
PMID(sorted ascending)
[development of rabies in lower saxony in the years 1951-1975]. 1976782825
[environmental hygienic aspects of echinococcosis].a literature review on the current situation of echinococcosis in central europe is given. the only final host for echinococcus granulosus in this region ist the dog. the infection rate of dogs with e. granulosus in central europe is less than 1%. according to meat inspection statistics in germany less than 0.008% of sheep, pigs and horses carry larval stages of e. granulosus. parasitologically confirmed is the occurrence of a cattle-dog strain, the cysts of which were found in 0.26% of slaughte ...19921516550
[contamination of public children's playgrounds in hannover with helminth eggs].fifty-two public sand pits on children playgrounds in hannover were investigated for the presence of parasites. a large proportion (63.5%) of these playgrounds were contaminated with parasite eggs. eggs from toxocara spp., toxascaris leonina and other common helminth parasites were found in 55.8%, 9.6% and 26.1% of these playgrounds, respectively. a total of 208 sand samples were collected, and 30.8% of them contained eggs from toxocara spp. (24.5%), toxascaris leonina (2.4%) or other common hel ...19902331970
[inquiry of veterinarians in niedersachsen concerning the occurrence of parasitic diseases and their control in small animals].a questionnaire was sent to all veterinarians in lower saxony (approximately 3500). the regular occurrence of parasitic infections in small animals, problems with particular parasites, the routine application of diagnostic and therapeutic measures, and the significance of echinococcus multilocularis were asked for. due to the disappointing low number of filled-in questionnaires sent back by the practitioners (n = 68) a statistical analysis of the data was not applicable. nevertheless, certain tr ...19957600942
[development of nutrition science in veterinary medicine as an example of the school of veterinary medicine hannover].animal nutrition is not a main subject in veterinary medicine training, nevertheless it has been taught in the tierärztliche hochschule hannover since its foundation in 1778. in the very beginning only a few lectures about feedstuffs and toxic plants for horses and feeding technique have been presented. during the 19th century animal nutrition was taught about 20 h under the general topic: gesundheitspflege or dlätetik. diätetik included in that time all factors which are important for health as ...19979303852
[oropharyngeal tumors of dogs--a clinical study of 79 cases].this study presents the data on incidence, tnm-classification and therapy outcome of 79 dogs with oropharyngeal tumors, which were admitted to the clinic of small animals, hannover school of veterinary medicine. 52 neoplasms were examined histologically. the most common tumors were malignant melanoma (n = 17), fibrosarcoma (n = 5), squamous cell carcinoma and peripheral odontogenic fibroma (n = 4). it could be determined that dogs treated by surgery, regardless of tumor type and type of surgery, ...19989741178
[increase in the prevalence of echinococcus multilocularis infection in red foxes in lower saxony].echinococcus multilocularis is a tapeworm having carnivores as final hosts, the red fox in particular, dog and cat less frequent. its two host life cycle consists of a larval cycle which predominantly takes place in the liver of rodents such as mice but it can also develop in musk rats as intermediate hosts. man can also be infected and serves as a wrong intermediate host. he develops an alveolar echinococcosis which usually ends lethal without medical treatment. the prevalence of e. multilocula ...200111417378
[analysis of veterinary certificates on tail docking in dogs].despite the fact that docking of dogs has been banned in germany for years, many animals are still docked, mainly owing to overcome traditional thinking. this is possible by some exceptions made by the law: the import of dogs that have been docked abroad, and medical indications for docking. in order to substantiate the necessity of such medical indications, the patient material of the small animal clinic of the veterinary school hanover was analysed and compared with a number of veterinary cert ...200616669191
[seroprevalence of anaplasma phagocytophilum infection in dogs in germany].to determine the prevalence of anaplasma phagocytophilum in dogs in germany serum samples from 1124 dogs that were under suspicion of having anaplasmosis were examined. the samples were tested by an indirect immunofluorescence test (oft) for antibodies to a. phagocytophilum. the geographical origin of positive cases were analysed with an geographic information system. antibodies to a. phagocytophilum were found in 563 (50.1%) of the tested dogs. 166 dogs came from saarland, 161 from north rhine- ...200617009720
[assessment of a bullterrier bloodline in the temperament test of lower saxony--comparison with six dog breeds affected by breed specific legislation and a control group of golden retrievers].the expertise on the interpretation of section 11b tierschg implies a hypertrophy of aggressive behaviour in some bloodlines of bullterriers, american staffordshire terriers, and pitbull type dogs. this study aimed at finding out whether a hypertrophy of aggressive behaviour occurred in a certain bullterrier bloodline. dogs of this line were tested according to the guidelines of the dangerous animals act of lower saxony, germany (geftvo) enacted on july 5th 2000. the bullterriers' test results t ...200919425313
natural infections of angiostrongylus vasorum and crenosoma vulpis in dogs in germany (2007-2009).in order to assess the occurrence and regional geographical distribution of angiostrongylus vasorum and crenosoma vulpis in germany, faecal samples of 810 dogs with clinical symptoms of respiratory and circulatory disease, bleeding disorder and/or neurological signs were collected from september 2007 to march 2009. the zinc chloride/sodium chloride flotation and baermann funnel technique were used to examine the samples for presence of lungworm larvae. infections with lungworms were diagnosed in ...200919575224
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