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risk-spreading larviposition behaviour of female nose bot flies (cephenemyia) attacking black-tailed deer.while baited deer models were under observation nine cephenemyia jellisoni townsend (diptera: oestridae) females and seven c. apicata bennett & sabrosky engaged in a risk-spreading larviposition behaviour by larvipositing on models only once and then flying away. additionally, analysis of 225 unobserved larvipostions in which larvae were trapped in adhesive on the muzzles of deer models showed that 94% of c. apicata and 95% of c. jellisoni larviposited on a model only once. the number of single ...201322971133
larviposition by nasopharyngeal bot fly parasites of columbian black-tailed deer: a correction.previous reports of cephenemyia jellisoni townsend (diptera: oestridae) larvipositing onto the lips/lower muzzle of deer, with larvae invading via the mouth, are shown to be erroneous. additional studies with deer models baited with co2, 1-octen-3-ol and deer trail scent, and muzzle and nostrils treated with insect adhesive, revealed that only c. apicata bennett & sabrosky larviposited onto the lips/lower muzzle; c. jellisoni, by contrast, larviposited into the nostrils. larval depositions were ...200111776463
bot fly larvae (cephenemyia jellisoni) as a cause of neurologic signs in an june 1993, a yearling female elk (cervus elaphus) near john day, oregon (usa) was observed twice over a four week period with signs of neurologic disease including weakness, walking in circles with an uncoordinated gait and disorientation. the elk was shot, and the head and neck were examined grossly for parasites and lesions. thirty-five second and third instar larvae of cephenemyia jellisoni were recovered from an encapsulated space in the nasopharyngeal area dorsal to the soft palate. larv ...19947933300
occurrence of the pharyngeal bot cephenemyia jellisoni in oklahoma white-tailed deer, odocoileus virginianus. 19695810603
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