
PMID(sorted ascending)
[survey of entero-infections in urban and rural areas of the algerois]. 19704950343
present status of bone marrow transplantation following whole body irradiation. 20164959073
demonstration of human reagin in monkey tissues. 3. in vitro passive sensitization of monkey ileum with sera of atopic patients. physiologic and enhancing experiments. 19674961409
[on the possibility of determining left ventricular volume by radiocardiography]. 20164963412
a study in clinical cancer immunotherapy. 20164988972
physical, chemical, and serological studies on carnation mottle virus. 19704991706
[acute renal insufficiency due to iodine poisoning]. 20165018162
immunologic reactivity in hyperuricemia. 20165021341
amniography during subsequent pregnancy for evaluating the post-cesarean section uterine scar. 20155023255
an intrarenal foreign body. 20165041547
a simple and rapid method for quantitative determination of protein in urine. 19725061737
electron microscopic examination of factors influencing the expression of filamentous surface structures on clinical and environmental isolates of aeromonas veronii biotype sobria.strains of aeromonas veronii biotype sobria isolated from clinical and environmental sources were examined for their expression of surface structures under a variety of culture conditions. when grown on solid media at 37 degrees c, more than 95% of bacteria from the majority of strains isolated from human diarrheal feces and chicken carcasses were non-piliated or expressed only a few pili of long, flexible morphology per cell. strains isolated from water or other foods were much more likely to e ...19957565173
a specific puld homolog is required for the secretion of paracrystalline surface array subunits in aeromonas hydrophila.aeromonas hydrophila is an important pathogen of fish, and its high-virulence strains display a two-dimensional paracrystalline layer (s-layer) on their outermost surfaces. the nucleotide sequence of a 4.1-kb region located 700 bp upstream of the a. hydrophila tf7 s-layer protein gene (ahsa) has been determined. a sequence analysis of the region revealed the presence of three complete open reading frames ending in a gene encoding a 79.8-kda polypeptide that shows high homology to the puld family ...19957608063
case of aeromonas veronii (dna group 10) bacteremia.we describe the first case report of bacteremia due to aeromonas veronii biotype veronii. the infection occurred in a 77-year-old man suffering from multiple underlying conditions which included cancer of the sigmoid colon. because of the unusual biochemical phenotype of this group (ornithine decarboxylase positive), it was originally identified as vibrio cholerae.19947883912
aeromonas species in septicemia: laboratory characteristics and clinical observations.we retrospectively analyzed clinical and epidemiological data on and laboratory characteristics of 53 cases of aeromonas septicemia. only four aeromonas genomospecies (species defined by dna relatedness) were associated with the 53 cases, with aeromonas hydrophila (sensu stricto) predominating (47%). nearly 60% of all aeromonas isolates from blood fell into one of four somatic groups: serogroups o:11, o:16, o:18, and o:34. unlike aeromonas-associated gastroenteritis, septicemia did not peak in f ...19947948561
the susceptibility of s-layer-positive and s-layer-negative aeromonas strains to complement-mediated lysis.forty strains of aeromonas hydrophila and aeromonas veronii recovered from invasive and non-invasive infections were tested for their susceptibility to complement-mediated lysis by 65% pooled human serum (phs). based upon the results of this assay, two major populations could be defined. the first group (n = 20) consisted of serogroup o:11 strains, all of which possessed a paracrystalline surface layer (s layer); all of these strains were refractory to the bactericidal activity of 65% phs with t ...19948000552
pili and the interaction of aeromonas species with human peripheral blood polymorphonuclear cells.the interaction of differentially piliated aeromonas strains expressing pili of two broadly different morphologic types (short, rigid (s/r) and/or long, wavy (l/w)) with human peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes (pmn) was investigated to determine whether host defense cells might exert a selective pressure on pili expression in vivo accounting for the different pili phenotypes of clinical and environmental strains. a majority of aeromonas veronii biotype sobria strains from water (6/6) and f ...19938104626
meningitis due to aeromonas species: case report and recent years, aeromonas species has been reported to cause extraintestinal infections with a growing frequency. meningitis due to aeromonas species is, however, a rare entity. we report a case of aeromonas meningitis in a 54-year-old man with a history of chronic alcoholic liver disease who, after an episode of gastroenteritis, developed an acute clinical picture characteristic of meningitis with septic shock and ecthyma gangrenosum. aeromonas veronii (biogroup sobria) was isolated from cultu ...19938110931
aeromonas enteropelogenes and aeromonas ichthiosmia are identical to aeromonas trota and aeromonas veronii, respectively, as revealed by small-subunit rrna sequence analysis.the 16s rrna gene sequences of the type strains of aeromonas enteropelogenes and aeromonas ichthiosmia were determined by polymerase chain reaction direct sequencing in order to clarify their interrelationships with other aeromonad species. on the basis of 16s rrna gene sequence analysis, a. enteropelogenes and a. ichthiosmia were found to be identical to aeromonas trota and aeromonas veronii, respectively.19938240968
adhesion of aeromonas sp. to cell lines used as models for intestinal adhesion.adhesion to hep-2 cells has been shown to correlate with enteropathogenicity for aeromonas species. such adhesion is thought to reflect the ability of strains to adhere to human intestinal enterocytes, although hep-2 cells are not of intestinal origin. in this study strains of aeromonas veronii biotype sobria isolated from various sources were investigated in parallel assays for their ability to adhere to hep-2 cells and to an intestinal cell line (caco-2). quantitative assays showed identical a ...19958557078
