
[empyema caused by fusobacterium necrophorum]. 200516302307
the two major subspecies of fusobacterium necrophorum have distinct leukotoxin operon promoter regions.fusobacterium necrophorum, a gram-negative, non-spore-forming anaerobe, is a normal inhabitant of the alimentary tract of animals and humans. two types of f. necrophorum, subspecies necrophorum (biotype a) and funduliforme (biotype b), have been recognized, which differ morphologically, biochemically and biologically. the organism is an opportunistic pathogen that causes numerous necrotic conditions (necrobacillosis) such as bovine hepatic abscesses and ruminant foot abscesses. subspecies necrop ...200616303263
[false carbapenem resistance in anaerobic microorganisms]. 200516324556
isolation of sphaerophorus necrophorus from bovine liver abscesses. 196716349772
efficacy of vaccination against fusobacterium necrophorum infection for control of liver abscesses and footrot in feedlot cattle in western canada.a randomized and blinded field trial was carried out to evaluate the efficacy of a fusobacterium necrophorum bacterin for control of liver abscesses and footrot under commercial feedlot conditions in western canada. half of the vaccinated and half of the unvaccinated control animals had ad libitum access to a forage-based (alf) growing diet. the other half of each group was limit-fed a grain-based (lfg) growing diet. the overall prevalence of a and a+ liver abscesses in this trial was 16.7%. a s ...200516363327
immunopathological investigations on bovine digital epidermitis.paraffin-embedded fragments of bovine digital skin lesions were sectioned and stained with warthin-starry, haematoxylin and eosin, grocott's methenamine silver and immunohistochemical techniques. microorganisms observed in the silver-stained sections were classified into four major morphological groups. spirochaetes were the most prevalent organisms, but bacillary and coccoid elements were also present in most sections. immunohistochemical probing demonstrated that approximately 80 per cent, 46 ...200516377788
lemierre's syndrome.lemierre's syndrome is a rare, potentially severe disease consisting of septic emboli from an internal jugular vein thrombus after oropharyngeal infection. we report a 20-year-old man who had a tonsillitis with fever for 3 days. after a 2-day defervescence, fever relapsed as well as painful swelling over the left side of the neck. computed tomography scan and sonography of the neck revealed thrombosis of left internal jugular vein and swelling of surrounding soft tissue. chest radiograph demonst ...200516385382
bilateral intraocular involvement in lemierre's syndrome. 200616424550
lemierre's syndrome: an unusual manifestation of spinal infection.we report a case of lemierre's syndrome complicated by an epidural abscess. this manifestation of lemierre's syndrome has not been described previously.200616434535
index of suspicion. 200616452277
[lemierre's syndrome and mycoplasma pneumoniae].it has been suggested that a previous viral or bacterial pharyngitis may predispose to lemierre's syndrome, an uncommon entity nowadays. a case of lemierre's syndrome and co-infection with mycoplasma pneumoniae is described, association published before in only 2 other cases. a 16-year-old girl with trombophlebitis of the left jugular vein, fusobacterium necrophorum bacteremia and septic emboli in the lung requiring mechanical ventilation due to severe respiratory insufficiency. despite early tr ...200516454590
unilateral empyema as a complication of infectious mononucleosis: a pathogenic variant of lemierre's syndrome.we present a case of a healthy 19-year-old female who developed infectious mononucleosis complicated by unilateral empyema.200616455941
effects of a collagenolytic cell wall component from fusobacterium necrophorum subsp. necrophorum on rabbit tissue-culture cells.the effects on rabbit tissue-cultured cells of collagenolytic cell wall component (ccwc) from fusobacterium necrophorum subsp. necrophorum were investigated. scanning electron microscopy demonstrated that ccwc damaged the cell surfaces of the rabbit granulocytes and hepatocytes but the effects of the cells differed from each other. granulocytes appeared smooth and morphologically irregular whereas hepatocytes looked rough and had tiny holes in the cell membranes. differences in cell viability we ...200616490725
[lemierre syndrome variant: hepatic abscesses and hepatic venous thrombosis due to fusobacterium nucleatum septicemia].like fusobacterium necrophorum, fusobacterium nucleatum is capable causing lemierre's syndrome. various locations of venous thrombosis have been described associated with fusobacterium sp. septicemia.200616516355
factors affecting lysine degradation by ruminal fusobacteria.fusobacterium necrophorum can readily be enriched from the rumen with lysine, and its deamination rate is very rapid. the addition of f. necrophorum jb2 to mixed ruminal bacteria significantly increased lysine degradation, but only if the ratio of ruminal fluid to basal medium was less than 25%. if more ruminal fluid (ph 6.1) was added, ammonia production decreased by as much as 80%. clarified, autoclaved ruminal fluid was also inhibitory. when f. necrophorum jb2 was grown in a lysine-limited co ...200616542401
a study of bacillus necrophorus obtained from cows. 193016559461
hemiplegia in lemierre syndrome: a neuroimaging strategy. 200616643325
a model of spontaneous periodontitis in the miniature goat.the pathogenesis and progression of periodontal disease have been extensively studied through the use of animal models. however, no animal model has yet been established that is precisely similar to periodontitis in humans. in the present study, we examined the use of shiba goats as a model for spontaneous periodontitis.200616671878
