
a comparative study of 55 sphaerophorus strains. differentiation of 3 species: sphaerophorus necrophorus, sph, varius, and sph. freundii. 19725083607
immunochemical investigations of sphaerophorus pseudonecrophorus strains. 19725086984
intestinal strangulation in rats monocontaminated with sphaerophorus necrophorus. 19705413447
toxic, allergenic and immunogenic factors of fusiformis necrophorus. 19705449973
rumenitis containing fusiformis necrophorus organisms found in a calf reared on an early weaning feeding system. 19705463256
evidence for branching in sphaerophorus necrophorus. 19705506096
[resistance tests on "necrobacterium necrophorum thjötta 1945" (sphaerophorus necrophorus)]. 19685745722
the carbon dioxide requirements of anaerobic bacteria.some clinically significant anaerobic bacteria were incubated in pure culture in anaerobic jars containing a range of atmospheric concentrations of co2. growth of clostridium perfringens, c. sporogenes and c. septicum was independent of the amount of co2. small supplements of co2 (0.25%) allowed good growth of the majority of anaerobes studied--an observation contrary to established teaching. the exceptions were fusobacterium necrophorum which showed an absolute requirement for co2 of at least 1 ...19806107383
histopathology of mixed anaerobic intraabdominal infection in mice.this study characterized acute peritonitis and chronic abscess formation resulting from experimental mixed anaerobic infection with bacteroides melaninogenicus and fusobacterium necrophorum. at intervals after infection liver and spleen samples were obtained, fixed, and processed for histological examination. an acute to chronic infection progressed in mice infected with this mixture of anaerobic bacteria, whereas, no infection resulted when either organism was injected alone. acute inflammatory ...19826126612
host response to mixed anaerobic infection with bacteroides melaninogenicus and fusobacterium necrophorum. 19836132881
pleomorphism of fusobacteria isolated from the cockroach hindgut.fusobacteria are commonly isolated from the hindgut of the cockroach eublaberus posticus . eleven strains isolated from e. posticus by us were keyed to four species, fusobacterium necrophorum, f. varium , f. gonidiaformans , and f. prausnitzii , using current taxonomic criteria. with the exception of f. gonidiaformis , all species showed rods with swollen centers and large bodies. the pleomorphism of f. varium was examined by phase microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. th ...19846144663
efficacy of ethylenediamine dihydriodide as an agent to prevent experimentally induced bovine foot rot.ethylenediamine dihydriodide (eddi) was administered by capsule and as a feed premix to cattle in 2 studies. in study i (32 steers), eddi was given at 0, 12.5, 50, and 200 mg/animal each day and in study ii (36 steers) at 0, 30, and 200 mg/animal each day. serum iodine levels were monitored during the studies. the cattle were inoculated intradermally in the interdigital space with a mixture of fusobacterium necrophorum and bacteroides melaninogenicus to induce acute foot rot at day 15 (study i) ...19846146277
efficacy of ethylenediamine dihydriodide in the prevention of naturally occurring foot rot in cattle.the efficacy of an ethylenediamine dihydriodide containing salt mixture was evaluated with regard to the prevention of naturally occurring foot rot in pastured cattle. ninety-six cattle were assigned to the treatment group and 96 were assigned to the control group. the groups were allowed consumption of salt-mineral mixtures, ad libitum, that were identical, except with respect to iodine concentration. the control group's mixture contained 0.0025% iodine and the treatment group's mixture contain ...19846151816
modulation of the rats' immune status by monoassociation with anaerobic bacteria.the capacity of a pure culture of anaerobic intestinal bacteria to influence the host's cellular and humoral immune systems was investigated with germfree, monoassociated, and conventionally reared rats. monoassociation of germfree rats with bacteroides fragilis stimulated the production of serum gamma globulin, agglutinating antibodies, and an apparent igg (immunoelectrophoresis) band. a comparison of the in vitro blastogenic potential of lymphocytes (spleen cells and mesenteric lymph node cell ...19806161685
[septicemia due to fusobacterium necrophorum. a case report].septicemia due to the anaerobic gram-negative bacillus fusobacterium necrophorum is exceptional. it may originate in tonsillitis or intestinal or gynecological infection. we report one case in a young man with head injury. fusobacterium necrophorum is frequently associated with aerobic pathogens such as streptococcus or staphylococcus (more than fifty per cent of the cases). metastatic localizations are numerous, often pleuro-pulmonary (infarction, abscess), hepatic (cytolysis) and meningeal (pu ...19826302852
[determination of the enzymatic traits of anaerobic gram-negative nonsporulating bacteria].the method requiring the use of a semi-liquid medium with the reduced content of protein hydrolysates and with bromo-thymol blue added as indicator and permitting the determination of sugar fermentation by bacteroids and fusobacteria is presented. the determination is made by a change in the color of the indicator and the intensity of microbial growth (opacity) after the incubation of the inoculated medium under free access of air. a study has been made for comparing the above method with the el ...19836314710
