
experimentally induced foot rot in feedlot cattle fed rations containing organic iodine (ethylenediamine dihydriodide) and urea.foot rot was experimentally induced in feedlot cattle with a mixed inoculum of fusobacterium necrophorum (sphaerophorus necrophus) and bacteroides melaninogenicus. both bacteria were isolated from the lesions. isolates of f necrophorum from 2 of the lesions were serologically compared, using a passive hemagglutination test with the strain used to induce the lesions. these isolates were serologically similar but not identical, indicating antigenic change had occurred during animal passage. the ad ...19761275334
intestinal absorption, demethylation, and enterohepatic circulation of imipramine.the intestinal absorption and metabolism of single oral doses of imipramine (ip) have been studied in man by portal catheterization. the concentration of ip and the formed desipramine (dmi) was followed in blood-plasma obtained from the portal and cubital veins. the absorption of ip seemed to be completed 80 min after the administration of the drug. there was no sign of demethylation of ip during the passage across the intestinal wall. evidence was found of an enterohepatic circulation of both i ...19761277714
multiple dopamine d4 receptor variants in the human population.the dopamine d4 receptor structurally and pharmacologically resembles the dopamine d2 and d3 receptors. clozapine, an atypical antipsychotic that is relatively free of the adverse effects of drug-induced parkinsonism and tardive dyskinesia, binds to the d4 receptor with an affinity 10 times higher than to the d2 and d3 receptors. this may explain clozapine's atypical properties. here we report the existence of at least three polymorphic variations in the coding sequence of the human d4 receptor. ...19921319557
analysis of uncoupling protein and its mrna in adipose tissue deposits of adult humans.brown adipose tissue (bat) is a specialized adipose tissue whose specific marker is the uncoupling protein (ucp). ucp and its mrna were previously detected in the perirenal fat of several adult subjects undergoing surgery for pheochromocytoma. we have investigated the possible association of the presence of ucp and its mrna with pathological conditions other than pheochromocytoma. we obtained adipose tissue from both the periadrenal and the perirenal regions of 36 subjects: group a: human infant ...19921319974
summer mastitis in heifers: studies on the seasonal occurrence of actinomyces pyogenes, peptostreptococcus indolicus and bacteroidaceae in clinically healthy cattle in denmark.with the aim of investigating the seasonal occurrence of actinomyces pyogenes, peptostreptococcus indolicus, bacteroides melaninogenicus ss. levii and fusobacterium necrophorum, and thus the potential for development of summer mastitis, clinically healthy danish holstein-friesian heifers due to calve in the autumn were sampled from the teat tip, the conjunctiva and the oral cavity at 2-6 week intervals from 1979 to 1981. the overall isolation rates of f. necrophorum, p. indolicus and b. melanino ...19921348381
critical research directions in pediatric hiv infection. keystone symposia for molecular and cellular biology. march 27-31, 1992. abstracts. 19921351959
comparative bacteriological studies on summer mastitis in grazing cattle and pyogenes mastitis in stabled cattle in denmark.a total of 143 secretions from clinical cases of summer mastitis (sm) in grazing cattle and from 89 cases of pyogenes mastitis (pm) in stabled cattle were examined bacteriologically. the typical bacteriological finding was a mixed flora in which the predominant organisms were actinomyces pyogenes (sm-70%, pm-85%), peptostreptococcus indolicus (54%, 54%), a microaerophilic coccus (stuart-schwan coccus) (26%, 25%), fusobacterium necrophorum biovar b (22%, 12%), bacteroides melaninogenicus (20%, 9% ...19921355316
the regulatory process: impacting the np's role.the importance of the involvement of nurse practitioners not only in the passage of laws regulating their practices, but also in the interpretation of the law is illustrated by 2 cases. the first case in february, 1991, involved the drug enforcement administration's (dea) proposal to prevent nps from directly obtaining a dea number for drug prescriptions. affiliated practitioners could only provide services through a physician. 428 persons replied to the proposed regulation in the federal reg ...19921392671
[lemierre's syndrome with splenic abscesses].a week after onset of a pharyngo-tonsillitis a previously healthy 23-year-old man developed high fever (41.4 degrees c), leukocytosis (12,200/microliters) with marked shift to the left, thrombocytopenia (86,000/microliters) and increased transaminases (got 83 u/l, gpt 113 u/l). chest x-ray film suggested intrapulmonary abscesses with left-sided pleural effusion. the suspected diagnosis of "post-tonsillitis" septicaemia (lemierre's syndrome) was confirmed by demonstrating anaerobic, fusiform, gra ...19921396137
aggregation of bovine platelets by fusobacterium necrophorum.washed cell suspensions of biovar a strains of fusobacterium necrophorum aggregated cattle platelets, but similar suspensions of biovar b strains did not. platelets were also aggregated by heat-treated bacterial cells or the lipopolysaccharide of biovar a. no platelet aggregation occurred in the presence of the cell-free culture supernatant of biovar a and of all samples prepared from biovar b. scanning electron microscopy revealed that aggregated platelets were not damaged. platelet aggregation ...19921455628
experimental studies of survival of anaerobic bacteria at 4 degrees c and 22 degrees c in two different transport systems.the survival of anaerobic bacteria on swabs in two different transport systems at 4 degrees c and 22 degrees c was evaluated. the transport systems were a charcoal-impregnated cotton swab in modified stuart transport medium (mst), and a viscose swab in modified siff transport medium (btm) (bionor). the following eight clinical strains of anaerobic bacteria were tested for quantitative recovery at 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, and 96 h; fusobacterium necrophorum, bacteroides melaninogenicus, bacteroides inte ...19921472363