production of indolic compounds by rumen bacteria isolated from grazing screen rumen bacterial cultures and fresh ruminal isolates for indole and skatole production.200616696673
lemierre's syndrome: case report in a pediatric patient.lemierre's syndrome was described in 1936 as a severe oropharyngeal infection followed by septic thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein and disseminated metastatic infections. cases occur typically in previously healthy young adults and children. fusobacterium necrophorum is the main anaerobic bacterium implicated. we present a septic 2-month-old infant with mastoiditis, multiple sites of osteoarthritis and multiple subcutaneous abscesses. no underlying anatomic or immunologic abnormaliti ...200416701512
the leukotoxin operon of fusobacterium necrophorum is not present in other species of fusobacterium.the complete nucleotide sequence of the leukotoxin operon of fusobacterium necrophorum has been determined. the operon consists of three genes (lktbac) of which the leukotoxin structural gene is the middle determinant. southern and western blot analyses and flow cytometry analysis for biological activity of the culture supernatants were carried out to determine if the leukotoxin is present in other species of the genus fusobacterium. only the two subspecies of f. necrophorum were found to posses ...200516701542
enrichment of fusobacteria from the rumen that can utilize lysine as an energy source for growth.ruminal lysine degradation is a wasteful process that deprives the animal of an essential amino acid. mixed ruminal bacteria did not deaminate lysine (50 mm) at a rapid rate, but lysine degrading bacteria could be enriched if trypticase (5 mg/ml) was also added. lysine degrading isolates produced acetate, butyrate and ammonia, were non-motile, stained gram-negative and could also utilize lactate, glucose, maltose or galactose as an energy source for growth. lactate was converted to acetate and p ...200516701548
a case of lemierre's syndrome following epstein-barr virus infection.lemierre's syndrome, or necrobacillosis, is a life-threatening septic thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein. the causative organism is fusobacterium necrophorum. here we report a case of lemierre's syndrome in a young male and describe the clinical presentations and treatment. epstein-barr virus (ebv) was a suspected predisposing factor in this case.200516701549
fusobacterium necrophorum infections in animals: pathogenesis and pathogenic mechanisms.fusobacterium necrophorum, a gram-negative, non-spore-forming anaerobe, is a normal inhabitant of the alimentary tract of animals and humans. two subspecies of f. necrophorum, subsp. necrophorum (biotype a) and subsp. funduliforme (biotype b), have been recognized, that differ morphologically, biochemically, and biologically. the subsp. necrophorum is more virulent and is isolated more frequently from infections than the subsp. funduliforme. the organism is an opportunistic pathogen that causes ...200516701574
lemierre's syndrome: still an important clinical entity.we report a case of lemierre's syndrome caused by fusobacterium necrophorum and discuss characteristics of this potentially fatal condition which, though rare, may have a rising frequency. familiarity with the signs and symptoms of lemierre's syndrome is therefore of great importance.200616709530
successful transfer of embryos recovered from a cow with chronic cervicitis of mixed aerobic and anaerobic bacterial aetiology a case imported 13-year-old simmentaler cow was presented with severe purulent cervicitis and endometritis from which corynebacterium pyogenes , fusobacterium necrophorum , bacteroides melaninogenicus and an untyped clostridium perfringens were isolated. the endometritis responded to treatment but the cervix did not and remained fibrous, continuously patent and purulent. natural pregnancy was considered unlikely and the cow was prepared as an embryo transfer donor. eight embryos were recovered and s ...198516726028
retained fetal membranes in cows: manual removal versus nonremoval and its effect on reproductive performance.sixteen primiparous holstein cows with retained fetal membranes (rfm) were studied for postpartum prostaglandin release, uterine infection and resumption of estrous cyclicity after manual removal of rfm (eight cows) versus leaving the rfm untreated (eight cows). the rfm were results of induced parturition on day 274 of gestation. seventeen non-rfm primiparous cows were controls. the 15-keto-13, 14-dihydro-metabolite of prostaglandin f(2alpha) (pgfm) was measured in daily blood samples. aerobic a ...198816726448
effect of actinomyces pyogenes and gram-negative anaerobic bacteria on the development of bovine pyometra.fifteen lactating holstein cows were used in a trial designed to evaluate the effectiveness of intrauterine inoculation (challenge) of actinomyces pyogenes (a) alone or in combination with fusobacterium necrophorum (f) and bacteroides melaninogenicus (b) to induce pyometra. cows were assigned to one of five groups: a (n = 3), ab (n = 3), af (n = 3), abf (n = 3) or c (control, broth medium alone; n = 3). all cows exhibited estrus 12 or 13 d prior to challenge (day 0=first day of challenge). durin ...198916726615
fusobacterium necrophorum determined as abortifacient in sheep by laser capture microdissection and fluorescence in situ hybridization.fluorescent in situ hybridization (fish) has been extensively used for identification of individual microbial cells within their natural environment. the present work describes the identification of fusobacterium necrophorum in formalin-fixed tissue samples from three sets of ovine twins aborted at late pregnancy by a technique that combines laser capture microdissection (lcm) and fluorescent in situ hybridization (lcm-fish). cultural bacteriological examination had failed to identify an infecti ...200616737796