the survival of anaerobic bacteria at 4 degrees c and 22 degrees c on swabs in three transport systems. statistical evaluation by application of a variance component model.the survival of anaerobic bacteria on swabs in three transport systems at 4 degrees c and 22 degrees c was evaluated. the transport systems were a charcoal-impregnated cotton swab in modified stuart's transport medium (ms), a plain cotton swab in a dry aerobic tube (da) and a plain cotton swab in an aerobic agar tube (aa). the test strains were bacteroides fragilis, b. melaninogenicus ss. intermedius, fusobacterium necrophorum, peptostreptococcus anaerobius, eubacterium lentum and clostridium ra ...19836346789
the recovery of anaerobic bacteria from swabs in three transport systems. statistical evaluation by application of a variance component model.the recovery of six anaerobic species from swabs in three transport systems was quantitatively evaluated. the test strains were bacteroides fragilis, b. melaninogenicus ss. intermedius, fusobacterium necrophorum, peptostreptococcus anaerobius, eubacterium lentum, and clostridium ramosum. the transport systems were a charcoal-impregnated cotton swab in modified stuart's transport medium (ms), or a plain cotton swab in either a dry aerobic tube (da) or an aerobic agar tube (aa). swabs were charged ...19836346790
[pathogenicity of fusobacterium. apropos of 2 cases].two cases of severe septico-pyohaemia due to fusobacterium necrophorum are reported. clinical data from human cases and experimental results from infections of laboratory animal with fusobacterium necrophorum suggest: the important role of individual factors which enhance anaerobic growth (i.e. decrease of tissular redox potential); the involvement of thrombophlebitis with septic thrombi increasing the frequency of metastases; the early and long-lasting bacterial localisation in tissues, particu ...19836348666
bovine rumenitis - liver abscess complex: a bacteriological review.fusobacterium necrophorum is considered to be a member of the normal rumen flora and is the primary etiologic agent of bovine liver abscesses. of the three biotypes of f. necrophorum, a, b, and c, only biotypes a and b have been implicated in the disease. type b is the predominant biotype isolated from ruminal lesions and type a is the predominate biotype isolated from liver abscesses. type a is usually found in pure culture in the liver abscesses; whereas, type b is usually found in mixed cultu ...19836349929
pathogenic synergism of fusobacterium necrophorum and other bacteria in formation of liver abscess in balb/c mice. 19836368925
fusobacterium necrophorum isolated from a hepatic abscess and from mastitic udder secretions in a heifer.strains of fusobacterium necrophorum were isolated from secretions of an udder affected with mastitis (4 strains), an adjacent unaffected udder (3 strains), a superficial inguinal lymph node (2 strains) and a liver abscess (4 strains). these 13 strains were examined bacteriologically together with three known strains: f. necrophorum vpi-2891 and vpi-6161, and sphaerophorus necrophorus (f. necrophorum) n-167. all strains produced butyric acid from glucose and propionic acid from lactic acid, were ...19836372575
an experimental model for pyogenic liver abscess.we have developed a reproducible small-animal model for pyogenic liver abscess, suitable for investigating diagnostic and therapeutic modalities. male new zealand white rabbits weighing 2-3 kg were anaesthetized and the liver exposed. gentle pressure was applied with forceps to the right hepatic lobe. a suspension of 10(5) colony forming units (cfu) escherichia coli plus fusobacterium necrophorum (10(6) cfu) plus bacteroides fragilis (10(6) cfu) was immediately injected into a mesenteric vein. t ...19846373947
isolation of obligate anaerobic bacteria from bovine abscesses in sites other than the liver.a survey in japan showed that of 2036 slaughtered cattle 58(3%) had abscesses in sites other than the liver. in 21 of the affected animals the lesions were pulmonary and in 32 abdominal (excluding hepatic); in five animals the lesions were found elsewhere (muscle 2, skin 2, bone 1). nineteen (33%) of the 58 cattle also had abscesses in the liver. obligate anaerobes alone were isolated from 17(29%) of the affected animals (fusobacterium necrophorum 14, bacteroides spp. 2, peptostreptococcus anaer ...19846389873
necrobacillosis: a forgotten disease.over four years five previously healthy young adults developed necrobacillosis , a severe septicaemic illness caused by fusobacterium necrophorum. the infections were characterised by sore throat followed by rigors and the formation of metastatic abscesses and all caused considerable diagnostic confusion.19846426626
purification and partial characterization of fusobacterium necrophorum hemagglutinin.hemagglutinin (hain) of fusobacterium necrophorum was separated from the bacterial cells by trypsinization-sonication, and purified by the gel filtration on sephadex g-100 column. the final product obtained from gel filtration gave one precipitin line in the immunodiffusion gel and produced a single band in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. the molecular weight of the hain was estimated to be about 19000 by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. it was heat labile and compa ...19846442509