ultrastructure and molecular characterization of fusobacterium necrophorum biovars.the ultrastructural features and molecular components of 18 strains of fusobacterium necrophorum biovars a, ab and b, isolated from animal and human infections, were examined by electron microscopy, multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (mee) and by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page). high resolution scanning electron microscopy revealed that the strains possessed a convoluted surface pattern. transmission electron microscopy showed that all strains possess ...19921477801
the relative lethality of intestinal bacteria for gnotobiotic rats with experimental intestinal eight experiments utilizing 28 animals each, germfree rats with and without ischemically or hemorrhagically strangulated closed loop intestinal segments were contaminated with either one of four common intestinal anaerobic bacteria, or a combination of two or three bacteria previously found to be innocuous in pure culture. the results showed that: a) in pure culture, bacteroides fragilis, bacteroides melaninogenicus, and peptostreptococcus anaerobius were innocuous; b) fusobacterium necrophor ...19921479304
expression of small heat shock proteins by the third-stage larva of brugia pahangi.changes in proteins synthesised by the infective third-stage larvae (l3) of the filarial nematode brugia pahangi were examined with respect to the temperature shift encountered by the parasite as it migrates from insect to mammal, and the presence of serum in the culture medium. while the synthesis of a number of polypeptides is regulated by the temperature shift of the l3 from 28 degrees c to 37 degrees c in vitro, there is no evidence that serum has any significant effect on protein synthesis. ...19921484547
characterization of shared antigens of fusobacterium nucleatum and fusobacterium necrophorum.fusobacterium nucleatum and fusobacterium necrophorum are gram-negative, non-spore-forming anaerobic rods, frequently isolated from the normal flora and diseased lesions of the human oral cavity, gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts. f. necrophorum is also known to be an animal pathogen. studies were undertaken with rabbit anti-f. nucleatum sera and with human adult periodontitis (ap) sera that demonstrated the sharing of antigens between the two species. immunodiffusion and immunoelectroph ...19921494453
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of fusobacterium necrophorum antibody in bovine enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) with hcl heat extracted antigen of fusobacterium necrophorum was developed for the detection of antibody in bovine sera. optimal conditions for antigen concentration and dilution of bovine serum were established. pretreatment of positive reference serum with the antigens of different bacteria demonstrated no decrease, whereas the serum pretreated with f. necrophorum antigens revealed a decrease in the elisa values. the apparent difference in elisa val ...19921501592
[necrobacillosis].necrobacillosis is an infection caused by the anaerobic gram-negative rod fusobacterium necrophorum. the infection is most common in previously healthy young adults and is characterised by sore throat followed by rigors, septicaemia and the formation of metastatic abscesses, often in the lungs. the infection has a certain mortality, which is reduced when early and sufficient treatment is administered. the treatment is a prolonged course of penicillin and/or metronidazole. two case histories and ...19921509576
factors affecting the leukotoxin activity of fusobacterium necrophorum.the effect of cultural conditions on the production of leukotoxin by biotypes a and b of f. necrophorum was investigated. biotypes a and b were grown in prereduced, anaerobically sterilized, brain-heart infusion (bhi) broth. the average leukotoxin titer of culture supernatant was 18 times higher from biotype a strains than from biotype b strains. leukotoxin activity peaked during the late-log and early-stationary phases of growth, then declined precipitously in both biotypes. f. necrophorum biot ...19921514235
endocarditis with acute mitral regurgitation caused by fusobacterium necrophorum.infective endocarditis is uncommon in young children, especially in the absence of structural heart disease. we report the case of a 2-year-old boy who presented with acute rupture of the mitral valve chordae 6 weeks after an episode of fusobacterium necrophorum septicemia. his heart had been structurally normal before. mitral valve replacement was successfully performed. this is the first recorded case of endocarditis in a child caused by necrobacillosis.19921518743
necrobacillosis with pancytopenia.two young children whose presentation with necrobacillosis caused considerable diagnostic difficulty resulting in referral to an oncology unit are described. in both cases their severe suppurative multisystem illness was complicated by pancytopenia. one had bone marrow infarcts and severe endocarditis in addition to pulmonary involvement and the other had osteitis which resulted in a deformed humerus.19921519964
superoxide dismutase and catalase in an experimental model of multiple organ failure.multiple organ failure (mof) can be induced by sterile intraperitoneal injection of zymosan in the rat. this results in a typical triphasic illness with maximal clinical signs at days 2 and 12. in this model, superoxide production and lipid peroxidation closely correlate with the triphasic clinical illness. in the present experiment we studied the effect of albumin conjugated superoxide dismutase (sod) and catalase (cat) on lipid peroxidation and organ damage in the acute phase (days 1 and 2). l ...19921538604
a semiquantitative enzyme method for identifying fusobacterium necrophorum biovars a and b. 19921554776
noninvasive radiologic options in evaluating intracranial complications of otitis media. 19921562143
pathogenicity of fusobacterium necrophorum biovar b.previous studies showed that the high minimum infective dose (more than 10(6) organisms) of biovar a strains of fusobacterium necrophorum for mice by subcutaneous inoculation could be greatly reduced, often to less than 10 organisms, by suspending the fusobacteria in sublethal doses of broth cultures of certain other bacterial species, such as staphylococcus aureus. the present study showed that no such enhancement of infectivity occurred with two biovar b strains. this observation, together wit ...19921585082
