
PMID(sorted ascending)
typing of australian isolates of treponema hyodysenteriae by serology and by dna restriction endonuclease analysis.a total of 91 isolates of treponema hyodysenteriae which were obtained from 62 piggeries located around australia were typed by serology and by dna restriction endonuclease analysis (rea). the isolates fell into eight serogroups, of which groups b and d were the most common. isolates with different rea patterns were recognised within serogroups, whilst a few isolates with the same rea pattern were placed into different serogroups. some of the latter isolates were either from the same piggery or ...19921626376
syphilis case-finding in an australian men's sauna club.a survey of 623 volunteers from a popular sauna club for homosexual men in melbourne was carried out over a 12-month period. blood samples were taken for serological tests for syphilis from each subject; in 114 (18.3%) of these, the test results were positive. thirty-four subjects with positive test results (5.4%) had no previous history of syphilis. follow-up was possible in 22 of these (64.7%), which resulted in 17 new cases of syphilis being detected and treated (a case incidence of 2.7%). bl ...19836415378
lack of serological evidence for venereal spirochaetosis in wild victorian rabbits and the susceptibility of laboratory rabbits to treponema paraluis-cuniculi.sera from 608 wild rabbits were examined using serological tests for syphilis as an indicator of infection with treponema paraluis-cuniculi. only eight sera gave positive or weakly positive results in the rapid plasma reagin (rpr) test, and none of these eight sera gave positive results in the treponema pallidum haemagglutination assay (tpha). thus, it appears that wild rabbit populations in victoria, australia, are not naturally infected with t paraluis-cuniculi. normal australian laboratory ra ...19806893808
ocular syphilis in victoria: four new cases and a brief discussion of the current victorian experience. 200818352886
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