[antibacterial activity of cefoperazone against anaerobic bacteria (author's transl)].the following results were obtained from the comparison of cefoperazone (cpz) with cefazolin (cez), cephalothin (cet) and cefoxitin (cfx) in respect to their antibacterial action against anaerobic bacteria: 1) cpz showed an antibacterial spectrum which was comparable to those of the known antibiotics, cez, cet and cfx. cpz was particularly effective against anaerobic gram-positive bacteria. 2) cpz showed a distribution of susceptibility against clinically isolated strains which was comparable to ...19806454011
aetiological agents of necrobacillosis in captive a series of 27 wallabies (macropus rufogriseus) with necrobacillosis, 14 animals were affected in the face, nine in the leg and six in the internal organs, two being affected in more than one site. fusobacterium necrophorum was the predominating organism, occurring in 69 per cent of lesions, usually in heavy and occasionally in pure culture. bacteroides species (six in all), often in considerable numbers, were found in 48 per cent of lesions, and f nucleatum in 14 per cent. aerobes or faculta ...19846463385
hepatic abscess formation in cattle inoculated with fusobacterium necrophorum. 19846482128
aspects of bacteriology and endocrinology of cows with pyometra and retained fetal an effort to clarify the pathogenesis of pyometra, 20 cows with retained fetal membranes and 20 without, but with contemporary calving dates were studied. they were palpated and their uteri were subjected to sample collections for bacteriologic cultural examinations twice weekly for 4 weeks. blood samples were obtained each day and evaluated for serum progesterone concentration. three cows without and 3 with retained fetal membranes developed pyometra during the study, resulting in 3 groups d ...19846524717
isolation of fusobacterium necrophorum from a case of bovine mastitis. 19846525120
biochemical and functional properties of a leucocidin produced by several strains of fusobacterium necrophorum.a soluble exotoxin (a leucocidin) which was lethal to peripheral blood leucocytes from cattle, sheep, rabbits and man (in order of decreasing sensitivity) was elaborated by a variety of isolates of fusobacterium necrophorum when the majority of organisms were present as filaments in liquid culture. maximum production of the leucocidin was achieved by concentrations of bacteria equivalent to between 4 x 10(7) and 4 x 10(8) short cells per ml of culture above which no further increase in titre was ...19846534355
cellular fatty acid and soluble protein profiles of oral fusobacteria.we compared the cellular fatty acid and protein content of 43 strains of oral fusobacteria isolated from patients with chronic gingivitis, acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, and juvenile and adult periodontitis, as well as from the stump-tailed macaque, to that of eight reference strains of oral and non-oral fusobacterium species. a gas-liquid chromatographic examination of trimethylsilyl derivatives of the fatty acid methyl esters revealed n14:0, 3-oh-14:0, n16:0, 16:1, 3-oh-16:0, n18:0, ...19836581193
comparative biological features of a rat liver abscess model induced with three fusobacterium necrophorum strains.several biological features were compared in a rat liver abscess model, using intraportal inoculations with 3 bovine strains of fusobacterium necrophorum which varied in virulence. serum alanine aminotransferase activities were increased significantly (p less than 0.05) in rats inoculated with f necrophorum 2101 by postinoculation hours 6, 12, and 24. thereafter, alanine aminotransferase values returned to base line for the remainder of the experiment. also, rats inoculated with f necrophorum 21 ...19836625335
jaw disease in macropod marsupials: bacterial flora isolated from lesions and from the mouths of affected animals.bacterial infections of the jaws are a common cause of death in macropods. lesions and oral cavities from 50 affected animals yielded wide ranges of aerobic and anaerobic organisms. the most frequent isolate from lesions (81%) was fusobacterium necrophorum, generally combined with other bacteria, but in 5 lesions, in pure culture. it was also isolated from 61% of mouths and this was the chief difference between the oral flora of affected and normal macropods. other groups of organisms isolated f ...19836636509
[anaerobic septicemia following oropharyngeal infections (lemierre's postanginal septicemia): a forgotten syndrome].two cases are reported of lemierre's post-anginal septicemia. one was fatal due to extensive septic pneumonia, while the other presented as acute osteomyelitis. both cases were preceded by oropharyngeal infections.19836665544
cysteine conjugate beta-lyase in the gastrointestinal bacterium fusobacterium necrophorum.a cysteine conjugate beta-lyase from the anaerobic gastrointestinal bacterium fusobacterium necrophorum was purified 51-fold by heat treatment, ammonium sulphate fractionation, gel-filtration chromatography, and anion-exchange chromatography. this enzyme catalyses the cleavage of the thioether linkage in cysteine conjugates of the following s-alkyl- or s-aryl-linked compounds: cysteine conjugate of propachlor (2-s-cysteinyl-n-isopropylacetanilide); 1,2-dihydro-1-hydroxy-2-s-cysteinylnaphthalene ...19836673379
necrotizing pneumonia after pharyngitis due to fusobacterium necrophorum.a case of necrotizing pneumonia secondary to fusobacterium necrophorum is reported. this anaerobic infection commonly originates in the upper respiratory tract and is often accompanied by multiple system disease due to hematogenous seeding. when the lungs are involved, diffuse necrotizing pneumonia with pleural effusions and cavitation results. the course is prolonged, and the diagnosis is frequently delayed. with appropriate antibiotics, the prognosis is good.19846694861