from a sore throat to the intensive care unit: the lemierre syndrome.lemierre syndrome is characterized by an acute oropharyngeal infection, suppurative thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein and metastatic infections. the infection is usually caused by fusobacterium necrophorum. we report on a 19-year-old male patient who was admitted with a five-day history of fever, sore throat and progressive dyspnea. computed tomography of the neck and chest revealed a parapharyngeal abscess, jugular vein thrombosis, descending necrotizing mediastinitis and multiple a ...200616794763
lemierre's syndrome and genetic polymorphisms: a case report.lemierre's syndrome presents a classic clinical picture, the pathophysiology of which remains obscure. attempts have been made to trace genetic predispositions that modify the host detection of pathogen or the resultant systemic reaction.200616846490
effects of feeding polyclonal antibody preparations on ruminal bacterial populations and ruminal ph of steers fed high-grain diets.three experiments with factorial arrangements of treatments were designed to test the efficacy of avian-derived polyclonal antibody preparations (pap) against streptococcus bovis (pap-sb) or fusobacterium necrophorum (pap-fn) in reducing ruminal counts of target bacteria in beef steers supplemented or not with feed additives (300 mg of monensin/d and 90 mg of tylosin/d; mt). feeding increasing doses of pap-sb in exp. 1 or a single dose in exp. 2 reduced s. bovis counts in a cubic fashion (p = 0. ...200616864880
[plaut-vincent's acute necrotizing ulcerative fusospirillum tonsillitis associated to infectious mononucleosis].we report the case of a 14 years old girl patient with recurrent tonsillitis who had been diagnosed and admitted previously with plaut-vincent's angina. six weeks after leaving the hospital she was assited in emergencies by an infectious mononucleosis associated to unilateral tonsillar necrotizing ulceration from which a sample was taken to microbiological exam finding the fusospirochaetal complex borrelia vincenti and fusobacterium necrophorum. a literature review at the respect of such associa ...200616881548
ribotyping of fusobacterium necrophorum strains isolated from bovine and ovine hepatic abscesses.a microbiological study was made of 100 strains of fusobacterium necrophorum isolated from hepatic abscesses in bovine and ovine herds. differences between the biological activity and ribotypes within the two f. necrophorum subspecies were studied. conventional methods identified 89 isolates as f. necrophorum subsp. necrophorum and 11 as f. necrophorum subsp. funduliforme. for ribotyping, 50 strains (35 f.n. subsp. necrophorum, 11 f.n. subsp. funduliforme and 4 reference strains) were digested w ...199816887645
fusobacterium necrophorum septicemia following epstein-barr virus infectious mononucleosis.we report herein a case of a 20-year-old previously healthy man who presented, 25 days after the onset of clinically and serologically confirmed epstein-barr virus (ebv) infectious mononucleosis, fusobacterium necrophorum septicemia. the diagnosis of postanginal septicemia was confirmed by repeated demonstration of fusiform, obligate anaerobic, gram-negative bacilli in anaerobic blood cultures, identified as f. necrophorum 15 days after admission. this case report aims at underlining the need of ...200316887713
ceftiofur derivatives in serum, uterine tissues, cotyledons, and lochia after fetal membrane retention.the objective of the study was to determine concentrations of ceftiofur derivatives after subcutaneous application of ceftiofur hydrochloride in cows with retained fetal membranes. concentrations of ceftiofur derivatives detected as desfuroylceftiofuracetamide were determined in blood serum, endometrium, caruncles, cotyledons, and lochia during 72 h. after induction of parturition, 2 primiparous and 4 multiparous cows having retained fetal membranes for at least 12 h were studied. all cows recei ...200616899676
in vitro activity of linezolid against clinical isolates of fusobacterium spp.although most susceptibility studies for linezolid have investigated aerobic bacteria, only a few have investigated anaerobe isolates. the aim of the present study was to determine the antibacterial activity of linezolid against a larger sample of clinical isolates of fusobacterium spp. and to report on the detailed susceptibility, stratified by species.200616905529
lemierre syndrome: an all-but-forgotten disease. 200616928914
[inhibition of extracts from 17 chinese herbs on periodontal pathogenic microbes].to evaluate the efficiency of 17 chinese herbs on periodontal pathogenic microbes.200616955176
human infections with fusobacterium necrophorum.fusobacterium necrophorum is a gram-negative anaerobic bacillus that can be a primary pathogen causing either localised abscesses and throat infections or systemic life-threatening disease. systemic infections due to f. necrophorum are referred to as either lemierre's disease/syndrome, post-anginal sepsis or necrobacillosis, but in the context of this mini-review, all are included under the umbrella term of 'invasive f. necrophorum disease' (ifnd). although ifnd has been well documented for over ...200616962962