synergistic iron reduction and citrate dissimilation by shewanella alga and aeromonas veroniitwo bacterial isolates from great bay estuary, new hampshire, in co-culture carried out anaerobic dissimilation of citric acid with fe(iii) as the terminal electron acceptor. neither isolate oxidized citrate with fe(iii) anaerobically in axenic culture. the fe(iii) reducer, shewanella alga strain bry, did not grow anaerobically with citrate as an energy source. the citrate utilizer, aeromonas veronii, did not reduce iron axenically with a variety of electron donors including citrate. the onset o ...19968824150
characterization of a type iv bundle-forming pilus (sfp) from a gastroenteritis-associated strain of aeromonas veronii biovar sobria.the colonization mechanisms of enteropathogenic aeromonas strains are poorly characterized, but recent studies indicate that some filamentous structures are intestinal adhesins. this study describes the purification and characterization of a long, flexible pilus from a gastroenteritis-associated strain of aeromonas veronii biovar sobria. sds-page analysis (various conditions) of pili preparations yielded a pilin protein band of approximately 21 kda. its n-terminal amino acid sequence was unambig ...19968827704
high-resolution genotypic analysis of the genus aeromonas by aflp fingerprinting.we investigated the ability of a recently developed genomic fingerprinting technique, named aflp, to differentiate the 14 currently defined dna hybridization groups (hgs) in the genus aeromonas. we also determined the taxonomic positions of the phenospecies aeromonas allosaccharophila, aeromonas encheleia, aeromonas enteropelogenes, and aeromonas ichthiosmia, which have not been assigned to hgs yet. a total of 98 aeromonas type and reference strains were included in this study. for the aflp anal ...19968934910
identification and molecular characterization of two tandemly located flagellin genes from aeromonas salmonicida a449.two tandemly located flagellin genes, flaa and flab, with 79% nucleotide sequence identity were identified in aeromonas salmonicida a449. the fla genes are conserved in typical and atypical strains of a. salmonicida, and they display significant divergence at the nucleotide level from the fla genes of the motile species aeromonas hydrophila and aeromonas veronii biotype sobria. flaa and flab encode unprocessed flagellins with predicted mrs of 32,351 and 32,056, respectively. when cloned under th ...19979286979
distribution and expression of beta-lactamase genes among aeromonas spp.clinical and environmental isolates of aeromonas spp. (20 aeromonas caviae, 33 aeromonas veronii and 21 aeromonas hydrophila) were examined for their ability to yield mutants derepressed for beta-lactamase production and for the distribution of the three chromosomally encoded beta-lactamase genes, amps and ceps from a. veronii bv. sobria and cpha from a. hydrophila. of these isolates, 100% and 96% of the isolates from a. hydrophila and a. caviae, respectively, yielded beta-lactamase derepressed ...19979301981
indwelling device-related and recurrent infections due to aeromonas species.from october 1995 to february 1997, 13 isolates of aeromonas species were recovered from four patients treated at national taiwan university hospital (taipei). one of the patients, a diabetic, had simultaneous aeromonas veronii biotype veronii bacteremia and a. veronii biotype sobria urinary tract infection. seven weeks after the episode, the patient had necrotizing fasciitis due to a. veronii biotype veronii. the other three patients all had underlying hepatobiliary malignancies complicated by ...19989524839
nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the metallo-beta-lactamase, imis, from aeromonas veronii bv. sobria.the aeromonas veronii bv. sobria metallo-beta-lactamase gene, imis, was cloned. the imis open reading frame extends for 762 bp and encodes a protein of 254 amino acids with a secreted modified protein of 227 amino acids and a predicted pi of 8.1. to confirm the predicted sequence, purified imis was digested and the resulting peptides were identified, yielding an identical sequence for imis, with 98% identity to cpha. both possessed the putative active-site sequence asn-tyr-his-thr-asp at positio ...19989527802
misidentification of unusual aeromonas species as members of the genus vibrio: a continuing problem.two unusual cases of aeromonas infection are described, one associated with bacteremia (aeromonas schubertii) and another in which the organism was recovered from an infected gall bladder (aeromonas veronii biotype veronii). these strains were initially identified as vibrio damsela and vibrio cholerae by the vitek and api 20e systems, respectively. use of appropriate screening tests and familiarity with the newer aeromonas species could prevent initial misidentifications and potential public hea ...19989542946
phenotypic identification of aeromonas genomospecies from clinical and environmental sources.a collection of 983 aeromonas isolates from environmental and clinical sources have been identified to the genomospecies level. a phenotypic method identified 93% of the strains. the use of citrate and the production of acid from sorbitol enabled the members of the aeromonas hydrophila complex to be separated. the most common genomospecies from intestinal sources were aeromonas veronii biotype sobria and aeromonas caviae. the former, together with a. hydrophila, was the most frequently isolated ...19989575026
septic arthritis due to aeromonas veronii biotype sobria. 19989709899
[new species of aeromonas isolated in cuba].one hundred and fifty-five strains of aeromonas isolated in the stools of children under 5 years presenting with acute diarrheal disease were studied. using the aerokey ii system for the identification of species, 47 strains were identified as aeromonas caviae, 58 as aeromonas hydrophila, 23 as aeromonas veronii biovar sobria, 14 as aeromonas trota, 9 as aeromonas veronii biovar veronii, 2 as aeromonas jandaei and 2 as aeromonas shubertii, emphasis is placed on the advantages of this method whic ...19959813480