the pathogenic properties of fusobacterium and bacteroides species from wallabies and other sources.intracerebral inoculation was more effective than intraperitoneal, intravenous or subcutaneous inoculation as a means of producing lethal infections with fusobacterium necrophorum in mice. strains varied in virulence but, of five examined, two had ld50 values as low as ca. 8000 and 14000 viable organisms. profuse bacterial multiplication in the brain was demonstrated. intravenous vaccination with a single large dose of heat-killed whole culture or washed bacterial cells failed to protect against ...19846707469
pathogenicity of anaerobic gram-negative rods: possible mechanisms.the literature dealing with the pathogenicity of anaerobic gram-negative rods in humans is reviewed. knowledge concerning definite pathogenic mechanisms is, at best, cursory. there is evidence that encapsulation plays a role in the pathogenicity of bacteroides fragilis and some of the black-pigmented bacteroides. a range of enzymes, among them collagenase and iga protease, are produced by several bacteroides species. supernatants of fusobacterium necrophorum cultures may be leukotoxic. synergism ...19846729337
[fusobacterium necrophorum associated with actinomyces odontolyticus septicemia ].the authors have observed a case of fusobacterium necrophorum associate with actinomyces odontolyticus septicemia, which appears to be the first case reported. in a 19 year old man, 15 blood cultures allowed to isolate both germs. clinical manifestations were: acute-like abdomen, encephalitis, myocarditis and pleural effusion. treatment with amoxicillin and metronidazole was successful.19826750527
induction of immunologic memory by a lipopolysaccharide-protein complex isolated from fusobacterium necrophorum: humoral response.the serum antibody response in balb/c mice to a lipopolysaccharide-protein (lps-p) complex was monitored by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, total and 2-mercaptoethanol-resistant hemagglutination, and radial immunodiffusion. dose-response analyses demonstrated that suitable primary doses of lps-p injected iv or im induced substantial concentrautions of specific serum immunoglobulin (ig) m and igg. moreover, these values were greatly enhanced with small-dose booster injections. inoculation ...19826807141
bacteria in enteric lesions of cattle.thirty-nine species of bacteria were isolated from or demonstrated in the abomasal and small and large intestinal mucosa of 23 adult cattle and 41 calves and identified. the bacteria isolated were related to the gross and microscopical lesions. campylobacters, clostridium perfringens type a, c sordellii, actinobacillus lignieresii, fusobacterium necrophorum, mycobacterium paratuberculosis, aeromonas hydrophila and escherichia coli were all associated with specific lesions. the relationship of ot ...19836829137
experimental hepatic necrobacillosis infection in cattle.viable cultures of fusobacterium necrophorum were inoculated into the hepatic portal veins of 7 cattle. the experimentally produced hepatic necrobacillosis lesions were described from 30 minutes through 36 hours. the lesions were established by 2 different host-bacterial interactions. most frequent, microabscesses were initiated by diffusely distributed bacteria and were observed from 30 minutes through 2 hours. gross abscesses from 3 through 8 hours had centrally located abscess cores and were ...19836839780
fusobacterium necrophorum septicemia. 19836854884
metabolism of mercapturic acid-pathway metabolites of 2-chloro-n-isopropylacetanilide (propachlor) by gastrointestinal bacteria.1. mercapturic acid pathway metabolites of propachlor, labelled with 14c, were incubated with pig caecal contents, small and large intestinal contents, and pure cultures of gastrointestinal bacteria. 2. the glutathione, cysteine, n-acetylcysteine, and the s-oxide of the n-acetylcysteine conjugates of propachlor (2-chloro-n-isopropylacetanilide) were each metabolized by mixed pig caecal micro-organisms to 2-mercapto-n-isopropylacetanilide. 3. the extent of formation of 2-mercapto-n-isopropylaceta ...19836880239
necrobacillosis in wildebeest calves. 19836887442
fusobacterium necrophorum septicemia following oropharyngeal infection.fusobacterium necrophorum septicemia developed in five patients after an oropharyngeal infection. four patients had sore throat or neck pain, and two had findings of jugular vein septic thrombophlebitis. metastatic abscesses, including embolic pneumonia, empyema, septic arthritis, and osteomyelitis, also occurred. four patients recovered and one died. proper treatment requires recognition of the oropharyngeal source of the septicemia and its differentiation from endocarditis. antibiotic therapy ...19826955528
premature labor. ii. bacterial sources of phospholipase.human term labor is thought to be initiated by amniotic and chorionic phospholipase a2, an enzyme that liberates arachidonic acid esters from the phospholipids of these membranes, leading to the synthesis of prostaglandins by the placental membranes. the striking association of premature labor with intrauterine infection or contamination, urinary tract infection, and early neonatal sepsis led us to study the microorganisms present in these infections for phospholipase a2 activity. activity was f ...19817017516