further observations on the weak immunogenicity of fusobacterium necrophorum.five virulent strains of fusobacterium necrophorum resembled a single strain examined earlier by possessing little or no immunogenicity: severe subcutaneous infections cured with metronidazole failed to increase the resistance of mice to subcutaneous challenge 22 days after the cessation of treatment.19921585083
correlation of serum concentration of alpha 1-acid glycoprotein with lymphocyte blastogenesis and development of experimentally induced or naturally acquired hepatic abscesses in cattle.changes in serum alpha 1-acid glycoprotein (alpha 1ag) concentration in cattle with hepatic abscesses were observed, and function of alpha 1ag was evaluated, particularly its influence on cellular immune response. test cattle (n = 4) were inoculated with fusobacterium necrophorum, control cattle (n = 2) were inoculated with inactivated bacteria, and naturally affected cattle (n = 11) were found in a slaughterhouse. determination of alpha 1ag was made by use of a single radial immunodiffusion met ...19921586031
necrobacillosis--an unusual cause of cervical abscess.necrobacillosis is a rare infection which may be fatal if inadequately treated. we present a case demonstrating the classical clinical picture upon which correct diagnosis depends. the need for a high index of suspicion is highlighted and appropriate management is discussed.19921613358
[lemierre syndrome--post-angina sepsis]. 19921620932
hepatic ultrasonography and blood changes in cattle with experimentally induced hepatic abscesses.hepatic abscesses were induced experimentally in 5 steers by inoculating fusobacterium necrophorum via ultrasonography-guided, percutaneous catheterization of the portal vein. hepatic ultrasonography was performed to determine the onset and progression of abscessation. blood samples were collected before and after inoculation for performing leukocyte counts and hepatic function tests. ultrasonographic evidence of liver abscesses was observed as early as 3 days after inoculation. abscesses appear ...19911679304
intrageneric relationships of members of the genus fusobacterium as determined by reverse transcriptase sequencing of small-subunit rrna.the phylogenetic interrelationships of 14 members of the genus fusobacterium were investigated by performing a comparative analysis of the 16s rrna sequences of these organisms. the sequence data revealed considerable intrageneric heterogeneity. the four species fusobacterium nucleatum (including f. nucleatum subsp. nucleatum, f. nucleatum subsp. polymorphum, "f. nucleatum subsp. fusiforme," and "f. nucleatum subsp. animalis"), fusobacterium alocis, fusobacterium periodonticum, and fusobacterium ...19911715737
fusobacterium necrophorum and lemierre's syndrome. 19911753131
fusobacterium necrophorum sepsis in a six-year-old girl. 19911762614
studies on the possible role of cattle nuisance flies, especially hydrotaea irritans, in the transmission of summer mastitis in denmark.the summer mastitis pathogens actinomyces pyogenes, peptococcus indolicus, bacteroides melaninogenicus ss. levii, fusobacterium necrophorum and streptococcus dysgalactiae were isolated from the polyphagous symbovine dipterans hydrotaea irritans (fallén) and morellia sp. caught around dairy heifers on pasture, but not from the haematophagous species haematobia irritans (l.), haematobosca stimulans (meigen), culicoides sp. and simulium sp. secretions from clinical cases of summer mastitis proved t ...19911773120
splenic abscess due to fusobacterium necrophorum. 19911775864
comparative in vitro activity of cefpodoxime against anaerobes other than bacteroides assess the in vitro activity of cefpodoxime against anaerobic respiratory tract and oropharyngeal pathogens 77 strains belonging to 18 gram-negative and 7 gram-positive species were studied by means of agar dilution tests. for comparison cefuroxime, amoxicillin, amoxicillin + clavulanic acid and clindamycin were also tested. cefpodoxime was found to be active at concentrations of less than or equal to 0.125 mg/l against prevotella oralis, prevotella buccalis, prevotella bivia, porphyromonas a ...19911800380
thymidylate stress induces homologous recombination activity in mammalian cells.we studied whether homologous recombination activity in mammalian cells could be induced by thymidylate stress (thymidylate deprivation). in vitro recombination activity in cell extracts was measured with psv2neo-derived plasmids. when prior to the preparation of extracts, mouse fm3a cells were grown in 5-fluorodeoxyuridine (fdurd), an inducer of thymidylate stress, the homologous recombination activity was significantly induced, as judged from an increase in the number of neomycin-resistant bac ...19911824719
bacteriological investigations of clinical mastitis in heifers in sweden.bacterial analyses were carried out of 2069 udder secretions, isolated from 1481 heifers with mastitis in eight veterinary districts in sweden. streptococci, e.g. streptococcus dysgalactiae and str. uberis, dominated the bacterial flora, being isolated from 34.4 and 19.5% respectively of heifers with clinical mastitis occurring from puberty up to 14 d post partum. bacterial species generally regarded as important pathogens in the summer mastitis complex, e.g. actinomyces pyogenes, stuart-schwan ...19911856352
proposal of two subspecies of fusobacterium necrophorum (flügge) moore and holdeman: fusobacterium necrophorum subsp. necrophorum subsp. nov., nom. rev. (ex flügge 1886), and fusobacterium necrophorum subsp. funduliforme subsp. nov., nom. rev. (ex hallé 1898).the biological and biochemical properties, dna base compositions, and levels of dna-dna homology of two biovars of fusobacterium necrophorum were examined. some differences were found between the two biovars in biological and biochemical properties. the g + c contents of dnas from biovar a strains vpi 2891t (t = type strain), nctc 10576, n167, fn47, and fn43, were 32, 30, 29, 28, and 31 mol%, respectively. the g + c contents of dnas from biovar b strains fn524t, 606, fn49, fn45, and 1260 were 30 ...19911883714
further observations on enhancement of the infectivity of fusobacterium necrophorum by other had already been shown with a single virulent strain (a42) of fusobacterium necrophorum that suspension of the fusobacteria in sub-lethal doses of broth cultures of other bacteria reduced the minimum infective dose (greater than 10(6) organisms) for mice by subcutaneous inoculation, sometimes to less than 10 organisms. the present study extended the known range of bacteria with strong infectivity-enhancing properties to include bacillus cereus, klebsiella oxytoca and staphylococcus aureus; an ...19911902184