symbiosis of aeromonas veronii biovar sobria and hirudo medicinalis, the medicinal leech: a novel model for digestive tract associations.hirudo medicinalis, the medicinal leech, is applied postoperatively in modern medicine. infections by aeromonas occur in up to 20% of patients unless a preemptive antibiotic treatment is administered. the associated infections demonstrate the need for a better understanding of the digestive tract flora of h. medicinalis. early studies reported the presence of a single bacterial species in the digestive tract and suggested that these bacteria were endosymbionts contributing to the digestion of bl ...19999864188
the production of a novel carbapenem-hydrolysing beta-lactamase in aeromonas veronii biovar sobria, and its association with imipenem resistance. 199810052912
prevalence, in-vitro secretory activity, and cytotoxicity of aeromonas species associated with childhood gastroenteritis in chennai (madras), investigation on the prevalence of aeromonas in gastrointestinal illnesses of pediatric inpatients 1 month to 3 years of age was conducted from february 1997 through january 1998 in madras. sixteen aeromonas spp. were isolated from 11 male and five female children among the 341 pediatric inpatients suffering from acute diarrhoea. a. caviae, which was isolated from nine cases, was found to be the most predominant isolate, followed by a. veronii biovar sobria, isolated from six cases, and a. hy ...199810211427
antimicrobial activity of essential oils and other plant extracts.the antimicrobial activity of plant oils and extracts has been recognized for many years. however, few investigations have compared large numbers of oils and extracts using methods that are directly comparable. in the present study, 52 plant oils and extracts were investigated for activity against acinetobacter baumanii, aeromonas veronii biogroup sobria, candida albicans, enterococcus faecalis, escherichia col, klebsiella pneumoniae, pseudomonas aeruginosa, salmonella enterica subsp. enterica s ...199910438227
diverse restriction fragment length polymorphism patterns of the pcr-amplified 16s rrna genes in aeromonas veronii strains and possible misidentification of aeromonas species.restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis after pcr amplification (rflp-pcr) of the 16s rrna gene has been previously proposed as a rapid method to identify aeromonas species. in the present study, the precision of rflp-pcr was evaluated with 62 aeromonas reference strains. the analysis revealed that aeromonas veronii biovar sobria strains produce various patterns, possibly leading to its misidentification as an environmental species. for most other aeromonas species little variation was ...199910488176
functional characterization of type iv pili expressed on diarrhea-associated isolates of aeromonas species.our past work has shown that long, flexible type iv pili (single or in bundles) are the predominant pili expressed on fecal isolates of diarrhea-associated species of aeromonas (aeromonas veronii biovar sobria and a. caviae). they represent a family of type iv pili which we have designated bfp (for bundle-forming pili). reports from japan suggest that bfp are intestinal colonization factors. this study presents compelling evidence to support this conclusion. aeromonas bacteria and/or bfp purifie ...199910496928
interaction between aeromonas veronii and epithelial cells of spotted sand bass (paralabrax maculatofasciatus) in in vitro fish model to study the interaction between aeromonas veronii and skin, gill and intestinal epithelial cells was developed using primary cultures of mucosal cells (isolated from healthy organisms). primary cultures were exposed to aeromonas veronii strain a186 isolated from a patient with severe gastrointestinal disease. microbial adherence was assessed by a spectrophotometric evaluation of an enzyme-linked, biotin-streptavidin aer. veronii cell-adhesion assay to confluent monolayers ...200010792551
anti-adhesive activity of sulphated exopolysaccharides of microalgae on attachment of red sore disease-associated bacteria and helicobacter pylori to tissue culture cells.because of the affinity of certain bacterial species for sulphated glycoconjugates exposed on the epithelial cells of susceptible hosts, we hypothesized that sulphated exopolysaccharides of microalgae can be used in anti-adhesive therapies against bacterial infections, both in cold- and warm-blooded animals. in this study we found that adhesion of the human pathogen helicobacter pylori to the hela s3 cell line, and adhesion of the fish pathogens vibrio campbellii, v. ordalii, streptococcus sapro ...200010849279
typing of clinical and environmental aeromonas veronii strains based on the 16s-23s rdna spacers.genetic relationships of aeromonas veronii strains isolated from human and environmental sources were investigated by restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp) of the polymerase chain reaction-amplified intergenic spacer region (isr) flanked by the 16s and 23s rrna genes. when using endonucleases alui, hinfi and cfoi the 16s-23s rdna-rflp patterns showed considerable overall similarity, although most strains yielded specific profiles. several intra-specific lines of descent comprised clini ...200010865175
virulence factors in aeromonas veronii bv veronii. 199910897894
spontaneous bacterial empyema caused by aeromonas veronii biotype sobria.spontaneous bacterial empyema is a complication of hepatic hydrothorax in cirrhotic patients. the pathogen, clinical course and treatment strategy are different to the empyema secondary to pneumonia. a 54-year-old man, who was a cirrhotic patient with hepatic hydrothorax, was admitted to national taiwan university hospital for fever, dyspnea and right side pleuritic pain. the image study revealed massive right pleural effusion and no evidence of pneumonia. the culture of pleural effusion yielded ...200010974579
epidemiological relationships between aeromonas strains isolated from symptomatic children and household environments as determined by ribotyping.ribotyping was used to study the epidemiology of aeromonas associated gastro-enteritis in young children. ribotyping patterns of 29 aeromonas strains (16 aeromonas caviae, 8 aeromonas hydrophila, 3 aeromonas eucrenophila, 1 aeromonas veronii, and 1 aeromonas encheleia) isolated from primary stool cultures of sick children were compared using the gelcompare software with patterns of 104 strains (39 aeromonas eucrenophila, 29 aeromonas caviae, 11 aeromonas encheleia, 10 aeromonas hydrophila, 6 aer ...200010997832