aetiology of caprine footrot in extremadura region, spain.the present study reports on the location of major foci of footrot in goats in the extremadura region of spain by the determination of locally occurring strictly anaerobic microorganisms involved in the pathogenesis and development of this disease. the most commonly isolated microorganisms belonged to the genera dichelobacter, fusobacterium, porphyromonas and prevotella; these were found in conjunction with other species of minor importance. the species most frequently isolated were fusobacteriu ...200617020135
[lemierre's syndrome: literature review].our aim was to recall the pathogenesis, clinic aspects and therapeutic options for lemierre's syndrome.200617088705
[sore throat and a swollen neck: lemierre's syndrome until proven otherwise].physicians seldom prescribe antibiotics to patients presenting with a combination of sore throat and feelings of malaise. however, this restrictive regimen may have a downside. two patients, men aged 23 and 19 years, respectively, with pharyngitis developed a life-threatening syndrome following a fusobacterium throat infection. they suffered from lemierre's syndrome, referred to in recent literature as the 'forgotten disease'. the second patient recovered uneventfully after prompt intravenous an ...200617137089
is this a variant of lemierre's syndrome?lemierre's syndrome is an oropharyngeal infection leading to secondary septic thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein (ijv). it is classically anaerobic in origin and fusobacterium necrophorum is the commonest pathogen. we report an unusual variant of this condition in a 68-year-man with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus who presented with extensive cellulitis of the left neck. no primary oropharyngeal sepsis was detected. neck radiographs revealed soft tissue gas and computed tomography conf ...200617139410
bilateral sequential petrous apicitis secondary to an anaerobic bacterium. 200617141098
lemierre's--the sinister sore throat.lemierre's syndrome is a rare and sometimes life threatening condition that requires prompt management. a case is reported of a previously healthy young male with lemierre's syndrome. he developed internal jugular vein and cavernous sinus thrombosis, metastatic abscesses in the temporal lobe and lungs, temporal lobe venous infarction and severe thrombocytopaenia. discussed are aspects of clinical presentation, diagnosis and management issues.200717201988
[sepsis caused by fusobacterium necrophorum (lemierre syndrome): a rare complication of acute pharyngotonsilitis].lemierre syndrome is defined as an acute pharyngotonsillar infection that has spread into the lateral pharyngeal space causing thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein with consecutive metastatic emboli. the syndrome is most often caused by fusobacterium (f.) necrophorum and usually involves young, previously healthy people. we present a healthy 20-year-old man who suddenly developed with high fever and sore throat followed by dyspnea, tachypnea and cough on the third day of illness. his co ...200617217111
lemierre syndrome complicated by cavernous sinus thrombosis, the development of subdural empyemas, and internal carotid artery narrowing without cerebral infarction. case report.lemierre syndrome is an extremely rare complication of mild-to-moderate pharyngeal infections. the authors present an unusual case of lemierre syndrome in a 16-year-old boy with cavernous sinus thrombosis and right internal carotid artery narrowing without neurological sequelae, right subdural empyema, and cerebritis in the right temporal and occipital lobes. neuroimaging also demonstrated right jugular vein thrombosis. cultures of samples from the blood proved positive for the presence of fusob ...200717233314
effects of the collagenolytic cell wall component of fusobacterium necrophorum subsp. necrophorum on bovine hepatocytes.the effects of the collagenolytic cell wall component (ccwc) of fusobacterium necrophorum subsp. necrophorum on bovine hepatic cell and cytoskeletons were investigated. scanning electron microscopy (sem) demonstrated that ccwc damaged the cell surfaces, forming tiny holes on the cell membranes. sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page) profiles revealed that ccwc degraded bovine cytokeratin and vimentin and by indirect fluorescent antibody (ifa) method, it was shown t ...200717275045
[mastoiditis due to fusobacterium necrophorum]. 200717306110
outcome of pulmonary function in lemierre's disease-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome.pulmonary function in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ards) survivors typically returns to normal with the exception of a persistent reduction in carbon monoxide diffusion capacity (dl(co)). septic thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein, (lemierre's syndrome or postanginal sepsis) is a well-described, albeit uncommon cause of ards in which metastatic pulmonary thromboemboli precipitate respiratory failure requiring ventilatory support. we describe convalescent pulmonary function in t ...200717330265
rapid identification of fusobacterium nucleatum and fusobacterium necrophorum by fluorescence in situ hybridization.identification of clinically relevant fusobacterium spp. is hampered by their slow growth, their frequent occurrence in polymicrobial culture, and the low reliability of biochemical differentiation methods. a newly developed fluorescence in situ hybridization (fish) assay allowed reliable and rapid identification of fusobacterium necrophorum and fusobacterium nucleatum from culture. preliminary results show that the method offers the perspective for direct detection of these pathogens in blood c ...200717350209