necrobacillosis--primary anaerobic septicaemia. 19911953522
[preliminary chromosomal localization of cloned dna fragments from a highly metastatic human giant cell carcinoma of lung].by using dna transfecting and molecular cloning techniques, a 2.3 kb dna fragment was isolated and subcloned into puc-18 to generate plc-2. chromosome in situ hybridization was conducted between biotin-labelled plc-2 and pg cell's chromosomes and the cloned gene fragment of 2.3 kb was preliminarily localized.19901964399
summer mastitis in heifers: a bacteriological examination of secretions from clinical cases of summer mastitis in denmark.a total of 166 samples of secretions collected from danish heifers suffering from clinically diagnosed summer mastitis were examined bacteriologically. one hundred and sixty three samples yielded positive findings whereas no growth was obtained from 3 specimens. the majority of samples revealed a mixed flora in which the predominant components were actinomyces pyogenes, peptostreptococcus indolicus, a microaerophilic coccus (stuart-schwan coccus), fusobacterium necrophorum, bacteriodes melaninog ...19901973009
seven-pathogen tricuspid endocarditis in an intravenous drug abuser. pitfalls in laboratory diagnosis.polymicrobial endocarditis is being reported with increasing frequency in drug abusers. however, the full extent of infection may be unrecognized with routine blood culture techniques because of the overgrowth of more fastidious organisms by other pathogens. this report documents an intravenous drug abuser with the first reported case of tricuspid valve endocarditis involving seven pathogens, discusses pitfalls of routine blood cultures and examines the role of the laboratory in microbiologic di ...19911989813
abscess of the sphenoid sinus after transsphenoidal surgery.a case of a bacterial abscess developing in the sphenoid sinus 2 weeks after transsphenoidal surgery is presented. although abscesses within the sella turcica have been reported as rare complications of transsphenoidal surgery, this is the first reported case of the postoperative formation of an abscess of the sphenoid sinus. the patient sought treatment for severe headaches, nausea and vomiting, and marked temperature elevation. a computed tomographic scan demonstrated soft tissue and air withi ...19911994270
microbiological study of hiv-related periodontitis.the subgingival microbiota in 14 persons with hiv-periodontitis was examined. subgingival plaque samples were collected with paper points, transported in vmga iii, and plated on anaerobic enriched brucella blood agar and various selective media. hiv-periodontitis sites revealed actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, wolinella recta, peptostreptococcus micros, and bacteroides intermedius, each averaging 7% to 16% of the cultivable subgingival flora in positive patients. high levels of spirochetes ...19912002434
otogenic fusobacterium necrophorum meningitis.a case of meningitis secondary to acute suppurative otitis media in a previously healthy child is reported. the only organism isolated from blood after aerobic and prolonged anaerobic culture was identified as fusobacterium necrophorum. complete recovery followed treatment with surgery and prolonged antibiotic therapy. the role of anaerobes in the development of meningitis, the isolation and identification of fusobacterium necrophorum, the clinical presentations of f. necrophorum infection and t ...19912013721
a sensitive method for isolating fusobacterium necrophorum from faeces.the isolation of fusobacterium necrophorum present in small numbers in heavily contaminated material such as faeces or soil is hampered by the lack of an efficient selective medium and by the high minimum infective dose of the organism. a sensitive method for the detection and isolation of faecal strains of f. necrophorum type a was based on the subcutaneous injection of faeces, suspended (5% w/v) in broth culture of actinomyces (corynebacterium) pyogenes or staphylococcus aureus to increase fus ...19912019300
partial characterization of fusobacterium necrophorum protease.partial characterization of fusobacterium necrophorum protease was investigated. the protease was partially purified by gel filtration with toyopearl hw 55. the final preparation was inactivated completely by heating at 60 degrees c for 30 min and inhibited by ascorbic acid, sodium thioglycollate and p-hydromercuribenzoate. antibody response to the protease was demonstrated in mice receiving 10(4) cfu of f. necrophorum.19912062248
retroperitoneal necrotizing fasciitis.we present a case of retroperitoneal necrotizing fasciitis treated by urgent abdomino-perineal resection of the rectum with permanent colostomy. we can find no prior case in the english literature treated in this manner. retroperitoneal occurrence of this disease is unusual. the process originated from perianal sepsis following chemotherapy for head and neck cancer.19912071998
fusobacterium necrophorum hemolysin in bovine hepatic immunofluorescence study was made on bovine hepatic abscess containing fusobacterium necrophorum predominantly. the abscess section stained with anti f. necrophorum hemolysin serum demonstrated fluorescence which formed irregular and granular shapes. actinomyces pyogenes isolates from the abscess were not stained with the serum. these findings suggest that the bacterial hemolysin contributes to the formation of the hepatic abscess during an infection with f. necrophorum.19902082629
isolation of cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans from canine otitis.cryptococcus neoformans was demonstrated in the clinical material of a 15-year-old male dog with a history of chronic otitis externa by employing helianthus annuus seed agar as a selective medium. the examination of the isolate for sexual compatibility on modified helianthus annuus seed medium revealed that it belonged to filobasidiella neoformans var. neoformans 'alpha' mating type. in the authors' view, this appears to be the first report of isolation of cr. neoformans var. neoformans from dis ...19902093842
diagnostic exercise: mandibular swelling in a rabbit. 19902153867