production of heat-labile enterotoxin by strains of aeromonas veronii bv veronii.three isolates of aeromonas veronii bv veronii (2 environmental, one blood infection) were examined to see if they produce any enterotoxin and, if so, to determine its characteristics. two isolates caused fluid accumulation in the initial rabbit ileal loop tests. the other strain did so after a single passage through the rabbit ileal loop. all the isolates showed gradual enhancement of fluid secretion after each subsequent passage. inocula of 1 x 10(4) viable cells and 0.25 ml of culture filtrat ...200011014770
identification of genes associated with copper tolerance in an adhesion-defective mutant of aeromonas veronii biovar sobria.tnphoa mutagenesis was used to identify adhesins of aeromonas veronii biovar sobria 3767, a strain isolated from a diarrhoeal stool specimen. six mutants, from a library of 154, exhibited significantly reduced levels of adhesion to hep-2 cells. primers to the terminal regions of tnphoa were used for inverse pcr and the product from one mutant was cloned into pbluescript and partial sequence data obtained. scanning genbank and embl data bases revealed dna sequence similarity to the copa gene of p ...200011024350
production and secretion of collagen-binding proteins from aeromonas veronii.collagen-binding protein (cnbp) synthesized by aeromonas veronii is located conserved within the subcellular fraction. the results of this study show that 98% of the total cnbp produced by aer. veronii is present in the extracellular medium, and that the remaining cnbp is distributed either on the cell surface, within the periplasm or anchored on the outer membrane. cnbp is specifically secreted from aer. veronii into the culture medium, because all the beta-lactamase activity was located in the ...200011054164
ingested blood contributes to the specificity of the symbiosis of aeromonas veronii biovar sobria and hirudo medicinalis, the medicinal leech.hirudo medicinalis, the medicinal leech, usually carries in its digestive tract a pure culture of aeromonas veronii bv. sobria. such specificity is unusual for digestive tracts that are normally colonized by a complex microbial consortium. important questions for the symbiotic interaction and for the medical application after microvascular surgery are whether other bacteria can proliferate or at least persist in the digestive tract of h. medicinalis and what factors contribute to the reported sp ...200011055917
isolation and 16s rrna sequence analysis of the beneficial bacteria from the rhizosphere of rice.the present study deals with the isolation of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (pgpr) from rice (variety niab irri-9) and the beneficial effects of these inoculants on two basmati rice varieties. nitrogen-fixing activity (acetylene-reduction activity) was detected in the roots and submerged shoots of field-grown rice variety niab irri-9. estimation of the population size of diazotrophic bacteria by ara-based mpn (acetylene reduction assay-based most probable number) in roots and shoots indic ...200111261489
mucosal immune response of spotted sand bass paralabrax maculatofasciatus (steindachner, 1868) orally immunised with an extracellular lectin of aeromonas assess the immunogenic and immunoprotective role of the extracellular lectin from aeromonas veronii (mcbp), which has affinity for mucosal constituents such as mucin, lactoferrin, immunoglobulins and collagen, spotted sand bass (paralabrax maculatofasciatus) were orally immunised either with soluble mcbp, adjuvant-conjugated mcbp or immobilised mcbp on latex microspheres. the results suggest that the mcbp is capable of eliciting protective immunity against a. veronii infections when administe ...200111308074
mesophilic aeromonads in wild and aquacultured freshwater fish.numbers and species of motile aeromonas were determined in freshly caught freshwater fish, in the surrounding environment, and also during iced chilled storage of fish specimens. although no significant differences were observed in water samples, initial levels for skin, gill, and intestines were significantly lower in farmed rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) than in wild brown trout (salmo trutta) and pike (esox lucius). during storage of wild specimens, naturally occurring aeromonads grew fa ...200111348001
new dna-dna hybridization and phenotypic data on the species aeromonas ichthiosmia and aeromonas allosaccharophila: a. ichthiosmia schubert et al. 1990 is a later synonym of a. veronii hickman-brenner et al. 1987.previously, a dna fingerprinting study based on amplified fragment length polymorphism (aflp) analysis has revealed a possible genotypic resemblance of the species aeromonas ichthiosmia and aeromonas allosaccharophila to aeromonas veronii (huys et al., int. j. syst. bacteriol. 46, 572-580 [19961). currently, two genotypically indistinguishable biovars are known to exist in the latter species, namely a. veronii biovar sobria and a. veronii biovar veronii. in the current study, new dna-dna hybridi ...200111518320
helicobacter pylori and other enteric bacteria in freshwater environments in mexico city.helicobacter pylori infection is common in the mexican population; however, sources, routes, and risk factors for infection as well as mode of transmission remain unclear.200111578764
three cases of bacteraemia caused by aeromonas veronii biovar sobria.septicaemia caused by aeromonas species is a life-threatening condition, arising primarily in immunocompromised patients, which has rarely been reported in scandinavia. herein we describe 3 cases of aeromonas sobria bacteraemia from denmark. all the patients were male and all 3 cases occurred during the summer. two patients had acute leukaemia and hiv infection, respectively, while the third patient had colorectal cancer diagnosed several years later. the clinical presentation in all patients wa ...200111669236