ovine fetal necrobacillosis.the association of fusobacterium necrophorum with late term abortion in sheep is reported. the bacterium was not culturable, but was identified in five cases by fluorescence in-situ hybridization (fish) with an oligonucleotide probe specifically targeting 16s rrna in f. necrophorum. gross lesions were found in several tissues. histologically, placental lesions were characterized by locally diffuse infiltration of neutrophils, closely associated with abundant small gram-negative and fish-positive ...200717400239
detection of fusobacterium necrophorum subsp. funduliforme in tonsillitis in young adults by real-time pcr.throat swabs from 61 patients, aged 18-32 years, with non-streptococcal tonsillitis (nst) and 92 healthy controls were examined for the presence of fusobacterium necrophorum dna using a novel taqman-based real-time quantitative pcr assay for f. necrophorum subspecies. the assay was based on the gyrb subunit gene, and detected f. necrophorum dna in 48% of patients with nst and in 21% of controls (p <0.001). f. necrophorum subsp. funduliforme was the only subspecies found in both patients and cont ...200717403128
two cases of fatal meningitis due to fusobacterium is extremely important to consider fusobacterium necrophorum as a cause of meningitis in children after otitis or other upper respiratory tract infections, because of its increasing incidence. a high index of suspicion and prompt microbiological identification are mandatory; as this organism is often penicillin-resistant, prolonged antibiotic therapy is required and invasive infection carries a high risk of fatal cerebral vessel thrombosis. this report presents two fatal cases who presented t ...200717437912
[lemierre's syndrome. an unusual variant].lemierre's syndrome or postanginal septicaemia is described in the literature as an unusual complication of oropharyngeal infection. in most cases the syndrome is caused by fusobacterium necrophorum. this disease usually occurs in young healthy individuals with an oropharyngeal infection, implying high fever, cervical tumefaction, and cervical pain, frequently associated with septic lung embolization. this case report is an unusual variant of this disease in a 12-year-old patient whose site of p ...200717498474
lemierre's syndrome complicating bacterial pharyngitis in a patient with undiagnosed factor xii deficiency.internal jugular vein thrombosis occurs as an uncommon complication of oropharyngitis. the following case report describes a previously healthy adult woman who presented with sore throat, left ear pain, and fever. she was initially diagnosed with pharyngitis and inadvertently had blood cultures sent as part of her workup. she was then called back to the emergency department the following day for positive growth of the blood culture, and found to have thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein ...200717499688
lemierre's syndrome associated with consumption coagulopathy and acute renal failure: a case report.acute tonsillitis or pharyngitis may lead to suppurative thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein. this complication, also known as lemierre's syndrome, remains, even nowadays, life threatening, due to dissemination of septic thromboemboli to various organs. respiratory deficiency and renal impairment are often reported in patients suffering from lemierre's syndrome.200817502008
[fusobacterium necrophorum meningitis: forgotten complication of a gingivitis].by now lemierre's syndrome is a seldom-described disease whose prognosis depends on the precocity of treatment. case presentation: we report the case of an 11-month-old child, with a fulminant fusobacterium necrophorum meningitis, which derived from a gingival infection, with fatal outcome. conclusion: this atypical case of lemierre's syndrome (young age occurrence and localisation) underlines the potential severity of f. necrophorum sepsis.200717524630
a six-month audit of the isolation of fusobacterium necrophorum from patients with sore throat in a district general hospital.fusobacterium necrophorum is an obligate anaerobe believed to be a member of the normal flora of the human oropharangeal and urogenital tract. it has been associated with deep-seated infections and was first described in 1936 by lemierre, a french microbiologist. there is now strong evidence to suggest that it is also a cause of recurrent sore throat and persistent sore throat syndrome (psts) without leading to full systemic infection. it is considered to be the second most common cause of sore ...200717633139
development of a genus-specific pcr assay for the molecular detection, confirmation and identification of fusobacterium spp.a genus-specific polymerase chain reaction (pcr)-based assay is developed for the detection and identification of clinically relevant fusobacterium species, including f. nucleatum and f. necrophorum. two 16s ribosomal dna (rdna) primers, fuso1 (forward primer: 5'-gag aga gct ttg cgt cc-3' [17-mer]) and fuso 2 (reverse primer: 5'-tgg gcg ctg agg ttc gac -3' [18-mer]) are designed to target conserved regions of the 16s rdna gene for fusobacterium spp. subsequent proof-of-principle studies employin ...200717633142
lemierre's syndrome in association with a cholesteatoma. 200717639838
[hepatic abscesses and hepatic venous thrombosis due to fusobacterium necrophorum septicemia: lemierre syndrome variant]. 200717669338
fusobacterium necrophorum endocarditis in a previously healthy young adult.infective endocarditis with fusobacterium necrophorum (f necrophorum) as the sole pathogen has been reported only once previously in an infant. we describe herein a case of f necrophorum endocarditis in a 20-year-old, previously healthy man. this is the first reported case of monomicrobial f necrophorum endocarditis in an adult.200717700202