bacteriologic and pathologic studies of hepatic lesions in an abattoir, lesion specimens from 140 condemned sheep livers were collected for bacteriologic culture and for pathologic examination. grossly, 23 lesions were abscesses; from 9 of which, fusobacterium necrophorum biovar a (3 in pure culture and 6 in mixed culture) was isolated and from 14 of which, biovar b (6 in pure culture and 8 in mixed culture) was isolated. escherichia coli was the predominant facultative anaerobic bacterium and clostridium perfringens was the predominant obligate anae ...19902180351
a longitudinal study of the cultivable subgingival anaerobic bacteria isolated from sheep during the development of broken mouth a longitudinal bacteriological study of the cultivable subgingival anaerobic flora isolated from developing broken mouth periodontitis in sheep, samples were taken from five sheep on each of three farms on seven occasions over a period of 2.5 years. ten different bacterial genera were isolated regularly but with fluctuating frequencies. bacteroides and fusobacterium organisms accounted for nearly 70% of the isolates. the bacteroides and fusobacterium isolates studied in detail from one farm w ...19902182879
recognition of biovar c of fusobacterium necrophorum (flügge) moore and holdeman as fusobacterium pseudonecrophorum sp. nov., nom. rev. (ex prévot 1940).the cellular morphology, colonial morphology, biochemical properties, dna base compositions, and dna-dna homolgies of three biovars of fusobacterium necrophorum were examined. some differences were found among the three biovars in cellular morphology, colonial morphology, and biochemical properties. the guanine-plus-cytosine contents of dnas from biovar c strains fn521t (t = type strain), fn522, and fn520 were 30.4, 29.3, and 28.0 mol%, respectively, and the guanine-plus-cytosine contents of dna ...19902223600
[a clinical study on ceftazidime in the treatment of intractable respiratory infections].ceftazidime (caz) was administered to 51 patients (37 males, 14 females) with respiratory infections including severe cases, accompanied by various underlying respiratory diseases. the clinical efficacy and side effects of caz were investigated. the mean age and body weight of these 51 cases were 62.6 years and 48.0 kg, respectively. caz was administered by intravenous drip infusion (daily dose of 2-4 g) for a mean of 14.7 days to a mean total dose of 56.7 g. clinical efficacy rates were 64% (18 ...19902232147
carotid artery stenoses and thrombosis secondary to cavernous sinus thromboses in fusobacterium necrophorum meningitis.we report the case of a young man with fusobacterium necrophorum meningitis who developed bilateral carotid artery stenosis associated with thrombosis of the cavernous sinuses. intraluminal clot was present in the region of the stenoses for which he was anticoagulated. the clinical presentation, problems with diagnosis, the use of anticoagulation and the need for prolonged treatment with metronidazole are discussed.19902235810
assignment of the porcine growth hormone gene to chromosome 12. 19902249485
a rabbit model for bacteria-induced preterm pregnancy loss.bacterial infection has been implicated in premature labor in humans. to elucidate mechanisms and potential intervention strategies, we sought to develop a model of infection-induced pregnancy loss in rabbits. on day 21 (70% of gestation), each uterine horn was inoculated hysteroscopically with 0.2 ml containing saline solution of 10(6) cfu escherichia coli or bacteroides bivius or fusobacterium necrophorum. fetal viability was assessed. animals were sacrificed at various times or as delivery oc ...19902256505
an improved method of purifying inhibin radioligand for radioimmunoassay.polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (page) separation of bovine inhibin from free iodine after iodination is described. previous methods of separation typically relied upon a g25 gel filtration and matrix gel red a affinity column chromatography protocol. when compared to column chromatography, page-purified radiolabelled inhibin resulted in significantly increased binding (13.1% vs. 7.5%) and enhanced sensitivity (ed50 = 92 microliters inhibin standard vs. ed50 = 198 microliters inhibin standard ...19902271731
obligately anaerobic bacterial species isolated from foot-rot lesions in goats.lesions showing clinical signs of foot-rot from 120 goats were cultured on six selective media during october 1987 to november 1988. a total of 582 strictly anaerobic microorganisms belonging to 50 different species was isolated and identified. the anaerobes most frequently isolated belonged to the following genera: bacteroides (80%), peptostreptococcus (63.6%), megasphaera (40%), fusobacterium (29.2%), clostridium (22.5%), propionibacterium (12.5%), eubacterium (11.7%) and leptotrichia (10.8%). ...19902271912
patterns of protein synthesis during xenopus oocyte maturation differ according to the type of stimulation.we examined the qualitative patterns of protein synthesis in fully grown prophase-blocked oocytes of xenopus laevis and after meiosis reinitiation accompanying maturation of the oocytes. newly synthesized proteins labelled with [35s]methionine were run on isoelectric focusing gels and further separated in the second dimension on sds-polyacrylamide slab gels. three types of maturation inducer were compared: progesterone, considered as the natural inducer of xenopus oocyte maturation, hcg (human c ...19902271996
flow cytometric evaluation of nitro blue tetrazolium (nbt) reduction in human polymorphonuclear leukocytes.oxidative metabolic burst of activated human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmn) is most commonly investigated in clinical practice by evaluating nitroblue tetrazolium (nbt) reduction at the single cell level. reduced nbt precipitates where the redox reaction has taken place and can be visualized as pmn-associated dark blue granules of formazan in light microscopy. although widely used and not technically demanding, this method remains subjective and labor intensive, especially when large numbers ...19902272251
necrobacillosis.necrobacillosis is a severe septicaemic illness caused by the gram negative anaerobe, fusobacterium necrophorum, that typically occurs in previously healthy young adults following a mild sore throat. radiological changes in the chest are prominent and include rapidly developing empyema, pneumonic consolidation, cavitation and pneumatocele formation. metastatic abscesses in other sites are also seen. the clinical setting and time course are in marked contrast to the presentation of most anaerobic ...19902275687
