphyseal osteopathy in kelpies · infectious bronchitis virus and egg quality. 201424673131
gastrointestinal tract size, total-tract digestibility, and rumen microflora in different dairy cow genotypes.the superior milk production efficiency of jersey (je) and jersey × holstein-friesian (je × hf) cows compared with holstein-friesian (hf) has been widely published. the biological differences among dairy cow genotypes, which could contribute to the milk production efficiency differences, have not been as widely studied however. a series of component studies were conducted using cows sourced from a longer-term genotype comparison study (je, je × hf, and hf). the objectives were to (1) determine i ...201424704226
efficacy of biosolids in assisted phytostabilization of metalliferous acidic sandy soils with five grass species.the role of sewage sludge as an immobilising agent in the phytostabilization of metal-contaminated soil was evaluated using five grass species viz., dactylis glomerata l., festuca arundinacea schreb., f. rubra l., lolium perenne l., l. westerwoldicum l. the function of metal immobilization was investigated by monitoring ph, eh and cd, pb, and zn levels in column experiment over a period of 5-months. grasses grown on sewage sludge-amendments produced high biomass in comparison to controls. a sign ...201424912245
diversity of endophytic bacteria in lolium perenne and their potential to degrade petroleum hydrocarbons and promote plant growth.the aim of this study was to assess the ability of twenty-nine endophytic bacteria isolated from the tissues of ryegrass (lolium perenne l.) to promote plant growth and the degradation of hydrocarbon. most of the isolates belonged to the genus pseudomonas and showed multiple plant growth-promoting abilities. all of the bacteria that were tested exhibited the ability to produce indole-3-acetic acid and were sensitive to streptomycin. these strains were capable of phosphate solubilization (62%), c ...201424954306
effects of partial mixed rations and supplement amounts on milk production and composition, ruminal fermentation, bacterial communities, and ruminal acidosis.late-lactation holstein cows (n=144) that were offered 15kg dry matter (dm)/cow per day of perennial ryegrass to graze were randomized into 24 groups of 6. each group contained a fistulated cow and groups were allocated to 1 of 3 feeding strategies: (1) control (10 groups): cows were fed crushed wheat grain twice daily in the milking parlor and ryegrass silage at pasture; (2) partial mixed ration (pmr; 10 groups): pmr that was isoenergetic to the control diet and fed twice daily on a feed pad; ( ...201424997657
bacteria on leaves: a previously unrecognised source of n2o in grazed pastures.nitrous oxide (n2o) emissions from grazed pastures are a product of microbial transformations of nitrogen and the prevailing view is that these only occur in the soil. here we show this is not the case. we have found ammonia-oxidising bacteria (aob) are present on plant leaves where they produce n2o just as in soil. aob (nitrosospira sp. predominantly) on the pasture grass lolium perenne converted 0.02-0.42% (mean 0.12%) of the oxidised ammonia to n2o. as we have found aob to be ubiquitous on gr ...201525012902
the role of the oregon state university endophyte service laboratory in diagnosing clinical cases of endophyte toxicoses.the oregon state university colleges of veterinary medicine and agricultural sciences instituted the endophyte service laboratory to aid in diagnosing toxicity problems associated with cool-season grasses in livestock. the endophyte (neotyphodium coenophalum) present in tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) produces ergopeptine alkaloids, of which ergovaline is the molecule used to determine exposure and toxicity thresholds for the vasoconstrictive conditions "fescue foot" and "summer slump". anothe ...201425017309
a simulation model for epidemics of stem rust in ryegrass seed crops.a simulation model (stemrust_g, named for stem rust of grasses) was created for stem rust (caused by puccinia graminis subsp. graminicola) in perennial ryegrass grown to maturity as a seed crop. the model has a daily time step and is driven by weather data and an initial input of disease severity from field observation. key aspects of plant growth are modeled. disease severity is modeled as rust population growth, where individuals are pathogen colonies (pustules) grouped in cohorts defined by d ...201525098493