gram-negative anaerobic bacilli: their role in infection and patterns of susceptibility to antimicrobial agents. ii. little-known fusobacterium species and miscellaneous genera.twenty infrequently reported species of gram-negative anaerobic bacilli other than fusobacterium nucleatum, fusobacterium necrophorum, and members of the genus bacteroides were studied with regard to their role in infection and their susceptibility to antimicrobial agents. in addition, the literature regarding the recovery of these organisms from both the normal flora and infections of humans was reviewed. during a six-year period at the wadsworth clinical anaerobic bacteriology research laborat ...19817025153
induction of immunologic memory by a lipopolysaccharide-protein complex isolated from fusobacterium necrophorum: cellular response.the ability of a lipopolysaccharide protein (lps-p) complex extracted from fusobacterium necrophorum to establish immunologic memory in balb/c mice splenocytes was demonstrated. the lps-p molecule differed from the phenol water-extracted lps because it contained approximately 12% protein. initial experiments showed that primary and secondary spleen plaque-forming cell (pfc) responses to iv or im injections of lps-p were highly dose-dependent. suitable primary doses stimulated significant (p less ...19827046528
vesicouterine fistula caused by fusobacterium necrophorum. 19827054335
hematogenous osteomyelitis caused by fusobacterium necrophorum in a calf. 19827085473
comparative in vitro leukotoxin production of three bovine strains of fusobacterium necrophorum.the in vitro leukotoxic activity of 3 bovine isolates of fusobacterium necrophorum which varied in pathogenicity were compared. monolayers of mouse peritoneal macrophages were exposed to culture filtrates from each f necrophorum strain, and cell viability was determined, using the trypan blue dye exclusion test. two methods were used for production of the leukotoxin: (1) medium m-1 continuous dialysis sac cultures and (2) brain-heart infusion agar plate cultures. supernatant cultural fluids cont ...19827103216
surgical management of multiple hepatic abscesses using ultrasonography for sequential evaluation. 19827123304
studies of fusobacterium necrophorum from bovine hepatic abscesses: biotypes, quantitation, virulence, and antibiotic susceptibility.isolates of fusobacterium necrophorum were obtained from 124 bovine hepatic abscesses (in 119 cattle) and from the ruminal contents of 12 cattle. three biotypes (a, ab, and b) were found. type a isolates were most common in hepatic abscesses, and type b isolates were most common in ruminal contents. virulence studies in mice indicated that type a isolates were more pathogenic than types ab or b isolates. the difference in virulences between types a and b isolates was not related to the toxicity ...19827149404
new medium selective for fusobacterium species and differential for fusobacterium necrophorum.fusobacterium egg yolk agar is a new medium selective for fusobacterium species and differential for fusobacterium necrophorum. the medium is a brucella agar base (difco laboratories, detroit, mich.) containing vancomycin, neomycin, josamycin, and egg yolk. all species of fusobacteria grew with only minimal inhibition. the mean log difference in counts between fusobacterium egg yolk agar and control media for 30 strains of seven species of fusobacteria was 0.1922. f. necrophorum typically showed ...19817194883
[severe meningitis caused by an anaerobic bacterium]. 19807220035
fusobacteremia in a calf with necrotic stomatitis, enteritis and granulocytopenia.this case of fusobacteremia appears to be identical to an interesting and unusual syndrome previously reported. we wish to bring the syndrome to the attention of others who may be able to elucidate the etiology further. because hematological examinations are frequently not done on calves, this condition may be more common than reports suggest. perhaps others who observe this syndrome in calves may be able to investigate the role of other agents such as viruses or mycotoxins. experimental work ma ...19817248893
fatal peritonitis following iud-associated salpingitis.previous reports have implicated the dalkon shield intrauterine device (iud) in septic second trimester abortion and maternal death from sepsis. in the case reported here, fusobacterium necrophorum, a rarely pathogenic vaginal anaerobe, gained access to the uterus in a woman wearing a dalkon shield and caused acute parametritis, overwhelming peritonitis, systemic sepsis, and death. it is well known that iuds can contribute to the development of serious pelvic infections, and in this case it is p ...19817266960
physiological and biochemical characteristics of fusobacterium necrophorum biovar a and biovar b strains and their deoxyribonucleic acid homology. 19817289336
fatty acids of fusobacterium species: taxonomic implications.fatty acids of fusobacterium species were examined by gas-liquid chromatography. fusobacterium nucleatum, f. necrophorum, f. mortiferum, f. gonidiaformans and f. varium showed similar patterns, characterized by the presence of 3-hydroxytetradecanoate, n-tetradecanoate, hexadecenoate, n-hexadeconoate, ocadecenoate, n-octadecanoate and a component having the properties of octadecadienoate. fusobacterium nucleatum contained 3-hydroxyhexadecanoate as a distinctive character. simpler fatty acid patte ...19817320695
necrotic laryngitis in a calf. 19817329388
[o.r.l. infections and craniofacial thrombophlebitis (author's transl]. 19817336050
