
PMID(sorted ascending)
effectiveness of insecticides in controlling the first and second generations of the lobesia botrana (lepidoptera: tortricidae) in table grapes.the moth lobesia botrana (denis & schiffermüller) (lepidoptera: tortricidae) is a key pest of table and wine grape (vitis spp.) varieties in cyprus. many different insecticide combinations were applied for three consecutive years (2006-2008) in a sultana seedless table grape vineyard, aimed at controlling the first and second generations of this pest under warm and dry mediterranean climatic conditions. in cyprus, sultana is the main early maturing table grape variety grown in the country. l. bo ...201121510208
biodiversity and ochratoxin a profile of aspergillus section nigri populations isolated from wine grapes in cyprus vineyards.the objective of this study was to evaluate the biodiversity of aspergillus section nigri populations from cyprus vineyards by morphological, toxigenic and phylogenetic analysis. aspergillus section nigri populations were isolated from grapes of the varieties 'maratheftiko' and 'cabernet sauvignon' originating from six growing regions of cyprus during 2010 and 2011 years. the isolation frequency of aspergillus section nigri from grape samples was 43.3% and a total of 284 isolates were selected f ...201728648287
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