task-dependent changes in gain of the reflex response to imperceptible perturbations of joint position in man.1. it has been demonstrated recently that, when suitably instructed, subjects could alter the stiffness at the elbow in response to a slowly and imperceptibly changing elastic load. although evidence was provided in favour of this occurring via changes in gain of the reflex response to stretch, changes in the degree of co-contraction could not be entirely ruled out. the major objective of the present experiments was to determine if subjects could alter stiffness at the wrist in a similar task, a ...19902277351
disseminated intravascular coagulation in fusobacterium necrophorum septicemia.a previously healthy 42-year-old man developed, after a neglected tonsillitis, a severe fusobacterium necrophorum septicemia with disseminated intravascular coagulation. peripheral, painful, cyanotic and gangrenous lesions appeared on toes, external ears and nose tip. the patient survived. consumption coagulopathy associated with tonsillitis should suggest f. necrophorum infection. growth of these bacteria in blood cultures is slow and confirmation of the infection may thus be delayed.19902284582
necrobacillosis--primary anaerobic septicaemia due to fusobacterium necrophorum.necrobacillosis is a severe septicaemic illness caused by an anaerobic gram-negative bacillus, fusobacterium necrophorum. it occurs predominantly in young people and is characterised by oropharyngeal infection and subsequent metastatic complications, frequently involving the lungs and/or large joints. we report four recent cases in previously healthy young men, describing the clinical features of the disease (including autopsy findings), and the problems associated with diagnosis and treatment.19902285386
ampicillin-sulbactam therapy for multiple pyogenic hepatic abscesses.a patient with multiple, pyogenic hepatic abscesses is described, and the pathophysiology, etiologies, clinical and laboratory manifestations, and management of the disease are reviewed. a 55-year-old man with a history of ethanol abuse and pancreatitis developed fever, chills, general malaise, and right upper quadrant abdominal pain two weeks before hospitalization. baseline laboratory and hematology results included serum albumin concentration, 3.2 g/dl; serum alkaline phosphatase concentratio ...19902292177
fusobacterium osteomyelitis associated with intraosseous gas.the diagnosis of acute anaerobic osteomyelitis was made in a 57-year-old hypertensive diabetic woman complaining of groin pain and fever. roentgenograms and computed tomography demonstrated intraosseous gas in the right femoral head and surrounding soft tissue. cultures obtained from open biopsy were positive for the anaerobic gram-negative bacillus fusobacterium necrophorum, a normal inhabitant of the mouth, bowel, and urogenital tract. the patient responded to an antibiotic regimen of metronid ...19902295181
experimental observations on the pathogenesis of necrobacillosis.earlier studies showed that the minimum infective dose (greater than 10(6) organisms) of a virulent strain of fusobacterium necrophorum could be greatly reduced by suspending the fusobacteria in sub-lethal doses of cultures of other bacteria such as escherichia coli before inoculating mice subcutaneously. in the present study the infective dose of the same strain of f. necrophorum was reduced by a factor of greater than 10(3) by suspending the fusobacteria in sub-lethal doses of 5% homogenate of ...19902307186
anaerobic bacterial pneumonia with septicemia in two racehorses.anaerobic bacterial pneumonia with septicemia was diagnosed in 2 thoroughbred racehorses referred with respiratory tract disease that had failed to respond to initial treatment with various antibiotics including penicillin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. multiple anaerobic organisms, including bacteroides spp and fusobacterium spp, were isolated from blood and transtracheal aspirates obtained from both horses and from aspirates of cutaneous nodules obtained from 1 horse. the latter horse resp ...19902312393
a case of necrobacillosis.a case of empyema due to fusobacterium necrophorum infection is described. a history of sore throat followed by metastatic abscesses may alert the clinician to the possibility of this unusual infection.19902321182
[sepsis caused by fusobacterium necrophorum: the re-discovered postangina sepsis lemierre syndrome and other manifestations].among 5 patients with bacteremia due to fusobacterium necrophorum, 3 young adults had post-anginal sepsis (lemierre syndrome), including one with the classical secondary metastatic complications of pulmonary abscesses, pleural empyema, arthritis and hepatobiliary disturbances. the primary focus was a cholangiogenic abscess in an 81-year-old woman, and fetid otitis following a radical operation for cholesteomatous chronic otitis media in a 29-year-old male. septicemia due to fusobacterium necroph ...19902326613
cells nonproductively infected with hiv-1 exhibit an aberrant pattern of viral rna expression: a molecular model for latency.u1 and ach-2 cells are subclones of hiv-1-infected monocyte/macrophage-like and t lymphocyte cell lines, respectively, which express the hiv-1 genome at very low levels. we have examined whether they might provide a model of hiv-1 latency. the patterns of hiv-1-specific rna expressed in these cells consisted of singly and multiply spliced rna species, with little or no full-length genomic rna. upon stimulation with agents that activate the hiv-1 long terminal repeat in these cells, a marked rise ...19902364429
comparative serum bactericidal activity of ceftizoxime/metronidazole, ceftizoxime, clindamycin, and imipenem against obligate anaerobic bacteria.we compared the bactericidal activity of serum obtained from healthy volunteers after single intravenous infusions of the combination of ceftizoxime (1 g) plus metronidazole (1 g) and after infusions of ceftizoxime (2 g), clindamycin (900 mg), and imipenem (1 g) against six obligate anaerobes. all agents were bactericidal but only the combination regimen resulted in bactericidal titres greater than 1:2 at 12 h for all the bacteroides fragilis group organisms. high titres against fusobacterium ne ...19902373663
