
[tumor factors influencing the prognosis of renal cell carcinoma].fifty six patients, 40 males and 16 females, received radical nephrectomy and were diagnosed to have renal cell carcinoma pathologically at asahi general hospital between january, 1972 and september, 1984. the five and ten year survival rates were 44.2 and 35.7% respectively. the cancers were classified according to ptnm category and their cell type and grade were estimated. the relationship between these factors and the patient's prognosis was studied. we recognized a close correlation among pt ...20133962801
[tumor factors influencing the prognosis of renal cell carcinoma].fifty six patients, 40 males and 16 females, received radical nephrectomy and were diagnosed to have renal cell carcinoma pathologically at asahi general hospital between january, 1972 and september, 1984. the five and ten year survival rates were 44.2 and 35.7% respectively. the cancers were classified according to ptnm category and their cell type and grade were estimated. the relationship between these factors and the patient's prognosis was studied. we recognized a close correlation among pt ...20133962801
complications following strabismus surgery. 20133908359
oxygen dependence of the photosensitizing effect of hematoporphyrin derivative in nhik 3025 cells.cells of the established line nhik 3025 were incubated with hematoporphyrin derivative and exposed to light at different concentrations of oxygen. the efficiency of photoinactivation of the sensitized cells decreased with decreasing oxygen concentration. no photoinactivation was observed when the atmosphere above the medium overlying the cells was pure n2 gas. with 1% o2 in the atmosphere, the quantum yield of photoinactivation was reduced by 50% compared to the yield in air-saturated medium. it ...20133978628
the pleural interface. 20133881840
torsade de pointes complicating atrioventricular block: report of two patient with complete atrioventricular heart block and another with high-degree atrioventricular block, complicated by "torsade de pointes" are presented. both patients were symptomatic. one had a syncopal episode and the other presented with signs and symptoms of congestive heart failure. the electrocardiographic phenomena of torsade de pointes was repeatedly recorded. no other known predisposing factors for torsade de pointes were identified. the use of right ventricular endocardial pacing ...20133818142
the effect of target behavior monitoring on weight loss and completion rate in a behavior modification program for weight reduction.although behavior modification of obesity is usually described as a behavior change procedure, measurement is most often limited to the outcome variable of weight loss. the present investigation employed detailed behavior monitoring forms in half of 16 obesity groups (n = 173) matched across four different therapists. the percentage of compliance for nine specific treatment behaviors was charted from these monitoring forms. at the end of treatment, the eight groups that had the behavior monitori ...20133739819
a randomized controlled trial of the effect of alcohol consumption on blood pressure.forty-six healthy normotensive male drinkers participated in a randomized, controlled, crossover trial to study the effects of varying alcohol intake on blood pressure. alcohol consumption (calculated from weekly diaries) was reduced from 336.3 (s.e.m. = 20.2) to 64.5 (s.e.m. = 5.6) ml ethanol/week by drinking low alcohol content beer alone. systolic blood pressure fell significantly during reduction of alcohol intake and rose again when normal drinking habits were resumed, the mean difference d ...20134028514
a randomized controlled trial of the effect of alcohol consumption on blood pressure.forty-six healthy normotensive male drinkers participated in a randomized, controlled, crossover trial to study the effects of varying alcohol intake on blood pressure. alcohol consumption (calculated from weekly diaries) was reduced from 336.3 (s.e.m. = 20.2) to 64.5 (s.e.m. = 5.6) ml ethanol/week by drinking low alcohol content beer alone. systolic blood pressure fell significantly during reduction of alcohol intake and rose again when normal drinking habits were resumed, the mean difference d ...20134028514
bile duct cysts in children. 20133747607
[calcareous tendinitis of the long peroneal tendon]. 20133750292
denturism--no objections but... 20133885975
[use of hypothermic protection of the body during surgical correction of congenital heart defects].the article presents an experience with using the method of general moderate hypothermia (28-30 degrees c) in 260 patients operated for congenital heart failures aged from 3 to 45. the duration of the isolation of the heart from blood circulation was from 3 till 25 minutes. the significance of preoperative topical diagnosis, perfect surgical technique and adequate narcosis is emphasized.20133750668
[revision of the treatment strategy in parkinson disease]. 20133724865
[continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (capd) in children and adolescents].continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (capd) is a relatively new blood purification method applicable as an alternative to intermittent hemodialysis in the treatment of end-stage renal disease. in this report we discussed the results of more than five years of capd in 32 children and adolescents aged 0.1 to 18 years treated for up to 22 months as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this technique in comparison to hemodialysis. technical survival after one year of treatment increased ...20133702890
aspects for bioavailability and bioequivalence revision: possible implications on clinical pharmacology. 20133683020
mental health, belief deficit compensation, and paranormal beliefs.the present study examined the relationship between religious and nonreligious paranormal beliefs and mental health, as well as the possibility that nonreligious subjects compensate for a lack of identification with traditional religion by increased nonreligious paranormal beliefs. subjects were 80 undergraduates categorized as religious or nonreligious on the basis of scores on the traditional religion subscale of the paranormal belief scale. religious subjects had significantly higher total pa ...20133681767
prolonged and multiple immobilizations of the southern elephant seal using ketamine hydrochloride-xylazine hydrochloride or ketamine hydrochloride-diazepam combinations.thirty seven southern elephant seals (mirounga leonina) were singularly or repeatedly immobilized with combinations of ketamine hydrochloride (hcl) and xylazine hcl or ketamine hcl and diazepam. atropine sulphate was included in the drug combinations. to permit experimental procedures the seals were immobilized for periods of 30-330 min. the mean induction dose of ketamine hcl was 8.71 +/- 0.25 mg/kg (mean +/- se). the mean induction time was 16.02 +/- 2.62 min. for the elephant seals immobilize ...20133682087
patient-controlled analgesia: rationale, attributes, and essential factors (continuing education credit). 20133670888
attention deficit, conduct, oppositional, and anxiety disorders in children: iii. laboratory differences.children aged 5-13 years with dsm-iii diagnoses of attention deficit (addh), anxiety, (anx), or conduct plus addh (hc) disorder and matched normal controls were compared on a set of laboratory measures of impulsivity, arousal, motor performance, activity level, and cognition, and on behavior ratings during testing. while anx patients did not differ from their controls, addh and hc patients did on verbal iq, most of the behavior ratings, and on about one-third of the test variables. anx patients ...20133668087
the assessment of custody and access disputes in cases of sexual abuse allegations.sexual abuse allegations directed at one parent can arise in the context of custody and access disputes. the role of the clinician, when such allegations occur, is to provide an assessment of the total situation, taking the allegations into account. to assess the probability that sexual abuse has occurred involves a thorough assessment of the accuser, the accused, the accusation, the child, and different family subsystems. particular attention should be paid to interviewing the young child with ...20133676984
sex differences in magnetic field inhibition of morphine-induced responses of wild deer mice, peromyscus maniculatus exposure for 60 min to a 0.5 hz weak rotating magnetic field (1.5-90 g) reduced the day-time locomotory and analgesic effects of morphine (10 mg/kg) in a wild population of deer mice. peromyscus maniculatus triangularis. females displayed significantly lower levels of morphine-induced responses and sensitivity to the inhibitory effects of the magnetic fields than did the males. these responses indicate that there are sex differences in the effects of weak magnetic fields on the opiate-mediate ...20133671517
an abc of alternative medicine. osteopathy. 20133650220
[nursing aspects of intensive care for newborn infants]. 20134495574
[congenital dilatation of the common bile duct. apropos of l6 cases].congenital cystic dilatation of the common bile duct, also known as choledochal cyst, is an uncommon malformation, observed mainly in asiatic children, with a 3:1 female--male ratio. the entity is classified into 4 different types according to the anatomy of the malformation, which effects or not the intrahepatic biliary tree. the authors review theirs experience with 16 consecutive patients with choledochal cyst operated between 1971 and 1985. in 12 children (mean age: 5,8 years, 11 girls) with ...20133690787
[characteristics of the course of acute leukemia in middle and old age]. 20133617648
sex-role preference and parental imitation within groups of middle-class whites and lower-class blacks. 20134554326
study on the influence of etretinate on biologic activity of oral contraceptives. 20133624567
diagnostic aspects of underachievement in adolescents. 20133618931
therapy of hyponatremia: does haste make waste? 20133713751
[pulmonary embolism]. 20133634443
[differential diagnosis and staging of urological tumors by magnetic resonance imaging compared with computed tomography].magnetic resonance imaging (mri) was performed on 49 urological tumors (11 renal cell carcinomas, 3 renal pelvic cancers, 2 renal angiomyolipomas, 1 renal leiomyosarcoma, 1 large renal cyst, 4 adrenal tumors, 11 bladder cancers, 2 bone metastasis from bladder cancer, 10 prostatic cancers, 1 prostatic sarcoma, 1 urethral cancer, 1 penile cancer and 1 perivesical granuloma) since october 1985 to september 1986. mri was performed using a signa (g.e.) with a 1.5t superconductive magnet and 3 images, ...20133591584