liver abscess production in mice by intraportal injection of fusobacterium necrophorum biovar a strain. 19817343698
[foot rot infection in mufflons]. 19807348904
gastrointestinal ecology and histology of rats monoassociated with anaerobic bacteria.pure cultures of anaerobic bacteria colonized the gastrointestinal tracts of germfree rats and induced an increase in the cellularity of intestinal tissue.19807356318
metastatic complications of fusobacterium necrophorum sepsis. two cases of lemierre's postanginal septicemia.we have recently encountered two instances of septicemia due to fusobacterium necrophorum in adolescents. the presence of severe exudative pharyngitis in both patients pointed to the upper respiratory tract as the probable portal of entry. in one case, metastatic infection was manifested by multiple septic pulmonary emboli with associated pleural effusions. in the other case, diffuse encephalopathy and septic arthritis of the left shoulder and hip occurred. unilateral neck pain, persistent bacte ...19807369198
fatty acids and neutral sugars present in lipopolysaccharides isolated from fusobacterium species.lipopolysaccharides (lps) extracted from cells of fusobacterium necrophorum, f. mortiferum, f. gonidiaformans. varium and single strains of f. naviforme and f. russi were analysed for sugars and fatty acids. all preparations contained a monosaccharide tentatively identified as l-glycero-d-mannoheptose, but showed variation with respect to the presence of glucose, galactose, rhamnose and another heptose isomer, tentatively identified as l-glycero-d-mannoheptose. l-glycero-d-mannoheptose was a mon ...19807376878
effect of temperature, humidity and exposure to oxygen on the survival of anaerobic bacteria.the relative effect of humidity, temperature and exposure to oxygen on the survival of 11 strains of bacteriodes spp., fusobacterium necrophorum, eubacterium lentum, clostridium ramosum, peptococcus asaccharolyticus and peptostreptococcus anaerobius was evaluated. suspensions of the test strains were applied to membrane filters either in empty sterile petri dishes or on plates of non-nutrient agar to provide dry or moist conditions. the filters were stored aerobically or anaerobically in an atmo ...19807431377
cryptogenic hepatic abscess in two uncompromised children.a pre-mortem diagnosis of cryptogenic liver abscess in children is rare, but this diagnosis must be considered in the evaluation for pyrexia of unknown origin. two previously healthy children were suspected of harboring liver abscesses. radioisotopic, sonographic, and angiographic evidence supported the clinical diagnosis. operative drainage was performed in each case. no source for either abscess was found and no cause established. anaerobic bacteria, microaerophilic streptococcus and fusobacte ...19807441460
primary meningitis caused by bacteroides fragilis and fusobacterium necrophorum.a fatal case of meningitis due to bacteroides fragilis and fusobacterium necrophorum is reported. this appears to be the first case in which meningitis due to these organisms was not secondary to a disease elsewhere in the body. the organisms are difficult to culture and strict anaerobic methods should be used whenever they are suspected. intravenous metronidazole is probably the antibiotic of choice.19807443597
the circulatory effects of an acute infusion of anaerobes in a rabbit model.results of this study show that an acute infusion of bacteroides fragilis into a rabbit model is associated with a transitory and minimal lowering of mean arterial pressure. peak left ventricular systolic pressure and its first derivative decreased significantly, but these abnormalities lasted for less than three minutes. by contrast, an infusion of fusobacterium necrophorum is associated with a profound depression of mean arterial pressure, left ventricular systolic pressure and its first deriv ...19807444724
local skin reaction in mice and guinea pigs induced by a single intradermal inoculation of fusobacterium necrophorum lipopolysaccharide.dermal responses induced by fusobacterium necrophorum strain vpi 2891 lipopolysaccharide (lps) were studied using mice and guinea pigs. in ddy mice, the lps elicited inflammatory, haemorrhagic lesions and an increase in local vascular permeability 24 h postinjection. of the mouse strains, c3h/hej mice were less sensitive. the lps induced erythema and haemorrhagic responses in guinea pig skin 24 h postinoculation. these responses were dose-dependent. the intensity of dermal inflammation-inducing ...19957476558
lemierre syndrome: postanginal sepsis.lemierre syndrome, or postanginal sepsis, was first described in the early part of this century and is characterized by pharyngitis, followed by high fever and rigors, cervical adenopathy, thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein, distant abscess formation, and icterus, associated with isolation of fusobacterium necrophorum from blood.19957484226
noma: a neglected scourge of children in sub-saharan africa.poverty is the single most important risk indicator for noma (cancrum oris), a severe gangrene of the soft and hard tissues of the mouth, face, and neighbouring areas. the risk factors associated with an increased probability of noma developing include the following: malnutrition, poor oral hygiene, and a state of debilitation resulting from human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection, measles, and other childhood diseases prevalent in the tropics. there are many similarities between noma and n ...19957554028
