
PMID(sorted descending)
[serological study of the occurrence of l. hardjo in sheep in the netherlands].sheep (3918) from 137 farms in the regions of north-, west- and mid-netherlands and gelderland were serologically investigated for the presence of antibodies against leptospira hardjo. antibodies were detected in 3.3% of the sheep. there were large regional differences with respect to both the percentage of positive sheep and the percentage of positive flocks. all sera from sheep in gelderland were negative. in west- en mid-netherlands there were 0.9 and 6.5% positive sera, respectively, and 19. ...19938346509
[mastitis in sheep in the netherlands].little is known of udder health in sheep in the netherlands. the present study represents an effort to gain some insight into this matter. for this purpose, test samples were taken during the period from march 6, 1981 to april 17, 1981, on sixteen commercial farms in the province of gelderland, on which there were a total number of 936 nursing ewes; this was done again during the period from june 22, 1981 to june 25, 1981, final sampling being done during april 1982, though this was confined to ...19836686349
[nematodirus battus definitely established in the netherlands (author's transl)].after nematodirus battus infection had been detected in sheep imported from britain into the netherlands in january 1978, dutch lambs and sheep on seven farms in the province of gelderland were also found to be infected with n. battus later in 1978. the possible origin of the infection was investigated. three flocks had been in contact with british sheep, two farms were trading farms, one farm had purchased its sheep from various sources a few years previously, on another the cause continued to ...1979516030
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