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improved detection and differentiation of poleroviruses infecting beet or rape by multiplex rt-pcr.three distinct species of virus inducing yellowing of beet, beet mild yellowing virus (bmyv), brassica yellows virus (bryv, synonym bwyv) and beet chlorosis virus (bchv) have been characterised from the genus polerovirus. until recently, no available tools were available to allow accurate and reliable distinction of the three species. based on previous nucleotide sequence alignments and phylogenetic studies, we show that the use of molecular methods enabled the discrimination of these three beet ...200010996635
Molecular characterization of two genotypes of a new polerovirus infecting brassicas in China.The genomic RNA sequences of two genotypes of a brassica-infecting polerovirus from China were determined. Sequence analysis revealed that the virus was closely related to but significantly different from turnip yellows virus (TuYV). This virus and other poleroviruses, including TuYV, had less than 90% amino acid sequence identity in all gene products except the coat protein. Based on the molecular criterion (>10% amino acid sequence difference) for species demarcation in the genus Polerovirus, ...201121874520
complete genome sequence analysis identifies a new genotype of brassica yellows virus that infects cabbage and radish in china.for brassica yellows virus (bryv), proposed to be a member of a new polerovirus species, two clearly distinct genotypes (bryv-a and bryv-b) have been described. in this study, the complete nucleotide sequences of two bryv isolates from radish and chinese cabbage were determined. sequence analysis suggested that these isolates represent a new genotype, referred to here as bryv-c. the full-length sequences of the two bryv-c isolates shared 93.4-94.8 % identity with bryv-a and bryv-b. further phylo ...201424599564
genome sequence of a recombinant brassica yellows virus infecting chinese cabbage.rna from a chinese cabbage plant (brassica campestris ssp. pekinensis) showing leaf malformation and mottling was labeled and hybridized to a dna chip capable of detecting plant viruses and viroids. probes specific for beet mild yellowing virus (bmyv) and beet western yellows virus (bwyv) yielded positive results, suggesting that the plant was infected by a polerovirus. primers designed from the sequences of the positive probes were used to amplify and sequence one portion of the viral genome. t ...201525352211
development of three full-length infectious cdna clones of distinct brassica yellows virus genotypes for agrobacterium-mediated inoculation.brassica yellows virus is a newly identified species in the genus of polerovirus within the family luteoviridae. brassica yellows virus (bryv) is prevalently distributed throughout mainland china and south korea, is an important virus infecting cruciferous crops. based on six bryv genomic sequences of isolates from oilseed rape, rutabaga, radish, and cabbage, three genotypes, bryv-a, bryv-b, and bryv-c, exist, which mainly differ in the 5' terminal half of the genome. bryv is an aphid-transmitte ...201525499296
rna-seq reveals virus-virus and virus-plant interactions in research on plant viruses has focused mainly on crop diseases, little is known about these viruses in natural environments. to understand the ecology of viruses in natural systems, comprehensive information on virus-virus and virus-host interactions is required. we applied rna-seq to plants from a natural population of arabidopsis halleri subsp. gemmifera to simultaneously determine the presence/absence of all sequence-reported viruses, identify novel viruses and quantify the host transcripto ...201627549115
simultaneous detection and differentiation of three genotypes of brassica yellows virus by multiplex reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction.brassica yellows virus (bryv), proposed to be a new polerovirus species, three distinct genotypes (bryv-a, bryv-b and bryv-c) have been described. this study was to develop a simple, rapid, sensitive, cost-effective method for simultaneous detection and differentiation of three genotypes of bryv.201627876078
synergistic infection of bryv and pemv 2 increases the accumulations of both bryv and bryv-derived sirnas in nicotiana benthamiana.viral synergism is caused by co-infection of two unrelated viruses, leading to more severe symptoms or increased titres of one or both viruses. synergistic infection of phloem-restricted poleroviruses and umbraviruses has destructive effects on crop plants. the mechanism underlying this synergy remains elusive. in our study, synergism was observed in co-infections of a polerovirus brassica yellows virus (bryv) and an umbravirus pea enation mosaic virus 2 (pemv 2) on nicotiana benthamiana, which ...201728345652
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