lemierre syndrome--a forgotten complication of acute tonsillitis.lemierre syndrome, also known as postanginal sepsis, is an illness characterized by the development of a fusobacterial septicaemia with multiple metastatic foci following an attack of acute tonsillitis. it typically affects previously healthy adolescents and young adults who, following an attack of sore throat, become acutely ill with hyperpyrexia, rigors and multiple metastatic abscesses. the clinical picture tends to vary widely because of the possible involvement of a number of body systems a ...19957561477
otogenic fusobacterium necrophorum meningitis in children. 19957567296
antibacterial effects of some root end filling addition to having good sealing ability, root end filling materials should "ideally" have some antibacterial activity to prevent bacterial growth. this investigation compared the antibacterial effects of amalgam, zinc oxide-eugenol, super eba and a mineral trioxide aggregate on nine facultative bacteria streptococcus fecalis, streptococcus mitis, streptococcus mutans, streptococcus salivarius, lactobacillus species, staphylococcus aureus, staphylococcus epidermidis, bacillus subtilis, and esc ...19957595152
myocardial abscess complicating myocardial infarction.myocardial abscess may occur rarely as a complication of myocardial infarction. this case report is the first demonstration of a myocardial abscess at the site of acute myocardial infarction in a 38-year-old man diagnosed by transesophageal echocardiography and color-flow imaging. transesophageal echocardiography was crucial in the timing of surgery. three months later the patient was well. our patient is the first reported survivor of this uncommon complication of myocardial infarction.19957640028
necrobacillosis (lemmiere's syndrome): a rare cause of necrotizing pneumonia.the cases of four young and previously healthy patients with necrobacillosis are reported. all four patients presented with acute pharyngotonsillitis and pulmonary infiltrates due to metastatic abscesses, and had neutrophil leucocytosis and hypoalbuminaemia. blood cultures grew fusobacterium necrophorum and each patient responded to metronidazole.19947713211
intrauterine bacterial findings in postpartum cows with retained fetal membranes.eleven swedish postpartum cows with retained fetal membranes (rfm) were studied to determine the intrauterine bacterial flora. bacteriological examination was performed from twice weekly uterine biopsies. a total of 161 biopsies were collected during the first 8 weeks postpartum of which 82 (50.9%) were found with bacterial growth. seventy-one of the 82 bacteria-positive biopsies (86.6%) showed mixed infections whereas the remaining 11 (13.4%) were pure cultures. generally, a total of 322 isolat ...19947732744
[post-laryngitis sepsis caused by fusobacterium necrophorum: lemierre syndrome]. 19937734007
[thrombophlebitis of the cavernous sinus secondary to polysinusitis. report of a new case].cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis syndrome is uncommon nowadays. despite the wide range of antimicrobial agents it carries a high mortality. the disease frequently arises from infection of face, mouth, nose and paranasal sinuses, reaching the cavernous sinus by venous spread. involvement of adjacent anatomic structures accounts for most of the clinical findings. meningeal involvement, bilateral orbital edema and ocular cranial nerves palsy are very helpful in the differential diagnosis. streptoco ...19957734168
[neck pyomyositis associated with polymicrobial sepsis of sinusal origin].spontaneous pyomyositis (primary pyomyositis) is an infrequent disease in non-tropical countries, caused by bacterial infection of skeletal muscle. although pyomyositis is associated in many cases to septicemia, the occurrence of that disease as a secondary manifestation of bacteremia is very unusual, requiring a high-grade index of suspicion to diagnose it in the early stages. we present one case of cervical pyomyositis, caused by fusobacterium necrophorum and group f streptococcus, during the ...19947734667
dermonecrotic activity of a cell wall preparation from fusobacterium necrophorum.a cell wall preparation of fusobacterium necrophorum induced haemorrhagic necrosis in the skins of guinea pigs and rabbits. effects in mice and rats were weak or absent. the toxic activity of the cell wall preparation was not reduced by heat treatment. a dermonecrotic toxin was isolated from the cell wall preparation with sodium dodecylsulphate and concentrated by precipitation with ethanol. a preparation of the bacterial cytoplasm from fus. necrophorum induced mainly erythema.19957766069
lemierre's syndrome: two cases of postanginal sepsis.lemierre's disease consists of suppurative thrombophlebitis of the ijv in the presence of oropharyngeal infection and can be complicated by septic pulmonary emboli. if a patient has an oropharyngeal or deep neck infection and neck pain suspicious for ijv thrombosis, a ct or mri is warranted to establish the diagnosis. blood cultures should be obtained to establish the responsible organism. in most cases f. necrophorum, an anaerobic bacterium, is responsible for the sepsis. once the diagnosis of ...19957777368