identification and characterization of pathogenic aeromonas veronii biovar sobria associated with epizootic ulcerative syndrome in fish in bangladesh.sparse information is available on the virulence factors of aeromonas strains isolated from diseased fish, from the environment, and from humans. in the present study, 52 aeromonas isolates obtained from epizootic ulcerative syndrome (eus) lesions in fish, from the aquatic environment, and from children with diarrhea in bangladesh were identified by biochemical phenotyping (i.e., pheneplate [php] typing) and dna fingerprinting and then characterized with respect to certain putative virulence fac ...200211823203
microbial populations of an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor treating wastewater from a gelatin industry.the microbial populations of an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor, used for treating wastewater from the gelatin industry, were studied by microbiological methods and phase-contrast and electron microscopy. microscopy examination of the sludge showed a complex mixture of various rod-shaped and coccoid bacterial pluslong filaments and verymobile curved rods. in addition free-living anaerobic ciliates and flagellates were also observed. the trophic group population observed in decreasing ord ...200111873883
in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility of clinical isolates of aeromonas caviae, aeromonas hydrophila and aeromonas veronii biotype sobria. 200211909850
incidence of toxic aeromonas isolated from food and human hundred and ninety four aeromonas isolates (99 from food and 95 from clinical sources) were analyzed as to the species involved and the toxins produced. of the clinical isolates of aeromonas, 29.4% were enterotoxigenic, 43.1% were hemolytic and 89% were cytotoxigenic. among the food isolates, 18.2% were enterotoxigenic, 17.1% were hemolytic and 72.7% were cytotoxigenic. aeromonas sobria and aeromonas veronii produced more enterotoxin and cytotoxin than the other isolates, whereas a. veronii ...200211934569
first documented case of aeromonas veronii biovar sobria infection in northern europe.the first scandinavian case of aeromonas veronii biovar sobria infection, an episode of peritonitis in a patient suffering from a cirrhotic liver and an earlier unrecognized appendiceal cancer, is described.200212030401
virulence markers in aeromonas hydrophila and aeromonas veronii biovar sobria isolates from freshwater fish and from a diarrhoea evaluate the public health significance of representative strains of two aeromonas spp., mainly from freshwater fish, on the basis of production of virulence-associated factors and presence of the haemolytic genes aera and hlya.200212174039
aeromonas culicicola sp. nov., from the midgut of culex quinquefasciatus.the taxonomic position was examined of three isolates, mtcc 3249t, sh and slh, from the midgut of female culex quinquefasciatus and aedes aegyptii mosquitoes. numbers of cells of these isolates increased 2000-fold after a blood meal of the mosquitoes. 16s rrna gene sequence analysis of the novel strains showed that they were highly homologous to strains of aeromonas. dna-dna hybridization studies showed that dna of strain mtcc 3249t was 96 and 88% similar to that of strains sh and slh, respectiv ...200212361279
study of the effect of the midgut bacterial flora of culex quinquefasciatus on the susceptibility of mosquitoes to japanese encephalitis virus.culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes were collected from the field and microbial flora was isolated from their midgut. isolates belonging to 13 different genera were obtained. four most abundant isolates viz. pseudomonas sp., acinetobacterjunii, staphylococcus epidermis and aeromonas culicicola were used to study their effect on the susceptibility of mosquitoes to japanese encephalitis virus (jev). incorporation of individual isolates in the mosquito bloodmeal resulted in an increased susceptibilit ...200212693864
molecular cloning, sequencing and characterization of omp48, the gene encoding for an antigenic outer membrane protein from aeromonas clone, sequence and characterize the gene encoding the omp48, a major outer membrane protein from aeromonas veronii.200312694457
genetic linkage of the penicillinase gene, amp, and blrab, encoding the regulator of beta-lactamase expression in aeromonas spp.aeromonas hydrophila t429125, a human clinical isolate, possesses three coordinately inducible beta-lactamases encoded by amph (class d beta-lactamase), ceph (class c beta-lactamase) and imih (class b beta-lactamase). we report that upstream of amph there are two genes, blra and blrb, encoding a putative two-component regulatory system. pcr studies revealed the same blrab-amp gene arrangement in all aeromonas spp. isolates tested; namely, aeromonas veronii bv. sobria, aeromonas jandaei, aeromona ...200312746371
characterisation of aeromonas spp. isolated from frozen fish intended for human consumption in mexico.a total of 82 strains of presumptive aeromonas spp. were identified biochemically and genetically (16s rdna-rflp). the strains were isolated from 250 samples of frozen fish (tilapia, oreochromis niloticus niloticus) purchased in local markets in mexico city. in the present study, we detected the presence of several genes encoding for putative virulence factors and phenotypic activities that may play an important role in bacterial infection. in addition, we studied the antimicrobial patterns of t ...200312781953
complement resistance is essential for colonization of the digestive tract of hirudo medicinalis by aeromonas strains.from the crop of the medicinal leech, hirudo medicinalis, only aeromonas veronii bv. sobria can be cultured consistently. serum-sensitive a. veronii mutants were unable to colonize h. medicinalis, indicating the importance of the mammalian complement system for this unusual simplicity. complementation of one selected mutant restored its ability to colonize. serum-sensitive mutants are the first mutant class with a colonization defect for this symbiosis.200312839811