evaluation of the ryegrass stem rust model stemrust_g and its implementation as a decision aid.stemrust_g, a simulation model for epidemics of stem rust in perennial ryegrass grown to maturity as a seed crop, was validated for use as a heuristic tool and as a decision aid for disease management with fungicides. multistage validation had been used in model creation by incorporating previously validated submodels for infection, latent period duration, sporulation, fungicide effects, and plant growth. validation of the complete model was by comparison of model output with observed disease se ...201525098496
soil application of biochar produced from biomass grown on trace element contaminated land.trace element (te) contamination of soils is a worldwide problem. however, although not considered safe anymore for food production without clean-up, many of these soils may still be used to produce biomass for non-food purposes such as biochar. exploring the suitability of such biochar for the amendment of low-fertility soil, we investigated growth and metal accumulation of ryegrass (lolium perenne, var. calibra) as well as soil microbial abundance on a non-contaminated soil after amendment wit ...201425163600
effect of concentrate feed level on methane emissions from grazing dairy cows.although the effect of nutrition on enteric methane (ch4) emissions from confined dairy cattle has been extensively examined, less information is available on factors influencing ch4 emissions from grazing dairy cattle. in the present experiment, 40 holstein-friesian dairy cows (12 primiparous and 28 multiparous) were used to examine the effect of concentrate feed level (2.0, 4.0, 6.0, and 8.0 kg/cow per day; fresh basis) on enteric ch4 emissions from cows grazing perennial ryegrass-based swards ...201425173463
prevalence of pollinosis in patients with allergic asthma, rhinitis and conjunctivitis in the south of mexico city 2007-2013.the prevalence of pollinosis has doubled in the past two decades. several studies suggest that up to 50% of adult residents of mexico city can present manifestations of respiratory allergy, and pollens from trees, grasses and weeds are a common cause. to determine the prevalence of their families and antigenic cross-reactivity allows us to offer appropriate diagnoses and treatments.201725177850
perturbation of bacterial ice nucleation activity by a grass antifreeze protein.certain plant-associating bacteria produce ice nucleation proteins (inps) which allow the crystallization of water at high subzero temperatures. many of these microbes are considered plant pathogens since the formed ice can damage tissues, allowing access to nutrients. intriguingly, certain plants that host these bacteria synthesize antifreeze proteins (afps). once freezing has occurred, plant afps likely function to inhibit the growth of large damaging ice crystals. however, we postulated that ...201425193694
evaluation of physical structure value in spring-harvested grass/clover silage and hay fed to heifers.the physical structure value of conserved grass/clover forages of spring harvest was evaluated by assessing effects of harvest time, conservation method, indf/ndf ratio and ndf intake (ndfi) per kg bw on chewing activity and fecal particle size in dairy heifers. a mixed sward consisting of ryegrass (lolium perenne), red clover (trifolium pratense) and white clover (trifolium repens) was harvested in 2009 on may 9 (early) and 25 (late), and both cuts were conserved as silage and hay. the early si ...201525245025
traditional vs modern: role of breed type in determining enteric methane emissions from cattle grazing as part of contrasting grassland-based systems.ruminant livestock turn forages and poor-quality feeds into human edible products, but enteric methane (ch4) emissions from ruminants are a significant contributor to greenhouse gases (ghgs) and hence to climate change. despite the predominance of pasture-based beef production systems in many parts of europe there are little data available regarding enteric ch4 emissions from free-ranging grazing cattle. it is possible that differences in physiology or behaviour could influence comparative emiss ...201425259617
aboveground endophyte affects root volatile emission and host plant selection of a belowground insect.plants emit specific blends of volatile organic compounds (vocs) that serve as multitrophic, multifunctional signals. fungi colonizing aboveground (ag) or belowground (bg) plant structures can modify voc patterns, thereby altering the information content for ag insects. whether ag microbes affect the emission of root volatiles and thus influence soil insect behaviour is unknown. the endophytic fungus neotyphodium uncinatum colonizes the aerial parts of the grass hybrid festuca pratensis × lolium ...201525284612