lemierre syndrome: two cases and a review.lemierre syndrome is usually caused by an acute oropharyngeal infection in previously healthy young adults, resulting in thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein, leading to metastatic septic embolization and bacteraemia. the usual organism is fusobacterium necrophorum. lemierre syndrome, not so long ago labeled as the "forgotten disease," is on the rise. today with increasing antibiotic-resistant organisms, and decreasing awareness of the syndrome, subsequent re-emergence of this "forgotte ...200717762792
lemierre syndrome associated with dental infections. report of one case and review of the literature.the first publication on lemierre syndrome appears in 1936 by lemierre. it is defined as an "oropharynx bacterial infection characterized by the thrombophlebitis in the internal jugular vein, derived in a systemic septic embolism". in 81% of the cases, the fusobacterium necrophorum is the most frequent etiologic agent. fever is the most common symptom, but it can depending on the primary infection, tonsillitis, mastoiditis or odontogenic infection. according to the literature the mortality is ve ...200717767106
chronic ulcerative colitis: a summary of evidence implicating bacterium necrophorum as an etiologic agent. 194117857900
clinical, bacteriological, and histopathological study of toxic puerperal metritis in iraqi were collected from 42 buffalo with toxic puerperal metritis in 2 large herds, with a history of dystocia, prolapse, and retained placenta. all buffalo were subjected to detailed clinical examination including external inspection, vaginoscopy, and transrectal palpation of the cervix, uterus, and ovaries. swabs for bacteriology and biopsies for histopathology were collected from the uterine lumen from each cow. character, odor, and estimation of polymorphonuclear cells of the vaginal mucus w ...200717881686
lemierre's syndrome with septic shock caused by fusobacterium necrophorum.fusobacterium necrophorum infections are rare. we report a 15-year-old male who presented with tachycardia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and ankle pain. he rapidly deteriorated requiring ventilation and vasopressors. imaging of his thorax showed airspace consolidation, pulmonary cavitations and empyema. the ankle required drainage of purulent material. a thrombus in his internal jugular vein (lemierre's syndrome) and an abscess in his obturator internus were subsequently found. fusobacterium necr ...200717933173
human infection with fusobacterium necrophorum (necrobacillosis), with a focus on lemierre's syndrome.human infection with fusobacterium necrophorum usually involves f. necrophorum subsp. funduliforme rather than f. necrophorum subsp. necrophorum, which is a common pathogen in animals. lemierre's syndrome, or postanginal sepsis, is the most common life-threatening manifestation. tonsillitis is followed by septic thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein and then a septicemia with septic emboli in lungs and other sites. recent evidence suggests that f. necrophorum can be limited to the throat ...200717934077
some morphological, biochemical and immunological blood parameters in european bison with or without lesions in the digestive, respiratory, urinary and reproductive tracts.ninety-seven bison (39 males and 58 females) were culled out during three successive winter seasons. no infection with bhv-1 and bhv-5 or other viruses was detected by pcr and sn methods. advanced pathological lesions observed in males exhibiting symptoms of posthitis/balanoposthitis are probably due to secondary infection by microorganisms present in the prepuce (corynebacterium spp., bacillus spp., fusobacterium necrophorum, staphylococcus spp. (coagulase negative) and staphylococcus hyicus). ...200717937185
lemierre syndrome: a case of postanginal sepsis.lemierre syndrome is a rare disease that's characterized by internal jugular vein thrombosis and septic emboli. these symptoms typically develop after acute oropharyngeal infection by fusobacterium necrophorum. although this syndrome is less frequently seen in modern times due to the availability of antibiotics, physicians must be aware of the syndrome in order to initiate prompt antibiotics therapy, including coverage of the anerobic organisms. we discuss here the case of an 18-year-old female ...200717939341
multiple pyogenic liver abscesses following hemorrhoid banding. 200717987768
leukotoxin operon and differential expressions of the leukotoxin gene in bovine fusobacterium necrophorum subspecies.liver abscesses in cattle are associated primarily with fusobacterium necrophorum, a gram negative, pleomorphic, and obligate anaerobe. in cattle, the organism is a normal inhabitant of the rumen and an opportunistic pathogen. there are two subspecies: subsp. necrophorum and subsp. funduliforme. subspecies necrophorum is more frequently isolated, often in pure culture, from liver abscesses than subspecies funduliforme. leukotoxin (lkt), an exotoxin, is a major virulence factor. in subsp. necroph ...200817988899
a 21-year-old man with fever and sore throat rapidly progressive to hemoptysis and respiratory failure. diagnosis: lemierre syndrome with fusobacterium necrophorum sepsis. 200717998376
herpetic tracheitis and polybacterial pneumonia in an immunocompetent young man is herpes tracheitis involved in the pathogenesis of bacterial pneumonia?we report a 28-year-old immunocompetent man that after a course of corticoids developed a severe pneumonia in right lower lobe. a fiber-optic bronchoscopy showed a white membrane easily bloody on contact with bronchoscopy tube at trachea level. the tracheal biopsy showed typical cytopathological lesions of herpes simplex virus (hsv) and polymerase chain reaction was positive for type 1 hsv. streptococcus viridans and fusobacterium necrophorum grew in right bronchial secretion cultures. clinical ...200818054276