phylogenetic affiliation of aeromonas culicicola mtcc 3249(t) based on gyrb gene sequence and pcr-amplicon sequence analysis of cytolytic enterotoxin gene.we determined the gyrb gene sequences of all 17 hybridizations groups of aeromonas. phylogenetic trees showing the evolutionary relatedness of gyrb and 16s rrna genes in the type strains of aeromonas were compared. using this approach, we determined the phylogenetic position of aeromonas culicicola mtcc 3249(t), isolated from midgut of culex quinquefasciatus. in the gyrb based-analysis a. culicicola mtcc 3249(t) grouped with a. veronii whereas, it grouped with a. jandaei in the 16s rrna based tr ...200312866846
aeromonas veronii biovar veronii septicaemia and acute suppurative cholangitis in a patient with hepatitis b.gram-negative bacilli of the genus aeromonas are widespread in aquatic environments and can be responsible for human infections. although aeromonas extraintestinal and systemic infections have been reported with growing frequency in recent years, aeromonas septicaemia remains an uncommon finding, often associated with serious underlying disease and predominantly related to the species aeromonas hydrophila, aeromonas veronii biovar sobria and aeromonas caviae. here, a case of a. veronii biovar ve ...200312867570
misidentification of aeromonas veronii biovar sobria as vibrio alginolyticus by the vitek find the cause of misidentification of aeromonads when using the vitek system.200312969502
taxonomic study of sucrose-positive aeromonas jandaei-like isolates from faeces, water and eels: emendation of a. jandaei carnahan et al. 1992.fourteen sucrose-positive aeromonas jandaei-like isolates from fresh water and reared european eels were subjected to a polyphasic study to determine their taxonomic position. numerical taxonomy was used to analyse phenotypic data obtained for these isolates and 43 type and reference strains representative of recognized aeromonas species. the a. jandaei cluster (phenon 1) was defined at 81.6 % similarity (s(j)); this included the a. jandaei-like isolates, the sucrose-positive strain aeromonas ve ...200313130026
analysis of 16s-23s intergenic spacer regions and rrn operon copy number of aeromonas culicicola mtcc 3249t.the 16s-23s intergenic spacer and 23s rrna gene sequence were determined for a. culicicola mtcc 3249t. ten different isr, indicative of ten rrn operons, were found in the strain that were grouped in three major types. of the three types, isr i was non-coding while isr ii and iii coded for trna(glu)(uuc). the trna(glu)(uuc) sequence was identical to that of e. coli. both isr i and ii were represented by three clones whereas four clones represented isr iii. the number of nucleotide differences bet ...200314509830
molecular characterization and distribution of virulence-associated genes amongst aeromonas isolates from libya.the aim of the study was to type 52 aeromonas spp. isolates from chicken carcasses, children with diarrhoea and a hospital environment in libya, and to determine the distribution of putative virulence genes amongst them.200314633028
[a successful treatment of progressive necrotizing myositis caused by aeromonas veronii biotype sobria].we report a 52 year-old patient with malignant lymphoma who developed necrotizing soft tissue infection in the left lower extremity by aeromonas veronii biotype sobria during a neutropenic period after intensive chemotherapy. we decided to amputate the involved leg when signs and symptoms of necrotizing myositis were progressing despite administration of sensitive antibiotics. he survived with subsequent intensive supportive care. it is to note that even though the patient's neutrophil count is ...200314672014
hemolytic and proteolytic activities of aeromonas hydrophila and aeromonas veronii biovar sobria in broth and salmon extract at different temperatures.expression of hemolytic and proteolytic activities throughout the growth cycle was investigated with two enterotoxic aeromonad strains assigned to the species aeromonas hydrophila and aeromonas veronii biovar sobria. although growth kinetic data were dependent on strain, temperature, and substrate, maximum populations attained were higher than 9 log cfu/ml in aerated tryptone soya broth plus yeast extract (tsbye) and salmon extract within the range 4 to 28 degrees c. for both strains in tsbye, v ...200414968959
an aeromonas veronii biovar sobria infection with disseminated intravascular gas production.we report a case of aeromonas veronii biovar sobria infection with disseminated intravascular gas production. the patient was an afebrile 15-year-old girl who had been quite healthy until the onset of the illness. she came to the hospital because of a 6-h history of increasing pain and swelling in her left thigh. on admission, no infection was suspected, and a tentative diagnosis of a ruptured left gracilis muscle was made. because the pain increased continuously, the treatment concentrated on p ...200414991516
type iii secretion system genes in clinical aeromonas isolates.we have identified the genes ascf and ascg, which encode components of a putative type iii secretion system (ttss) in aeromonas: we investigated the distribution of these and other ttss genes in 84 clinical isolates and found hybridizing sequences in 50% of the strains, with a higher prevalence in aeromonas hydrophila and aeromonas veronii than in aeromonas caviae.200415004096
adhesive properties of a lamb-like outer-membrane protein and its contribution to aeromonas veronii identify and characterize nonfimbrial proteins from aeromonas veronii involved in the attachment to epithelial cells in vitro.200415012808
aerolysin is activated by metalloprotease in aeromonas veronii biovar sobria.aeromonas veronii is an opportunistic human pathogen that causes diarrhoea and extraintestinal infections, such as wound infection and septicaemia. an a. veronii protease (avp) from a biovar sobria strain, aeg1, was partially purified and characterized. mature avp hydrolysed casein but not elastin, and protease activity was inhibited by metalloprotease inhibitors. nucleotide sequence analysis showed that avp belongs to the thermolysin family of proteases. an avp-deficient mutant was constructed ...200415150325
