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food chain differences affect heavy metals in bird eggs in barnegat bay, new jersey.there is an abundance of field data on levels of mercury in a wide variety of birds and on a suite of heavy metals in single species of birds, but few studies examine a suite of metals in a suite of birds that represent different trophic levels. thus it is often difficult to determine whether food chain differences exist and have ecological relevance for the birds. in this paper i examine the levels of seven metals in the eggs of five species of marine birds that nest in barnegat bay, new jersey ...200212359188
spatial and temporal patterns in metal levels in eggs of common terns (sterna hirundo) in new jersey.seabirds are excellent subjects for examination of metals because they feed at different trophic levels, including as top-level piscivores, they are long-lived, and many are abundant and widely distributed. in this paper we examine the levels of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, mercury and selenium in eggs from common terns (sterna hirundo) nesting on five saltmarsh islands in barnegat bay, new jersey from 2000 to 2002. we test the null hypothesis that there were no locational or tem ...200312826386
metal levels in eggs of common terns (sterna hirundo) in new jersey: temporal trends from 1971 to 2002.managers and public policy makers require information on the status of and trends in contaminant levels in organisms to assess ecosystem health. seabirds are excellent bioindicators because they are long-lived, feed at different trophic levels, and are at the top of the food chain, and many are abundant and widely distributed. they can reveal spatial or temporal trends in contaminant levels. in this paper, we examine temporal trends in the levels of cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, mercury, a ...200415016602
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