studies on the factors affecting the hemolytic activity of fusobacterium necrophorum.the in vitro activity of the hemolysin of fusobacterium necrophorum was determined using the hemolysis of horse erythrocytes as an assay. the effects of medium composition and ph on hemolysin production were investigated. calf serum and casitone stimulated a comparatively higher hemolytic activity in f. necrophorum subsp. necrophorum and f. necrophorum subsp. funduliforme, respectively. however, sugars, such as glucose, galactose and fructose were inhibitors of hemolytic activity. the spectrum o ...19947801514
[a case of fusobacterium necroforum sepsis].a 26-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with a 10-day history of sore throat, high fever, and right knee joint pain. on physical examination, the pharynx was considerably inflamed, and the right knee joint was swollen and extremely tender. chest radiography showed multiple, bilateral nodules and masses with pleural effusions. fusobacterium necorforum grew from samples of blood, pleural effusion, and pus taken from the knee joint. the patient was treated with intravenous clindamycin, venti ...19947815762
[multiple liver abscesses caused by fusobacterium necrophorum infection].a case of multiple liver abscesses caused by fusobacterium necrophorum infection is presented. in cases with fever of unknown origin and biochemical signs of derangement of hepatic function, it is recommended that an abdominal scan is performed. before initiating antibiotic treatment relevant specimens should be collected. finally we describe how the use of resin-containing blood culture medium enhance the possibility of bacterial detection in patients receiving antibiotics.19947839488
necrobacillosis--an unusual case of pharyngotonsillitis.necrobacillosis is a potentially life-threatening septicaemic illness occurring in the previously fit and healthy. the authors illustrate a case presenting as an atypical pharyngotonsillitis with renal complications, initially misdiagnosed as poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis. necrobacillosis should be considered in cases of unusual pharyngotonsillitis.19947861093
purification and quantification of fusobacterium necrophorum leukotoxin by using monoclonal antibodies.monoclonal antibodies (mabs) were produced to the leukotoxin of fusobacterium necrophorum. two mabs (f7b10 and e12e9) partially neutralized leukotoxin activity, as determined by a tetrazolium (mtt)-dye reduction assay with bovine polymorphonuclear neutrophils as target cells. immunoblot analysis showed that both clones reacted with antigens of 110 and 131 kilodaltons. epitope analysis showed that the two mabs recognized the same epitope. an affinity column containing immobilized mab f7b10 was us ...19947886927
treatment and outcome of a severe form of foul-in-the-foot. 19957900258
[tonsillitis and thoracic pain]. 19947948118
necrobacillosis revisited. 19948000683
biological and biochemical characterization of fusobacterium necrophorum leukotoxin.biological and biochemical characteristics of the leukotoxin of fusobacterium necrophorum were determined. culture supernatant of f necrophorum was toxic to polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leukocytes from cattle and sheep, but not to those from pigs and rabbits. culture supernatant and sonicated bacterial cell fractions had low hemolytic activity and did not cause dermonecrosis in a guinea pig. supernatant-derived leukotoxin was inactivated at 56 c for 5 minutes and became unstable at ph > 7.8 or ...19948017697
selective enumeration of fusobacterium necrophorum from the bovine rumen.a culture medium containing lactate as the sole energy source and antibiotics (bacitracin, gentamicin, and streptomycin) was used for selection and enumeration of fusobacterium necrophorum from bovine ruminal contents. f. necrophorum growth was determined by indole production, and enumeration was performed by the most-probable-number technique. the number of f. necrophorum cells in cattle fed a 100% forage diet was 7 x 10(5)/g of ruminal contents. the number increased (p < 0.05) 10-fold after th ...19948017925
mastoiditis, meningitis and venous sinus thrombosis caused by fusobacterium necrophorum.the authors report a case of septic venous sinus thrombosis (vst) and meningitis occurring as an early complication of mastoiditis caused by fusobacterium necrophorum. ct scan was normal, and cerebral angiography was required to diagnose the vst. the evolution was favourable with appropriate antimicrobial therapy and steroids.19948033922
fusobacterial infections in children.a total of 243 strains of fusobacteria species was recovered from 226 of 1399 (16%) specimens obtained from 213 children. the strains included 65 (27%) fusobacterium sp., 144 (59%) fusobacterium nucleatum, 25 (10%) fusobacterium necrophorum, five (2%) fusobacterium varium, three (1%) fusobacterium mortiferum, and one (0.4%) fusobacterium gonidiaformans. most fusobacteria species were recovered from patients with abscesses (100), aspiration pneumonia (24), paronychia (15), bites (14), chronic sin ...19948034995
biochemical and biological characterization of ruminal fusobacterium necrophorum.biochemical characteristics, biological activities, and antimicrobial susceptibilities of ruminal fusobacterium necrophorum (eight subsp. necrophorum and eight subsp. funduliforme) and of isolates (three of each subsp.) obtained from bovine hepatic abscesses were determined. f. necrophorum subsp. necrophorum strains had higher phosphatase and dnase activities, produced more leukotoxin, and were more pathogenic to mice than subsp. funduliforme strains. the leukotoxin titer for culture supernatant ...19948056298
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