shape constancy in pictorial representation. 20133737350
malignant histiocytosis (true histiocytic lymphoma) clinicopathological study of 25 cases.twenty-five cases originally diagnosed as malignant histiocytosis/true histiocytic lymphoma were reviewed according to both pathological and clinical criteria. microscopically, they were characterized by large, pleomorphic tumour cells showing variable degrees of atypia and phagocytic activity. the growth more often appeared as diffuse, being limited to the sinuses in only two cases. cytochemistry on touch imprints showed tumour cells strongly positive for acid phosphatase and alpha-naphthyl-ace ...20133905564
myocardial infarction in a neonate with cyanotic congenital heart disease. 20133703695
primary prevention behaviors: the female-headed, one-parent family.the purpose of this study was to describe the primary prevention behaviors of 59 female-headed, one-parent families and the barriers which deter their practice. two interviews, a health diary, and a card sort were used for data collection. descriptive statistics and content analysis were used to analyze the qualitative data. nutrition was the behavior the families felt was most important for maintaining health. time was the major barrier to primary prevention practices. a relationship was found ...20133636944
marijuana testing--how good is it?testing for the use of marijuana necessitates one or more levels of assessment, depending on the clinical application of the test results. the emit-dau screening test with a sensitivity limit of 20 ng/ml is highly satisfactory for screening for the absence of marijuana in the urine. this test has a virtual 100% true-negative rate as long as an unadulterated urine specimen is analyzed. positive results by the emit-dau procedure are presumptive because the test seems to produce false-positive resu ...20133553756
hormone structure and biological activity. biochemical studies of three pituitary hormones. 20144285003
biosynthesis of cyclic diterpenes in extracts from seedlings of ricinus communis l. ii. conversion of geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate into diterpene hydrocarbons and partial purification of the cyclization enzymes. 20144312392
biosynthesis of cyclic diterpenes in extracts from seedlings of ricinus communis l. ii. conversion of geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate into diterpene hydrocarbons and partial purification of the cyclization enzymes. 20144312392
posterior interosseous nerve palsy due to rheumatoid arthritis. 20144289549
angiotensinase activity in pregnant and nonpregnant women. 20144290332
relapsing polychondritis. report of a case. 20144290327
[japanese encephalitis vaccine--its preparation, effect and evaluation]. 20144296457
[research on the shiff periodic-acid positivity of erythroblasts of umbilical cord blood]. 20144293770
alcohol as an impurity in ladh preparations. determination and removal. 20144293763
[parenteral hyperalimentation]. 20144219105
a rose by any other name... 20144229963
[the medichrome method in diagnostic radiology]. 20144338844
[the medichrome method in diagnostic radiology]. 20144338844
isolation of viruses using specific immunoadsorbents. 20144305030
isolation of viruses using specific immunoadsorbents. 20144305030
[myoplastic lower leg amputation with immediate prosthetic care in gangrene of the forefoot]. 20144254057
[myoplastic lower leg amputation with immediate prosthetic care in gangrene of the forefoot]. 20144254057
[basic principles of the modern complete denture]. 20144263513
[does sezary's syndrome exist?]. 20144270712
[spontaneous cyclic leukocytosis in a case of chronic myeloid leukemia (author's transl)]. 20144270710
[the veterinary service of moldavia on the upgrade]. 20144241606
misconception about chelation. 20144213253
further assessment of the venous-compression test in hyperparathyroidism. 20144194942
identification and partial characterization of inositol: nad+ epimerase and inosose: nad(p)h reductase from the fat body of the american cockroach, periplaneta americana l. 20144149348
chemotaxis of leucocytes. 20144236546
the management of chronic cavities in the region of the hip joint. 20144283749
unconsidered trifles no. 18 (richard frank rand). 20144110006
[histological biopsy bone marrow studies on the morphology of immune reaction in autoimmune diseases]. 20144118781
training the family nurse practitioner. 20144147817
experiment on the space shuttle flight sts 51-c: aggregation of red blood cells in disease. 20144096672
[radiosensitivity of clonogenic granulocytic macrophage cell precursors in the bone marrow and spleen of tumor-bearing mice].clonogenic granulocytic macrophagal cells-precursors (cfu-dc) of bone marrow and spleen of intact c57bl/6 mice and those inoculated subcutaneously with llc tumor cells do not substantially differ in their radiosensitivity; the concentration of cfu-dc in the spleen markedly varies as tumor grows. the values of do and extrapolation number n for cfu-dc of the bone marrow are 0.9-1.4 and 1.5-3.0 gy, and of the spleen, 0.8-1.6 and 1.0-2.6 gy, respectively.20144080992
