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malpais spring virus: a new vesiculovirus from mosquitoes collected in new mexico and evidence of infected indigenous and exotic ungulates.two virus isolates, 1 each from aedes campestris and psorophora signipennis mosquitoes collected in south central new mexico in august 1985, were shown by neutralization tests to be identical to each other, but not to any of more than 250 arthropod-borne and other viruses. electron microscopy of 1 isolate (85-488nm, chosen as the prototype) indicated that this strain shares morphologic characteristics with viruses of the family rhabdoviridae. indirect fluorescent antibody tests indicated that th ...19883061310
merogonic stages of theileria cervi in mule deer (odocoileus hemionus).in february 2012, 12 farmed mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) were moved from a facility in southwestern oklahoma to a facility in southeastern oklahoma that housed 100 farmed white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus). between the third and fifth weeks, 9 of the 12 mule deer had died, 4 of which were submitted for necropsy. the deer were heavily infested with amblyomma americanum (lone star ticks). hematologic data from 1 deer revealed severe anemia, leukocytosis, and intraerythrocytic hemoparasi ...201324029405
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