
serosurvey of viral infections in free-ranging namibian cheetahs (acinonyx jubatus).cheetahs (acinonyx jubatus) in captivity have unusually high morbidity and mortality from infectious diseases, a trait that could be an outcome of population homogeneity or the immunomodulating effects of chronic stress. free-ranging namibian cheetahs share ancestry with captive cheetahs, but their susceptibility to infectious diseases has not been investigated. the largest remaining population of free-ranging cheetahs resides on namibian farmlands, where they share habitat with domestic dogs an ...200415137485
biological and pathological consequences of feline infectious peritonitis virus infection in the epizootic of feline infectious peritonitis in a captive cheetah population during 1982-1983 served to focus attention on the susceptibility of the cheetah (acinoyx jubatus) to infectious disease. subsequent observations based upon seroepidemiological surveys and electron microscopy of fecal material verified that cheetahs were indeed capable of being infected by coronaviruses, which were antigenically related to coronaviruses affecting domestic cats, i.e. feline infectious peritonitis virus/f ...19882849387
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