infection by panton-valentine leukocidin-producing staphylococcus aureus clinically mimicking lemierre's syndrome.lemierre's syndrome is an oropharyngeal infection which leads to severe septic thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein and metastatic abscesses of the lungs and other organs. it is usually caused by fusobacterium necrophorum, a gram-negative obligate anaerobe. an unusual case of panton-valentine leukocidin (pvl)-producing staphylococcus aureus infection masquerading as lemierre's syndrome is reported here. a 32-year-old fit and otherwise healthy male presented on christmas morning with a b ...200818065677
bacterial isolates associated with dystocia and retained placenta in iraqi buffaloes.the present study was conducted on 50 recently calved iraqi buffalo cows. depending on the kind of parturition, buffalo cows were divided into two main groups, the first group had normal unassisted parturition (np) (26 animals) and the second group with certain periparturent complications (ppc) (24 animals). after 24 h of parturition, these two groups were further subdivided into two groups as cows expel their foetal membranes in <24 h postpartum and referred as non-retained placenta (nrp) while ...200818067535
rapid identification of non-sporing anaerobes using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and an identification strategy.the non-sporing anaerobes cause a wide spectrum of infections. they are difficult to culture and their identification is tedious and time-consuming. rapid identification of anaerobes is highly desirable. towards this end, the potential of nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) spectroscopy for providing a fingerprint within the proton spectrum of six genera belonging to anaerobes reflecting their characteristic metabolites has been investigated.200718087080
effects of supplemental fat source on nutrient digestion and ruminal fermentation in steers.five holstein steers (235 kg of bw) fitted with ruminal, duodenal, and ileal cannulas were used in a 5 x 5 latin square design experiment to determine the effects of supplemental fat source on site and extent of nutrient digestion and ruminal fermentation. treatments were diets based on steam-flaked corn containing no supplemental fat (control) or 4% (dm basis) supplemental fat as tallow, dried full-fat corn germ (corn germ), corn oil, or flax oil. fat supplementation decreased (p < 0.08) rumina ...200818156344
human fusobacterium necrophorum strains have a leukotoxin gene and exhibit leukotoxic activity.fusobacterium necrophorum, a gram-negative anaerobe, causes a variety of necrotic infections in humans and animals. there are two subspecies: subsp. necrophorum and subsp. funduliforme. in cattle, subsp. necrophorum is more prevalent and production of leukotoxin is a major virulence factor. the leukotoxin operon (lktbac) consists of three genes, lktb, lkta and lktc, of which lkta is the structural toxin gene. the subspecies identity of human f. necrophorum is less certain and it is not known whe ...200818201990
a previously healthy 15-year-old girl with high fever and progressive dyspnoea.a 15-year-old girl was admitted with a high fever and progressive malaise, vomiting, anorexia and abdominal complaints. she previously had a sore throat and unilateral painful swollen lymph nodes in the neck. laboratory investigation indicated a bacterial infection. blood cultures were taken. there was infiltrate in the left lung. pneumonia complicated with sepsis was suspected and ceftriaxone was started. the patient's condition deteriorated. computed tomography (ct) scan showed progressive inf ...200818253750
[sepsis after pharyngitis].we report about a 36-year-old patient, who developped 4 days after a pharyngitis a sepsis with high temperature und recurrent vomiting. the chest radiograph showed multiple pulmonary abcesses and in the computed tomography additionally a thrombosis was detected in a communicans vein between the right jugularis anterior and the jugularis interna. this disease is commonly known as lemierre syndrom. the most common pathogen is the fusobacterium necrophorum, but other bacteria of the normal orophary ...200818260594
minimum requirements for a rapid and reliable routine identification and antibiogram of fusobacterium necrophorum.three hundred fifty-seven isolates of fusobacterium necrophorum from human infections in denmark were consecutively collected over a 3 year period for the purpose of establishing the minimum requirements for rapid and reliable routine identification of fusobacterium necrophorum using phenotypic characters. the first 40 isolates were fully characterized by the most common phenotypic tests mentioned in the literature, while the last 317 where identified solely by the established minimum requiremen ...200818278528
lemierre's syndrome: methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa) finds a new home.lemierre's syndrome is septic thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein, arising as a complication of an oropharyngeal infection. this thrombophlebitis frequently results in septic emboli to organs such as the lungs. the causative agent in most previously described cases is fusobacterium necrophorum, an anaerobic gram-negative organism. we present the case of an 8-year-old previously healthy girl who came to the emergency department with a 5-day history of left-sided neck pain and was subseq ...200918280087