prevalence, serotype distribution, antibiotic susceptibility and genetic profiles of mesophilic aeromonas species isolated from hospitalized diarrhoeal cases in kolkata, india.a comprehensive study was performed to examine incidence, species distribution, drugs sensitivity, virulence genes and molecular fingerprints of aeromonas species isolated from patients with acute diarrhoea over a period of 2 years in kolkata, india. following the aerokey ii scheme, more than 95 % of strains were identified to species level. seven different species were encountered in this study, with aeromonas caviae being dominant, followed by aeromonas hydrophila and aeromonas veronii biovar ...200415150333
the usefulness of molecular techniques to assess the presence of aeromonas spp. harboring virulence markers in foods.a total of 78 raw and 123 processed and ready-to-eat retail food samples were used to assess the presence of motile aeromonas spp. harboring virulence genes (cytotoxic enterotoxin and hemolysin genes) using a recently described pcr method in comparison with the conventional cultivation method based on the use of ampicillin-dextrin agar (ada) medium. with the ada-based method, 65/201 (32.3%) samples showed presumptive aeromonas spp. colonies whereas the pcr method revealed the presence of aeromon ...200415193799
studies on cultured and uncultured microbiota of wild culex quinquefasciatus mosquito midgut based on 16s ribosomal rna gene describe the midgut microbial diversity and the candidate bacteria for the genetic manipulation for the generation of transgenic mosquitoes refractory to transmission of diseases, the microbiota of wild culex quinquefasciatus mosquito midgut was studied using a conventional culture technique and analysis of a 16s ribosomal rna (rrna) gene sequence library. the culturable microbiota was identified as acinetobacter junii, ac. calcoaceticus, aeromonas culicicola, bacillus thuringiensis, microbac ...200415210998
over-expression, purification, and characterization of metallo-beta-lactamase imis from aeromonas veronii bv. sobria.the gene from aeromonas veronii bv. sobria encoding the metallo-beta-lactamase imis was subcloned into pet-26b, and imis was over-expressed in bl21(de3) escherichia coli and purified using sp-sepharose chromatography. this protocol yielded over 5 mg of imis per liter of growth culture under optimum conditions. the biochemical properties of recombinant imis were compared with those of native imis. recombinant and native imis have the same n-terminus of a-g-m-s-l, and cd spectroscopy was used to s ...200415249050
phylogenetic analysis of the genus aeromonas based on two housekeeping genes.the phylogenetic relationships of all known species of the genus aeromonas, and especially aeromonas bestiarum and aeromonas salmonicida, were investigated on 70 strains using the rpod sequence, which encodes the sigma70 factor. this analysis was complemented with the sequence of gyrb, which has already proven useful for determining the phylogenetic relationships in the genus. nucleotide sequences of rpod and gyrb showed that both genes had similar substitution rates (< 2 %) and a similar number ...200415388703
bulgecin a: a novel inhibitor of binuclear metallo-beta-lactamases.bulgecin a, a sulphonated n-acetyl-d-glucosamine unit linked to a 4-hydroxy-5-hydroxymethylproline ring by a beta-glycosidic linkage, is a novel type of inhibitor for binuclear metallo-beta-lactamases. using steady-state kinetic analysis with nitrocefin as the beta-lactam substrate, bulgecin a competitively inhibited the metallo-beta-lactamase bceii from bacillus cereus in its two-zinc form, but failed to inhibit when the enzyme was in the single-zinc form. the competitive inhibition was restore ...200515569001
first record of the rare species aeromonas culicicola from a drinking water supply.we describe the recovery of the rare species aeromonas culicicola, so far known only in mosquitoes in india, from a drinking water supply in spain. typing, using enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus-pcr, revealed that the 27 new isolates belonged to 3 very closely related strains. these strains were genetically identified by 16s rrna gene sequencing. spanish strains differed from the mosquito strains in three nucleotide positions. the ahcytoen gene was present in these water strains, ...200515640231
freshwater selenium-methylating bacterial thiopurine methyltransferases: diversity and molecular phylogeny.the diversity of bacterial thiopurine methyltransferases (btpmt) among five natural se-methylating freshwaters was investigated by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) screenings and sequencings. dna sequence analyses confirmed the cloned products' identity and revealed a broad diversity of freshwater tpmts. neighbour-joining (nj) phylogenetic analyses combining these sequences, all genbank entries closely related to these sequences and deduced tpmts obtained in this work from selected gamma-proteoba ...200515658983
evaluation of dna vaccination of spotted sand bass (paralabrax maculatofasciatus) with two major outer-membrane protein-encoding genes from aeromonas veronii.genes encoding two major outer membrane proteins (omps) of the bacterial pathogen aeromonas veronii, omp38 and omp48, were used to construct dna vaccines. the protective effect of such vaccines against motile aeromonad septicaemia was evaluated in spotted sand bass (paralabrax maculatofasciatus), an endemic species of the mexican northwest pacific coast and a potential resource for the aquaculture industry. weak protein expression, as determined by immunoblotting, was observed after transfection ...200515752654
spectroscopic studies on cobalt(ii)-substituted metallo-beta-lactamase imis from aeromonas veronii bv. an effort to probe the structure of a group bb metallo-beta-lactamase, co(ii)-substituted imis was prepared and characterized by electronic absorption, nmr, and epr spectroscopies. imis containing 1 equiv of co(ii) (co(ii)(1)-imis) was shown to be catalytically active. electronic absorption studies of co(ii)(1)-imis revealed the presence of two distinct features: (1) an intense sulfur to co(ii) ligand to metal charge transfer band and (2) less intense, co(ii) ligand field transitions that sug ...200515794654