[the youthful personality and disease status. relationships between th e disease and health status and personality in young workers. the result a sociological study. i]. 20144095654
[evaluation using basal doppler and reactive hyperemia of the results of deep aorto-femoral bypass in combined aorto-iliac and femoro-popliteal lesions]. 20144073587
abnormal architecture of the ventricles in hearts with an overriding aortic valve and a perimembranous ventricular septal defect ("eisenmenger vsd").among 111 hearts with so-called "isolated" ventricular septal defect, 18 specimens were found to have a subaortic perimembranous defect with an overriding aortic valve but without pulmonary stenosis. the ventricular architecture was characterized by several abnormalities. a constant finding was the wide right ventricular outflow tract. the outlet septum had its normal continuity with the septomarginal trabecula, but its parietal extension was located relatively far anteriorly. part of the aortic ...20144055151
malnutrition and tissue injury. 20144052162
[characteristics of the clinical course of pulmonary sarcoidosis in middle-aged patients]. 20144095619
adjuvant treatment with chemotherapeutic agents and polyadenylic-polyuridylic acid in operable stomach cancers. i. enhancement of natural killer cell activity. 20144072264
common-sense models of health and disease. 20144022067
cell proliferation after ischemic infarction in gerbil order to study cell proliferation after ischemic infarction, a model of bilateral common carotid artery occlusion in the gerbil was developed. a comparison of survival rates after 15, 30, 45 and 60 min of occlusion revealed that 45 min was the maximum duration of ischemia after which most (72%) of the gerbils were alive at 1 week. the administration of pentobarbital (single dose, 30 mg/kg) postoperatively to badly seizing animals increased survival to 100%. large, well-demarcated infarcts wer ...20144063808
case 6. retroperitoneal teratoma. 20144095039
intra and intermolecular modeling studies of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. 20143991676
[effects of a sodium nitroprusside-dobutamine combination in left cardiac failure]. 20144002197
seat belt sponsor cruce on the new law and his job. 20143982304
[rheological blood indicators during motor activity of various degrees].blood rheological parameters of essentially healthy people were examined during exercises of a maximal workload and 14-day head-down tilt. the results obtained indicate that in the people performing normal and increased motor activity some rheological parameters were different. changes in the rheological parameters of blood after head-down tilt and exercises with a maximal workload suggest the existence of a blood viscosity threshold above which physical work capacity declines significantly. the ...20143974179
psychiatric disorder in the parents of adopted children with aggressive conduct disorder.the authors found that adoptive fathers of children with aggressive conduct disorder less often had alcoholism and antisocial personality than the natural fathers of nonadopted children with the same disorder. this evidence suggests that social factors which are widely held to produce the disorder are not necessary causes.20144033897
food sensitivity. 20143929976
treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with desferrioxamine: relation between stores of iron before treatment and side effects. 20143926233
[contributions to the problem of compensation of blindness and to the electronic modeling of the eye]. 20144389485
pro-hormones in tissues and in circulation. 20144362117
[echinococcosis of the kidney and perirenal cellular tissue]. 20154756570
u.v. spectra and electronic structure of benzenesulfonamide and ortho-, meta- and para-aminobenzenesulfonamide. 20154765757
u.v. spectra and electronic structure of benzenesulfonamide and ortho-, meta- and para-aminobenzenesulfonamide. 20154765757
[medico-social problems and solutions in relation to juvenile diabetes]. 20154661885
nail anomalies in hodgkin's disease. 20154753707
teenage helper: a role in community mental health. 20154716696
hydrogen exchange in the synthesis of glyceryl ether and in the formation of dihydroxyacetone in tetrahymena pyriformis. 20154631860
ultrafilter membranes in biochemistry. 20154612299
workshop on severe combined immunological deficiency disease and adenosine deaminase deficiency. albany, new york, on october 1, 1973. 20154615852
[first clinical results of a trial of vincristine treatment of spasticity]. 20154592752
milk surveillance, august 1972. 20154678554
[studies on interdental spaces of the deciduous dental arch. 4. on the growth of the alveolar portion of the jaw with the occurrence of interdental spaces (author's transl)]. 20154530467
experiences with surgical thrombosis of intracranial berry aneurysms and carotid cavernous fistulas. 20154609023
maternal nutrition. a selective review of clinical topics. 20154564722
Displaying items 6001 - 6100 of 6991