[lemierre's syndrome from necrotizing pneumonia treated with extracorporeal co2 removal].we report a case of lemierre's syndrome complicated with pulmonary septic abscesses, leading to necrotizing pneumonia. in spite of administration of appropriate antibiotics and a protective ventilation strategy, the patient had several bilateral pneumothoraces. in this setting, the mechanical ventilation was unsuccessful leading to two hypoxia-related cardiac arrests. an extracorporeal co(2) removal was then carried out for 34-days duration. the patient was weaned from mechanical ventilation on ...200818314296
lemierre's syndrome and other disseminated fusobacterium necrophorum infections in denmark: a prospective epidemiological and clinical a 3-year prospective study, all cases of disseminated fusobacterium necrophorum infections found in denmark from 1998 to 2001 were analysed, with the aim of describing the epidemiology and clinical features of the variants of lemierre's syndrome and disseminated non-head-and-neck-associated f. necrophorum infections. fifty-eight cases of lemierre's syndrome were reported in previously healthy persons, with an incidence of 14.4 cases per million per year in youngsters aged 15-24 years old. the ...200818330604
localised fusobacterium necrophorum infections: a prospective laboratory-based danish study.during a 3-year prospective laboratory-based study in denmark from 1998 to 2001, all patients who were diagnosed with localised fusobacterium necrophorum infections were registered with the purpose of describing the variety of localised infections caused by f. necrophorum, especially in the head. we found 267 patients, most of them previously healthy, with localised f. necrophorum infections in the head and neck. in children, f. necrophorum caused otitis media and solitary abscess formation in c ...200818340470
lemierre's syndrome: a forgotten disease. 200818353513
a study on postpartum metritis in iraqi buffalo cows: bacterial causes and treatment.the objectives of the present study were to determine the relationship between bacteriological findings, clinical signs and histopathological changes in postpartum metritis. evaluation of the treatment efficiency of using systemic or intra-uterine infusion of antibiotics with some hormonal preparations for the treatment of postpartum metritis. data were collected from 50 buffalo cows with history of calving of more than 1 month. all buffaloes were subjected to detailed clinical examination inclu ...200818363608
lemierre's syndrome following infectious mononucleosis.we report the case of an 18-year-old woman who was admitted to the medical intensive care unit in innsbruck with severe septic shock and respiratory insufficiency following a prolonged infection of the upper airways (pharyngitis, sinusitis). abscessing pneumonia and bilateral pleural empyema were diagnosed as focus. cultures of pleural fluids were positive for fusobacterium necrophorum. in addition to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (acute lung injury, acute renal failure, disseminated intra ...200818365159
primary peritonitis in a young healthy woman: an unusual case. 200818377740
case 2: an unusual presentation of an unusual condition (discussion and diagnosis). 200818460113
in vitro bacterial contamination of amniotic fluid: effects on fluorescence polarization lung maturity testing.we sought to determine the effect of bacteria on fluorescence polarization (fpol) testing of amniotic fluid.199518476029
fusobacterium necrophorum middle ear infections in children and related complications: report of 25 cases and literature review.fusobacterium necrophorum is associated with lemierre syndrome (pharyngitis with septic thrombosis of the internal jugular veins) but it can also be involved in other head and neck infections, including sinusitis, parotitis, dental infections, and otitis media.200818520974
fever, hip pain, and headache in a 12-year-old girl. 200818539870
an unusual case of lemierre's syndrome presenting as pyomyositis.fusobacteria are most often associated with the classic presentation of lemierre's syndrome consisting of a sore throat, internal jugular vein thrombophlebitis, and septic emboli to the lungs. unusual presentations due to the causative organism, f. necrophorum, may occur. we present such a case involving a 17-year-old male patient with pyomyositis and fasciitis due to necrobacillosis. fusobacterium spp. should be considered in the differential diagnosis of cases involving sepsis syndrome and pyo ...200818552584
fusobacterium necrophorum: a ruminal bacterium that invades liver to cause abscesses in cattle.fusobacterium necrophorum, a gram-negative, rod-shaped, and an aerotolerant anaerobe, is a normal inhabitant of the rumen of cattle. the organism is in ruminal contents and adherent to the ruminal wall. its role in ruminal fermentation is to metabolize lactic acid and degrade feed and epithelial proteins. the ruminal concentration is higher in grain-fed than forage-fed cattle. from the rumen, the organism gains entry into the portal circulation and is trapped in the liver to cause abscesses. the ...200918595747
orbital cellulitis and cavernous sinus thrombosis secondary to necrobacillosis. 200918600243
[recent portal and mesenteric venous thrombosis associated with fusobacterium bacteremia].summary: septic pylephlebitis is usually a complication of intraabdominal infection in the region drained by the portal venous system. we report two cases of portal and mesenteric venous thrombosis associated with fusobacterium necrophorum bacteremia, which did not show any obvious intra-abdominal source of infection with noninvasive imaging procedures. in one case, early anticoagulation treatment was associated with repermeation of the portal vein and its right branch. as in bacteroides bactere ...200818774251
Displaying items 801 - 900 of 1564