induced systemic resistance responses in perennial ryegrass against magnaporthe oryzae elicited by semi-purified surfactin lipopeptides and live cells of bacillus amyloliquefaciens.the suppressive ability of several strains of cyclic lipopeptide-producing bacillus rhizobacteria to grey leaf spot disease caused by magnaporthe oryzae has been documented previously; however, the underlying mechanism(s) involved in the induced systemic resistance (isr) activity in perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne l.) remains unknown. root-drench application of solid-phase extraction (spe)-enriched surfactin and live cells of mutant bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain fzb42-ak3 (produces surfac ...201525285593
ergot alkaloid intoxication in perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne): an emerging animal health concern in ireland?four primary mycotoxicosis have been reported in livestock caused by fungal infections of grasses or cereals by members of the clavicipitaceae family. ergotism (generally associated with grasses, rye, triticale and other grains) and fescue toxicosis (associated with tall fescue grass, festuca arundinacea) are both caused by ergot alkaloids, and referred to as 'ergot alkaloid intoxication'. ryegrass staggers (associated with perennial ryegrass lolium perenne) is due to intoxication with an indole ...201425295161
the fungal cell-wall integrity mapk cascade is crucial for hyphal network formation and maintenance of restrictive growth of epichloë festucae in symbiosis with lolium perenne.epichloë festucae is a mutualistic symbiont that systemically colonizes the intercellular spaces of lolium perenne leaves to form a highly structured and interconnected hyphal network. in an agrobacterium tumefaciens t-dna forward genetic screen, we identified a mutant tm1066 that had a severe host interaction phenotype, causing stunting and premature senescence of the host. molecular analysis revealed that the mutation responsible for this phenotype was in the cell-wall integrity (cwi) mitogen- ...201525303335
gastrointestinal metabolism of phytoestrogens in lactating dairy cows fed silages with different botanical composition.dietary phytoestrogens are metabolized or converted in the gastrointestinal tract of ruminants, only limited knowledge exists on the extent and location of this conversion in vivo. the objective of this study was to quantify the gastro-intestinal metabolism of phytoestrogens in lactating dairy cows fed silages with different botanical composition. four lactating rumen cannulated norwegian red cattle were assigned to a 4 × 4 latin square with 1 cow per treatment period of 3 wk. the 4 treatment si ...201425306275
the effect of high polyphenol oxidase grass silage on metabolism of polyunsaturated fatty acids and nitrogen across the rumen of beef steers.polyphenol oxidase (ppo) activity in red clover (trifolium pratense) has been reported to reduce both proteolysis and lipolysis, resulting in greater n use efficiency and protection of pufa across the rumen. although high levels of ppo have been reported in grasses such as cocksfoot (orchard grass; dactylis glomerata), no in vivo research has determined whether grass ppo elicits the same response as red clover ppo. to test the hypothesis that silage ensiled from grass with high levels of ppo pro ...201425349355
nitrous oxide emission factors for urine and dung from sheep fed either fresh forage rape (brassica napus l.) or fresh perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne l.).in new zealand, agriculture is predominantly based on pastoral grazing systems and animal excreta deposited on soil during grazing have been identified as a major source of nitrous oxide (n2o) emissions. forage brassicas (brassica spp.) have been increasingly used to improve lamb performance. compared with conventional forage perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne l.), a common forage in new zealand, forage brassicas have faster growth rates, higher dry matter production and higher nutritive value. ...201525407839
biodegradation of atrazine by three transgenic grasses and alfalfa expressing a modified bacterial atrazine chlorohydrolase gene.the widespread use of atrazine and other s-triazine herbicides to control weeds in agricultural production fields has impacted surface and groundwater in the united states and elsewhere. we previously reported the cloning, sequencing, and expression of six genes involved in the atrazine biodegradation pathway of pseudomonas sp. strain adp, which is initiated by atza, encoding atrazine chlorohydrolase. here we explored the use of enhanced expression of a modified bacterial atrazine chlorohydrolas ...201525432082