effects of teat cistern mural biopsy and teatoscopy stab versus longitudinal incision with or without tube implant on incisional healing in lactating dairy cattle.effects of teat cistern mural biopsy and full-thickness stab and longitudinal incisional healing were evaluated experimentally on clinically normal teats in 12 lactating dairy cattle. each teat on each cow was assigned by latin-square design to 1 of 4 surgical interventions: (i) teatoscopy only; (ii) teatoscopy, stab incision, and mural biopsy; (iii) longitudinal incision and mural biopsy; and (iv) longitudinal incision, mural biopsy, and tube implantation. teatoscopy was done with a 4-mm od art ...19902386325
risk factors for kaposi's sarcoma in the vancouver lymphadenopathy-aids our ongoing cohort study of homosexual men, the ratio of new kaposi's sarcoma (ks) cases to new opportunistic infections (oi) during the periods 1982-1985, 1986-1987, and 1988-1989 fell from 0.75 (9 ks: 12 oi) to 0.57 (12 ks:21 oi) to 0.27 (4 ks:15 oi), respectively. to examine factors associated with the development of ks as compared to oi, we compared antecedent risk factors in 25 ks cases and 48 oi "controls." in univariate analyses, several classical hiv risk factors including numbers of ...19902395081
a case of necrobacillosis. 19902396242
near-fatal necrobacillosis presenting as septic arthritis of the knee. a case report. 19902398096
the detection of obligate anaerobic bacteria in udder secretions of dry cattle with mastitis during summer: a comparison between gas-liquid chromatography and bacteriological culturing methods.udder secretions sampled during the summer in 1984 and 1985 from mastitic quarters of 51 non-lactating cattle, mainly heifers less than 2 years of age, were examined bacteriologically for the presence of (facultative) aerobic and obligate anaerobic bacteria (oab) and by gas-liquid chromatography (glc) in order to detect volatile fatty acids (vfa), metabolic end-products of oab. forty-nine samples yielded positive cultures and in 20 cases these were mixtures of (facultative) aerobes and oab. only ...19872444028
hemocyte monophenol oxidase activity in mosquitoes exposed to microfilariae of dirofilaria immitis.monophenol oxidase (mpo) activity in hemocytes collected from aedes aegypti liverpool strain and aedes trivittatus intrathoracically inoculated with saline alone, inoculated with dirofilaria immitis microfilariae (mff), or from uninoculated mosquitoes was compared using a radiometric tyrosine hydroxylation assay. hemocyte mpo activity in mff-inoculated (= immune-activated) mosquitoes was significantly increased at 24 hr postinoculation (pi) in a. aegypti and at 6, 12, and 24 hr pi in a. trivitta ...19892493084
the expression and purification of human rhinovirus protease 3c.human rhinovirus type 14 protease 3c was expressed as a soluble and active protein in escherichia coli. the protease was purified by a cationic-exchange step followed by gel filtration on a tsk 3000 column. the final yield of purified protease was in the range 0.5-1.0 mg/l culture grown to a550 = 1.0. sequence analysis revealed that greater than 90% of the n-terminal residues were methionine. the enzyme activity of the purified protease was measured by cleavage of a synthetic peptide representin ...19892546760
structural differences in the renin gene of dahl salt-sensitive and salt-resistant rats.genomic libraries in lambda embl4 phage were constructed from both inbred dahl salt-hypertension-sensitive (s) and inbred dahl salt-hypertension-resistant (r) rats. overlapping clones containing the renin genes were isolated from these libraries by screening with a renin cdna probe. clones were characterized by a combination of restriction mapping and southern blot analysis. the results showed that the s-rat renin gene is remarkably different from the r-rat renin gene. the major differences are ...19892565535
comparison of four commercial brucella agar media for growth of anaerobic organisms.four different commercial brucella blood agar plating media (anaerobe systems, bbl microbiology systems, remel, and scott laboratories) were compared for the abilities to recover anaerobic organisms from clinical specimens and to support the growth of american type culture collection anaerobic stock cultures. following 24 h of incubation in an anaerobe chamber, anaerobe systems prereduced, anaerobically sterilized brucella plates yielded 63% of the total clinical anaerobe isolates, the scott med ...19892584378
[fusobacterium necrophorum septicemia in an infant].in a 9 month-old infant admitted to hospital for a fever with chilles, anaerobic blood cultures isolated fusobacterium necrophorum. on the 5th day of intravenous treatment with amoxicillin and metronidazole clinical signs of mastoiditis, the likely source of the sepsis, became apparent. septicemias with fusobacterium necrophorum are usually observed in teenagers and young adults during an acute bout of tonsilitis. this type of infection is exceptional in infants and requires a careful search for ...19892604512
structural analysis of lipopolysaccharides from eikenella corrodens by use of murine monoclonal antibodies.the structure of lipopolysaccharides (lpss) of eikenella corrodens was analyzed with prepared murine monoclonal antibodies. a common core epitope was found in three of seven lps preparations from e. corrodens strains and fusobacterium nucleatum atcc 25586. four e. corrodens lpss were found to possess an o-side-chain epitope which cross-reacted with lpss from fusobacterium necrophorum atcc 25286 and capnocytophaga ochracea m-12. lipid a of e. corrodens lps shared an epitope common among lpss from ...19892643582
the lemierre syndrome: suppurative thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein secondary to oropharyngeal infection.we present 2 cases of the lemierre syndrome (also called postanginal septicemia), along with 36 other cases from a review of recent literature. a review of the literature during the preantibiotic era is also included. this disease is caused by an acute oropharyngeal infection with secondary thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein complicated by multiple metastatic infection. the majority of cases are caused by anaerobic gram-negative organisms, most frequently fusobacterium necrophorum. an ...19892646510
lemierre's disease: postanginal bacteremia and pulmonary involvement caused by fusobacterium necrophorum.the combination of acute pharyngotonsillitis, neck pain, fever, and pulmonary septic emboli caused by fusobacterium necrophorum in a healthy young person is extremely rare. the entity was described by lemierre in 1936 as a typical syndrome easy to recognize and diagnose exclusively on clinical grounds. a case of lemierre's disease is reported, and 10 other cases found in the medical literature are reviewed.19892649965