new gammaproteobacteria associated with blood-feeding leeches and a broad phylogenetic analysis of leech endosymbionts.many monophagous animals have coevolutionary relationships with bacteria that provide unavailable nutrients to the host. frequently, these microbial partners are vertically inherited and reside in specialized structures or tissues. here we report three new lineages of bacterial symbionts of blood-feeding leeches, one from the giant amazonian leech, haementeria ghilianii, and two others from placobdelloides species. these hosts each possess a different mycetome or esophageal organ morphology wher ...200516151107
aeromonas culicicola pidiyar et al. 2002 is a later subjective synonym of aeromonas veronii hickman-brenner et al. 1987.we re-investigated the taxonomic affiliation between aeromonas culicicola pidiyar et al. 2002 and aeromonas veronii hickman brenner et al. 1987, two species that have previously been shown to be closely related on the basis of gyrb and rpod gene sequencing and amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprinting. from extended biochemical characterization and fatty acid analysis, it was concluded that a. culicicola did not constitute a unique phenotypic group in the genus aeromonas but instead ...200516156118
evolutionary and diagnostic implications of intragenomic heterogeneity in the 16s rrna gene in aeromonas strains.sequencing 16s rrna genes (ssu) cloned from aeromonas strains revealed that strains contained up to six copies differing by < or = 1.5%. the ssu copies from aeromonas veronii lmg13695 clustered with sequences from four aeromonas species. these results demonstrate intragenomic heterogeneity of ssu and suggest caution when using ssu to identify aeromonads.200516159790
the major aeromonas veronii outer membrane protein: gene cloning and sequence analysis.the gene encoding the major outer membrane protein (omp) from aeromonas veronii, omp38, was cloned and characterized. sequence analysis revealed an open reading frame of 1,047 nucleotides coding for a primary protein of 349 amino acids with a 20-amino-acid signal peptide at the n-terminal and the consensus sequence ala-x-ala (ala-asn-ala) as the signal peptidase i recognition site. the mature protein is composed of 329 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 36,327 da. the degree of iden ...200516252131
identification of aeromonas species isolated from freshwater fish with the microplate hybridization method.aeromonas isolates were obtained from the intestinal tracts of six species of cultured freshwater fish and identified on the basis of their genotypic and phenotypic characters. the microplate hybridization method could differentiate type strains of aeromonas species and related bacteria. dna-dna hybridization analysis showed that 65 aeromonad isolates were 72 to 100% related with either aeromonas caviae, aeromonas hydrophila, aeromonas jandaei, aeromonas sobria, or aeromonas veronii. as many as ...199416349363
sequential binding of cobalt(ii) to metallo-beta-lactamase an effort to probe co(ii) binding to metallo-beta-lactamase ccra, epr, exafs, and (1)h nmr studies were conducted on ccra containing 1 equiv (1-co(ii)-ccra) and 2 equiv (co(ii)co(ii)-ccra) of co(ii). the epr spectra of 1-co(ii)-ccra and co(ii)co(ii)-ccra are distinct and indicate 5/6-coordinate co(ii) ions. the epr spectra also reveal the absence of significant spin-exchange coupling between the co(ii) ions in co(ii)co(ii)-ccra. exafs spectra of 1-co(ii)-ccra suggest 5/6-coordinate co(ii) wit ...200616430228
aeromonas veronii biovar sobria bacteraemia with septic arthritis confirmed by 16s rdna pcr in an immunocompetent 81-year-old man developed septic arthritis and bacteraemia with aeromonas veronii biovar sobria. cultures of the joint wash-out fluid were negative; however, dna matching that of aeromonas veronii was identified by 16s rdna pcr. the patient was successfully treated with a 4 week course of ciprofloxacin. no recognized risk factors were found.200616434719
distribution of aeromonas species in the intestinal tracts of river fish.aeromonas isolates were obtained from fish intestines, water, and sediments from an urban river and identified by the dna-dna microplate hybridization method. the isolates were aeromonas veronii (22%), aeromonas caviae (18%), aeromonas hydrophila (13%), aeromonas sobria (8%), aeromonas jandaei (7%), and other aeromonas spp. (33%). aeromonas species occurred at high densities with high incidences, regardless of season. the results strongly suggest that aeromonads are indigenous in fish intestines ...199516535171
identification of aeromonas culicicola by 16s rdna rflp.studies were conducted on the improvement of a. culicicola identification. this species is phenotypically very similar to a. veronii biotype sobria, a. sobria, and a. allosaccharophila. the sequences of 16s rdna of a. culicicola isolates show the highest similarity with a. jandaei, a. veronii, and a. caviae. digestion of 16s rdna pcr product with alui and mboi restriction endonucleases allowed discriminating a. culicicola from all other aeromonas species with the exception of a. jandaei. additio ...200516599307
molecular requirements for the colonization of hirudo medicinalis by aeromonas veronii. 200616623399
[aeromonas associated with an acute diarrhea outbreak in são bento do una, pernambuco].an acute diarrhea outbreak, with 2170 cases, was described during january to july, 2004, in são bento do una, pernambuco. 582 stools were examined and an enteric pathogen was recovered in 25% (145 patients). aeromonas species were the most frequent (114-19.5%) and the main isolates were aeromonas caviae (57-9.8%), aeromonas veronii biovar sobria (23-3.9%), aeromonas veronii biovar veronii (15-2.6%) and other species (19-3.2%). the other isolated enteropathogens were vibrio cholerae o1-ogawa toxi ...200616699653
rabbit meat as a source of bacterial foodborne pathogens.even though worldwide production of rabbit meat is >1,000,000 tons, little information is available for rabbit meat microbiology. this study provides data on the prevalence of salmonella, escherichia coli o157:h7, yersinia enterocolitica, listeria spp., motile aeromonas spp., and staphylococcus aureus on rabbit meat. a total of 24 rabbit carcasses from two abattoirs and 27 rabbit meat packages from supermarket displays were examined. in addition to culturing methods, associated virulence genes w ...200616715811
segmental ascending colitis associated with aeromonas veronii biovar sobria. 200616732806
Displaying items 301 - 400 of 587