response of plasma glucose, insulin, and nonesterified fatty acids to intravenous glucose tolerance tests in dairy cows during a 670-day lactation.this experiment investigated the metabolic response of dairy cows undergoing an extended lactation to a frequently sampled intravenous glucose tolerance test. the experiment used 12 multiparous holstein cows that calved in late winter in a seasonally calving pasture-based system and were managed for a 670-d lactation by delaying rebreeding. in each of four 5-wk experimental periods commencing at approximately 73, 217, 422, and 520 (±9.1) days in milk (dim), cows were offered a diet of perennial ...201525468690
neotyphodium endophyte changes phytoextraction of zinc in festuca arundinacea and lolium perenne.the effect of neotyphodium endophytes on growth parameters and zinc (zn) tolerance and uptake was studied in two grass species of festuca arundinacea and lolium perenne. plants were grown under different zn concentrations (control, 200, 400, 800, and 1800 mg kg(-1)) in potted soil for 5 months. the results showed that the number of plant tillers was 85 and 51% greater in endophyte infected festuca (faei) and lolium (lpei), respectively, compared to their endophyte free (ef) plants. roots and sho ...201525495936
collaboration between grass seedlings and rhizobacteria to scavenge organic nitrogen in soils.plants require nitrogen (n) to make proteins, nucleic acids and other biological molecules. it is widely accepted that plants absorb inorganic forms of n to fill their needs. however, recently it has become clear that plants also have the capacity to absorb organic n from soils. in this paper we describe a new kind of symbiosis involving seed-vectored rhizobacteria and grasses that is targeted at enhancing acquisition of organic n from soils. our proposal is based on results of experiments on se ...201525564515
interrelations between herbage yield, α-tocopherol, β-carotene, lutein, protein, and fiber in non-leguminous forbs, forage legumes, and a grass-clover mixture as affected by harvest date.pastures with diverse botanical composition may enhance animal-derived product quality. a recent study demonstrated high vitamin concentrations and yields in some forb species. the objectives of the present study were to investigate interrelations between herbage yields, vitamin concentrations, protein and fiber contents and analyze the effect of harvest date. we hypothesized that interrelations would be similar across investigated forage species. four nonleguminous forbs: salad burnet (sanguiso ...201525573460
enrichment of aliphatic, alicyclic and aromatic acids by oil-degrading bacteria isolated from the rhizosphere of plants growing in oil-contaminated soil from kazakhstan.three microbial strains were isolated from the rhizosphere of alfalfa (medicago sativa), grass mixture (festuca rubra, 75 %; lolium perenne, 20 %; poa pratensis, 10 %), and rape (brassica napus) on the basis of their high capacity to use crude oil as the sole carbon and energy source. these isolates used an unusually wide spectrum of hydrocarbons as substrates (more than 80), including n-alkanes with chain lengths ranging from c12 to c32, monomethyl- and monoethyl-substituted alkanes (c12-c23), ...201525592733
bacterial rhizosphere and endosphere populations associated with grasses and trees to be used for phytoremediation of crude oil contaminated soil.different grasses and trees were tested for their growth in a crude oil contaminated soil. three grasses, lolium perenne, leptochloa fusca, brachiaria mutica, and two trees, lecucaena leucocephala and acacia ampliceps, were selected to investigate the diversity of hydrocarbon-degrading rhizospheric and endophytic bacteria. we found a higher number of hydrocarbon degrading bacteria associated with grasses than trees and that the endophytic bacteria were taxonomically different from rhizosphere as ...201525661008
silicon-induced systemic defense responses in perennial ryegrass against infection by magnaporthe oryzae.sustainable integrated disease management for gray leaf spot of perennial ryegrass may involve use of plant defense elicitors with compatible traditional fungicides to reduce disease incidence and severity. silicon (si) has previously been identified as a potential inducer or modulator of plant defenses against different fungal pathogens. to this end, perennial ryegrass was inoculated with the causal agent of gray leaf spot, magnaporthe oryzae, when grown in soil that was nonamended or amended w ...201525738553