[neutrophil defense against bovine uterine infections].the killing ability of bovine peripheral blood neutrophils did not vary during the oestrous cycle. administration of sex steroids to ovariectomised cows reduced the intrinsic killing ability of neutrophils but enhanced the opsonising ability of serum. exudate from experimental uterine infection with corynebacterium pyogenes and fusobacterium necrophorum impaired neutrophil function, probably as a result of the action of bacterial leucotoxins.19892655163
bovine platelet aggregation by fusobacterium necrophorum.fusobacterium necrophorum aggregated bovine platelets. the aggregation was paralleled by the haemagglutinating ability of the organism. treatment of the bacterial cells with antiserum to the homologous purified haemagglutinin reduced the degree of platelet aggregation. scanning electronmicroscopy revealed that little lysis of the affected platelets occurred during the 1-h incubation period. purified haemagglutinin became bound to the surfaces of the platelet cells as shown by immunofluorescence ...19892657068
effects of fusobacterium necrophorum on the mesenteric microcirculation of guinea pigs.thrombi formation was demonstrated in mesenteric microcirculation of guinea pigs inoculated with fusobacterium necrophorum and the bacterial hemagglutinin (ha). the thrombi were initially observed in venules and later, in arterioles. immunofluorescence study revealed that the ha bound to the thrombi in the microcirculation. these results indicate that thrombosis is an early step in the pathogenesis of necrosis.19892659950
enhancement of the infectivity of fusobacterium necrophorum by other bacteria.necrobacillosis is caused by fusobacterium necrophorum (fn), but other organisms are often present in the lesions. their possible role was studied in experiments made with a virulent fn strain which, by itself, produced fatal necrobacillosis in mice provided that large doses (greater than 10(6) organisms, subcutaneously) were given. mice were inoculated subcutaneously with fn suspended in sub-lethal doses (0.1 ml) of undiluted or diluted broth cultures of other bacteria. undiluted culture of a s ...19892661253
necrobacillosis and immunity in mice.the study arose from the recent finding that sub-lethal numbers of certain bacterial species greatly enhanced the infectivity of fusobacterium necrophorum. a severe f. necrophorum infection in mice, cured with metronidazole, produced significant though slight resistance, which was demonstrable by challenge with a minute dose of f. necrophorum (less than 20 organisms) suspended in a sub-lethal dose of escherichia coli (300 x 10(6) organisms) to enhance fusobacterial infectivity. in an earlier com ...19892673823
virulence determinants in nonsporeforming anaerobic bacteria.the literature dealing with adherence, host-protective mechanisms and tissues damaging products of nonsporeforming anaerobes is reviewed. the adherence mechanisms are poorly understood. there is evidence for that encapsulation plays a role in the pathogenicity of bacteroides fragilis and black-pigmented bacteroides. a leukocidin is produced by fusobacterium necrophorum, and ig protease, collagenase and a trypsin-like enzyme by some bacteroides species. some bacteroides fragilis strains produce a ...19892685989
necrobacillosis.fusobacterium necrophorum, an anaerobe for which numerous synonyms exists, causes a severe septicaemic illness in man. this, in common with various animal infections with the organism, has been called necrobacillosis. these septicaemias usually occur in previously healthy children and adolescents. a total of 45 cases were studied from over 20 hospitals in england and wales. the commonest presentation (two thirds of cases) was of post-anginal septicaemia, in which a sore throat was followed by ri ...19892685991
pathogenicity of fusobacterium necrophorum biovar c in mice by intraperitoneal and intraportal injections.three strains of fusobacterium necrophorum biovar c were injected into mice intraperitoneally and intraportally. all the mice survived. in one mouse out of 15 mice injected intraperitoneally, a few focal abscesses were formed in the liver. the microorganisms were recovered from the liver abscess and the tissue of liver with abscess. no changes were observed in the organs of other 14 mice and no bacteria were recovered from them. in the 15 mice injected intraportally, no liver abscesses and no ma ...19892689741
antibiotic susceptibility of fusobacterium necrophorum from bovine hepatic abscesses. 19892713641
effects of methanol on the growth of gastrointestinal anaerobes.the effects of methanol on the growth of representative, predominant, anaerobic gut bacteria were studied. growth yields and rates were determined in a base medium to which methanol was added to produce media with methanol concentrations varying, in twofold steps, over a concentration range of 0.01 to 25%, by volume. the growth of many of the organisms was completely inhibited by a methanol concentration equal to, or less than, 6.2%. isolates representing cellulolytic species were completely inh ...19892743215
postanginal sepsis. a pain in the neck.the primary care physician must be on the alert when a patient presents with a sore throat, signs of sepsis, and a rapidly deteriorating condition. recognition of this distinct clinical presentation should lead to the diagnosis of postanginal sepsis. once this diagnosis is suspected, therapy with an antibiotic that provides coverage against streptococci and anaerobes should be initiated promptly, and a drainable focus of infection should be excluded.19892755886
fusobacterium necrophorum and actinomyces pyogenes associated facial and mandibular abscesses in blue duiker.anaerobic and aerobic cultures of facial and mandibular abscesses were made from 12 blue duiker (cephalophus monticola fusicolor) housed at the deer and duiker research facility of the pennsylvania state university (usa). increases in concentrations of total protein and serum globulin occurred in all cases. actinomyces pyogenes was isolated from nine animals. fusobacterium necrophorum was present in eight and bacteroides sp. was found in seven animals; other genera of isolated bacteria included: ...19892761010
Displaying items 101 - 200 of 1564