[effects of sewage sludge compost on the growth and photosynthetic characteristics of turfgrass].the effects of different dosages (0, 0.8%, 2%, 6% and 10%) of sewage sludge compost on the growth and photosynthetic characteristics of three turfgrass, i. e., festuca arundinacea, lolium perenne and poa pratensis were studied. the results showed that the dosage of 6% had the optimal effects. the plant height, leaf area and dry biomass of three turfgrass increased significantly with the increasing sewage sludge compost dosage, while the root/shoot ratio decreased obviously. compared with the con ...201425757308
lambs fed fresh winter forage rape (brassica napus l.) emit less methane than those fed perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne l.), and possible mechanisms behind the difference.the objectives of this study were to examine long-term effects of feeding forage rape (brassica napus l.) on methane yields (g methane per kg of feed dry matter intake), and to propose mechanisms that may be responsible for lower emissions from lambs fed forage rape compared to perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne l.). the lambs were fed fresh winter forage rape or ryegrass as their sole diet for 15 weeks. methane yields were measured using open circuit respiration chambers, and were 22-30% smalle ...201525803688
pythium kandovanense sp. nov., a fungus-like eukaryotic micro-organism (stramenopila, pythiales) isolated from snow-covered ryegrass leaves.pythiumkandovanense sp. nov. (ex-type culture cctu 1813t = opu 1626t = cbs 139567t) is a novel oomycete species isolated from lolium perenne with snow rot symptoms in a natural grassland in east-azarbaijan province, iran. phylogenetic analyses based on sequence data from internal transcribed spacer (its)-rdna, coxi and coxii mitochondrial genes clustered our isolates in pythium group e as a unique, well supported clade. pythium kandovanense sp. nov. is phylogenetically and morphologically distin ...201525933619
application of long-chain alcohols as faecal markers to estimate diet composition of horses and cattle fed with herbaceous and woody species.utilization of long-chain alcohols (lcoh) as diet composition markers in horses and cattle was assessed in a study conducted with 12 mature crossbreed mares (385±47 kg bw) and six adult non-lactating cows (499±36 kg bw) of asturiana de los valles breed. the lcoh data were combined with alkane and long-chain fatty acid (lcfa) data to test the applicability of combining these markers to estimate diet composition. animals were randomly divided into groups of three animals and received a daily total ...201526160068
short communication: grazing pattern of dairy cows that were selected for divergent residual feed intake as calves.the aim of this study was to investigate and assess differences in the grazing pattern of 2 groups of mature dairy cows selected as calves for divergent residual feed intake (rfi). sixteen holstein-friesian cows (471±31kg of body weight, 100 d in milk), comprising 8 cows selected as calves (6-8 mo old) for low (most efficient: csclowrfi) and 8 cows selected as calves for high (least efficient: cschighrfi) rfi, were used for the purpose of this study. cows (n=16) were managed as a single group, a ...201526162793
shifts in abundance and diversity of soil ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea associated with land restoration in a semi-arid ecosystem.the grain to green project (ggp) is an unprecedented land restoration action in china. the project converted large areas (ca 10 million ha) of steep-sloped/degraded farmland and barren land into forest and grassland resulting in ecological benefits such as a reduction in severe soil erosion. it may also affect soil microorganisms involved in ammonia oxidization, which is a key step in the global nitrogen cycle. the methods for restoration that are typically adopted in semi-arid regions include a ...201526172994
replacement of grass and maize silages with lucerne silage: effects on performance, milk fatty acid profile and digestibility in holstein-friesian dairy total, 20 multiparous holstein-friesian dairy cows received one of four diets in each of four periods of 28-day duration in a latin square design to test the hypothesis that the inclusion of lucerne in the ration of high-yielding dairy cows would improve animal performance and milk fatty acid (fa) composition. all dietary treatments contained 0.55 : 0.45 forage to concentrates (dry matter (dm) basis), and within the forage component the proportion of lucerne (medicago sativa), grass (lolium p ...201526242305
Displaying items 601 - 700 of 764